February 8. 1927 ay THE DAILY NEWS "0X0" feeds the family's needs CHILDREN'S PUZZtE A delight to every .;:jlld. Two picture putties in one 72 piece. Sent to any address on receipt of 30 OXO" Cube Tpper. r a . I l.&HfllllflUI PAnnri The family needs good food especially young children. "OXO" is good food, because "OXO" is the concentrated nourishment and goodness of prime lean beef in the most assimilable form. Add "0X0" to your meat-dishei soups, stews, hash, croquettes and see how much better they taste and how the children will enjoy them I Give the children cup of hot " OXO," too. when they come home from school. " OXO " warms and strengthen a wtll as feeds. The Great Beef Economy Tin of 4 cubes, 15c. tin of 10, 30c. 1 7 omreai : imDorrers February t v' to i-rulist' lit-h niinkly to nu-i't our draft h due I'verythnig in '.i ton- is being offered at Pi ii r-. Our t'V - Kx'ater than ever and .!...! : t xpiTK i. C. it Prime Rupert people need l.: tt jiinl we haw it. Kvery article we net I U under hu. k if-not-xatinfied guurantee. And our price are s:i any bankrupt store. Here are only a few: ... . tm -.fll -ril. Hegular ?4 M. Montreal Snle Price !." tn Union Combination overall e irom w u u. iieg- . t r,0 Montreal Sale Price iry iiiMKl Heavy UVerailS union lunar, ivvguiai .vv. le Price " tn n iieavv Wool .stick., just me tr.inif ior gum wou. nek- ,v 40 Montreal Sale Price -f rn l ot'.on Wcrk Gloves, quantity reeerveo. vo encn customer. nl Sale Price. 2 pair for -C udsonn Hay ItlnnkeU at ten er cent lea than wholesale fine assortment of Outfits for I'Murmen Slickers, Rubber limits Rubber Coats, etc nil at .Montreal Sale Prices .... . ... . . i n avrv ff a 1 CI.. lav k nniAiu n rnnn hiiaiily. ucnuitii ck.uu, .Mmin voi ix. ' - - h P..-! Al l. MUX'S SWEATERS AT IIAI.I PRICK. nlv a few of our Montreal saic rnces. t n 11 r .n. vou can understand, we cannot publish, but . h. Vd sec for yourself. We have a bi stock or ttic naiidi.tc awaiting your inspection. Montreal Importers Hint Avenue. J. II. Miller, Proprietor. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Const Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Kd rlilkiui ti' ,,,...11 ,..., sk.ii.iut leliru.m 1. M. .Marili 1, IX, I tin....... .. . ' ... ....t ... II . Itirrli II. ''2. irr luuri.l, rr;niir 1 'iMii.ii.. . . Till: n.h I'ltiw i in initi'i: M.tll.lMIM from Prime Kliert t ti: a..,i..- - . : . w n.ui 1 lihi mti ice . .,' rif '.ill iiri;it MiiriiHrv .1 -inn .11 ,,...... "i lie rtfMinifit Suturilsy. Ilirnar. la. 'ney for all ni.hi.,.1.1.. i i,... lull liiformatloii from V. C. Olt('lltltl). (Jrnrrnl Agent, t orner of 4th .street and 3n Ateinir. I'rlnre Itupert, lit. SAVAGE KLECTHIC WASHER AND DKYKK. Wushe.x, Blues. Rinses and Dries without n wrinKer or hnvinjr to put your hands in the water. Cash Trite SH0 Also Easy Terms KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Local and Personal Arthur's Tail, Phone 678. DO. Undertakers. Phone 41. Big Pour Taxi, phone 4, now at your service. Eddie and UalDh Smith. tf Buy Rupert manufactured shlnglej from Seal Cove Lumber Co, Ltd. U Basketball tonight at 8.45 In Exhibi tion Building. Admission 25c and 10c. Boat cedar, any thlckneM to your Lumber Co. length, width or j order. Seal Cove 1 u! The Indemnity bylaw, providing tor the mayor's nd aldermen's salaries lor; the year was finally adopted last night at the meeting of the city council. I i , Mrs. D. McD. Hunter, who was called! to Vancouver on account or the sen-' ous UlncM and subseauent death or her mother, win not be returning to the city until alter the end ot this month. I A by-law to amend bylaw 533 which. It was explained by City Clerk E. P. Jones, meant the changing of a rate or interest from SVfc per cent to 5 per cnt. was introduced at the meeting of the city council last night. Alderman ' clerk last been made W. J. Greer asked the city night what progress had In securing the necessary petition for a road on Summit Avenue 'and was Informed that the petition had not yet been completed. The Board of Works recommended to the city council which adopted the report laat night, that a sidewalk and guard rails be constructed on McBr.de Street between Seventh and Eighth Avenues The work will be paid for out oi grncrai luca. Trappers! Call and show your furs: to the Old Meltable House. It will pay j you as we can guarantee to give you higher prices than anyone eUe. We have big order for all kind of lurv I evrwdally mink. Wm. Ooldblootn.l Scori Avenue. Phone S23. t! The halibut boat owners, who had started un the forms raaklna: SDallca- would not be necessary. , An automatic feed will be UutaUed In the fuel oil burner at the City Hall at a cost of aDDroxlmatelv S7S. Itwaa - - nj, decided by the council last night. It was explained by Alderman Perry, chairman ot the Board of Work, that it would be safer and prevent aiy damage ooeurrtng to the plant. The automatic feed will regulate the supply of water to the bodef during the night or when the anltor was not present at the city hall. I A city report from hall to the the Janitor of the council last night. Canadian National Employes Ball, Friday. February 18. Established 192.1. 1 I 0. Office Hours: a.m. to G ji.m. ,,Saturtlayi ii.rn. to I ii.m. Any evening by appointment DEEP Kenny DENTIST . Exchange lilock. Bronchial Cpxs Qmctly JElddcL Buckley's Mixture is different from anything; else you've ever taken for Coughs, Colds or Bronchitis. It instantly penetrates the bronchial passages, clears the congestion and relieves the distressing cough like a veritable flash I In so doing it wards off serious developments "Flu", Pneumonia and chronic lung troubles. Adults and children find it as pleasant to take as it is positive to relieve. The first dote proves its worth and there are 40 doses in a 75-cent bottle of "Buckley". Druggists everywhere sell it on a money-back guarantee. W. K. Buckley, Limited 142 Mutual Street, Toronto 2 L.. -.-J-.,...r.jiii. ..unrtV XuKJU8BSCsEVXacnwjnSQeeBOBaiM93eu7 M IXTURE Acts like d flash 501 a single sip proves it Itev. Father Oodfrey arrived tkm for group Insurance on their boat, wrlval from the north Ann waa an) the Camosun! have taken a bUot and decided to lnu mormn- award the insurance to W. H. MeCal- : " Th M "e Com- OTch"t" VY lum whose tender wss the lowM re-1 ' cmtnt SlU celved when bids were asked for. imow I unlay evenings. 3 3 A bylaw was Introduced Into the city . i... i.h, v..i Native Bona of Canada whist drive L.n.h mi .hi-. i ik. od ctasso in Metropqie Hall on Frl- structlon of a roadway on Seventh A1 'brury Avenue It had been deomad unwise to with th oocnptetkm of the street at present and the bybw simply 'amended the original bylaw ao that this u. C PR. steamer Prince- Mary. Capt Cliff, arrived Irani the juth last even ing at 10 o'clock and sailed again at midnight for Alaska. J.' (Bennett, manager of th local grain Weviior. is leaving for Vancouver this afternoon on the steamer Camosun brtel 'businets trip. Sergeant A. UtNell of the district detachment of the provincial police, returned to the city today from Stewart on the steamer Oomcuun. Oacer Anderson, charged with vagrancy, appeared before magistrate Uc-Clj-mont this morning and was given until Monday to nud work. Notice to members of Centennial showed an average dally cost of S4.12 Rebell,n Lodge, No. 40. Owing to al- for fuel oil In the City Hall during the Uratioiu to Hall, no meeting wlU be month ot January. Alderman Larson htW on February 9. M. MtKlnley. N.O. explained that In the report of the . 33 Janitor to date he had figured on the fuel oil costing eight cents a gallon cover your roof and vail with our tu place of about five and half cents, shingles. If you are not satisfied at Thla wm therefore the firs correct re- the end of thirty years, we will replace port on the cost whleh wa not a tiiem free of charge. Seel Oeve Lumber high a had been expected. 1 Company. n City Clerk Jones reported to the nemember the Anniveraary Social, council last night that he had a wire Rupert East. United Church. Thursday, from ft. R. Nlohoh C. N.R. taxation February 10. at 8 p.m. Oood music commissioner, asking that the court of and a pleasant evening assured. Ad-revision adjourn all C.N.R. appeal un- mlasdon 60c. til he was able to be present on the evening of February 14. The mayor Union steamer Camosun returned at ascertained from the membcra of the 11:30 thla morning trooi Atijtpx and court that Monday morning would be Stewart and other northern porta of a suitable time to hear the appeals and call and will sail at 5 o'clock thla af-lt was understood that the court would teruoon tor Vancouver and wayports adjourn today until that time a far as C.N.K. cases were concerned. No here! Louis F, doles, piano - - i tuner. For luauy yonrs with Brins- ' 4 jmcad. London, EugU.rt; Martin c-.n. ANNOUNCEMENTS :ottawa: Mason and RUch.i Toronto e ! Repair and adjustment of playe.' KulghU of Pythias St. Valentino' piano and grand a sicclalty. Central Juvenile Masquerade Ball, February 14.,,JoeL Pnone IS. 37 City Clerk, E. F. Jonee Jnformed the couucll last night that the order of Judge Robertson, winch would result In another election, had not yet been received and uo action In regard to another election could therefore be taken In the meantime. C Nit. steamer Prince John, Capt. E. Mabbs. due toward the end ot the week from Vancouver vla the Queen Charlotte Islands, had a full list of passenger when leaving Vancouver Sunday 'huwtAtt. li.Aliilni. h t.ifA . . . t . loggor returning to Island, port. The vessel called at Ladysmith' to load coal while in the south thla' trip. Inadvertantly, it was stated yesterday that the See Cadet- Corp being organ-Iced In th city In connection with the Navy Leugue ot Canada would have a membership of sixteen. Th corps will, in fact, have a membership of at least (thirty and boys desirous of becoming , nseiiiu.. may give their applications I Into the iiaiiu. ui Fi ahk bibb, 10'J tery or th oomm.LC. HOW PLAYING CARDS WERE ORIGINATED hlory llai It That Thry Here Devised to liltrrt Mail Iremli King from Delirium ami Melancholia The story gees, according to The Men tor Magazine, that playing cards were devised by a European to divert mad Charles VL of France from delirium, and ' melancholia. The . Puritans maintained that his Satanic Majesty the Devil was the originator. But indications point to Oriental Invention of great antiquity. i Europe probably knew crads first In the 'thirteenth century. White men on ar- 84 riving In America found the Indians playing with painted sticks a game strangely resembling the card games of Asiatic countries. And from this seem ingly insignificant fact wise deductions are drawn as to the origin of the first race that people the American continents. The National Museum at Wash-tnzton treasures a complete set of thee aboriginal, "cards" enclosed In crude leather pouch. The Chinese had similar decks of carved Ivory. Ail cT the earliest card! were, as nutter of course, hand drawn, and much time and labor were devoted to their designing. Often they were signed by the makers. Playing cards were actually the first wocd. engravings, and forerunners of printing. With the development of the engraving art came a deluge of the colored cardboards, square, round, rectangular, triangular, oblonj. - The came in all sizes, bearing pictures of every conceivable object that walked, iwam. crawled, flew or grew. Each country tried to outdo the other In eccentric design. WORK ON PRINCE ALBERT COMPLETED BY YARROWS The steamer Prince Albert, which has bcrn having an extensive overhaul at Yarrows Limited In Victoria for the past three weeks, was moved from the marine raUway to the outfitting dock last week and released to resume her from service today or tomorrow. Anyox on the Camoaun this morning. I ' F. Paequalla, charged with vagrancy Mr. George Mcllmoyle returned from appealed before Magistrate McClymont a trip to Stewart oa the Camosun this this 'morning, and was remanded . for mnrnlrtg j eight days. II H. Laldlaw of Alice on cakii or THANKS. Mrs. Ertckaon and family desire to; convex then- sincere thangs to their i many friends for the kind expressions oi sympathy received In tbelr recent bereavement with special thank to Mr. Jack McRae for hi kindness. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ' WANTED FURNISHED ROOMS FOR two- couples from February 16 to March 20. Convenient to Dry Dock. Reply stating terms to Box 20 Dally New olflce. 33 LAND ACT Minci: or intention to apply to TO PI UCIIASE LAN II In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate or. the north shore of the South Ann of Tisoo Harbor. Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Island. Province of British Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that James Field. OI Prince Rupert. DC, occupation Marine Broker. Intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described tands: Commsnctng at a post planted on the north shore of South Arm of Tuoo Harbor. Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte talinds. In the Province of British Columbia, about S chains from the end ol the OoYcrnment trail: thence 10 chains northeasterly: thence 1Q chalni north-visterly; thence 10 chains southwestern y. tnence 10 chains southeasterly, and containing twenty (20) acres, more or less. JAMES FIELD, Applicant. Pitted November M. 1026 LAND ACT. Norm: or intkntion to apply to pi UCllASt: LAMI TAKE NOTICE THAT I. Arthur Robert son. Maaeett. a.u., occupation Miiiman intend to apply for permission to pur chase the following described land: Commencing at northeast corner of t)t 1905. Q C.I. District: thence south flftv chains: thence east forty chains; thence north to shore: thence following hlghwater mark to point of commence ment, containing one nunareu acres, more or less. Located this 30th day of December. 1926. ARTHUR ROBERTSON. MotKers especial. It like it for chil. dren as it take the place of inter oa medicines. Local Druggists Have Modern Remedy (or Colds A Vaporizing Salve which Is Rubbed Over Throat and Chest for Colds. When Vicks VapoRub, the 'external" method of treating sore throat, bronchitis, deep chest colds, or croup, is applied over throat oi chest, the ingredients are released a3 vapors by the, body heat. These vapors, inhaled with each breath carry the medication directly to the affected air passaRcs, loosening the plilegm and relievwp the congestion. At the same time Vicks acts as a counter-irritant, stimulating the skin, and thus helps the vapors inhaled to break up the innammation. Colds ore usually relieved over light Vapo rui RECORDS b The Cleveland SymphoBy Orek-e.lr. Nikalal bokol.ff, J. l.ORNE -MACLATIEN, LTD. Third Avenue, Corner of Fifth Street White HouseM tkllifC lteeV (Is better than no Jloon) Fas TrU frm "iioneymiwin Laiu." Ben ltrni and His )!tel Roo.er.lt Orckntra. Vcsl Cborascs. 'Hello Bluebird" "I've Got the Girl" Nlek Laeas. th Crnin TreubadM," wiui Cuitar. Plan atmapsniaieat Sinar Sttpt. "1812 Overture" rrt, "1812 Overture"(Tbchaikowky) part 2. 3396 3370 50090 The Rexall Store The Rexall Store First Aid Supplies Get your First Aid Kits filled for the fishing season. We will make up a complete outfit for you or fill in the shortages in your present kit. Our goods are of the best and our prices are low. Tincture of Iodine Absorbent Lint Hydrogen Peroxide Absorbent Gauze Aromatic Spirits Ammonia Absorbent Cotton Vaseline Doric Acid Uurn Dressing Lysol Scissors Oiled Silk Castor Oil Adhesive Plaster Safety Pins Epsom Salts Ilandages Tweezers Prompt attention to cuts ami wounds will save you time and money. Ormes Ltd. Three registered Pharmacists 3rd Ave. and 6th St. Phones Hi and 100 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kip ers "THE DAINTIEST 11REAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian psh & Qoi Storage Co., DA Prince Hupert, I1.C. Jap-a-Lac Varnishf Stains Varnish and Stain combined they produce double results with one application. SAT1N-GLO ALAHASTINE An interior paint in eight Its twenty-one attractive different shades for walls, tints make it possible for you furniture and woodwork. to enjoy any color scheme you wish to create. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd.