wen i to () At Confederation 1 JL'liZ I ! VAPORAH3 Cz7 Insect Pests Kills Flies -Mosquito Roaches -Bed Bugs -Haas imi in 1867 you couldn't get VELVET ICE CREAM but you can today TAKE A NEAPOLITAN BRICK HOME and enjoy seeing them enjoy it! Get Velvet Ice Cream for the Celebration Holidays We cater for Parties, Picnics, Dances, etc. PHOMPT DKMVEKY Out-of-town Orders shipped promptly. Corner of Third Avenue nnd Second St. P.O. Box C82 DEMAND BIG HUNTING CRUISER HERE coast this mion, It was her first fall ,at Prince Rupert. Built along cannery! 'tender lines and of heavy constru;tlon, the Westward was designed specially for bz game hunting and Alaska cruising. Bhe has a beam of some sixteen . ,feet and the Interior is Indeed palatial. Above decks are the pilot house and a incht Westward r Spent Night ill commodious dining saloon and obserya-Port Willi San Francisco and jon cabln containing fire place, loung Seattle People on Hoard IS .MODERN VESSEL Aboard the ing cnasri. pnoncgrapn, etc., wiin galley and crew's uarters aft. Deck space Is ample. Below decks are three large bedrooms containing double beds and filnele couches, with clothes closet. palatial delfiri-englned Bn, oth 1 June 30, 1927 'hu -!3ay. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE ream rto the "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - ; .; THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST- FOOD." ' i 'v Smoked Dally MS;. .. , Canadian pish & fold Storage .Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. FOR RENT Johnson's Electric Floor Polisher $2.00 per day .Let us know the day you 'want it! I Kaien Hardware Co. Phone 3 Prince Rupert Auto Company Ai?ents fcr Hudson and Essex Super-Six Cars Prince Rupert Hotel. Second Avenue, oppose Phones 75 and 275 yacht Westward. Dean WhltUr. pro- In incrt the boat. an ldeal comfln' mlnent San stock and bond Franco atJon 0, comfort- 6Mwortlllness ont dealer and party of eight guests. r. u nuntlng, flBhln- an rivtd in Mrt at 9 o'cKU last night In ctXiM twln Kved ftnd dr. .lie llliav Kti iX JJ1UJ1UI B CI UIK Ui Iirl.lsh CalumhU and Alaskan waters, 21 and which will en J there with th; rtturri cf th i paty on July 1C. The Inlets of the British Columbia coast have been leisurely visited and stops have included V.ctjrla. Campbell River, Aler: Bay, Ocean Falls, Bwanson Ray and ButedaK The Westward, which is owned by Campbell Ourcii, a Eugene. Oregon, millionaire, Is 80 feet loiig. She 1.'. about the latest thing that lias been r.ten here in the way of power yachts. Slie was bull i tbTeo years ago at Quar? termaiter Harbor. Puget Sound, her borne port belikR Seattle. While this U her third muse on the rives power from two 105 h.p. Atlas- Imperial delsel engines. Her crew con- tying up at the Prince Hupert Yacht of D k4!mani mate1 & Bowing Club floats and leaving at tWQ englrera cooIt and cabln boy. she , . , , 8 . j,3! crulslne radjuj Jur.eau is the objective of the present 4i00o me,. .cruxe wnicn .i'. iiu in oeauie on June with a single fiOIMJ TO KOlllXK LATER The Westward -.will call here again ; her return south In about a week's time and on July 20 will again leave ?-attle for a three month's grizzly tear hunt to Kodlak Island -with C. C. nicck of Peoria, Illinois, and Ills guests on br.ard. Cho win call here -while bound north on this trip. ! In the winter, the Westward Is us-ually used, as she was last winter, for b'g game fishing fn Mexican waters. ' The boat s designed to stand any and,'-All weatfier: She' i a private cruiser ' ,and was tullt for the uee of the owner ' and huf family. He usually takes two , .cruises each- reason of two, or three LAND ACT. Jmonths and charters the Westward for, ,(Ue baltnce of the year. The : captain NOTH'K Oi- INTENTION TO .I'I'L T(i ' ,nd mats are hunters and guides them-LEASE nKliORE. ' Mlvt They Know, the game and . In Prlnc Rupert Lmd Recording thoroughly love it. District of Prince Rupert, at,d situate at Moresby Island, Queen Cbarloite TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C.. ' occupation Timber Merchants, Intcndi II to apply for a lease of the following .V described foreshore: I Commencing at a Dost olanted unDrox- lmately one-halt mile south 30deg. cast of the mouth of the Tassoo River, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands: thence following the high water mark in a northwesterly, westerly and southwesterly direction for a distance of one SPORT CHAT Here goes for Dominion Day, always a big time in Prince Rupert but this year made bigger and better than ever tefore since it Is the auspicious occasion of the Diamond Jubilee of Canada's birth. " Carrying - all the usual features and one-half miles; thence in an easterly . direction to the nolnt of commencement, as well as several new ones. It is going' i and containing 160 res more or less. to te , veritable feast for all fans old 'Xe'Sg , r2e?utor '.HU younj allke-and there will befew JCelley Logging Co. Ltd who will not be able to pick put of uaieq juin Apni. mi. of tne progra-, something particular, LAND XCT. ! Interest to themselves. With baseball.! . football, tug-of-war, senior and Junior NOTICE OK INTENTION TO APPLY TO tratk ffId jportS. etc. on the pro- LKASF. laNl. H.H . INI.ISTK1AL " ,ndee7olng ,t to be . blB , " . three days of festivity. In Prince Rupert Land Recording ' District of Prince Rupert, and situate . at Sewell Inlet, Moreriy Island, Queen Bawball will openthe program ,-.-, to Charlotte Islands. Initht when Ketchikan and Prince Ru TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logg'ng t uke illt tor Uie flret o Cfunpjny limited, of Vancouver. B.C f - occupaUon Timber Merchants. Intends two games, the second of which will to apply for a lease of the fo'lowlng te tomorrow afternoon. This meeting Commencing at", post planted approx- r " ture f lmately 8 chains south '20 degrees east baseball year in the city and the lm-of the northeast corner of Lot 472. Sewell pending encounter should prove no ex- iSi "thtiu.: Tn r erly. wutn. ceptlon to the rule. Prince Rupert erlv and southwesterly direction to Its has picked the best of Its material and more or less, to the point of commence- better than last year. All that Is want ment, and containing 20 acres, more or ;d now Is some real, weather for the leas. JOSEPH DOUGLAS WILSON, Agent for Kelley Loggln; Co. Ltd. Dated 29th April. 1927. LAND ACT. jLftar tli first bos I was feeling much-better, 10 I kept on until I had used the three boxes, and now I feel as wall aaever I did when I was a -young girl." Price 50c. a box at all deaWs, or mailed direct on receipt of prle by Th T. Uilburn Co., limited, Toronto, feL. benefit of the baseball series as well at the other events op I the program. Then for the footballers, and their legion of fans will toe the Dominion Day cup final to be played tomorrow evening. Always one of the year s foot- NOTirE or INTENTION TO APPLY TO ... . na" classlc .,... ln p.1 Prince RuDert Itupert, the me tame game LEASE LAM FOK IMtl STHIAL 1 ITKPONKS I this year will attract a special measure , -cf Interest. With the Mooso and the In Prince Rupert Land Recording .... Regiment R,-,m,n, In the flnai. finals, the tne trrnhv trcpny is is District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island, Queen golug to find new ownership, whoever Charlotte Islands. win,. Roth teams are on their toes CStNSS. lohfatV.oSJverfgl!c the Moaso all het up for their battle occupation Timber Merchants, Intends for the second trophy, of the year, they to apply fcr aease 01 tne touowing a)rMdy naVing taken the Stuart Shield. dTommdenclngi: at a post planted at while the soldiers, who have been going the southeast corner of Lot 47L Sewell jtrong of lat, are. lust a keen. It 61.17 chains; thence In a southwesterly be few Prince Rupert soccr fans who direction, folowlng the shore line to are not pmwnt. the point of commencement, and con-: ' i taming 30 acres, more or leas. . . JVW.rU .UUUUUAQ VYii-iOWi-.,. 1 ijie luiiuwill) umur vvbu iwwjii ' ' "s it Vi i-JSS " Co ltd teams bav bffri ctl' to play , oh Dated 29th 37. . (Saturday, July 2, at' S-O" lW connecthija ) ; i i'MENTS " 1 'Res.BawronRudoir Mineral , Nelson. Dan Morrison, William Colllson, claim. Lot No. 2340, situate In Queen 'Mike :tnirvlch, Roy Wicks, t. Smftli Charlotte Mining Division, Prirife Rupert E " , B u j ' Conladlna, district, located on Louise Island. r , r" , , TAKE NOTICE that I. Alex Rogers, of ! Stripes Waller Cross. Albert Stiles, Lockeport. B.C., Free Miner's Certificate Max Larkln, Reggie Oolllson, Harold ?,t,94lLrtft0.,SX,n,lS?.M'on'l'. Ry Morrt-on. Walter John Improvements for the purpose of obtain- son, N. Clurvlch, Prank Morrison, Henry ing a crown gram ui nuuvo umui, iDickens, Hill. R" of r;.' -v in.l Ari' . Retcrves-Alex Walters, C. Johnston. must be commenced before the issu ance of such certificate 01 improve-ments. Dated this 11th day of February. 1927, Became So Weak Could Hardly Stand Mra. Wm. Palmer. Tomahawk, Alta., writes 1 "iMt spring I bad a long spell of sickness and became so weak I could hardly stand. I oould not sleep at night as the ltast little noise would wake ine up. I tried blood tonics and other nerve pills, but they did m no good, afcd I Was getting worse. I wrote my mother. about my condition, and she sent me three boxes of T. Bussanlch. Players will report to J, Campbell or J. S. Wilson at AcropolK Hill fifteen minutes before the game. Shirts will be supplied but players will bring their own knickers. Oeorgo Russell, rtferee. MORE SUBSCRIPTIONS 1 ( CELEBRATION FUND Further subscriptions for the Diamond Jubilee celebration have been received as .follows: Richard Butler ,-. Munrp "nros . . . Thosv-'Trotler . . ,;v.. . .cf.V-l. Oeotge Hill ...jR. 6.00 . . ?09 .. 8.00 ,.S.ui) Bryant Si Oreer ",Vf -.A... 10.00 Dybhavn St Moran, 99 Taxi ...... .8.00 O. Anger 5.00 Howe & McNulty 10.00 J. B, Miller b.OO Orotto Cigar Store 6.00 Em Large, 39 Taxi . : V S.00 Mactor Macgulre S.00 Ca-slna Cafe . . . , ,. , 8 .00 Thor Johnson B.OO Miscellaneous .,. 11.80 W. O. Wilcox, weir; known pioneer of Welcome Harbor,v Porcher Island, la going ln for muskrat raising thart. ssss ss s ss---BB-3s TEN DAY SALE M feel 1 rha rlnkcsr real Torn to dtgeB Keo&'.Cnd easy than Ten Day ilv helP , . 11111 ..1 wt""S Crlie 'OI ,Jreshr liprS. 3U Ires'1 11 .S8eaUa.;nelef.flat)or. 0 B" ,cer in dE s TEN DAY SALE SALE of Seasonable Merchandise Starts on Wednesday, June 29 These items have been carefully acjected from our slock at this time to help you choose your holiday requirements at n big saving. FOR LADIES Ladies' Cotton Combinations. Kegular $1.35 value. TenDay. Kft sSaW.i'riee itViCoWpnf Veats. gular' 4(Kr vatiie,'" ' ' Ten Day-Sale O-f AA l.UU Pjice,-4 for Ladies Cotton Bloomers. Regular 55c value. Ten 3D?orSa!!'.I;d.c.e:. . Ladies Art Silk Vests. Regular $1.15 value. l.oo Ladies Art Silk Bloomers. Regular $1.75 value. Ten Day (24 Off &1-K Sale Price Ladies' Art Silk Hosiery. Regular 75c value. Ten Day Sale jQQ Price, 1 in it Ladies' -Jenny Lind ifose. Ten Day 1 Sale Price Ladies' Silk Holeproof Hosiery,- black .and broyn only. I ne ;!.:) line to ciear ut Saie' Price' 3ti Ladies'". White Panama Hats. Great for picnics. To clear at Ten pay 9fZf Sale Price DISTINCTLY SPECIAL! 15 pairs of Running Shoes assorted, including a few puii of men's. Regular $1.50 and $1.75. value.-Ten Day T......... QBa SaW Price 75 pairs of Ladies' White Canvas Slippers. J;' c,ar 50c SHOE DEPARTMENT SPECIALS Children's white and brown Fleet Foot Slippers. Sizes 1 to 10 y2. Ten Day Sale Price 75c Sizes 11 to 2. Ten Day Q?T Sale Price Ladies' Tennis Oxfords. Sale Price Men's White Tennis Shoes, Regular $1.85 value. 1.35 Sale Price SPECIAL DISCOUNTS' ON RUNNING SHOES for Men and Women 20 per cent For Children 15 per cent FOR CHILDREN Childrena Sock3. Colors rnalnr hri'iwn nnil f.iwn. Ite- triil.ir S.rui and .40'valtie: ' J -'J1 Ten Day Sale Price, 4 pairs for $1.00 Children's Vhite: Buster Brown Stocking; . Regular 75c value. Ten Day Sale Price. 2 pairs for.. 1 Children's Woollen Bathing Suits. Sizes, '22 to 2G Regular $2,75 value. .;..,. $'i.5o Children's Cotton Bathing Suits. All sizes. Regular 85c and 90c value Ten Day Sale Price ...... Boys' Cotton. -'Jerseys, kha,ki and blue Siz(;s 24 to :4. Regular 7Gc value. Ten Day, Sale (jit AA Price, 2 for Boys' Balbriggan Shirts nnd Drawers. Regular C5c vaiuf. . . Ten Day An Sale Price- Men's Balbfiggen Shirts and Drawers. Regular $"l.00 value. Ten Day . Sale Price . Jabour Bros., LtcL 55c 60c T