DA11.Y NtV3 FLST TOURISTS ARE PAY SECTION j Destroy v ; ENCOURAGED FOR LIBRARY1 S3BO r't'i . sss The Daily News I'KINCE RUl'SIiT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Bupert , Dally Xws, Limited, Third Avenue. H r. tlULLEN - - ManajrinR Editor. SUnSCMPTlOX RATES: City Delivery, by mall or carrier, per month .75 By mall to all parts of the Uritinh Empire and the United State, in advance, per year $5.06 To all other countries, In advance, per year $7.50 Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - 56 Member of Audit Iiurcnu of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Thursday, August 4, 1927 EXPLOSIONS ON CAS ROATS Explosions on gas boats have become so common of late that it has become a serious menace both to those using the boats and to the operators of gas stations. No particular company seems to have any monojoly of the accidents. Several here have been very serious. So have there been serious explosions at Ketchikan and Vancouver and other places. It is now time to consider what can be done to prevent these accidents. It would seem as if some governmental inspection of gas boats was needed and more rigid rules in connection with the taking on of gas at the stations. It is to the benefit of everyone concerned that greater safety should be insured. We hate to have to ask for government inspection, as the tendency is to be over inspected and governed, but here is a case where lives are at stake as well as property and some steps undoubtedly should be taken to protect the gas boat men against themselves and against-endangering the lives of others. ' Some wives are not official sirckosmen for their but the exceptions help to prove Ihe rule. PRETTY FINK LITTLE PRINCE There is no gainsaying the fact that the Prince of Wales la a pretty Jlne little prince. He carries off the part to perfection and ifthe country were searched high and low, a better representative man could not be found. Apparently he has been well trained for the position and it takes a lot of training to make a man a good enough: prince to be heir to a throne like that of the British hmpire. It is to be hoped that the princes will have a good Canadian time at the ranch and If it could be arranged that they should visit 'Prince Rupert they might be entertained even here in a manner that might please them. At any. rate we are glad to read of their doings Such princes as these save the monarchy from extinction. There is a fossilized whale several million years of age near Victoria. But why comment on the ancient whale and say nothing about the other fossils.? SIR HENRY AND RAILWAY (Brockville Recorder and Times) One of the very first things that Sir Henry Thornton as a railway executive of experience realized was that if the Canadian National was to be made a success it was essential that businesslike methods should be applied to its operation. And modern business methods dictate the expenditure of money to obtain more money. Accordingly, with the support of a sympathic administration frhicn laid down a policy of "no interference with the Canadian National management," and with the assistance of a body of employees each any every one of whom assumed a personal interest in the undertaking, Sir Henry proceeded to carry his plans into effect, and he is still carrying on the work. Having first reorganized the system upon a workable basis and having eliminated unprofitable and often duplicated services, Sir Henry spent money upon advertising more money than some people thought should be spent in such a direction. This started traffic toward the Canadian National lines and an increase .In, the earnings. Then he spent more money upon improving the roadbed, upon purchasing new and modernized rolling stock, upon acquiring motive power of the most approved type to replace .locomotives that were obsolete and unable to haul as heavytrains at as high a rate of speed. He also spent more money, upon build- ,ing leeaers into regions, chiefly, In the growing West, which were previously without railway connection in order that traffic might be augmented. And the strange part of it all Is that the more money Sir Henry and his associates spent in improvements and extensions the greater became the earnings, until today they stand in a most favorable position and the National System is acknowledged to be one of the crack roads of North America, a property in which its owners, the people of Canada, may take justifiable pride. Once more we note the entrance of the P.G.E. and ; the Peace River into the realm of practical politics. Both will be political footballs until the goal is won. minima Permit for Sixty Days With Propyl to Install System as Thirty Day Extension is 1 Thev Have it in Other VA.NCQL VBZ. Aug. 4. New arrange-' ir.ent have bra) iuK with the cu-r Dr P. E Doollttfe. president of the Canadian AuuvuobUe Association an Saturday. TMa slaty daj permit can then be ix tended tor an addltloasal thin; days by applanation to a remcnltwd automobile club, which orsantaatteM wee mainly reeponvHrte for the extension privilege to foreign tourlau. Under the present arrangement a thirty day permit eligible for two additional thirty-day extension It allowed. In either caw the total touring privilege wax ninety dayi. Under the LIBRARY BOARD During the month there were rather more cancellations of membership card tjhan new borrowers, this being due to the peculiar b3ndltlons of change going on at that time. There are now 2,493 registered borrowers, and 3.918 books either on the shelve or ln circulation. New shelve have been added to ac commodate the Increasing number of book and It wta hinted that a the work increased the whole floor space of the building would be required and T)i oumuob of cl:-cusrnt a dupll- Mb SV VMlKJW Mums " dUcMMd by the library board tart At 1. wbeeeby forelcn motor tour- nw thorough, uu permits wUI tested in tfce- first J7!T V7 LT.-. w, to ler Hit, day. tmi of for (Qr . mta tttmww.tvM aution was received kjr Fred J. Blkins. .li r,niU J, , Bw one but mamger of the AatomobUe Club of tn, d4BM ' be-1 British Ootumhta In a VHtgnm . from , . , i . rw new order the only difference wOl u plM n tTtt required to apply for oaly one exten sion inatead of two. The new system. hare acted 'that it be eetabllahed that aoate merateem of the board seaaa kee to" try It out . The plan la to purchase duetleMe copies of popular new book. One f tfcee gee la the free seeUso and tfce other ta the pay Motion, a charge of poealbly tea cents being charged lor eaeh time It la loaned. Tate enable those who wlah to pay far the prlvlfceje to secure the book quicker than If they had to watt their turn. As soon . m the volume ha been loaned enough times to pay for It. the The pay aactlon of the library ta wholly seKuata!n!ng and la rat quite club directors beltere. will act a a . k... . .t th fvrther stlmului to tourtet travel be- llbrar, of tb book, oau of the further removal of Inter-' Wk fro(n thf tft eUarKed. national "red and because tape", any Kem u ln ln most cUtaB nunnx privilege eiaeneswu announce-aen' always receive wide publicity In foreign countries and la said to be very successful. A letter was read last night from the, Vancouver llbr.irUn exnlnlning their i ifvstem and stnt::ie that It was a mueh ' valued section of their library. HOLDS MEETING blWAM Need of More Space For Hooks and Crowded Condition of Room Mentioned At the regular monthly meeting of the library board, the librarian' report showed that the taxing of holidays, had rerloualy Interfered with the regular work of the Institution. For June the tctel circulation was 3.777 volume but for July this fell off to 826. the library being open only five day. As usual fiction predominated very largely. MARMOT KlVLK Fraction Between Property of Father and Uncle (Joes to Cliff Magee "Youth must be served." warbled Cliff Magee aa he staked a fraction on the south fork of the Marmot lying between a claim owned by his tether. H. C. Ihga. and one owned by hi uncle Charlie, and Incidentally took In a vein of high-grade gold ore about wkltteh Lhece was a question as tn whose ground it occupied aaya the Portland Canal New. This i the vein which gave a high' aaray at 12800 ln gM. with Use e- ception of lld'ln sUver, and whieh wm! found last fiWI and, caused cmwhat! of a eommotln la.1 la sedate, not to I tiv tij. iiimn. . I been doing eoiMidersMe surface work on the vein the table of magazines might have tothl umer and have traced It out be turned out to allow of bookcase dletmce of 600 feet. Sample being Installed there. Man in the Moon Sir Henry Is coming again, again And we wish he would Just explain Ye lett him just tell Where's the railway hotel And the all the year once a day train. ITS a punier what makes an even ing gown stay up, but Jake says that's j itub vitv viiiiijs umi BtAjra up wiHi'jjj out any vwioie means of support. He ays the price of the one his wife bought is wonderful to contemplate considering that the whole thing weighs only six ounce or thereabouts. The price stays up, all right. YOU ean tell how often a person has travelled by the number of picture postcards he buys. 1 la the. law of diminishing return. If he ( walks' .ip t street wlthoyt Q mucjt as glance lntp Mqrte. Cralg'orny,otlhe other thops you may toe sure he is a veteran and is best left to himself. THE law of compensation Is seen ln the man who gives the porter half a dollar and carries off a dollar's worth of hotel towels. STEWART women will soon be eupreinely happy. They will be able to pay morning calls by telephone instead of trudging ten or flteen, miles to the home of their neighbors. IF you meet a man with a sombrero. And a swagger that say "I don't care-ov Ixxjk again, but dont faint. For a cowboy it ain't. It's one of the Board of the Falr-o. THE bird that owned the' horse brought It out and trotted it around the track. When he came back he stood the horse. 'off and pointed proudly at it. "Hasn't he got a beautiful coat?" he boasted. "Yes," says the guy, "his coat Is all right, but I don't like hi pants." I'ASSENflEKS lOll I!. K. I VANCOUVER. Aug. 4-Ltet of pas-iBengers from British Columbia sailing by the White Star Liner "Reglna" on August e. follows: Mrs. A. J. Bradbury, Captain and Mrs. Barff, Miss Chambers, Mr. Snape, iWm. Seattle, Mr. James Connor and I infant. Mrs. A. Lane, Misses Leigh, Mr. I and rMs. Mitchell, Mrs. d. P. Paton. Mr. and Mrs. Rivers, H. L. Salmon. Advertise In The Dally New brought to town this week show some free gold, but the principal mineral content are marcuslte Iron and chal-copyrlte. the, .former of which la the gold container and leaves it in the native form when the iron oxidize on the surface. A number of other veins occur on! the properties, so young Magee ha not blanked the original locators by grab-blng off the bit of high grade. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert AKil ST 4. 1911 The Chancellor of the Exchequer an nounced in the House cf Commons that the average dally British expenditure ln the war, amounted lo3i million dollars. ( , The two large pile Uiat held the float landing of the Yacht Club's boat house the Haezlton collapsed owing to the exceptionally, low tide. The boat of Douglas Stork, and J. Myhlll-Jones were underneath but neither was ser- Kjueiy uamagetu Mrs. D. McD. Hunter returned from a visit to Vancouver. Fred Stork left for Winnipeg this morning. Jimmy Mitchell left for Terrace on a Hungra fcSwda r A delicious satisfvinff wholesome dish for sturdy appetites and an inexpensive one is Clark's PorkaJeans Welcomed alike by young & old. SUd nerywkrrl W. CLARK Limited, Montreal ollday trip. i snw. mil iB 9B I Automatic i II m m Services to oraimemorate the begin nlng of the war are being held ln the West hoi me Theatre when Blahop Du Tercet will speak. The concert given by the vlaltine rallors realized I5O0 which will be turned over to the Returned Soldiers' LAND ACT NOTICE W INTENTION' TO Ari'l.V TO LEASE LANll in Range 4. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Barnard Cove. Princess Royal Island. TAKE NOTICE that the Mlllerd Packing Company Limited of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Salmon Cannera, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a pot planted alongside post marked N.W. L2S73; thence soutlierly along high water mark 20 chains, more or less, to a post marked S.W. L2573; thence west to low water mark; thence northerly along low water park 20 chains, more or less, to a point west of the point of commencement: thence east 50 links, more or less, to point of commencement, and containing cne-quarter acre, more or le. MILLERD PACKINO COMPANY LIMITED. . . Applicant. Dated June 18. 1927. NOTICE. There will be offered for sale at Public Auction at the rnvini.i , Court House, Prince Robert. B.C.. on Thursday. August 11th, 1927. at 2 o'clock ln the afternoon, the following lots- Lots B and 10, B16ck 1, Section y Lot 9 and 10. Block 23, Section 1 Lot 7, Block 3, Section 2. Lot 1, Block 8, Section 7. all In the City of Prince Rupert. DC. Terms: Caah payment at time of sale, or one-quarter cash and the balance in three equal annual instalments, with Interest on the deferred naTm.ni, rate of 6 per annum, the Crown Orant fee to be $10.00 additional. Plana showing the lota offered for sale may be seen at the office of the Government Agent, Prince Rupert, BC NORMAN A. WATT. . , aovernment Agent. Dated at Prince Rupert. BC. July 4th. 1927. LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LA N il In Range S. Coast Land District, Land Pwnrii 1 n r nt t r Iff rf nv . . . . ; situate on, Lot 102 Humpback Bay. ' Por-cher Island. B.C. j TAKE NOTICE that P. H. Cunningham, Board of Trade Building, of Vancouver B.C.. occupation Salmon Broker, intends to apply for a lease of the following described landv I Commencing at a post planted 150 yard south-southeast of northeast cor-' ner pet of Lot 102. Range 5; thence due south 6 chains; thence south-southeast 19 chains; thence due north 6 chains; thence wet-northwest along shore to point of commencement and containing 14 acrei, mores or less. FRANCIS HENRY CUNNINOHAM, ASPuBt Dated 29th June, 1927. r.r KJnly V tctor TrU Uu R.V Victrola Victor Talking Machine Company of Canada. Limited iliutsiia Crcdcnza' , - $385 with Electric Drive $425 'i ' . VLiW it By that we mean-the new Orthophrinic Victrola principle is exclusively con- trolled by the Victor company ............ "111. W Vnlrm" The most arfonMTmgly "rear nmsif w now possible in your awn b u.w "-""-ciple is aHii cwertly e lh new Ortl thoic tone cruotber. Scimllsta caR it 'matched iwpeAince" This results to Mnewtn flow of sound and the moat wonderful music you ever heard from any instfusdrat aay-wtere. You roust U careiul ia laying, though, or you may tuiss tlx ital objective. flie 11 ySk .a, Utrihoip Iru li. 9ouf 1 I . t r..1 fnlrl lAmm. IO Itwm " tad (or yowr deniuiatratin go oMy to "J lis Mfer's Yoke" l.le. Today you ,b M" Ortho- ulnk VfetroU with aa electrically driven tiuutabte, ran Iron) your lithlini circuit Urn you aay sit W " takty without physical earrtiun say selection ( tie Urge a4 varied Vku reprrtoir. Modeb an uUaWiaUe 6a convenient terms; (roul7?doo totl!5. monic Made only by Look fur thi Trji DEMAND :tof Jrsirk "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "TIIK DAINTIEST IIKKAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Prince Itupert. I1.C. Ran ad ian National CTht Largefl Railway Syflem in America ""STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN "SERVICE SAH.IMiX from PRINCE Itt'PEItT for VAN CO I'VE It. VICTORIA, oK-lf" eaeh MONK A V ami TIIL'KMIIAY, 4.00 p.m.. HATI'ltllA V. . P'"' lor AN'YOX 'and HTEWAKT MONIIAV, 1KIIAV M P- lor ALASKA VEINEMIAV. "n I1' lor MANSETT INLET MONIIAV m,fr tor KIE1ATK INLET and HOUTII Cjl.EEN' CHARLOTTE ISLAM'- '"" nightly. PAf SEN'OEIt TRAINS LEAVE I'ltlNCK ItLTKItT DAII.V EXCEPT HVSH.W at 1110 a.m. for I'ltlNTl; (iEOUdi: Kll'"' TON, WIN.Nirifl, all (Kilnts t'jislern Canada, t'nlled stales. JASPER PARK I.ODOK OPEN MA V 21 TO SEPTEMBER 3-SEE CANAIIA IN CANADA'S JLItll.EE VEAK IW17 1921. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Use Canadian NatkMial Kxprens for Money Orders, r"orelrn fheq""' ete alo for your next shipment. CITY TICKET OFFICE. 88 TIIIHD AVE., PRINCE KL'PEKT. P6" W Prince Rupert Auto Company Agents fcr Hudson and Essex Super-Six Cars Second Avenue, opposite Prince Rupert Hotel. IMiones 75 and 275