THE DAILY NBW? PAGE TERE1 n i - Local and Personal MOUNIE Arthur'a Taxi. . Pnona 678. V B O. Undertaken. Phon. 41. Dentist. Dr. J. R. Oosse. PlioneC80. Oet the Big 4 habltl When thinking of a Taxi.- phone 4. tl PIiih retiullt, Ukt new at Me. Arthur1 shoe More. tf Why you need LlFEBUOY--the purifying Toilet Soap Think, of the adventures of a coin or a piece of paper money in a single day. Think how unclean a. thing can become by passing from hand to hand. And money is only one of the objects you often touch that, are. touched by other hands objects that carry invisible but dangerous germs. Millions " have turned to Lifebuoy Soap as a prevention against infection and as an all-'sufficient, jdelightful Toilet Soap. The orange red cake in the orange red carton is a familiar sight in countless homes where the truth is recognized of. the old axiom that "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." At all Grocers and Druggists 27 GERM DISEASES that hands may carry CmfilJ kj Lift Ixunsit Instilul: CoMe Piak Ey TonsiHitia Oticil Mumps (ttr Infection) Ringworm Pharyns;itii Whooping Cough Smallpox Erjlinelai Lipmcris Scarlet Fever Chjckenpos Septicemia Boilt Meailel Bronchitis Typhoid t Djunury Tuberculoiii Pneumonia 'Influenza Carbuncles Laryngim Impetigo (Skin Infection) Social Diseaset Ccrebro Spinal Meningitis 'Tha war WIm aawadi It unlmowa w Mka ettrf s-rtcautio.. LIFEBUO Health Soap Purifies andProlects Lem Brother! Limited Toronto UTI FOH KENT Johnson's Electric Floor Polisher per day 'Let us know the day you want it! Kaien Hardware Co. l'hone 3 Life Assurance Company Winnipeg Manito ba Head Office Endowment policies maturing at a V1' certain i number 0 yt for a tn-i.ig monthly Income yu u They n tf c you offer an attractive .ami safe Investment. cannot be obtained through nd your famllv protection which any other -- Ueprwntave L 'Brandy EL with a Vedircc. ottleil in Co0njc- Dua advert uetiicr.t is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board cr lhe GovernmenT of British Columbia. Accounts up to May 9 totalling 43,- 238.01 were passed for payment at Monday night's meeting of the city council. to her home In Van- A temporary bylaw to the amount of Hotel Regent. Hyder, B.C; Mrs. Oco. Mcllmoyle, proprlctoress. 123 C.N.R. Employees Excursion to Terrace, Sunday, July ,17. Iluliall game tonight Nathe Pons ih. Kiln at 0:3. This afternoon's train, due from the East at 3.30. will arrive on time. Fred Joudry ' returned on the Catala yesterday afternoon from Stewart where he spent a week on business. F. C. E. Hayter of Porcber Island arrived on the Catala yesterday . after noon from Arrandale cannery, uws ftiinam mnao, aner spending D McD Hunter returns to the city a lew oaya in tne city as the guest oi on last llght., specls, traln from Mr. and Mrs. A. Richmond, Emad i,.inji trin to th interior. uiock, returned on the the cataia yester day afternoon couver. Presbyterian. Ladles' Tea & Bale of Home Cooking tomorrow afternoon In the Church' HatL Everyone welcome. f.W.OOO was given Us Initial readings K - ,,,..., Bt n. Bunn at the -meeting of the city council Ltd.. returned on the Prince Ru-Monday night. It was a formal meas- to(Iay afu.r a Drlrt buSiss trip ure providing for the borrowing of vi..,mm.r - I money pending the collection of the r,. year's taxes. pjx Acrcpolls Hill toy seeing "Nothing But the Truth" at the WcsUioime C.P.R. steamer Princess Alice. Capt. Theatre June 2. Tickets on sale at C. C. Salntey. arrived In port at 3 omics. Thursday. ": 124 o'clock this morning from Alaska, sail-, lug an hour later for Vancouver and Walter McRaye, Canadian lecturer Victoria. The Alice is due to touch and entertainer, will address the Prince here on Monday morning on her next Rupert Rotary Club voyage north. I luncheon tomorrow. visit near the capital for some time with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Broadhurst. formerly of this city. A rcixirt from the Board Jf Works recommending that the city solicitor j be empowered to. take the necessary at Its weekly Mrs. Clcorge Wilson and eon, Btlly.' Mrs. J. H. Thoniisnn relumed to the relumed on the steamer Prince Rupert elty on this afternoon's train from today from Victoria whence they ac- Terrace where ilit li been for the compaulcd Miss Jean Wilson who Is to putt two or three weeks. i h Even a woman can understand a man getting pally with a good gun and a good dog. But it takes a man to understand the chumminess of good tobacco. That's why red-blooded fellows fall in love with Ogden's and so put one over on old Euclid by learning that three makes one happy. OGDEN'S CUT PLUG Save the valuable "Poker Hands" William Lawson was fired $25. with A. E. Walters ot tne local Bank or tllc option of thirty days' imprison-Montreal staff sailed this morning on mfntl n the city police court this the Princess Alice to spend a holiday mornIng for drunkenness. at his home in emmrack. Miss A' charce acalnst Paul Zlemunt of L. M. Ellett of the nKt-omce ,,.,, ,mor indlan. WM dlsmls- steps to recover an engine sold last staff returned to the city on th Prince by Magl,trBte McClymont In the year on the deferred payment plan to Rupert mis morning anrr naving speni u police court Monday afternoon. Bcaeffcr Bros, for use In a sawmill a holiday m Vancouver ana vicwna near KltkaUa waa adopted by the city councl) Monday night. The purchasers failed to make the payments. A bylaw; providing for the collection NOTICE. Ui ir 1Ur I for tnc Aue , n proTlsional .rllf lca,e . for excrement was gjten its final read- cf Title for Lot one hundred and sixty i A letter from D. C. Patera, honor- ln. .t Monday night;, city council '"m ary secretary of the Prince Rupert tcecting. v . . acres, more or les3, excepting thereout branch of the Navy League of Canada; . -twenty-one jaij acres ana live vinir tht the organization be al- Mrs. R. II. Ourri and child Prlnce RuPrt thu momln . June 3 w.h t,.,hnirt t.T d.v on arrived acres thereof. Satlafactorr proof or the loss or tne Certificate of Title covering the above ... from Victoria to'Joln Mr. Ourd who Is land having been produced to me. it is , work to raise funds ,,.nd, for tor sea cdets cadets work was as Intention to Issue, after the explra- identlliea wun one one'df or the ine Skeena oxeena my i rart read at t iim. the cilv cltv eniinril council meetlns meeting Mon- Mon tlon of month ,, from the fi first pub h. . a mnt na(a1a (lunr Excliancu Ulock. m. Any eveniiiK by iippoinlment DrEP Kenny DENTIST - Dl,.., A.nn,,l.. day night. Permission was granted - oil motion of Alderman Brown. E. M. Urell returned on the scheduled luncheon today and 'will, In- stend, hold a dance I.O.DE. Hall tonight,4 ' I'houe 109 bloouihij. party in the Judgment Is to be given this after- jrtoon by Judge Young 'In County Court In the appeal of ArUiur Beale against a conviction and fine of 1300 Imposed last M by Magistrate McClymont In ,the clly police court on; a charge of gelling liquor at the premises of the OreaJ War. Veterana:vAssoclatWi. Visitors to Metlakatla yesterday ay the gardens arc still' very pretty although the early bulbs are over. Poly. nntluislare the ahow flowers there Just now but there are also wall flowers, mountain, snow, forget-me-nots and many other flowers'), and soon the peonies and lilac will be In bloom. Cherry and other fruit trees are also one lication hereof, a Provisional Certificate of Title to the above land In the name Prince of: Pacific Mills Limited, the original ieriuicaie oi line is aaiea ine Din A. E. RuPert thls Inornln' from Vancouver. Aprtli 192Jt and ls numbered H-;32 1 r " ' o' I, Jl accompanied by Mrs. Urell and ona Land RegUtry oaice. Prince Rupert uicfcwu. reiunu vu i- - wv..- A.tM. rtJB.c;., em May, ivn. ulriut an a ft mVT from A lU'dt Kt PW wiru imiv vviire '" va -w . W t A IT TPnO P" the gummtr the city, art and other northern porta of call and after going up to the Prince Ru-! A(cx of pert tannery to unload can. salledat rietachmellt ot thc prov)ncI., 5:30 for Vancouver and way porta. on Registrar of Titles. P .mu, mf r in afternoon from Anyox and Alice tlce 1. hereby given Messrs Malcolm points on the Catala Included H. Lou-, ' ' Smyth. Edmund Langls, Harold Hansen Hi P cwrone. Fred Joudrv. E. E..Arm w1,cre h s,ont wk on Pro,and Albert Moore, that there Is owing Charlton. I. Flnlayson. O. K. Walton and W. R. Bucknall from Stewart; A.I Zamae and B. Silvester from Maple' Bay: Mr. Ballantync, A. Lawler and M. 1 Mellch from Anyox; Sergeant A. Mo NOTICE Under and by virtue of the provision or section as or ine -Mineral aci. no tilities, o the undersigned for Assessment Work performed on the cordiua uroup oi . .... ,. . . Mineral Claltas, Princess Royal Island. The t sum of 190 was realized as a BkMna Mlnlng Division, the sum ol result of thc tag day held last Sat- f 193.88. and that unless said persons pay urdny by the Salvation Army. The I ineir proponioaaie snare oi me rosi oi such Assessment, together with all cost Arvnv tnunti the nubile rerv oeneroua . .M...,H.inn .n n ,k. tn-HanintiM Nelll from Alice Arm, and F. C. E.;,n the maUfr Qf amiualSclf.rjcnial a. Butedale. B.C.. on or before May 12. Hayter dale and J. Stoddard from Arran ANNOUNCEMENTS now bocn practically reached. Several local people, especially young-'Jigjed cr ones, spem viciurin uwj ni icrnu;u, going up on the regular morning train Prince Rupert Players' Culb presents yeHerday and returning on the special "Nothing but the Truth" Wcstholme' after midnight. Fine weather prevailed Theatre, June 2. I In Hie strawberry centre for the oc- jcaslon and there was a program of Summer Carnival. Exhibition Hall, 'oports. June 18. Moose PlcnlQ. June 20, PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Eaaod by SANTAL MIDY Ba aura to gat trt Oanulia Look for tha word "MIDY" 4mh t fll .trdtfyi.l. Established 1923. Office Hours: 'J a.m. to G i.m aturday: ft'a.m,' to 1 p Archie Shlcls. general manager of the Pacific American Fisheries Co.. which controls the Skeena River Packing Co..s cannery at rort Edward, arrived on the Prince Rupert tills morning from Bclllngham, accompanied by Mrs. Shlels. They will return south tomorrow night. E. V. Finland of Victoria, dyro Club Icilstrlct governor, was not able to" arrive In Prince Rupert today to pay an .official visit to the local, club, as expected. The Gyros dispensed with their 1927. application will be made to thr- Gold Commissioner Prince Rupert. B.C o have their ieuenlve Interests In the ereln mentioned Mining Group ol Mineral Claims vested In the under- DAVID CORDILLA. IACOB KOSK1 THE HANKHUl'TCY ACT III the Matter of the Estate of John" Charles Oavlgan, an Authorized Assignor. TAKE NOTICE that the above-named authorized assignor has applied to the Court for his dlschroxe and that thc Court has fixed the 15th day of June 1927, at the hour of eleven o'clock in thc forenoon, at the Court Houw, Prluee Rupert, B.CH for hesrtng the annllcatlon. J. L. CHRISTIE, Authorized Trustee. Had Salt Rheum , All Over Her Hands Mra. Herbert J, Mason, Orand Fan. N.B., writea:"! had salt rheum all vor my handa and eapecially between my flnjfra. It got so bad it waa im-poiiaibla for m to put tlanm in water or do my housework. After trying1 many medicines and salves, that did b no (pod, I heard ot HE iftto J L haing an wonderful, and after taktaff thm txittles I am ratirely reli.rel ol m? tronhU. I am aura I ean't roeoni-aiend B.H.R. too highly to thoae wh. Kara aalt rhaiim like I had." B.H.B. la niaaufaetnred only by Tha ,Ti UOWm Co, Lioit4. Twm. CM, The MOST VALUABLE THING in the world Your Own Peace of Mind Just .the satisfaction of knowing that everything has been done that can be done adds to your own peace of mind when there is illness in the home. So far as medicine is concerned you are sure you have done the right thing when you send your doctor's prescription to Ormes. You know it will be prepared by skilled specialists from the purest medicines obtainable. Speedy Cyclist Delivery Ormes Ltd. Zrfic Pioneer Drupe? isls THIRD AVE. SIXTH ST. - 'TELEPHONES 82t,200 DENTIST Dr. J. R. Gosse Helgerson Block X-RAY SERVICE Phone 686 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Evening Appointments TBI OHLY PtRXANENI WALL COATING. lr luojfv. vrn. o .rj . Now Is the time to make your walls fresh and attractive with Alabastlne. Apply It on any wall surface, over plaster, wall board or soiled painted walls. .Made in twenty-one beautiful tints Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 253 Thlifd Avenue. , I'rincc Hupcrt. U.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS, LIMITED Kallint rrnm I Tin re ItllDrrt. lor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Swanaon Bay, Alert Itay, etc, Tuesday, 9 lor "VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Butedale. Alert lla, etcH Saturday 9 a.m. lor PORT 87MP80N. ALICE ARM. ANYOX, STEWART, Walea l-iland. Sun day, 8 p.m. For Naaa Klter Polnta and rort Simpson, Thuraday p.m. 12$ !nd Avenue. K. M. smith. AKeni, Throiirh tickets sold to Victoria and Scuttle at a liueeacr checked through to destination. rrlnre Hupert. B.C. redured rate and