TaeriW September 6, 1927 Gjor your hot-day meals ! SHREDDED I WHEAT Always ready without cooking Cool--crisply nourishing-with chilled milk and fruits The H. S. Wallace Co., Ltd. Fair Week Specials Spun Silks in all the latest shades. Pure Silk, per yard !.f Japanese Crepes in newest shades. A fresh consignment, 6 yards for $1.00 Ladies' Rayon Silk Hloomers. In newest shades, per paiMKif White Flannelette, nice quality, 5 yards for Jjil.00 Ladies' Winter Vest. Sleeveless style, each 7."f Frilled Lace Curtains, per pair $1.25 Washable Hag Rugs, 27 by 54. each 05? iare Curtain Panels in four designs, each 05f Oilcloth Table Squares, each 05 Ladies' Fleece-Lined llloomers, per pair 05c1 Our New Coats are here. Come in and look them over, t ndoubtedly the best values we have ever secured. Ladies' and Children's Raincoats The famous Mandleberg ( oats, guaranteed for two years. Rubber or Silk in various pleasing colors. Ha by' s and Children's Coat in a good variety of styles und colors. All reasonably priced. All our goods are (Quality Merchandise not purchased for Sale Purposes. H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. Phone 9. 3rd Ave. and Fulton Street W. G. BE A CH Clears out the balance of Bent's High-grade Lady Wear for what it will fetch Don't pass this Store Saturday. Genuine Bargains EVERY DOLLAR WILL BUY TWO DOLLARS WORTH OF GOODS Dresses New Fall and Winter Coats Hats-Silk Under Garments and Dozens of other lines at genuine Close-out Prices that is, what they will realize. The Bargain Buying Opportunity of a Decade Come to J. Bents For Perfect Ladies' Ready-to-Wcar at Third Avenue Want a New Experience? A new thrill? Then try Purdy's Famous Chocolates or Candies. Once you taste their home made goodness troubles take to the tall timbers the world assumes a rosier tint. Try Purdy's and be, happy. . ' ' j j )$Vf . We are sole Pnrice'tuperf AgelSls fsA his most famous of B.Cs confections Purdy's Famous Chocolates In the purple box. Mail orders specially packed, safe delivery guaranteed. OrmeslM. Jfic Pioneer Druprists THIRD AVE. b SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 82200 Local and Personal Arihura Tui phons 078 BO Undertakers Phone 41. Dentist. Or. J. R. dot Pbon 58. Oft the Big 4 habltl When thteklnf of a Tail, phone 4. SsT. U WngataTwinjpr of Fact Bftwwd Cannery sasffd Saturday af-iefttoae) on lbs PrUaceaa Ujuts tor VtUMMIW. Until repair it the Provteetal Oof iutt wharf bare been omplet OPR t mm m mate iaarfts at No. 3 shed on Q.T.P. wharf. U .' yWHirtUi of tneiosai yahmaofcnnjl teaching -taS was an arrival m the Catala Sunday afternoon freta the south where she spec the holidays. Mrs. J. H. Thompson and' son. Archie. returned to the city on Sunday Iter, noon a train from Terrace where they pent the suauner vacation an their farm. Atlln district and left Sunday night on the Catala for Stewart where he ha some properties to Investigate. Mr. and Mrs. J. Whltworth arrived Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday: a.m. to 1 p.m. Any evening by appointment DIE B Kny DENTIST Exchange Block. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE f : Hi Exhibition Sale now In full viug at Mr. FrUarU's. tf Uls Amelia OftrvMi srr.ved home YsetereVsy from a Halt to Terrace. j,or I Ffcneyv.tre. 7 Oaalana ajruDas. Avenue. PSo&e O I Auditorium Dane Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. Ponders full orchestra, aio J. P. McMlsfan waa a paavenger leaving oa the Prtnr John Saturday night eries, 15.7c and 7c. patelatrr and cmtil Clark 3J. Third reen 183. 233 O. 8uthettnd, an old timer of this ft. sailed Saturday afternoon on the Princes Laulso for Vancouver. Dance toaUgM Boston Hall at 8:30. atusic bf the Esstngtonlan 7 piece LsjM L. Burr, director. P. M. Kay Oi tfce Northern Shipping Oo. sailed Sadir morning on the I Prince Geoff for Vancouver on Oapt. B. 0. Marsh aaUed yeaterday afternoon on the Prince Charles on ht return to Vancouver, after a visit here Ml- Caroline Mlteh.ll retamed It. WUs E. a Unox. m.A. of the local Si. , UU T"T' Anglican Japanese Mission returned to T?J.va0rLnd city on the Princes. Alice thl. . m the south where she spent the boll- . , Mas Zada Palmbon. B-V.. of the Prince Rupert General Hospital grad uete nursing staff sails tola attorowm on the Catala for Butaoale and Van j 16M0 ton Nanalmo-Wrlllngton Deep Seam Lump ('mil In our yard. -Order your winter's supply now. .Albert .MeCafferv. I.td. Phone 1 1 B and 117. tf couver on hcatdsya. OorkUl of Anyox arrived In the Winter l romlnj. pulling In your winter's , city from the smelter town on the ITrpare now by nre Sund.T mnrnln, .nrt (Irak of Naiulmo-Wrlllnjcton laul. 1SHI tons of 'Ilie tery beot on hand. Alhert Mc-('alTrry. 1.1 il. I'lione 116 and 117. tf ' Eustace Smith of Tortnto, an offlelal of the C.N.R. sleeping and dining ear department, was a week end visitor in the city. He arrived from the Bart Saturday afternoon and returned Mon-nay morning. I W. C. Olbson. art editor of the Cosmopolitan Magazine. New York city, and Mrs. Ortoson ware passengers on the Prince George Sunday morning re proeceded to Calgary by yesterdays train. Mlat Hallowetl of Terrace, who la taking charge of the Westvlew school, arrived, on the train laat night after netting with her parents' at the fruit centre. Mna M. B. Henderson. M-A. of the local high school teaching ataS returned to the city on the Princess Alice thl morning after having spent the holldwaya In Vancouver and turning south after having made the Mlas Rothwell arrived home yester-: round trip to Skagway. day from Raglna to take up her work I of teaching at Booth School. During ! Mr: Archl Morton, wife of the mas- tne holidays she divided her time be-,ter mechanic at the Oranby Smelter. tmtm Quwwi, N,w We5tm,lnstcr. Fort arrived on the Prince Charles from Qu'AppeUe and Relna. Anyox Sunday morning, continuing her voyage by the Prince Oeorge to oouver on a holiday trip. 'an- Re. prof w. F. Barfoot. who has , been relievtng In the pulpit of St. ' Andrew's Anglican Cathedral during the There being no other entries, the city summer months, ieft yesterday, by way l"1" wor wn " ug-i-war 0f Vancouver, fnr Saskatoon, where he tor the Trade & Labor Council cup by will resume hts duties on the faculty of default yeaierday afternoon. The Moose. Emmanuel College.. Fov, the; next few who won the cup last year, did not weeks, pending the return to the city enter the contest to defend It. jog Archdeacon O. A. Rlx. who Is In ' : eastern Canada. Rev. T. D. Proctor of E. M. Haines, post-omce Inspector Haaelton. will officiate In St. Andrew returned to the city aboard the Prince pulpit. i nane sunaay morning alter making the round trip north on offlelal duties and continued south to Vancouver by the same vessel yesterday afternoon. I FISH ARRIVALS Tlal 8,5K Pou n cN of Halibut Sold airs u b. J ones and aaugnter were, at F.ulianje This Morning passenger on the Prince Oeorge Sun-' day morning bound from Skagway to Halibut offerings at the Fish Ex Vancouver. Mr. Jones, who Is C.N.R. change this morning were not heavy, agent at Skagway, win be going south considering the fact that three days about the end of this month for the had elapsed since the last sale, winter. (total of 84.500 pounds was sold of j which four Canadian Vessels disposed D. D. Munro of the Land Settlement of 41.000 pounds at bids ranging from Board arrived on Sunday afternoon's 15.7c and 7c to 16.6c and 7c. while train from Smlthers to attend the !mllr number of Canadians marketed Prince Rupert Exhibition. Mr. Munro 43.600 pounds for from, 12.8c and 8.5c was instrumental in aaeemoting tne to 14 Be and 7.5c. big agricultural exhibit representing Arrivals and aalea: Bkeena and Bulkley Valleys which will AMERICAN be one of the features of the Fair. Roald Amundsen, 17,000 pounds, At- llln Fisheries. 16.6c and 7c. H. H. Townsend of Seattle, a pro-' onah. 10.000 pounds. Pacific Fisher mlnent mining engineer Identified with i(, 15.80 and 9c. tne Anaoonaa Mining 00. or Arieona.; Rainier. 5.000 pounds. Booth Fisher- arrived in tne city on trie princess i. irc and Be ue caiuraay aiier a wip into the, Tahoma. 9.000 pounds. Pacific Fish- C.WtliUX Jessie, 28.000 pounds. Canadian Fish is Cold Storage Co.. 12.8c and 6.5c. Ternen. 8.000 Dound. Booth Fliher. on the Catala Sunday afternoon from'M 14.8c and 7.5c. Vancouver and will be the guest for Blngo 3,500 pounds. AUln Fisheries, the next two weeks of Mr. and Mrs. ;j3.7C gntj 755 Frank Morris of this city. Mr. Vhlt-j Marguerite. 4.000 pounds. Booth Fish-worth Is Identified with Art Monu- wlee i30c and c mental Oo. of Vancouver and 1 put-; ! ttnsr a display for his company In the Prince Rupert Exhibition 4- 4- 4 4- ANNOUNCEMENTS St. Andrew's Society Concert and Vaudeville show, Wednesday. September 121. Established 1923. I II OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL LMii.isii itwiri:. im. 1. Aston Villa 7, Portsmouth 2. Blackburn 0, Cardiff 0. Bolton 1, Everton 1. Burnley 1, Arsenal 2. Derby 1. Newcastle 1. Sheffield United 1, Leicester 1. Ilvllon It. Hull 0, Preston 0. Oldham 6, Blackpool 0., Southampton 1. Clapton Orient 3. Stoke 1. West Bromwich 1. Swansea 5, Manchester City 3. Wolverhampton 2, South Shields 1. SPORT CHAT "-TU57 Will Amerl nerlca risk the Davis Cup, the most coveted trophy In the tennis world in youthful hands? The success of John Doeg and Oecrge Lott in the national tennis doubles rounds In eliminating Henri Cochet and Jacques Brugnon of the French challenging team, may lead the committee In Charge to place this pair to contest the doubles match. Tllden and Johnson are wonderful tennis players, but l'hone 11)9 : they cannot go on fortver. It u uu- Pipefuls of Pleasure What would Fishing be without OLD CHUM ! When bites are few, what a wealth of consolation is drawn with every puff of OLD CHUM I When fishing is good, this wonderful tobacco tastes all the sweeter I For nearly half a century, OLD CHUM has satisfied millions of smokers with its sweetness, richness and mellowed goodness. And the "Poker Hands " in every package and tin are good for valuable presents. OLD CHUM likely that either will he displaced onj the singles contest and Laeostl and J uocnet can oe depended upon to hold their own. Each of the French aces has beaten TUdcn retpeatedly In the past two eeasons. and America can not hope ' ror better than fifty per cent on these four contest. Tnerefore the Davis Cup will be won or lost to America In the doubles match. Should Tlldea at tempt to pair with Hunter In the doubles, the effort will weaken Amer ica's ehances. more than entrusting this match to the two outstanding tennis finds of the year. The selection of the committee will be awaited as eagerly as the results of Saturday's final match. CAl'.HE FOR (ilt.TITH)E At a Church Conference once a speaker made a number of very disparaging remarks regarding the univer sities, finally expressing gratification that he himself had not been corrupted by contact with a college. "Do I un derstand that the gentleman Is thankful for his Ignorance?" asked the chairman. 'Yes," said the other, "If you wish to put It In that way." "Then," continued the chairman sweetty.s "all 1 have to say is that you have much to be thankful for." York Thlre- Post. MOINT IlLTt". Mount Duff Is situated on the Inter provincial boundary between British Columbia and Alberta, in latitude 60 degrees and longitude 139 degrees. Ac wording to the Eighteenth Report of the Geographic Board It Is named after t. Hon. Justice Lyman Duff who wai me of the counsel before the Alaskan Boundary Tribunal. M'lXIAL KMIIlilTKlN NOTICK Membership tickets do not permit admission to the building or grounds. These tickets only entlUe holders to membership In the Association and drawing for the lot Advertise In The Dallv Newa Tired PIP if 1 The only diamonds we can afford to sell are the kind of diamonds you naturally want to buy diamonds of fcrioun value, appraised by experts and doubly certified by our own experienced examination. A single sale of a diamond not all we represent it to be, would damage the reputation we have so painstakingly acquired. A reputation, more-over, which has earned us the right to sell Gruen Guild Watches. Si BUY YOUR School : ' A Diamond ritis 5 inautdechmce 0 design $1. ijo, hi, St 10 John Bulger, Ltd. Jewellers The Store with the Clock. Supplies and Text Books at Rose, Cowan & Latta Third Avenue and Third Street CASH WITH ORDER ucanaoianT PACIFIC Aaanwiv Canadian Pacific Railway B. G. Coast Service Sailings from Prince Rupert To Krtrhlkan, Wrungell, Juneau and Skagway September S, 10, 17, 26. To Vuiiiouvrr, Victoria and Seattle September 3, 10, II, 21, 30. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Hiltedale, Cant Bella Bella. Ocean Falls N'amu, Alert Bay. Caniibell River, and Vancouver every Saturday, 11 a.nv Agency for all Steanuhlp Lines. Full Information from IV. C ORCHARD. General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, at