FACE TWC THE DAL.X NEWS AAc Cn A 7w- TEN YEARS OF DEPLETION OF .SOVIET RIII.F. ALASKA SALMON! Colman's Mustard mixed fresh with cold M DUIS a shnm rdfr on vnitr nnnrtU T- 1 - r o- a. UllllgS out the flavour of meats, fish and salads. Mustard adds savour and zest to your meals. olnarfs Mustard L A. digestion. The Daily News 1'JUNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every After neon, exMfit Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily New, Limited. Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing Editor. SUKSCRIITION KATBS: City Deliver', by mail or earrier. per month .75 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year St.o; To all other icouatrian, in advance, per year $7.50 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 9R Editor and Reporters Telepiwne - - - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Friday. Sept. 23, 1927 EXAMPLE OF HEROISM The wire, yesterday brought word from Saskatchewan of the heroic self-sacrifice of one of the sisters of the mission at Beauval where a number of native children were burned to death. In a fruitless effort to save the children she suffered the same fate. Again and again we read of such examples among religious people and ameng those who profess no religion. Yet each sew example f heroism gives us a thriil. We feel that there is something noble in our race and that the deterioration of which some people speak is large!' a mental illusion. CANADA AND THE LEAGUE (Toronto Globe) By the election of Canada to one of the three vacant non-permanent seats on the Council of the League of Nations fresh evidence is afforded of the growing prominence which the Dominion is acquiring in international affairs. The appointment is for a term of three years, and the representative wi9 will occupy the seat will be selected by the cabinet at Ottawa before each meeting. Canada, of course, is already a member of the Assembly, but membership in the Council admits the Qominion into some of the more delicate negotiations in connection with the work of the League. Far removed from Europe, where most quarrels between nations , ... .... ... : .- r 1 - ai i anise, uiuaua, inrwugn rui aeiegaie, snouiu be able, because of an entire absence of self-interest, to render very helpful service in relation to controversies which must inevitably come before the Council from time to time. Canada's representative, too, will be better qualified to represent the point of view of all the nations of the American continent than the delegate of any other country. WHEN IS A FIGHT NOT A FIGHT? Some barn yard philosopher drops in to inquire when is a fight not a fight? He draws attention to the fact that two men had a fight at Terrace the other evening and the man who got the best of the bout is taien to jail. Just after that there is another fight at Chicago which is watched by nearly two hundred thousand people and the winner gets a million dollars for hie share of the boodle and is publicly acclaimed throughout the world as champion fighter. He is a hero. This philosopher goes on to suggest that if the police allow one kind of fighting and disallow, the other, then it may be that the same system may be applied to fights between nations. Why make all the people fight whea the matter might be settled by choosing one or two on either side and let them fight it out? It could be settled under international rules and the work jrf the world would go on as usual. While there is a touch of humor in the philosopher's suggestion it must be admitted that the settlement of disputes by fighting fn the lists at spectacular tournaments was a much more reasonable method of settling international disputes than the one we havt today. . PSYCHOLOGY OF THE FIGHT s There is still something more than a remnant of savagery in the human-race. Hundreds, qf . Prince Rupert people heard the details of the contest last night and thousands are reading them today They will remember each jab that the champion gave and all the sturdy efforts of the challenger to again lift the pugilistic crown. They gloat over the details and the more blood is spilled the better they like it. The very fact that thousands were watching and that by reading the account they could picture what was going on added to the attraction. Some, think that this bruising match is a good antidote to the accounts of light games of skill in which neither side suffers and that it tends to keep young men from being afternoon tea fops. What is certain is that it is the one bii; even of the week with most people and that the day of the r iz-e fjKhi has not yet ended BOY Fists I vi'; STRENGTH VITALITY BEEF Into yon BOVEIL-Creates Energy 90 9 w I sv sg? m aai mwaVsM w - .Moscow Government to Spend Hhhrrraan IWIim They Disap-I I-arge Amount of Money in , p.ar Hec Herring; are no ' Celebrating Lvent , There j j uu uDjanr. attaiu Tom KmIw) declares some af the i" ' brTt Sainton giound ilmy nam v No vtr Lffort . to be Spared; o j i Ked .1 -snm echo tm- OJ Troop to Parade Through -uon pt. " " ! lantrlar o: the grounds wUl go 1 MOSCCW. K: W ethillg - Sept. - lAisaOated j Pre, Ketthsr effort mt inane la be- i sMksi unronicie . .w. .w- : "I am " year old ' Mtd i.w. .'. .... i "1 1 fcrn hsve IMtMd fMMd all si; my mj Ufa life I wuuimn an niayBi.yr unur. a dml tletobur Vsimition appointed charged wftb approval completion of all preparation. The centre of the oalabraUon will be Moscow and the Bad Square VM&H." on the roof of the Lenin In stitute Illuminated ehangadblt electric letter will spell oat during three days corwi of Bolshevist slogan. Special plaas and cinema sceneries of s true Bslshevist ideologloai character are being compiled by prominent Soviet authors and playwrights for presenta tion in the numerous theatres, movies and workers clubs. Excursions are to be organ iced for workers and peasants from the country. Moscow workers, employee and Red troops are to open the celebration with a parade through the city and to the Red Square. Leading artiste on portable itaees mounted on motor lornee wul enact Mvoluttotxry soanea in the streets. Juaterous factories, workers' club, new buUdtegs. wtretess installations and hydraulic stations an, to be opened aH over the Union LITKIUTl HE AMI OAUIiH Booklets and pesters of revolutionary character and postcards with likenesses 'J Dovihevtst leaden are being issued by trie state publishers to be sold or dis tributed free of charge to the popula-Ml. Hundreds of thousands of brass and sliver signs bearing the Soviet em blem. Hammer and Slekle. and the dates 1917 and 1927, are being stamped. nd red banners embellished In gold and silver manufactured. Biectric factories and textile mills are working hard to produce the necessary amount of Ted bulbs and red bunting. TRUE STORY OF A GOAT AND BATTLING HAROLD Kilmonlon Herlhe Trll Inlemtlnr, Kn-uunler In llrug More if that my "Battling Harold" MeMasters has finally wen a decision, but he had to have the- aidf!jaPlardy Pecan roll to make the grade says the Edmonton Bulletin. -Battling Harold," In case you don't know it. Is one of the best known of the local eautlltewer industrtaliiti. sn'd fccj lt -moTe decisions than any other ctsver known. But on Thursday It was different, and the battler succeeded In getting somebody's goat It was a real goat, too. and It Invaded the Service Drug Store, at the corner of Jasner' and Second, making straight for a pile of ncaray candy. Effort of girl clerks -ret ilie gem out proved ucavalllne. and It was then that "Battling Harold" went into action. He squared ud to the Koat In approved style, and the goa- -ook a flying putt at the battler. Harold sidestepped, swung with bis left, connected, and went down for the count when the goat eaught him foul wun a below-the-belt butt. But the "Battler's" blood was un. and when be had recovered bis wind he owung back Into the fray. It was when It looked as If the goat would win over the whole route that a girl clerk su- s-'ested strategy. She handed "BattUnz Harold" a Plcardy pecan roU, and sug-RetrC he walk backwards out the door holding It out to the goat. Harold denied any Intention of walklne any other way but backwards as lone as the goat was loose, and strategy won out. 1 riff cost fn1Viwrf th. ti-.,i-. out and Harold threw the candy as fsr away as he could, rive minutes later the goat was back for more, but "Battling HaroM" was not called from his corner, the goat being unable to get past the guardian on the drug store door. LATE. Professor (to tenderfoot entering class late) When were you born? Tenderfoot On the second of April sir Professor Late again. -Answers. over every foot of the king eebuou ajaauiuln la Besjth -eastern a alalia. j "W uatd to cntrti king salmon by I bsftd twill im aad if.tr Dower trail lua 1m dee to (be short on the ocean auto at h-,. tfaraear liana. N; we have V) 0 B " 14 I"cme KsamUc walla, fitting the at reotane with the Lenin Mausoleum In it eentte ! Whjr? & thr luer hae dasttoy-ana Mr frund. m otoat b naofcrt by graTw of aweral pm-i1 hor mment Bolahevllu. Rustlan and foreign. win .11 be I wo 1 wltnl 10 draped in red banneta behind which huge electrically lighted ftumeeaJe ' aouod w catch;ng herrlnf In "17-ietr wUl be nlaced. ' on ,ot nr Barjuaf Island. Whtiaear the the lwrtn oed up there waa a fhtet High over MkClotM bttttdlng on ;hc uiher 1U oi ;ue ilqiiaie a SOO yard OI DOT ! P 01 tM ""n 00 ch,nce ttr ';n11 !ro"" bou pla.aid wUl be erect bearag an Ulu- l rWa u 1d w oUo ,hr "rnr t0 " ninatad laacrtptloa: "Prom to re- , ! "lmon r klu8 ;eed on the herring cor -. u.-ion." Smaller plaearUi with th u.uai ,oUo ,B1 bu: th c" revolutionary aioguu wUl cow the walte. At the entrance of tfee " dwe w!th wue "P-buUdlns there w 01 be a 90-toot Soman tog ia She kesrini: I am willing to x lowbe the atatamem that for every 4.000 M.ouaxs ANH IJ.li:H I Brr4f heering takes from the waUra Prom ead to and of the We aouare 001 an 1 000 cannM wUl be contrived on wire Mgfc to the air Uluatrmtlng the growth of Soviet industry and the development of dem- munlat narUaa all over the wadtl. napping. The remainder goaa ' kato fertUteer. ' I "On Bhai laat trin in lltll tmllins boat, the Osaaet. I left here Jury e ana made the trtn to the Baranof aruunda. Pive largo balloons. wMn Illuminated "Ml BsMf Uland and out in the lnacrlptton. wUl float at tmtmm ear- i2" around to Oape spencer neis of an acuacent aoaue faohw tht'1- bMk 10(0 ,r) stnlts and Chatham !aJ aeveral thou ad National ThwitK T .nx. .-.. ih. uttr nH tk. i ti,, ! looking for king ulmsn Why? mlle ' wUl be occupied by chant Ic letters cmum met S the o!d IP0UJ!d have beei Man in the Moon Be- killed off by the destruction of her ring. The Yea Bay grounds are gone The Hadley grounds are gone The Chomley grounds are gone The insh jre ground from ofce and of the ocean of Baranof Island to the other end are koik Small trailers, who used to make their catches to IsaMe and cafe waters uov r:sk their Uvea by going out into the Pacific Ocean to try and make a living "Unless sroKhing is done 'to stop the wholesale destruction of herring, the natural good for all krsxfe o: fish, there will be no king aalsuo to catch In a few yeaea front vstw. Every one in Ketchikan knows me. They know that I knew the game of fishing. ad they know that I can back up any statement I make.' ALL the doctors recommend sleep and THE other day a tourist rtimmi into a Prince Rupert stow and asked ; nnuate "and.Cj at " say anop in thai out of the way neck of the woods that kept dog biscuit "No, we don't keep 'em. as long as there's folks like you around," was the reply of. the local merchant. "Take a few and oat them right here." THERE la room for everything except the knees, of a tall driver in a small oar. IN order to hold any of the big in cms world it s not necessary to know who are all the apart champions. MANY children succeed in spite of tne -sUing laflneaoM. of their mothers, ' ' THE. meanest man la ot :-very .?ori. 1 iptcuotn wnen there st so nrueo Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert WEPTK.MHKH t3. 1917 Prepared by the makers ofMesties Habij This advert Ucmrnt is no" pubJi hnd or d;-i :,. r ' of BriVinh larry Upsett, Rev. W. E. Colllson. J. K Venabie. D C. Stuart. Thomas Mc-Meekln E H. Mortimer and O. W. ' Morrow. News has been received In the city 'f the death In the Has! ton Hospital 'f Aod MoKlnnon. wl! known miner nd rsTOssssctor. who has been In the tstrict for the past seven yean. LAND ACT. yet not many people like to be caugtv. ! 'nT,CE ' f XT IJNTI o K TO ArrtY TO In Queen Charlotte Islands Land He cordinc ruatrlet at Prlnm rtunort aitrt Jedway Harbor. Moresby la TAKE NOTICE that MUlerd Paeklnc r.orapany, Limited, of Vancouver, BjC., "icupattm raekerv, Interna to apply for ,wm " w iyc luiiuwmtg uncriura una: Commencing at a post planted at the v.ohesvtt corner of Lot 88. QJ.; thence jnnwesteny and along nigh water mark IS chain, more or leas, to a point N as s? E. from the ax. earner Lot 140 '.hence north 56 3T E 1-6 chains, more r leas, kj iow water mark: thence 3rUi easterly along low waer mark to a point N. 56 37' E. from the location post; uienee 2.2 chains, more or less to the point of commencement, and containing 6 acres, more or less. MILLERD PACKIKQ COMPANY LIMITED, Applicant. Dated September 7, 1827. LAND ACT r.oTici; or ixtcntion to ,trn,Y to IXASK LA Nil In .Queen Charlotte Islands Land Tlr- enrdlng District of Prtnee Rupert., and situate at Ferguson Bar. Orsham T.i.rwi TAKE NOTICE. thgV.Bomervllle Cannery Ocmpsnr. limited. Vancouver. B.C. occupation Packen. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands : Oommenctng at a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot 1571, QCI-thence east 30 chains: thence north 3 ih.(n. mnn n. 1 I . . 1 -...w i.oo, hi uiw wKbcr mailt : ! thence west following low water mark ,30 chains: thence outh 2 chains, more or less. -..Z.J? 10 point or f0"0??""501: eommencament. nd At the snnual jneetlnc of the North- 1 witwuiiud "i iuj mvrvm. more or less. era B.C. Agriculture; , & Industrial A- BOMERVILI CANNERY COMPAN soelatlon latt night, the tulle:', in- dlrec- LIMITED, Applicant torn were elected A w Erim tv fif I BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBjj mm mi NESTLES CL whole world knows NESTLES forte richness and, , puritv Fully matured and ripened in individual oak casks. The Dominion Government., seal over the capsule of each bottle cf Seagram's Whiskey guarantees the ae. .urt;i a !; lioarii i Canadian National cfhc Largeft 'Kailway Sylan in America. STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SEUVM S.tlLIMiN Inwn I'UIMX III I'l'.KT lor V.IM'OI VEIL Vlf ro'.'t ! ' and Internieillnle biIii.. ear it Till ItsllAY anil rr avvox ami KiTdiiK.w h vi:iim:hiav. I - la MTKW.tKT eiarh HATl ttlltV. IO.ihi p.ni. lor NOUTII AMI hOtTll 1JI KKN i ll tllMITTR h, MIS fa. e , PAHHENOKK TKAISIt LtAVK fKlNCK Rl'PtKT JMII.Y EXCEPT Ht'Ml.t at JIJO an. far I'HIM K iil.((iE EI"' TON. WINSireO, all uolnla EaMem fanada. I a""' ie j.tHrrit I'.tKK t.onoi: oi-e.n mat 21 to nr.rTmni:K : SEE CAMAOA IS CANADA'S JIHILEE M - II' : AOE.NCY AU. OCfcAN BTEAMNIIIP UStH. Use CsnsdUn Nalloasl Ktprrsa for Alaney Order, torrtra ksn elc alio for your neit shipment, CITY TICKET limit US TIIIIID AVE.. fRINCi: al'rf.RT rhr Join Our Christmas Kroehler Club and make her dreams come tru.c ONLY $10 DOWN NOW Barrie's Home Furnishings Ilox 808. l'none ,r UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT CENTRAL HOTEL The plnce called "Home" 120 Rooms, American and rJuroiwan I'ian. Ho: and Water, flua meets all trains and boats. Sample Koom Phone 51. 1 Martin, Mana Solex Electric Lamps Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailing from prince Kupert. rueiMlar. tr VANCOUVEIt, VICTORIA, Swan on Ilaj, Alert Hay, elc tor VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, llutedaie, Alerl .twl' I' tor POUT HlMPHON, ALICE ARM. ANYOX. SltWAUT. Hales day, g p.m. ler Niurf niter poInU and Pert Hlmpnon. rrlday p.m. ouuert, U-c. 123 2nd Avenue. a. M. SMITH. Agent. Hluced rate B Tlimugh tlekeU sold to Vktorla and Kentlle at a renuceu "aggage tlirfked tlirnugli to destination. m