PAGE rOU2 TEC ftAfLY JE775 Tra. BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMer1J, Value ii I WCl. . mC. TH.ID TO TILL l-TBaSOTOTtULft TVAT VUtr TH ft.-WPSK Special (cwAticxrv k vcxj know TMATOTf-. ME m wet M. 1 '1W yfCXi SAM MOM SCAT T C Auki. tikw -rr.M MC AM I , HAPPiNtD TO err s uAotaORt -o 1 -foun cva V cas 41 That when i VAJT OCKtD HIM ONE. WO D UtD HAULiM BRICK I COm oi ' n TO ANOTHER- HE SAlO TOO UVCK ATXV MAM MCT- JIGGS.1 w s- i WW FM1 Oil 0J Sandwich Plate $6.50 Thn new article to quality dnr plait aaai lac kaaak nm Cf to ft eaa ate be wwi wltt a rlaas disk ia tiw centre for olives r crackers and ehecac or a plain ease or aaaaVich plate. Send for oar sew eatalamw. JOHNgULGERf rlFWFI I .FRS SLttc store wrm toe clock INDIAN SUMMER VctT W YOURi Swia soon be ccai ?oa the ) V CONE!- J COLO CRV J The Fall montba are falling behind and you'll hare Winter on before yoa know it. Joto the "don't worry" club today and get yoar bin filled right away. Oar h lute-free coal will five yon a care-free Winter. NANA1MO . WELLINGTON COAL and AMIL'ICTA SOOTLEBS COAL Albert & McCaferj I'lionet I1C and 117 I Manufacturers I Outlet Sale of I A DIES' HATS DKHBSBS LINCKUIE at The Louvre 316 Third Avenue Next Royal Bank 117 oo DRY niltCII, CEDAR AND JACK PINE Single Load i.."0 Double Load $a.ft0 Lare Sack 50? I1UNULES DRY KINDLING, $1.00 Phone ."HO HydeTransler AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue ANGER, the TAILOR Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed "Suita made to order in our shop in Prince Rupert as low fiJCC AA as I. ANGER, Cutter and Dfslgner 22.1 Sixth Mreet IS OPPOSED TO ABtf-EwiatfoaJate U Carry ea Fight in Several of Inited State Oklahoma cm world's CbrawJes Funds aim don to psvpariag jthe iann to the Drc 6 The tab Aaaocav- lor a bitter fight of the nmsm tarry of svotTTttoa to Oklabosna. Kansas aad irtiiM according a Dt T a alley, uiaaanmt of .nation w.i: tbc aaaocauton Ml ttsell m lata' asgsBatures ' and the voters j "These three lUM will be tbc ceowe of the anr. attack on tbc taaehlag o! evolution tn th? public athaots mad col-, lag." Mary declared, "and I am ut-. tctly eonTlneeti tba.; wt will win our out tn In tbc tbe altbooa! ehuRb tn JdaeatlonaJ bead to man mj leeialatar. wbHc b Own iz, '.he people a: be touejnt NEW EXHIBITION HALL P an i Ample financial backing already u for the t.zhi Kllet said, ane PROPOSAL TO ABOLISH I TWO-THIRDS VOTE FOR j NOiMINATO CANDIDATE jll.H. Iteniorralie IMrtt tUr taln Itrlnt j op Q-!wn at Xrxt PvlHkat i CiHiirenllaa WASHUiOTON. D C Dec 6 Wbcn tbe Democratic National COBnaatUe awcta tn Waablnaton tn mid-January tta meaaben probably will be ad to con sider oaec again whether the rale re- qubiag a two-tbarda rote for nomlna.- d of a pvealdentlaJ candidate abould fnanaaati oak the riew that tbe quaa- tlon whether a hare major..? or two-thxrOj of taw coriTent:-n abould nominate : one for tbc cnvcBtton itacif to i "Ac cverwbelmtBf aaalotltT of ! .he church popte of OfclahTanc. atraady . are in favr of an anti-evolution la. ; : nut tbc 'UbeaJa noio tbe ofliii. wbBc aad eonaai Wad in llirnaeli-1 eountry arc abnoat aa a tuut and Baaaaa. be aaio til be addMaaad to tbc BIGGEST IN THE WORLD lanrathire IluIMing Hit be Twice a large a Any Enr.lih Cathedral sfANOirBSTSl, Eng.. XJec 6. Lancashire county la to have the Urges: exhibition hall tn the world, a bulldlnjr : that would contain anv E?:f!tjh cathedral twice over This u ix.:. nuide possible by the reconstrurt;T. o' the lm-1 mense cattfe market that has been ' nWen up by the city of Balford. The new hall will he within or mile of' afancrWr and bt u--' for e.tlii- I bltioi: purposes The cUmentuna or Uu ilun lLUl cCthe service V J Fairbanks-Morse Marine Diesel Engines Fall Dick! prtncipte no lary Sgnrbon devices. Two-ctroke-cyde imaVity with eirleM injectioc of aceL No Talyes to gad; no ccro-jwkated ralwe rock rn to keep in adjiaaiiiciiL thealowgradeaof lael 08. High eeuauiuj in the uae of Ml ana hibncatmt oil EaceSeat marxTTivcrmc: and operatina qoafi-tiaa on fight loada cad alow ifwcda, Sturdy, mnaam. with all ports taadfly accesaibae. SauB apaee re- Made aV aUawnkf jiam.- aob-p a cart 40 h.p 4 cyt 60h.p 3cyL 80 h-p. 4 cyt 130 h.p 6 cyL 126 h.p . 4 cyL 10 feat So the arched reef. Baroeaa Attiason and Bit Owen wu-llama, the architect and enetntrr rcs-peUlislj. arc tneorporattag an tataaent-tog departure from uaarauUuual biM-tng praeties In tbc aeiiatliullun of tbe main ball, which will raniU In a pttbue buiidhog having tbe largest single spaa tn tbe worw. the span being no bat there M inereaatnc talk about Im than 2S0 feet. tbe capital that the commiuee ttaelf may bt aounded out on tbe cub)eet dar- K aanfla here. 1 of tbe moat determined oeo- aeata of tbc candldacv of Oovemor Banlth of now York are opposing aay devattion from tbe two-tbtraa rule, but Senator Watah. of Htm tana, who baa not been friendly to the Snttb cauat. and who eerved u enatrman of tbe 1M eonrentlon, aald be farored noaalaatton by a aleipte major?. '-regardJeoa of wtuaa It aai bam" wAfHhefPJrt?ry;r3tf of Arkanaaa. to a proponent of the two-third rate, but be aald that he beUevod enough rotes bad bam Dtedfed to ac-cure its abaadOBaarnt. He added that lf majority rule were adopted, be he- !ievd South woulo be nominated, while if the two-thlrda rule were maintained smith would not. Other Democrats, including come of the South, where tbe ranks are Ulrty toltd for retention of tbe two-thirds rule, are prepared to fight the abolish ment move, declaring. In some lnstanoat. their willingness to have the party adopt the change at this convention to take effect lour rears hence. Whether a two-thirds vote of tbe convention would be required to kick er the two-thlrda rule Is a matter of (peculation. Borne believe that a ma jority vote of tbe convention can suspend the rule. lSOh.-J40 h.p-360 h-p.-480 h.p-600 h.p- cyt t cyt -cyL teyL cyL 7J0 h-p. O cyL CANADIAN rairbaiLks -Morse COMyANYvOmltot T BEATTT ST.. VANCOUVER. BC will be Oat feet by 9M bet. and wtth its aufsckflary baHs and ofaeea wtfl have s total area of M0.790 squat feat, or more than four acres. Whereas tbr sreat hall at Otympta has a total area at 108JOD aquare Met. of which BTTSO square teat ts dear of pillar and columns, tba new bulldfcjg will have no leas than 143 .70 aquare fart, an of obrtruetlone. and a hctsht ol CJJ-R stasmcr Prince Cbsries. whtch oas been op for over ewe weeks under gotr.' annual OTerhaul .was taken OS tbe pontoons at tba dry dock this fiftemco.-i and ttcd up at the met wbrre s will remain for the rest of tbe winter. , KEPT TRYST AT CATHEDRAL ' LOWDOII ! J ner. jatnctfm! A old r aad on r Lane Bjr: - to BRITISH GRAIN SHIP DUE THIS AFTERS , ttmH HelBg Ijoea WIU Take np Hartb i at BWt' aad MBart Loaalag t I l.K.-CsMataaat ' Op o boob today no further ward usd been received of Prmr Bupart jirurth grata f 'p of the ssasoa. S. ' V.'trtaby ctot. -.nan that arte should i-mve sobm time thla afternoon The ' reatel aeing lined, aba will go on berth aaaoat immediately to atari leading a full eargo of grab) for tbe United Kingdom or Oontlnent. The Warlaay la a Brttaah afeup and ts.practlealry new. having brea Bant wtltstrj tbe past two years Ho cMCuUte time lav bam rrseive:: for tbc antral of tbc Atnaerby which -. due thb week alao. Ballway onices this morning iaportcr 3;5 carloads of grain on the dBrauoij west of Jasper bound for tba local le-aurr tMncr yesterday neoa. 04 ear- '.oads arrived. MEN EftlPLOYED IN ROAD GRADING ARE BEING LAID OFF Some twenty or .more taeu who ham been saaptoyed By tbe Vancouver PUe-drtvlag & Conmcttng Co. in the grading of tbe Kales bland Highway to Oauoway RapidJ, which work Ic bow completed, will call by tbe Osmosun tonight for Vancouver. Planking and surfacing of :hr far end of the read has yet to be dene aad It is eapcoectl thf will be completed oo after the firs, of . the year Give the family a welcome change, something original add a few "OXO" Cubes to your vegetable soup. They T'Vm.. x"Cy . put put i in m it, the uie rich ncn goodness gOOQ- 1 of beef, and impart a distinctly pjeang .flavpuF thatis'different,, BBTysuv'MrsM aww;r Wtt&Z&M HH2 mm fin 1 a tt-'r-Eu . n Oooe-Tsar pact M jraan ago. low rr m at Bt Paul's ivjautly r of a parqr of fht 10OS vhaa. laOow-paet to Btcet at Bt Paul "a as yaar lvt? Tbe trjm: wa kept two yaas ic or tbe four two if tbe ctbes -ha- inc lallen tn tbe wax nd two hartaf died. The aurrtvora 141 ud to ma it '.: gatbenaf an annual vent. Aa tbe frtcnnf were on the point of leaving tba Cathedral on Batarday to go to dinner toa-..ier. they ware Joined by tba walow of -: of thetr lonacr eol-lcaawca. who. wr.f. bar daufhter. had eoaac to keep tbr tryat on baball of lr V anted For Sale For Rent by a ttwQtag beat. 1 tLp. at ob tba ouwkirta. aad tbe saaal eaaa- Si ay trolicr is h p Fair U arc illbliss beeaose tba vusmt saaka noliee arc drawn fraaa tbe arteetpal 4 by 11-e Berne boat. W h p with oenter of pfarntallaa a guard Che mtBoaa aabnon se:ie used only boose of tbe fHiiaatlin at aha awabe- abort usioa wtth line, and urallrr. it we around Mr CbarchfO! hsau or sue o esook m tba DANCING SCHOOL IN ! CONNECTION WITH pay nominal dues to defray tbe for an oreaawa aad Instructors Ore aarnsttaaaa patfoiai thno days' daty w:thcut reat The palkw autborNBa at ' EPISCOPAL CHURCH PltlfHlUUOH. Pa T- 0 A dancing school, where all the latest steps are to be taught by competent laiifiesliwial mehera ta tbe newest addition to Bt ?t:rr-s Prcteitant Kpisoopal Ohurcb Tbe Rev Waldo Amoi. paator. aald tbe church ban would be used every Friday vening for tbe young peaptcv of the rwtghaorbood who aattaeveV learn the mcdern tteaar atepa. He acated It wst part of tba paraw program to make the church interesting for young folk. 'fnoae who enter tbe dance das will BEAU TAX LATEST MONEY RAISING PLAN SsTW TOItS. Dec 6 -There's a "beau tax" at tbe Harriot Judson Home of the Y.W.C A In Brooklyn. Svery young j man who carat on s girl there at esaes-! ted for bis vaatt. He pays 35 cents far j an audience In tbe high baok chain or j tbe lounge. If be desuas the privity I ol the parlor tbe tax Im SO cents. Far mere call he la required to pay a dime The "beau" tax and receipts from rummage aaies and ether enterprises pace netted the borne ii.MBJS thus Jar a aaa tuoo. At a recent tarithaj of ae lidl ' Aapty t. Ftesa. Bos M Phoae M. asc kept for contrlMittoatbe iui) drvaf ; w1 the Brooklyn Y.W.C.A. Phone 31 POUCE BETTER rrjundeiit Who Hanteil Mmiry 4Uki Itake of l-ortLinrl aa Kepllnl to a Cot- LONDON. Dec. e-"I was oace fortunate enough to win tbe Derby, and ss a reault I received a trnneaaNHM number of begging letters." declared the !uke of Portland, at a meeting her. One was from a youth who wanted 36 ta buy a bicycle He said his brother had one, and the money would prevent the applicant from committing :he act of Oatn." I replied ss follows: "Dear Sir: I am in receipt of your implication, and have torwsrded It to :. police in your district, who will be , "ttf to prevent you (ram eom-j ni it ting the crime v, which you refer j ' r rer than 1 can " AUTOS OUST STORK" IN MANY FAMILIES COMPETITION KEEN ' PROVTtnWCB. BT Dec d.AutomO bllee today are competing wtth tbe stork, in the opinions of Dr Harmon Jordan. lupeTintendent of the Provideace MJ-.-mlty Hospttal. The city birth rate was lower Uit year than It was in 1923. the doctor pointed out. adding that It probably will w wwer mis year thsn it was last. Borne decrease, he believes, osn be ae-; Minted for in the fact that many per-:i are .mablf to afford both automo-'' h'n- expreatmg their pre- t Advertise in The Daily News run an.Lt. aa rr. rsact FACaBF aJVD l-o HP aaavv duty Tivhaa. with eoaupleV aajulp- at M Blepbena. baadOwsntrs are betag com- roa ftatX. - BUT. ROOMBC ROOM muciaatad wlta upon tbc matter wtth bath and aaatrv m bWtio. s 440 S409 each, balaaee arranaed Aaaty MA. Tth Ave wan. BBS rwMSHSD jfrw two asXkatXD for Sale. Aaaty Tea, Ossaatb Avenue w tae HOUSES FOR SALE nx ROOM did condition and ajteeoo. cash ijmw. ranged. Five Doomed HoBsr Ooed aa FOR RENT FOR RENT Stager sewrng Mustc Store loattaaa. Prtec tzjaajga. Oasb HMM: raaeed. n. r. tivki:r a ro. machine. With Eatth. balaaee aV- I.TII. aad Wwtkerw FOR RENT MODERN HOOPS: BXCaX-lentvtew. Apply 21 Faanah Ava. E. FOR RENT ApartmnU by tbe diy. week or raesth. Pboae Red 807. U HOUSE FOR RENT 6 ROOMS AND BATH Apply Monro Bras. U FOUND BUNCH OF KEYS FOUND. APPLY Dally Nwa Office. PRINCn Kt'PTKT IIAKIHm KEUVItU Terms very moderate. ritr.ioiiT i. U. Arnold. Proprietor Oo anywhere anytime. Day or night. Always on board. boat always available. MO: P.O. no 210 EVCHANGE xi:n ai skco.M) iMMjiirijiittiKi: ihouahii- aM4 ivM' MA T.Iw. ....... Player Piano and Two Cash Regutert in stock. lMP.tnopii.os S.M Third Are. M.lRtR Phone fill C1IRIST.MAS TOYS CHRISTMAS TOYS OF A 8IOEKD1D As sortment are now on dtsetay. We are j placing a great number away for ouri customers who are taking savsntagej 01 cany buying. Do not delay In selecting your to ye and Ohrtatmas gifts. We will deliver for you Ohrtxt-mss Eve. A. McKF.NZIE. Ft'ItMTt ftK Phone 775 Every Day ia IHIf.MR DAY at THE nnLLAH RTOItE. See our Urge rsnge of Chrutmss Gifts. Nothing vOTtlOiTDelLr. kthimn'by sweep If. i. Zl'MKEIIR Ornrral ll.mily .Mnn Furnaces and Stoves Cleaned and Repaired. Chlmnies 8wept. Oemetery PloU Csred For. Phone Red S43. Prince Rupert, B.C. I'OMIXIO.V H'KNIIl'ltE KXrilAXOB N. IiKSOl ltDES Proprietor 144 Third Avenue We Buy Sell or Exchsnw snvthlng Phone llUck til DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken'.for leas than 50c TOO MANY POUCEHEN TO GUARD CHURCHILL IAWOO. Dw S Wiaaaaa eaaartry baaaw it at Weatcraaai. tbe u bora Mr Wtnatoc CburehHIa WANTED alas. WAKTBC FOft FOR SALE iok ku: 40 H-P ata ndara baavy on a gaac HJ BaaTalu t-cyelt Artki, Found,, uiunuumu lllUirJlUi le taneoaver j Tnnday- -at d:, Pliday as. Pr:!: . Saturday as On as Pru. Nor SO H P-, Dr. 21 as fr Irma VannHtver Sunday a c.-;:. Wednnday- i-Saturiia'r m ' . Saturday -at Prm-tH Wot Jb Pr ; . ' Tsc 17 m Pr . . . Dec 31 m Pr.:. i. J lw Pwrt HImswhi jif! Sjjt C :r- 8ur.JT at la: Craaa Pwrt Mm.ii. af km Tueadat a i , rwr tauv airi nr , SuntU) m ! Weonewl-y 1 Ivnai ma ami - Tuesday -ea C i.- Pr:da--M P-Iwr l)aeen Char .n- Dc I ta Dec !7 n P:.. Irani Uurrn t'hri!!rs- Dec 1 ss P- Der IS as P rvr AUtka Bav. asas P- - tfiae. Ma. a- .. !i R iDca. Ss- aa P-irmn .tlaka M. tw-a Pr tkm il Pr GPJB- MAIL SCHEDULE orroiirn. l w Jtie fli ueawaje. Weon- Nov. so r Mond.iv V. Satanaays rrvsn Vanreuttr Sundays Wednetdsys . eacfrraays opjv ov ae d Tnuas. Boaday 1 13 From the Tbt T aWs TrlllTi S E "-- aa Ta1 Vanewurer ... ...wtrf IS To Anyot. Alrre ,rw Premier zsci SunOsf Wednesdays . . Frtan Anjot. Alice Arm, Mr Prfmler Taesdays FrBHya To Xast Rlfer Plnt- SwBaaya rrom Nam Rlter Polnt- Taeeday To AUks Point NOV. M. Dec 1 ' " From Alaka IMlnt Nov. 30. Dec SJ Wand foist" To tjueen Charlotte Ifeceatoer . From iieen tnarrour .- December 1 and is CN.R. TRAINS for the Bait Usodays. Wednesday-- -t at 11 JO a m From :tie East -Tuesdsys. Thursday" i at 3.J0 pjn. e .in PRINCE RUPEin i'' TIESIIAY lirrEMHES High 11 17 ' LOW SOQ:.:: 17 53 P -'' tVEDXESHAV. nixEJints High M. O.OB 13:0a p in Low 5:51 alr 18-41 nl Tilt WSDAY. DECEMnEB H,rh 0 5 12 40 I Low j 19 23 p -