"3 ji PACE FCU3 THE tinlLT NEW3 BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM DryQeaning m tl 6MO 'tOO WBRE COIN f JOOGt I TEU. tOO UOOK OOT-OOa,U OH THANK .u Thirty mlEj am moor WUZlsTT COIN' BACK iMTO WME an' oJRE qoiM- TO THifTTt MILt AM THING-11.1. CIVE I 6tE A JUDCE HOUR I WUZN'T 1tU TEN DAVS OR at fcrrrrr-"-"--- ,v r.:, r. r rr: uttx t x , mint C0NJ' TEN ten - NOT not i TVJtNTV twentv DOLLARS dollar- 1 SK l Itkl IT l If - Vancouver Prices Most Modern Dryclcanln- Plant in City t Phone 113 Pioneer Laundry Ltd. Third Ave. and Mcjlride Street Z r :l ! ; GET roiHi COAL WITHOUT our) . iri"NTt.K j UN THE W" V V v-v - o You can't dodge Winter but you can meet hin with a jrreat heat that will make his icicles sweat. Just order some of our coal and show the old codger that you're not the least bit afraid of him when be comes. Prepare early. Albert & McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 . T... f i i appers : Are you getting enough for your, fur? If not, come to Gold bloom. Just now we want mink, marten, ermine, coyote, wolf, foxes of all kinds, and lynx. We have large orders from manufacturers in the East, and If we cannot fill them lose our bonus. We pay top prices for everything. If you have a large lot. wire me and I shall call personally. Remember, if you want a square deal sell to Goldbloom -The Trappers' Friend." Second Avenue Wood DRY BIRCH, CEDAR AND JACK PINE Single Load J?.IJ0 Double Load $0-"0 Large Sack r()f 0 BUNDLES DRYvKIND-LING, $1.00 Phone 380 HydeTrans.er AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and DUtribvling. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialtee in Piano and Furnitun; Moving. ANGER, the TAILOR Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order In our shop in Prince as Rupert as low CffCT .00 L ANGER, Cutter and Designer 223 Sixth Street ' j 7 ' FAREWELL PARTY AT NAYAL HEADQUARTERS! Presentation Made Ut Night to l.leut. anil Mm. It. l ponder un fce of Departure Last OHM at naval headquarters a farewell party was held by the officer of the taeal desaefemeru of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve audi their wives In honor 0; Lieut, and Mr? i R P. Ponder who are letvtnc the cltr Dancing and community tinging were enjoyed and. in the course of the even -1 ing. Lieut. Walter Hume, the new offl-1 cer commanding, presented a beautiful tray te Lieut, and Mrs. Ponder on behalf of the office and members of th wardroom mesa. Lieut. Pender replied suitably. ThflM nrauumt I . lnluil lu.it . U . . . mM .. H , Mrs. R. P. Ponder. Lieut. Walter Hume MUs Norse Carte. Engineer Lieutenant and Mrs. R. C. Pi nans. Paymaster Lieut. Commander P. M. Ray. Capt. and :Mrs. L. W. Kergln. Cent, and Mrs. J. R. Elfert. Lieut, and Mrs. Robert Blance Pay Lieutenant and Mrs. Prank Dtbb land Capt. O. P. Tinker. Lieut, and Mrs. R. P. Ponder wUI sail tomorrow afternoon by the Princess Mary for Alert Bay where they wUI take up future residence. TALK ON MISSIONS AT FIRESIDE CLUB Missions was the subject of a very interesting address by Mrs W. P. Price ,1111 night at the Fireside Club held, in the Baptist Church. Mrs. Price told how i some of the men. who have made their ! life's work the bringing to peoples ol ether lands the gospel or Christ, wert lied to make the effort to better the J fives of these people, something of In-Iterest to everyone. The Mission band sang several songs In keeping with the i subject that were well received. The Ut ile mju snow that great care has been tsken In teaching and training them. Refreshments were served and a social time was spent by the members and visitors. There will be no meetinn un. after the New Year. At the first meeting then Mrs. P. O. Dawson will address the club and a program of In terest to all is belna arraraed. BUSIB .LAKE The Burns Lake and District Board oi Trade, at a general meeting last week with R. Lowe, president, in the chair, decided to urge that government liquor store be established here. R. H. Oerow has been appointed re- :urnlng officer for the forthcoming election of village councillors Mrs. S. D. MacOregor of Danskln ha. returned home -alter having undergone medical treatment In Prince r.nr7. Her health 'Is greatly greatly im im Droved. V7ilfia'irtivefttofiLButns.lak 19 suffering from Ulness. A. Dixon of Prince Ceoree. district engineer for the provincial department or public works, was a visitor here last week on ofnelal duties. The lowest temperature durln? tK past week has been thtrty-two degrees oeiow rero. About twelve Inches of snow has fallen durinir th v Mr, and Mrs. Charles Hunter of rvi. leymount left last week to spend the Christmas and New Year holidays vlsit- ntg with relatives in Spokane. Announcement has .been received hr of the appointment of Miss E. Haines IN, formerly of the staff and atone timo also missionary rse at Wistaria, ar lady superintendent of the Burns Lake Hospital which s conducted by the Women's Missionary Society of the United Church of Canada. Mrs. C. .Hartley and Miss M Hartu. hsve opened a millinery buspess here In the building between the fLaktow Hotel and the Jewell Market. District visitors' In town during the week hsve included Olof Haulkranz. Porestdale: M. O. Stleh. Porestdale: J. R. Walker and Andrew Walker, Francois Lake. yaIwoof Thomas Murdoch, a young Stuart take Indian, has been sent to th in dttr.-vil school fdr hi . . -. v m ui;: been found guilty by Magistrate Joan WAS SO NERVOUS,, and SHORT OF BREATH COULD HARDLY SLEEP Mrs. Louise Raglia, Golden Lake, Out., writes: "Tor several years I was greatly troubled with my teart I was so nervous aa aiivrt of breath I eouM hardly sleep at night, and if I did sleep fr a while I had bad dreams. "I managed to keep at my work, somehow, until I began to have diy spells which gut so bad I had to give op. I used many kinds of medicine, but found no hrlp until I got a box f ! After the first box I found a great haage, an J after two boxes I was as well as I could be. "I told mr mother, who hid choking sensations, IWtlZ1 atMjtlt thm loj I they helped her ereatlr. ; Price 50c a box at all druggists aad i dealers, or mailed direct on receipt af price by The T. Milbum Co- Limited, Toronto, Ont. D. Caarlesoo of stealing a (Ink ska from 8. Saoskl. . " The Christmas Sunshine Fund com-' nittfe has been very tUccssafni in iu orkv over taree hundred dollars having already been aoUeoted here. A 'Christmas partf ' for AnajUear :ilneu is betne; held fts afternoon at -he reeUry. Word has been received Ut Mrs. lay recently uaderwem an operation -he vaccouter.. General Hospital and K estfsg comfortably. Principal amfts ol the Port Frasei Juprrtor School Has resigned to aecepi -. poeltten In New Westminster. Mrt. James Dew.u of Fort Fraser has been eonflned to her home for the past -ea days owtag to siekacss. The annual meetinc and dinner nf the local branch of the CanadlanLegtQn was held last Prldiv nisht in k 3oard qt Trade HaU. Mrs. Harry Stokes has returned from i trip to Edmonton, ereatly imDroved In health. Mr. arid Mrs. J. w. Sackner and 'amlly have returned to their farm at Hulatt from Grand Rapids. Michi gan. i The Dominion Players. Including Chief I A delight to the 1 I connoisseur This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the U.U Valium uuary liritish Lone Eagle and Sandy HeMab. gave 1 creditable perfromances in Um Community Hall on Tuesday and W d Bea ds y evenings EDMONTON AGAINST i TRANSFERABLE YOTE IN CITY ELECTIONS EDMONTON Dec After having had the proportional representation sys tem oX voting in affect hare for four years, Bdjnonton electors roved to abot-j a It by a majority of 1 Xt at the eivit : section. There were lt.Mg elector-. , , ..... j ... . tmyr, . .imi vn; r- vote upon this pi: bisclte and the raaulu ceptlon of the Inter High School baa-were: for abolition. Mii against. MT. i set ball sartea. la now eoncluded uatti City officials point out that this re-1 after the Cbrtaunaa assd New Tear anlt of the pleblac.te doas not nieaa that balMay aeason. BaUetkaU will be re-P.R. la to 'jt dai e away with at once, iuiasd the second weak in January and It H, however, an expression of opinion ; other tames will be starting about the but it would be necessary to art nro-1 same Ume It la esnectMl, Ami i: "I vlaclal leglalattur in the form af a onar- ot smenament .o abollab use present Pit. system and return to the oM X jor cross aUa. The question submitted waa: "Are you i In fmvnr nf ftkAlkahlna Ik. .Imi, nf alscUng the mayor and aldannan by the i voportioiwi representation syatasa and eturrooe to the snstaw of election oro- ad ay the Bdnsontrm ebartar In force letore tha adoption of election by the proportionsi reprasentaUou system now 4Bd7 PEACE RIVER AND THE SEA Peace Rlrjr la our hinterland Our butter, bread and cheese. rbr which 'well gladly end' tbnm The somroaroe of oar seas ao. konoiy USoubeniman nru me inai railway. Her bins and bunkers an are full, See seek fta easier pull. Why eDd'her high In mountain shade Or round a crooked hill. , When westward trades and downward grades Run easily to the mill? Cp, up. you husky northern aona. Don anowsboea, aled and ski. Well twiddle our thumbs at the south ern bum And blsze a trail at the gull would sail O'er prairie wide by mountain aide To a butue by the sunset sea. Sa now weiieed that rail way For ba.cn. flour aad ease. We've get' to gat that railroad I By herk! or walk and freeat. Tea. got to have that railway To hell with South and please. i OLDMAN. , , j ' I . j or oy 'tie Government or Columbia ii in For Wanted Sale DAILY For Rent 2c per word in SPORT CHAT with the ateying of last Meats Otbkaae League aU sporttng activity In Prlne Ruun . k . tereat has now been awakened la all braoeaea of activity aad the second half of the season will in all Uketthood be Just aa ucceaarul aa waa the first. In the mean tone, the festive season Is m . rtH I, l a . W-. i. .... have no servers affect at) the general leacaUenee that has bean already set. The Junior Hockey League In Prince Oaorne has eorapieted all arrangimeers for the coming season's otar. The lea gue will start on the short aMe to mi out of four teaaaaltss esaaated to fill erurt the addrUeoal talent required ficm the boys who were bao sataU to saake the teams last year. Names are now betng enralled and It la hoped to play the first gam la the Junior series on tae evening of January 4. The outstanding' gesae at the Prince .George eurlmg rink during the past weak was the victory af Pred D. Tsy lore rink by a score of 11 to 4 over aa segregation headed by Dupre. one of the erutos oldest skips. In this game. the speetstorr we're treated to a class of ousting seseem excelled anywhere, The preeant season Is the first la which Taylor has taken on the responsibilities of a skin. His four showed un vm well indeed CRIBBAGEJLEAGUE Urlo ldd at f'onelulon of' I1nt Half nf ea4iii Prince Rupert Cribbaae Leaeue r- suiu last night ware as follows: Canadian Lefton 10, Orange LodastT. Sons of Canada 14. New Empress Hotel IS. , C. N. Operating 18. Prince Rupert Hotel 14. C. N. Mechanics 10. St. Andrews 17. Moose S, Knights of Columbus 18. Cold S4orage 10. O rot to 17. W. L. Pts Orctto 9 2 9 C. N. Oneeatin tit " ' " Moose Knights of Columbus C 5 $ Sons of Canada 6 5 0 Cold; Storage ' 3 8 4 New- Bmnreas 1tatL K K . A Canadian ''tcioV & vJLW4&J c. w. MecMralef 4 7 4 St. Andrew's 3 8 3 orange Lodge 3 8 3 TERRACE John and Louis Oauruve. Kalum Lake mlnllfg men lefk en Thursday for Beau tie where they wwl spend the next few months. Mr. and Mr. W. C. Casaela and family ;left on Thursday for Kwlnltsa where they will be located for the next few months. Two parcels of crown timber were deposed of by auction sals hetd In the forestry office. Terrace, oh Friday afternoon. Mr. McDonald was the purchaser of a tract at Cedarvale and Mr. Per-rault of Terrace purchased the tract :usted at the mouth of the Copper H;ver. Both tracts will be. exploited '-he interests of the pole industry. ',n E Allen, district forester cpndualedj Jbe, A very heavy fal! of snow has taken ; lae here during, the past week and the depth la now greater than It has been at any time during the past three yearn and elso much greater for the time of year than has been experienced for many years. The weather has been gradually moderating during the past f w dy and on Sunday morning rain commenced to fall T ie WA of the Anglican church me', 'in T , sda afternoon jMrs, A, W. R;)buott, Tue financial, NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c TOR SALE FOR SALE nOHT TUBE RADfO Sarr. genuine walnut cabloat. 'aajulssaaa with new 8. batteries, tubas, cane sneaker and aerial. One of ohe vary beat. Will sell at bargain! Applt Bw ST. Pally News sanea. xm 'OH SALE. A REAL CHRISTMAS Special. Oerbarel llslnlnaiiii player Pbwo. Beeooahand at HHOO on teens. Walker's Music sMore. tt rOR SAtJS SeXXMtDfiAtlD HOOVER Etactrlc Sesvaeer in rood condition See Kalen HaraVwara. tf FOR RKXT TOR RENT MODERN HOUS: BKCEL- leat view. Apply aU Poufth Ave. E FOR RENT. Apartments by the day. week or month. Phone Red cOT tf HOUSE FOR RENT 8 ROOMS AND BATH. Apply kiunro Bros. If EXCHANGB new ami strovo iund rt iiMTiun: bought and sold and saehsneed. Player Pis no and Two Cash Reglstera In stock. IMP.tliOITI.OH A- MtRt 83.1 Tblnl ,r. rhone CIS CllltlHTMlS flll'TM Ohesterfleld suites. eiaiiw mnm suites. Barry more aarpets. walnut drea- sers, wataut vanHy dressers, floor lamps, upholstered cane ebairs. bads. Msnkets. lounges, raasas. briek lined heaters, mats. Uncieum. A snlandas saaortmrnt of Christmas sjVys. A. MrKEVZIIX I I KNITI UK Phone 7IS ' Ereey Day at noi.iaii n w at Tin: imiiait ktokr. See our large range of Christmas cllfta. Nothing Ovee s Dollar. CHIMNEY SWEEP 11. J. Z UM KM IK fleneral Handy Man Furnacea and 8lcee Cleaned and Re paired Chlmnles 3wept. Cemetery Plot Cared .For. Phone Red Hi. Prtaee Rupert. B.O lOMM(IN ll'KMTI'm: KXrillNfll,, S. ni:OI'Knr:t. proprietor 144 Third A ferine We Buy. Sell or Esc ha nee anything. Phone lllark 4tl vMiV.tvir Mitr'viiti: sranti. 1 hare only a limited number of O CM Bteyctes and Joyeyclee - the very thin to mske the JyaungK ssnv lot the JMvJb1aW-, re' To 100 00. a small cash payment down, balance monthly. See me nowl TOM IIUXANmR 318 f ifth 5treet. Phone Blue OSS retxrt for the vear wu nnunll uul showed one of the most euoceseful and encouraging years in the auxiliary's history. Moneys were voted covering the usual auxiliary Dittoes and other funds to which donatio are made and In nearly every ease the amount was increased over former years. A substantial sum was else voted to as sist In the repairs which are being made to the church The aest tneettne i-lt! be held on January 13. and the flection of omcers will take olace at that meeting. . Mrs. Wm. West was Uken to the Prince Rupert hospital on Bunder for medical treatment. TELLS HOW NAME FOR - BOYCOTT 'Boycott" gets its name not as one j might suppose from the man. who de- vu-ed It but from the first prominent ,JB victim of this system. Captain Charles ( Low Cunningham Boycott, a farmer at Lough Mash, Connemara. and the agent of I Lord Erne, an Iriah landlord. Captain ll(ri, Boycott refused to receive rents at fig- . urea ftaed by the tenanu. A" a eonse- 'rj0W quence :, -y induced the population for miles around to refuse to have any thing to do with him or his fsmlly Hh Tin.-, attitude managed to brina about "ot-Mng," The Megtoiipne Anil,, Utu round,!, STEAMSHIP HOVEffit I'ar Vanraiit, Tuesday - Pri'iay - Ssiints; m It Not SO Dl-r J I rm t'aarnut Sunday Wi'ieia-. Saturds) v Satursjay Ko t Dec 17 k Der 11 V i Mir nwt slmt'in an4 ? t!!t. SunOay , t l4ii IVrt Shiiis..n tni ..ut tie-Tuertday t l'r tH) .llMl ,; Bui day ' Wednesday - i: I rm Amu sm'I !i Tuesday rr:d4y- , I nr )ueen (h .i Ar. Dec S v I Der 17 -lYnrn ljueeii Ihiilfrf Der I Dec 1S--S4 I'ar ,tUlis Der n Der 31 Irom Atsota Nov SO "i Dee. 31 MAIL SCHEDULE i, ofTomn, for I he Eal Menoaya. wvm- ; kr U. I rom I lie Est 'S Tuesday T( -Stae VP To Vancouver Tuesdays Frtaays Setureavs CP H. Nov 1 Trains. Mom'.. Saturday Trwi VsBeoMvrr Sundays Wedneidayr Saturdays C P R- Nov JO Trslns. Suncl.A-days .ft v tHe r n. To njax. ITrasW Sun nays Wednesdays ivwu Anin. A I Ire Arm. -remler Tuesdays Mdav To Vas Kl"r Point- 1; Sundays . from Nas Rl" folnts- ( Ttsssflsy To Alka roini"- NOV. 38. fr ! from AUs r"ni n 80 ...... p,n.v- To Qneen rhsrloiif Dsermber 3 .'- ' , T,t rrom ijnrrn Preember 1 "' 11 C.m TRAINS ttr the Ba'-- Monday Wrdi'"'!-' St 1130 am rrom !e M Thursd ' at 3,30 p m PRiwEKUPEirrjmP, t,nr.B ' IVKIINKSHAV ii II '' 1H U : Till ItHlAV. I'tll viisin 13 13 i' :' e oe 18 VJ ritiiMY KKfFMiirn tp