PAGE SIX Free! -MILS. HUNT HAS JITST HETUKNED Trip and brought with her from her Summer Buying a fine selection of Cloth & Satin COATS in sizes from IG to 46. Also a variety of SUMMER DRESSES AND MILLINERY-now on display at moderate prices. Satin Coats from .. $23.00 REM ENT'S - LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR Third Avenue MBER For Montreal prices on Clothing for Men & Boys Don't forget the Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. B. Miller - Proprietor WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Hirch and Spruce Per double load JC.50 Per single load $3.50 Per sack 50c Firelighters, i8 for $1.00 delivered All classes of Coal at dealers' prices. HydeTransler 13U Second Avenue Phone 580 Night r Day WE UV UOTTLES MILK PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for SI. 00 7 quartH for $1.00 12 pints for $1.00 Cash price tickets. Mcl'rlde Street slore now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy - 11th St. Telephone 657. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST Free! Illustrated Lecture TONIGHT Metropole Hall at 8 p.m. MURDOCH MrLEOD, Eyesight Specialist, of Vancouver will explain the wonders of the eye. A marvelous mechanism. The eye is constructed to take pictures. In fact its close resemblance to a camera indicates that the art of photography undoubtedly had its inception in the most marvelous camera of nature the human eye. This is fully demonstrated by means of slides. Learn how you see. Everybody welcome. No collection. Note: Mr. McLeod is an interesting speaker and you should not miss this opportunity to hear him. A. E. IRELAND, Optometrist LAND ACT. NOTICE OK INTENTION TO APPL TO LEASE I'OKEMIOKE. In Prince 'Rupert Easd Recording District of Prinze Rupert, a&d sitiu: at Sevell Inlet. Moresby Island. Queen Char.otie Island'. TAKE NOTICE! thai Kelley LorfS'ui C uipanr Limited, or Vancouver. B.C.. orcupition Timber Merchants, Intend- ui apply lor a lenac o( me loilovrinz descrtoed foreshore: Commencing at a" past, planted at the southeast corner of Lot 4TI Sewei: Inlet. Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Islands: there In a nonhe-Mterly direction, following the hizb. wa'.er mark to the corner of Lot K3: ttenc In a southwesterly direction to the point of commencement, and contanuig 149 acres, niirc or less. JOSEPH DOUGLAS WILSON. : .Agent tor . Kelley L'-gg'ng Oo. Ltd IMnl 3th April, Ilgj LAND ACT NOTICE Of INTENTION TO APl'l.V to LEASE I.ANH. In Range 3; Coast Land District. Land Recording DUtrtct of Prince Rupert, and situate on the south share of La-BDUrhere Channel. BC. TAKE NOTICE that O'jese Packinz Co. Ltd.. of 325 Howe St.. Vancouver B.C.. occupation Phil Packers, intends u apply lor a lease of the followlnz described lands: Commencing at a post Wanted at the southeast corner TX. 10330, Range 3. Coast Land District; thence south cnalns: thence west 10 chains: tbente nonn s chilns to shore: thence eisterlt along shore to point of commencement. ana containing s acres, more or leu. GOSSE PACKING CO. LTD.. Applicant Per Chas. L. Ro belts. Agent. ' Dated April 7. 1827 LAND ACT. NOTICE Of INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LANU. In Prince Rupert Land Recordlnz Dis trict of Queen Charlotte Islands, and ltuate at Mauett Indian VUlaee No. 1 TAKE NOTICE that The Mawett Can- ners. Ltd., or Prince Rupert, B.C.. occupation Canners. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at this poet planted at the northwest corner of our site at Massett. B.C.: thence southerly 3 chains: thence easterly 3.25 chairs, more or less: thence northerly 3 chains: thence westerly 3-25 chains, more or less, to point of commencement, and containing one acre, more or lesv THE MASSETT CANKERS, LTD. Applicant Per P. Lorenzen, Agent. Dated April 20. 1927. H. S. WALLACE CO, LTD. PENMAN'S Pure SILK HOSE SPECIAL FEATURES Pointed heel, no inside ragged edges, knit to shape. fine even weave, silk extends above knee. Colors Sunset. Alesan, Peach Iiloom, Moonlight, Champagne. $1.75 pair H.S.WaaceCo.Lt). Phone 9. 3rd Ave. and Fulton WEEK-END SPECIALS Sunkist Oranges, 3 doz. 85c Bananas, 3 bg 50c Eating Apples, red, 3 lbs. 23c Cooking Apples, 4 I lis. . . 23c Fresh Khubarb, 4 lbs. . . 23c New Carrots and Turnips, 3 bunches 33c Lettuce, 3 bunches 33c Beets, 3 bunches 35c Fresh Peas, per lb 20e Baddishes, 3 bunches . . 10c Dr. MIddleton's Whole Wheat' Oatmeal, Fruit, Sugar and Ginger Cookies, 3 pkgs. 30c Mussallem Grocery COMPANY LTD. 417-423 Fifth Ave. East. Phone 18. Phone 84 WOMEN VOTE IN BRITAIN E.T ELECTION TO !F.E IIVE MIL LION MOKE WITH KHlllT TO FRANCHISE WILL Ol'TNTMIlEK MEN LONDON, May 3a (Canadian Press). The GovtrnmenVa promised bill giving women the Tote at 31 years of age will give women a majority of more than 2.-000.000 In the next General Election. At present men have majority of three million, because women under SO years of age are not enfranchised. The voting strength computed last winter was: Men. 12.697.790: Women. 9.592.222. The reduction In voting age wlU give the vote to an additional 5.12S.O00 women. In addition, simplification of the voting qualifications for women voters wUl result In enfranchisement ol a large number of women at present ineligible to vote, although they are over 30 years of age. It is bel"eved that In 70 per cent of iie constituencies the women electors; will outnumtr the men. At present this Is the case In five constituencies -inly, South Kensington. Cheltenham. Hastings. Glasgow KUlhrad and South Edinburgh, though in a few other con-ultueccie the. women equal the men. The tbor Party wlU submit for -vcond reading on Friday. May 20, a t prlvaV member's BUI proposing to orry out the reform which the Gov- rating In the next General Election. c.wtniAN nut it LAND ACT. narimte isianav TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Lotrcin; Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Timber Merchants. Intend Phone 301. : Bacon, any good brand, sliced, per lb 50c small profits By paying cash you enjoy a freedom otherwise not experienced S. B. Adams, Manager extremely THE DAILY NEWS Monda;- ua. miscarves y 5 ! till M ,- M mjacij 3iankies So delicate in weave and color will emerge fresh and blight as new, time after time, from the mild, pure Lux suds. There is no substitute for Lux. Lcrtf fvhm Limited Toronto L7U Twnent announced. The Government i vUl certainly be pressed to accept the i BUI In virw of their decision, but It dccls'oa Andrew Bonar Law. Caatlin- ' brief time is uaderrtnod that shey are not likely was; Premier, known favor alter-i v, t fw tinn Mn. vaa to an 'aken before next session. It Is not- likclv that such a delav allon. Towards the end of 1923. he declared: "I have been a consistent ,i it,. -.., ,,. r tupxrter of woman's suffrage, and. even at the time the franchise Bill of j 1918 was passed. I felt that toe discrimination In aze between men and lHnl "iK w aid to nave lm- women could not be preahed the Cabtnei In arrlvlns t Its think so still." No question cf redistribution arises. The Act of Representation of 1918 pro to apply for a lease of the following ! the case when women were enfranchised described lands: Ccmrrencing at a post planted approximately 8 chains south TO decree east of the northeast corner of Lot 472. Sewell inlet, Moresby luand; thence follow- LAND ACT. permanent. I Mil If E or INTENTION TO APPLY TO vldcd for redistribution on toe basts of LRtsir LANIjnilINTU STUltL ont member for each 70AOO population 'and naturally this position Is twin Prince Rupert Land Recordlnz I chonzed bv the trovernmentls bin. The District of Prtnce and situate - Rupert, ; ,, Labor Kltb the 151011 at at Sewell Sewell Inlet. Inlet. Moresbv Moresby Island. bland. Oueen Queen Srce - that redistribution is not necessary bn the ground that the vote Is not given to new class of electors, as was for the first time in 1918. POLITICAL I OUTl'NES There are considerable differences of lnc the hore line In en easterly, south- ' opinion a to tne eaect which the proem and southwesterly direction to Its! meal will have unon the noliHeJ lor. intersection with the eastern boundary ,, nt k. , tunes 01 the Time re- of Lot P0"1- 472: thence north 10 chalni. ; more or less, to the point of commence- marks, although It is agreed that to ment. and containing 20 acres, more or, (yxne extent the change must be a JOSEPH DOUGLAS WILSON, ! ,eaP ln the dark- 0tie result WlU be to Agent for produce abnormal maorttlea in a few Dated 29th Ai constituencies held by each party. ulixjt wui oe particularly qpnsoiea oy I. the accession of strength In the mill ivTfrTT oUtrlcU of aay Uncaahtre. where the N.iTH r. nv Tft t.....v -r,. LLAM: LANTi mit iniii sthi u. number of women workers under 30 U I'lUPOSES large. The increased cost in tw,. t, t. r ot a General Election Is one undla- a aaiubfc aun.s SiaiJU IVCWtUUlft District of Prince Rupert, and situate putab.e result of the blU. This Is not at Sewell Inlet. Moresby Island, Queen merely In electortal machinery but In TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logjing e"!1158 of candidates. Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Timber Merchants. Intends OTTntl 17 1 Tl AT HP to apply for a lease of the following 51 LKILiAA ilUil Ur I Commencing at a post planted at , -he southeast corner of Lot 471. Sewell In'.et. Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Il&nd nnrtti Al 43 rhftlnt Mit generally. MENTAL DEFECTIVES 51.17 chains: thence in a southwesterly ' A bill providing for the stcrlllza-; direction, folowlng the shore line to tlon of mental defective was Intro- 1 t htSt nnlnt ftf fwm mn ay an - 30 'duce1 ln the bert LeglslaUon during italnlng acrra. more cr less. juatrit douolas WILSON. me recent session by Hon. George LoiIm Hoa1Iey- minister of health, says the Keller to Ltd Dated 23th April. 192T Bulletin of the Canadian National Committee for mental hygiene. It was Introduced, the' Minister explained for the purpose of bringing the subject before the House, the bill being withdrawn later with the Intimation that It would be re-lntroduccd at the next session for final consideration. In British Columbia, too, steriliza tion is being dUcuwed. The Royal HixiU At. ,.A i...ll..n Ui "uiu, 1:11 ii.yh " " """" gaung menui conditions ln that Pro- PltACTICE ECONOMY BY HUY. Jl .1.." ivr. i-nmiTiiLwvtuii ivn I Cash and Carry j Grocery rtmiV i'iM"t-rv lunder cen '" 01 mentally LA 1(1(1 (iKOLhKY defective persons, and the subject has Quality and Quantity Guaranteed ":e attracted a great deal of atten- $5.00 Orders Delivered tloa ln tne pr and from the public CEREALS tKIIAI MAKK Af K K iu. sacK ii. & K. Kolled Uals .c G lb. sack Purity Food 4Uc China Boiled Oats, pkg 40c Corn Flakes, pkg 10c Shredded Wheat, 2 pkgs 23c Kellog's Bran Flakes, 2 pkgs. 23c DUTCH WOMAN TO LLOYDMINSTER MAN I LLOYDMINSTER. Alta.. May 30. After marrying her husband, Jan Ko-ulng, by proxy in Amsterdam, and later iln person here at the Presbyterian - ... , a an .wiling iiw. bv..uiK in hh. iiicu, ier iu. ...... l.ici acquainted near, here with Canadian. Capitol Creamery Butter, per lb. j farming on the prairie. 45c I Following the custom ln Holland for All other brands Creamery Butter, ' brides to marry by proxy thoae who are 2 lb. for 4 . 95c ,n dUtnt lands, Jucoba married Jan's Flour, 49 lb., any variety . . $2.63 bTOtheT- A nori at Uoydminater drew Terrace Potatoes, tier sack $1.75 "p the ncce!rJr paper.-permitting her Pnw ureLane Pino Suar' ;,, extra ,., fi fine. in 0 IK I10 nxtrTy wlllkm. -These were for-1 1J. warded to the mmuter of Justice ln Hoi- 9 ' ,5cland. arid after Investigation they re- n Uirnation St. Charles or Pacific Reived the endorsation of Queen wiihei- Jlilk, CPse $5.50 mlna. nd the approval of the Brtttah ambassador was also necessary. William Prices on all articles reduced to nd Jacoba ent before the magistrate of Amsterdam, and lert bun as Mrs. Jan Konlng and her brother-in-law. Ma. Belllngham arrived In port at 10 o'clock laat night with a carload of flah for transshipment East over the Canadian National Railways. Advertise la tht Dally News. LOCAL NEWS .'OTES . This afternoon's train from the East, carrying mail, will arrive on time at 3.30. Dan McDonald, well known Ilazclton prospector, was In town overnight froml the Interior. Union Oil Coa motorshlp tanker Ollnda Is due In port tonight with cargo for the company's local tanks. Ten members of the local detach ment. Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer! Reterve. under Lieut. R. P. Ponder. of- fleer commanding, used the McNIeholl' Creek ranges yesterday for class shoots. There was no regimental shoot. J; D. McKlnlcy. travelling car. service agent. Canadian National 'RaUways, Winnipeg, arrived in the city on last night's train from the East and sailed on the steamer Prince George for Vancouver. He was accompanied by Mrs. McKluley. Archdeacon Burgett, foromlnent Edmonton Anglican clergyman, was a vtrltor In the clty yesterday and attended service In St. Andrew's cathedral last night. He arrived from the East on the afternoon train and sailed for Vaiicouver on the Prtnce George In the course of a holiday trip to the ractltc Coast, W. II. TWiey. dlrltnI supcriiilcn-dent: Monro Ilalnrs. ehlef clerk: M. A Burhauk. district englnrer; A. R. licit-by. B. and B, superintendent; P. 8. Wslto::. roadmaster; Jack Frew, accountant in the superintendent department, and Frank Moore, fuel Inspector, returned to the city on yea-terday aftcrrfton's train from Prince George where they were In attendance at a conference of divisional offictab. The local party left here lor the Interior on Thursday. LAND ACT. NOTIti; Of INTKNTION TO A PPL V TO i.;i; toiunoK In Prince Rupert Land Recordlnz District of Prince Rupert, and actuate at Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Loezliu Company Limited, of Vancouver. B.C., occupation nmoer Mercnanu, intent to apply for a leae of the following dewioed forenhore Commencing at a post planted approx imately one-halt mile south 30det. east of the mouth of the Tassoo River, Mores by bland. Queen Charlotte Islands: thence following the high water mark ln a northwesterly, wenterly and south- westeny direction for a distance or one and one-half miles: thence ln an easterly direction to the point of commencement. ana containing 103 a res. more or less. JOSEPH DOUGLAS WILSON, Acting as Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. Dated 30th April. 1927. LAND ACT. NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LA Ml. In Prtnce Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate 30 chains east of northwest corner of Lot 63. Range 3. Coast District. take notice that oosM Patting Company Limited, of Vancouver, occupation Fish panners. Intend to apply for permission to lease the following described Unas: Commencing at a post planted 30 chains east of nortbaest Lot M. Range 3. Coast District: thence south 3 chains: thence east 10 chains: thence north 3 chains: thence west 10 chains to point of commencement, and containing 8 seres, more or less. OOSSE PACKINO COMPANY LIMITED Apollcant Per 11. Moore house. Dated April 3. 1P27. LAND ACT. NOTICE OP INTENTION TO AITLV TO LEASE tOHE.HIIOUE. In Prince Rupert Land Recordln2 District of Prince Ru(rt, and situate at Sewell Inlet. Moreaby bland. Queen Charlotte Island'. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley, Logging Company Limited, of Vancouver. D.C.. occupation Timber Merchants, intend' to apply for a leane of the following oracnora jorenore: Commencing at a post planted aoDrsx Imately 8 chains south, 20 degrees east rrom tne nonneasi corner or Lot 472. Sewell Inlet. Moresby Island: thence following the high water mark In an east erly, southerly and southwesterly dtrec tlon to Its Intersection with the easterly boundary of Lot 472; then southerly and easterly to the northwest corner of b.t.l. oiia p.: inence in a northwesterly direction to the point ot commencement. and containing 43 acres, more or leas. JOSEPH DOUGLAS WILSON. Agent for 1 "BUILD B.C." A Request For Recipes Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. Lxuen roin April, ivzi. fm Rjf "- i Mrs. Maud McLaren has writ ten from her home In the in terior of British Columbia. She wants Pacific Milk re cipes. "We have just purchased a cane of Pacific Milk." she writes. "It is a rich milk, has a fine flavor and I am inter ested in the number of uses tp which it might be put. I would like any recipes you have." We are glad to respond to this request. PACIFIC MILK Head Otflcf, Vanevum factories at Ladner and AbtioUrord. "BUILD B.C" I Odette jT ft A POKER HAND IN EACH PACKAGF WESTHOLME THEATRE MONDAY ONLY, 7 and 9 p.m. "Just Another oiide DOBOTIIY MAtKAILU JACK .MULHALU WILMVM COLLI KK JB, LOUISK BBOOKS, and strong cast. COMEDY -SNOOKL'M'S TOOTH. I NTEKN ATI ON A L N EWS Admission .15c and. 10c The Store for Dad and the Lad! Fancy Stripe Worsted SUITS for Men WITH TWO PAULS PANTS Values to f 0( Special thin week i $28.50 i This Is n Kenuliie reduction on new SjirinK nnl' ronBc inclullesny of our niftiest patterns. Son.- ; striped KnKllshv Worsteds. They aro cliiverly styl"1-fully tailored,' with' pure' wool Willntf. 'A real oppo1-u"1 ' make a real saving. Acme Importers Third Avenue. 01 jhone 339 2d