--- -- ,,.., v.lll V.. IJIM I ... ...h rill hiu fitiiir..l L,..... f...m t I .. I.. .1 1 - ti . . n liirKc.si, wiku'ri aim most enthusiastic irathpr mm nf m,.n imeti and children ever. assembled in England to welcome a citizen an nation. Breaking The barrier by which thev were held back. tln hiiL'i I 1 ll f! 1.1 A t .1 I.. 1 ..rwl ..!.... ...It 1 LI If . t - ft r ' Lr uiikii n u i 1 1 1 i if ii l Mii.ii'i' w;tH i'if:i riwi in n i nw im n i a ian nt ,v ;mji'vu ocinH uuumcu j.iun i i dim wiiuiu oir oamiu'. nourv, wiy ywb avialfon minlHter. Lady Hoare and rnanv othur offlY-inla wire lo welcome film. !0AT EXPLODED AT OIL STATIQN nw at vancoivek t IiOKOTIIY KM1YICK. 111 ll.T HEItE i ie . ie vessel wan lying at the C r.i .' floatlmi Has station In 1 1 e l I ' a. v.Hniiii.. an inn. . nn nr M tn R.tiiM. mArnln. ill. I ru in hiiuui uuiHiic w Ei .viclc. which was built V.) according to word re-:;c city today. With hi ; f'..une, one of the crew. It. ..jfti iiiLo the water to save ? x lmrulshed the bla but T.ie Dcrothy Engvlck ks owned by A. trr . : rto u at nreaent at Bella Hc!la. When thn urlHnit occurred. v AUUUI UU ICO IC AUI l"-l kin t V !r f tlta Yin a ..tltl.n rhlHf Kile .- 8!: frt Inn ir with Id foot beam. RAILWAY LAND MUCH IMPROVED "OltK III' NTI'MI ITI.MMl, KM'-. mh trnioAcniNu roMri.i:- I ION TIM (UNION'S I'KOMIM: mi;t Work of Improving the railway reserve Wnicrfiiint side of Second Avcnim c wron Third and tScventh Streets. f -Mi mi been in crogrcHs for the past tew months, is now nearlng completion "'id ie appearance of the knolls, as a rr uli is greatly lettered. There has 'JT'-ti general campaign of stump pul-:'? in compllanre with the promlw) niarto orne time ago iby Sir Henry Tii niton and. at suitable points, garden )'!: arc helng put In. It has been niumnced that the Board of Traclo "item pole, recently taken down from 'lie Intersection of Second Avenue and 60 Hid street, will be erected on the reserve Great piles of stumiMi will shortly he l ftbliiKc There has ibeen some talk of .avinR them for Confederation Duy beacons, BRITISH SEND TROOPS NORTH TO TIENTSIN 6HANoiAI May 30. In view of the Sported successful northward drive of "e Chinese NationallsU In Honsn Province, the British have decided to "id battalion of British troop, to northern China where they will be Rationed at Tientsin, in Advertise In the Dally News. COMMI'MSTS IN ( llll.i: IUIIIK IADKU (IIMlKKS I'llllM I.IIMIIIV SANTIAGO, Chile. May 30. Proof that communist In Chile worked under orders of Arcos House was discovered by the police here who hare made several arrests. FISH LANDINGS TODAY TOTAL 134,500 LBS. I'itr Aiiierleiin Vrs-rls ami Setrn (ini- udlans, hold (ulclics tlilt Murnlng A toUl of 13400 pounds of halibut wm sold at the local Fish Exchange this morning, five American vessels dis posing of 81,500 pounds at from 14.8c and ?e to 15.5c and 7c while seven Canadians sold 50.000 pounds at bids ranging from li.8c and '6c to 13.6c and Te. Arrivals and sales were as follows: AMKHICAN Majestic. 31.000 pounds. Booth Fish eries, 14 8c and 7c 3, P. . Todd II., 0.500 pounds, Atiin f isheries, 15.2c and 7c. Bravo. 14.000 Kunds, Pacific Fisher ies. IS. 5c and 7c. Lumen, 10.000 pound", AUIn Fisher ies, 13.4c and 7c. Ilhona, 17,000 pounds. Royal Fish Co., 14.0c and 7c. CAVtm.w Ingrrd ll- 9.000 pounds. Booth Fish eries. 13.5c and 7c. Toodle, 8,000 pounds, Puclflc Fisheries, 12.0c and 6c. Msrgallce, 5,000 pounds, Canadian Ftsh ft Cold Storage Co., 12.8o and c Impcreusc, 8.000 pounds and Verna, 6.500 pounds. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., 13.1c and Cc. M. M. Christopher. 12,000 pounds, Canadian Fish St Cold tSoragc Co., I3.6c and 7c. Mulrneng. 3,500 pounds, Atlln Fish-cries, 13c and 6c. SCHOONER MAJESTIC, RECENTLY SUNK, IS IN PORT WITH CATCH The Amerlcnn halibut schooner Ma. jestlc. Cnpt. C. P. Pcttcrson, whlcfi sank recently when she struck a reef off Douglas Island, Alaska, later being raised and towed Into Ketchikan where repairs were effected, arrived In port for this morning's Exchange with her first trip of halibut since the accident. The vowel, which had 30,000 pounds of hali but, looks bright and new with the fresh repairs. ' i Cl Itl.KU" 'TO CHINA. HilJS. Curlew, which paid an extended visit to Prince Rupert last sum- Imer. hss been ordered from Bermuda- West Indies to China station according to word reaching the city.. The commander and personnel of the light crulwr has been changed since the visit here. i the second for the count of eight, U was seen that Foley could not win. He put up a brave fight, however, and sub jected the champion to a good deal of punishment, In the last minute betting Morgan was the favorite at 6-4. The air was distinctly Morgan and, comparatively speaking, not a great donl of inor.cy was placed. The fight, however, had a record attendance. Joe Waterman was referee and there were no Judges. Morgan weighed In at 129 pounds and Fcley at 126. Morgan' rounds were tho toooud, third, fifth, eighth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth. Tho sixth was Foley's and the first, fourth, seventh and ninth were even. In tho preliminaries, Cox won over Woodlcy, Harvey Halllday over Bob Clarke and Hector McDonald over Bud Davlcs. The Townsend-Thomas liout was called u draw. VANCOU,VEI, EXCHANGE Did. Asked Wheat , 1.63 B.C. Silver .....v.. 1.64 1.70 Coast Copper . .... 12.00 . 12.60 Cork Province .08 .08 ft Dunwell 1.34 1.37 Olscler 09 .09 Oladstone v ,.24V4 .25. Lucky Jim ,2H :.21V. Premier . . , 2.04 2.03 Porter Idaho ,18 ,1614 Silver nret. (Hit; ,07 Swill A '"V TAXI ' .. -V, Boston Grill and t Ambulance Large Upstair Dining Hall, Service with newly laid dancing Anywhere nl Anytime floor, for hire. Stand: Exchange Building NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. MATT VI DECK. Prop. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the least. Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper XVII., No. 125. Vol PRINCE RUPERT, D.C MONDAY, MAY 30, 1927 Price Five Cent mm MM ENSE IH REETS LINDBER GH IDENTICAL NOTES from the five powers were present a to General Pai Cnung-Hsi by Consuls C E. Gaus3, M. Najridar, Sir Sidney Darton, Commander Galanti, relating to' the Nanking outrages. WHEAT AGAIN SOARS HIGH ritltK AllVAM'KH (IV (IIANCK TOIlAV TO I'KAK PliU'B Of ft. HI HIXMITO. .Uujr 3D-Heut) lillj-Iiij orders frimi lulled Males InlerrM M-nt wheat k)rH ketlng unh on the grain eli.inr.r tint morning. The uduh(e In the middle of the seiklon reaehed as high u three mid a half to four and three iliarter (Tills Midi ll pn,MS Is of It goln; hUlier. At the top Jul)' Mlieut sold at $1.07 and for October delherle at I. ..,',. CAPTURE CROWN I'l T I I' lUtAVE KKJIIT III T WAS UK. n;m:i it v too moikian in TITlLtlt IV. TTI.l; SATlllllAY .NHJIIT VANCOUVER, May 20. Fighting the climactic battle of a noted career, VIc Foley, the pride of Vancouver, failed gallantly In his attempt Saturday night to wrest the world's junior lightweight title from the champion. Tod Morgan. The title holder was given the best of seven rounds, four were adjudged even and the sixth was Foley's. The battle went the limit of twelve rounds and both fighters, bruised up a little and bleeding, were fresh at the end. Foley was clearly outclassed though Morgan was three and tliiee-tUailer pounds the heavier. After being knocked down In Warships Are Rushed to Egypt as Precautionary Measure as Result nf Disnif Oiler Sirflnr PIRATES STILL KEEP WINNING " TOOK TIIKEK tl.VMES AT WF.EK-ENTt ! TO MAKE IT ELEVEN XTKAIIIIIT: LONDON, May SO. It is stated at the foreign office that j athletics take thkee precautionary measure such as the government has taken on pre-j vious occasions. NEW YORK. May 30Plttsburg Pirates from me tone oi recent aeuaies in tne Egyptian L,namoer, ' continued their sensational winning Downing Street officials say Egyptian extremists are trj'inif to ere-' streak in the Nationa? League over the ate a wholly artificial situation in tenseness at Cairo. Despatches received from Cairo last night said a disagreement had arisen between the Egyptian and Driti3h governments over a recommendation by the Egyptian parliamentary committee for the removal of the Sirdar as commander in chief of the Egyptian army. NEW LAND COMPANY IS INCORPORATED: ! HEAD OFFICE HERE The current number of the B.C. Oaz- ttte announces the Incorporation of the Canadian-Scandinavian Land Company capitalized at 125,000 with head office at Prince Rupert. The object of the company Is to settle vacant lands in the Bulkley Valley or at other suitable points with farmers from the Scandinavian countries. It is understood that T. L. Carr and Rev. Johann-sen are actively connected with the lew concern. CHILD DIED TODAY liaiighler of Mr, unit .Mrs Inrtlk, loiirlli Atrmir, lsiseil Attn; at lUirlj Hour The death occurred at an early hour this morning of little Mara Johanna Torvlk, ths three and a 'half year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Tor vlk at the home 213 Fourth Avenue. Mr. Torvlk la a fisherman and Is away fl.hlng at the present time. Funeral arrangements . are In the hands of the B.C. Undertakers. SEND MORE JAPANESE TROOPS TO CHINA IS SAID TO BE PLANNED TOKIO. May 30. The Japanese government Is reported to be preparing to Issue an order for two thousand additional troops to go from Manchuria to Pekln and Tientsin on account of the renewal of military activity on the part of northerners and southerners In South China. IIIICTH.rt ' A son was born tow Mr. and Mrs, John Currlc, McBrlde Street, "at the Prince: Rupert General Hospital on May 28. . Lieut. Hollo Malnguy, R.C.N., who visited Prince Rupert within the past few months on naval business, Is to be married shortly In Victoria to Miss Maraqulta Nlchol, daughter- of Hon. and Mrs. W. C. Nlchol. i FASCISTI OF NEW YORK IN STREET RIOT NEW VOItK, May 30. Immense crowds In Times SHimre this afternoon were caught In a riot uhrn five hundred members of the I'ustlstl league nf America, brandishing their Hlilps and chilis, attempted to cup-lure three Italians ulni 'assaulted one of their nuiiilier. 1'iillre reserves iiellrd the rioters. Earlier In the ihiy two Fascists were killed by unknown nv.all.inls. APPROVES APPOINTMENT CHARLES G. D. ROBERTS (Eynwmton Journal) The University of British Columbia claims to have been the first Institution of higher learning in tho dominion to establish a special lectureship la Canadian literature. It Is a step which should not too long delayed elsewhere. Dr. Charles O. D. Roberts has agreed to spend several months enflh year In Vancouver In order week-end, making It eleven straight wins by defeating St. Louis on Saturday and Chicago on Sunday. The Pirates are now three and half full games ahead of the Chicago runner-up. In the American League, the week-end feature was the three-game, victory of Connie Mack's Philadelphia Athletics. The Phillies new seem to 'be serious contenders for the American flag for which tho New York Yankees now have a scant one and a half game lead over Chicago. As the smoke of the week-end battles settled today, seven pitchers were sble to boast the feat of surviving nine full innings of modern heavy hitting, coming out on the winning end. Week-end scores were as follows: Saturday NATIONAL LEAtil E n ton 1-3. Philadelphia 0-8. Cincinnati 8, Chicago 0. New York 7, Brooklyn 3. St. LcuU 4, Plttsturg 6. amckican i.ram ; Washington 2-3, New York 8-2. Philadelphia 8-4, Boston 6-3. Chicago 1, Detroit 7. Sunday NATIONAL LEAtil 11 New York 2, Brooklyn 5. St. Louis 11, Cincinnati 3. Pittsburg 8, Chicago 5. A.MEItlC'AN LEAtil E Cleveland 4-10, St .Louis 7-2. Boston 7, New Yurk 15. Chicago 8, Detroit 6. Phlldelphla 6, Washington 1. Ltatlt K STAMMMIS National League W , Pittsburg 24 10 ! Chicago 21 conduct the course. Tnc university jew yorit 20 Is fortunate in being able to secure thojst. Louis 19 Kcrvices of the man who undoubtedly I Philadelphia 16 stands at the very top of our writing i profession. Academic surroundings arc familiar to him. Before he ( became a literary celebrity ho was head 6f the department of English at King's College, Nova Scotia. FOUR AVIATORS ARE BURNED TO DEATH AS BLAZING PLANE FALLS AUGUSTA, Georgia. May 30. FOur aviators of the United States army squadron flying from San Antonio to Langley Field were burned to death yesterday when their airplane caught fire near here and fell in flames. T. O. Oarrett, well known commercial traveler, was a passenger on the Princess Alice this morning going through from Vancouver to te Yukon, i Brooklyn..... 18 Boston 13 Cincinnati 12 American League New York 25 Chicago 25 Philadelphia ........ 21 Washington '. ... 17 Cleveland 19 St. Louis 18 ; Detroit 16 Boston 10 L. 11 15 16 16 18 23 17 37 13 16 17 18 21 20 21 25 Tct. .680 .583 .550 .513 .471 .439 .433 .303 .658 .610 .553; .486' .475! .474 .432 .286 FIRE BROKE OUT IN BARN, SOLDIERS BURN WARSAW, May 30. Eight soldiers are dead and others are believed to have been fatally burned as a result of a fire which broke out In the barns where a machine gun, company was sleeping when returning from, the country man' ceuvres ' near Kunowi BRITISH WARSHIPS ARE SENT TO EGYPT AS PRECAUTION use Lrowd Lathered at Croydon to Welcome Lindbergh to England I'l'OnYIM A TP I V OVI." iii viidimi 'I'lifiiwitm mi AM) CHILDREN WATCHED ARRIVAL OF YOUNG AMERICAN AVIATOR CROYDON, May "0. Approximately one hundred thousand irMl W L'lr i'll'll 1 1H- l.imilUH Ir.lllH.'l' Jllltlf flvi.r Pnnl'iln I in. I. OCAI. YARD TO GET CHANCE AT BUILDING SHIPS NO CONTKACT VET LET FOIt COX. STItlCTION Of lOlll BOATS FOIl WEST INOIES .SERVICE No contracts have yet been let for the building of four steamers to be used by the CanadUn Ooveriiment Merchant Marine In the' service be tween Canada arid the West Indies under trade agTcciner.it stales F. O. Dawson, director of the Canadian National Railways, who returned yesterday from Montreal. Tenders will be called soon. It Is expected, and tlw Prince Rupert dry deck, along with other plants In Canada, will he Invited to bid. GATHERDATA FORHISTORY tLl'MNI ASSOCIATION Of THE I'M-'VEUSITV Of l!.C. TO TRY I'LAN VANCOUVER, May 30. For the pur- pose of obtaining written records of the recollections of pioneers still living In regard to the early events In the history of British .;Cplumbla,. the alumni association" of the University' "of ' B.CV hat established a special committee on historical research. This body will name representatives In all parts of the province to interview cld-tlmers, examine documents and forward reports to the central committee here. The material thus gathered will be filed with the university in the library of provincial archives, Efforts will also be made under the same auspices to make a collection of Indian relics from various sections of British Columbia for the University of British Columbia. UNITED STATES TO CO-OPERATE HIM. TRY TO ItE.MOVE ANY ORIEL'. TIONAIILE fEATl ICES Of HOItUEIt LAW WASHINGTON, May 30. Replying to the Canadian note on the border ruling the United States Oovcrnmcnt virtually' promises British born Canadians unable to secure a place on the quota this year that they will be granted an extension of time. The note also promises continued study and co-operation with the Canadian legation to "clear up difficul ties ana dissatisfaction with regard to border crossing" and will recommend to Congress at the next session that It remove anything Inherent In the law which tends to affect adversely the friendly relations between Canada and this country." URGLARS ROB-SPENCER STORE NANAIMO, May 30 Entering the store through a skylight, burglars during the night robbed David Spencer's departmental store of cash and checks amounting to apprlxtmately $6,000 af. trr an explosion wrecked 'the safe. No arrests were made. NATIVES THINK NO SUMMER THIS YEAR LENINGRAD, May 30. Natives of Arctic villages In Northern Siberia, where the highest temperatures lately were 33 degrees below rero are reported to be killing scores of reindeer In the belief that the angry gods have decided there Is to be no summer this year. ken'ti'ck v t i.oi niuitsr. ASHLAND. Ky May 30. Twenty people; were . killed today ., In ft cloud, burst near here. V