lay b ge? PRIEST I e Rupert Daily News November 13, icf Abbott 1952 Kosho Ohtani, Lord of Ahe emples of Japan, and, his wife treal as. part of a North American tour 000 practising Buddhists of. the: Hompa ritual ruler of 7,500,000 adherents fn (CP PHOTO) yto Seek New Agreement: Electric Power Supply tht e B.C, Ce vr bars er on bot th * : mbit >: 1" 2 pow tie th ture 1d re- Yow uid he rela week next ; i pro use of ‘ 0 ntract up Mm ireed to electrical corpora mable Maller i} { company or herease that Hed that NBOPC ' “reasonable 2 " that the power ia “Mpted to rectify “On by instal j anit stalling a arate FONE D et hy ave the com- if it de power al vantled to is far as ney irance of Ulation for aux- oy ty power.” "Their wt, ‘OF supplying | WUXiMary unit te} l nanimously on On contact nmission liately Oor to discuss | "quirements and) . cerned it} ' isiness not! into it| of | as needed | and | n authorized to start ne-| Power and garding signing to this city. *. Churchill's Commission mpany rej, |Tories Win “S| Confidence LONDON (P)..Prime Minister Churchill Conservatives. Tues-| easily defeated a tion of non n hi ernment It was the first test of strength | n the new session of pariia- ment The division Was 313 to 270 Conservative have a normal) margin of only 625-member House of Commons In presenting the challenge Monday, former foreign secre tary Herbert Morrison hnd | charged the government lacked | a strong enough economic policy to withstand the shock of a possible “world — : Statehood ™ Likely Says “= Alaska Head PORTLAND, Ore. (CP) Gov Ernest Gruening of Alaska said here today he believes statehood for his territory finally will ma terlalize in the 83rd Congre confidence | 16 seats in the] -Newsmen Tops in Aviation Win Awards In Writing OTTAWA... Three new: spa per- Mien and a Toronto m agazine editor have been named top winners in the first annual Avi- ation Writers Contest adian writer; for Can- The contest 6 ’ponsored by the Canadian Branch : of the Avia tion Writers Association and the Air Industries and Tran sport As sociation of Canada. Prizes to- falling $1,200 are given to en courage more complete and ac } curate aviation reportine in thi country In addition to cash awards "ach winner receives a plaque }¥ith a duplicate going to the publication i which winning articies appeared, Awards will b made at a sperial luncheon at the Seigniory Club, Montebelio, Quebs on Nov. 11 during the annual convention of AITA Alan Kent of the Toronto Pe an received highest mark th cal newspaper section | : erles of articles on jet! fighter developments at A. V Roe Canada Limited, Toronto James Horniek camer. second for his “accurate and complete’ coverage of many aviation event in the Toronto Globe and Mail Sir William Hildred of the 1: ternational Air Transport As- | cclation and A/V/M Alan Fer tier of the International Civil aLlor Organization were nudges of this section "hese jddges reported Mra, j Deion k gelling of Welland | end the Welland and Port Col-/| orne Evening Tribune deserve pecial mention for effective ontinuous and benefietal pro- | motion flying tn that terri- ary . | WEST COAST WRITER } . ‘ } Robert Francis, Vancouver wri eas tr, Was a winner n the Sun- uppiement and weekly! section. His winning for Helicopters ppeared in Toronto Night and described these machines are the deveiopment of | northland. the Playing in Canada's par lo paper | ertie ‘le “Heyday ‘| ; | Jock Carroll, Toronto Bureau iChief of Weekend Picture Maga a was second for a Korea- | datelined stofy on the RCAF’ ;Omar Levesque, first Common- lwealth fighter pilot to shoot! peed 1 Russian-built Mige-15 | fight | G. W.G, MeOonachic, pres | ident of Air Industries and Transport Association, was | judge for this section, | Ronald A, Keith editor of | Canadias Aviation Magaziie | Toronto, won top henors in the | eta The judge, R. J hill, executive editor of | London Free Press and the pres ident of the Managing E shor | Association, made special men tion of Mr. Keith’s unbiased i fighter plane Chur editorials on A. V. Roe, when that was receiving national riticism for of defence out put Ross Wilimot, pro duction at ompany lack public relation officer for A. V. Roe, was sec for articles writtén in the publication, “Jet Age Saint-Pierre, aviation he Montreal La Presse was winner in the French lang uage section, which Was judge by Herve Major, president Canadian Press ‘SALTY LAKE ond company Andre writer of ot Gruening told reporters he| Lake Eyre in South Australia doubts whether the change of|in some years is seven times as administrations will change the} salty as the ocean statehood situation much, Lead-| ~~ ers of both parties have ap-| proved the statehood program, | he said Gruening Congress legislation i to enable the Alum inum Company of America to} acquire enough land to build its | proposed aluminum plant near | Skagway | j j | ENC,’ also said the next) probably will approve | CARRED Saturday | a Shetty is *hnical and trade publications | the | SISTER MISSING—Mrs night boat never been her di nppeeraey Insurance Delinquents to Get Letters From Health Minister VICTORIA (CP) Eric Martin is Described as a ame fre the ter personal minister, the me yy) le read “Are of the ance | complete j Hie you aware ed enclo hospital insur and all-inclusive ward accommodation pa public hospital in British Co-} ! Jambi hould you or your fam require hospitalization’ “Do you realize ‘that this mean you get protection} against high hospital bills ‘some of which have amounted] to over $7,000) for lk than 11 cents a day? NEW PLAN The minister then goes on to; explain the Social Credit gov ernment'’s recent change in hospital insurance These changes are part of a} new plan designed in your in-, terests, Your enclosed billing is; more than a bill which should} be paid. It ls your peace of mind} in the event that you may have} to go to hospital a larimer irom Calgary GIsLrict, S- t- that payment billing gives you -unlimited, b- in any} “Tt Is your protection agitualth SERIOUS BUSINESS OXFORD, England ®—-Oxford University’s jazz club, banned last year, is being allowed to meet this term on condition members do not dance. They are advised that the club's purpose + to promote study of. “histori- cal and sociological aspects” of azz music | | i S THE GATEWAY TO NEW BUSINESS We'll glady help you plan your printing and assist you in every way Dibb Printing C ibb Printing Co. } aon Py EEE FOODS j Olive Josephine Law, 42, from Victoria to Vancouver reported seen since Pisin the west coast in an effort to clear up the mystery took the mid 10-year sentence will be cut i j j » June 13, 1951, and has to +d ni iting him free Her brother, Don L. Cavanaugh 2 Tire Ho me Offic . ¢ a lourth trip this fall to-;.. *™ : surrounding | ‘at May * probably will be re | leased in December.” What em ‘CP PHOTO) barrasses most Britons is that May got off with a lighter sen tence than is sometimes handed out for armed robbery INFERNO by Havoc-Bon Ina The specific charge against winner of the 1903 KING'S PLATE May was communicating official a secrets to an nnknown perso ld Z J which “might be useful to at f ¢ Re ? oe a i wi ' ,4¢ ~ my.” ‘amous Seagram colors. : st. . —Health and Welfare Minister °™e™9 . : - it was under the same ending letters }ance delinquents. explaining several aspects of plan and advising them to obtain coverage. . ’ i - British officials explain that i it ) Ss ) ate high hospital bills which could| under British law there was no .~ 7 ruin your finance It ensures; way to charge either May or that the best hospital care is) Fuchs with high treason punish GG? ie ‘f). .“h/t = available. It provides the best| able by death OLLI ee ZI ; answer to the problem of acute May, a brilliant physicist hospital care and accommoda-j|joined Britain's super-secret tion atomic program in April, 1942 In short, when you pay this! In January, 1943, he went to bill, you are investing. at less! Canada to work in the Cana than 11 cents a day, in your|dian-British-US. atomic pro most precious possession—good | Tam. He made four trips to the " health and freedom from hos- Caicege —— ee Day Seagram's on Sure pital bills. Your co-operation ; 1944 and learned sume of the / risk steps that led to construction of | requested in the prompt pay-/the first atom bomb This adverti ent of the By Philip Clarks in September, 1945, to take a over the May case. The news- | JONDON (AP)—The western ‘@ching job at King’s College in paper asked | world’s first atom spy is due for London when a young Soviet “Can we afford, in the in- | release from jail in a few weeks, “™bassy clerk at the Russian terests of this country which embassy zenko, in Ottawa, Igor Gou- went over to the west, | Britain doesn’t know what to do he betrayed, to release this Com- | about him. munist atom scientist? ae : May catrying with him many secret “It is not impossible for men ig oe Same. — o— documents 4 The docu- to get out of this country sec- | out he'll be freer to move arounag ©? Proved May's complicity retly and to cross the Iron Cur- | than on otdinesy tourist in in an amazing Russian plot to tain. 80 why give him the op- | Britain Foreigners hare must ; cal the atomic secrets portunity? keep police posted on thei: The Soviet records showed “Ten years is little enough a -reabouts that May got at least $700 and for the grievous injury that he : | _. two bottles. of whisky for his did to the Democratic cause. [oo — ete Si-geae ofc services Let him serve it in full. And in packenitss Ras never publicly re London's conservative Sunday the next three and a half years pented for passing vital atomic Dispatch, in up a recent editorial Britain’s the world situation may change greatly.” jsecrets to Russia. A former pointed scientific worker in Canada, he -~ was arrested as a result of Can- ada’s 1946 spy probe Under British judicial cus- tom—for spy or petty thief— May is entitied to time off for | good behavior. This means his dilemma | to all hospital insur- charge that the world’s most netorious atom spy, Dr. Klaus Fuchs, was given a l4-year sentence four years later. Seagram's is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board 6 or w by | the Goverment of British Columbig. 4 enclosed bill.” May had feturned to England SALE GUE SHOES LIMITED | 506 Third Avenue West Phone Green 595 BIG REDUCTIONS All Regular Stock of Shoes HEEL HUGGERS by MURRAY Reg. 14.95 Now $11.95 Duchaine de Quebec 14.95 - 13.95 - 12.95 Now $11.95 $10.95 $9.95 Reg PARADISE by PERTH Regular 13.95 Now $10.95 DEBS - GOLDEN PHEASANT - TETRAULT and many others . . . Every pair in our large stock at very low price. COREYS Regular 11.95 Now $9.95 Strictly Cash — No Exchanges’ — No Refunds Canada’s First Atom Spy to Go Free 7