e Rupert Daily News wrseaay is ¢ rhere jp the uF aq m of the pullding Stella of hn Van- York one New those the grave tered in ap land in Vanzant reement TO i MONDAY ROUND TRIP PRINCE RUPERT - WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY Departs Prince Rupert 2:30 p.m. Arrives Ketchikon 3:15 p.m. LLIS AIRLINES Phone 476 November 13, 1952 orto Office Building Towers , Ancient Grave of Pioneer was Observed A protective shed was built over the grave and construction went on around the shed Mrs. Gerald Johnson of Toror to, a descendant of John Var gant, knows something’ of the family legend. The pioneer of Dutch extraction and hi familly helped found New Am Sterdam on the Hudson River He arrived when Toronto was a fur-trading post. Later he « tablished a tannery at the cor ner of the present Adelaide and Yonge Streets some 10 years be wa Was surveyed of the area was delayed 1793 so John Vangant was of the first to live there j later became part of Toronto * ait Actua! settlement unt Vanzalils at fi Toren “ ;returned (6 the United Stats lwhen the Mackenzie _rebellior | broke out in 1837. Mrs. John j; bejieves the tannery and Va want's residence a block aw imay have passed into the I of Jesse Ketchum Pist and reformer returnéd to Canada philar ( The family about and some of its members settled in the Markham district KETCHIKAN $27.00 fore the future town plot of York it) York por da r derete of aa cop MON'PREAL, November 15t)—W bo ever women can't agtee op anything’ I've talked 1 “WANS DOWN ender, cakes. No mix said that over tev friends, snd we've al) come to Theres nothing quite FLOUR to make wogier- ke 1100 CART » otf : ery cake resulta It's quite logica Down i¢ eepecmlly made for better cake kaw. At-se milled ipain ihe finest of soft w and agam unit 27 times as hae as ord neat you baa ‘ w “. who ha lumoovered w wn makes in cake baking Both wremience and extea protection when you be LUXE MARGARINI : w quar unde, of diva mai wale Blue @ 3) t our wale cal we Dox “f , “De Lake” aiar mounds /% sae, J ping ~~ BO shemng or re- Rae wi you “need and serve Walt <* Hay . rect your measuring cu * De Luxe Blue Bonnet, The ackage shows exactly where to out fer recipes tM Agreed ige the other day that those grand new chemica make dishwashing « pleavure (wel aimost! we agreed, too, that JERGENS LOTION & idea is roushened and dried by these pew soap? I reena alter every watery chore. Becaus ’ > quick! pepetrates to. supply the softening wre that dry, thirety skin needs, Keep a bo ne Lotion handy“in both kitchen and bathroor { ~ keep your hands alwayve aol, smo r beca Oo mrs Lous Of Zeeipp! to this a» : ony ? Sine x t right eav vwenmeht Ss Both flex- ‘ ¥ have lerfully tock ihe never kine or buye Lightoing «rile te me — Bar St. : for this wonder- “eer LEAFLYT Fasteners.” | Oreacent earedtor look that ] i VOU care lor and $1.15 Jergens ean give ther your hands! It's n only Your Baby's Different in many endearing ways But I'm sure that in ene way he'll be past like other babies He'll fove HEINZ BABY FOODS And = thats a tend- eney. you can encourage, Mower because Heinz Strained Baby Foods areéoed for bab Theyre pre- cooked in Heinz spotless kitchens ao all you have to do w» take then from tl t warm them ar setve. They're wholesome and 8 pelizing meat food product soups, Vegetables and dessert a expertly blended to aive baby ertra notrishment. And when bab is alittle older, he'll need HEINZ JUNIOR FOODS to help build girong: bones and a sturdy le body. Bo next time you're shop- nine ask your dealer for Heins Baby and Junior Foods be . be, 4 Seientific Genius, I'm. mot too sure just how the Face-Elle wue handkerchiefs so super soft i abworbent at the same tame kind of genjus to x to be any hee hetween id that FacesElle handkerehiefs fas : ‘agers won't poke holes in them wonderful when you have % hey’ re ‘ to irritate * Pace} oY name. SS RA v, - ; x of Paee-Elle ... you ean’t beat nation of sofigess plus strength! But be sure and ato Sutomatic ologk eontrol, for ipetance ; r ovem litht so you can’t be “in-the-dark” about FACE-ELLE and tender nasal pas- 6 setpsiieiaeneiee hing 1s Always 4 Pleasural Yes, my new GURNEY GAS NGE has changed a “fun-room”. |] t ervthing to make cooking easier. Take that Gurney my kitehen from a “work-room ts desiguers have thought of in- And the What goes on imgide the oven, And, above all, the Hehe) «Pec! Gurney “Bven-Heat” oven that keeps the temperature exactly right automatically — op the our sides, the top, the bottom and even in the corners ak hea 'o show qweu the new Gurney Gas Ranges — all of ‘eeled” for earefiree cooking. PCat ty ui ake Mee. You °, W a aera ta 4 Bide td neve x uff in @ , "Glee of five dreamy Dias *’ COMpact $1.00, Wwe wberminute” make-up. Ap OODBURY DREAM STUFF does a 'b and you look “morni codbury Dream Stuff is foundation- in one dainty compact. Just smooth is yo SG DMM. This Ught and velvety neynever drying or greasy On your skin 1) “oF Spalls. Woodbury Dream Stuff comes pretty, purse-size packet. Ask d no wonder! One minute fresh” all —juet %o—or in the new Hindenburg cost 10,000,000 reich- 5s G « B Divorcees’ Club Great Success By EINAR PRAVITZ experience of the loneliness that STOCKHOLM (‘AP)-—-About a/ results after severance of mari- yea a Steckholm merchant) tal ties and most of the con- wot an ide why not start a/tacts any couple holds in com- ub ! divorced persons mon Hin livorced, he had much There were many persons ‘Millionaire Cruises Today Only Use for Zeppelin Ships ‘By HANS NEVERBOURG FRIEDRICHSHAFEN, Germany (AP) Dr. Hugo Eckener, who built most of the zeppelins, thinks the Fighting Girls Wear Airmen’s Wings, Range Foreign Guns For the first time in its long history Britain is giving the co- veted wings of the Royal Air Force to women pilots and send- ing girl TOP: Pilot Officer Jean L. Bird of the Women's Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, first woman to he given the flyers’ wings, proudly wears them on her chest after the presentation, Jean has more than 3,000 flying hours, ac- cumulated in 90 different types of aircraft, to her credit. LEFT (from left to right):' vates Bull and Taylor of ‘the Women's Royal Army Corps and Regiment, sent to Gibraltar where its girl gunners will —as shown in pic- ture and as wemen so gallantly ranges to the guns whieh will be fired by men, Judgment Reserved VANCOUVER © — Judgment) was reserved here by Mr. Justice J. O. Wilson in an application to | | strike out certain paragraphs | ifrom the defence in the pre-| election libel suit of Gordon 8.) Wismer. : Mr. Wismer was attorney-gen-- ieral of British Columbia in the | Coalition government defeated | tion. He alleges he was libelled as attorney-general. He is suing Maclean-Hunter Publications Co. Ltd., Toronto, | and Blair Fraser, Ottawa jour- nalist, for unstated damages for libel alleged to have been con- | tained in the Feb. 15 issue of at the polls in the June 12 elec- | Maclean’s magazine. The article was headed “Back Stage at! Ottawa,’ and sub-titied “B.C Coalition Commits Suicide.” It was published following a break- | up of Coalition in late January Appit the para- graphs struck out was made by | A gunners overseas to ‘man” front line defenses. ation th hawsa vent VO hia ve were (T. G. Norris, ‘counsel “for Mr. Fas eae tome WOOL LINED RUBBER BOOTS AND OVERSHOES For Ladies, Children, Men Keep your feet Warm, ary and comfortable this Wi Footwear | Wismer. He said that Mr. Wis- mer should not have tc go to court to justify his whole life. | The pleadings should be re- | stricted to the exact charges | made by Mr. Wismer and the de- } fence “so that a man's whole life is not gone into.” Mr. Norris esaid another para- | graph in the defence would re- |}-quire Mr. Wismer to prove malice jagainst the defendants whereas | the law imposed no obligation on the defendant to disprove malice Counsel also objected to a de- fence set up by Mr. Fraser that he Was employed by thesdefend- ant company and had written and submitted the article to his ; employer ance-Corporal’ Grieg and Pri- he 46th Heavy Anti-Aircraft the only regular, ‘mixed” regiment in the British Army. The “46th Heavy” is being lid in Britain’ én the last war — erate predictors and supply | Mrs. John Drainie Puts on Blue Bonnet — Finds it Best in Sweden both men and women, in the same predicament who rallied | | to help ‘him with his project. : The result: Stockholm, a city | of many divorces, but mo night | i lubs, got its “Divorcees’ Club,” which may be the first organized | project of its kind. ; The club was a success from the first. It now has some 200 | members who meet once a week |} in a 17th century cellar in the i ‘old town.” The “Friday Club,” as it is}| called oficially, has rigorous iI : rules and regulations, and qual-| Take your cue from Mrs. John Drainie ifications are closely checked. | —*‘Cisire Murray” of radio fame, and i} Recently two German experts were reported to have drawn plans for the. construction of new zeppelins to be used in future German airline. The two are former zeppelin captain Max Pruess and Rudolf Sauter, a dirigibie engineer Sa visited me several times and showed me his plans,” Eckener said i told him he had my bless- ing but that I do not want to ad have anything to do with it. To- day, a zeppelin would not have against an airplane.” the expense: the a chance Imagine marks. Today, a zeppelin would SEE OUR A-1 Used Cars BEFORE YOU BUY A MUST SEE— ‘50 Monarch Forder, Gleaming metallic green, lots of extras. 9) A real family car $2125 TRUCK VALUES ‘47 Ford Pickup. Has gone a few miles but there are lots left $675 46 Dodge Panel—Fair alljy around A happy hunting#) wagon S875 42 Ford %:-Ton Pickup— Excellent rubber, good motor. #) A very useful truck $6259) CALL YOUR A-1 USED CAR DEALER Boh Parker Ltd. af friendly : BURNEITS The hame WHITE SATIN BURNETT'S LONDON DRY GIN | only future left for new ones is as novelty airships At first a number of married ween ine tenes hana pepe . : 9 . persons managed to squeeze | Vic), any spread at any price. Like this or “milonaire Cruises. cost about 25,000,000 to 30,000- in. Some elderly gentlemen | |eading Canadian y, youll find Zeppelin Tight » wonder-/ 999 marks ($5,950,000 to $7,140.- tried for membership. Now | Devoxe Buve ore fresh, _—s ful experience which cannot be | 999) because of higher construc- the rules are striet: onfy ap- sing vate ediomn nda Parma en’ che other craft,” sald | tion costs. It would have to be Plicants whe can prove they lead eit les de Gdamones. 16% ae ad forme com~ | filied with helium which is not re bona fide curysvers of an | handy to use, too. Each golden-yellow nae f the Graf Zeppelin. | one ap either. Then a dock would unhappy marriage, officially quarter pound is individually wrapped Because of this, a world dirig-| pave to be built because the old terminated, are weleomed to in re aluminum foil with . ible tour m t have a future Sne here was destroyed in al+| membership. —— tein —- kee its delicious ; vor in and ice-box odors out! Buy | ' wonderful, but/ lied air raids during the last The arrangement.has been 80) Depuxe Buve Bonner and Enorall exper round-the-world / war. Such a deck would cost at / successful and aroused so much} three — Flavor, Nutrition, Eeonomy! ticket would cost about $38.00 least 15,000,000 to 20,000,000 interest that divorced persons) ~~~ But I believe this is the only |marks ($3,570,000 to $4,760,000).” all over the country are follow- | yeppelin project which could be Dr. Eckener said he had read| ing the example and planning Heed Otherwise, the day of |about Italian plans to build aja country-wide asociation ep definitely past et-propelied dirigible The Stockholm club member- Eckener was the first zeppelin That's impossibl he said.| ship cuts through all strata of t ross the Atlantic in a | “I just can’t believe it. The sur- | society At first, it was mainly non-stop from east to | face resistance is too great The , newly-divorced women who od st He nanded Germany's |™aximum speed dirigible joined, seeking escape from sud- ZR Ill in 1924 when it was /|‘s 100 miles per h even with den loneliness. Now the dispro- lown to America as war rep- | the most powerful engines. Be- poration between male and fe- arations. It later became known | Sides would have to carry so male members is begining to =" as the “Los Angeles much fuel that there would be disappear. The aim of the man- Thirte years later Germany| 0 room left for passengers agement is an even distribution stopped building zeppelins after the May 6, 1937, tragedy at Lakehurst. NJ... when the) Hin idenburg was destroyed by fire and explosion which killed 36 of its 97 passengers ST LIKE TOMATO cose] | service” Phone 98 ee This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia, JUICE OFF: Protect ed jlavour\ The delicious way to serve your family vitamins A and C. Libby’s *“‘Gentle Press’” Tomato Juice is an excellent souree of both these needed vitamins.”