I sing the national anthem of the country, "p Canada." Also it would be interesting to know which version they use. Canada never will be a nation until her people can sing her na tional anthem. It may be the only thing on which they can unite but they mu.st be able to do that. The young people are doing pretty well, but even they seem to forget quickly what they learned in school. A suggestion has been made that part of the test for admission to cltiren.-hip of every, person cither from Great Britain or any other country, should be to repeat and sing the first verse of "0 Canada.' paralysisTn various parts ltcvelstol.c Closes Schools, Lodges and Churches as Result of Outbreak REVEL8TOKE. Sept. 21. Discovery of fa case or IMantiie paralysis n rouiiea In the schools, churches. Sunday schools (and lodges all being eloted. The victim of the malady Is the five ye.ir iiia on or Mr. anq Mrs. oacypsru. EDMONTON. Sept. 21 One death near. tMund.ire three new esses of mild ns ; ture hero mid new case at Wetasklwln and McLewd aummarlres the Infantile : paralysis situation In Alberts. One new cltf case of paralysis was t reared ywterdsy. The Alberts government has Issed n I order that in all municipalities where S there are esses of paralysis children i under eighteen years of ate must not I travel They must remain In the muni' j allty in which they live unless they ic :elve special permit from the board ot health. CRITICISM OF IMMIGRATION Robert Forke to Reply to Speak ers at Anglican Synod Made Last Evening KINGSTON. Ont.. S?pt. 21. Outspoken criticism of the Immigration policy of the Dominion government, which was tiild to be playing Into the hands of the Roman Catholic Church featured sever el speeches at the general synod of the Anglican Church here last evening. OTTAWA, Sept. 21. Charges made In the Anglican Church against the lmml-grati-m policy of the government and understood to be under consideration of Hon. Robert Forke, who Is expected to reply today or tomorrow. PLEADS GUILTY LIQUOR THEFT Wright KemandediUntil Tomorrow for Sentence In Vancouver . Case VANCOUVER. SeDt. 21. Pleading itulltYcto .DartlclDatlor In the theft 01 Work of organizing the fishermen with a view to engaging vnem in vne iu"uS of dsgflsh which the Rupert Marine Products Intends to reduce at Its Tucks Inlet Dlant Is 5tlll proceeding and It Is Bmlthers Sunloch of Torlc Big Mlouri . . 25 TAXI and wmm ntim Boston Grill Ambulance Large Upatalr Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing Service floor, for hire. Anywhere at Anytime NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. Stand: Exchange Building The latest and best for the PRINCE RUPERT MATT VIDECK. Prop. least Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Vol XVII., No. 221. -C I'KIN'CE I'KIN'CE IU IU PERT. PERT. B.C.. B.C.. WEDNESDAY. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER 31. 31. 1927 1927 Price -Hive Cents On PASSES BYLAW EMPHATICALLY NUN AND NATIVE PUPILS BURNED TO DEATH IN NORTH i editorial One Nun and Nineteen 1 SINGING O CANADA Some of Canada's moot promin- i . il : I I ;l 1 1 nt citizen are nere louay ana 11 would be very interesting to know h"W many of them know and can Indian Children Bum to Death in Far North Kcgina Doctor Went In Airplane Today to Scene of Tragedy Which Happened on Monday PRINCE ALBERT, September 21. A nun and ID children 1 were burned to death when the Beauval Catholic mission on Lac Laplonge was destroyed by fire Monday, according to word received i today from Big River, Sask. The mission is in an isolated section of northern Saskatchewan and only meagre details have been re-, ceived. Dr. A. Amyot, of Ilegina, who was at Isle Lacrosse opening the Grey Nun's Hospital, was taken to the scene of the fire by airplane today, according to private advices. The sister who lost hor life was Sister Lea, a native of Northern Saskatchewan. 1 1 Lae Laplonge U 120 miles north of ATTIIACTINU NEW INDt'HTKIES (OK CITV OF EDMONTON EDMONTON. Sept. 21. Edmonton Is planning a bold step toward interesting Industries In this city. She haa decided that she cannot stand back and watt but must go out alter business. Several meetings have been held and it has been decided as a first step to appoint an Industrial commissioner who shall make a surrey of the situation and then take such forward moves as shall be decided upon. Just how far the city will go In the matter of siding new Industries ha not been clesrty ststed but each Individual ease will be worked out on Its own bails. HOPE TO START SOON DOGFISH OPERATIONS Work of Orgnnlr-atlon of Fishermen Now I nder Way by Rupert Marine Product hoped to have operations under way in the near future stated George a. Busnoy, head of the Rupert Marine Products, this morning. Mr. Bushby.sees In this line of work a groat opportunity for winter em ployment of both men and plant. BANK OF MONTREAL : ROBBED SMALL SUM MONTREAL. Sept. 21 Three masked robbers held up a branch of the Ban of Montreal this afternoon and robbed the employees In the vault, escaping with between four and five thousand dollars In cash. DEPUTY MINISTER OF MINES IN CITY Robert Dunn, deputy minister of mines, arrived today from the south and will spend a Bhort time in the district on departmental business. He probably will visit Queen Charlotte Islands and then will go to the interior. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE B.C. 8llver . . Coast Copper Cork Province 2.7S0i,and .M .rases of llauor from the Dunwcu rvirriru,.. ct. iinM- ,in nn ScDtem-1 Gladstone ...... , - V. I. I.UU. . ber 4 on four charges a man named Wruiht was remanded' until tomorrow for sentence by Magistrate Shaw. CONTRACT LET FOR " SMITHERS SCHOOL VICTORIA. Sept. 21. The for the new hlih school at has been awarded to Thomas Carson Vancouver, the price being H.70Qi Independence . Indian L. and L. Leadsmlth .... Lucky Jim .... Marmot Metals Prelmler Richmond Silver Smith . . contract Sllvercrest Bid. Asked 1.20 1.40 1S.00 15.75 .07 ft .08 .45 .49 .15 .08 .06 V4 .07 '.07V4 .02 .28 Vi 29 .10 .13 335 2.27 .14 .20 .21 Vt .06 V, .55 .70 4.80 5.00 M Big River, which Is the end of steel cn the Oanadlsn National SheUbrook branch line. Isle Lacrosse from which the a:r- plane was despatched. Is 60 miles north cf Lae Laplonge. The mission of Beuval. which wss burned twice before, was In charge cf Rev. Father La Jaunesee who had a staff of eight grey nuns and eight brothers and three obligate fathers About 88 Indian children a. tended. COSGRAVETO - BE IN POWER- Vice-President of Irish Government Says They Expect to Carry on III III. IN, Sept. tl. President Cngrave' nmernment Intend to carry on with the ftpertatlnn of at least a year of lift-. Hon. Ernet Willie. ilre-prrident of the council, announced following the completion of the counting of the ballots. The final landing of the parties follows: (lot eminent Co-tgrave Party, 01 ; Independents, 12; farmers (i; total, 79. OpiMwItlnn lniinii Kail, 57; Labor, 13, National League, 2; Lurklnltea, 1; total, :J. PARALYSIS ON THE INCREASE IN STATES Uolon Ontxtmidlng Example Where 2C Com- Here Reported Yesterday BOSTON, Sept. 21. Twenty cases o: Infantile paralysis were reported yester day. bringing the total since January to 1.481 In this against 163 for the similar period of last year. ALBANY, N.Y.. Sept. 21. Infantile paralysis cases In New York state have shown an increase this month over last. MANAGER OF ANYOX BANK TRANSFERRED Atan II. Morklll. .Moved to Ictorla, .Succeeded by l. M. Sinclair of Keremros Alan B. Morklll. manager of the branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce In Anvox for the part three years, has been transferred from the smelter town to Victoria where he wljl tak charge of the Johnson Street branch of the bank. D. Ml triclalrf of Keremeos sue ceeds Mr. MorkU. at lAnyox. USED MONEY WRONGLY GOES UP FOR TRIA VANCOUVER. Sept, 21 W. A. Ora ham. charged with fraudulent conversion of money, said' It had been paid to him to be handed, to the Fidelity Lumber Co. He was committed fpr trial. CHINESE PASSENGERS DROWNED ON STEAMER PEKING. Sept. 21. Chinese passen gers numbering 278 were drowned when th Jananese steamer OentokU Maru capsized In Tslng Tao Bay. Greatest Ring Spectacle of All Time is Expected Tomorrow Night at Chicago CHICAGO, September 2!. The greatest ring spectacle of all time may witness the astonishing fact of the heavyweight challenger entering the ring a favorite over the champion here iomorrow nighi. Although the majority of sport writers favor Tunncy, the drift of opinion among them is almost a3 pronounced during the past few days as the change in betting from' the stage where'the champion was 8 to 4 favorite four days ago to instances today where Dempsey is the favorite 'at C to 5. Tunncy Is still convinced he is the "man of destiny" for the heavyweight crown. He is pronounced by his camp experts to be boxing with more speed and accuracy than a year ago iind he hopes for a knockout. Dempsey and his adherents are confident that he has regained his old punch. They declare he is on figliting edge as a result of the Sharkey victory, faster afoot and more accurate in punching. There seems no question that Dempsey is mentally and physically better than he was a year ago, but whether he ha? come back far enough to beat Tunney, whom the critics say'has also improved, is a question. The fight starts about G.S0 coast time. Little Blame for Captain of Princess Charlotte WKen She Went Ashore W rangell, Alaska VICTORIA, September 2i. "There Is no question of the sus pension of the certificate in the minds of the court. Probably there will be merely a mild reprimand," declared Captain J. D. Macpher- son, wreck commissioner, at the close of the inquiry into the ground ing-of the steamer Princess Charlotte at VichnelsKl Hock near Wran- gell, Alaska, recently. Captain Macpherson mentioned peculiarities in connection with the casualty. When the captain disobeyed Article 10 of the Shipping Act dealing with speed in a fog, he brought the vessel safely but as soon as he slosed down. the vessel went on ; beylng the rules, -rmlrlrk fl HII 1 T the rocks. Y VII I M It 1 V V f p. E. McTaggart. counsel for the ! Oil-- 1 111-1 IU 11111 1 Merchant Service Oulld. said Captain i Salntey had but two things to guide him. They were a previous voyage under similar tide and wind conditions and echoes. To realize the former he was forced to proceed at the same speed he had made previously when the weather was clear. UNERALOFDEAD FISHERMAN TODAY 1 -trick Mirehan Laid to ltet this Af ternoon with Catholic Kites With a large gathering of deceased's fellow workers In attendance, funeral services for the late Patrick Sheehan. halibut fisherman, who died In the Prince Rupert General Hospital on Monday morning, were held at 2 o'clock this afternoon at the chapel of the B.C. Undertakers, Rev. Father P. J. McOrath officiating. Interment was. In Fatrvlew and the following acted a J pallbearers: Flnnegan, Arthur Caraven, H. Mork, .John Qlllls, Robert Hanna and J. M. Morrison. The rites were under the auspices of the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union of which deceased was a mem ber. Born in Ireland sixty-seven years ago, the late Mr. Sheehan was well known all along the Pacific Coast. He was In Vancouver as far back as thirty yeam ago and' had been here for the past four or five years. He last worked on the local boat Vema, Capt. Peter Thompson, although he had previously been on other vessels. Last year he spent six months In hospital following an operation but had only been In the Institution three weeks Immediately prior to his demise. He was unmarried. -There Is a bro ther, Cornelius Sheehan. at Cape Clear. Cork, Ireland, and 'other relatives live In Boston. MANY CHINESE ARE DROWNED IN WRECK SHANGHAI, Sept. 21. A message from Tslng Tao. Shantung Province, reports 159 Chinese were drowned and 130 are missing as a result of the sinking of the Japanese motor vessel Gento Maru. DIED TUESDAY I). C. Sangster Succumbed Yesterday Following Lengthy Illness After an Illness from which he had suffered for some considerable time, the death occurred In Smlthers yester day of D. C. Sangster who was a well known resident of long standing in that Bulkley Valley centre. Deceased was about 64 years of age and, besides being, the owner of extensive property Interests In Smlthers, he had been en' gaged In the contracting and under' taking business there. He Is survived by a widow, his second wife whom he married two years ago, and two daugh tcrs of the first union Mrs. Roy Elsey of Brandon: Manitoba, and Miss Jean Sangster, who teaches school In Cal nary. Another daughter was the late Mrs. C. H. Hanklnsoh. It was only three weeks ago that the late Mr. Sangster passed through Prince Rupert returning from a trip south for the benefit of his falling health. The BC. Undertakers of this city have been placed In charge of funeral arrangements. LOOKING DOWN IN BARREL OF PISTOL WHEN IT WENT OFF NEW WESTMINSTER, Sept. 21. Frank Bcyd sixteen year old son of Captain and Mrs. W. J. Boyd, died to day of Injuries thought to have been sustained when a revolver discharged as he was looking down the barrel. GASOLINE EXPLODED ON POWER BOAT ELLEN SHUSHARTIE, Sept. 21. The 34 foot power boat Ellen owned by Captain' J. Mitchell, valued at $3,000 was destroyed by fire at Seymour Inlet last week. It was operated as a fish carrier under charter to the Canadian Fishing Co. A drum of gasoline exploded. City Gives Emphatic Approval to Proposal Tax Railway $6500 With emphatic voice, Prince Rupert ratepayers at the polls yesterday approved in no uncertain manner the agreement drawn up between the City of Prince Rupert and the Canadian National Raflways whereby the latter will pay annually to the city, in lieu of taxes, the flat sum of $65,000 in addition to local improvement imposta and taxes on such land as is already under lease by the company. The vote was a comparatively light one but it was definite enouirh. For the agreement 313 voted and against but 62. A sixty per cent vote was required to carry or m so the measure -aa given a clear majority of 87 votes There was not a slng.e spoiled Dauoi . mf SI IT TO and the voting was atreut equally dl- , 1 n I 1 1 A 111 IS Tided between the A to L and M to i i A AAVJill IU Z votina- tablsi. Counting of the bal lots was cxnpietxi In less than half an hour. The council will msst shortly to put its final seal of approval on the HEAVY MOVEMENT OF IIALIiH'T IKOM 1IKUE III l!I(l LIST 21 1UU IIS There has been a heavy movement of halibut from Prince Rupert to the Eastern markets during the past twenty-tour hours earns fcalt mlUlon pounds having been shipped during that time In twenty express refrigerator cars. Ten carloads went out on yesterday morning's regular train: nine by special last night, and one on this morning's train. rT ttt t TTH') NOTICE OF CLOSURE CASES DISMISSED Because Insufficient notice of closure had been given fishermen ana canners of the recent shutdown in the fisher ies, a number of nsnermen ana canners who were summoned before the magistrate at Ocean Falls last week charged with fishing for salmon and having salmon In their jtossesslon con vert' to the closing order of the de pigment of marine and fisheries, were dismissed by the magistrate at Falls. ONLY TWO BOATS SOLD 4 Ocean HALIBUT HERE TODAY . -' Only two boats sold halibut here to day and the Canadian resetted two cents more for his catch than did the Amer ican. It was the Ternen with 8 ,0O0 pounds which sold to the Cold Storage Company at 13.70c and 6c. The American boat was the, Liberty with 30.000 pounds which sold to the Pacific Fisheries at 11.60c and 6c. THREE CRIMINALS RECAPTURED IN BARN LONDON. Ont., Sept. 21. Ernest Brown, Ross McLeod and Roy Agnew. three of the five criminals who escaped from Middlesex JaU Sunday were recap tured when sleeping In a barn near Crumlln. EXPLORATORY FLIGHT. Vancouver,, sept. 21. General Frank Sutton will make an exploratory flight Into the Interior of the province. 1 ry MOTOIIMIII' WAIT.. VANCOUVER, Sept. 21. The Brlll'sh motorshlp Cape of Good Hope which It was .feared was lost in the recent Mexican storm Is reported safe to the Cana dian Transport Co. here. liritlF.II MONDAY. NANAIMO. Sept. 21 - With all places of business closed the funeral of Mark Bate. Nanalmo's first mayor, took place on Monday. CRITICIZED Resignation of French Cardinal Said Due to Placing Ban on Paper ROME, Sept. 20. The policy Of the Vatican In regard to certain French affairs, particularly e act of the Pope In placing L'Actlon Frtncslie. the Royalist newspaper, under the ban for the faithful. Is reported to he the actual cause it the resignation of Cardinal Billot, a native ot France. fc Discredited In certain quarters within the Vatican Is the difference of opinion js to the advisability of measures against ..ewspapers. The official reason given for Billot's resignation was his old age. SPENT NIGHT ON MOUNTAIN David Warren of Vancouver Fell From Cliff but Is Recovering GRANITE FALLS. JSept. 21. After lying out all Sunday night and all day Monday on a mountain overlooking Burrard Inlet. David Warren of Vancouver was found and Is now recovering at the hospital here. He fell from a fifty foot cliff and his companion, Wilbur Sparks, went for aid but on his return Warren had moved and It was some time before he was found. WILL BETRIED MURDER CHARGE VANCOUVER, Sept. 21. U. Yaoki. charged with the murder of Mrs. Take Takahasht on September 1. was committed for trial In the police, court yesterday. A confession given after arrest told of striking the woman, with an axe when she attempted to call assistance from T. Taklmura, whom accused first struck with the weapon. Supplanting of Yaoki In the affections ot the woman by Taklmura was given as the reason for the attack on the latter. The Japanese ffald he wanted to kill himself but the husband and the woman held him. INVITE LEAGUE SIT AT OTTAWA Assembly Also Included In the Scheme hlch is Proposed at Geneva GENEVA. Sept. 21. Canada ia reportwi'. d.to be planning ia Invite the Council'- (cf the League of Nations- .to sit at Ottawa. It Is said the projected scheme la also to have the assembly sit thers In order to give Americans an opportunity to study the league at first hand. OTTAWA. Sept. 21. While a visit of the council of the League of Nations would be welcomed It is understood the government has not yet extended any formal invitation. This afternoon's train, due from the East at ?:30, is reported to be on time.