8. 1027 :,da: February 7H2 DAILY KET73 PAGE FIVB WATERFRONT hrofit by Our QUESTION UP i lamonu xpenence Ne :r judge a diamond by , arat weight alone, for di.ininndfl of equal weight aro necessarily of equal Jue The worth of a genuine diamond- -Its purity, color ijml iierfection In cutting jn c t be judged by men w.:n Know diamonds. Our reputation for integ-ni your nnsuranA.' of hon-f rvice. It -41 John UliiEl! ojEWOLLERS Uthe store with the cux CP A Shipment of New Hats Just arrived "Demers" Phone 27. P.O. Ilox 327. JO? 5Y FACTORyOR HOME ' SrVEfT-OUR COAL IS 1 CWuYOlVIVGHEAT Mr HOME OWNER - We h-io right kind of coal f Whether you use v Wellington or Af--! Mess we can supply v 1 . n the quantity you ' 'he quality i al- v there You don't need :' r" mment we've done it fy -:u, XANAIMO . WELLINGTON and Mcl.EOI) RIVER SOOTl.ESS Wbert & McCaffery I'hones 116 and 117 Closing : Out SALE NW IN FUI.I. SWINfi - - Many Hnrjrnln In COATS DRESSES HATS J. BENT 'ndlea' Itentlv.ln.Writr T1,ird Ave. Phone 051 ANGER, the TAILOR Its made mane to to of taF- $50 221 Sixth Street MORE TALK OF TAX SALE LOTS itv fathers tiiv aoain to ('HACK ANN! Al. (MKKTMT The nutatlnr. l k. .. . , uiajjusai 01 city lou for the Uxes wa dlcuwd by the' City council Uit night when a report of the finance committee recommending .the tale of lot for leu than the sed value came before the council. Aioerman Htephen Informed the council that he wai not In ympathy with the idea at It tended to Jeopardize city value. Alderman Jos. Oreer aald that he thought the matter had been thrashed out last year and the concluilon had been reached that It would be good business to either aell the lota at the assessed value or for the charge agalnat the lota or more. Alderman Tinker thought the city ahould make aome decision In the matter. There were aome lou which were good lou and aome which were poor and he did not think It waa a good thing for the city to definitely estsb-llah a price for lot for the charge (aliiat them. Mayor Newton aald that the council had been grappling with the problem for aome tlme and If anyone had a better plan to offer then he would be ttlsd to fall In line with the proposal. It appeared to be a good thing to have iheae lou again bringing aome revenue u the city. However. In view of any 'ppoUion. It might be well to have the matter lay on the table In the meantime. Alderman Stephen aald that In hi reel to the point of commencement. r the sale of brer by the glass or bv 'he open bottle for consumption on the premise. DATED this 12th day of Jsnusry. 1927. H. A. DODD. Appllcsnt. LICENCE NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that on the 1st dsy of February next the undersigned Intends to apply to the Liquor I Control Board for a licence in respect i NAVIRAItl.E WATERS I'ROTEC TION ACT H.S.C. CHATTER 11.1 Edward Ups'tt. Limited, of the City of Vancouver, hereby give notice that ho ha under Section 7 of the aald Art deposited with the Minister of PublM Works at Ottawa and in the office of the District Registrar of the Land Regis; try District of Prince Rupert, a dcacrip- I lion 01 ine sue ana me I""". I propoicd to be built In the lUrbor of Prince Rupert In front of Lot 8, Block O, 8ectlon 1. Map 923. And Take Notice that after the expiration of one month from the date c-i tl first publication of thl notice, Edward Llpoett Limited will, under Bee-tlon 7 of the said Act. apply to the I Minister of Public- Worka at his office In th City of Ottawa for approval of the said site and plan and for leave to construct th aald whsrf, I Dated at Vancouver thl 11th Uy or 1 December, 1926. 5 xy with waste f'nts ord GILLETT'S PURE I XC FLAKE L.YSL opinion It would be far better to "' the lou at the assened value and not; Jeopardise valuea of city property. ITRYINf TO PPT PlnallT a motion to allow th. m.tt.r in llllflU lJ ULl rest on the Uble for a couple of week waa passed, It Isn't the clothes which make the men sure It's the women thst should be in them. "00 VERNM EXT I.KJUOR ACT." Noun: or Ai'Ff.H'moN ion m:i:n I.HEME NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thst, on i he 10th day of Pebrusry next, the undersigned Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for a licence In respect t premises being part of the building known a Seal Cove Hotel, attuat at the City of Prince Rupert, In the Pro-vine of British Columbia, upon the 'and described a all that portion of Waterfront Block "I." Bay of Prince Rupert. City of Prince Rupert. Province of British Columbia, Map 023. Prince Rupert Land Registration District, and being more particularly described aa follows: "Commencing at a point which lies In a straight line of bearing north 6?deg. 28' 8" east a distance of 797.30 feet Jrom the centre of circle at shown on said Plan 923, Section 7, thence south tdeg. 35' 2J" east a distance of CO feet -o a point, thence north 83deg. 24' 35" -sat a dlsUnca of 100 feet to a point, 'hence north Sdeg. Si' 23" west a dls-' snce of 60 feet to a point, thence south 83deg. 24' 33" west a distance of 100 Full Direction ttr malfSno; orxl f jaoop with every can. IT SAVES you money: t W.GILLITT CO. LTD. TOaCHTO, can, AUTO ASSEMBLY PLANT IN RUPERT Alderman Jos. Oreer Informed the council list night that he had noticed by the Vancouver papers that an automobile house waa negotiating for a site tn Vancouver for an assembly plant where cars mould be put together for shipment to the Orient snd Australia. He was of the opinion that It would be a good thing to communicate with the company and. if the plant was only an assembly plant as represented. It might be advanUgeous to have it located In Prince Rupert. He. there fore, moved and Alderman W. M. Brown seconded that the mayor com munlcata with the company by wire and present the claims of the city. The motion pasted unanimously. Lou of self-made men forget their wives bossed the Job. WATER .NOTICE IIIIEHMON AMI i:sR TAKE NOTICE that Robert M Currle. whose address Is 1416 8th Ave. West, Vsncouver. B.C.. will apply for a licence to Uke and use fifty gallon per minute of water out of small creek, unnamed, which flows southerly and drains Into Huston Inlet. Q.C. Islands, about 1000 feet westerly from miners' "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT"! water will oTdlveVted from stream - 1 at a point about 200 feet from snore NOTIC E Of APPI-ICATioV fOK Iti Elt line, passing through twenty-four -acres applied for under lesse, and will be used for InduatrUI purpose upon the land described as applied for to lesse at head of Huston Inlet, Moresby IsUnd. This notice waa posted on the ground to premises being part of the building on the 6th day ol December. 1926. A : known as Central Hotel, sltusted at the copy of thl notice and an anplicatlon rorner of r.rst and Seventh Streets, tn I pursusnt thereto and to the "Water Act. he City of Prince Rupert, Province of 1014," will be filed in the office of the British Columbia, upon the lands de- water Recorder at Prince Rupert. B.C scribed as Lou Eleven (III and Twelve objection to the application may be (12). Thirteen (131 and Fourteen (14), filed with the said Water Recorder or in Block Ten I10. Section On II). with the Comptroller of Water Rlghu. City of Prince Rupert, Province of Brit-1 Parliament Buildings. Victoria, BC. tah Columbia, according to a registered I within thirty day alter the first ap- itnsp or clan deposited In the Land Reg-1 pearance of this notice In a local news-. Istry Office at the City of Prince Rupert paper. The date of the first publication aforessld and numbered 923. for the! la December 20. 1926. sale of beer by the glass or by the open I ROUERT M. CURR1E. bottle for consumption on the premises. Appllcsnt. 3rd dsy of January, im. CORA B. BLACK. Applicant. WATER NOTICE 1 IHVKUMOS AMI t'KK TAKE NOTICE thst James Field, whose ' nddrrs Is 213 2nd Ave.. Prince Rupert. BC. will apply for a licence to take , und use 1 cubic foot per second of water out of unnamed creek, which flowa raxterly and drains Into Crescent Inlet, Moresby Island, QC.I. about one mile from the head of the Inlet on the north thore. The water will be diverted from :hr stream at a point about 1.000 feet ' from the mouth and will be used for domestic and cannery purpose upon the 40 acres of land described a unsurvey led Und, for which purchase I applied , about IS chain aouthwesterly from the mouth of the atream. Thl notice wa posted on ine jrounu on the 29th day of November, 1926. A copy of thl notice and an application pursuant therto and to the "Water Act" will be filed In the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. B.C. Oblcrtlona to the ipptlcatlon may be filed with the aald Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights. Parliament Buildings. Victoria. B.C.. within thirty dy after the first p-pearance of thla notlc in a local newspaper. The dale of the first publication is December 20. 1926. Applicant. MINERAL ACT rEiiTiricATn or iMruovr.MKNTS NOTICE Juanlta, Anyox, Oranby, Alamo, Rodeo, Pinto. Wann Fractional No. 2, and Monte Fractional Mineral Claim, situate In the Atlln Mining Division of Casslar District. Where located:- On Wann River. Taku Arm of TagUh Lake. TAKE NOTICE that I. Charles V. Bob. Free Miner's Certificate No. 89703. Intend, sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improvemenu, for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant of the above claim. And further take notice that action, under section 80, must be commenced before the Issue of such Certificate ol Improvemenu. Dated thl 1st day of January; AD II. McN. FRA3ER. Aeent. 1927. LAND ACT.. NOTH'K OK INTENTION TO APPLY TO i.i:..r. LAN ll In Oon River Land Recording District ot Prince Rupert. DC, and situate on an Island In Oona Rlvrr approximately opposite Block One and Two ot Lot 2199 R. 5. Coast District (mostly tide flat surrounding small island). TAKE NOTICE that John Bergman, of Oona River. B.C.. occupation fisherman. Intends to applv for a lease ot the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted 300 feet north of northwest corner post of Lot 2199: thence l.OOO fret aouthenst: thence 200 feet westerly, thence 1.000 fret northwest; thence 100 feet to post planted, .and containing ten acres, more or less. . JOHN-UKKOM AN. f.M rvtoh,, so, -lib vmnt COMPANIES ACT TAKE NOTICE that LIPSETT CUN-NINOHAM Si CO. LIMITED after the ex piration of one month from th first publication of tliiii Notlc Intends to apply to th ReglV.rar of Companies for the approval of (he ohange of name to EDWARD LIPSETT (DUNCE RUPERT! LIMITED. TMTTirri" DATED at Vancouver. BC, this 10th day or December, A D. 1920. LADNER tc CANTELON, Bollcltcri lor lb Applicants CITV COUNCIL RE-AFFIRMS ST.M .maiier. FORMERLY TAKEN O.N MATTER Mayor Newton Informed the council laat night that the city clerk had the correspondence on hU deik in connec tion with the Cow Bay waterfront que-itlon and aiked Mr. Jone to read portion of It which would aerve to Inform the council of the clty'a attitude In thK Mr. Jonea read the resolution of the council paased on December 10, 192S, which had been moved by Alderman McMordle and aeconded by Alderman Larsen. A further resolution on the same question was pasted again by last year's council on November 30, 1926. The city clerk also read a letter from Hon. J. II. King, minister of public work, suggesting that a sum would be Included In last year's supplementary estimate for the waterfront Improvements, and also a letter from Hon. J. C. Elliot, after be had been appointed minister of public works, saying that the matter would receive attention. Alderman Jos. Oreer was Inclined to ft.e opinion that the matter as far a the city council waa concerned was covered In the correspondence. If. however, there was anything further which could be done" it might be advisable to act accordingly. Finally on motion of Alderman Stephens, seconded by Alder man Jos. Oreer, a resolution was passed I reaffirming the stand of the city as i already taken by the previous councils i and copies of the resolution will be for warded to the parties concerned. COUNCIL TALKS OF EXHIBITION M WOK'S MT.niTIOV THAT CITY TAKE IT OVEIt lOES NOT KIND IAVOK Prince Rupert Exhibition matters oc cupied the attention of the city council for a short time last night when Mayor) Newton aald that the fair board had already had two meetings and It did! not look any too promising for a con tinuance of the exhibition. He felt that to let the matter drop would be a backward step which would uke some time to recover and said that per haps the city might enteruin the pro position as. a last resort, of running the fair for one year until It got on I IU feet. i -( Aldermen Jos. Oreer. Perry snd I Stephens were opposed to the move. I It seemed to be the opinion that the! fair board should first meet and Uke I some action In the matter. Alderman Joa. Oreer felt that the matter could be very well left tn their) I hand as he felt that a good crowd would be present tonight tor the meet- Alderman Brown asked Alderman Perry It he were willing that the wages! be paid of the men who had not been 11, paid. Alderman Perry said he was In arm-1 pathy with them but felt that the tax ' payer ahould not be asked to bear thtt..l.........ir- i-i. .nn.M burden. 1 Further discussion showed a dlsposl-1 j tlon to leave the matter alone until if and the subject was therefore dropped.! LAMU WATERFRONT WATER DISCUSSED AGAIN structlng the water connection to Edward i Smoked kippers, Upsett Co. and was Informed that It had beep- .found Impossible toj go ahead it present. In the discussion that followed. Alder man rtrnwn urtuinrH th.i rhm w.t.r i Eastern aalt herring. 2 for THE manager of a household is the purchas- ing agent for a large proportion of the family needs. In order to do a good job she must know what, when and where to buy. She must study goods and the concerns which make goods and have them to sell. She must put her home on a business basis and run it on business principles in order to make the most of the family income. Information is the only basis for intelligent purcha sing. And the right way to get the greatest amount of necessary information is to read the advertisements, t Advertisements tell you what is new and good tn merchandise. They reveal improvements and inventions to make your home life easier, more comfortable and more convenient. They give you in- formation about a thousand and one things that are useful. . Every manager of a household every member of the household who shares the responsibility for the family's welfare should male a habit of reading the ads. Market Prices IP.Ve 230 Compound 23c EGOS B.C. fresh, pullet 47)4 B.C. freeh, flrsU 60c RV flTV rnllMf IT BC. fresh, extra 55c Ul Villi VUUilVlLt,,. The Well-Managed Home for this pipe would come through the l S" codfish fillets, lb 30e meter ot the dry dock. Boneless salt cod brlrka. lb 25c Alderman Perry said that the main; MEATS mould be used for tire purposes only, Fowl, No. 1, lb 35c ind would haye a seal placed on the! Roasting chicken, lb 45c hydrant so that It could not be ifeedjllam, sliced, first grade 60c for any other purposes. If a fire oc- j Ham. whole, first' grade 45c nurred water would bs supplied free. Ham. picnic, lb 22Uc Alderman Brown then asked how It Cottage rolls, lb. 35c would be possible to ascertain the Bacon, back, sliced 50o nmount of water used In case of fire Bacon, aide 45c to GOc and waa Informed that the rending of Pork, dry salt 35c the previous month would have to be! Ayrshire bacon, lb 400 taken as the correct one and the dry : Veal, ahoulder 25c dock would pay on that boala. It would Veal, loin 40c not be possible to read the meter Just! Veal, leg 40c before and after a fire. Tork, shoulder 28c Several membera of the council ex-(Pork, loin .' 40c pleased themselves a being unaware ! Pork, leg 40c that this would be the custom In use j Beef, pot roast 12c to 18o and felt that It would mean trouble I Beef, boiling 10c to 12e as they felt that private parties would ! Beef, (teak 35c to 40c want to tap the main and ue the water for private uses. In this case Alderman Perry said they would have a meter put on at the users' expense and they would pay for the water according to the reading of the meter. In the meantime action was delayed until word from the east could be received giving permission to go ahead with the matter and Join on to the dry dock main which was metered. PAIN in BLADDER Promptlr Csitd by SANTAL MIDY ur la at the Qanulns Look for th word "MIDY" tiuid by all arutaiii Read the advertisements in order to buy wisely Local new laid 05c AIH.rmtn .Tn flmr lnt nl.ht A.fct FISH the chairman ot the board -of work,lallbut" ,D' wbst progress had-been made In con- Salmon, cohoe, frozen lb. .. salmon, lb. Kippered . . Smoked black cod, lb. Rmian- haddlesVvlo.-. Salt mackerel, lb. . 25c . 25c . 15c . 25c 23V4C 20c 25c 25c Beef .roast, prime rib 30a Lamb, chops ,.., SOc Lamb, shoulder 35c Mutton, les 40c Lamb, leg 48c Mutton, chops 40o Mutton shoulder 30o !. IIUT1EK Brookfleld, 8hamrock and Woodland, lb. E.C.D., lb Capital, 2nd grade, 3 lbsv Praser Valley, lb New Zealand, lb CHEESE Ontario solid Stilton, lb. Kraft ; Norwegian Qoat Napoleon Lhnberger - .... ...it.vv Roquefort 60c Swifts' Buttercup, lb 43c Oorgonzola. lb 75c McLaren's Cream. ars .... 45c and 85c Oruyere 50c Oolden Loaf, lb 45c SL'OAIt White per 100 7.75 Yellow, per 100 FLOL'R Flour, 49', No. 1 hard wheat Wastry flour, 10' Pastry flour. 49's VEGETABLES BeeU, .6 lbs loOvlbs. 1 U.C. CarroU. Ib .oo ib. Rutebagas, 6 lbs. ioo lbs: ...Y.. Potatoes, 100 lbs. Spinach, lb California brussel sprouts, New California cabbage, lb ritt'iT lb. ... 7.25 ... 2.65 65c .... 12.90 . . . 35c ... 12.75 , 3c ... 25 25c ... $2-75 ... 12.50 Potatoes. 8 lbs 25c Oreen Peppers, lb 75c Parsley, bunch 15c Cauliflower, B.C, head 35c-40c Terrace cabbage, lb 8c California head lettuce 15c Garlic, imported, per lb 40c B.C. cooking onions, 5 lbs. .-. 259 Celery , 25c Sweet potatoes, lb 15c Brussel sprouts, 2 lb 30c Mexican tomatoes, lb 50c 15c 30c , 10c Oranges, Navels, dozen ...... 25c to 85c Florida grape fruit. 2 for 25c Lemons. Sunklst, do& 25c and SSc California grape, fruit 10c Bananas, lb 20c Extracted honey, Ib 25c and 35o Apples, Grimes Oolden $3.23 Cookllng apples 11.95 Apples, Spltrenberg $3.73 Apple. Black Twlgg $2.73 Apples. Yellow Newtons $3.75 DRIED I'RUITS Dates, bulk, 3 lb Dates, Drorucdary ';..."..' Raisins, bulk. 2 Ib. ...j. Raisins, package, 2,1b, .... SOc I Cluster' raisins, lb SOc 'Lemon and orange peel SSc Citron peel SSc Black cooking figs 55c 1 White figs. 3 lb 300 350 450 65o 70c Table fig, lb. CurranU Prune ........ Apples Peaches, peeled Aprtcoti, lb. 350 250 35c 45c 35c 30o SOc 300 33c 350 20c 10c to 350 SSc 30c 400 MILK From Itulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phone 637 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. Recipes Always Appreciated Hi .tVWTt I Every now and again some lady among the users of Pacific Milk takes the trouble to send In a recipe or new way of using Pacific Milk that she has found and likes. We are always glad to receive this information and acknowledge it and if anyone now has a recipe she would like others to try. we would like to have it. PACIFIC MILK Head Office, Vancouver. Factories at Lailnrr aiftt Abhotaford. 111