BRINGING UP FATHER NOW SEE "WHAT "fOU DID-1 Tc5LD "YOU NOT TO INVITE Neglected THE ULTAN AN" Hlb FAMILY FOR DINNER- DIDN'T "tfou know me tmree-hunoreo wives? vjmcn I GIT THE BILL FOR THIS FEED. TL.L E READt FOR 1V Ey THE POOR HOUSE. es ' 1(1 '' 11 -Cj l: ill I ir2 j NEGLECT is douhbeas Clrf cause of most of the Ills afflict humanity. Thin is o elf erident that It seem hardly necessary to tell you. If your eyes are giving trouble, hare them attended to and at once. OF ALL absurdities in the kingdom of foolishness, surely the loss of eyesight through neglect is the most Inexcusable. DO NT lose health and efficiency through neglect Come and seel Fred Joudry Registered Optometrist and Optician Room 3 Smith Block j Phone 7C3 j ( VOO SHOVJVO XtlP THty ; : THAT VIE Stuy JOJ VaW . V. C. w We sell superior lumber that is the only kind of lumber to be found in our sheds and yards. We have the most complete stock in Northern B.C., including fir and cedar timbers, dimension, shiplap, finishing, veneers, shingles, lath and mouldings, all reasonably and properly priced. Albert & McCaffery Phones 116 and 117 VELVET Ice Cream THE VEKV BEST! Take a brick home tonight! We cater for Parties, Picnics, Dances, etc. Prompt Delivery Velvet Ice Cream Co Corner Third Avenue and Second Street Phone 758 Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE Phone 381 P.O. Box 1365 LAUNCHES, SCOWS, HOW-BOATS AND CANOES SAND AND GRAVEL Equipment for Diving and Salvage Work Agents for Easthope Engines and Stump Pullers NORWEGIAN HAUBUT GEAU IN STOCK Compass Adjusting LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage. Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furnitun Moving. IMMIGRANTS FOR CANADA W. D. Robh, Vice-President of C.X.K. Tells of Work Heing Done by Railway WINNIPEO, Aug. 4 - In an Interview here today. W. D. Robb, of Montmii vice-piesi Mint of the Canadian Nation:, and bead of tbe department of Insurance. laad. telegraphs, colonisation and development of tbe Canadian Na- Uonal railways strongly advocated the bringing out of Immigrants In families The Canadian National railways, be said, had Sound that the scheme of settling families on the land was worthing out admirably and they were now concentrating their eokmlaatlon effort In thte direction, single men were necessary, he admitted, but families were more suitable, they settled down in their community and were soon making tbelr contribution to Its up-building, and It was because- of their experte&ce and Influence that other ssttlers were Induced to come to Can ada. i Scandinavian rrorLE He gave as an example the Scandina vian countries. Two years ago on a visit to northern Europe, be found that 'thousands of famUle of good farming stock and possessed of money were , waiting their turn to get Into the United States under the quota law. I They were not thinking of Canada be- cause they did not know It. Since trt time however, Scandinavians had been brought here tn large numbers and the effect of their pretence here on friends and relatives at home waa already be ing felt. The Important thing, so far as the tettlement of families was .consklered.4 TERRACE Mrs. Christie and two children, Billy and Dorothy, of Prince Rupert, are holidaying at Hill Farm. F. DeKergammeaux and family are now occupying the new building re cently erected directly east of . tbe printing r om. shoe repairing shop and dwelling H. M. wnison Is erecting a new restaurant building between the Aear block and Oeorge Little's office. On Tuesday afternoon at tbe home of Mrs. C. R. GUbert. the hospital auxiliary held Its final meeting before day at Hill Farm. Ghas Toombs of Port Simpson, for merly of Terrace, Is flawing at the home of bis aaster Mrs, J. Tbemasson, Lakelse Valley. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Brooks moved Into their new home on Park Avenue '-his week. R. H. Oraham, of Stewart, B.C. waa a visitor here at the beginning of the week. 3. A. Blsliopric. mining man of Van couver, made one of bis periodical 'lists to Terrace this week. A meeting of those actively Interested In the Diamond Jubilee celebration was held In the Terrace Hotel parlor on Monday evening Jo make final disposl tlon of 4he funds' left over from July. Eevcral gfixl suggfcijuns were submit-J w-u. w ixfupntu iuna revving, most mous and the one hundred dollars re malning In thecelebratkn fund will be turned over to the Terrace Hospital As soclatlon. F. Ebbitt and A. Scott of Brlttanla arrived from the coast on Tuesday for a visit to this district. Mrs. B. Deacon of Sidney, B.C. was a v lis tor here at the txiglnnlng of the week. The B.D. Bridge Club met on Tues United church, combined kodak i as a a,, nlng at the home of Mrs. Geo Dover. TWO PRESENTATIONS CUP AND CARD CASE On behalf of the Diamond Jubilee Committee A. J. Prudbomme and R. Le Pine visited the home of Mr. and Mrs the garden party and sale of work Peter Doherty yesterday evening to pre which is being held on the lawn of nt to Kathleen Patricia Doherty, their George's Little's home on Wednesday baby girl born on Dominion Day. tbe UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT CENTRAL HOTEL The place called "Home" 120 Rooms, American and European Plan. Hot and Cold Water. Bus meets all trains and boats. Sample Room Phone 51. L. Martin, Manager. ; -.other this week. He sug-4t!ted that the Jubilee committee i.ould consider making one ot their objects the ssme as the league bad In .lew and that tbey set aside a sum for hat purpose. The league had no sel fish objective and would co-operate with anybody to further the common! r.tereat. J. S. Wilton on behalf or the Foot-ball Association claimed that the safety of the players was of even grester importance than the convenience and comfort of spectators. There were too many watching and not enough taking part In games. For injuries to players the football and baebaU committees had spent over SU In the last two years. Money spent on putting the ground In a aafe condition for the players would benefit the whole city. F. Scadden spoke along similar lines and stated that he was willing to work with anybody that bad such an object In mind. B. Self In conclusion thought that there would not be enough time to do anything permanent 'in regard to building a grand stand this year but sug gested that plans might be considered and that eft, the occasion of tbe Labor Day celebration a memorial foundation atone might be laid with a suitable inscription In honor of Diamond Jubilee. Then a trust fund could be established and next year, with the assistance of ill bodies and the council, the stand could be proceeded with. A. Prudbomme promised the delega tion that the matter would receive the consideration of the committee, and the delegation withdrew. SPORT CHAT The Rev. William M. Lamance of Mount Vernon has applied for a state bonlnif Tlcense. for 'his- fcdn -BUfr La mance who Is scheduled to fight .Dana Haswell in e, ten-round bout, on August is. ine uev gentleman. manager and second for tils son. - Pittsburg, leaders In tbe National League, have three batters heading the individual batting averages and two pitchers leading ln pitching records. In the American League New York supplies the three leading pitchers and tbe second and fourth In tbe batting averages. Jack Dempsey says that win or lose when he meets Tunney In September he will get out of the game forevei rather than wait two or three years for a worthy contender. Francois Coty, perfume manufacturer and proprietor of the Flrago has of' fered a loan of 1,000,000 francs to Ct fray the expenses of preparation of the French Olympic competitors until Par Itament is able to vote the money in the fall. The Chamber of Deputies pescd the fclll appropriating 12,000,000 and It is felt that the Senate will re consider their decision. There was serious possibility that Prance would not be represented at the Olympic games but the offer of M. Coty prac tlcilly ensure, their participation. Wlilla thedastlnatlon of the City League has been settled In the football league there 1 considerable Interest In the meeting between the Moose and the Regiment in the league tonight. In only one game has there been more than one goal between these teams this ceason. The Regiment are out to show tut It was a little bad luck that lost them the league while Moose are not desirous of occupying tbe cellar post tlon after having won two trophies PRESENTATION MADE TO HARRY BREEN BY JUBILEE COMMITTEE After the business meet of the Dia mond Jubilee Commifee yesterday evening a presentation of a silver casserole waa made to the secretary. H. Breen. In recognition of tbe very succesful manner In which he had carried out tbe very numerous duties of the position. This waa without doubt one of the most successful cetebrstlons ever stager and the smooth running of the various events was due In a very large manner to the capable way In which Mr. Breen kept things going. FLY-TOX PROTECTION NEEDED Thirty IHnerrnt IMeae are Transmit lett trcaly ted by f iles File are the filthiest insect known. They deposit germs In three ways. By contact, vomit spots and excreta. They taint everything they touch. Fly-Tox kUls files. It Is safe, stainless, fragrant, sure. Simple instructions on esch bot tle (blue label) for killing ALL house hold Insect. Insist on Fly-Tox. Plv Tok r is the ' sointltJi':i liiatcjdedei veloped at Mellon Institute of Industrial Research toy $ex. Fellowship.. Ply- jox, Dimgs neaiin, comfort and cleanli ness. Adrt. hotec "a itrtiv.itJrt; Prlnre Rupert A. F. Scott. J. a. White, J. G. Whit acre, E. 8. Butterfield. Wm. MacAdam. Q. H. McOallum, Vancouver. R. O Johnston. Inverness: John Hosklns, Vsnderhoof: Mrs. J. and Miss Betty Lord. Port Esslngton; Mrs. James and Miss P. Lamb, Oaastar. Mrs. H. Lloyd caigary: Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Solloway, Toronto; Mrs. T. M. McOarrv. Drum- heller: Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Roberts. Winnipeg; N. Nelson. Queen Charlotte Islands; Joseph Rogers, H. Holland cy. , Central Hotel Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Hoffman, Trot- wood. Ohio: Mr. and Mrs. Hie ham Aiyansn; h. Levlne. C.N.R. Savoy IMH Mrs. H. M. Illsley, dive. Alberta: Mrs E. M. Corbould and familv Pnm-hM- t. land; Ed. Orm, Porcher Island; W. II Platz. Washington Ind.: M, Clsuson Balmoral: B. Johnson Inverness. Bat You FOK SAI.K By George. McManm i i ri it m-rm n i t rr inn iniii iimn-n i mi i' i . i- i i i Min.iif.BV m n ui ji I'TJrAA-T" i ' n ' aw.. a-M HORRORS! ARE LC. ipi ' j : Jff 7 ' ftO $ J j ' !i $31 Mr. Rotob said, was after, and the Can adian National Railway were doing. In all their power to see that the families were comfortably settled and happy lzr tbelr surroundings. Mr. Robb declared that there was no surplus of Immigrants in Canada, and provided there was a good crop, which no one doubted, he saw no trouble-fn the coming winter.' Tbe presence of the Immigrants who had come oat this spring, made the procuring of harvesters from the United States unnecessary this year, he stated. Vj. frETTI-EKS Mr. Robb hus Jus: returned from a visit to the United States, where he looked over the situation s regards American settlers for Canada and he spokl most optimistically on this score, The Canadian National had brought out many well-to-do American farmers and tbelr famUlce. 23 per cent greater in numbers than last year and was I still continuing to do so. They were of tbe most desirable class, sturdy, ex perienced, ready to buy land and settle down to be of use to the community. During his stay In Winnipeg, Mr. Robb has been In conference with heads of departments and tonight he win leave for Edrnpirtori after' win visit the coast. Agreeably aged, smooth, fragrant congenial com pany anywhere j evening- R i -- .-I OLD This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Mrs. J. Wame end Miss Donald spent Monday and Tuesday with friends at Remo. Qarfield McKcnzie end Lloyd Oreer Of Prince Rupert are spending a holi silver cup given by the committee. Tbey also presented Mla A. PUUbury with the silver card case which was uxarded to her. tbe first white (hi uorn in Prince Rupert, who set fire to lie Dominion Day bouflere. ASK IMPROVE GAMEGROUND Jubilee Committe Waited on and Donation From it Susested A delegation from the Acropolis Hill Improvement League appeared before :ie Diamond Jubilee Celebration Com- i.:: tee last evetung asking tbe latter to i -insWer the question of making a grant towards improving the playing pitch. B. Self outlined the objects of the leeguo and how It had already turned in II 50 to the city for work done on E& DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. Fg 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c WANTED WANTED GOOD HOME FOR TABBY Cat. female. Apply Dally Newa. tf The encounter will be keenly feugfbt out and It Is hard to predict tbe winner. locaticTtT and gardens made good impression Mr. and Mrs E S. Hoffman of Trot-wood, near Dayton. Idaho, are registered at the Central Hotel. They went north the ground this year. It would make with the Cosmopolitan Tour party from Dayton, Ohio, hot are going east by train. They haVe been greatly Impressed wy .h UMgntiicam scenery of the inland passage aud tbe northern waters and go away big boosters for this nar-thern trip. , They were much surprised at tbe sice and up-to-date character of Prince Rupert, while 1U beautiful location and pretty gardens all made a big SU00 IER MONTH BUYS A SEVEN roomed house on Orsham Avenue. Section Two. Walker's Music Store. FOR SALE. ONE 19U TODOIl FOfUl Sedan, repainted and good "41Mn Parker's Oarage. tf SMALL ROOMING HOUSE FOR SALE. For particulars, phone Oreeo 2&8 after 0 o'clock. 181 ROWBOATH FOR SALE. PHONE 335. FOIt HUNT RED tf FOR RENT. PUKNISIIED APART-ment by the day, w'rek or month. Phone Red 607. tf FOR KENT. TWO MODERN HOUSES One furnished. Apply 311. Fourth Avenue Baat. FOR RENT. FOUR ROOM FURNISHED suite; steam heated. Apply Smith it Mallett. Ltd. tf FURNISHED SUITES FOR RENT. - Apply Mutsallem Grocery. Phone IS. FOR RENT--TWO FURNISHED ROOMS. Apply Sutherland. McBrtdc St. tf MODERN HOUSE FOR RENT FUR- nlshrd. Phone Blue SOS. 18 ROOMS FOR RENT. BOARD IF desired. Phone Black 129. FOR RENT. FOUR ROOM FURNISHED flat. Phone Oreen 135. 181 LOST LOST, ON MONDAY MORNING. GOLD bar beetle brooch with sapphire body. Valued as a keepsske. Reward. Mrs Bushby. AUCTIONEER Brine. Phone T7l. UPHOI.STEKINr; 181 YES I RESULTS. FACE VALUE AND Good Judgment. I buy, sell or ex change anything of value. O. F. FURNITURE REPAIRINQ; UPHOL- stertng ot all kinds. Chesterfields recovered and made to order. All work guaranteed. Pbone Oreen 603. Q. M. HUNT. EXCHANGE NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNITURE bought, sold and exchanged. Papa-dopulos and Marru. 839 Third Ave rnone 040. (j ji JlWltKtJtEStflt,T. , LtKKI.v'E IIOTMI'KIN'IM I.ODflK .IKIIIMCEH. Now Open for 'Visitors,, . .For.termand - reservsttorisl Apply Mrs. IIom Manageress. 29A KAIEN flAHAOF. Agent for all OENKKtL MOTORS PIIOIU'CT" Another carload of ChevroleU just In I Prices'. Roadster (82S.O0 Roadster Delivery 8828.00 Touring 1825.00 Coupe 98500 Coach $905.00 Sedan 81.075.00 Landau Sedan $1,120.00 Cabriolet $1,100.00 Commercial Chassis $04 3 AO Delivery Express Chassis .... $805.00 29 x 4.40 Balloon Tires standard equipment on all models except De livery Express chassis. Call or phone for demonstration KAIKN OAKAOK Third Avenue Phone 52 TAXI Phone 67 7"nxl (Call Geortre. Paul or Gust) . 1 Sfx and even Passenger Sttide I bakers at your disposal any time KOSS IJHOS. POOL ROOM I Meeker Hlock. I 'Across from Emnrs Hotel) C.N.R. TRAINS For Ihe East-Dally Except Bundays 11:30 a m, From 'lie Dally sxctp; Tuesdays (40 pjn. STEAMSHIP MOYEHER I'or Vancouver s Pr.n - Monday jr -j Tuesday s Ci.u. 4 Thursday- ss. Vr i Saturday-s. Cardc i SS. Prill . " a. Pr.ii.o f! y July 8 aa. Prince i " 13 aa. Prince- L- - !oPrtnceaa K " SO as. Prince i .j " 23 aa. Prince j ? " 27 as. princess A j " 30 as. Prliiixs.s I mm Vaneontrr Sunday a. CaWi Monday at. Prince f o:!m l. Wednesday P : Friday ss. Prince II " s. Cardena Saturday a. Prii. E July 8-as. Princess t . " It ss. Princes A: ? " 15 sa. Princess i " 18 -as. Prince- -j h: " 2ft ss. Prince - i 29 ss. Prln. i j l'i Port Klminion and Na tiis- rruuf uuur a I I rom Port Mmixum and aai 8aturdsy- as rrde i I'or Anraiv, siewsrt, rtr ounasy ss. wsiais UhntA tT-l rif. r ' ' t Friday as. Priuc R p. (rom Aniov, Stewart, etc Tuesday as cat4i;.i Tmlrsdsy. ss P i::- -. r i tlLllUX r M. ri HUT I. ' rnr North tjueen Chsrlolte- I'rfHil North (iiiren fiisrWIi- Thuradsy- as Prince C -kr I'or Koiith (ueen rhsrlollr July 18 as Prince 2 t A I'roin Siuth tjueen riisrlotCe- July 13- sa prince T " 27---as. Prince J I'or Alaks Wedneaday . Prtr.-e C; July 8 ss Piincc-3 1 --" 11 ss. Princess Al " IS ss. Prlrcess C ' " 18. as. Princess Lc " 23 ss. Princess A!'?e " C i; ' 25 -ss. Princes " 20 a. Princes Lc:- Irani Alatka Monday as. Prince Oec:rj 1 July 9 as. Prince"? - a " 13 as. Princes' V " 18 as. Prince A -e " 20 as. Prln-'cs'j r I'or Ihe I'Jist To Vanrouver Prince.-..- !:;: " 274-ss. Prlpcfsa A. " 3i-W.' Princess C MAIL SCHEDULE j:;lv i9?t Monday. Wednesday Ea" c1om I'roni Hie liiat Monday, Wednesdays, F due Mondsys Tuesdays Thursdays Saturday O.P.R. Ju!r 9, 13, 1 JC Friday From Anrot, Allre Arm, i i ii- i V I t i ar t IL ' ir- ,4'm; 1 r f it I "ill liiHTHin- . , a' Monday ," , j . . . ' nrunrnaajs Mdays O P R. July 8, 11. 15. 1. , r"",W To-Anvnx. Allre Arm, ..fitewart ,f rlosf Sundays ,(I pre iW Saturday m: y. Tuesday to Nana Hirer ri" v mail ' nurKiB ji From Nan Klier Point , Saturday in,D To Alkka Points July 8, 11. 15, 18, 32, U. "' From Alavka Points . . M f 11 JU1y , 1,, ,0, W. Lower Island, Monday rmm queen oiariour f Lower Islands, Wednesday AdvtrtU la Th Dti3