PACE TT70 MoKBmdmidBettetBr&uC puRuy FLOUR ofypdlslNt Biscuits S Dasbj Cbokks M;W;:u;i;iiri!lilt:fljliU:rJlut:;-litl:l:W The Daily News PRINCE RUFERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - Managing Editor. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION. LOCAL ELEVATOR IS MAKING GOOD. 5S To load twenty-four ships with over five million bushels of wheat, and there will probably be more than that yet, is not a bad contended right through the struggle to get the plant, a political ex,- jiediency. Nor does it look as if the much-criticised lease is going jf s"v firm nut in Vv ?.- Kaan f mtsrvVa Thn A lr.dr Vaw T7nnl a- , ' v m vUB .v- iiu a v. irw.aa utltunt,. a. T . ISTjj COV I KJvJt Httf yet another season to experiment with a plant with which its offi- cials have already expresssd satisfaction. There seems to be little doubt now but they will buy the plant outright or tie it up with a Y1LL BE PEACE RAILWAY SOON. The question of a Pacific Coast outlet for the Peace River, as far as any definite action may be concerned, has been shelved for.icort. PATROL BOATS AND AIRPLANES MtMI'.KK VOK SKMAA jrtTIO tii:iTi i-ai- or latti:r in KKttl UtTItl I IMtr.Kir. "1 shall as Just oiw word In regard to acropUaea." Mid Mr. Brad;. MJ for Skeena. when riiherlrs patrol service as fcetnx recently discussed lu the Ulcus oj Commons at Ottawa. TlKHWti :-. llTK it u considered that the aero plane might have met all the exigencies harh wtjls called upou to meet. 1 do rt th:nk it does o to Uie extent sue- itrted by the hon. member lor Cornea , A:bcrui i Mr Nellli Aeroplanes eonnot operate successful In cloud;, fogjy weather, and most of the poaching t 'dace oa obscure days when the ruibll- itv is poor . A good deal of tt takes (place also at ntghx. The aeroplane can-Snot meet these requlrementa completely. ;nd though the government ma; con rrtder the adetmhimy of mlnf them, I. MB stress the Importance of an efficient boat patrol. You want men aa weD aa boata; the boats are essential but ytu cannot lispense with wen i nursaay, April -1. iU trained men. So hnporunt U thl fishing business to Canada that I am fjeased to know that the government and particularl; the minuter la going ft be right way about It b; providing up-to-date boats and. better still, men whose appointment will not be due to record Xor trie local elevator in the first season of its operation. ;poituei pull. These men hare charge We wouder what the knockers, who fondly predicted that the big;f what ma- be considered a sacred house would be a "white elephant,' have to ay to that. No doubt, ! treasure and if we did nothing sie they are greatly disappointed. (than proride fo rthis great industry The Prince Rupert elevator has taken but a short time to!010 ln,rrl,Jr ,houM dota prove that it is not, as the political opponents of Prince Rupert g3C! 1 or Domml00- rrntrn vtaa! should be awftwuww ewe-www r n mi so an a cast tt to Vwaa be given good wages removed from the sphere of temptation. urge the minister to see to It that an operation In district So. 3 and wherever four fisheries damand them. Most Im portant of all la tt to pay the men lease satisiactory to all parties when the specified time comes to -good salaries, just imagine a man en take such action. gaged on these rough waters from The admission of the Wheat Pool that this has been developed noram till night from one end of the into a train Port with facilities and advantages enual to thns nf the ether receiving a salary a'nv on this coast is a momentous one for Prinrr. Runort A fH -which any girl working In the post start has been made and developments may follow that it is dlffj- cffic on UltlX hou to P"1- milt In vetim.M, Th aiinritinn shmilrl h mnct -3!f ... ll Th ht the overseers those who are in any way interested in'the welfare and progress of ! irn "whaT thT minuter. this great and promising port. 'hurt department are .Uve to the 1m- penance of good overseers, and I would ask htm to have guardians placed at the mouth of the more Important creeks hi district No. 2 and along the whole ihe time being at least by the federal government which, however, 1 n.E.i:i at ixc-iikam: has undertaken- to keep continuously in touch with the situation. ; 1 m Pli indeed to see there is Ttir. mar Vw nn action thia voar hrrt th nnosttnn will inHnihtu1lr to be an Increase In the salaries paid come up again next year and continuously until something is reallv " 1 pJe on n done. The minister at Ottawa may say that there may be no sucir "J- !l j tf" 'wcrds. men able to resist tempuitoo.j m r j .v.. .--j. L nuiwaj iunc uunuxcu ie uina or ts raioer iue oi me m any ta ,ucuma mara. in nis jircuicuuu. imat uiuai auu wiu ue a railway io we : uper3n ot our flshlngl vm.-- a.t- ... . - . .- .-w. . j . " ua.u .1.. 1, iic IgrourtGS- You tu do lar more xor uw a good chance that Prince Rupert will be its most direct terminal, tprotecuon of your riaherte u you have1 'at -the head of the patrol system men1 CANNERY LEGISLATION who are Immune from the many temp-1 BEING THREATENED. 'ration that beset them in theuf very" The suit brought by the Semerrilie Cannery Co. in Supreme 'mmcna work. There was in the haaj Court against the federal depart inert! of fisheries is of signal Inter- n overseer of constdersbie est to the entire salmon fishing industry on this coast Mr. Millerd. Tatae w th P"emment. a man who .l. : i i .v. i r i . m .was faithful In everr poaslbie way. He inc iriucipiii vi uir cuuectik uw iwr nunc scare utxa agiiauug xor. I j ,l. i-.irtr.r. ..f tk rt-i.J-.- ti. paHtta. V.t was mu TV - -w two ctllavt b, paid MO mands he now makes in - his suit are even mere surprising than , ml , wt to migm nave neen expeciea. it loos as u utere is -a Dig Dame in nunrter the tact that out of store on tne elementary pcinciiHes oi caanisg legislation, me wnote u -u- f as. . .m, .t. had structure of which is threatened. I( it something that has been 'to nay 4.73 towards superannuation. a - m a w a a a aa i ' coming to a neaa lor some ume ana wnicn snouta soon te aelinrtely land that meant a good deal to turn. settled one way or the Other. ikaow that an lmrjroement In being DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Phone 32S. Over Ormes CROWN, BRIDGE 'and PLATES EXTRACTION OF TEETH Ily an Expert. Sunday Appointments Open Evenings. Seeled In retard to better salaries, but THE OLD (the trrporuaci of the patrol system on SWIM Ml. V HOLU he Skeena cannot be exaggerated. Par For the man who wa fcom in the country but who migrated.0- "bo r"nl xhr wtl" uh"T 1 to the city there are reeoIlectioB which are undying always ass6-i"ooM I1 wt ,T"1 ciated withjthe spnngtimes. Icomprtres five distinct divisions starting I . n. . . t n fimt-hV re -f .1 j- t. ... .v u r;. . .1. is tu'ers "- .oiruii).-ri ui mc.-c iut uwiiy is ui wi inc om n-iauiun "u,c-ilalet. north to Addenbrook l-'-M to aov matter now long since its aeugnts nave Deen expenenceo, iia ap-,lrY, .h jw,, channeu Iealiis insistent. The desire to revisit boyhood haunts makes him a CTOtraJ dtrukm extend irom Xamuf . , 'i. .a a j. w a ba w I member oxianax uanu 01 boys some 01 xnem tx ana timers w ana w towe inlet, and in the skeena din- a bit, but all members, of the same lodge whose due, are payable in ton there are Prince Rupert. sn ineffaceable recollections at the deep pool under the edge of a bank River. Chatham sound. Naas River. Port shaded by willow, sycamore or maple trees. Simpson to the boundary, line. The love of the old swimmin" hole will always endure in the "The present system in dmnct num-heart of the Canadian boy. young or old. and hundreds of thousands br two u hopeieasiy inadequate. a of them will turn their faces toward the old places and yearn for 'n mutrmtKn that J might refer the the companion of their " youth : and deep dwn in their hearts will mJM now in use. , . - . ., .1 There is the Ctoyw. M feet long. She at 7 - - laree years old and her rate of travel of playing hooky by running her fingers through their damp hair. u MW1 iima u ; eleven ytars old. has 45 none power, is MBBB&BESn&BKEBUSB teet long and travela at eight miles per hour. The Hawk which la twenty rears old ts 33 leet long and baa 14 Horse power. 1 computed rougbUy the obligation in connection with these, boats to enable them to cover the area ?TOpeily. It would be absolutely necev-tstt tor each of them to cover 240 miles per day. and Inasmuch as they hare to atop vessels for examination. 752 DA1LT NEW3 .- y ' 'fy "V ; ; - 04 Market Place h V. mm t- Information TU csnl&lims tj Sauraa-ioww I Ike aiesiia, utmnu sto pftaif umiieJ Cana4 trill fpmr ' IM frtu fasjf aeai fae ttrmimi 4tit Hsy. i7 CANADA 1W7 SPACK, the last frontier, is being conquered bv the telephone. At the time of Confederation, Canada s communication within her borders and with the market, of the world was arduous and slow . . . News and the stuffs of commerce travelled slowly . . . To traverse C a i-ada was high adventure. In 1E70, just three years after Confederation, Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, whose life had been defpaired of by his physicians, vent to Brantford, Ontario, to die. Fortunately he was spared, not only to initiate the movement of the transmission of speech by electricity but to see his invention improved and perfected until tt became one of the greatest factors in the social and business life of the world. The first time that transmitting and receiving instruments ucre placed miles apart and speech successfully transmitted was on August loth, 1876, nine years after Confederation. The transnr ef was in Brantford, the receiving strumentln Paris Ontario. Var persons spoke and sang into transmitter and were heard bv Dr. Bell through the rcccn . g instrument. Today the telephone in home ji ' office permits conversation w i? friends and associates half ri n world away. Jt is the new w Tu market place. More than i,ooc. telephones are in use in Caru Jo. They provide opportunity qun . to exchange good wishes, news commercial or social import an J keep in touch constantly with the world. The Northern Electric Company is jroud of h share in thn development vhich Imka the provinces more ckely togetUr. ThelndiHf rial i and poritkal significance of this ncamest it trcmendoui lwcau it ii productive of in creased national progrcM and goodwill Northern Electric COMPANY LIMITED Equipment for the trantmisiion of Sound and Potter IMHIX .taitltALH. Prise Rasvtt Alex. K. Brewlbeart. O. W Prarsoo. C W. TounLm kCaa Joyce TpurtcUotte. alias LoU TourteUott and IXr. and kin. which -takes time, tt necessarily follows!" H. Jsynes and famUy. Vancouver. ha: they must be properly equipped L Mjeho40- Montreal; W. t Walker. m the matter of speed. I would urfe River. Ivan Adams. SUasett; the minister to ptc U that diitrlet lU:Wrd' Johnston. Muriel Johaaton and .up to date patrol boata capable of ac P- Johnston. Queen Charlotte City peed of fifteen mHesper hour. Theyj fesilral (Should bare corrmodJUIoc lour! w. J, Baruey and R. UcRiekle. Tan- 1 persons wn-.n.extraiscratDoAttJori for twara. ucean nil: 1. lofaftais. (Rlcharda. Powell Riven O. MacDonaeU. WH.tT NtlU. R.tin ttr O. C Ameson. Ronnj-ilde I A- W Netll. membrr for Oomox-AV s"J ibernt had said previously: ' wUson. Vancouver: Anton Moen. My boa frtend from 8keeoa Mr. r: M- 8- Dunn. Buckley Bay. Brady 1 I know wtn support me. as did! this ptde or who was a Liberal In! lthrtL QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND "t tor the departmen tto sriln putj DIVISION" should like to know from the minister j TASK KOTlCXthTt"tf. P. Leonard, of the poitcy of the department m this Portland. Ore. poyaieUtt. intends to regard. ArrUae m the Dalle Few hi j toe aunuier 01 uinos lor a iKance to prcapect tot coal, petrols iu and natural cu over and under the lot. iowme described Una. annate on Rk.:a-' f'-e Inlet. Oraham Istand I Commenctns at a post planted at the southwest corner of Section 31 Town- I ship 1: thence SO chims east -.hence SO chains north, thence so chains west I thenoe CO chains south, to point of com- ; mencement ! located March 14. 127 H. P LEONARD. j ' A. J. OORDONAjewt NOTICE r,rtu" proruioos Srnyth. Edmund LantU. lUrold Uaosen ind Albert Moore, that there H owir.f " . . .ni. w upww m WOTS (rrtoTrasd 00 the Cordma Orous oC sena Mlnlnf IKWotx, the sum 5 f?3-- uoJew said p-rsons par ;lhr proportionate thart of the covtof iuch Aisessment toeether with all cons ;of 5ynwne etc, w tat underwit iStBuledale. BO. on or Deter May 5' 177. applicauon win t nude 10 th. jOold Commtsskmer. Print Bupert. b!c!. o nave their rvspretlv interests la the ;,DI ViuK -vt thT nude?! 'suj jeo. DATTD OORDtllA. VACOB KOSEs. FREE! to all children Painting Book -A Trip to Coffee Und" vith ONE 1'Ot'ND TIN OF IALKINS ItST COttT.E Kir. CASH PHIZES SEE YOUR GROCER The W. II, Malkln C-. Limited. Vancouver. 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