25 TAXI and Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime Stand Exchange HuildinR j ATT VIUECK, 1'rop. VOL XVII No. S2 dhvai uftpcrQiANUIntK luKJN till I' V I'lvi' IVIIIIf it t II4T ll.n 111(1. ,11 liirii.ii 1 ii.iu.t. ........ . ....... -llllt.linn, num.-,," NTO. reb, 8. Thirteen horses 1st-, night in s tire which . rt; of the main stables of the ':ar;ian Drag 00 na st Stanley I:: .uded in the horses lost lumpers Moonshine and tm which carried off honore T at Winter Fair hero. Thlrty-:a were turned loose by the f' :m their barn snd ran wild s slreeta The tire, of unknown b: :xs out in a feed bin. a Russian Shetland pony, .ne barracks, waa alto tutfo-Ol he thirteen horse killed. hnrtiH n, Miirrn.atH Flvr-! 1. ad bt ahol PPfiRT mmv fUM w s m m Alm sW Al VsM IlTTTrt 1 Wsw SV a. sp. mmm W. TW1 t A mm a mm m a m m l siwi.mto u i: iii'T. sum.iMMi ' U lll-r.i.k i r. s.viu.uno ui;r.m M !Ml,(IOll (II TNTANDINd iCTnnr . .. . t,u, o. ouice llio uepar " of Industries waa established after ar to assist In the nromatlon of , uiauo loans to uio e- - .uuu.uuu, 01 wiucn SIOO.000 nas "'" 011, aBoo.ooo rena Id ana w uiiLxinTiMiMi, rv.11 liar. "cad of the project, told the DUbllc . lumnuiiec yesterday in me- iiimi. Hnniini atAtf.meni.. A"er,ue m the Daily News. I'AMC MltlCKI.N KIIOUTh HID 1'IIAN-TICAI.I.V .MIAlNhT KAt'll IIT1IKK AND MAKK NIAV IIHUI ritici: iti.diiiD new YORK. Feb. 8. Panic stricken aborts In common snd preferred stocks of Wheeling & Lake Erie anroaa. faced with ruin ss s result of the passing of the control of the road from the Dunwell Olaclcr Oladstone Howe Sound Independence. Indian Marmot .... Premier .... Porter Idaho Silver Crest Btlrf Inlet . Richmond . . Bid. 1.43 Va Rockefeller Interest to otner roaas ena the withdrawal of a largo block ofi shares from the market, bid frantically! against each other today In an effort I tn rover committments, Common stocks; oared thirty-five points to 130, more than four times higher man me years low snd preferred Jumped 1314 In early I trading, tn contrast to 'his, a number, of other isltroad Issues broke from, three o five. "-EXC11ANGK VANCOUVER Wheat Asked 1.J0 I" .10 .1114 37 H 30.09 tl.uu ...... .oavi -o7 ....... .10H 3.23 3.87 14 U 1 00 M M 00$. 13 Japanese movie censors have cut out .... . n irii which a minion iees ui mui must mako It dlfflcult to end a show orer there. CANDY MAKER HIS ATTITUDE Al MltALIAN rilKMIEK. KKI'LIKS TO HKKIKSTHIS THAT IIH l.'AU l!Ki: I'llltlOlM IN' CANADA Mi:i.llll km; lel. S. Ilrfrrrlnj 1 4i Klateniriiln nmilr ilurlng his rnrnl tour of l'aii.l.i, rrrnilrr MHiiley .M. llrurr Nild Hint It nrrmril to I1I111 thut the lmprrlon na current I lull lie had rather umdoiiOr tnUI Cunuilliiiii how to eundiirt their own rciinlr)'. "I illil not 1I0 mi," the ITemlrr ktulett. .'I Mlnlnl nut that the Dominion rhilmeil imiimI ktului Mlilrh inrunt ei(iial obligation., ai well a eiial prlvllrgrs Im-I imIIiij; elf-drfrm-e." The rrrnilrr acldrd Iliat miiiip Domlnloni had tint rntllzril thrlr reHinilllllllr In thl inattrr. It ; unfair, lie wild, for llrllnln to lime to pnitrrt large nelf.jrovrrn-lug 11 nd lnilreiiilrnt liullons. nie ACTDnnc cidc IN tKlli i 1 UlA! CAUSES LIFE LOSS IN SOUTH AMERICA BUENOS AIRES. Feb. 8. A disastrous fire of unknown origin, spreading over the cr..-iutry section or Buenos Aires provlncs. sauscd the deaths of many persons and numerous livestock. TWO LOSE LIVES UNDER MOTOR CARS VANCOUVERTob. 8.- W. J. Holland. aged 35, and Roy Yamachlto, a Japanese boy, duocumbed to Injuries sustained when 'hey were run down by auto mobtlca the city yesterday. PASSES AWAY l.TK f llAKI.KS W. ItOdKUS TlKNKD (HIT (ONIIiCTICINKKY. ,Vlllt:il. V.S r.V.MDl'K Tllltdl (HI ritoviMi; , VICTTUiA.".reb: 8. Charles W. Holers. plonee; ctndy manufacturer, whose re clpes Jft delicious confections that have ttn much In demand for many yeara wre known only to himself, la dead hr re at the age of seventy-one years. In his little shop at 013 Oov evnmeilt Street he turned out limited quantities of wonderful chocolate pro-' ducts Which have become popular throughout, the province. He resided st tl Klnttston Street. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper B.C., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, JB27 ' ,,, PRINCE i'KlME UUl'EKJ RUPERT, UDGEfDmm DOKOTHY AP.ZNEK, who has recently been made a director in Paramount picture.H. he is at present the only woman director in the United States. She has been assigned to direct Esther Ralston in a comedy-drama from the French. Miss Arzner was rated as one of the most skilled film editors in the business. Chinese Chief of Staff Gets Hurried Call to Proceed to North Where Reds Assembling PEKING, February 8.Marshal Chang Tso Lin, chief of staff at Yang Yun Tang, has been telegraphed from llukden urging him 10 return mere immcuiatety. One or the reasons tor the action, it is believed, is on account of consistent reports that Soviet troops are concentrating on the Manchurian frontier. Reports of such troop movements have reached Peking from numerous sources al though a recent Warsaw despatch stating that Russian soldiers are marching toward Kalgan, China, is discredited owing to the virtual impossibility of crossing the Gobi desert in midwinter. YAYE MARU BOOKED i TO LOAD CARGO OF WHEATJHIS PORT Although It la expected there will be some other boats between now and then. the next grain vessel definitely fixed for this port is the "K" Line freighter Ysyc Maru, booked for March loading It Is understood she la coming from the Orient and will take her cargo ecrois the Pacific. The Yaye Maru. similar In size to the Yyres and Seine Maru, Is 6781 tons gross with length of 425 feet. She was built In Japan In 1010. COMMUNIST THREATS LEAD TO INSPECTION Hut Police Hint Nothing SiitpU'lous In llrltMi llours of Piirllanirnt I'.irry Corner Searched inNnnv Feb. 8. The Dally Mall ' says that, as a consequence of Scotland Y'ard learning that Communist ar-, ranged tor disturbances at the opening of parliament tcday. the police last i night searched every part of the Houses of Parliament but no discoveries were made to arouse suspicion. 1 Advertise In the Dallv News. Prince Rupert Liberal Association ANNUAL MEETING Will be held in the Metropole Hall on Wednesday Evening, February 9th At 8 p.m. Ilusi ness: Election of officers Circulation 1G37 NEARING Sales 636 t BostgGrUl , a i w, j qr -as ,ajssssssssssss-a-a- Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least I'hnne 457. Prirt Five Cents CLOSE OVIET TROOPS ARE MASSING ON MANCHURIAN BORDER n Lcgisimwe opeecn Dr. Wrinch Urges Road Building into Rupert so advocates state health insnrnnrp nnd mm. paign against use of liquorMary Ellen would incorporate hairdressers "iUA. February B. The budget debate Ih nearing a close : . three days more will likely conclude it. Then the House ommittee for supply. iJonuay. Dr. II. C. Wrinch, Liberal member for Skeena, au orated the creation of a system of state health insur-(..; tab Columbia and tightening up of existing liquor regu-u to eliminate bootlegging. A campaign of education d; courage the use of liquor was also urged by the mem-nig that the necessity of health insurance legislation - - matter of vital Importance to the DR. KING DEAD f- II K I NO OF M.'tV mti n K'S I'-i tt) IV If II.ITIf Al. tir.;i misu .m.ua. iok TEN YKAItb VaU 8.-Oerge .Heeben. euiher of Hon. Dr. J H : r health and aoldlem' .bliehnient. died on Monday in Chlpman. New Brun-. prominently Identified x- business nd repreaent- ju:y In the legislative t.V w Brunswick Dr Kin, a trie time of hla death X ber 22. IT0. al Chip- Mr King waa the eon 11 n Oeorge Oerald Kmc ift CanadSn stock, hu :a having been United Bn-lle waa educated in the :tl snd went Into the -s an early age. finally . buaineaa bearing hla own his .brother a Liberal, he ' ?.he provincial leglalature r.' :e 191'' He waa a Bap- .: mucr of Hie Maaonlr and 1 RF. FATAL Tfl ! province. Dr. Wrinch expressed hit conviction that the majority of the people of OrttUh Columbia wanted sdbh legislation and tint It would prove quite feasible to deelae Mtwfaeterv plia. Esjtmutoa of the trsruprovtnelal highway to link up with the north country and Prince Rupert we urged by the Skeaoe member, j Several members on both tde of the ' House oeatuvurd the debase. The old age peeatton bill submitted by Premier outer passed through comlt-1 lae -ff "the . - Ui ftmtrb "Mmra- k iueod s bill to twuerponate balr-dreersj jf the province. providing for the granting of certificates of oorupetency. etc. iMt'iitnt. .i'i:tT fAii;n iiiriinKM i: CAMCKS ,X Lt'f HON CRANBRCXSK. Feb. 8. The Crsnbrook branch of the Oana-dlan Legion. In a resolution, takee exception to the attitude of the Crsnbrook Assembly. Native Bona of Canada, for rea trusting the celebration of Canada's diamond Jubilee snd ex. eluding Imperial aapecu and has oalled on Mayor Roberts to call .a public meeting of clllzena to launch new arrangements for the celebration. ' i V ;t tt ttf :ttttt "" m w - iTAmffnn mttrt TERRACE MAN FATALLY HURT .MOVsKLL HlHTAlNKD NKKliHH INJt'lllKK WHEN STIIKK ItY 1 AI.I.1M1 THEE HAZELTON, Feb. 8. Edward Moil wile, who u hurt lit a falling Irre nrur 1 rmirr, iliril In the lljirlton llniltu! ut 3 u'rliM-k la-t etentng. IIU iMtoy Is belli: rnt on Thursday for ImrU) In Trrrurr where he Inn re In urvhr him n widow and kit 1 rlillilrrn. TERRACE, Feb. 6. A serious accident occurred lure on Saturday morning when Ed. Monsell. local transfer man iu strict 07 a falling tree and severely Icjured. bu akutl being fractured beside receiving 1 broken arm and having several 'ia fractured. He waa takinv Austin Coodertough to the ferry taland on bualnvu and both men went int the wood.- where J. McLaren and D. M' I .cod were letting tree. A large uc waa feller while they atcod watchln -and cam down safely, after which thr four met) atarted to walk out to the road. Without warning a large uprooted hemlock fell and caught Mr. Monseil He woe ruihed to the local hospital where flrit aid was rendered and war later UVron by train to ihe llaseltoi' Hotplta. by Constable S. Service. Witnesses Rushing by Airplane and Dog Team to Defend Woman Chargid with Robbery of Mail FAIRBANKS, February 8. Dog teams and airpJi-T-" "re being u.ed to rush six defence witnesses nearly four hundred miles across the interior of Alaska to testify in a mail robbety case here. The witnesses will take the stand on behalf of Nellie jyattie, who is charged with theft of $35,000 in gold from a dog bearing United States mails in November, 1922. William Scherineyer wiU also go on trial on a similar charge. After the woman had appeared in court yesterday and taken oath that she was a pauper, Judge Ilitchie announced that the g:vernaie:it would stand the expense of urlnjlng six defence witnesses here. . f riATi IP1 IPn The: will trarel frcm Idltarod to Mc- I AkIiK 1 H Al!K Ora-h, a distance of 100 miles, by dog JUiliJUiV iiljrlljuil team and will be met there by n air plane and br:u;ht on to Fairbanks. Mry witnesses from other towns will also testily. Mrs. Seattle and Schermtyer were arrested last fall after a four year Investigation hid bezn made by officials. 1 BELLA COOLA IS i BEING MOVED TO ! 1 MORE SAFE PLACE; VICTORIA. Feb. 8. (By CJ.I The old Indian vUlage of Bella Coola Is threatened with destruction as a result of the changing course of a nearby river and In order to prevent further damage the provincial government Is taking stew to .have the town moved across the lver. A" blU "hai Ttieen In. trodueed In the legislature to enable the government to create a new town-site for the new settlement and to give the settlers tree land there. The settlers will draw lots for their new locations. For several aeassns past the floods have been changing the course of the river, bringing It closet to the town and already some of the outlying buildings of the settlement have been carried away at flood time. BRITISH HOUSE IN TRADE NOTED. IS Showing a fifty per cent Increase over last years total tor January 4.607.608 board feet, log acaltng Prince Rupert district during January 1927, amounted to 6.351.850 feet. Big Increases were shown during the past month In production of red cedar, coast IS SPEAKER IN BRITISH HOUSE RAMSAY MACDOXALD CONDEMN I UUVEKNMENT'H ACTION IN CHINA I'KC.MIEK U.VI.DHIN ON DEFENCE I'LAYING WITH FIIIE LONDON. Feb. 8. The British government Is "playing with tire" In send Ins troops to China, Ramsay MacDonild, Labar leader and former premier, told Parliament today during the debate In reply to the speech from the throne. He appealed tor reopening of negottatlomi vrlth the ChmWeftlvA'fci 'fc aalC troops now on the way could be diverted. Premier Baldwin. In replying, said If the British representatives In' Shanghai considered the emergency required the Immediate disembarkation of troocs at Shanghai, then tne government would act accordingly. Otherwise, the troops would be held at Hong Kong. The Premier declined to enter Into arrangements with the Cantonese foreign minister. Chen, or any one else regarding troops despatched to protect British life. "Nothing has happened at Hankow." he said, "to Induce us to alter the determination to achieve our ends by ; negotiations." OPENED TODAY WAS PROMINENT CHINESE SITUATION STRESSED IN I THOIlNE srEECH IMPROVE- J MENT INTERIOR MAN DEATH OF JOS. H. ItltEAKLEY OCCL'US IN" IIAZtL'i ON HOsriTAL LONDON. Feb. 8. Parliament was; opened tn state today by King Oeorge.1 Wtth his passing at the Hazelton huge crowds lining the streets to greet j Hospital on Saturday, a happy release their Majesties a they rode to West-;Clime t0 Joseph H. Breartey after two-minster. The speech from, the throne andra-half years of suffering. Deceased was unusually brief, being mainly de- w a weu known figure tor many years voted to the Chinese situation. Im- on the Upper Skee- - where he had a provement tn trade and Industry was Jlu;t ranCh a few mile east of Cedar-noted and a plea was made for earnest Ttir 0n the south aid of the river, co-operation of all to prevent further jie wa4 wtu known to many, being for Industrial strife. Hope was expressed years a member of th-. iVdvlsory Board that the business would be completed l0f Farmer' Institutes. As such he by July to permit Premier Baldwin to'travencd a great deal In the discharge Visit Canada. Lf his duties. LOG SCALINGS ON INCREASE TOJAI, lOlt JANTAItV 18S7 IS B.Ml.. "n.V IIOAKD FEET CO.MI'AltED 4.lili?,liOS LAST YEA It Before coming to British Columbia. Mr. Brearley lived in different parts of the western states, also In Alaska. He was of a quiet, unasavunln; nature, and had many friends wherever he was known. His funeral wilt be held at Hazelton as soon as suitable arranments can be made such arrangements being tn the hands of the Omlueca '.9d;e AT. & Ail.. Smlthers. ? In WILL SURVEY spruce and hemlock, the cut of each coi.ONI7.AUON HEI'A iiTMENT PLANS specie recorded amounting as with comparative figures for 1928: 1927 Red Cedar 917,115 Spruce, coats . . . 2.931,837 Spruce.lnterlor . . 102.112 Hemlock 2.331.490 Balsam 203.153 Jackplne Cottonwood .... 3343 follows! January 1926 T36JS4 3.346,047 21S.B61 902,108 TO SETTLING. LANDI IN IIKITISH COI.C.M1IIA WIl.'CI? AUK CNI'llODlCflVE ' it WINNIPEO; Feb. 8. Estates tn Brit- lsh Columbia from fou' thousand acres down which have I N unproductive tor twenty years, bein owned mostly 349,328 by persons residing tt; England, are to 57,640, be surveyed and report? 04 this. month I by representatives of Canadian depart Negligible quantities of shingle botulment of colonlzatlpa wtth s view to and railway tlea were recorded during ! securing them tor ftttlemenf. The the month, the figures being respective- ( estates are mostly In the Columbia snd ly 348 cords, 32 cords and 500 ptne(Okanagan Valleys uni Close to Van-ties. Couver 3