f AGE SIX m ' S Bi a sv sHHW aaw ja iirt-rtrt D PRINTING Stationery Office Supplies School Supplies Kodaks Filths Phondgraphs Records Novelties Dennison Goods Birthday and Every Day Cards Third Avenue (Opposite Third Street) Phone 231 Preserving Special Apricots, per crate .... $1.'J0 Raspberries, per crate $3.00 Cherries, per crate . . $3.00 Loganberries, per crate $3.25 Blackberries, per crate $3.50 Arriving on Wednesday's boat. Give us your order now. Plums, per basket 75c Peaches, per dozen .... 40c Apples, per lb 10c Pears, Cantelope, Water Melon, Cassaba Melon and Honey Dews, all selling at lowest prices. Mussallem Grocery COMPANY LTD. 117-123 Fifth Ave. East Phone 18 and Phone 81 Prince Rupert, IJ.C. II. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. The Swimming Season is now at its best! An all Wool Bathing Suit will add to your enjoyment. They fit and look well. JANTZKN, UNIVERSAL & PENMAN'S RATHINfi SUITS For Ladies, Children and Youths H.S.WaUaceCo.Ltd. Phone 'J Third and Fulton Thor Johnson for Mens' Clothing and Furnishings The home of "SOCIETY BRAND" CLOTHES Lot Lot 11 r . rHkIM 57 VARIETIES We are Having a Special 1 large Heinz Pork and Beans Regular value $1.35 for $1.00 Lot 10 1 bottle Heinz Sweet Mixed Pickles 1 jar Heinz Prepared Mustard 1 medium size tin Heinz Pork and Beans 1 small jar Heinz Vinegar, 16 oz. 4 for $1.00 FRUITS IN SEASON Peaches, Pears, Plums, Apricots, Strawberries, Raspberries, Canteloupes, Watermelons, Casaba Melons, Red Currants, Black Currants, Rhubarb, New Apples, Bananas, Cherries, Lemons, Oranges,' and Grapefruit at Lowest Prices. 2 small tins Heinz Tomato Soup 2 small tins Heinz Spaghetti 2 small tins Iieinz Pork and Beans 1 jar Prepared Mustard 1 small tin Heinz Kidney Beans 8 for .$1.00 Lot 12 1 bottle Heinz Sour Pickles 1 bottle Heinz Chili Sauce 1 bottie Heinz Vinegar, 16 oz. 1 small tin Heinz Kidney Beans 4 for 81.00 VEGETABLES IN SEASON Wax or Green Beans, Vegetable Marrow, Green Peas, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Celery CfllinIwIHdatjLet. tuce, Sew Potatoes New CabbaKejNewJCarrots, Begts,, ParsiipOJlnipsSQnions, Green Tomatoes, White Pickling- Onions at lowest market prices. Rupert Table Supply Co Phones 210 and 211 NOT ALL ROSES INCAMPOFTHE CONSERVATIVES demonstration .lm'nr,cr HEINZ PURE FOOD Products This Week-end Starts Something by Suggest Ing Cabinet For Tolmie The article which recently appeared In the WeettMaater Columbian, edited by Stealer Taylor, chief of BrttUh Columbia Oanaerrasnrea m the Snuk In The special prices listed herein ieh it m stated h Dr. smvm will positively be withdrawn after rraaer Tolmie. the de jure leader or Saturday evening. e party )A selected for M cabinet Lot 1 I among others Mmui. Footer. II. B Heini Cream of Tomato Soup, J""0- " Un" ins .m.ll fin. Stw.M.1 III for CI iwi M"1,ad " poUttoal mon- -" V - , V,, .-K I- ,K. ,..!.,..... tK. I ' w ' ii.i n . i t , . I t neinj t on aim ueans in iiraia- h,d the effect of acrmtuaUns the dlf-to sauce, small size. Special jfteulUes which exist In that party and 1) for SI. 0l. have existed particularly In the ettT of Lot 3 (Victoria for some eonaiderable time. Heini Spaghetti and Cheese, fh " PUc between with tomato sauce, small size." Bow"r thc -Br force-Special 0 for !jtl.m; K,mJo?p nn re- l-Ot 4 ,!.. .V. iieinz i urK ana ieans, email tins Heinz Spaghetti, small tins Assorted, f) tins for $1.00 Lot 5 1 jar Heinz Salad Cream 1 large bottle Heinz Tomato Catsup 1 jar Heinz Evaporated Horseradish 15 oz. bottle Heinz Worcester Sauce Regular $1.35 value for $1.00 Lot 6 1 jar Heinz India Relish 1 jar Heinz Chili Sauce 1 jar Heinz Salad Cream 1 small tin Heinz Tomato Soup Regular $1.35 value for $1.00 DELICATESSEN DEIT. Our Cooked Meats are always fresh and palatable. We have our refrigerators cooled by the most up-to-date method, namely, Frig-idaire. Insist on the best. M 7 3 tins Heinz Cream of Tomato Soup, medium size 3 tins Heinz Pork and Beans, medium size 6 tins for $1.00 Lot 8 2 tins Heinz Spaghetti, medium size 2 tins Heinz Pork and Beans 2 tins Heinz Cream of Tomato Soup, medium 6 tins for $1.00 Lot 9 1 small jar Heinz Vinegar, 16 oz., your choice of malt, cider or white. . 1 jar Iieinz Salad Cream 1 large bottle Heinz Tomato Catsup tiered ooaUmiea to fetter and li not likely to be healed for many a long day. Metai Talis. IlindUiffe and Lyons strenuously opposed Bowser, fearing that bta entry into the field at a pcmHc candidate for Victoria City would result In the displacement of LAND ACT. NOTICE Ol' INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LANIl Q'jeen Charlotte Islands Land District, Land Rerordlng D'atrtct of Prlnre Rupert, and situate north of Lota 1C58 and 1857. TAKE NOTICE that The Langara Tithing and racking Co. Ltd. of Mavnett. occupation Cannrra. Intend to apply for a lease of the following deicrlbed landa: Commencing at a post planted twenty chain north of Tan Indian Reserve and on the ahore of Mclntyre Day: then'e north 9 cnalna to the low water mark: thence westerly following aald low water leg cnaint; mence aoumeny a cnaioa: thence eatterly 160 chains to the point if commencement, and containing eighty arret, more or lea. LnANOARA FISI1INO it PACKINO CO. LTD. Applicant Fred Naah, Agent. Dated June 37. 1927. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION' TO AfrLY TO LEASE LAND Tn Queen Charlotte Island Land Re-ordtng District of Prince Rupert, and Ituat on the west coast of Burnaby slsnd. TAKE NOTICE that British Columbia Fishing Si Packing Co. Ltd.. of Van- less, to high water mark: thence north along high water mark to point of com mencement, and containing 14 acres, more or less. ' BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHING tc PACKINO CO. LTD.. Applicant. Dated June 10. 1927. LAND ACT. NEW SPECIALS at Fuller's. Crosse & Itlackwell's Jams, Marmalades and Pickles In glass jars, your choice, only m- Any 25c bottle Lemon Extract for two days will sell for .... 10f Potted Meats and Fish Pastes, 2 for 13? CARNATION MILK Saturday only Per tin 10? (fi only to one order and for cash) CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP or HEINZ TOMATO SOUP Your choice, 6 tins for .... 70? Pullet Eggs Fresh stock, 90 dozen to sell at per dozen li"? Fuller's Tea Once used, always used, per lb 75? . Our price on Fruit Jars the lowest in town B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 45 and 574. THE DAILY NEWS 'one or all of the member Hayward 'Ml on the fence or rather altered Ma petition aceordtog to the favoraWe ! wlnda. but alnr Kamloopa he. koo. baa I definitely altcned lunaeM with the ' anti-Bowaerttea. CALLIMl KIR IIOllMK On the other hand, the iarfe body of OooaerraUvea tn Victoria and thrown-'out the Province are caouw for Bjw lacr. The preaUeat aad attftrt of the Columbian, reatra) executive are well-known M be dtaaattafled with the ConMCTatlve representation la the Hook to far aa Victoria City la coaceraed and w the Sir John A. lUcdonaM and UoBrtde CctMcrratHre Ouba the aaaae condition rUtvaUy ootalna. The four local repreaeniatlvee. Ueatrt. Twlgg. Hayward. HuwnUffc and LyoM alnce the aatartten of Dr. Tolmie have, bowerer. been treaMy heartened by the belief that the new leader wuuM leaa toward them ad advocate their tup-port when khe time for a nominating coDvenMon amred Indeed eaetl one of the four eipected felly to obuin a cabinet puailloo la Um event of a CoaaervM rtctary at the next election. For year paat Mr. Lyona hat fccen proclaiming bit aaturaace of the position of Flnanco Minuter, while Ueaara. Twlgg and Hlnchllffe weer aa alated for the Attomey-OeneralaMp and Mlnlatry of Education reepceMvtly Mr. Hayward wa dealsmted aa Mliuater dt Landa elect. U"KT APH.E C.tHT The Weatmlnater Columbian haa. hover. upawt the apple cart and now he four Xtaatemtlee member are In the three of the greatest uncertainty. Out of favor wHh the official organi sation of the party and Me antt-Bowatt element, and with Tolmie waehlng me hands of them, they are wondering what tort of people their Ooneereaaive supporters are. The actions of Mceera. Twtgg and Ilayward In connection with the Royal Commission Investigating the Cartow and Gauthler caaea have aroused the (re of many erstwhile supporters of the Big Four and a new tJatt la being looked for In the City of Victoria It la posarble that Mr. Bowser may some day noon, give hi anawer to the petition presented to Mm several months ago In which he waa asked to come forward again and take bis LAND ACT. NOTICE OK INTENTION TO AN'LY TO i.i;.m; LAN II In Queen Charlotte Island Land Re cording District of Prince Rupert, aud altuate at the head of the south arm of De La Bee he Inlet. Moresby Island. take notice that prttiab Columbia wishing & Packing Co Ltd . of Van couver. B.C.. occupat.on Packers, Intends to apply for a lease or the lonowing described lands: ' Commencing at a post planted at the head of the south arm of De La Heche - ' ' . - . ! . ; . r r w . , . . a to appiy tor a lease oi tne following ui"uj u.uu. imc - escribed lands: .chains; thence east 20 chains: thence Cnmrnrnrlnir il l nrmt nlinlnl nn IV,. nonn o cnains. more or lew. u nizn wet coast of Burnaby Island. Q.CX; I ater mark: thence west along high water thence east S chains: thenre south 4J mark to point of commencement, and chains; thence west 3 chains, more or ,conlim'nla;? Ie.,:.!e, L;!i: it PACKINO CO. Dated June 10. 1917. LAND ACT. LEASE. UNI). LTD.. AFrlleant. NOTICE OK INTENTION TO APPLY TO I In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dl- NOTICE OK INTENTION TO APPLY TO trlct of Coast District, Ran?e 4, and slt- I.KASF. land. uaie on ana neinz an or BoniDa uiand In Coast Range 4, Land Recording Dls- ; except that portion occupied by Indian trlct of Prince Rupert, and situate at i Reserve Number 13. Captain's Cove, Pitt Island. B.C. TAKE NOTICE that I, Ole C. Am tad. TAKE NOTICE that Ooese Packing oi mnce Kuperc, B.C., occupation Company Limited, of Vancouver. B.C.. rancher. Intends to apply for a leaee of occupation Packers.. Intends to apply tori the following described lands: a lease of the following described lands: I- Commencing at a post planted at thc commencing at a post pianteo. at tne . souineaiteny point oi uomua mana: northwest corner of Lot 1253, Range 4; thence northerly, westerly, southerly and thence south 5 chains: thence west 5 essterly, following the sinuosities of the chains; thence north to high water mark; ! ahore line, to point of commencement, thence easterly along high waterj mark excepting therefrom that portion of the d cnains, more or less, to point of com- isiana occupied Dy inaian ueserve no. is mence ment. and containing 3 acres, more or leu. OOSSE PACKINO COMPANY LIMITED. Applicant. Dated June 13, 1B27. and contalnlnz one thousand acres, more or less. OLE C. AUSTAD, Applicant. Dated July 15. 1927. NOTICE. IN THE MATTER of an application for the Issue of a Provisional Certificate ot Title for Lot one 11) of Lot three hundred and sixty (360). Range fire (S), Coat. District. Mao 970. Satisfactory proof of the loss of the Certificate of Title covering the above iana naving win produced to me, it v-; my Intention to Issue, after the, expira tion oi one month from the first Dup lication hereof, a Provisional Certificate of Tttle to the above land, in the name of ALICE CLAPP, The original Certifi cate of Title is dated the 29th November, 1912. and Is numbered 2603 1. Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, D.C. It, F MacLEOD. Registrar of Titles. Cash and Carry Grocery Sixth Avenue and Fulton Street Secondhand Fruit Jars for Imme diate Sale Atlas E-ZSeal and Perfect Seal 300 V-i gall., each 15? 8o quarts, each 10? 50 pints, each it... 7'4c Jars complete with new rubber rings Granulated Sugar 10 lb-for .' - 75? Get our pric$. on.. Preserving Fruits: Apricots, Raspberries, Plums and Peaches. PAY CASH AND SAVE MONEY $5.00 Orders Delivered Phone 304. S. B. ADAMS, Manager. FREE BABY BOORS On request we will send feeding chart and valuable Baby Welfare Boole containing authoritative Information on baby's leers bath, clothing, exercise, height, weight and common ailments. Addr 77i Bordn Co. Limited . Vanoouear plaice In the Parliament of British Columbia. In the various Conservatlv organisation tfaere are several very de termined aad capable men holding of-rielal poaltaona who are likely to place heir names in nomination with a targe amount of support assured. In Vancouver Mr. Maltland ta per-Vina non grata In many of the Con servative circles. 4Ue R. S. Lennle la not considered aa the beat posarble selection lor te position of Attontey- OeneraJ. II. H. Stevens, while popular; atnonj OoruervaUvea. aa the Federal member, la not keenly desired as ani ntrant to the Provincial field. II. B. Thomson, whose name haa been men-Uotied by the Westminster Columbian, It Is supposed would run In Victoria, but here he will be met with oppo sition from the four city members and also by Conservative generally woo feel that he has not been for many year an active Conservative worker, nor did be distinguish klnuelf to any degree aa a auppoeter of the McBrlde-Boweer Government. WhUe Dr. Tolmie has not yet decided where he la going to accept nom ination, it is generally known that he la not encouraged by 'the prospects In VsnoTUver. In Victoria, the four members do not wish him in the ring. Baanlch. therefore, la regarded by Con servatives as the logical tiding for the new leader. Mr. Coventry offered the seat at ttie Kami oops convention and It Is there that Dr. Tolmie will prob ably run. WOMEN SUCCEED WITH POULTRY Openings Few and Salaries Small Says Speaker at World Congress OTTAWA, Aug. 4. Women can and do make poultry farming profitable. Mrs. II. Maclver. who Is an Inspector of the board of agriculture for Scotland, told the world poultry congress. "But those who take It up must love birds sufficiently to place the welfare of their stock before their personal comfort, must bave a. burning energy that has no fear of work and must be btervant and pay attentions to det&Us," she warned. Employment for women on farms Is rather disappointing to the educated woman who has trained, as the open ings are few and salaries are small for experienced women," Mra. Maclver re markd. Women bave been prominent aa stu dents and lecturers since Mr. Edward Brown started the first Poultry School in Britain In 1800, Mrs. Maclver went on. In the early years Itinerant In fractions tn Britain was almost always plven by the Dairy Instructress. Today in Scotland the emphasis Is now put upon the poultry rather than the dairy instruction. There are between 30 and 40 Instructresses, and their work covers every part of Scotland. In England and to a less extent In Wales, women are losing ground. In Ireland, as well as In Scotland, all poultry tcachlne appointments are held by women. ISKCINS H.M.tLI. The work of the poultry instructress In Scotland is hard. After three years at college and six months on a farm, she begins at a very small salary. Ad-' vteory visits for planning farms, diagnosing disease, discovering causes of poor production or small profits, handling and selecting stock, setting up Incubators, demonstrating marketing methods for eggs and poultry, and on occasion demonstrations and Judging at shows take up the greater part of the fore and afternoons. Poultry instruc tion occupies the autumn, winter and spring months, and dairying only the summer. silver lox larmmg represents only four per cent, of the value of Canadian pelts marketed. Thursda i, - n Js Jour j&aby Steadifyfaininyi A normal Infant shows steady progress. That Is natural. If your baby is not doing so consult your doctor. If it Is a food problem, Eagle Brand may solve It. For bottle-fed babies Eagle Brand has been the standby of mothers f orthree generations. It is especially valuable in difficult feeding rases, being such a safe food pure, uniform, easily digested. Youwillbepleasedtosecyour baby begin to tlirive immediately when placed on a carefully prepared Eagle Brand diet. It is highly endorsed by doctors and nurses. Sold by druggists and grocers everywhere, EAGLE BH1AND CONDINJID MILK. WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY, 7 and 9 p.m. Reginald Denny In "Take It from Me" Itl.ANC'llE M Ell A F FEY, HKN HENDRICKS J1U lintN MTTI.EPIEI.D, I.KK MOHAN, VERA LEWIS and others. MERMAID COMEDY "PlNK ELEPHANTS" ' AESOP'S FILM FAHLES Admission - 61 Great B nt 35c and 10c FLOOR VARNISH Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Hailing from Prlnre Kupert. for V.t.NCOlJVKIl. VICTORIA, 8wanon Hay, Alert llsy, rte., Turlr, p.m. lor A.COi: KK. VICTORIA, llutedale. Alert Itay. etc.. Hatnrflat a m. lor PORT MM I'MO.N, ALICE ARM, t N VOX, RTKH ART. Males l.lsnd. Has-day, 8 p.m. f1r Nan llher Points and I'nrl Klmiiwin, Friday p.m. IZ3 Xml Avenue II. M. HMITII. Aeent. I'rliire lln,--it B" Through tlrkrts sold to Vlrtorla and Mrs I tie at a reduced rate snd liacrare rhrrkeil through to drtlnllon. argain ii.i com: now and got your ciioici while the choice is good! J McARTHUR'S SUMMER SALE of high grade Boots & Shoes McArthur's Shoes arc known for quality. Every pair in the store at Sale Prices.