PAGE TWC mm man 50 years OVhtbestfirmort si a moor BUILT FOR SLEEP SIMMONS Costs less in the end than bfexior mattresses- For Sale by Barries Furniture Store Geo. D, Tite The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. F. PULLEN Editor. H. - - Managing Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION. Monday, May 23, 1927 MOVE THE CAPITAL TO WINNIPEG It would be much more convenient to the west if the capital of the Dominion were moved to the centre of the country, possibly to Winnipeg. It is quite impossible to make the people in the East understand' that there is a West and that it is a long way off and that it is important Today we had a Royal Proclamation from Ottawa (telling of something which was to take place on .May 18. This is not an unusual -thing. It is common among business people as well as the government. They cannot realize that there is a far west and that it is of any importance. If the capital were moved from the east, they might have a better appreciation of the far west. . - ' . . ; Don't .let mosquitoes worry you when there are so many big things in life that are more worthy $f attention. f . St"" fj ; 1 .i , Aho won the war? It looks as if it wsthe-people who got to work and made the most of the situation and - allowed the others to do the talking. Xhose ard'the win-nears of most wars. 1 VICTORIA AND EMPIRE DAYS While July 1 is designed to celebrate more particularjy the birthday of the Dominion, May 24 is a festival which'dra,ws. attention to the Dominion as a part of the British Empire. It was the birthday of the late Queen Victoria during whose reign the- British' Empire with each part self-governing took form. It is the time, in which we remember particularly that we are British and thawe have a part to play in the comity of nations. - Canada has risen from the status of a coMn"to.' t.Kat Of a nation and her voice, is heard in the councils of : .ije.-'fempire. This country is consulted in all important moves made"by'th"e government at London and her opinion has &n important bearing 'on the decisions arrived at. . Beware of popular opinion. The multitude that applauds or bohoos today is the same multitude that a few years, ago said of the best man who ever lived: "Away with him." . , . While it seems wonderful that a worm can turn into va butterfly, it must also be remembered that many a manl - has turned into a blind. pig. t ' LITIGATION REGARDING CANNERIES Litigation started in Vancouver courts in an attempt to end Federal control of fish canning on this (joast is being watched with keen interest by provincial fishery officials as opening up far-reaching possibilities in the administration of the province's fisheries in the future, says Harbor and Shipping. While the Federal Govern- ' ment will fight the case so as to retain control of canning if possible, the Provincial Government will be an interested, although neutral spectator of the argument. STiould canners succeed in ousting Federal officials from their business here, the results would affect the future of the' whole fishing business on this coast in several important directions. In the first place it would apparently necessitate the creation, of extensive . new 'provincial machinery to handle the canning business in place 1 of the. present Federal machinery. In the second place, the case may well open up the old question of crown jurisdiction over fish once they hae been caught. , While you arer poking your nose into your neighbor's business your own is likely to take the wings of the morning and fly away.' You may have noticed a dead fish floating down the river. A live one swims up stream. If you burn the candle at both ends, you'll soon have" no candle to burn. But who wants a candle in these days anyway? Anyitimaiiydayr all tkc year SHREDDED WHEAT For a delicious breakfast A bed-time snack of health And any hour between BEBE DANIELS CAMPUS FLIRT tWMors sT.wi ix roij.Etf .stony IS TO UK SEEN IIKKK AT TUP MlltWKKK I Bene Daniels a Patricia Mansfield, product of wealth and foreign finishing schools. Is a snob of the first water In The Campus Flirt" here for, tfie mld.weelt showing. Her father be-j lleves that by rubbing shoulders with: a demcncratlc group of undergradu-1 ates her superficial veneer of falseness, , win disappear. revealing - the. true 1 Patricia. Therefore, we find her- going to Colton College for her senior year. On the train, Pat meets Denis Adams, 1 lone cf Cplton's greatest athletes. Because of a bet with his parents, Denis l "working his way." acting as coach! of the girls' track team. The youth Introduces Pat to his chum, Charlie Paddock, "world's fastest human." "High llat" the linns Arrived at Col ton. Pat Is Insulted by j the' happy-go-lucky classmen who I gather to welcome their heros. Due toj her strange code, Paddy "high hats" Denis. The undergraduates - immediately dislike the girl. Through silly efforts to keep her associates In place, even to the extent cf "selecting" her own sorority, Pat sinks deeper and deeper Into the mire of antagonism. Her only Irleuds-seem to be Harriet. Paddy's serious minded rcom-mate and Knute Knudson, the Swedish janitor. Trying to escape from Minnie, Knute's pet mouse at the Stadium. Pat passes Paddock like a streak of lightning. Throwing caution to the winds, Pat Joins the "fast set." Because of her ways, she Is branded The. Campus Flirt." Realization that she has been a fool finally comes to Pat through Denis and she setsout to vindicate herself which she does in a startling and dramatic manner. LABOHEME JSCOMING KAMOIS'fr NTOKY WILL HE . MinVN THIS WEKK KM) AT WKSTIIOl.ME - "Tjt.'- Boheme." known and loved where ever opera Is sung. Is now on the screen! The tragic story of Mlml. the little eeamstie&a of the Latin' Quarter, and her poet lover Rodolphe, comes here at the week end. Lillian Olsh, wistful heroine of many famous plays, has one cf the crowning roles of her career In Henry M fleer's classic, produced oh a lavish icali,Uiider the direction of King Vldor. "La Bcheme" Jajone of the most appealing heart-interest stories in the whole field of the classics. The screen version was not taken,, from the opera Itself, but from the'torlglnat Henri Murger novel, of which the opera story was one episode. The supporting cast is notable. John Gilbert plays the 'leading male role of "Rodolphe." and others In the cast are Roy D'Arcy, Benee Adoree. Karl Dane. Edward , Everett Horton, Clno Cor-rado, Frank Currier. Oeorge Hassell. and other well known players. Actual reproductions, of the quaint Quartler Latin of Paris were construct for the new picture. Miss dish's first American-made production in some years. THE SILENT LOVER STARS MILTON SILLS "The Silent Lover.' First Nations' newest starring vehicle for Milton Sills, Is showing here today'. The story, adapted by Carey Wilson from the European success by Lajos Biro, entitled "The Leglonalre." Is described as a thrilling one, dealing with the skirmishes between the Foreign Legion units stationed on the edge of the Sahara and the marauding Rill tribesmen, who constantly harry European travellers and residents In those sections. Sills Is cast as a dissolute young diplomat, who loses his honor in Paris, only to regain It and win the girl he loves on the burning sands of southern Morocco. Supporting him Is a nota'ble cast of screen ''favorites, Including Viola Dana and Natalies 'Kingston, Montagu love. Arthur 8tone, William V. Mong, Alma Bennett. Claude King, William Humphrey, and others. SOMEWHERE IN SONORA IS A WESTERN STORY BUT QUITE DIFFERENT Unlike the average motion Dlcture starring a "cowboy." .C'Somewhere In Sonora," the rFlrst National picture produced by Diaries R. Rogers for First National, s. not merely a potpourri, of Indians and men wearing chaps, but is a story ,pf another phase 01 the conquest Of the West. It Is baW on the construction of railroads frpm the United States Into Mexico and .the troubles caused by bandits during their building. Curiously enough, the bandits in "Somewhere In Sonora" are not the usual mustachioed Mexicans seen In the customary Western production. For 'i'HE DAILY NEW3 once, the MezlcaA is portunlty to be seen LOW Summer Excursion FARES WEEK AT TIIEATltK. Milton . M0nd.1v Sins in "The Lover." The Collegians In Bases." International News. Silent 'Around the TueMlay Ken Maynard In "Somewhere In Sonera." Comedy "Wandering Papas." Topics of the Day. WrdneMlay Bebe Daniels and Thursday in "The Campus Flirt." Comedy "Till We Eat Agala." Aesop's Film Fables. Krld.y and Saturday, "la Boh erne" the famous opera. Cameo Comedy. Pathe Review. 1 given an op-In his actual Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert MAY 23, 1811. Charles Dennis, late secretary of tie St. Andrew's Society, has been killed In action according to a private letter Large. Red Pimples Covered Her Face ills. MaUa Moore, BUnheim, Oat, writes: "A short whit. agx my fae was covered with large, red pimple.. I tried several remedies, but all failed. At laxt a friend advised me to take and I tm.fe iw.iiu 1 will tiv vy fruiw irvitnvt m nua aavs regret the day I did this as tnj fate il entirely eleared up. My mother ha. taken B.B.B. for hpadadim, and iha hasn't had tha least sijrn of a headache for a longtime." This valuable remedy has been on the luarkot for tha past 4 yearsj put up ouly by Th. T. Mllbura Co., Limited, Toronto, OaV f Tickets on Sale from May 22nd , Return limit, Oct. 31, 1927 EASTERN CANADA UNITED STATES EDMONTON-CALGARY -JASPER NATIONAL PARK Full information from CITY TICKET OFFICE 328 3rd Avenue Phone 2C.0 Panadian National- -JtX CANADA IN CANADA'S DIAMOND JUUILLE YEAR IttMWI received in the city this morning from his brother, W. a. ("Scotty") Dennis, who Is at the front In France. He was 1 truck In the head by a super's bullet, (ieath belni Instantaneous. Major C. B. Schretber of the 67th Regiment, well known pioneer business man of railway construction days, reached the city last evening after an absence of about seven years. He came Jirtct from Oreat Britain on a brief visit to Vancouver after which he will :eturn to hi duties overseas. t A son was born at the Prince Ru- 1 pert General Hospital today to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Sutherland. ' - "MALE MINIMUM WAGE ACT' TO K.MI'I.OVKKS AM) EMI'l-OVt'.E Notice Is hereby given that a public meeting, for the purpose of discussing the Drovlslons of the "Male Minimum Wage Act" and its application to adult role that of r willing helping hand a'e employees in every occupation, otner tnan inohe aireaay aean wiin oy to ,n the American who v, ..j. aids his ,,; country hem' the Court ,he Board w, bf at In furthering civilization In Its un-' House. Prince Rupert, B.C.. on Wednes- settled' parts ' ' daT- Mav 25th' commencing at 2 p.m. !. ' , , . , ro hear those who may be unable to at- Ken and his famous horse. Tarzan, tcnd dxirlng the afternoon a meeting are seen to greater advantage than ever! wUl be held In the evening commencing before Maynard' again show, his sen- : atXLr Minimum Wage Ord-r. satlcnal ability to ride. In several are mae for any Industry or group f sequences. These Include a rodeo, with Industries the Board desires to hear the h. ,... , , t-lews of those Interested. After an lathe best riders .-. and cowboy performer. qury b made tnr9wnout the Province of the west appearing In the scene. ' ihe Act will be made to apply to all Here Ken displays some stunts in on who 'ComB wlthln Its, provisions. . .. . , ; Written statqinenu are requested from driving a stage coach. In another .w part an, group or organization of employers of "Somewhere In Sonora," Ken res- j or employees. " cues two girls from have been terrorizing Sonora. the bandits who! i: i"'f;" i BOY SCOUTS GUESTS ONTHE PATRICIAN The Boy Scouts of the 3rd Prince Rupert Troop numbering 18 under Scoutmaster P. C. Miller were privileged to go over the H.M.C.S. Patrician on Friday evening last, witnessing the exciting finish of the boat races. After Inspecting the ship the working of one of the lg guns was explained to the boys by an old scout who formerly belonged to the 1st Cowichan Troop. The boy. then went. In the pilot house where very interesting description of the steering apparatus and c6mpasa was given, .also an explanation: of; the workings of! the depth charges, torpedoes and diving apparatus was given which was much enjoyed by the boys. A scout concert and camp fire In aid of the funds of the troop will be given on June 1. , 1 . . . 1 wo a cn, T. F. PATERSON. 1 Member Board of Adjustment, administering the "Male Minimum Waje Act Victoria. B.C.. May 18th, 1837. WATER NOTICE IHVEItsioN AMI ISK TAKE NOTICE that Ooshc Packing Company, Limited, whose address Is Vancouver, B.C., will apply for a licence to take and use 250.000 gallons of water out of unnamed stream which flows northerly and drains Into Oreen Inlet about 30 chains east of northwest corner of Lot 68, Range 3, Coast District. The water will be diverted from the stream at a point about 200 feet from mouth and will be used for domestic and commercial purposes upon the land described as application to lease by applicants. This notice was posted on the ground on the 2nd day of Aj5rtl, 1827. A copy ! of this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act" will be filed In the office of the Water Itei irdtr at. Prince Rupert. Objections 1 to the application may be. filed with the said- Water Recorder or with the Comp-I trailer 'of Water Rights. Parliament iUullUUigs. Victoria. B.C., within thirty riays after the first appeersnce of this notice in a local newsDJUiir. The date of the first publication of this notice Is April 21. 1927. OOSSE PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED. Applicant By H. V. Morehouse. Agent. LAND ACT. NOTICK OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO I.KASK I.ANP. In Prlnce'Rupert Land Record I m DIs- ; trict of Prince Rupert, and situate 30 ! chains east of northwest corner of Lot 08. Range 3. coast District. TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Packing Company Limited, of Vancouver, occupation Fish Canners, Intend to apply for permission to lease the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted 30 chains east' of northwest Lot 68, Range 3. Coast District: thence south 6 chains: thence east 10 chains: thence north S chains; thence west 10 chains to point of commencement, and containing S acres, more or less. OOSSE PACKINO COMPANY LIMITED. Applicant Per H. Moorehouse. Dated April 2, 1B27, LAND ACT : NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO ' LEASE LAN It. In Range 3. Coast Land District, Land 'Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the south shore of La-! Bouchers Channel, D C, ! TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Packing Co. Ltd., of 32S Howe St.. Vancouver. B.C., occupation Fish Packers, Intends ; to apply for a lease of the following , described lands: 1 Commencing at a post planted at 1 the southeast corner T.L. 103UO. Rang. 3, Cbast Land District: thence south 5 chains; thence west 10 chains; thence north 5 chains to shore; thence easterly I along shore to point of commencement, and containing 8 acres, more or leas. OOSSE PACKINO CO. LTD., . Applicant. . Per Chas. L. rtsbeita. Agent, 1 Dated April 7, 1837, I Monda" j ssBsWiasWsWsBsBsBsBWHHBKi WANTED AT ONCE! , . . i -I it 4 I 1 - a,' A few more cases i rneiiniuuunr," ijeuriiy, narai, chrofrcoYtMlpation. high Wood pressure. yxULre jr any UW rsilmeSjt caused by toxemia which Sneuuliis- ov fun-ty u.nt of all ailments. If all other treatments have failed, do not giyp uu MAGNETISM the most mysterious and most Irresistible for-e j th(, universe when applied to the human body in n we it r mu ' ner, assists nature in eliminating the poisonous. wa thaI ( lvsiHtnsible for so many ailments, THE I0NA-0T0NE The electric magnetic appliance that is ob:ai ,mK m results, assists nature in almost miraculous mukmjf ures t( itilments which hitherto have not responded to medicine manipulations, surgical operations, hot springs or electrical treatment. Thousands of people since the introduction of the ION'A-OTOXE into Canada three months ago are now en toying god health and these people had been called incurable' lath light of modern developments, hardly any disease n r.ow be called incurable. FHKK TREATMENTS So sure are we that you will lie benefited b: tie I0XA-OTONE that we cordially Invite every person in P m v I: Mid vicinity to accept our offer of free treatment Y .4 1 (t everything to gain and nothing to lose. I0NA-0T0NE HEALTH CO. Rooms 10 and II, Smith Block. Prince Rupert, H.C, ClinlcH nt Vancouver, Victoria, Calgary and Edmonton j 1 The Store for Dad and the 1 1 Lad! - .".Oust arrived! a tine use of mi:.vs Sport Belts tr llright attractive silk-centred belts for sjtorta andwmmer I wear, shown in Illack, Gray and Tan leather w :h ' fcom'an striited centre. Sizes .30 to 42. oys' Golf Hose Regular up to $ 1,45, Special .V Here Is where you can replenish his season'- supply of hose at an unusually low price. Medium and light weiehU All sizes. Acme Importers Third Avenue. I'hnne BETTER DENTISTRY PLATES that natural npi gives you n ance and lend beauty to contour of the face. Aly Dr. MAGUIRE ?S vpcu Over OrmcH FINAL WEEK OUR STORE WIDE SALE TERMINATES MONDAY, MAY 23 Jabour Bros., Ltd