Monday, Majr SO, 1927. Just Received! A large shipment of Boys' STRAIGHT Bloomers AND LONG PANTS Ranging In price from $l.."0 up. See our VInlo& Jabour Bros. Ltd. Phone fit.',. orjii.viirs ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR ASK 10 It u ocuvirs MOMIMOWHOIO. Sold by all Grocers S. C. THOMSON Prince Rupert, H.C. Northern H.C. Distributor Phone 150. 10. Box 30.'. "i1 FISHING BOATS ARE i BEING LAUNCHED NOW FROM DOCK SHIPYARD I This morning about 1 o'clock, at the Idrydocfc. the launchlmt took dace of , NOOTH me new halibut Hoot being built there or Haakon Lund and Peter Bruno. Tomorrow morning at a similar .hour the big seine .boat'for Oammon ana" Wutt, will take the 'water. nw 15 bmi jjiicu, uuTu wen .uuy ilv street ftcwxa m in Waterfront whiffs on i different occasions WORK ON HIGHWAY TO at each end there U the expectation that the Improved road will be avail- Canadian National Qfce largclt Kailway Syiiem in America Steamship and Tram Service iAII.INON fVbm PRlS WJU IfKHT fbriVANW) fR; VWTOKIA.JKP, Vnt SMVI1V l or STEWART . pkinck joiin for VANCOUVER la HKONKSDAY. HUM! p.m. .... Sill KIM Y. 10.011 p.m. OIKK.N CIIAKI.OTTK IS- I.ANDH, fortnightly. PANShMlf.R TRAINS J.K.WK PHINf ...,,v,.. K RV ,h.,.-ut I tKT HII.V EXCEPT SUNDAY nt IU . f..r PRIME fil.OIUlh. ..,,.,I1V I.HMON-TOV r IVINMPPU. all points Easleni f'nnnda. I nlled Jtnles. i Vsii u paiVki SiWik opkn mav si to skmmikk ao. . HK P. CANADA I.N CANADA'S JI'IIIIXK r.AH IKI.l IHJ7, AOKNCY All. OCKAN STKA.MSIIIP LINKS. Use Canadian National Kre fr Money Orders, foreign Cheques, ele,, also for your next shipment. CITY TICKKT OITICK. 818 TIIIMO . VR PHINC'K RIH'KHT. Phone U Prince Rupert Auto Company AKtiits for Hudson and Essex Super-Six Cars Second Avenue, opposite Prince Rupert Hotel. Phones 75 and 275 BUY B.C. GOODS fW full value for your money and make jobs for your children In B.C. JUNIOR SOCCER LEAGUE MATCH OVERCOME A ONK-UOAI, I.EAI) TO UK AT liOKDKN 4-1 SATI l:lAV AITKIIXOOX.. oia rivals met ..on Saturday In a regular Junior Football IsnTue fixture About twe week, hence. Lars Voge's andi uft(.r 4tllmc wnIch at ,,m was halibut boat will be slid In. j . stmiW unusually Booth ran out All three boat., which were built In . wlnntril uy a 4 ,3 eoo over Borden Booth played down, bill and Kaka-mtto and Cameron had a keen" tussle before- Booth cleared. ' Booth forwards combined well and Slcea had to deaf. Lee oneneri nut th. tram fnr Wlrlcs RUPERT UNDER WAY,- w,i wu. trnot behind. NIson flopped. Vte and Work Is to get under way this week on further Improvements to the Prince Uupert hlghwuy from Morlcetown to New Huztlton, und with a crew working , MacDonuld cleared Cameron's shot. Stiles defended well and Scott cleared. A penalty awarded Borden was cleared by Scott who fielded Stiles' shot well. Booth forward combined well but, in ; a break away after Scott had cleared, i I Borden ' scored with ". the Booth goalie able for inntorlnir this summer. kavs " Brolmd' stetn cwea the Interior News. During the post weeklon but back 10 ut ln andfl,ot KtlKey came Assistant Engineer O. II, Pcthlck District Engineer MacKay have been ex-umlnlng the road, and it Is understood that the road Is to be generally reconditioned and widened In places to eliminate many of the dangerous spots on the route. Advertise In the Dally News. LAND ACT. NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE I.AMI. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate 30 J chains east of northwest corner of Lot 08, Range 3. Coast District. J TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Packing Company, Umlted. of Vancouver, occu pation rum uanners. intenas io appiy for permission to lease the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted 30 chains east of northwest Lot 68. Range 3, Coast District: thence north S chains to low water mark; thence east 10 chains', thence south S chains: thence west 10 chains, to point of commencement, and containing & acres, more or less. OOSSE PACKING COMPANY LIMITED. Applicant. Per If, Moorehouse. Dated 2nd April. 1927. Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G.T.P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers Blacksmiths. Patternmakers, Founders, Woodworkers, Lie. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant Is equipped to handle all kinds of MAItlNE AND COMMERCIAL WOHK. PHONES 43 and 385 ivams even, wun eacn team on ine score slnet the game became exciting and Kelsey Incurred the referee's dls plasure on a rough tackle .of Wicks. Kelsey (hen worked his way through to put Booth a goal up. Booth was now pressing and Cameron blocked Steen's clearance to put Booth another goal ahead. Stcen again cleared from Cam eron, and halftlme found Booth three goals to one. Booth attacked through Cameron and, at the other end, Borden forced a corner. Ourvlch put over from close In. Borden forced another corner but It wa cleared. Kelsey stopped Lee when the latter was travelling for gcaj and then Booth forwards got going to gether for Bussanlch to cap the play with a low shot that. Steen might have saved. Wicks shot weakly past when well placed, Kelsey kicked clear and Stiles did well to stop Thurber who was dangerous. Lee was fast and Scott saved a tricky shot with one hand, Booth now attacked strongly. Cameron shot past. Dickens . tricked several play' rrs to force a corner. ' Steen caught a long shot from Cameron. At the other end Scott kicked clear while Kelsey checked Lee. Thurber was through but no one was up to catch his good centre. Booth forwards combined beautifully but lost the ball .and Borden broke away. Bussanlch forced a corner but the whistle blew leaving Booth winners 4 to 1. Teams were: Borden Steen.- Stiles. Larkln. P. Nakamoto, MacDonald, M. Ourvlch, Wfcks. Batt. Lee. N. Ourvlch, Pong. Booth Scott, Kelsey, Nelson, Mqrrl- MINERAL ACT (form f) rKRTiriCATK or impkovemknts NOTICE "WESTERN HOPE," "TRIXIE," and "OLD KENTUCKY" Mineral Claims sit. uate In the Skeena Mining Division of Prince Rupert District: Where Located On Porcher Island. TAKE NOTICE that Lewis W. Patmore. Free Miner's Certificate No. 89191 C, the dulv authorized 'agent of Frank Patter son. Free Miner's Certificate No. 89137 C, intend, sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for Certificates of Improvements, for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Orant of the above claims. And further take notice that action, under Section 85, must be commenced before the issuance of such Certificate of Improvements. ! Dated this 0th day of May. 1937. LEWIS W. PATMORE. LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPl.V TO I.KASK LAN II. In Riyige 3, Coast Land District, Land Recording District of Prtnce Rupert, and situate on the south shore of Evans Arm, B.C. TAKEv NOTICE that J?oss Packing Co; Ltd.. of 823 .Howe 8t. Vancouver, B.C.( occupation Jjsh Packfts.-, intends to : Apply for;j lejtsa of. the-following described lrws:-f V. . , ' Commencing-oto, post, planted' abcH 3 chains' distant " in an easterly '"direction from northeast corner Lot 740, Range 3; thence south 10 chains; thence west 15 chains; thence north to shore; thence easterly along shore to point of commencement, and containing 7 acres, more or less. OOSSE PACKINO CO. LTD.. Applicant, Per Chas. L. Roberta, Agent. Dated April 7. 1927, tNlR O0Wl?UrtT YOU tACtT SAN 4 OUR tAmBt CAMT Be BEAT! "ST 7Zr& AirJK Ask the master builders of this town where to ko for lumber and they will turn your footsteps 'in this direction. They maintain that the kind of woods ve sell ls. the sort that should be putt into n bulldlnif that is expected to live to a ripe old axe. Albert & McCaffery Phones 116 and 117 TH2 DAILY N2W3 PAGE FIVE II Full of Flavour There Is another horse often men tloned whenever people talk about the Derby.' This Is Adam's Apple, by Pom- irern Mount Whistle, owned by C. W. Whitburn, Adams Apple defeated perts and turf commissioners all reiter ate that Adam's Apple has no stamina; that he is bred for speed. He negoti ated the Rowley Mile In 1.38 1-5, but Call Boy was only a head behind, and Sickle in third place was coming up fast at the finish. The Derby is a half mile longer and is considerably harder than the Two Thousand Oulneas. From these statements the WATER NOTICE DIVERSION AND t'SK TAKE NOTIClTTha't Oosse Packing Company, Limited, whose address is Vancouver, B.C.. will apply for a licence to take and use 250.000 gallons of water out of unnamed stream which flows nor therly and drains Into Oreen Inlet about 30 chains east of northwest corner of Lot 08. Range 3, Coast District. The water will be diverted from the stream at a point about 200 feet from mouth and will be. used for domestic and com mercial purpeses upon the land described as application iot lease oj applicants. 11118 Jiowce was punvru' Ull vnc giuuiiu on , the 2nd day pTi April. 1927. . A copy of TUils notice and. an application pur- mint tYrtn ftrirt. trt t.h ' PWltr. , Art" wilt be .flMt'lh tht office dt the Water Recorder, at, 'Prince Kupert. .vujecuona to the application 'may be 'filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comp troller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings. Victoria. B.C., within thirty days alter tne nrsi appearance oi mi notlcer in a local newspaper. The date of the first publication of this notice is April 21, i J i. r OOSSE PACKING COMPANY. LIMITED, Applicant. Agent, Agent. By H. V. Morehouse, LAND ACT NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE I.ANO. In Range 4, Coast Land District, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate in vicinity of Captain's Cove. Pitt Island. B.C. TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Packing Co. Ltd., of 323 Howe St.. Vancouver, B.C. occupation Pish Packers, intends to apply for a lease of, the following described lauds: ' Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot 1253, Range 4; thence north 6 chains; thence east 16 chains: thence' south to northeast corner Lot 1353; thence westerly along shore to point of commencement, and containing 7 seres, more or less. OOSSE PACKINO CO. LTD.. Applicant. Par Chas. L. Roberta, Agent. Dated April 7, 1927. . CERTIFICATE OP IMPROVEMENTS ' . 0 IRON' DUKE FRACTION, r'Mlneral claim. Lot No. 2340, situate1 In Queen Charlotte Mining Division, Prlnoe Rupert district, located on Louise Island. TAKE NOTICE that I, Alex Rogers, of Lockeport, B.C., Free Miner's Certificate No. 27948 a. Intend to apply to the Mining Recorder for a "Certificate of Improvement for the purpose of obtain, lug a crown grant of the above claim. And further take notice that action, under section 85 of the "Mineral Act" must be commenced before the lssu ance of such certificate of Improve menu. Dated this 11th dyof February. 1927. S II SALAMI jTEsAb So why accept exHausted bulk tea. son,, Cameron, Oolllson, Wood, Dickens, Bussanlch, Thurber, Wjngham. Jack Campeii reiereed and W. W. C. O'Neill and D. II. Hartness were lines men. Booth Borden High . l.KAfil T STANMN'fl Played W. U D. For Asst. 3 3 3 1 2 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 SPORT CHAT The Derby, which will be run on Epsom Downs on Wednesday, jhos achieved a unique place in the hearts of the British people, and the mul titude will te on Epsom Downs as much for Its ovu Impress! veness as for the race itself. But all, Including even the proportion that will never see another, race, all season, will inevitably be" gripped with the ewseutlals of the Derby the thudding hoofs and straining bodies of highly-bred horses racing for the Olympian prize. The public this year -the sport loving public that likes the Derby without being overly Interested in other racing -knows of two horses It thinks will be battling In front. One is Call Boy and the other is Sickle. Call Boy is owned by Frank Curzon, and is by Hurry On Comedienne. Sickle is owned by Lord Derby, whose ancestor founded the race and is toy Phalaris Selene. There is n interesting touch in the fact that these two share popu lar favoritism. Call Boy Is a half brother of Coronach, who won the Derby last year. Sickle is a half-brother of Colorado, and Colorado won the Two Thousand Oulneas, beating Coronach last year. In the Derby Coronach won but Colorado was third. The battle between sons of Hurry On and of Phalaris Is thus continued. .oglcal conclusion Is that Adam's Ap-,jle wlll'.succu)ib, Jn the longer ra6 to .lie more1 powerful Call Boy and Sickle. Iliat U the way the public looks at It. But there are other good colts in he race colts who proved their worth ;n the great races for two-year-olds last year. "Die best of these are be lieved to- be Mrs. Chester Betty's Moneymaker; Sir V. Bassoon's Hot Night; Anthony de Rothschild's Tattoo; Ryan's Damon and S. Tattersoll's Sledincre. Steve Donoghue, who has ridden the winner lh the Derby six limes, wUl probably ride Lady Eleanor Torrlngton's Vanoc. Lord Beaverbrook's ltestlgouche Is nominated, and his victory would be popular In Canada, but the most generous do. not concede Restlgouche to be a dangerous con tender. He was unplaced In the Two Tlwusand and wa .unplaced in his two starts last year. If he runs in the Derby, he will be Un aeainst the best three-year-olcfs In England. Restlgouche Is ,a Gainsborough colt. The favorites Call Bay and Sickle, and the best of the high-class three-year-olds surrounding them, do not exhaust the roster of colts who will have substan tial backing. The Vemalmler of the probable field includes a number of colts who have shown flashes of ex cellence. Tlie outcome of a Derby cannot be forecasted with accuracy. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS C. V. Evltt left on this morning's train for Terrace where he will pay a brief visit. Stephen Ridley, Indian, was fined 110. with the option of fourteen days' Imprisonment, in the city police court this morning for drunkenness. R. E. Moore, local manager of P. Burns Co, Ltd.. made the round trip to Stewart on business aboard the cteamer Prince George yesterday. Mrs. N. Beveiidge and her son. Nor, man Short, sailed on the Princess Alice rv,,,-n ,. m fh. TwJthl morning for Skagway enroute to w... "" . - j r . .-.,.. .i.B ...ii, ..i.i. ...i.v. W uhrouii n III I O wivi Will , 3. ..Li B , . , . ,. . , 1 V KiUI Thousand Oulneas this year, the three; In riam vmA 111,, A I o R. P. McNaughton. CJfJl. district passenger agent, who went south to Vancouver with a party of eastern ticket clerks Inst week, will return to tlie city on Wednesday. Mrs. O. A. Share returned to Van couver on the Prince Oeorge last night after spending a time here with her husband who Is now conducting the Universal Trading Co. store. Oeorge E. Warwick, district deputy grand master A.F. & A.M, returned on the Catala last night to his home In Anyox after having paid official visits to .the loucl lodges and that at Union freighter Chllkoot, Capt. -J, U Williams, Is due in port tomorrow from Vancouver. TUe vciwl will . proceed from here to Mill Buy with j cannery supplies and will call again about Wednesday southbound, , ' ;SUUr "Sergenat W. Wakhaw oL the local -detachment of UieRoyai-' piin. ulait Mounted Police nulled this morning on the Princess Alice for Skagway to' escort a liquor shipment across tlie line into Yukon Territory. D. P. Davidson, well known repre sentative of the Imperial Tobacco Co, was a posKenger on the Princess Alice this morning going through from Van couver to the Yukon where he will cpend the next month on connuny business. Miss Constance McMullIn entertained a inunber of Iter young friends at tea yesterday afternoon lit honor of her aunt, Miss McMullIn, wlio is leaving for England next week. Tlie tea table wa.s presided over uy mj., j. ii. MC' Mullln and Miss Tlieo Paddon. Vic toria Colonist. ' With 106 passengers, Including 18 round-trip tourists, on Wrd for the north, C.P.R. steamer Prlnma Alice, Cupt. R, Thomson, arrived at 9.30 this morning from Vancouver, sailing at 12:45 for Alaska ports. Three passen gers' .debarked heie Oeorge WlUon, J, Btmardson and beorge Wosley. The following left" her for the north on the steSmeri-Trbf. Jean Brlinhes and Mile. Jean Brunhes, P. Sarasol and Staff Bergeant W. Walshaw ' for Bkag-way; N. Stirling. N, Moe, V. M. Louchle and B. Sevedya for Wliltehorse; Mrs. W. Bcverldge, Norman Sltort and N. A. Mover for Duwhoii; Rev. and Mrs. It. Manwarlng, C. C. Smith and J. Nelson for Atlln; E. Luvln for Wrangell; V. M. Buden and It. Koelnes for Carcross, and MUs Ellmbeth McKagu for ' 'Velvet mmm IB i li W.W j-j-j WBI'I "itI ... i I I ice cream ft: K PHONE, 7$8 PRINCE RUPERT Corner 3rd Ave. and Second SL y. . r P.O. Box 682 DENTIST Dr. J. R. Gosse Helgerson Block X-RAY SERVICE Phone 686 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Evening Appointments CHIROPRACTOR D. A. McMillan Palmer Graduate Koorae 6 and 7, Exchange Hlock. LAND ACT. NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO I.KASK LANI ttlK Pl'RPOSES in PHnr Rurx-rt Land Recordlis Llistrici oi rnnce nuprrw, urn iuu.. at Deweu iniei, oaurtsuj uianu, rtu Charlotte Islands. take NOTICE that Kelley Logglnj Company Limited, of Vancouver. B.C.. I occupatlgn ; jimoer, mnrcnaiiui. tiiicima to apply iior. .a ;jeaae 01 me lunuwimsi described lindst'H- . , . . 1 Commencina' post pianiea ai the aoutbeasl7 eornMrOf tot- 470 Sewell Inletiv.Queen j.ChiWlatJe, Islands; thence PtlUvcIiquis. mence easi. wu cumin. more r less, to shore; thence following the shore line In a southwesterly dlrec VIVll w W V wv.. wa containing 190 aorea, more or lea. JUatrll uuuuuao wiwun, Agent for. Kelley Logging Co. Lt4. Dated 29th April. 1927. ' LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAN1. in A rvat f.and nistfirt. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, ana suuaie in vioinivj ui .api.auiB isuvc, Pitt Island, BC. TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Packing rv, tih nt 19 s llnwe St.. Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Fish Packers, intends . . . , - . . H,,An.,n lo apply lor a jraae ut tun iunuwuij described lands: Commencing at a post planted about H mile distant in a northerly direction from Lot 1253, Range 4; thence north 5 chains; thence east 20 chains; thence south to shore; thence west along shore to point of commencement, and containing 10 acres, more or less. OOS3K PACKINO CO. LTD.. Applicant. Per Chas. L. Roberts. Agent. Dated April 7. 1927. NOTICE. IN THE MATTER of an application for the Issue of a Provisional Certificate of 'Title for Lot one hundred and sixty (160), Queen Charlotte District, said to contain one hundred and sixty (160) acres, more or less; excepting thereout twenty-one (zi) acres ana live iaj firM thereof. ' Satisfactory proof of the loss of the Certificate of Title covering the above land having ben produced to me. It is my intention to Issue, after the expiration of one month from the first publication hereof, a Provisional Certificate of Title to the above laud In the name oft Pacific Mills Limited, tne original Certificate of Title is dated the 6th April. 1922. and is numbered 14692 1. Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, BC, ' 6th May, 1927, H. F. MACLEOD, Registrar of Title. Phone 691 Neglected Eyes NEGLECT is doubtless; the, cause of most of the ills that afflict humanity. This Is so self evident that it seems hardly, necessary to tell you. If your eyea are giving trouble, have them attended to and at once. OF ALL absurdities in the kingdom of foolishness, surely the loss of eyesight through neglect is the most inexcusable. DON'T lose health and efficiency through neglect. Come and seel Fred Joudry Registered Optometrist and Optician Room 3 Smith Block Phone 763 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furnltum Moving.