PAGE SIX Agreeably aged, smooth, fragrant congenial company anywhere L .stal I MOB A J'& YEARS T I OLD Tins advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Moan) or by Hie Government of llrilish Columbia. APPLES Are going up. We have on Special in all sizes. An Apple '& Day Keeps the Doctor Away ORDER NOW. Yellow Newtons, wrapped $2.73 Winesaps, wrapped . . $2.75 Black Twigs, wrapped $2.75 Yellow Newtons, jumble pack $2.23 Rhubarb, 2 lbs 33c Lettuce 15c Brussel Sprouts, per lb. 30c Cauliflower 23c and 33c Get your requirements early. Apples are advancing Mussallem '5 417-423 Fifth Avenue East Phones' 18 and 81 Eye Strain The discovery that Headaches are frequently the direct result of Eye Strain brought about the correct way to relieve the difficulty and plated testing eyes and adjusting glasses on new and important ground. Two "troubles are relieved with one stroke. Come to us for ready relief from Eye Troubles. A. E. IRELAND Graduate Optometrist 319 Third Avenue. Opposite G.W.V.A. WOOD Dry Jack Pine. Cedar, Hlrch and Spruce Per load $6.50 Per half load $3.50- Per sack 50c Firelightem, 48 for $1.00 delivered. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. Alexander Smjth Block Phone S75 DENTIST SHAWSARCASTIC ABOUT WOMEN -(i.ltS.- C'llllli: lllt()AIC.STIl COM- i paw ni'KiNO mum: netmkkn LAHV KIIONMIA AMI CUES. i. I' TKItTON LONDON. Feb. 24r-(By Canadian Despatch). The recent debate on the question of whether or not the woman of leisure was a "menace to the community." In which Q. K. Chesterton, Lady Rhonnda and G forge Bernard Shaw participated, furnished great enter. talnment to the large audience. The debate was broadcast. Before the discussion opened. Mr. Shaw explained a great difficulty as chairman. i "Now the condition on which broadcasting Is conducted in this country." he said, "Is that nothing of a contro verslal nature must be spoken from the platform or anywhere else except by members of the government. How any animated, possibly embittered, controversy is to be carried on this evening without either of tjie speakers becoming controversial I cannot tell you. "I am sorry to say that I cannot un dertake to keep order In that respect, because one of the conditions of broad- "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT NOTICE OK APPLICATION- IOK IIKKIt LICENCE NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that on the 1st day of February next the undersigned Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for a licence In respect to premises being part of the building known as Central Hotel, situated at the comer of First and Seventh Street. In the City of Prince Rupert. Protlnee of British Columbia, upon the lands de scribed as Lots Eleven (III and Twelve US), xnirteen (13) and Fourteen (14. In Block Ten (101. Section One (1) City of Prince Rupert. Province of Brli-lsh Columbia, according to a registered map or plan deposited in the Land Registry Office at the City of Prince Rupert aforesaid and numbered 023. for the sale of beer by the glass or by the open ! bottle for consumption on the premises. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C.. this 3rd day of January. 1937. Applicant Week-end Specials Sunkist Oranges, small size, 17 for 23: it. i i . iiuu uox $1.4-1 Per box, special $2.6'. Imperial Valley Grape Fruit, 3 for 23c 'GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT." NOTICE OF APPLICATION IOK ISEEIt LICENCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, on the 10th day of February next, the undersigned intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for a licence in respect of premises being part of the building lands described as all that portion Waterfront Block "I." Bay of ot Prlr Prince Rupert. City of Prince Rupert. Province of British Columbia. Man 923. Sunkist Oranges, right size for tS"and ,.SlErU& kiddies, 13 for 23c ,crlbed follows: Eating Apples, wrapped stock. . tTineSV t5S Xr d Staymen Winesaps, 3 lbs. for'?8' " ' nit distance of 787.30 feet . from the centre of circle as shown on '"I i said nan 923, section 7, thence south 6def 33' 25" east a dlstsnce of 60 feet to a point, thence north 83deg. 24' 35" east a distance of 100 feet to a point, thence north 6deg. 35' 35" west a dlstsnce of 60 feet to a point, thence south 83deg. 24 33" west a distance of 100 Rhuh.irh 9 lh feet to the point of commencement ,,, j ... ' i , ;for the sale of beer by the glass or by Head Lettuce, each 15c the open bottle for consumotion on the uaunnower 3ac, 40c, iocirig?. DATED Fresh Spinach, 2 lbs 33c i Sweet Spuds, per lb 10c Mexican Tomatoes, per lb. . . 33c B.C. Fresh Pullet Eggs. 3 dozen for $1.23 Empire Picnic Hams, per - lb. 19'2c - this 12th day of January. 1027. II. A. LXJUU. Applicant. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO ITKCIIASE LANII TAKE take NOTICE isutice THAT THAT I. I. Arthur Arthur Robert- , n ., , Robert-Ayrshire Roll Dacon, sliced; per) son. Massett. B.C.. occupation Miuman, 10 3jc lalra " ?P'y lor permission to pur- Peameal Back Bacon, sliced, per rcenc. anoSt corner of lb. Pure Lard, Shamrock Leaf, 3 Ib. pails 5 lb. pails 10 lb. pails or Golden Loaf Cheese, per lb, 5 lb. bricks Brunswick Sardines, 4 for Castile Soap, long bar ... $2.1 : , . 10t" 51.73 Swift's Premium Ham, sliced, per' lb . r,0c Half Ham, per lb 10c j Whole Ham, per lb 38c Cristo, 1 Ib. tins, special 23c j Del Monte Prunes, size -JO-fA! packed in 4 lb. boxes, ier box. G'Jc Cowan s Cocoa, 1 lb. tin Grape Nuts, 2 pkgs. for Soap Flakes, in bulk, 2 lbs. Koyal Crown Soap, G bars in pkg. 23c Spring Clothes Pins, C dozen for 23c Milkin'a Jelly Powders, 4 for 23c Fig Bars or Ginger Snaps, per lb. 19c j Fresh Ground Coffee, per lb. 43c Rupert Table Supply Co Phones 210, 211 and 212 MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phone 657 13c ' 1965. Q.c.1. District: thence south on , tmT chains; thence east forty chains; aliver .thence north to shore: thence following 63c hlghwater mark to point of commence-ei in raent' containing one hundred acres, 5I.IU more or less. 43c 33c for 23c 23c 17c Located this 30th day of December 1928. ARTHUR ROBERTSON i FRUITS and VEGETABLES We are sure that we can Hell you Canned FruiU and Vegetables away below any other price quoted because we cll lot of them. THIS WEEK C tin Tomatoes, any brand, 2,2,8, for 03c G tins Tomatoes, any brand, 2'g, for 73c Corn and Peas, C tins for . . 93c Any variety Malkinn Best Fruits: Peaches, Pears, Cherries, Loganberries, Apricots and Pineapple 3 tins for 93c Strawberry and Apple or Raspberry and Apple Jam A new product which is delicious, per tin 50c; 2 tins for '93c Empress Orange Marmalade 4 Ib. tin, per tin 57 '2c 2 tins for $1.15 Our business is jfrowlnir, our iservlce is better; we guarantee satisfaction. Phones 45 and 574 B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited THE DAILY NEW3 Thursdar 11 (oreBiwlmidMerfireMX PURITy FLOUR ofypefslty Wlsadk SMj Coolm casting in this country Is that I indi vidually and personally am not to be allowed to broadcast on any terms whatever. Probably at this moment the Postmaster-Oenerai Is listening In. He Is realizing that I am speaking. His horror Is probably growing with every sentence that falls from my lips. "How am I to be stopped? How are the speakers of the evening to be stopped from becoming controversial? Well, I don't know. But It occurs to me that the "ostinaster-General may call out the guard. If you find, then, an energetic force of military and police breaking into this hall, shattering the microphone and leading me away In custody. I must ask you not to offer any resistance. Your remedy Is a constitutional one. You must vote against the government at the next election, or you may write to the Postmaster-Oenerai telling him what you think, of him." LAIIY KIIONNDA Lady Rhonnda held that the leisured woman was a menace. She Instanced the futUlty of the Idle woman's life and deluded In her Indictment such things as the high heel and the big shops. Mr. Chesterton thought there was a great deal to be said for any man or necessarlly meant going outside the home The home was the only place left where there was any liberty, any Individuality, any creative power or any possibility of the human personality developing as auch. "Yes, but whose home?" asked Mr. Shaw. "I should call upon him to give , kl. 1.4m. - - . V. 11... a. I .110 lUlHI y IIUU1C MAI UUU1C UIC. Jt "My own opinion," he said. "Is that If you were to rise and challenge Mr. Chesterton, also to rise upon this platform and dance the Charleston with Lady Rhonnda I dont believe he would be able to do It." I fresh, Fowl, No. I, lb. Hour. 42'a. No. 1 hard wheat .... 12.65 Pastry flour. 10'a' 65c Pastry flour, 49's 12.00 tEUETAIILES Beets, e lbs 35c luO lbs , $2.75 B.C. Carrots, lb 3c .00 lbs $2.23 Rutebagas, 8 lbs 25c 100 lbs. ..............., $2.75 Potatoes, 100 Ibsj.. ,. 4 ....... . $2.60 Potatoes. 8 lbs 35c Oreen Peppers, lb. 73oj Parsley, bunch I5c Rhubsrb, lb. 35c' Cauliflower, B.C.! head 35c-40o California head lettuce 15c Garlic, lmported, per lb 40c i B.C. cooking onions, S tba 35c Celery 20c j Sweet potatoes, : lb 10c 1 Brussel sprouts, lb, 35c Mexican tomatoes, lb ; 35c! 8plnach, lb. ..."...7. 15c New California cabbage, lb 103 I'KL'IT Oranges, Navels, dozen 25c to 85c Florida grape fruit, 3 for 25c Lemons, Sunklat, dos 35c and 35c Ijnperlal Valley grape fruit, 3 for 35c Bananas, lb 200 f Extracted honey, lb 25c and 35c Apples, Stayman Winesaps $2.75 Cookllng apples $1.93 Apples, BplUenberjj, $2,75 WOULD PLACE TABLET ON MONTREAL HOTEL WHERE DICKENS STAYED I MONTREAL. Feb. 34. A suggestion ( that a tablet be placed on the building, formerly known as Roscoe't Hotel, where Charles Dickens stayed while In Montreal in 18M was recently made by . Judge E. Fabre Surveyer. president of the 1st. James Literary Society. In remarks ! to that body. It will be considered by the Antiquarian Society. WIKKLi:. Kl.lOltl 8 a.m. j DIGBY ISLAND. Overcast, frcah NX. 'wind: barometer, 39.00; temperature. 40; moderate aw til. BULL HARBOR. Overcast, fresh 8JS. wind: barometer, 30.00; temperature. 40: moderate swell; a pjn. spoke tug Cape 8cott. in Mllbank Sound, northbound 10 pin. spoke steamer Cardena. In Queen Charlotte Sound, northbound; 8 pm. .spoke tug St. Faith weatherbound in Tjkush Harbor southbound. DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer, 29.- Shaw In summing up. Once a man got'2- temperature. 38. Into the home he hardly dared to think , NOON' at all. "I wonder If there Is keeper In this audience?" asked Mr. DIGBY ISLAND Overrun r.ilm a lighthouse- h.nm.i., wm. ... . -- smooth. BULL HARBOR. Part cloudy. SJE barometer. 79.88; temperature 43: sea rough. DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer. 29 32; temperature. 39. THE HANKKUITCY ALT. IX THE ESTATE OP II I I AM MOIKiAN Al TIIOKIEII ASSKJMMI Notice is hereby given that William Morgan, of the Town of Lockeport. Quee . Charlotte Islands. Province of British K Columbia, did.. on the 13th day of Feb , .,. ruary. wn, make an authorized assign- uulu ment of all his property for the benefit Pure 36c of hU creditors, and that H. T. MacLeod Compound 23e EsJ- Official Receiver, has appointed mr o. , custodian of the rtt. of . B.C. B.C. woman having a good deal more of that i B.C. Market Prices fresh fresh. debtor until the first meetlnr of rredi- pullets 45c l0- .-ti w. Notice is further given that the first "" 000 meeting of creditors In the above estat- extras sue win De neid at the office of the Official glorious thing "nothing to do." It was j Local new laid 60c R:"r"'- Court House. City of Prince a fallacy that service to the community Rupert, in the Province of British Rnl umbla. on the 1st day of March. 1927 'Halibut. Ib 26c at the hour of eleven o'clock In the Salmon, cohoe. frozen 3So ",?'0., ... . ... .To ntllI lou to o thereat proof rv Smoked vi kippers. ik Ib 1 ,t. 5c of your claim must be lodged with me Kippered salmon, lb 25c before the meeting is held. Smoked black cod. lb 'TOS lh!"" BU,t Finnan naddtes, lb. 20c , Aud further take notice that at such Salt mackerel, lb 25c meeting the creditors will elect the per- Eastern salt herring. "3 for 35c Tea1 SSr tv. ,i known as Seal Cove Hotel, situate at I Salt codfish fillets. Ib 30c have any claim agal&at the debtor for the City of Prince Rupert. In the Ptj- Boneless salt cod bricks, lb 35c hlch you are entiUed to rank, prool vlnce of British Columbia, upon the I lot auch claim must be filed with me or ,wlth the trustee when appointed. Other - 35c wise the proceeds of the debtor's etts - Roasting chicken, lb 45o wnl aiMriouted unong the partie Ham, sliced. Ham, whole. first grade w cUtai. ' first grade 4Jo' DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. tin. Ham. Dlcnle. lb Miil" o ' renruary ad. 1927 Cottage rolls, lb 3-59 Bacon, back, sliced 50c Bacon, side --: 45c to 60c .y Pork dry salt ., 35c Ayrshire bacon, lb 49c Veal, shoulder 25c Veal loin 40c '' Veal. leg . 40c Pork, shoulder 23c .f Pork. loin 40c Pork, leg , 40c Beef, pot roast ..'. I2c to 18c Beef, boiling 10c to 12o Beef, steak 25c to 40c Beef .roast, prime rib 30c Lamb, chops &oc Lamb, shoulder 35c Mutton, leg 40c Lamb, leg ' 48c Mutton, chops , 40c Mutton shoulder .' 30e HUTi r.i: Brookrield. Shamrock and Woodland. lo SOo E.CiJ.. lb joe Capital. 2nd grade, 2 lbs S5c Fraser Valley, lb.' 659 New Zealand, Ib. 65c CHEESE Ontario solids ?..... 35c etllton. lb y,. 35c Kraft 45. I Norwegian Goat C5c (Napoleon Llmbcrger 70c Roquefort eOe Swifts' Buttercup, lb 45c Oorgonzola, lb 75c McLaren's Cream, Jars .... 45c and 8S0 Oruyere , 60e Oolden Loaf, lb 45c SKI Alt I White, per 100 17.75 ' Yellow, per IOO 17.33 U.OL'll ALEX A. CONNON. Trustee SYNOPSIS OF LAND 1CT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Varnt. unrervl tunrrd frown Ird'I may be pre-empted by ISiitUh tukjects over It years of nl by aliens on declaring Intsntlon to her-ume British subjects ronrtl-(ional upnn residence, occupation. Mil tuiirovmenl for agricultural urpu)a Full Information concerning rcu-.Mlwns regarding pre-emption. Is rlvn In Hulletln No. I. Land Series, "How 10 Pre-empt I .and." copies of tihlch can be obtained free of charge y addressing the Department of Lnds. Victoria, II C. or to any Gov trnment Astnt s. Records will be granted covering only land suitable for agricultural purposes, and which la not timber-land. Is, carryinc over $.004 board feet ir acre west of the (Toast Hani. I and t.090 fest per acre east of that lUriK. I Aptillcatlons for prs.-emptlona are to be uddresk lo th Larxl Commissioner ot the Land Recording Division, in which the land aopllej for Is sltusted, and are mads on printed forms, copies ot which can be obtained from tlis Iind Commissioner. I'ra-emptlons must be occuplsd for five years -and Improvements mads to value of $10 per acre. Including clearing and cultivating al least five acres, before a Crown Grant cn bs received, for more detsllsd Information sss the Hulletln "How to Prssmpt Land." PURCHASE Applications are received for pur-chse ot vacant and unressrvsd Crown lands, not being tlmberland. for agricultural purposes; minimum price for first-class (arable) land is II per acre, and sscond-ctsas (grss-Ing) land ll.SO per acre. Further Information regarding purchase or Isase of Crown lands la given In Bulletin No. 10. Land Series. "I'urchsse and Lease ot Crown Lands." Mill, fsetory. or Industrial sitss 00 timber land, not exceeding 49 acres, may be purchased or Itssed, ths conditions Including paymsnt ot stumpsge. HOMESITE LEASES Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding II acres, may be leased as homssltes, conditional upon a dwslltng being ersoted In the first year, title being obtainable after residence and Improvement condition, are fulMled and land has bsen surveyed, LEASES rr graslng and Industrial pnr-posee areas not exceeding lit acres may be leaasd by ens perse as- a company, QRAZINQ Undsr the Orating Act the rrov Ince la dlvld.d Into rraxing dlstrlots and the rant, admlnlstersd undsr a Orsilng Commissioner. Annual graxlng psrmlts ars Issued based oa numbers ranged, priority being glv tb established owners. Stock-owners soar form aseKletlone for range maaagsmint. rr.s, er pantr fr, pennlU are available fee settUrm, esvjjper end Uaveilen, 11 u Us T4, . arra saBaaasaaBBl BBMBaaBBsasasi A Hew and Better Optica Service C. R. Mutrie, late of Toronto, hn taken rh . Optical Department. .Mr. Mutrie Is an eMHrien,- ' I Oplnmetrist with 2H yearh practical exr-erien. llPrallrtif,1 ' close and intimate Knowledge of rim f .""li mid Rives hpecinl attention to children. " ,tililt e nne one m me iint-M nnn most un-tud 1. Parlon in Canada, with nil the IntrM nnnli..' - "I'l'IIUIIirV We keep failh with the public. IN'tnembor Hint a trunr;intet i milir .- ' !"" f.i res....r.w make It. V mn ,uV auiijij. & n Max Heilb roner Diamond Specialist. , ThjrJ WESTHOLME THEATRE THURSDAY ONLY, 7 and 9 p.ra. The year's treat comedy n. HKN WON, MAY McAVOY. TOM .MAfil HtK I'lllfO CUI.l.OUCll. SAM HARDY, fllARI.OTI H V,I.Ku , and strong cast CIIRISTIK COM K I ) Y "M I STK 1 1 WIFE AL'SOr.S FILM FAUI.ES AdmUsiun 35c and It: Amazingly Truthful Reproduction Making every record do Iti best Thi new Drunawlck quickly won the hearts of music lovers everywhere. The case, too, is beuutiul beyond the uual. Come in and say I want to hear the new tMONoesArai an si(otnv J. LORNE MacLAREN, Ltd. Third Avenue, Corner Fifth .Street l Canadian Nations Qic Largcfl Railway Syflcm in Amen Steamshio and Train Ssrvice , k I'llIM 1: llll-ilir uin nuivir 11 I'l 11 r fur AM III TOIHl, MIATJI.I ami InlrrmrrtUle (mini- r: li ltllV t sji. I'lCINfi: HI I'l. II T fr MIWtllT and .tNWIV MM 1"'v ' I . . 1 hi nltl "I .. hum 1. 4imi lor v.tMiiivi.u tu ui 1.1 ' I.AM11, fiirlnlilitly. I'AXSHMIIIC TICtlNS t.HMK I'llIM-!: iuni lui-K tllVll IV Ul'liil'kiill' -.a M-wttflatl' . t II til at tl'. I1-' - tllOIKii; lliMOMKN, UIVMI'Ml.all iminl li-lcrii I aisJii. 1 Male. .4li:N('V All. Of 'KAN Ml K.tMSllir M 1' CiiiuOlan Nulloiul i:tirr lir Mmiey Order. Iarr..: nr. aiMi ir jour nevt stiipmrnt "i rv TK Ki;r oi i ici:, an tiiiiio r... riciM i; m I'Htr rt" NO ONE IN CANADA NEED DRINK IMMATURE WHISKY. THE AGE OF Whisky IS GUARANTEED BY THE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT This ndvcrllsenicnt Is not pulillslicd or 'i"'sPlayf,., ' I.iiiir Control Hoard or by Uc (.overrun v of Hritlsh Columbia.