HI2 DalLY NEWS Mondii dly. May 2j BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMamu ; t ! T : 1 I T- If . : n.' tW.-i-A.''?r i BULGER'S r WELIj- ITS QUIET IF EVER. OWN A VACHT.I Ll. NEVER 1 Eye Glass WHILE NEED A, rv.ACC.E FOG" MORN ife? Z SLEEPS- sleeps-how HOW does $ : , s (hi v V Z f ' p0 Wm TMhA O .Service J'f VJ . HE TO EXPECT SLEEP.' ME ' . ' PafnataklnK effort, base? . . upon scientific-knowledge of the construction of tho eyt; ami its relative functions - with' respect , to the; other imparts nfllie human organisa; f ,tion. . - , v V: , Proper examination,, anil production of the necessary'. . . " ' '2 .''' A t r lenses to insure correct com fortable vision. j That constitutes our Eye Glass Service. in iimx r i lid i'n" (Jewellers .THE STORE WITH, THE CLOCK BLANKET Special During the" month of May we will give a special rate on all Blankets. Single Hlanket, each . . :t." Double Hlanket, each . . ."0 Blankets washed without shrinking and returned nice and fluffy. GIVE US A TRIAL Pioneer Laundry (1921) Ltd. Phone - 118 Spring Coats in Shades of Navy, Gray and Sand "Demers" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327, Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE Phone 381 P.O. Box inc.l LAUNCHES, SCOWS, ROW-BOATS AND CANOES SAND AND GRAVEL Equipment for .Diving rind Salvage Work AgentH for Easthope Engines and Stump Pullers NORWEGIAN HALIBUT GEAR IN STOCK m ComjjaHS Adjusting ANGER, the TAILOR We carry a fine stock of Imported" Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds and Serge. Every garment tried on before finishing, 223 Sixth Street PRINCE GEORGE The local Elks' Lodge has decided to hold Its anr.ua! flag day on May 24. The northern waterway via Summit Lake and Crooked River is expected to tpen within the next few days and goods will soon be starting to move by that route into the upper Peace River country. The city council Is considering the plan of putting tarvla on the streets In' order to eliminate the necessity for sprinkling. Charles K. (Mackay, representative of the Victoria syndicate, which controls the Ferguson mine on the In-glneca River, is here with a mining engineer on the way to the property. I most important mineral discoveries the district In recent years. In The Prince George brass band, under the leadership of Dr. A. It. Bayne, will make Its first public appearance on Dominion Duy. F. J. Clux tori has applied for patent on a device he has Invented to prevent Ktove legs from slipping. About five hundred persons, attended the crowning of Miss Maude Renwlck !as May Queen recently. School children made U the occasion for a pala day and pretty dancing girls and bright-faced iboys furnished, a pleasMin background. I , " V ,..( Iwrence McLean and Dorotlil Kyle were the High. School winners hi 'the local "Save the Forest essay compete lion. In the public schools prize win ners were Sidney Perry! lan Stevens, Phyllis Ellis and .Tessie'Rice. A big flrework&jdls'play wilt feature the Dominion Dnv celebration In Prince George for 'which elaborate plans are being made-i t The baseball' 'tseoson opened here last - Sunday afternoon when Vahder- hoof drubbed of 10 to 3. the locals by a score An Important party of P.O.E. officials visited here last week. Included' 111 the group were Wlllard Kitchen, director; Robert Wilson, general manager: J. Stein. II. M. Gruhurn. A. C. Kyle and It. J. Wark. The first California tourists to reach Prince Oeorge by motor this season were' W. J. Wiese and D. Harwood who arrived on Wednesday. They report the roads as being In very good condi tion. A - Charge against Phyllis Winn of allowing the keeping -of '.liquor" on her premises was dismissed by Magistrate Morn, . . W. II, .Stewart,, who was associated as a civil engineer "with the construction of Uie Orand Trunk Pacific Railway and now supervisor of hotel grounds and parks for the Canadian National Railways, was - visitor riere last week. Little Interest was displayed In the proceedings of the provincial court of revision here last wee If. Only three applications were received to have names put on the list. Barney Keegan, an old timer of this district, died lu St. Paul's Hospital at Vancouver last week. He had recently undergone an amputation of a leg The body of deceahed. who took prominent part In the early affairs of the city having been a member of the nrst lew aldermanic boards was brought here for burial. A, McKlnley Rom, United Church college student at Montreal, has ar rived here and wilt be engaged for' the summer In church mission work. He spent three years. In Labrador and has had some experience, on the prairies. Alfred, Leo and Richard' Prevost ar rived In the city recently from Wis coiulu to visit with their sister, Mrs, James Barrett. They motored the en tire distance having visited Seattle and fortianu enroute. Mrs. Barrett, soon after their arrival, left for Rochester Minnesota, to receive' treatment a Mayo Clinic. Mrs. o, c. Wright of this city re ceived word last week of tin death of her father, James McArthur at Prince Albert. Decttecd wi a former mayor of Prince Albert and was recognized lowing a stay of several weeks at as an authority on Indian affairs Taltapln mine, throughout the northwest, having been j Indian A tent t Batoche In the early days. Mlsf.cs Saturday Lluary. TERRACE Mr. and Mrs. W. II., Duruett entertained at bridge on Friday evening six tables being played, and high scores made by Mrs, George Little and A. E. Uttle. Mr. Macitay nopes 10 interest easiemi Mrs. llagan of Vaiiarsdol was a bus- capital In the development of the mtne'iness visitor h which Is conceded, to be one of the The "Golden Key" girls and the "Ex plorers" boys, were taken on an enjoyable picnic and hiking trip on Sat urday afternoon by Mrs. Allan and Mrs. Seamen. They visited the old Rudge ranch on the bench above Kit- sumkalum. -sere on Saturday. Malott and Easthope spent at Copper City with Miss C. J. Gustafson, C. Cameron and G G. Brocker were holiday visitors from Prince Rupert on Saturday. prior to leaving for Hazel ton on Saturday, Dr. Turpel' was the uuest of i lie ierrace tii-n scnuoi uins uasgei ball team on Friday evening at a buf fet supper glvch "at the home of Miss Gladys Kepjiejf. During the evening the girls Drfsented him with an enlarged photo or the team for which he was (joaclt'Jijiirlng the past season. 'Mrs. W. Vanderlln. Sr.. left on Sat. lirday on a short trip to Ilazelton. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Fulton and fam ily and Miss Margaret McCaffery ar rived from Prince Rupert on Saturday and"feft the same afternoon for their summer1 vcamp at Lakelse Lake where they will snend the few davs holldav before May -4. r. . Mrs. Miller of 'Georgetown arrived on Saturday to spend" a short holiday as the guest of Miss C. E. Peters at the home of Mr. and Mrs.Ifcirry King. D. McD. Hunter of Prince Rupert was a ollday visitor here over the week end. Paul Brodln was Lake on Saturday. in. from Kalum G. Davis and O. Steward 'of Stewart, spent the week end In-'town. BURNS LAKE Andrew Anderson is Able to be about again following an automobile accident which left him with a broken nose. Robert Saul Is visiting In town fol- the Mrs. V. Schelderup entertained at tea last Tuesday In honor of Mrs, T. a. Martin who left on Sunday with her family for Williams Lake. Rev. W. R. Ashcroft Is attending the United Church funference In Vancou ver. John Cowans has left for Vancouver to visit 'with friends. lie may be away for several months. R. Campbell has arrived here to take over the duties of forest ranger In succeKslon to T. Q. Martin who has been transferred to Williams Lake as assistant district forester. Mrs, Ai H. Silk Is under the doctor's care suffering from tu nbwe.ss on her car. - . Government ' Agent J. D. Moore of Fort -Proser held court of revision ou the provincial voters' list here last Tuesday. Garden planting and planning Is proceeding here apace with the result that the town Is taking on a greatly Improved appearance. Those busy with their .gardens Include Constable Silk, II. D. MacNell. Andy Brown. Rev, W. R. Ashford. Rev. J. II. Kerr, A, R, Brown and Major Lowe. Gordon F. Wlllson of San Francisco Is cheeking up old mile potts on ' the Bublne trail of which he was one of the original surveyors. Thomas Johnston, a prominent mining man of Denver, Colorado, Is in vestigating the mineral possibilities of tne la Ices district and spent the week with Barney Mulvany at Sanctuary Lake where oil formations attracted his attention. District visitors In town recently have Included N, Ecklund. Decker Lake; Ous- Flogura and Ous BJorkbon. Rose Lake; 8. W. Oeorge, Prince George; T. W. Brewer, Smlthers; W. C. Carrier, Sheraton; E. B. Smith, Van- derhoof and William Johnson, Palling. NEW HAZELTON .. The people of New Ilazelton are opposed to any change in the location oi the high level bridge. The government proposed adandoulng the present brtdir for a new one 900 feet up river at a level 150 feet below the present one. G. C. McKay, district engineer for the provincial department of public I works. Prince Rupert, and G, H. Pcthtck, assistant district engineer, Smlthers, were here last week making arrangements for. tbs reconstruction of' Sun, Wind and your clothes drying quickly. But, make sure that they dry snowy white as well, by adding Reckitt's Blue to the rinsing water. Reckitt's Bag Blue In the handy bag with the Blue and White stripes 1708 rreipnt. W anted For Sale For Rent C I9i7 v ln Frru, . -"KW, 1HC DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for Iei than 50c SITUATIONS WANTED QUALIFIED SINOLE MAN, TWELVE years general store owner. Canada; trained accountant and typist; all round office man; fair sJiorthand; Scotch; desires position anywhere. Free early June. P.O. Bor 100, Mer- nu, ac. GIRL. EXPERIENCED IN GENERAL housework, wants work after school closes. Phone Red 205. IJ1 OinL 114. WANTS WORK. FOR RENT -PHONE RED 122 FOR RENT. NEWLY DECORATED modern house; also small furnished house. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue I East. FURNISHED SUITES FOR RENT. Apply Mussallem Qrocery. Phon 18. ROOMS FOR RENT. BOARD IP desired. Phone Black 129. PIANO FOR. RENT. 15.00 A MONTH. Walker's Music Store. ROOMS TO RENT. PHONS 678. EXCHANGE tf NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNITURE bought, sold and exehangttl." Papa-dopulos and Mania, 839 Third JAVe. Phone 046. I tf HOARD BOARD. THK INLANDER. 830 Second Avenue. Piiou '137. the road between Morlcetown and New Haezlton. A ganj will be put on at each end of theTOad. Many peopie from various directions are expected here for the celebration tomorrow,. The maypole dance will be a new feature while there will h th usual sports and games with a dance lu the evening. Dr. H. c. Wrlnch, M.L.A. has obtained a quantity of ' new Red Bob wheat from the University of Alberta at Edmonton which he has distributed among a couple of dozen central Interior farmers for experimental pur-)Okes. Some has also been sown on the Hazelton Hospital farm. John Newtek, who Is now In Van couver, has been ordered to bed for six weeks'on account of. a bud eye. wora nas oeen received that Hon.. E. D. Barrow, minister' of agrTcultu're, will shortly make a tour of the central In- tenor. . DfVvi'rf. Turptl of Terrace' arrive uit v oaiiyuay. , vo spena me nel couple of months at the ' Hazel ton ilo's- pitat In place of Dr. W. J, Llghtburne who has left for Vancouver. Indians of this district have com menced their annual, movement to tlie canneries at the mouth of the Skeena River. Wilfrid Young, son of Rev. and Mrs. J. If. Young, who has been seriously in, ui now niaxing sotlsractory progress toward recovery. Inspector William Splller of the pro-vinclat jiollce was a visitor here lust week. James Hodder has left for one of the cabins on the Yukon Telegraph line. Mr. ami Mrs. Al Benson and child have left for Vanderhoof enroute to Fort St. James where Mr. Benson will become Identified with the Hudson Bay Co.. taking charge of the trans portation of both passengers oit Roy Sweet sustained painful Injuries which have laid him up fo a few days when the head of a hammer flew oil, hitting him over the eye. The Pacific Mills power cruiser Whrll arrived at tlx. Prlnc, niipert rjoat House Sunday afternoon from Massett Inlet, where It took p. b. lodging superintendent of the company and farty of tlmW cruisers, and will proceed, south tonight. Advents in the Dtly Ntwi FOR SALE i nit i oun m:iv Just a few days left now. In which to make your bid for this cat that Is going to the highest bidder, on May 23. Somebody may pick up this car at a bargain. Why not 7011? Put In your sealed bid at IMKKMt'H (IMCAdC. Third Avenue. FOR SALE, SEVEN ROOM HOUSE with bath; open fireplace; section 5. FIVe room lions with bath. Section Two. Two lots, section i. Plione Red 713. 110 FOR SALE. BEDDINO OUT PLANTS. all varieties, raised In our own greenhouse. Prince Rupert Floral Shop. Brighten up your home with flowers. FOR SALE, CRUISER, 36 X 10, 20 hp. Buffalo engine; sleeps five; cheap. Trlal any time. Phone Red 713. 119 FOR 8ALE. ONE DRAUGHT HORSE in fine working condition. Apply H. A. McLean, city engineer. 1 V FOR SALE-' OR RENT SEVEN ROOM r4Hot; itTurnace. fireplace, modern. Seal Cove circle. Ileigerson. 120 F9JV SAJE. SIX ROOMED HOUSE AND lot In post office block. 13.200.00. ,jdd!v P.O. nox 37a lis pW-ORTUNITYr 1300 A MONTH NOW vjjajrs your ruture homesite. Walker's MmjIc 8,tore. AUCTIONEER NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC! ON Ac count of the late Spring In Alberta, the lantt Tjot being yet fit to seed, the sale as advertised of the residence and residential site on Atlln Avenue will be postponed until Thursday. May 26 at 250. This Is a speculation worth looking Into. O. P. Brine. Phone 774. llltHSHM AKINfl EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER, FOR- meriy of New York and Edmonton. Mrs. C. Smith, at Hyde Transfer. 139 Second Avenue. Phone 680. hOMI.MO.V IIIIMTIKK KXCIIAMIK Itesoiinty A flagiioii, prnprlrlors 144 Third Avenue Phone lllark HI Furniture of all sorts bought, sold or Exchanged. UPHOLSTERINfi FURNITURE REPA1RINO; .UPJIOL-terlng of alt kinds. Chesterfields recovered and made to order!' All .BTWtan'tei. Phoiie OrVen aoa. o. !m: HUNT. RESTAURANTS MI F.ATH r.UT. Mrs. Unger, Proprietress Third Avenue. Next O. W. V. A. (IimhI Home Cooked Meals. Phone Black 700 TAXI Phone (57 Tnxl (Call George, Paul or Oust) Six and Seven Passenjrer Stude-bakers at your disposal any time. Ross hrosTpool room Meeker Hlock. (Across from Empress I fotel ) PRINCE RUPERT TIDES MOMIVV, HIV 2.1 !!)!;", 8:30 a jn. 17.6ft. -19;18 pjn. 16.7 " 12:29 p.m. 6.5 TU-jSKAY, MY 21 HlgJi?..,.r.J. 7;03(.m, . 10.0 ft. 20:20 pin. 17.5 " ta 0:52 ajii. 0.7 " . 13:34 p ui, 5.8 Ui:i)M;siAV, MAY 2.1 ,:ai im. 17.0 ft. 21:28 pin. 18.7 Ixw 2:15 a.m. 8.7" 4:44 p m. 5.7 " Tlll llShAY, MAV 20 ,"l'h 9:46 a.m. 17.6 ft. t 22:18 pm. 300 3:33 a.m. 7.0 " 18:48 pin. 5!B Articlei Loit and Found,4t MAIL SCHEDULE ))T-(10iMl for the tn Mondays. Wednesdays tod 8.1., rC1? 103.,, ro ai-ouTrr Sundays Tuesdays Thursdays ' Saturdays ,, , May 13, 24 ...... tn First dm mall is tin dnpttciHt Vancouver on Uondsys. Wlne.vli a osiurasy oy M K. tralas. To ,tnv aqtl .Vile, Arm ounaays j Wednesdays Ill n u leasn ami rremier aunaays Saturdays tl)i Tn It. MinpHinaad Sans Kltrt nu. Thursdays jt to aiokks roints hi; w. u, ao u To t(ueeB Charlottes May 7. 21 in IN-COMIM) f rom the jit Tuesdays, Thursday nd Busiiri. ti at un I roni sucuutrf HUflflAVS . tt , ' 1 mI m iUJf u . u. " I roin Anjox and Alice Arm- Tuesdays ,,. 1-1 Thitrsdiys. . pa- From Mewsrt and rrerslei Tuesdays Sundays P Itom It. 8lmpM)n and Ns iff. Saturdays t From Alska points Mav 13. 24 . I'niBi Ijitern t'harlollrs Xlay. 5, 19 t" mix tdi irinoN" AU M Oraham A Atlln Aves 00 W 1st Ave. At 8th 8t w 6th Ave. in Fulton at. 8th Ave. & Thompson " Uth at Oherbrooke Ales. llth Ave, At Conrtd St ' ' 6th Ave. it Hays Con eth it fltjt Cove Circle l' Bth Aft. At Cotton St J 5th Ave, At McBrlde 81 41 'J Prov. Oovt. Bldgs Prov. Oov. Wharf ,M 00 ' C1.T.P. Whsrf Q.T.P. Station - JJ .... 11 . . m m n. Ill 1U , ' jna Ave. ei na m Irrf A X, Shittnn Rt. IU- ' IAI IS i... , ., . . u at .. w" 4iu sv. a. w,i w . PTPinpiiin ,n tiring neorre hp I Thursday- -m, Prince RP"t M Saturday ss. Cardens - -as. Princess Betrlf ..... . All... t May a- -s, irmr ""lv a rinl.U ' Wednesday--as. Pr m 1030 ThnraJntf sial f?lrd 1111 I 8atufdy-. Ftl ml Saturdy-s. Trlnce George 10.w May 20-s. iTlncess Alice May 30i. Princess Alice l or Purt Olinpson ami N B" f, Thursday as. Cardena From Port Simpson anil Ns ( Saturday as. careens t or ,iio ,j 8uhday- Catala . ,. Wednesday as. Prlnr HPrt From Aii) - Tuesday . Catsla "" " ' -wunert Thursday--s. itih r - I or .Mewart , ft Sunday-as. CaUla . .A Saturday as, i-rnu" wn- From Ntewari ( p Sunday-i; Prince O wrge t Tuesday as. Catais For tjiieerrharioiies May 21 as. Prince J""" From (Jiieen. rnarimi."- I May 10..s. Prince jo For Alaska . May 2a-s. Princess All" May 30-. Princess aik lYom Alaska .... May 24 s. Plrncess AH" C.N.R. TRAINS Mondays, weanesoj'" II JO am. nilliuuyn, iiinni.j" 3.30 p m. I