AGP SIX JRose, Btfa PRINTING Stationery 'Office Supplies School Supplies Kodahsi Films Phonographs Records Novelties Dennison Goods Birthday and Every Day Cards Third Avenue (Opposite Third Street) I'hone 23 1 WESTINGHOUSE FlectpjG Ranges i . . 0 . I. Easier! Safer! More convenient to operate and gives better results! Get a Westinghouse Electric Range. Cheaper in the long run. Prince Rupert Supply Co. 211 Fourth Street J. A. Hinton - Manager. REDUCTION in Prices 15 per cent off for two weeks only Come in and inspect our stock . 1 LEE LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S TAILOIt Third Avenue P.O. Box 977 MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 12 pints for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McDride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy - 11th St. Telt phone 657. English v'JIffde ho Pleasure Suits and Pure Wool Cloths By Mail. AGENTS WANTED to carry cloth patterns and take measures for English high-grade Tailoring House. Liberal commission. Cash trade. Splendid open-In? for storekeeper, agent carrying other lines or man with large circle of friends. Write, enclosing bank reference, to Dept. C. Commercial Advertising Service, North Parade, Manchester, England, Week-end Specials Bowes Mince Meat, just arrived from Toronto. We have never I tasted its equal. Positively no I apple filler in this mince meat. per lb 2."r i racked in zb lb. palls at per lb 'M? COMBINATION VEGETABLE SPECIAL 10 lbs. for $1.00 16 lb. Terrace Turnips 8 lb. Cooking Onions 8 lb. Blood Red Beets 8 lb. B.C. Carrots Market Day Raisins, 4 lb. pkge. Bit Wild Rose Pastry Flour, 10 lb. sack .ITf Peter Rabbit Peanut Batter, 2 lb. tin, special 4l)( 5 lb. tin, special 8!)r JUTLAND SARDINES In pure Olive Oil. Key opener. Special, 3 for 25f Van Camps Homjny, 2 lb. tin, special lOf? Nabob Old Country Vinegar, Malt, White Wine, or Cider, 2 oz. bottle, each Uof COMBINATION SPECIAL 45c -value for 0r 1 package Lux 1 Bar Sunlight Soap 1 Bar Lux Toilet Soap 1 Package Rinso 1 Bar Lifebuoy Soap We have a number of deals as above. (Limit 2 to each customer). CANDY SPECIAL Jelly Beans, Gum Drops, French Creams and Ribbon Mixed Candy. Special per lb ie Sugarhouse Cooking Molasses, 2 lb. tin. Special 17? CANNED FRUIT SPECIAL Your choice at per tin lf Nabob Sliced Peaches, l's, talis King-Beach Greengage Plums, 2's Blue Mountain Sliced Pineapple, 2's Pioneer Brand Loganberries, 2's Libby Queen Olives in the large Koyal jar. snecia each . . 'M Libby's White Pickled Onions, packed in large Royal jars, ex- j tra special, each French Shelled Walnuts, broken pieces, but not bitter tasting. This is the genuine French walnut, fresh from Toronto, thi3 week, per lb oof Bowes Almond Icing, prepared reaay to use, 1. lb. tin ."0c This line is new here, and much wanted. MAID OF CLOVER CREAMERY BUTTER. In bulk, 3 lbs $1.:J0 We sell the best and cut it fresh every day. The Re-frigidaire does the rest. Evaporated. Prunes, 3 lbs. for White Cooking Figs, special, 4 lbs. for Brown Sugar, special, 4 lbs. 'JX? Limit 8 lbs. to each customer. This special withdrawn: Friday night. Gold Dust Scouring Powder, special, 3 tins for 2. CANTALOUPES This week, each !) Gravenstein apples, 3 lbs. . . li."r Terrace Cabbage, special this week, 6 lbs j5 Skeena River Cauliflower, wonderful 'quality, each 30jS ;e 40r- Shipments arrive each week-end Californi;iHead Lettuce. 2 for '." I B.C. Head Lettuce, 3 for . . ii." I'umpkln, Hubbard Squash, Citron or Red Cabbage, per lb. ... 8tf No. 1 Tomatoes, lb 1 ,? Basket oo Green Tomatoes for pickling, 5 lbs Green Beans, 2 lbs 25c1 Italian Prunes, per crate . . $" Rupert Table Supply Co Phones 210 - 211 BILLIARD HEAD Elected President at Annual Meet- injr Last Night Plans for Winter Are Laid The annual ' general jn retina of the Prince Ruperf Billiard Igue iu betd last night in the any Hall. Ia regard to the conduct of this year's activities It waa decided to have only one lfu which wttl contain teams formed and entered by various clubs and assocls ttaos tn the city. The entries ar to be In by September 30. Omeera mere elected as follows- Honorary president Ol-ot Hanson. Honorary Vice-president. Oiler Besaer, President. John Bulger. Vice-President. Joe Brown. Secretary-Treasurer. W. Long. Executive Bert Morgan. Prank Aid- rWge. C .U Toungman and W. J. The winter's program will include city team championship series, mid-season handicap and Junior and senior Individual championships. l Advertise In The Daily New LAND ACT. NOTICE Of INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAM) In Atlln Land Recording District of me uassiar District, and situate at the mouth of Wann River, about 500 feet . easterly along the shore from the north , west corner of the Skylark Mineral (,aaim. v ! TAKE NOTICE that I. Horace Me-Naughton Praser. of Atlln. occupation .B.C. Land Surveyor, acting as agent for the Engineer Oold Mines Ltd.. Inc.. Intends to apply tor ltase of the follow- ilng described lands: Commencing at a post planted about 500 feet easterly along the shore from the northwest corner of the Skylark Mineral Claim: thence northerly 233 feet; thence easterly 100 feet; thence southerly 150 feet, more or less, to high water mark; thence westerly 100 feet, more or less, to point of commencement, and containing 0.5 acres, more or less. ENGINEER COLD MINES LTD.. INC., Applicant. H. McN. Praser, Agent. Dated August 9. 1927. LAND ACT. NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND Queen Charlotte Islands Land District, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate north of Lots 1658 and 1657. TAKE NOTICE that The Langara Pishing and Packing Co. Ltd. of Massett. occupation Canners. Intends to apply for a tease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted twenty chains north of Tan Indian Reserve and on the shore of Mclntyre Bay: thence north 5 chains to the low water mark: thence westerly following said low water 160 chains; thence southerly 5 chains: thence easterly 160 chains to the point of commencement, and containing eighty acres, more or lew. LnANOARA FISHINO ft PACKINO CO. LTD. Appllcsni Preil Nash. Agent. Dated June 27. 1927 This Week Specials Big reduction In Candy to make way for our Xmfcs stock which arrives in October. Regular 40c lines, 2 lb. for 4."c? Libby's Pickles, 12 varieties, including Olives, 50c to 75c values, on sale 3 bottles for $l.tM Western Corn Flakes, per pkge. Oc? Pullet Eggs, 3 dozen for ... 0."5 A few Brooms left at 1.10 Genuine Pure Scotch Malt, per tin 7."0 Blue Ribbon Figs at half price, 2 lb. for , lirc Classic Cleanser, 6 for ."() White Swan Soap this week only, 25 bars for $1.00 Libby's Pork and Beans; 2's, 7 tins for 5r? 2-in-l Floor Wax, 50 value, this week only '.V.)f Satchel Brand Peas, special, 2 for :W0 2 packages equal to 3 tins. Heinz India Relish, 45c bottles, special, 2 for 750 New stock King Beach Loganberries in heavy syrup, 40c line, 3 for 050 Wealthy Apples, Fancy No. 1 stock, per box $:s.50 Unwrapped stock, per box $2.75 Italian Prunes,' the-very best, per box , . . $1.25 We guarantee all our fruit money back if not satisfied. Market Day Raisins, 4 lb. pkgs. 050 Braid's Best Tea is worth 80c,and Braid's Best Coffee is worth 75c. This week 1 - Tea and 1 Coffee, the 2 for $1.:J5 Telfer's Prince of Wales' Assorted Sweet Biscuits, 5 lbs. worth $3.50. This week at cost $2.25 B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 15 and 574 THE DAILY NEWS Wedne 4T JOHN BULGER IS 'PITTSBURG LOST ANOTHER GAME St. Loui Again Tied With New York and in but Three Game Behind NEW YORK. Sept. SI -Losttkj. aalB to the BrewVfyn rj3dir yeatredsy. the Pittsburg Pirates drpped another hH game la their hold on the Na41oat League suortsasey aM are now tawre games ahead of New York OlaMs a St. LouH Oardftult. the latter beUkg again Ued with the former, the OarsUa-ale wlauUac UvHr fUsto straight game from PHMade&fcla yesterday while the Giants wore toto. ' The Pirates' failure to scare a linage run . la the tH two games agatast Brooklyn, alter eteeea successive victories, la causing aflame misgiving amoog the former supporter. BUI Djak shut them out yesterday. Pittsburg esn win by taking seven ot their remaining twelve contests even should the Oardtoal win all their remaining ten eon-testa. In the Aaaertean League, the Philadelphia Athletics further confirmed their hold on second place by taking a doubtefeeadee from St. Louis Browns. whUe Detroit slmcst jumped into third, place over Washington by Using two games from Boston. Yesterday's score wore as follows: NATIONAL LKAdlE Brooklyn 3. Pittsburg 0. Boston S. Otiloian 8. Philadelphia 4. St. Louis i. AlllUICAN I.KA!1 E St. Louis 1-. Philadelphia 4-7. Detroit 4-3. Boston -. I.IIUU E STAMHMiS National League W. L. Pot. PltUburg 8? W .818 New York M 59 St. LouU U 59 Chleago 80 S3 JW ClnetnbaU 68 72 .486 Brooklyn SI 83 .434 Boston 56 88 .894 Philadelphia . 48 94 J37 American League New York 104 43 .707 Philadelphia 88 58 .668 Washington 78 68 Mi Detroit 77 67 .534 Chicago 68 78 .447 WATER NOTICE. DIVERSION' AMI I'SE TAKE NOTICE that E. Rousseau, whose address Is 410 Seymour Street. Vancouver. B.C.. will apply for a licence to take and use 1 cubic foot of water but of unnanmed stream which flows southerly and drains Into Port Stephens Bay. aooui one mne east or uiuir point. The water will be diverted from the stream at a point about 600 feet from the mouth and will he used for commercial purposes upon the lands described as Lot 2750, Range 4 'Coast District. This notice was posted on the ground on the 28th day of July. 1927. A copy of this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act will be filed In the office of the Water Re corder at Prince Rupert. B.C. Objections to the sppllcttlon may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights. Parliament Buuaings. victoria, p.c.. within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice In a local newsDaDer. The date of the first publication of this notice Is AUgUSt 20, 1827. EUGENE ROUSSEAU. Applicant. Cash and Carry Grocery 6th Ave. and Fulton St. FIRST QUALITY ONLY BUY FOR CASH IT WILL PAY YOU Fels Naptha and Palmolive, 3 for 25r White Swan and Royal Crown, 6 for 'zr,$ Old Dutch Cleanser, per tin. . 10f? A WHOLE TEA SET WITH JIFF Heinz Spaghetti, large, ...... 20 Small VZVtQ Malkln's Best Pure . Jams. Get our price. High grade Bulk Tea- per lb. 03 r Fresh Ground Coffee, per lb. 30r China Oats, all kinds, per pkg. 100 Bran Flakes, Pep or Shredded Wheat, 2 for 230 Corn Flakes, any kind' each 100 Shamrock or Swift's Premium Bacon, in piece lots, per lb. 4iJ0 E.C.D. Dutter, 2 lbs. for ... 1)30 Capitol Creamery Butter, lb. 130 Ready Cut Macaroni, 2 for 230 Ontario Cheese, per lb ;)0 Dollar Soda Biscuits, fresh stock, per box 700 Canned Tomatoes, large .... 130 Small 12 0 Canned Milk, 3 for .'130 Per case $3.50 49 lb. sack Flour, any kind $2.75 Gran Sugar, 10 lb. for .... 75e Icing Sugar, 2 lb. pkg. for 200 Lump Sugar, 2 lb: pkg. for 250 Fresh Fruit and Vegetables at Prices you can afford School Scribblers, best paper, 38 pages, 6 for 250 You save from 5c to 40c on every dollar spent here. A trial order and be convinced, $5.00 orders delivered free Phone 304 S. B. ADAMS, Manager SPECIAL CASH 15 E KATES THIS WEEK Cleveland 63 80 .438 St Louis 57 87 Boston 47 96 438 BIG jffiNFROM EAST ARE HERE Members of Canadian Chamber of Commerce Visit City After Trip to Alaska Will be Dined Completing a cruise through Alaskan i water aa far a 8ksg'ay. forty-eight mefaben of the Canadian Chamber of Own metre, the most of them aeeom-pa Died by their wives. wUl return to the city on the Princess Louise at 3 J5 this morning from the north. They will proceed Bast by special tram from here this evening at 9 o'clock and the main Item on a program ot entertainment arranged by the Prince Rupert Board of Trade will be a banquet to be held tn the Moose Hall In their honor All the guests will be present at this affair aa well aa a Urge gathering of local etttrens and It is ezepcted that there wul be an Interesting discussion on general pertinent matters. W. O. Fulton, president ot the Prince Rupert Board ot Trade, wtu occupy the ehair and there wlU be both visiting and local speakers. The party contains many of Eastern Canada's leading business men and FINALS IN TENNIS TOURNAMENT HAVE NOW BEEN REACHED The finals In all events of the city tennis chsmp'onshlp tournament will have been reached today except in the men's singles in which Uarentette nnd Ryall have yet to play oil to decide whlch will meet Cateldu In the final. Last night the following game were played In the men's singles: Marentatte best Smith. 6-0. 6-3. Ryatl beat Nlebolls. 6-3. 6-0. Oabeidu beat Howard. 4-6. 6-4. 6-4. The last mentioned -event was particularly well contested. Tonight the men's double of Cabeldu and Perry vs. Ryall and Crew will be replayed. In The Letter Box MACKENZIE I'AKK Editor. Dally News: Mackenzie Park Is the name applied to a piece of British Columbia crown land about seventy mle east and west by twenty north and south lying south of Bella Cools Valley In the Norway of Canada about halt way between Vancouver and Prince Rupert, or about sixty miles east of Ocean Palls. Thus far It has apparently been' considered unproductive as It Is still unsurveyed, apparently because no one has wanted any of It for agriculture (It U perhaps too high to grow crop), for mining or for timber present legging methods cannot apparently handle any possible timber In it at a profit. If at all. Sir Alexander Mackenzie, after over a year of tedious Joureny from Montreal, when he must have been tired of scenery, described the scenery here as stupendous, etc.. In his report published In 1801. Switzerland receives millions of dollars revenue annually from foreign tourists. Let us mske Mackenzie Park known to the tourKts of other countries, especially the United States. The latter at least can reach It for less expense than they can go to European tourist resorts. The. sale of wheat deprives Canada of a good product the wheat: the sale of fresh air and. a look at Mackenzie Park, with' rlsf uncounted glaciers and thousands ofwalcrfallsr takes nothing from Canada but bring money to her through railroads, steamships, hotels and garages. The farmer, too, can then sell his strawberries and cream and his other produce: the guide and packers can also profit. Thus Canada may capitalize and profit from an at present unsurveyed area ot government land. By attracting tourists to Mackenzie Park Canada can give health of (body and mind to the tired business man, which U worth all he can pay for It. HARLAN I. SMITH. Mfflm list i x m invaYr r. 1 1 u ftaMssAi, i ! W MillllJ B.C.'s Latest and Best Coffee VACUUM PACKED Always "Fresh STJ5BL cut Uniform Strength Now on Sale at all Grocers. Have your grocer give you the special rebate of ton cents arvl this wonderful coffee, made by the makers of the famous Hlue'uii Tea. G. F. & J. (.ALT, LIU, VAiNCOUVER, B.C. i THE -:- ACME'S Genuine Price-cutting NOW IN FULL SWING Mail Orders Promptly Filled at Sale Prices Acme Importers WESTHOLME THEATRE THURSDAY ONLY, 7 and 9 p.m. RICHARD DIX In "Paradise for Two" A rollicking comedy-drama BETTY IJKONSON, EDMUND HKEESE, ANDKE HEKANGEK and others. ' LUP1NO LANE COMEDY "HOWDY DUKE" AESOP'S FILM FAHLES Admission ' 33c and 10c Insist on B.C. PRODUCTS They Lead in Quality Canadian National TJic Largeft Railway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP USHll' AND ANJJ TKAIN TKAIN SKHylCK ?WV" KWI.INUS from I ami Inlrrmrdlat late lor ANVOX nml TTir. All 1 V IIINCK llfPEIlT for VANCOl'VEK. V ,,,. point., rarli Till KSUW and I , 4.00 .m. KKTCIIIKAN Karh MKINrlAl. lor HTMVAKT Karh HATl llllAV. 10.00 p.m. 'ontt'1 forinrlill5. lor XOKTIl AMI MOl'TII (TEEN 1'IUBXOTTE ISLtNO. PASSF.NOEK TKAINS I.KAVK "'.JfHmTiiK ll)MN" HAII.Y EXCEPT HUNDAT at 11.10 a.m. for 1 N .!r ,,'jJ, Jt at Vh. TON, HINMPEfl, all points Eastern CsnaJa. n'l'.l,;,i jo. JAMPEK PAICK LODGE OPEN MAY Jl TO SEI TK, ' SEE CANAIIA IN CANADA'S JIHII-EE YEAR AOKNCY ALL OCEAN STKAMHHIP tlN". chMoe. Use Canadian National Eipresa for Money Orders. orn '' J0"""' I 'Vr. Phone rr "n i! pert. -'I IILKKT UrrlCE. StS T1I1W