PA-.t. TWO Is not sold in bulk. Only in packages. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Brery Afternoon, exept Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing Editor. SUBSCRIITIOX RATES: City DeHveiy, by mail or carrier, per month Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION 98 66 7 By mail to all parts el tb British Empire and the United States, In ad ranee, per year $5.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.60 Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - Wednesday. Spt. SI, 1927 WELCOME TO VISITOR A great many prominent visitors are in the eKy today. We hope they will enjoy their visit and go home with an idea that this is to say the least "some village." Some call us a "city with a fu-i ture," but we hasten to assure the eastern people that it is a city with a very good present. We have a big fish business, the biggest in Canaiju. We are a grain shipping port, to a small extent a lumber port, a tourist resort, a railway terminal and pretty soon we shall be connected with the rest of Canada by a read, if we back up our member in his efforts. That is saying nothing about being the distributing point for the northwest ceaat. Probably the visitors can tell us of many places twice the size with not half that amount of business. Another thing we should like to tell our visitors is that we lick a)l creation in two things. We have the largest halibut business In the world and the largest fish cold storage plant in the world. That is -something to talk about. The last thing we might say to our visitors is that so far as we know we have no very poor people in Prince Rupert. All make a good living and enjoy life about as mueh as they do anywhere in the world. BRITISH COLMBLVS RIGHTS British Columbia will stand up for her rights under the new- premier just as she did under the old, according to press reports received yesterday. She will follow up the (Hirer policy, whifh was to ask for things which might reasonably be expected to be oV tamed and then fight hard. If British Columbia had those Peace River lands or if the Dominion would agree to give them to anyone who would build the railway, it might be possible to get the railway built immediately. But perhaps the better plan would be for the Dominion Government to build the Peace River railway with a western outlet and keep the lands and otien them to settlers for IRELAND TO BE CONGRATULATED Ireland is to be congratulated on its support of th present government. Of course, it is her own affair but those who take an interest in world affairs and particularly in British affairs are bound to Interest themselves in the affairs of Ireland. Just what would have happened if (he eleetion had turned out differently no one can say. As it is, a few years will probably make a great difference In the state of the country. Possibly by that time there may be some rapproachment between the north and the south with a view to union. BEAUTIFYING THE CITY , Newspapers in a great many cities just now are discussing th .problem of beautifying the cities. It is an interesting theme and one that is worthy of considerable space. We have mentioned it on various occasions. Just now it is opportune because this is the time of year to plan operations for next year. ' There is no reason why Prince Rupert should have rows -of trfeir-albpg rthe streets just like other cities. Many of" (he local streets are. made in such a manner that it it difficult to. plant trees that way: Trees help to "keep the city damp, something that we do not favor. There is, however, no argument againt4awns and boule vards and flowers and small shrubs. Possibly laurel would thrive here. The Railway Company has set an example. of how 'to keep a small garden and doubtless they will extend the operations. What is needed is for citizens to co-operate and make this the prettiest city on the coast. Visitors to Skagway return and tell of the beautiful flowers and vegetables they see there. Those who travel on the trains see the beautiful flowers placed in the dining cars by the members of the Hazelton Horticultural Society. Prince Rupert can' best improve the city by having the gardens around the houses well kept and perhaps other methods of beautifying will then present themselves Engagement and wedding rings of value and distinction Engagement and diamond-jet ueJdmg rtngi, $2J tO $lfO The two nuptial rings you give her can never be replaced. Their purchase is among the most important in life, and should tiy all means be made at a well' known, jhoroughly reputable house. Our rings are of recognued value, fasrubnedtn all the newer settings. And, our standing -in this community, together with membership in the Gruen Watch Mafors Guild, assures your satisfaction. John Bulger, Ltd. Jewellers The Store with the Clock. Summer; Iiuine Improving; 1LC at Zoo ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL i . Cinema Theatre and Their Flays and Other Winter Amu-e-' mentit Mentioned LONDON. Sent tl Tht awoatb ul Auftui. whsaa umm the arneM tw ui the Wathsr Bureau brinm u an en tije Inglkab auauuer. ha dUtmgulahsd Itself by Mi the wettest mce 1917 ' and' ibr cnWtn since 1S12 F.r three part of the mssnth ttw thennosneter failed to Met 10 des . and durum ltie tadt week ground trial rpor;l trim j il . tattoo Man) district bad j rain to: twenty consecutive d the ; verse for the aaontb being more than I duuble the normal tall. Augua: 1. tor i Bank Holiday to which Loudon millions aunUAly lank forward wa.- UU year day of continual rain without a ! single gleam of aunahlne A a conse- ' quenoe. all indoor place of amusement were crowded to capacity at-.endsnse at i the various museum and galleries wa-four time gJVcr than ou the floe Auguat Bank Usliday uf a year ag. while Hampslead Heath whk-h normalh witnesses a holldajr crowd of 100 009. wa' .practically dawrted. l'IUMIItl .MAKE I Sluoe tbe bedlams at tbe year the number of new branches opened in London and tbe provinces by toe great , Joint stock banking corporatlona. known I ai tbe "Big Five" la SS. or an average I of oar for everyworfclng day since Jan uary 1. The returns of the big depart ment store, those sensitive guages of tbe nation's spending power show aU-rcun Increases for tbe feasf year and particularly in tbe sale of woman's cloth ing It Is estimated that one-seventh of the working population la now employed in tbe task of clothing the female of the apeclea Inhabiting ttieae whose annual hat btfj la art down at STwAOQjOeo. and whose expenditure on boots and shoes for She asms rescue the gigantic total ot 136.000.000. It has bean remarked that the teat the women of tbe counts wear, the mote thsy seem to spend. Finally tbe Rglstrar-CensraJ's statistical renew fur tbe year 1926 shows that the birth rate nt 17.8 per thousand is tbe lowest receded since the atabUshment ot etvU regMratton. and has now fallen below that of France. On the other hand the general d-Vh fate and Infan tile mortauty are low m pared wHh raKJWaUi in most other coun- As interesting went has recently oo- cur:d at the London Zoo which is not perhM uadeaenrMig of mention In tbeae random notes. In 1021 tbe government of British Columbia and the Vanceu er Park Coromisstonem prcaeoted to the Zoological Oardens a stag and two female Wapiti deer from the Government Reserve. Detpue the hazards and discomfort of their atz thousand mile Jouneey by rail and steamer, tbe animals arrived In good condition, and the stag in particular is now a magnrficent animal whose hand Is getting finer every year. A fawn has been born to one of the dew, and a further Interesting event Is sspatted dally. 1'ltTl ltK I'Or-l'LAKITY According to ft questionnaire recently distributed to. the three hundred thous and frequenters of a chain of Condon Cinema Theatre, the pictures most In demand were society dramas. Those re ceived IS per cent of the total rotes polled. Close behind -came comedies. with films of adventure, mystery and melodrama following In the order here set down. At tbe end of the list came films of history and war. "costume' films-coming last. Jn answer to the question "How often do you o to the cin ema?" It was dlwovered that of the total voters, 33 per cent went once a week. 17fc per cent twice a week, " 14 per cent went three times a week, and i per cent four times a week. "Juseed Hare" has definitely caught on. and a Oreybound Racing Association, with power to Inspect tracks, approve or amend the present rules, appoint stew ard. Judges and starters, and make all necessary arrangements for tbe stabili sation of the sport In England has now been formed, with Lord Shesham as chairman. It has been decided that there will be no winter racing and that the season Is to end on October IS. when the (5.000 Derby will be run at the White City where attendances have been averaging from 30.000 to 40,000 a night The latest development of the sport has been the sale of the Wembley Stadium where an effort is to be made to establish the headquarters of grey hound .adng in this country. Mean- while as usual the audden popularity of I the sport has given rise to the flotation ! of a number of comnaniM whtu a which only a few months ago were sold for 50 cannot now be purchased for leas than S 1.500. I'OUTIIALL The 1827-8 Association Football sea. i which opened on the afternoon Of August 27. Is not likely to witness j any of those startling Innovations with Much rumor has been so rife during the past few months. In spite of the ex- I pertinents made in trial matches with j the use of a white ball, and the num-( berlng of players, no vital changes have imu maae in the game since the doss of last season. On the financial side, a halt is likely to be called to the, reckless annexation of ready-made PJay. ers ! 01 '-' "ub oeen a marked feature 'althler clubs season after aea- THE OAii.y SEWS Let No One Deceive You j .LONDON TOWN : OLD ENGLAND Be sure it's Correspondent Tells -of Sunless a , I Ostermoor C. The finttt and oHt eotion felt vutttrmt made. Filkd u4th the finest white evftoM frit. Hand tailored, Snowflake i She f ineet mnttrtM mtade at tie medium priee. Made with jntr tiifwf garnetted Snowflake while felt. Star . Sell at a wry witrf tr ate priee (mm (JUm !hHtfktke) pet - eowi-Mtsc comfort ami appearance with ffireat marina auaktim. Fill ed vrHh nm tMte gar- netted coifen felt. of over $16,000 on their last years operations wtoen wages and transfer fees oost the club $140,000. Aston Villa, with a revenue of over (250.000 made a bare profit of $3,000. Cardiff City, who car-rted off the Association Cup, only earned a profit of $10,000 while Chelsea, with an Income of nearly $323,000 were $35,-000 to the good Tbe net effect ha been to curtail the paying of fabulous fees, and to drive the clubs to the more welcome expedient of trying what a coach can do with young players. The appointment of Joseph Bache to teach Aston Villa's colts Is a good example of the Impending change. ' Man in the Moon R , r , TODAY the prominent eastern visitors are to tbe city president Blrks of tht Canadian Chamber of Commerce Is said to be going to present everyone he meets with a diamond ring In recognition of the Urge sums spent with hit business house by Prince Rupert peo ple. THE Eastern wise men Came out to the west And of all place seen Prince Rupert was best. . JU8T as a atarter for a .little gamble be big game is over. Now don't come .ushlng in with your cash beoause I tave in my leans only what la left ovsr from last week's pay and you oaa guess how much that Is and be as near right as If you bet on Dcmpsey. ITX bet my cash on Tunney The brainiest boy I've seen Hell soon get tbe knack Of knocking out Jack Until he becomes a has been. I'm willing to put up even money that Imaginable. I'VE known women so tea that their husband have to chop all the wood. What I tbe.; world coming to? JAKE say he know, a man who went out last Sunday, and loaded up his Imagination and brought home two of the finest bucks ever shot. JAKE say what 'a bride, wants most Is a husband and rug. ' She can walk on both. jy y ' aiim. oia American, .adage n. out of). uaie. loaay we interpret life differently. Every man in these modern times Is entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of snapplness. JAKE say when he marries he will be master in his own bouse or hell know the reason why. Yes, bell know the reason why. PRINCE Rupert Is well organized There are organizations for everything Kpow the inside story of the mattress you buy wnat about a rainy day THEY'RE picking Tip the pieces With a dustpan and a rake. Because he only used his' horn When he should have used brake. . LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY hi TO LKAKt: LAKH In Queen Charlotte Islands Land ftp-cording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Jedway Harbor, Moresby Island. Q.C.I. TAKE NOTICE that Mlllerd Packing Company. Limited, of Vancouver. B.C., occupation Packers. Intends to apply for lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the northeast corner of Lot 88. Q.CJ.; thence northwesterly and along high water mark io cnains. more or less, to a point N. oo 37- e. from the UX. corner Lot 140; tnence north 56 37' E. 1-5 chains, more or less, to low water mark; thence southeasterly ttnn. Iaw ,.t. n a DOint N &fl 37' I" frnm h. In..lsn I post; thence 3.2 chains, more or less, to the point of commencement, and containing 5 acre, more or less. I MILLERD PACKWO COMPANY, f LIMITED, . Applicant. j Dated Beptember7. 1037. t "COMPANIES ACT" TAKE NOTICE tlit the Rupert-Vancouver Stevedoring Company, Limited, Intends to aonlv unrtr RmHaii aa nt the Companies Act. being Chapter 38 of ,5aR3,1W!d Statutes of British Columbia, 1824, to change Its name to Pacific U itedrtn8 & Contractln Company, DATED at Prlno nnrurt n f vi. ' ' " 9th day of Aueust. 1027. WILLIAMS. MANSON & OONZALES, solicitors lor the Rupert-Vancouver stevedoring Company, Limited. PUTTING the big potatoes on top of the bag, the choice peaches on top of the basket, are practices which are rapidly passing away. You could turn the basket upside down and see what was in the bottom but you cannot sze the inside of the mattress you are thinking of buying. You cannot tell if the filling is what it claims to be if it is made of new materials or old. And if your mattress mats down and becomes lumpy in six months or a year, it is then too late to seek redress. You can rely on a Simmons mattress absolutely. Its quality goes through and through. The workmanship, the materials inside and out, are the best that can be put into a mattress for the price at which it sells. Simmons make mattresses to sell at all prices from a few dollars to almost a hundred, but the price of each is the lowest at which a mattress of its quality can be built of safe, clean materials and by sanitary methods. Buy a good mattress it will give you more years of greater comfort. But be sure it bears the Simmons label. MATTRE BEDS SPRINGS BUILT FOR SLEEP son. Everton. for Instance, with gross j Tunney knocks out his opponent before club? gate receipts of $270,000 showed a loss SS'ES PILLOWS raraw . m Wood DKY BIRCH, CEDAR AND JACK I'INB Single Load ... g-J Double Load Urge Sack 0 UUNDLES DKY KINDLING, $1.00 I'hone 580 HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 P.rfnfrp. Warehousing", Distributing, Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In T ana J-'urtiltum jhovi"' tod