25 TAXI Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime Stand: Exchange Building lATT VIDKCK. Prop. Vol. XVII.. No. 152. myt main GAUTHIER CHARGES ARE GROUNDLESS I COMMANDER BYRD SUCCESSFUL IN FLIGHT OF ATLANTIC Great Britain Admits United States Parity in Ships for Her Navy LIMIT OF SIZE OF DESTROYERS TO HE SET AT 1,500 TONS IT IS UNDERSTOOD ANNOUNCEMENT HY HKIDCEMAN GENEVA, June !50. Great Hritaln had no intention of contesting the principle of parity between Great Hrilain and the United States, W. C. Bildgeman, first lord of the admiralty and official delegate here for Great Hritain, announced last night. The delegate asserted that he was unaware of anything said by any Hritish delegate that could convey the impression which prevailed in some quarters that Hritain was asking for supremacy. He continued: "Our policy has been to state frankly what are the Hritish requirements but we never disputed the American claim for parity - i ! COOKS OBTAIN ! ' These Workers Come Under Provincial Statute, Appeal Court Finds VICTORIA. June 30. Tlie British lunibla MJnlnnjWM Act proykt uig a uc per iwur minimum wage. pplle to cooks in togging camps and sawmills according to the British Columbia Court of Appeals. The decision of the trial Judge of the Cariboo county court rejecting the claim of Cecil Comp-ton. cook, agalnat the Allen-Thrasher Lumber Co. operating near Trlnce Oeorge. for a difference th pay at a rste of ITS per month and 40c per hour from the time the act went Into tSe-t was revcrwd. SKEENABAFFLED TWO BOATMEN Had to Ix-nvc I-nunch at E.tew Wliile They Went to Terrace for Engine Kipalrs TERRACE, June 30. -The Skeena Is a difficult atream to navigate A great niany people are fully aware of it. Among those who know arc, It. A. Mor-gensten of Prince Kupert and Clordon Nelson of Terrace who net out to bring motor boat here from Prince Rupert to be used In connection with the log glng of cottonwood for Laminated Materials Ltd. of New Westminster. They got as far an Extcw and there left their boat, coming on to Terrace by train until repairs were effected on the engine, Tley returned to Extew yesterday. DROWNED WHEN MAKING MOVIE Three .Men E"? I'Ivl!4 ,n ,iver in Alaska When Filming Picture CORDOVA, June 30.- Ray Thomson, 20 years of ago. of Los Angeles, Jcwcph liautliv, 34, of Juneau, and P. It. Daughters, air, of Spokane, were drowned yesterday in Abcrcromblc canyon on the Coper River, 80 miles cast of here when filming a motion picture icene. PRINCE GEORGE TO VISIT IN CANADA OTTAWA, Juno 30 Prince George w!1! accomuanv the Prince of Wales and Pre mier Baldwin on their proposed Canadian tour, it was learned here this afternoon. INFLUENZA KILLED HUNDRED 6EATTLE, June 30. Inflmw along tho Kuskokwlm River la Alaska killed moro than 100 natives last winter according to advice received from there. 0 Ilk rary aj. established by tiie Washington treaty I li true we think our special needslplaw lheKe tvlo important cities of nomanrl a" hlirhr niimrvr in rrrtfl in type of icsfcU but we do not deny tne right or the United States to build up to any figure in any type of warship If she thought It necessary." Agreement to limit the size of de- stroyers waa reached today, the tonnage It Is understood being fixed at 1,600. IKKMIMt 1)1.1 V Kit s MlA(ir. TO jrKOI'LK VICTOrtlA. June 30.' Premier Oliver, writing his Confederation message to the people of British Columbia from Hamilton, On- tarlo, mhere he is recuperating from a recent illness, reviews the progress of this province and Its contribution to the greatness of the Dominion. "I trust there will be a contlnua- lion of the development cf our resources as a community of Ood-fearlng men and women," says the message. PRINCE RUPERT IS BEING DRESSED IN COLOR FOR JULY 1 Prince Rupert In taking on a coat of many bright colors for the four-day celebration of the Diamond Jubilee of Confederation which will start tonight with the baseball game between Ketchikan and Prince Rupert. Flags are being generally unfurled and a good' many business places have gone to, consider-f ble trouble to decorate appropriately. A fine Job has been done by the city engineer and the superintendent of utilities In decorating the City Hall ami Fire Hall. Around that corner some attractive, lighting effects have also :en put In. Tho Court House li also gaily garbed for tho occasion. One of the notable displays Is that at the C.N.R. ticket and telegraph offices, A, Urge portrait of Prince Rupert Is the centre of the decorative scheme. GOVERNMENT WIN IN MANITOBA IS DECISIVE WINNIPEG, June 30. -The election of 31 Government. member seems assured. Conservatives have thirteen, Liberals seven, labor two, and Independents two. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Bid. Asked 1.6 168 14.00 16.00 .OOS .07V4 1.42U 1.44 .00 ' ioo .20 '.00'4' .08 H .05 .06 ,10',-i .10 .13 .15 .00 B.C. Silver . . Coast Cojncr fork Provlnw Dunwcll Olaclcr '.. Gladstone . . . . Independence Indian Lucky Jim . . porter Idaho . Sunloch r B. Snow, timekeeper In the Craw ford & Moore logging camp In Massctt Inlet, arrived In the city from the Is- on the Prince Charles this morning. Miss Jessie Stott, who has been teiichinn school at Massctt, Is a passen- . ih. prinra Charles today through JJCi W - to Vancouver for the summer holtdays. Northern and PRINCE CONFEDERATION IS NEW TRAIN; FaJ Service Connecting East and West In Commenced on C.N.R. WINNIPEG. June 30In honor ofi the Dli.li.oud Jubilee of Confederation i the r.i.alli,n National Railways have Inaugurated a new lat train between: Toronto and points In old Ontario to Vancouver and the Pacific Coast. The train' Is most appropriately named "The Conf deration" and not only, will .11 provide an Important intcr-provlncUJ link between the cast and the west, but It will also' provide (or the first time a direct wrvice between B.C. and eastern Canada via Brandon and Begins, rievloutly Canadian National trans-continental lines have operated directly from Winnipeg to Saskatoon nH thrfi.r "The fionlederaltm" will western Can? da upon a main line train running to and from the east. "The Confederation" on Its initial run on June 24 carried letters from Thonvis Foster, mayor of Toronto to! the mayors of ' Winnipeg, Brandon, Reglna. Saskatoon. Edmonton and, Vancouver, congratulating them upon the Inauguration of this new train and announcing the pleasure which he nfndlni? ertellnzs by It to the enici l..ri,tiv nf theae !ster cities. Mayor rbsUr pointed out that trie inaugura- 4!., t ,L1. .... wl rl I . In ... I urvlM fcJOU Ul Ull fll . FW,V bv the Canadian National Railways la evidence of the Increased growth of trade and travel between Toronto and the Pacific coast, which I sincerely trust will continue to the mutual advantage of our cities." FREE FIGHT AT FOOTBALL Spectators Hushed Field When Scotsmen Were Having Fisticuffs (lame at Winnipeg VMNMIId. June 30. The M-ol llsli fiH.lliiill ImirMii defeated (he IliikuuliH of Vienna I ti 1 here l;it night. Mhen the plujrnt mUed in u lljlit at M-ven iiiliiutes In go, him-dredn or Hie len tliouuind peta-Iim-s riikhed I he Held and thli re-rlpltated u near riot berore the Mi!lie rotciinl onlrr and rnublril I he game to prmeed. UNITED CHURCH PARTY IN WEST New Outlook Special Confedera tion Train at Jasper JASPER, June 30. With two-hundred slght-srers representing every province In Canada, the new outlook Confederation upeclal train which left Toronto on Saturday last arrived here over the lines of the Canadian National Rail ways last night. This morning the party Journeyed to Mallgne Canyon and spent several iKHirt wandering about tho foot of the canyon, which is very picturesque ai the pi-csent time with all the surrounding mountain peak ' streams jwurlng Into tho canyon. This afternoon they will make a special trip, to the Olaclcr of the Angels' on Mount Edith Cuvcll to da honor to the memory of the martyr nurse of . the Circa t War. The excursion, which is under the auspices of the New Outlook, the United Church weekly paper, ta for the purpose of showing the members of their organisation the west and to visit some of tho Institutions of the church. The entire party is registered' at Jas per Park Lodge and will stay here until tonight when they leave to continue their Journey to the Paclflo coast. J. B. Woodworth. who recently ae quired tho Patterson mine on Porcher Island, sailed on the Princess Charlotte yesterday afternoon for Vancouver after a visit to tho projjerty where prepare , tlons for development work are now I being made. PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, JUNE CARDINALS ARE FORGING AHEAD St. Louis Again Threatening Pittsburg for National League Supremacy w YORK, June 30.-In another thrilling baseball gamp. St. Louis Car- aiVM jri-.ujr l""" "" ' naiiuuai ue title ..jr iy de feating Pittsburg Pirates 10 to 8. Chicago kept third place! by winning 2-1 an ovt r Cincinnati In a llghtf game while Philadelphia teat Brooklyn 0-4. The New York Yankees continued their strength In the American League by wlnnlta 8-2 oyer Boston. Cleveland and Chicago split a double-header while Detroit and Washington won respectively over St. Louis and Philadelphia. With honors divided In a four-game series, tlie Pirates left St. louls with a bare hall gamo lead over tin world champion Cardinals. In the eight!-lnnlng yesterday, the Cards, scored five runn to beat the Pirates. The American League battle looms more and more like a runaway affair with New York Yankees cousting for ward with an eleven game margin. The day's scores were as fellows: AMKIMCAN I.KA(;l K Cleveland 0-8, Chicago 5-6. . .... . T 1 X! VnvL & St. Louis 3, Detroit 8. Philadelphia 3, Washington S. k NATIONAL I.KAIII K Chicago 2. Cincinnati 1. SmoUyn 4. Philadelphia 6. Pittsburg 0, St. Louts 10. PRISONERS BENEFIT BY JUBILEEiSESON OTTAWA, June 30.- One month has been taken off the terms of prisoners serving not less than six months In Canadian penitentiaries, and an additional month for each year. This la part of the Jubilee celebration. YANDERBILTS WILL VISIT IN ATLIN, B.C. NEW YORK, June 30. Henry Oaasa- way Davis and his bride, formerly Orace Vanderbllt. left here at midnight for Toronto en route to Atltn where the groom's uncle owns a mine. GRAND AGGREGATE AT VICTORIA RIFLE MEET VICTORIA, June 30. Taree days con sistent shooting won for Sergeant Burton of the Victoria Garrison the highest grand aggregate o 518. The meet ended yesterday. BROUGHT REINDEER, FURS AND GOLD TO SEATTLEFROM ALASKA SEATTLE, June 30. W. E. Tupper has arrived here from Alaska with GOO rein deer and $50,000 worth of furs, as well as $3,000 gold bullion from the Kuskok wlm region. NO I'AI'KIt TO.MOItltOW Tomorrow, being Dominion Day, there will tw no issue of the Dally News. The regular edition will be pub- llslied on Saturday. The marriage will take pluce Batur- da yalternoon at 4 o'clock In St. An drew's Anglican Cutliedral of Miss Kathleen Ward, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward of Massctt, and George Hill, hon of Mr. and Mrs. George Hill of this city. After the ceremony, the couple will embark on the steamer Prince Oeorge for a holiday trip south The 'total number of entries for the pageant in connection with the celc bratlon of the Diamond Jubilee of Con federation In the city rose to 107 this morning It was announced by R. V. O, LePlne, chairman of tho committee In charge of the feature. Miss Ingrcd Isaacson left on this morning's train for Houston on holiday 'visit. Newspaper 30. 1927 BIG INCREASE FISH LANDINGS Halibut Arrivals nt This Port Show Increase of 800,000 Lbs. Over Last .May Ji total nf 3.651.000 pounds of halibut was landed at the port of Prince Ru-rert during the month of June, closing '.rday. as compared with the total during June 1026 of 2.330.OO0 pounds or increase of nearly 800.030 pounds, Divided the past month's total consisted of 2,402.000 pounds American halibut and 1 .2 43, COO pounds Canadian. Respective figures last year were: 1.- 910.000 pounds American and 077,000 pouwj Canadian. Sales at the Fish Exchange this morning were as fellows: AMERICAN . Republic. 50,000 pouiuUi, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., 11.4c and 6c. Roald Amundsen, 11.000 pounds. royal Fish Co., 11 Jo and 6c. Alkl, 5.500 pounds. Booth Fisheries, 12.20 and 6c. Reliance. 4,500 pounds. Canadian Fish 4c Cold Storage Co., 12c and Oc f'AXAKI VX Brsnt. 5 .OO0 pounds, Atl'n Fisheries, 11.4c and 6c. T. and Y.. 12.000 pounds. Canadian Fish & OJd Storage Co., 11.6c and 6c. Marguerite. 3.500 pounds. Royal , Fish Co.. 11.2c and 6c. ' Ringleader, O.OCKV pounds Atllnsh- HIS FLIGHT ISSUCCESS Commander Uyrd Reaches Goal of Transatlantic Air Passage PA II IS, June 30. Coniiiiiiudrr Klrhurd Itvrd. In the plane America, flew over Ashante, Krunre, this afternoon niter riving till night through tux ami Is expected here this evening. This morning the pliuie had been reported loo miles west of Lund's End, i:iigluutl. TENNIS FINALS BEING PLAYED Ryall and Mlsa Curtln won the chanv plonMilp for mixed doubles in the Prince Rupert Tennis Club'a tourna mcnt when they defeated Cabcldu and Miss Palmer last night In the final by a score of .6-4, 6-4. Mrs. McMordle and Miss Ricl won the ladies' doubles by beating Mrs. Evan and Miss Harvey 6-1. 6-2. The men's doubles event was won by Ryall and Crewe over Marentette and Carmlchaet In a five-game set, the score of which was 3-6, 3-6, 6-0, 6-1. 6-4. Men's singles and .ladles' singles will be played Monday night, weather per mitting. The finalists respectively arc Cabcldu and Ryall and Mrs. McMordle and Mrs. Crewe. In semi-finals last night. Mrs. Ut Mordie and Miss Rlel defeated Mrs, Bradbury and Miss Davles 6-1, 6-1 in ladies' doubles; Marentette and Car' mlchael won over Thomson and Morti mer 6-1, 6-0 In men's doubles. m;atmi:u report Prince Rupert Clear, calm; temper ature, 66. Terrace. Clear, calm, temp. 54. Rosswuod. Clear, calm, temp. 55. Alyansh. Clear, calm, temp. '53. Alice Arm Clear, calm, temp. 56. Anyox. nea.r. calm, temp. 58. Stewart." Clear, calm. temp. 49. Hazel ton. Clear, calm, temp. 55. Telegraph Creek. Cloudy, cairn, temp sa. Smlthers. Clear, calm, temp. 70. Burns I.ake. Clear, calm, temp. 54. Whltchorse, Clear, calm, temp. 63, Dawson. Clear, calm, temp. 55. Sisters Cantcus and Brcnden of ,8t. Joseph's convct here sailed yesterday afternoon on the Princess Charlotte for a visit to Comox. Vancouver Island, Allegations of Scandal Were M Machinations of Unscrupulous Minds OK. SUTHERLAND AND SPEAKER BUCKHAM CLEARED BUT LATTER IS .MILDLY CRITICIZED FOR BE!N(J TOO GOOD NATURED VICTORIA, June GO. Mr. Justice Morrison, investigating the Gauthier charges, find3 the accusations contained therein to be groundless. There was no collusion between the government and Gauthier. The only ground for the charges that certain alleged favored persons had secured agencies abroad was the machinations of unscrupulous supporters of the party in power who of their own notion made use of "this myth of splitting commissions." The treasury of the province has "not been charged with any payments improper or otherwise." The report of the commissioner exon- crates Hon. Dr. W. H. Sutherland, minister of public works, and Hon. John Huckham, speaker of the legislature. It rinds, however, that Buckhtfm "out of good nature made a grave blunder in ever asscnlatlng niaveu wun u in the effort to secure government liquor orders for him." HPPY SENDOFF IS GIVEN MR. AND MRS. HACKER LAST NIGHT Rev. O. O. and Mrs. Hacker were last evening guests of honor at a farewell nartv ulven on the occasion of their leaving for' Vernon, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hart, Sixth Avenue, West. A very enjoyable evening was spent in' music and games and about haif-pass rieven o'clock refreshments were eerved. Mrs. McKIniey assisting" Mrs. Hart in serving. Before departing at about 1 pjn. the guests ail expressed good wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Hacker in their new field of work and Joined in singing "For they are Jolly Oood Fellows." Those present Included! Rev. and Mrs. Hacker, Miss Way. Mrs. Moxley, Miss Eleanor Moxley, Robert Moxley. Mr. and Mrs. Carton, Mr. and Mrs. McKlnley, Mr. and Mrs. Klrkpatrlck. Mis. Baker. Fred Baker. Mrs. Burt. Misses Isabella and Susie Haddock. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. John Bulger, and Miss Kathleen Bulger. KETCHIKAN BASEBALL TEM ARRIVES TODAY FOR SERIES OF GAMES The Hri.t iame Will be Played Timlgtil ami the Second Tomorrow Afternoon . - The Ketchikan baseball team, which will play two games with Prince Rupert In connection with the celebratfbn of f the Diamond Jublllee of Confederation, arrived in town this morning aboard the powerboat Taku. The team Includes L. H. Kubley, manager and first baseman; Hoban, c; Abble' arn, 2b.; Connie HageT. p. and 3b.: Roy Wiggins, p.; Lou Harris, ss.; Bill Koskl, 3b.; Walter snarp and Carter, outfielders. i . FINED FOR HAVING UNBORN DEER IN HISPOSSESSION T. Tanaka. Japanese, Butedale, was fined 75 by Stipendiary Magistrate Mc- Leod In provincial police court yesterday i afternoon for having an unborn deer In his possession. At a special meeting of the Library Board last night at which O. V. Wilkinson, president, James Black. Rev. O. a. Hacker, secretary, and Miss Alice Cruckshank, librarian, were present, accounts were passed, Owing to his departure from the city, Mr. Hacker resigned. The matter of the appointment of a Janitor was left to the president. Mr. and Mrs. W. Oakley are passen gers, aboard the Prince Charles today returning to Vancouver after making the round trip on that vessel. Mr. Oakley la chief clerk to G. A. McNlcholl, ON Jl, general ' passenger agent at Van 'couvtr. Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. Tho latest and best for the least. Phone 457. Price Five Cents WELL KNOWN COUPLE WED ,Mrn. Jeanette L. Hilditch Became Bride of John J. Dore at Vancouver Last Night Their many frlendi In Prince Rupert " will be Interested to, .learn of the marriage last nlghtaf '8 o'clock In Holy Rosary Cathedral, Vancouver, Rev. Father Griffith officiating, of Mrs. Jeanette L. Hilditch and John J. Dore both of this city. Both bride and groom are well known and popular pioneers of the city. Mri. Dore, has resided here for eome eighteen years and Is in .business. Mr. Dore has not lived In Prince Rupert sa long but he is a real pioneer of the central interior district, particularly around Haz-elton. He Is district superintendent of Government Telegraphs. Mr. and Mrs. Dore, to whom be3i wishes, and congratulations will be generally extended, expect to return to Prince Rupert on July 8 to take up their, residence. DR. ROTHWELL DIESQUESNEL Member for New Westminster Was Brother to I'rince Rupert Lpdy QUESNEL, June 30. Dr. E. J. Roth-well, 57 years of age, who was elected to the Legislature In 1924, died at the hospital here last night. His wife was summoned .h f from m. New wimin,t.r Westminster tait last week when the member was seized with a sudden illness while motoring on. a holiday trip to the Cariboo with his young adopted son Sheldon, who was by by bedside when he died. The end was not expected as improvement of his condition was reported following several blood transfusions during the past few days. Dr. Rothwell was a brother of Miss Rothwell of the Prince Rupert schools and also of the late Mrs. F. 0, Dawson. MUST SERVE SENTENCE MURDER COMMITTED 20 YEARS AGO IN ALASKA WASHINGTON, June 30. Vuco Per-ovlch of Rochester. New York, a barber. under a court ruling must serve a Ufa sentence for murder committed twenty ; years ago in Alaska. He was liberated, some years ago &s a result 'of habeas corpus proceedings. SOUTH AFRICAN FLAG BILL IS REJECTED BY SENATE IN A DEADLOCK CAPETOWN, June 30. Following the rejection of the Senate amendments to the flag bfil by the Assembly, the Senate finally rejected the bill. Advertise In The Dally Newa