PAOB F0U2 vmm Direct tu on arrow ipeed theie great all-tteel train to the Mid. Wet t, South and East. in Union Pacific is your logical route to Salt Lake City, Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Omaha and Chicago. lotonnatUa and Reservation t'nlon Station. Seattle. 110.1 1-hnrtli ,Uf. BVaUaMBlt.gaoV "'liaH Spring Coats in Shades of Navy, Gray and Sand "Demers" Phone 27. P.O. Ilox 327. Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE Phone .381 P.O. Itox 15CS LAUNCHES, SCOWS, HOW-ItOATS AND CANOES SAND AND GKAVEL Equipment for Diving and 'Salvage Work Agents for Easthope Engines ' and Slump Pullers NOUWEGIAN HALIMJT WEAR IN STOCK Compass Ailjusllng MILK From Rutkley Valley FKES1I MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM Quality mid Service Valentin Dairy Phones G."r and (!S7 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano anil Furnltun) Moving. BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM FRED THOMSON IN ANOTHER WESTERN C'nn linifc. (i.iniUrr. Prize lights KmImm and liain-e Halls In Tmilsl.fs I'M u re l:i "The Dangerous Coward," coming to the Westholme Theatre tonight "Wildcat" rtea retain his poattfan as leader in Chaparral, a entail Western towh, by (.Lilting on prtte tights and rcdeas. RU mistress is Conphtta. queen of his 3ance hall. btlt he is In love tti kit. the nieces of DarfC UeOtau. the town drunkard. May. ho ever, lares Bote Treat (Fred Thbtnson). a stalwart fctow-boy. Red OUara, a fight trainer, drtfts ln Chaparral and recognizes Bab Trent w "Lightning Kid" a lamoos fight. Bob tells Red be has given up flghUn because two yean ago -sltnoujb lighting clean he injured "The Weaief" another fighter, so badly that he was maimed tor life The Weazel follows Bob wherever he g'jci,, to blackmail bun. and when he comes to Chaparral, Instantly beetjrhes friendly .with "Wildcat" Res and the two decide to break Bob. The big fight ot the season arranged by "Wildcat" Is to be held between Steve Benson and the "Tulare Kid." a protege of Wildcat's Red O'Hara recognizes Steve Bcnaon as "Battling'' Benson, a well-known tighter, and realizes that the Tulare Kid whom he Is managing, hasn't "a chance. All Chaparral's money has been placed on the Tulare Kid on the advice of Wildcat while Wildcat's own money has been placed on Battling Benson. Red know that his tighter must win He knocks the Tulare Kid cold, and begs Bob to -fight In his place. Bob refuses. Since his promise to his dying mother that he would never tight again. Bob cannot bear the sight of the arena. He sits In the cafe while preparations for the fight are going on. Into the cafe comes Conchlta followed by the Weazel, who attempts to embrace her. She spurns him as a cripple, but he straighten up and tells her he has been playing Bob to wheedle money out of him. Bob sees this and happily hastens to the Arena. After a thrilling fight. Bob knocks Battling Benson out. Pandemonium reigns .... his oration nearly raises the roof. During the fight. Wildcat and the Weazel Steal the stakes which Wildcat has been holding, by substituting the bag with one filled with pipers, and leaving It in the care Of David M-llnn. who ti Intent on the fight. The two make for the border in Wildcat's Ford. The low. of the money is discovered. Old David Is accused of the theft and the riglng crowd .is for lynching him. . . . May rushes to her uncle. The angry men almost kill her. Bab leaps on Silver Kmc In pursUS of the two tnieves. After a hot chase he Jumps into their car. and takes the wheel from Wildcats hands. The fight, idtid Bob thrown jout of tht sar Just'before It goes overTi steep ''embankment. Wildest ami the Weazet arc killed. Bob returns to Chaparral with tht money, and he and May find happlne in their love. pre-war Vienna LOCALE OF FILM 'uM'liiiillini of :iiritje'N MrrrrUt U-. Ml III 'The Hallr. Ilrrnhi" Vienna before the war. rtMiihina mad Vienna, with Its tight-heirtr- galety, Its capricious disregard of th conventions. Its singing and Its waltzc forms the background of a charmlnu yet vlrUe story. From royal palace staieiy, rcgai and solemn, to the win-gardens of old Vienna, where love and wine and song mingle gayiy. the ro mance of a Princess grows in "Th Waltz Dream." a new film to be seei, at the Westholme Theatre on Tuesda; night. "The Wait Dreom wa the bleei hit of the New Yprl, theatrical season some years ago prf ihaijegltlmate stage wail wiiipunira -soiigni vainly tr tecure the fluri rights. But dacat BtrAuai, compoHer of the music, and Hans Mueller, who wrote tlie Uuok "Nux. the Prince Oonsort." felt thai only a continental producer could dr the theme Justice. A lavish picture lias resuuVd. A picture nned with sentiment and box office appeal. Previews have shown th American response to this rai ro. mance li packs a powerful punch as a cumax to tho love of a Princess for : : 1. JAPAM A i THE PEOPE A.bRWfc j COON Trv , it More " . M ofensej wct ! I I i opcAtiKir. ... i . vKfikirioW5i . . fai .c ri JLL , -ZzZr , w r 1 asout ASOUT IT it' we poMitiHTHEM err mi:k at mitiioi.mi: ii ucvoJi raiHfm-a f i i z Tohljlit Only Fred Thomson in The Dangerous Coward." Comedy: "The Oollagiam." International News. Tiirwliiy Only AH star cut is "The faremn." Oomc&y: "Funny Muoters.' Walts itediieiilay -aild Thursday All star eawiedy in "The Lunatic at Imiwe " Obrnedy fW Luck " Aesop Film Fables. Friday and Hatimtyy AU star east In "The Eagle of the Sea." Cunedy: "Be Carefifl. DcHe." Ptrthe Rertew. . ' M tt : an Austrian officer, and the renuncia- The Children Will Catch Cold" Mothers should never neglect the firl aign of a torn or eougli whrre their children are coneeru-d, fur if ther do some serioua lung trouble is liable to follow. Mrs. E. T. IIuhbT, 1022 BarHngton 81-. lUUfax, XA writes: "The children are continually getting eoltls, bat I have no trouble with theih, for jut as soon as they begin to cough 1 give them a dose of Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup which break up the eold withfn a day or so. I get great results out of it and would not b without it for anything. I can highly recommend it to any one.' Price 35c a bottle! larre familv aits 60c; put np only by The T. Milbura Co, Limited, Torunto, Out tkrh of her sweatbeart by a girl of ' -- the people. r irsr ja se'empb new comedy srn-rs. us s packedwith thrills nave me principal roles. IS ROMANTIC DRAMA OF EARLY U.S. DAYS ot teek-end Dorothy Markaill Co-lruturnl In Klrt Nutlunalli "l.unnllr at larje." Miimln; at t holmr A wedding in a dirigible starts on 'the thM" ln National' latest .. , .... tt.,,.pl,e,e ahri nntaimng U feature comedy, "The Lunatic at Large" which of "The Kasle f the seu" Coming MrMft h. wj!LL ..l . . " . uawitiic SIX. si u V UU Wednesday and Thursday, starring Leon . ... . . am and Dorothy ' Mackalll "The Essie of the Sea." eomin? to - ,h. .v. -i K"ihh. MatKenna-a twin brother " the p'ctUre Kttinttb feature, is a romantic drama of days fln bt ruh ' of Andrew Jackson, with the plot re-!1" lyixm volvlng around efforts of French pat- w"h vKeni M wUJ MackaUl) riots ln New Orleans to rescue the exiled wtfm J?.In to wed in a dirigible Napoleon. i "on Erl"ii gftM ho,d of rope ladder which makM hu Into the dirigible Carrying a title auggestt atlr-'"11 ring action on the high seas of deep- hu 11 rtalng. and as a result dyed piracy and frenzied conflict, thej1" u 1X0 wedding, tout one of the picture is an array of beautiful posings i b'rae' thrtU pictures when Leon and a volume of wordy subtitles. It 8rab Dorothy around the waist and jhowa the days when Andrew Jackson , from u dirigible In a parachute vas the pet of New Orleans when there '"nd descends several thousand feet tf s much agitation In the elty'a French ' ,ne ground. juartcr over rescuing Napoleon from his There are enough thrills in this on rxlle at St. Helena. sequence to satisfy most people for The pirate Lafltte Is lnvolved-r-and tt tor ln the end the dirigible blows I his Job to start on the expedition j up and disappears ln smoke and if rescue. His activities end with a .cloud of flame. battle on the high seas and a rescue of This is said to he Errors greatest the heroine. comedy vehicle and was filmed f mm Both Rlcardo Cortex- and Florence i J. Storer Clouston's three famous Vidor strive to Invest their work with books. "The Lunatic at Large." "The iramaiic reeling. The film is rich in; Lunatic at Urge Again." and "The '.to costumes and its backgrounds. The cast includes Florence Vldar, Ui- Lunatic Still at Large.' :ardo Cortez. Sam de Oraase. Andre ' Philosophy la the art of pegging away Seranger. Mitchell Lewis. Ouy Oliver, your job and not worrying about George Irving. James Marcui. Forrl's income. An Ocean House party One continual round of pleasure " By day there's deck tennis, golf, quoits, bathing, miniature horse racing, sports of all kinds; in the evening cards, music, dancing. The grand finale A Bal Masque. All for your happiness on Cunard and Anchor - Donaldson Cabin Class liners. CANADlANJr SERVICE LINES tiie Cunard HtraniMilp 11,1. C: HaMlnts St. Ue.VVan4.Vrrr or any atamslilp agent V anted For Sale For Rent TEN DA.VS I boW'T EE AKW FOO" IN SIGHT- I THIMKYOU HA.O QETTErt LET D.M KNOW CSDQo ; hey vJD DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Adveil5emenOaken fo lets than 50c WANTED HELP WANTED FOR UOHT 1IOUSE-keeping Phone Blue 3J ICO Third Avenue East. (Ml SITUATIONS WANTED ECONOMIC UNIVERSITY STUDENT wishes omce experience. Will be lree Muy 1. Box 38 Dully News Oak. IldAHD BOARD. THE INLANDER 8J Second Avenue. Phons 137 SPORT CHAT It is often very difficult early ln the season to Interest the public In sports when the weather Is disagreeable Right now. it Is aald. that little interest ir being taken In baseball although the opening games should be played in the course of a few weeks. As the rcason advances and outside leuma are brought ln for gamea the sporting pub-lic begins to take the game seriously and large attendances are generally pre--ent at thene matches. To make the game at all interesting, however. It Is necessary u have a great deal of practice and plenty of enthusiasm tor several weeks In advance This can be best cultivated by etty league games whieo provide the fans with an oppor tunity of backing their favorite aa- pregatlon. The closer these contests ire. the greater the amount of local ln terest token. For this reason. three earn league Is far superior to a two team league for there is alwavs the ihs nee of the tsll-enders defeating the league leaders and thus upsetting the dope. of the wise ones. It Is the un- -enalnty of the game which attracts ind. tf a league Is compused of two ams with one far superior to the Kher. interest soon begins to wsne. All trtoe who are seeking to make jaseball an attraction for the summer rhould have the support of all fans and players. A review- of hockey business, the work of basketball, baseball, present financial standing, proposals for Do minion Day and other matters were discussed at a recent meeting of Sinlthers Athletic Club. The bank hook showed a balance of about 1135. tnd ln addition there is a favorable :alance of $100 in the basketball dlvla-on. whleh Included the M grant from lie purent organization. It was de-ilded to put on a membership drive and in all sports conducted by the - relation, the atlpulatlon that members of all team must hold membership In .ne organization -Will be rigidly en-orced, In baseball It was tbe opinion :hat two good teama could be fielded his year. It was msde known that he C.N.R. Athletic Club would have a earn In the field, and between the two I rganlzalioiw some good games are oromlsed. A baseball committee was p twin ted to conduct this branch of port. There was much talk n.. . irogram for Dominion Day. this having leen turned over to the Athletic Club ly the central comniltlce. Many aug-restlona were offered, but final ntan. were placed in tlie, hands of a commit- re to report tmek at a later meeting. FnllowInK un .k..- youngsters last year, some reui engagement is being offered Smlthers :hlldreri th tnlcn " ."".."w": UIW sum- .hr, and it Is expected that several "" W1" DC o",i to provide games Jurlnff the seaann nrf nl . Wruc(. pate in the field sports of Dominion " nuns or oansda are - ' ,v "p retain for Janada the premiership In lacm lid UiroUlrn OonaUrn,. .hn... ... i. , 4 - r -i'i'u on me tctual cost they are making ltlt., ivallable at less than mii . SH.,, vunv. 1I11S put a $2.00 stick m the hand, of :hlldren for 78 cento .h.i .i . .. H,,M uvuer grades will be sold at similar reductions from cost. Just as Canada's great wte, game Is hockey, so her national ,m. mr ir it n. i. 1 . . ... . - -'ywe. ami me Untied 8Ute. Itave atnrled lo develop both r 'Jf these tramea nn 1,... " " cn"' Can- ..n... ... ",v r"'n leadership tn lutli. and to mmnrni in. . "" grrut ... , game inh, organization ar ,,y,8 ...v j SUCKS FOR SALE COME ON. BOYSI IP YOU ARE MBC1I-anleally Inclined and want a etimp boat e rights, we will sell you a usfd Ford engine for t2S0 parto are vary Inexpensive Overhaul It yourself and you will have a 14 h p motor at very low eost. Parker's Oarage. FOR SALE. AMERICAN STEAM HOIST. 7 by 10. double drum: butler made for and tested 199; been used three weeks. 115000 tab Prinre Oeorv Address T. Rush. Prlnee George, DC FOR BALE. NORTHERN PltOOUCTIOM Chinchilla, from rrgtaered petHgreed stock. Does 110. Bred does lit 09 Unrelated pair IISjOO. Fownry Fur Farm. Terrace. B.C. 6d FOR SALE. 1(0 acre Graham Island 11.000 or will exchange for good eHv property. Box 37, Dully News o!3o FOR SALE. FIVE ROOMED HOUSE and two lota. Apply 1M0 Tenth Avenue and Bacon Street u FOR SALE. SIX ROOMED HOUSE AND lot In post offire block. 13.200 00. Apply P.O. Boa 378. lift FOR SALE. CREAM WICKER BABY Buggy in good rendition. $18.00 Phone Red 371. Oft OPPORTUNITYI IS 00 A MONTH NOW buys your: future homeatie Walkert Musk Store. FOIt KENT FOR RENT MODERN FIVE ROOMED house with bath. Just over seetaoa I bridge. Phone Blue Ml. after six o'clock. FOR RENT. . FOUR ROOMED FLAT with range. 11600 Apply XI rs. K F. Blrnle. Hazrlton. BC FOR RENT-SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE: also furnished four roomed nt. Phone Oreen 738. oa FURNISHED SUITES FOR RENT. Apply Mussallem Orocery. Phoir 18. ROOMS FOR RENT. - BOARD, IF desired Phone Btotk 130. PIANO FOR RENT $100 A MONTH. Walker's Muele Store ROOMS TO RENT PHONE 67B. AUCTIONEER HEMSTITCHING tf I NEKD MONEY I MIOllT JOOT AM well be hung for a sheep as lamb No one la going to be held up tor the next ten days Everything go at your own prlef. Mske one rtoUar tooK like two. PIuiiui TTa ri w Ilrliie. Auctioneer. . . HEMSTITCllINO PICOTINO. 80AIXOP. mg. Dollar Btore Piione Red 334. iu:.l'TV p.titi.tiu Marcelling Manicuring Scalp Treatment MRS. I. MUllt 847 Tlilrd Avenue Hy Appointment. Phone 0.17. noMixiiiv i ritNiTt hi: iixnitsm: llraminly (iagnnn, prnprletors 144 Third Avenue I'liiiiie llliirk All Furniture of all sorts bought, audi rtf Exchanged. UPHOUSTEKING FURNITURE REPAIRING; UPHOl atering of all kinds. Chesterfleldi recovered and made to order. All work guaranteed, Phone Oreen flttl. O. M. HUNT. kestAuuants IMillll E ATM t'AFE . Mrs. Unger. Proprietress Third Avenue. Next O, W. V. A. H'hhI lliime ('miked Meuls. Phone mark 700 TAXI Phone G7 Taxi (Call Geurjr'e, l'ntil or pix nntl Seven PasseilRcr Stuilo-linker- nt your dlspnunl any time. koss imos. I()()L K0CTM Meeker Illock. (Across from Kmprisa Hotel) I MAIL SCHED1K fr.(i,lN r ine l-a( Mondays Wrdoeadavt t ctoaas . . . To VaiirwMtrr Sunday Tuesdays . Ttarrsdav Saiurdsyn April xt M First class inui t yj; VsiMouvsr on M .rl aturdsy by r N K ji j Tn Anyot and Allee r; Sundays . nrancwisya y T ileasrt and fmnirr. Sundays Saturdays Ta It NlmiiM.iiii.M . Tbursdaya To AUks Point April .U; I Ta tjnern t harlotle April 7 Mat 1 r fN-(OUI0 Irnm the Eaal Tueadaya, Thursday ir at Iron Vaner Sunday . Wednesdays Thursasys Saturdays April Mi. o. r I rum Antnt and '.tri Arw Turodsys Thwdaya Inmi Mrwart and frusi TuMisy Bundays .... , .. r. ... i mi.i mmm . - Saturdaya trum Plnt- April 33. May ::l X mm nerli t'hsrlaitr- 41 ...... .If.. . m mti' im loiirnwM u Oraham Atltn At. 1st Ave At Stb Bt Mb Ar a Fur.. 8t 8th Av Thorn p l llth Bl.crhnx'k Am 11 tk Ava At Coitr r 8th Ave. A: llavi tn tt Hays Oovr Hh Ave Con Mh Ave A M ilt Hi Prov. Omt Birtv IT. Oov Wh:irf O.TJ Wharf O.TJ. BUtlon 2nd Ave A 2nd 0' 3rd Ave. At Fultoc S! 3rd Ave. Ac 8th V Sunday colle-i": ": " days only STEAMSHIP MOVE 'ir similiter ttunduv i I' Tii'.jday ' Thuradsy w '' Saturday a ' as I' April S3 I' My I P ruin laiirniivrr Riiiltfavy. as ( Wednasda)' - ' Thursday i ! Saturday - . Saturday as P' April 30 v. I'm Ma B- sa t'rtnfr!. Inr Purl rihiiimin and N" Thlllut. w mm r.i I rnm Port ri ipon anil Saturday 1. Cufil! f IT .lfl.HH Sunday--as Cat"' Wednesday a I1 1 ! I'mni Aiijih Tuesday Tliursday r n- I'nr hirwnrt Sunday -as. Catala Saturday as prln G I riim Hlewiirl Sfinrtay 4i. Prince 0c"r Tuesday--as Catala Inr lureii I'lmrlntte- April 33- -as Prince May 7-A. Prince Chw l imn Uueen :haflH" , April 31-as Prlnw C May 6-tm. Prince Ch'" I'nr Aliika- .. April 311 -a Princes M May 0 si princes.: Al I'riuii ,lakM ,., April 33-M. trincr A'; May 3 Princess Al May 13 m hrlncej Al ' May 31 Plrnce: Al