—_ Prince Rupert Daily News BLACKWOOD on scala ee ia : Public Ownership Urg ridge New Sewing Skills ‘For Beginners For beginners in home sewing, | the first sewing lessons can often make a world of differenc: | between future success or fai! ure CLASSIFIED AD PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M, DAY PREVIOUS I ed by B.C. Student Liberal Club VANCOUVER (A resolution urging public owne ’ fi ISINESS EN Hata Classified Rates BUSINESS RENTAL ate eee " a Most Wore Riek ule dle. By EASLEY BLACKWOOD the BC. Electric and BC. Telephone Compan, Closure tine 4:30 p.m. day pre- IDEAL Third Avenue location 1240 Kilocycles | with their mothers on the family presented by the U.BC. Liberal Club at the next Be . vious to publication. | Basement premises on lane papio Drax | **™2e machine, But, not unt! Victory Was Guaranteed But Muzzy Muffed It convention, c cain th asda a | for manufacturers agency , she gets her own machine, do ‘ . Classified, 3 cents per word per warehouse and office; storage; the average woman take he ; } strati } a8 r} aye The brief will also ask government flo insure mene; minimum charge 50! jow rental retail outlet, etc Subject to Change) sonttia seine Here is another illustration of the case where) «perv deal” for labor. surance cents. | Heating facilities provided. ste Bie Ree sis Va as a choice of bids ¢ her tude Birth Notices, 50 cents; Cards) Aopeontnstaly pt "aaaaee Pate atta «=6CAfter years of experience with le responding hand has a choice of bids and where The student-Liberals will recommend that this ip of Thanks, Death Notices,) feet. Apply at Armstrong THURSDAY the problems of beginners in ;}¢ responder makes his decision through judgment! along with the compulsory 40-hour wee, and tw Funeral Notices, Marriage and| Agencies Limited, Phone 342.| _P.M : 3 = j home sewing, some sewing cen ‘ ‘“ 4 seal ieee lO holidays, be embodied in the next Liber; o” Engagement Announcements,| 307 3rd Ave (266)| 2:20 wo Bircenrege 8 tag Lennicks | tres have evolved a new begin- rather than book-learning. ’ y wiberal platform, $2.00 : ae - | 6:00—Supper Serenade ners’ course called “Sewin Mr. Masters had three possible eens cae aries “ — aaa Gi Special Display double price. BOATS FOR SALE 6:30-—Musical Varieties Skills.” It is planned to teac! is after his partner opened ae a —— | FOR SALE — Troller, 37 feet;| 3:13 cpe mews Roundup beginners what they want to idding with one club. These | North - e ANNOUNCEMENTS | Crown Chrysler, For quick sale! 7:30——Rventia os learn most, right from the start three clubs,” “two no- (Mr. Masters) “us . Catholic card party November] $3700.00 Black 551 268p) ens the skill to sew in a way that trump” and “one spade.” ae ‘ 2 : D> tness FOFOSS 6 and 2 FOR SALE—18-ft. Sport fisher- oO does not look homemade, Th: Mr. Masters considered “three D~—A ? Cathedral ll Bazaar. No-| man ‘52 Gray motor, as new course of six lessons is giver as the worst of the lot, CO 143 ’ want pees a a, rice $ 700 ‘Car be seen at free to purchasers of a new sev vuse it is vague, because it| Wes _ FOR YOUR ROCK John F. LH vember 15 Price $170€ an b n at ! : ; (Mr, Champion) (Mi Abel) AND CONCRETE WORK u McLean’s Shipyard. Box 547 ing machine. It can be take: huts out several rounds of bid- Sd 82 SQ 10 8 3 CHIROPRAC Orange Ladies Bazaar, Nov. 1. Daily News (268p) any time within a year after ging and it. reduces the chance; MJ 10 0 4% H—# 6 EVERY JOB GUARANTEED }) Hrs. 10:30-12:30 - —— |- Senn) | purchase - a ‘ >-e@s46 2 p10 9 6 a iY oar’ O~12:30, 2 LODE. Fall Bazaar, Novem-|FOR SALE—Tenders will be re-| 3; Pirin i ; f getting into a four spade) O”"9 CKO 6 5 We Pour Cement For Less Eves: by appointmen ber 20 ceived by the undersigned up to} :2-00—s Ann'ct One of the most important tract South : 21 - 23 voices e . -{noon of Thursday, November eB steps in sewing with profession He decided against two no (Mr, Muay) Phone Blue 939 hoe wens Nurses’ Annual Ball, Friday,; 20th, for the —— of the; ay “ay finish is learning how to hanc imp because, while he had the : = = | 10ne Blue 443 Nov. 21, Legion Auditorium hereunder described motor ves-;| 7-99—p.C. Fishermen’s Broadcast the machine. This is the fi , ssary strength (about the : ; D ae 7: isherme t mé § is i 1ecessary i DK 6 43 i ~ Sonia bazaar. November 21 if ~ sn ag 4 inn a and oan ss a Winks i ane | Jesson in the course. Thoug equal of an opening bid,) he GA 10 6 2 PRECISION SAW FILING FRED E DO oe le ONerena: Meee ancl inne 7:35-—Musical port ‘many beginners can run a m .eked good intermediate cards.) The bidding i ad ’ Ww Conrad P-TA card party, Nov.) 7 entice 8:00—CB chine, few realize how much th One spade” was the final) Sut ee begin e All Typs Of Saws OPTOMETRisy’ Zs l'ype Troller 1« Pans 18 Pass | 2%, Leneth 33 ie “a well-made effect oe upon nd best) —. a waiting 1 ne ~_ 2NnT Pass | Sharpened : Room 10 Stone By! ; ; : ° Breadth 8 6" 8-30 : mtton whether the machine is used bid, which left the way open aN All Pass i ' 5 Canadii Legion Car arty 7 8:3 t 8 : i ’ Phone : even be r 26 : —— Depth 32 8:4 ittle Concert properly in relation to the needs for any final contract, depend- }215 ist Ave. W. Phone 904 Open ene we : ee ~ .| Powered by: Chrysler 110 HP) 9:00-—-BBC News and Commentary /of the fabric, and the kind of ing on the nature of partner’s/club tricks, he now had no = Sea Food Dinner, United ; = ee Engine : 15-—-Music woe show’ seam or finish they are tryir beid chance og Pg Bhs ' Shi General , Church, Friday, Nov. 28 Terms: Strictly cash een ee ee +n anhtawe ors here inelud ' pping and . none ; pcb Highest or any tender not! 15:05 wornine Visit — ve Pointer Hecesintn- gn Against the final contract of) Mr. Muzzy’s first round club/ Moving. ng, Crating esbyterian Bazaar, Novem- necessar accepted 15—Musical Prog p ogg Psa pad oT i no trump, Mr, Champion finesse was not just bad luck. It Cartage and Storage H. G. HELGE Arrangements to inspect the |.10:30—Tni Week's Arti a a om oe i ed the jack of hearts which was an error. He had a play , Reliable and Effi LIMITED emcee motor vessel can be made with) 10:45—Musical Kitchen stiten uengtn, and proper ter on b ek , y, “an Complete, able @ - ™ ation Army sale and tea,'the B.C. Packers Ltd., Seal Cove, | 11:00 rgarten of the Air sion wah OO eS oe a on ee ee stent Servies Aiso agents for }) lednesday. Dee. 3, 2:3 1 . 2 11:15 xp Time \fter looking the hand over) tee him two club tricks no mat- . REAL Wednesday, Dec. 3, 2:30 p.m G. F. FORBES ny uid Air Co. Ltd, ESTATE & I ae Xs nei ae Gitical Administrator 11:30 r Report Stitching methods to obtain Mr. Muzzy pulled a club! ter how the adverse clubs were | Canadian Liq Air Co. Ti whens 06, thrant United Church W. A. Fail} Administrater ofthe Estate | /)3 Period perfect fit, dealt with in lesso: the board and finessed | divided. And since he had ample } fr Oxygen, Acetylene and all ; y SV SNngs Bazaar, Dec. 4 of Allan F..Bird: sian taisaitne vill uaa = are the — step = avoid thy osing to the lone queen. | protection in the other three || ¥¢!ding supplies, as sicnenicistiigiaataae Court House, the homemade look ow to) Sir he needed at least two) suits, it was by no means nec- | ’ St. Peter’s Fall Bazaar, De- Princ ; oggc) | -M inte . nck , ' enltioneit . LINDSAY'S CARTAGE te rince Rupert, B.C (266c) | 19:00-—Mid-Day Melodies make darts, tucks and gathe essary for him to win the first ) | T cember 11 on . : 12:15—CBC News to follow the exact figure con two clubs. He could win ANY | & STORAGE LIMITED }) LING THE TA Lutheran Church Fish Dinner CARS FOR SALE 235 Pec tena eer imme ees teats T d St k ee Ont. tot Ee “ . pies peer 2 I arm Broadcas like shirring. ec “d tr air December 6 FOR SALE—1947 Pontiac sedan/|?” Rec Int nee oe — d en og ; Oo ay S OCKS His play was to lead a club | Bst, 1910. Phones 60 and 68 ithe ae me > auguiainateans 0 eee ote leat — " 1 :00—The neert Hour g scalle ng are also part « P 7 aaa * ade-to-M¢ BIRTH NOTICE $1100.00. Apply room 29, In-| 2:90—Nations hool Bact es iia bend of (Courtesy & D. Johnston Co, Ltd) and go up with the ace. This : lander, 7 to 9 p.m (266p) | 2:30—Easy I ng vel ee ’ ate would protect against any club Ste 220 Sixth St Phy oe to a and Mrs oF coca meres 3:00—Recora Random pre ; AB Pe . _ ; en break including all five in either Luxury omer me in the rince r SALE — 198 s »bake 3:30—-Tr ada Matinee aSS ¢ aly iished air sa sinioiaie ia Mis aera General Hospital November 12,|+ Champion; A-1 condition.| 4:15 ’ 0 V ANC Ov = : | PROS nt's hand Take the wore a son, Thomas Alan (itp) Leaving ‘town. Apply 218 8th! #30 ATTACHMENTS American Standard 07 possible break, for exampie—all p SCOTT McLA ; ___| West. Phone Red 607. (266), *#5—¢ ~~ Use of sewing machine at-| Bi 5.00 | five in. Mr. Abel's hand. The CHARTERED ACOO BUSINESS PERSONALS FOR SALE 47 Cl let a eae tachments is covered less Cc Quartz 131 ace would win the first trick A SAILS FOR =D ACCOD F SALE i hevrolet. Radio : a rolet : three. If time is taken to Jeart Congress 05 (small club to the jack would ames Block —3rd BEER bottles collected. Phone and ee 00 weer clean WANTED TO RENT ae to insert and operiie a Cronin Babine 12 knock out the queen. The next V - ne cos 1 Black 937. 71 car. Can be seen at. Frizzell’s . | Ho » ETS AG Oper a ere Pe , 4 U e , " ee = Motors Lid (266p) | WANTED TO RENT — House,| buttonholer, the various kind Giant Mascot 49 | club would come from the anco Vv i Phone 347 PO WILFORD Electrical Works. Mo- -- _ — - flat or apartment, furnished/of hegfimers, ruffle: edge Indian Mines 08 | board, toward Mr. Muzzy’s 10, tors bought, sold, rewound and FOR SALE—Equity 1951 Buick) o; unfurnished. Will buy fit-| stitche™ sewing can become an Pioneer . a and tr. Abel could win with his ann Qaemeeye e repaired. (tf) ren _ Apply Room 4 a ti or furniture. Box 544,| enjoyable art instead of a ch Premier Border z ?| king or not. There would be no h TI ; ee as lander Hote (268) Daily News, (268) Pa shi benhine + ‘i oy Privateer iw for him to 2 h Eac NOTICE—Midland Pines closes _ ; , .| Fashion stitching, that is n : pway for him: to prevent the 10 15 pm. Nov. 15 until further notice. FOR SALE — 1950 A-40 Austin hine embroidery, without tl Sheep ¢ . ek = | from winning ultimately as 18:18 Bp N (268) soa. — good ae FOR RENT use of any attachments, is the wie Premvet 2 | : For KETONE | Ex ont y at $850. Must subject of lesson four. Sk n ananda i c ' ' FOR FULLER BRUSH service,| sell, Phone Black 80, (27ip)|FOR RENT — Six-room house! ‘vbiect of lesson four. Skill in) aod vatiey | ee phone Black 990 (283p) eesiadge i with furniture for sale. Red this art pe ae a d Tah y Silver Standard 1st. | Comfort and * } \ S : : : HELP WANTED—EEMALE 607 CR) (ee ee ee Western Uranium 4.65 SLIP COVERS ae te warding aspect of thi soni i , For Reservations AND DRAPERIES WANTED — Girl to do light FOR RENT-—Furnished suite.|the discovery that so mahy of ee: 6.50 Write or Call Experienced operator. Charge housework for board and a. drinkers Call a the delicate touches of hand ane vo Canadian "Ss crry OR DEPOT VANCOUVER es Reasonable room. Phone Red 767 ‘ (268) after 5 p.m. (<66p) | wmbroidery can be done exquis- 2 = - = OFFICE an Geeete Write Box 1380-B. We call you Waren Experienced ladies SINGER SEWING CENTRE rent itely on the machine wit i Central Lodi 320 | PRINCE RUPERT.) (270p) "ready-to-wear sales girl. Good| Portable machines. Phone the expenditure of time and; sgercur 2} BOC | GONDAT eoeneeitniine einai games apa wey ar es , 864 (c) + vit iT) . : 88. Camosut MAGAZINES, novelties. Eddie’s salary. Apply by letter to Box v04 = effor Okalta 300 News Stand (¢) 663, city (267) | RENT a sander or have your Lessenh five deals with meth- R syal Canadian 18 : FRIDAY NEARLY everybody uses 99. (e) HELP WANTED. MALE FEMALE floors sanded and finished by ods of closing the skirt, bodice, TORONTO i CA Pn A 9] 1 AWN 88 Chilcotin 8 sei , vn ical é ML experts. Phone 909 Greet & neck or sleeve openings. Here Athona 12 * A ALICE ARM and § THE Ri y 1953 Be — Auto- WANTED Experienced book-| _ Briddc n Ltd. 8 a (283) is where careful workmanship Aumaque 1344 io ©) ong AL it Friday, Camosur, } 135 collet iciie tae extek, aes keeper-clerk for Construction | pOR RENT—Two room furnish-| counts for a great deal. The | | Dusquesne 3 FOR NORTH Qt ae meee ta e rs Sita Company office Must have ed suite. 1273 Water Street neatly set, invisible zipper is | Beveo 1.05 : . CHARLOTTE IS amazitia appliance at McHese| “Cees Good wages to (267p) the sign of an expertly finish- Buffalo Canadian 15% GEORGE DAWES ' Noy. $. 19 and Sitos.. S' SPP 0 87) og person roy Red 593 ~ rica inn od dren. Consol. Smelters 32.75 AUCTIONEER i 88 Chilcotin, mid : oe ee on AN aes Ee Conwest 3.90 Phone Black $46 and Red 127 | yams COUTTS Christmas Cards now ~ FOR Ay wo sia A it cites ane was " oe ima - Donsida 45 FOR — on display at McRae Bros. = g 8 UE casi ion — es copper, ee ee = prose < 4 pe widona 38 } eee v4 cad (267) pOOT) 3 (sootless) : vatteries and radiators one 4y ‘Surned hem ca0n me . Sullive 700 88 Chileotin, Mid = renee Pt nr E a l.| 543. Call 630 6th Avenue West,|deals with a variety of hem| * saa od a 9.90 Nov, 12, 26, De NATIONAL Machinery Co. Lim-| Phone 651 ee Ce (tf) | finishes. It also teaches ‘the use| Gant Yellowkriin * Ited, Distributors for: Mining, ©°- Ltd. c) |. . . <=\af that boas te aemenakann: Olle ane 56 PRANK J. Sawmill. Logging and Con- por SALE—Lady’s bicycle, like WANTE D — TOP MARKET the blind hemmer. This attach- Harricans y Prince Rupett tractors’ Equipment. Fnquir-| pew Green 515 (268) a PAID for —, TO ne ata oe we invisieat nave 06 Third Avenue ies invited. Granville Island _ steel, brass, copper, lead, etc. ery eves ee a ners | DUVveX 45 ' Vancouver 1, B.C. (tf)| FOR SALE Wilkins Servis Honest grading. Prompt pay- result as laborious and exper Joliet Quebec 32 |_—_—_—__— washing machine, practically; ment mate. Atlas Iron & hand hemming ittle Long Lac 63 PLUMBING, automatic ofl heat-| mew. Moderately priced. Phone, Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St.. Van- arter maste ring the use of the coe ws ay 12 ; ip;-sHeat metal work..Phone|. Blue 961 or call at 241. 5th{. couver, BC. PHone. PAeifie| . 4 j ; ct oe = ~ ell 1 548,630 6th West, Letourmeau “ We r (2680) | 6357 (tf) Sewing machine in the basic Madsen Red Lake 1.65 | hi : é (tf) Ave est. eae p —s - d sewing skills, the beginner is McKenzie Red Lake 36 DINING | wunese ate —_ FOR SALE—Lot with Boat Shed| WANTED — Janitor work and ready to begin her first course’ McLeod Cockshutt 251 RECAP your worn tires with) at Cow Bay. Shed 60x70. Two| Semeral cleaning. Box 546 jin home dressmaking with) Negus 18 Chop Suey -Ch ae ane sh elgg stalls taking boats to 54 feet,| Daily News {267P) | greater confidenee. There is a 7 a — i | gaat Northerr ire & Rubber Co cit. achinery ice pacientes ne cae i if i am. * oe 712 Second Ave (c) Terk “ss "ecnaar. eos WANTED—Large size doll bug-|800d chance that her first dress it IN — sini vt sian Sed oo Phone 88, v aaa gy in good condition. Phone! will b a success. After that, she | SPARKLING NEW e Foot Specialist : ie Black 489. (266) | is launched on her lifetime home GET READY Pedicur ' Mani . FOR SALE Frigidaire 6.6 cu.) ~ eee ee ae sewing career SURROUNDINGS ywooD edicure - Manicure ft, 2 years old; 1 Connor SAL.ESMEN WANTED sis |} HOLL Corns, callouses, ingrown toe- washer, 3 years old; Restmore a ¢ od ( f } orders nails, massage. For appoint-| mattress, Longrest 6’x6”; Slat; RAWLEIGH Dealer wanted at ° omm ore a e ; For Outside ments (also evenings) phone| spring on legs, Longrest 6’x6”;| once. Good opportunity. Write| amage alm | Blue 249 or Blue 192. Mrs. E single bed, felt mattress; tour-;| at once to Rawleigh’s Dept.| + ‘ , : Rasmussen, 654 4th Ave. East ist tent, $80.00 new: Clothes; WG-K-166-218, Winnipeg, D d b i , saieiviniainnstn - . eae (280p) ane I re: Man (H) ismissé y : We've got the Oil, Mi hansen tou merece Handyche 10tplate high- eo ee wae eee | i t R oe (Can.) Ltd. Green 960/ chair; lamps; kitchen chairs: AGENTS WANTED C t C rt the Anti Freeze, NEWS ADS ge arts — Sales service other small items. Apply 1060 ; ; oun y ou the Batteries, Tires, ; ae (c)| ‘th Ave. East. Phone Black; LADIES: Your spare time agree-| | ; on ie GALLEY [CAFE formerly Len-| 515. (267p) - — oe gt ted Attempt by a city woman to} ORGET ; nard’s Third Ave., a place v0} pc ae ee xy taking orders for Lingerie) obtain damage from a tenant) AND DON’T F : ’ : IR SALE — 120 bass Italian| , Hosiery for es, Men.) anc ee 4 : } Fo _eat good food (268) |" accordian. Phone Black 408 and Hosiery Ladies, ‘|was dismissed with co by rv the MEAL that RE LOST AND FOUND —Lady’s wrist watch be-| tween Capitol Theatre and| Hollywood Cafe. Please return | to Ling the Tailor. Reward. (269p) | | startin ly A LOST—Nov. 11, on 11:15 bus to} Watson Island, brown wallet | with initials K.R. containing | sum of money and papers of| no value to anyone but ont self. Anyone | contact Mrs Miller finding, please | Betty Stewart, Bay Hospital. Reward. (it) ____ACCOUNTANTS | Tax specialist. & G. Stone Building. Red 593 ~~ BATTERY SERVICE RUPERT Battery Shop. 234 Fast 3rd Ave. Phone Blue 126. Re- pairs, recharging and rebuild- | ing. Work guaranted. (c) REPAIRS EXPERT WATCH AND JEWEL- LERY REPAIRS, Dave McNab, * Besner Block, phone Black 367, (268) Furk, | 20m) | (266p) MEN’‘S SWEATER SPECIAL We are clearing at ridiculously low prices a number of slightly soiled sweaters, These garments are manufactured by nationally known firms and are a gift at the price. ART MURRAY Men’‘s Wear Children and Babies, also bed- ding. Nothing easier with our| magnificently illustrated cat-| alogue with colors, containing | about 900 superior quality garments, all with samples of our materials. All is a value of $25.00 being loaned to you free. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Fast de- livery. Generous commission, bonuses, gifts etc. We are positively the ones who give the most to their Representa- tives and still offer the lowest prices. Join our 4,000 satis- fied Representatives by writ- ing immediately: DU JOUR LINGERIE Inc., 4235-312 Iber- ville St., MONTREAL. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE — Wartime four, furnished, Black 551. (268p) CLOSE TO McBRIDE |Three bedroom house on two |lots. Living room, dining room, cabinet kitchen, laundry room. Part basement. Price $5800. Easy terms arranged. Armstrong Agencies Ltd. Phone 342, Black 197 evenings ‘ (267) Judge W. O. Fulton in County | Court Monday, ending a hearing | which occupied two days | Mrs. Assemina Pavlikis sought $932.55 from Robert K. Murdock for alleged damage to her home and furnishings at 1142 Park Avenue. A. Bruce Brown, who appeared on behalf of Mr. Murdock, called nearly a dozen witnesses during the hearing. Mr. Murdock lived in the home from January, 1951, to March of this year. AFRICAN RIVER The great West African river Gambia, navigable for 300 miles from its mouth, was discovered by the Portuguese in 1447, “IS EASY TO SERVE EASY ON YOUR BUDGE 3rd Avenue W. TO TEST YOUR BRAKES Choins and anything else that your car needs for SAFE WINTER DRIVING. Superior Auto Service LIMITED Phone Green 217 BLONDIE \ @LONDIE- } THERE'S SOMEBODY AT THE FRONT DOOR! | BES) OF FOOD Sy FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 200 BROADWAY CAFE By CHIC Y —_ a I TT [oni , ByONDIE- Keer THE CHILOREN THERE'S SOMETHING a ARE FIGHTING ' BURNING ON UPSTAIRS! THE STOVE / «| j é 0 4 ‘ aa PAM ‘ Se Sve ‘ wie Hae s pron =