PAG 13 TWO The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing Editor. DAILY EDITION mmrirmfMMMmrTO Thursday, June 30,-1927 SET EVERYTHING ASIDE FOR HOLIDAY Everything will be set aside tomorrow for the big jubilee celebration which lasts three days but the' chief day for which is tomorrow. The opening baseball game is set for this evening and tomorrow there is a full program of festivities for those who enjov that sort of thing. Many, however, will desert the madding throng and go to the country for a day's fishing. Now, play ball. Let's enjoy ourselves for a day or two. ' VISITORS ARE EXTREMELY WELCOME The, visitors from Uncle Sam's country are 'extremely welcome. The war vessel comes at an opportune time and Prince Rupert people will not be slack in offering the officers and men their hospi-tality. At the ball games the Ketchikan team will on this occasion have plenty of backers and that will add greatly to the interest of all who attend. , American Consul Wakefield is to be congratulated on the consummation of his efforts in securing thcvisit of the destroyer for this important occasion. It's queer, but this jubilee year feels to most of us just about the same as any other. It's still(about as hard to make the Income equal the expenditure as it was in 1926. . . VI inilT Tr V imvnt wtt tV ;Xhe mival of flying is one,of the most important features bf . the year 1927 so fdr. The big event was the flight to Paris bv uiuuergu uui now comes ine night to Honolulu and other great events arid soon we s'hall hear of someone winging his way to the far Orient across the broad expanse of the unruly Pacific. The two men who reached Hawaii yesterday have made the longest flight in this part of the world and have started the movement westward to the East. And yet In a few years their efforts will be as nothing to what others will do. People may be foreigners but there's nothing for- eign about money. An American dollar looks just as pretty to a Prince Rupert merchant as that of one of the Daughters of the Empire. FARMER GOVERNMENT SURVIVES I1SELF ( A Farmer's Government has survived itself. The Eracken government has been re-elected with a good majority over all and will carry on for another term of years. The government iof Manitoba has conducted affairs just as would any other party. It did nothing freakish and no one without knowing the name would have realized that it was not a Liberal government in power. It was just a change of name, but a few stuck to the old name with the result that there arc a number of groups in the House with the Conservatives second largest. PASTOR DOES GOOD SERVICE Rev. q. G. Hacker, who has completed his pastorate in the city, haa'.glven gpod service here. He is not an eloquent speaker, neither has.he appealed to the. ultra sanctimonious people of the community, but he jias succeeded in rousing the interest of the younger people and helping to make Jthem. physically as well as spiritually better. It is .particularly for 'this, work that his ministry here has been noted. And after all this isthe important work of the church: It Is difficult to change old people. They are set in their ways. The young people are the life of the community and the man who succeeds in winning them and helping to make of them real men and women is doing something, not? so much for his church as for the benefit of the whole city. Did you ever think that these Americans do not look much like foreigners. Fact fs, most of them would make pretty good Canadians. AGED IN OAK CASKS A WHISKY OF DISTINCTION liMiBUHMMM mmmmaimuv mmmai m iff This advertisement is not published or displayed hy the Uiihni Control Hoard or by the Government of Uritisb Columbia TrJE DAILY NEWS Thursday, June V COMPACT GAS . CRUISE HERE pany smooth, Agreeably ngenlal anywhere fragrant aged, com ft tempting To e&rg palok ! Dr.-J- T. WJ Ison oLSealile anil cruise in iimhiiu i THEIR FIRST BOAT Aboard their, "home made" and well appointed gaspMne cruiser WUsonla, Dr. 3. .T. .Wilson, prominent Spokane and Seattle .'dentist. Mrs. Wilson, their family ofeven and a girl friend of their eldest dadghter. -tied up at the Prince Rupert Yacht and Rowing Club's floats overnight In the course of a summer's cruise from Seaitle to Ketchikan. The WUsonla la the first boat that Dr. Wilson or fcia family n-er owned. Indeed, it Is the, first boat that any of them ever touched the wheel of. With the aid of. a ship's carpenter the hoys built the craft at Seattle last suminer end in the boat they have Introduced a cumber of Interesting features of their own invention. The remit is that the WUsonla, 40 feet. 4 Inches long. Is one cf the most compact and handsome cruisers that ever visited the port We chose this instead of a summer heme." said Dr. Wilson last night "and now we have both a summer home and a boat." Of the raised deck type, the Wilaonia U eminently suited for Just such a purpose as that for which she la now being used. With living quarters .fore' and aft. the little vessel has' ten spring beds. Just enough for the party on' board.' Her caller is well combined' ROTARY CLUB GOOD HOSTS Local Organization Entertaining Visitor From Ketchikan Who Arrived Yesterday The local Rotary club is acting aa host to a number of members of tht KetehUsn Rotary Club and their wives who are af present in the city. On their arrival yesterday they were met by a number of local Rotartans and put up at the hotel. In the evening they were taken on a picnic to McNIcholI Creek where hot dogs and other picnic refreshments were served, the party arriving home on the DIxl Rupert soon after nine o'clock. In the evening a good many ol the party dropped Into the Armories for an Informal danre to the three piece orchestra of the Ketchikan Rotary Club, Those present were Mr. and Mrs. c. Patching, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bawyer, Thomas Davlea, Mr, tnd Mrs, J, R, Heck-nun, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Beegle, Mrs. I H. Kubley and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Borenaon, Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Peterson, Dr. and Mrs. R. v. Ellis, Franz Auger, E. J. Dyer, J, B. Valentine, YEARS OLD liiis ai!verti.einent ts not publish or displayed by lite Liquor lJoni;il Honrd or by the (ioveriniieilt of llrilish Columbia with the after quarters and the pilot'"7 : ' " I houre is a sort of living room. There 'August Oudaundsen. Emery P Totoui, Is radio and .a phonograph aboard. W. Short. N. R. Walter. Ardour Smoke 1 COMPACT MOAT i Francis Steele, and J. W: Kcl.u" i The general compactness of the boat! T11 afternoon the party Wu . taken i U weU illustrated tn the pilothouse and engine. Right under the feet of the ptTson at the steering wheel la the 40-90 hp. Continental Van Blerk en- glue, nicely concealed below the floor. Alongside are the gasoline tanks. To operate the Wllsonia Is Just as simple ss driving a geared car. On the switch- ooara are tne electoral starter, eas feed, ammeter, choke, etc. and Just below, as in' an automobile, are the gear thlfts. The boat even has a speedometer and Dr. Wilson, having a mighty rerpect for gasoline, has the tanks, pipes and feed so arranged that danger therefrom is practically eliminated. The boat, also has compact and ample space for provisions and stores and It will be little f hopping that the party will have to do other than for perishables such as green vegetables and fruit. The .boat hasa cruising speed of about tan knots.; ' Dr. Wilson and his family know how to drive a car and fix an enzine. as they also know that the prime-requisite of good navigation Is to keep .plenty of water underneath, they are having a very happy and enjoyable trip. so tar weather has been In their favor and nobody has been seasick a! though the girls felt it wise to keep safely in their beds as Queen Charlotte Sound was crossed early one morning witn quite a little ground swell run nlng. Travelling only by daylight and atop. ping where the spirit moves them and the scenery is good, the WUsonla left Seattle on June 17 and pulled out of Tacoma the next day. Stops have been mace at Port Madison, Reed Harbor (Stewart Island ). Nanalmo. Duncan Bay. cPrt Hardy. Simoon Sound. Tracy Harbor Wells Passage, Whiskey Cove I Bella. Bella. Lowe Inlet and on to Prince Rupert, arriving here at 3 o'. clock vesterday afternoon. Early this mcrnlng departure was made for Ketchikan and, in abouj a week or ten days' time, a call will be made her? In the course of a voyage homewards, which it la planned will be" as leisurely as mat nortnward. MTfT.ssFU. DENTIST V Dr. Wilson's home Is where he has resided for something over twenty years. He also has an of fice at Seattle and. altogether, has a ftafl of about a dozen dentists. He Is familiar with the Boundary country where he visited many times In the early days and the patronage of which district be admits waa largel yrespon atble for his start and subsequent sue cess In practice. out by the 'members for a drive ar:.un;l the city after which the lad. will be I guests at the "tea hour at the home ol j Colonel and Mr. J. W. Nlcholls and the i men at the hcuie of Mr. and Mrs. Rorie j Fourth Avenue. In order that all may attend the ball I 'game, the dinner dance hour has heer, ' -et for 9.30 at the Com mod ire. TnU ! is the official, dinner fo the club. . ' Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert Graduation exercises took place at ! Borden Street High School last night ' Those participating In the program in- t-cluded Prof. Robertson, Miss Katturfn ' Pillsbury. Miss Margaret McColl. Mia : Marguerite Klrkpa trick. Jamee Mitchell. I Miss Muriel Patmore. Was Mi'.r,'.tre; Morgan, Miss Kathleen Grant, j. C Brady and. Dr. 'W. T. Kergln. I f ' : A daughter was bora at the Prince Rupert General Hospital yestcrd.-.y to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fanow. laso TcaUi Avenue East. NOTICE Of INTENTION- TO AITI.Y TO I.EAsr. tOKKMIOIIE. In Prince Ruoert Land Reeerdlne District, of Prince Rupert, and situate st tseweu inlet. Moresby island. Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Kellev Loeplne Company Limited, cf Vancouver. B.C occupatlon Timber Merchants, tntend to appiv for a lease of the followlne described foreshore: comranclne at a Dost nlanted arorox- JmaVly 8 'chama soothi dezrees esst from the northeast corner of Lot 472. Sewe'J Inlet. Moresby Island: thence fol lowing me nun water mark in an east erly, southerly ajid southwesterly direction to its Intersection with the easterly boundary of Lot 42: then sout'iTlv and easterly to the northwest corner of 8.TX. 6215 P.; thence in a northwesterly direction to the point of commencement, and containing 45 acres, more' or less. JOSEPH DOUGLAS WIISON. Agent for Keller Logg'.ng Co. Ltd. Dutert 39h Anrll. 1927. NOTICK LAND ACT uk intention to to lkam: lanii APPLY In Range 4, Land Recording DUtrlct of Prince Rupert, ar.d situate at Barnard Cove. Princess Royal Island. TAKE NOTICE that the Mlllerd Packing Company Limited of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Salmon Canr.ers, Intends to apply for i lease of the follow-ing described lands: .Commencing at a post planted alsnp;-S'de post marked N.W. L2373: thenre southerly along high water mark 29 chains, more or less, to a post marked 8.W. L2573; thence west to low water mark: thence northerly along law water mark 20 chains, more or lew. to a point weat of the point of commencement: thence east to links, more or tew, to point of commen;ement, and containing one-quarter acre, more1 or len, MILLEKD PACKINO. COMPANY LIMITED. App'lcant. Dated June 10, 1827. No More Indigestion! "Allrt lt lllnttt tiuiti hr hti iiftlt. I 'rtuit-1-tirn.' T4T imi i.c httlti." Um. Brlioa. 17 Rlrst $U tlootrsal H you have poor dijt!on try "Fruit-a-Iives". It usually gives welcome and quick relief. It i nature' remedy -intensified Juice of fresh fruit, and tonic. 25c and 50c a box. as I A pretty wedding took place- in the BapUat Church last evening. 1c: W. S. A. Crux officiating, when Ml;is Clar-j lssa Tlllle Allan of Vancouver became! the bride of Hugh Henry Phillips of the local Bank of BJi-A. ata3. Follow-1 Ing the ceremony, there w a wedding I supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs J W. J. Ledlle. j LAM) ACT. LAM) ACT. Tcisiz the new ficwor ! MITH'K OP INTENT ION TO APPLY TO I.LASK LAND, In Coast Range 4. Land Recording DUtrlct of Prlnoe Rupert, and situate at : jutaJn'a cove. Pitt Island. B.C. TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Packing: Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C., rupatlon Packers., intends to apply for . leate of the following described lands: CTrsmehelhg at a pit planted at the ii jrthwert corner of Xni 1253, Range 4; ' I'icnce south' S chains: thence west 6' r.iaine: thenre north to high water mxrk; t!ienre easterly along high water mark t lihulcs, more or less, to point of com-a.enc ment, and containing 3 acres, .i.orp or less. OOSSE PACKINO COMPANY LIMITED. , Applicant. DaUl June 13, 1027; LAND ACT N)TICE Ol' INTENTION TO APPLY TO i t: am; LMl. In Range 3, Coaat Land District. Land Recording 'DUtrlct cf Prince Rupert, and situate on the south shore of La-Douchere Channel. D C. TAKE NOTICE that Ooae Packing Co. Ltd., of 323 Howe 3t.. Vancouver, U.C.. occupation Fish Packers, Intends to apply lor a lease of the following uvBcrtoeu ,iaaois;- Commencing at a jfost planted at the southeast corner T.L. 10390, Range 3. Coast Land District: thence south 6 mains; thence west 10 chains; thence north 6 chains to shore; thence easterly along shore to point of commencement, and containing S acres, more or leas. OOSSE PACKINO CO. LTD.. Applicant. Per Chas. K Robeita, Agent. fHtefl Anrll 7 1027 LAND ACT. NOTICE or INTENTION TO APPLY TO i.r..yi; toiiEMKiKi:. In Prince' Huoert Land Recording DUtrlct ot Prince Rupert, and situate j at Ecwtll Inlet. Moresby Island, Queen I Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging company Limited, 01 Vancouver, B.C., occupation Timber Merchants, Intend to apply for a lease of the following ucrcnura lurcsnori1; Commencing at a post planted at the southeast corner or lot 471 Sewell Inlet. Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte 1 Islands: thence In a northeanteily dlrec- I tlon, following the high water mark to the southeast corner of Lot 460; thencs in a southwesterly direction to the point lof commsncement, and conta'nlng 140 7 acree, more or less. I JOSEPH, DOUOLAB WtLBON, t Agent for Kelley Logglrg Co. Ltd. Dated J3th AprU. 1927. 'XOU'VE never tasted V anything quite so good as Go wan's new Maple Buds. They are so utterly different from, any other chocolate confection. These little morsels of goodness are .an extraordinary Blend of delicious chocolate in a most attractive and convenient form fascinat ing -delightful alluring. Each rounded base is stamped with UC". Vlf AIM 60c the pound also in 5c, 10c and 25c pacagu RICHER - SMOOTHER - BETTER THAN EVER BETIER DENTISTRY PLATES that civos you n nalurnl npprnr mice and lend homily tn the (Utiio'ir of fh fnce. Aly Dr. MAGUIRE Over Orjiies Phone 525 Sovereign Life Assurance Gompany of Cnnndn Heaa Office . . WinnlpeR, Mnn. The SECURITY afforded by this Company to Its policy holder Is not exceeded by any other company In Canada. The high rate Of Interent earned on our Investment, coupled with careful management, assures' a favorable dividend rate to our policyholders. This Is just ONE of the advantages of insuring with "The Sovereign." C 1. TINKER, District Representative. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED nv,.nm. .,..5n,"" 'rm Prlnre lliiert. p.m ' VICTWKIA' Nwanson llay, Alert lUy, etc Tuexday. S rZ w1iNi?,,l5i5,i',c.TOMI' '''. Alert liar, etc, Halurrtay 0 a.m. ill I M'M, S'N. ALICE AKM, ANYOX, HTEWAKT, Males IhUiid, Hun-nay, n p.m. IS?n.A.Kn.",l . M- HMI1 II. Aent. Prlnre Itupert, ll.fT Lf" lWrt Ut Victoria and hrullle at a reduced rale and barrage rlieeked llirousli t de.tlnall.m.