a ee Prince Rupert Daiiy News The Time For Christmas Giving... ™ x SPECIAL «x: NORTH AMERICAN CENTRE BACK ; MUSKRAT —_$31).00 Dyed in the newest charles MOUTON _ $439.00 ; Brown Dyed an’ Processed Lamb ‘ 3" . * ‘ “TBs er eround the corer. When = think of If you intend to buy a new fur coat it is wise ‘ ‘ gifts why not fry the eleven merchants listed epee rae as ~— f = 7} \ below. See the many items they have suitable Rape en & ™y for Christmas gifts. See for yourself how you can save $50 - $75 by purchasing your fur coat from— BILL SCUBY FURS. Box 1362 Prince Rupert, B.C. 302 Third Ave. Qn PATRONIZE THE LOCAL FIRMS amt WHICH ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU SILENT ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR OUTSTANOING VALUES OF LUGGAGE) You're Weather-Right in Your | HEAD WIND OR NO WIND 4-Season, Ali Purpose’ (er = OuTDOOR | ay JACKET =| --With detachable fuy collar. Interlined with- “KESHMERE” all virgin woot.‘. . guaranteed thermal insulation - “ah Waterptoof: MeBRINE and TKAVELGARD Luggage Handsome choice of TAL com be installed vce, taker anyplace otes on 25 of GO cycle, AC or DC leathers, fabrics and colors Ne moving parts to wear out MATCHED SETS - INDIVIDUAL PIECES a MERCURY ha 1G ENOUGH FOR ALL ESSENTIALS GLADSTONES 4b F. { “ a 2 \ small deposit will hold your purchase until Christmas JOIN OUR CHRISTMA LAY-AWAY LUB “ i : =F ~~ 4 pe : ‘ : ‘ , ° ma cs ee %, HUMPHREY CLOTH 4 Ww Only $139.50 Attention Basketball and Badminton Players 3G Shooping Days Till Christmas JACKETS ; sll te she yf gary Sol gy, SHOP AT MANSON’S and choose the way you wish to pay. heim . shettines POP ; : a NOBLES THE SPORTS SHOP NAANSON’S JEWELLERS |} Acme Clothing Store | © 201 Third A West THE HOUSE OF BETTER JEWELLERY” Serving the Public for Over 37 Years ee 622 Third Ave. W. Phone Blue 69 Phone Green 324 522 Third Ave. W. : saad Ye PO” (2d a Anavatte’s “ee PRE-CHRISTMAS SALE mSTILL GOING (7 ALL NYLON SNOWS STRONG ~ It's Easy to Own A BOAT Have you ever dreamed of owning a boat of UITS BOY'S and GIRLS our own but thought it was beycnd your means tO buy one or beyond your capa- bilities to build: one? We can solve yeur prob- ’ lem with a CHRIS-CRAFT K s BOAT. You can buy a Chris- - Monarch Knit Sweaters oss } Craft for, y ag. $77.50. @. ate, | Nvton or Pure Wool *% WINDPROOF ya sos aint nah Rage ‘ eeseeee $2.99 k WAL SEP F iit sod saciid joir owe pee Mie 5 ‘ Pre-Christmas Sale %& EASILY LAUNDERED All the parts are cut te fit and ready to put together. ~@ OXFORDS r @ Heavy WORK BOOTS: @ RUBBER FOOTWEAR mMorry other item ISTMAS SALE PRICES $16.95 each en FREE with all - CHRIS-CRAFT BOATS AND KITS From $77.50 to $170,000.00 Chris-Craft Inboard Engines also Evinrude Outboard Motors Pacific Electric 718 West 2nd Ave. Phone Blue 992 See the selection USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN ') POR YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING NETTE MA NSEI psuoet| The Stork Shoppe WEAR TOMORROW'S STYLES TODAY 263 Third Avenue West Phone Blue 810 Third Avenue (Next to Commodore Cafe) hom Your Door To The Store In Minutes — RADIO CABS — a PHONE 70 ORMES First With Radio OPEN DAILY FROM 9 A.M. 10 9 P.M. NSHWAY TRIPS R SPECIALTY RECT LINE TO Prince Rupert's Pioneer Druggists yw FREE... SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS CHECKING SERVICE FOR YOUR PARCELS 12 Noon Till 2 P.M. — 7 P.M. Till 9 P.M. | ORT EDWARD Npt, Efficient, Courteous, 24-Hour Service Daily Delivery Service PHONE 8i e