FACE TWO r . FOR Cramps Colic - Take a teaspoonful of Painkiller in Diarrhoea glass of hot sweetened water every twenty minute, until relief is felt If tha trauWe; 1 due to improper food also take a dose df castor oiOQIUaek. stomach and bowels with the bare Hand wet with Painkiller. Keep quiet and warm until attack has passed. In u.the world over for 85 years. , H t : f DAVIS k LAWRENCE CO.. MtnuUrlmrint rAnr..,V. New York, Wontrl The. Daily News . PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by 'Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - Managing Editor. To all other countries, in advance, per year Transient Display Advertising, per Inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch Local Readers, per insertion per line Classified Advertising, per insertion per word Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - 93 86 I SUBSCRIPTION KATES; City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $6.00 $7.50 $1.40 $2.80 25c 2c 15 All advertising, should be in The, Daily News Office before '2 p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject , to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION. RAILWAY COMPANY AND ASSESSMENT. Thursday, Feb. 24. 1927 iiuneni uiit'inpis at sen mastery. However, it Is not safe at this stage of the investigation to presume too far on one's privilege of getting "mad" because of illness. There is a certain hazard in resenting too strongly and overtly a fancied wrong or an unintentional tramp on the toe, even though that which appears to be the provocation for the resentment Is not the real cause. r:nti DAILY NfiVfc! Tiiurada F "Ms FURTHER PEACE RIVER DEBATE 4 RorTKs ItKlKUHKI) TO AT OTTAWA MONKMAN I'ASS AM) I'ltlNCK ItlTMtT lAVOKKII I "I m not" going to argue for njr ! specific route, but t say to the mlnlsttr , of railway! (Mr. Dunning) that Ln -my opinion he could very well examine more closely the Monkman Pas and the i Pine Pas routes." said D. it. Kennedy, member for Peace River, ln the course of the debate on a Pacific Coast outlet , ' for the Peace River country In the I House of Commons at Ottawa. "The survey today Is merely a temporary one. and I think the mileage obtainable both 'to Peace River and to Prince Rupeit Justifies that survey. It means a difference, from one or two of the maln points In Peace River, of 400 miles to 1 Prince Rupert as compared with thej present route." .MIMSTKK Of RAILWAYS 1 "For the route via Sturgeon Lake and j Obed. new construction of 204 miles would be required for the assumed minimum trainee." aald Hon. C, A. Dunning, minister of railways. "The capital Investment would he $13,336,000, or to Prince Rupert 113,356.000. "For the route via Monkman pass, the new construction required, assuming the line' goes to Prince Rupert, would !e 183 miles for the assumed minimum traffic. Assuming the line goes to Vancouver, the construction required would be 193 miles, and assuming It goes via the1 Pacific and Great Eastern., which is British Columbia's railway. 310 miles of new construction would be required. The capital Investment on the Monk-man Pass route, taking Prince Rupert as the destination, the shortest route, would be 118.092.000. The capital investment on the Peace Pass route would be $21,472,000. MA VV.lt. "New construction via the Canadian National to Prince Rupert would require 502 mUes. New construction via Cans- io dii appearances, me municipal court or revision has arrived quire st2 miles, new construction via at an equitable solution Of the railway company's assessment. Of Pac,llc nd Oreat Eastern to Vancouver course, there are a great many factors involved in the matter that mU"; and .n'" conitnictln ..... ..... . , Fraser River to Vancouver r 850 miles. require specialized knowledge and it is a difficult matter for a lay- i That is via the Peace Pas. The Pine man to comment on the question although from the ordinary point Pi& u dismissed in favor of the Monk-of view the decisions reached appear to be satisfactory. The clty:ta2 authorities have, however, taken a commendable stand that the i u the route to Stewart on the Portland railway company should bear its burden of taxation along with theCin1- Insted of going to either Prince other taxpayers Concessions have been given the company thV&2! respect to taxation ever since the city was incorporated on the ' via the Findlay Porks u dealt with, and strength of certain undertakings being promised by the company In;lbe minimum construction for assumed return Very few. if any of these promises have been effected -rine m, lur me cuy, as it, nas aone, to discontinue ,000. or including the connecting line to tne concessions and deal with the railway company- on' -its' merits, 'ce George, .a37.7so.ooo. t just as it does with other taxpayers. " ' "According to the engineers, the Monk .. ! man route Is so much superior, and so SUDDEN DEATH OF ARTHUR LITTLE. - The late Arthur Little, npu-n nf-u'linu uu.n ,i,.u ? t. t--t nearby, that It was not necessary to go Into detail ln the report on the Plne Pass route. , , onuusu ucani 111 me CUM MUVKMIV lK ItKT p:" "p ,: ; " a"u ce'Jary citizen OI, -on account of the high country to Irince Rupert for many years. With the general regret that is be-! the Pine pass, the line would have to ing expressed ana me many tributes that are being paid, the Daily return east for a considerable distance News wishes to join. He was an outstanding and picturesque mem- on the uth we of the river before ber of the community and remembrance of him will long live among ,he s"round becomes low enough between the many people with whom he came in contact and by whom he 11 nd tne Plne RlT'r 10 llow 'ealbI was unanimously respected. ,,me wuth to the Pine River Valley. The i recently discovered Monkman Pass Is ln IS ANGER DUE Iturn more advantageous than the Pine TO ILLNESS " Pass for this (raffle on account of Its Vuw . . , , , , , . i letser gradients and distance. Plne Pass Why are so-called rational human beings so easily angered? A'h approximately m mile, from, and scientist is working on the theory that every fit of anger and every '"arty due west of spirit River, and ap-bad disposition can be traced back to some illness... He is convinced i proximately ,153 miles nearly due north that people who have disease histories are more quick to anger than 0' Prlnce Oeors" those who have never been sick. Now that he has called it to the public attention it will be TERRACE TORIES HAVE observed by many that there is a certain resemblance between the S.Vm 1 sick and the irascible. For one thing, both anger and fever make ANNUAL MEETING AND eTc anVpeSanYr " ,rr,Ub,e' , ELECT NEW OFFICERS If this, theory holds true, it would appear that the past has wit- nessed an appalling amount of sickness. Many times during the terrace. The local conservative a-tourse of the day the average person "loses his temper" or sees ' ocUtlon 4t n nnutl meeting elected others lose control of themselves. A toe is stenned on. a train , : .,nr 'onowing-oiricer tor the coming Bueei cur is laie, me car won t start, the dinner burns, a cake yean "falls"; and then, somebody's tongue slips, there are hasty av! bX1 nn and a few minutes later regret and a resolve to Pre.'ut-j J' a"u a rexone 10 Dractice practice self-re self-re-f President Jas. k.. Nelson. , , . . . I VIce-presldent-T. Turner 8r. inis anger-after-illness theory may be productive of somei Secretary-Treasurer- Wm. Vanderiip pood, and it may be dangerous. True, society would be more tolerant ' 8r vi me uiigovernaoie temper 11 convinced it came invariab v from executive f. Nash. j. Hepburn, Oeo. sickness, but it might have the undesirable effect of discourairinir Dover. A. Kerr. R. Corlett. R. Brown, and R. W. Clayton. Ten Years Ago , in Prince Rupert I KHKl AHV 21, 9I7. E. C .aibbons left this morning for Bangor, Maine, having been called east by the serious Illness of his father. Proceeds from the Red Croat tale yea- iterday amounted to 70.S0. j Local curling enthusiasts have been enjoying the game on a small piece -of I Ice on the O.T.P. hotel site. Jtmet Cronln, the Babtne mining man, arrived on the Trlncesa Msqulnna last evening on his way back to the Interior. W. Prltchell, publisher of the Wran- Mr. W. Norrle Lewenthai returned to her home In Haxelton thl morning. Mr. A. E. Oakley 1 visiting her j-gell Sentinel, la a visitor In th City for, a lew days. The fishing boat Tuladl. which wm damaged recently on the wett cottt of the Queen Charlotte Islands, will lay up here for repalrt. sister, ver. Tti-o Kinds You can get (Juakrr Oats in two forms the largo plinnp whole flake or the half dale, rolled thin, and partly cooked. Both are of the wmie Quaker Quality, famom in RH countries. If ( you wish to make porridge while you ImhI the t-offee or make the toat, iim Quik Quaker. It rooks in 3 minutes. Mrs. W. J, Jefferson, in Vancou- Mr. and Urs. A. R. Neale arrived by the Princess Maqulnna last evening. SUITABILITY CENTRAL B.C. FOR SETTLERS lirM-rlbeVI In 'Kmljrallon." KnglMi Publication What Varlou HMrkts Are lleot titled lor An article In "Emigration," an magazine, describing the attrac- GEORGE LITTLE HAS ACQUIRED CUTTING erlng which la owned by the Laminated 1 Dated November 27, 1D28. Material Co. onsfibation 1 Ltd., New Westminster. , from whom he haa obtained cutting! ngnis lor hemlock, tpruce and cedar. The cottonwood will be cut later and ahlpped to New Westminster. LAND ACT Skeena Land District, District of Queen Charlotte Island. 1 TAKE NOTICE that sixty dayt after date. 1 intend to tpply to (commissioner of Land for NOTICE the Chief licence to ,iuu.jtn ivi wo, iiiu uciroieum over 640 ; acres of land bounded a follow: Commencing at a pott planted at the outhwet corner of Bectfon 38. Township 3. Graham Island, and marked "AJ.O.'i southwest corner"; thence east 80 chains; thence north 80 chains; thenct wruw insula, luciico soutn bo chain OORDON, Locator. ' The most important hours When- food must satisfy and "stand by" you Most people lmvt to lu more tliaii Iwo-tliinls of their most important work in the. forenoon. To supply this energy, they need a lireakfast that .satisfies ami will "stano! ly" theiu tliniuliotit the morning. That is why health authorities urge Kol breakfasts why the matchless flavour of Quaker Oats makes it the breakfast of millions of people. Its delicious taste awakens lazy appetites mid thus promotes easy digestion. Its bulk and tender bran assist in the assimilation of other food and aid in one of nature's most important functions. Quaker Oats is the most perfect of all cereal foods. It supplies (lie elements which build tissue and give energy, as well as the important vitamiucs and mineral salts. It contains H',( 6 protein and il' carbohydrates. For better mornings, have Quaker Oats for breakfast. No other is "just as good", for no other has Hi) years' experience in grain selection and milling behind it. See that the picture of the friendly Quaker is on the package. , Quaker Oats - -you have always knotni QuickQuaker LONG-BURNING FIRE MAY BE DUE TO GAS Ulna farmer to Tet Out Theory When Summer flajs Arrlte VILNA. Feb. 21. A fire which started .n the long dry grass of Lyon's Flat, one mUe south of here, early last summer. Is still burning. For the last few-weeks a blue flame has been observed issuing from a spot where the fire hal bumed deeply Into the peaty soil. Many local people think that this flame probably bmiea from a pocket of natural tlons of Central British Columbia for ! V- nd tn owner intends to Inveatl-settlert. gives the following linn as the : gate the pnMtblllttet of a gas field when most suitable for the various section j th nw hat gone, thereof: . . . . The KlUumgalhim-Kltlmat Valley j DEPARTMENT OF LANDS Suited for fruit and vegetable graving, j NOTICK poultry raising, beekeeping and crtaa-j Application for (Irailng' Permits for the production. I euon of I91J. The Ekeena and Nsss Valleys Mixed ; farming and dairy farming, vegetable tocl Application for permits to grare live- :k on the Crown range within any raising and fruit graving. 1 n'.ag district of the Province of Brit- The Bella Coola Valley Fruit and vegetable growing. The Bulkley VaCey Butted for mixed farming, dairying, ranching, seed pota-toet and tlmotrry Veed. ' '1 The Fraser Lake,, Endako and Burns Lake District and! the Heehaio Valley-Dairy farming, sheep raising, grain and vegetable growing. The Francolt and Ootaa Lakes Districts. aUo Stuart Ltke District, and outlying section of similar1 nature Ranching, developing into mixed and dairy farming. The Prince Oeorge District (including south fork of Fraser Riven Mixed farming, vegetable growing, dairying. 1 h Columbia, muit be filed with the I Dutrtct Forester at Fort Oeorge, Ksm-! loops. Nelson. Prince Rupert, Vancouver. ' -T William Lake on or before March 31st. 1037. Blank forms upon which to submit i applications may he obtained .from the District Foresters at the above named i places, or from the Department of Lands! as Victoria, u.u. O. It, NADEN, I Deputy Minister of Land 1 Department of Lend. ' Victoria. BC, I January . 1827. LAND ACT j NOTICK OP INTENTION TO AITI.Y till TO I.KAMl LANO In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and attuate on the north ahore of Crescent Inlet. I Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Inlands, 1 tn the Province of British Columbia, and ! being about one and a half miles from the head of the Inlet. TAKE NOTICE that Jtmes Fielrf nf ; Prince jtupert. B.C., occupation Marin. RIGHTS NEW LIMITS t&iM&&'uls,Z-lHM . i Commenitng at a post planted on the . 1 north shore of Crescent Inlet, about TERRACE. Feb. 24 --George Little haa one and a halt miles from the head of th. : moved his camps and loggtog equip-1 jD't; then.ce northwesterly 20 chains: b,ent fro . f?..!?. C chains; thenct! iuiv w v.uic c. j louineasveriy m cnaint; thence north; Keith where he hat bean carrying on easterly 20 chain, and containing forty 1 operation for tai,,0 more or lest, the past four yean the ferry Island, the timber limit cov- I cooks in 3 minutes STOMACH f r.. t narnccL'. oaf ft V'S s TROUBLE Dad indigestion and poverty tn. the poin : were recognized as ua! evil as far back as hf ""-J Hahbie Durns. Of what use Is money or food, f ' 2 -fil. in it duty? corrtcls the cause of Discvise ln the or JlCe tttt tuns NOSt THROAT ARMS CMfDpndlAltK -trvta 'JIOMACH .'smiii VKIONtTJ lnin f EtADOtfl iVllMBJ hc lower ncno undcrthcmagnii ing glass Is pinched by a misaligned Joint Pinched nerve cannot transmit healthful impulses. Chiropractic fidjustingremo'tsthe pressure y The upper nervo Is free as nature intends. should npt even realixe tfcut h? r-tomach. Digestion of wh' ;r.'.cr." mal food should 1k nutomaf 1 cannot le If the stomai h ' rt Ie than Its full supply : rgy. When the stomach fails ! lions, two courses of relief able you can reduce the K variety of your food to fit iU capacity or, you can hava removed by sjilnal adJu.ftn:' 1 ' restore the flow of vital rncr; rapacity. Which Is bestn "I EAT MOST ANVTIUMi" "I have suffered from n li.:d ' tomach trouble for a lonjf .y rcmemlx-r at leant ten yer 1 kf vomitted my food even when a t Iniy and have alo been ifnnl linl trnm )illlll(llr anil Irniilitn t rnmmenreil to tal.? ' mcnts taking 3fi adjutmcni Now, three months later mv i In jrood condition, and I can tJ r anylhiiiK I like without I hur I t.. i.i.,u nml kidnev Wp Inn.. Mni.n nlin .1 1 fm rM'Il r('d. aDU I fine." - Archie Trenton, Ch(ropr Kcucnrch llureau, Statement No. vmiu AiifITMKNT for health can lw made by U D. A. McMillan l'nlmer (iraduate ('IIIROI'HArrOlt llooniH.r. nnd 7 Kxchanxe Mock. ll-.l f 1 O . . ! A j . i aino'icuromeier cnnc " 1 ' Open Kvenlnss to DOlnt of commenrrmint hin Mineral riftima t.iMM... nA..i t.i. I ,Uon 36, Township 3. Orthitn Inland, n'c n.c Skeena Mining Mining Divuion. Division, thi the sum turn nf of A. J, Jtfj.oa, ana that unless aald person pay Dated fX-emher IT. Qi. r uch AtHMsment. toirether with all ennu of advertising, etc.. to the undersigned a Ilutedale, nc. on or before May 12. : Yt': PPiieation will be mad to th Under and by virtue of the provision Pold Commissioner, Prince Rupert, BC, lof Section 28 of th -Mineral Act," no- 1 nv their respective Interest in th tlce I hereby given Misara. Malcolm .r,,n . mentioned Mining Oroup of Bmyth, Edmund Ungli. Harold Hansen Mineral Claim vested In the under and Albert Moore, that there li owing Kn!- to the underlined for Assessment Work I DAVID CORDlIXA. ! performed on the Cordilla aroup ul JACOD K03KI I'lmnc Mil I ANGER, theTAftOR S ults made to or- ft( der er. In our hP Jjl as low as 223 Sixth Street