m PAGE FOUR Neglected i. Eyes, NEGLECT Is doubtlefs the eaie of most of the ills that afflict humanity. This Is so self evident that it seem hardly aeeess&ry to tell you. If your eyes are giving trouble, have them attended to and at once. OP ALL absurdities in the kingdom of foolishness, surely the loss of eyesight through neglect is the most inexcusable. DONT lose health and efficiency through neglect Come and seel Fred Joudry Registered Optometrist and Optician Room 3 Smith Block Phone 763 f THE WISE OLD CWlTS FILLS MIS COAL BIN NOW-TO GET ECONOMyjfVy Fuel economy means baying the right coal at the right time. We have a yard full of quality coal waiting for your order. Now is the time to get your supply before winter comes. This is the right place. NANAIMO - WELLINGTON COAL and ALBERTA SOOTLESS COAL Albert & McCaffery Phones 116 and 117 Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE Phone 381 P.O. Box 15C5 LAUNCHES, SCOWS, ROW-BOATS AND CANOES SAND AND GRAVEL Equipment for Diring and Salvage Work Agents for Easthope Engines and Stump Pullers NORWEGIAN HALIBUT GEAR IN STOCK Compass Adjusting VELVET Ice Cream THE VERY BEST1 Take a brick home tonight! We cater for Parties, Picnics, Dances, etc. Prompt Delivery Velvet Ice Cream Co Corner Third Avenue and Second Street Phone 738 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST - .!-t"a 1. lilt. vMLX .twa - ..I Rv f"vFW"rrrr DD1MPIMP fin PlTTirn IVfl-A . JAMES WANT VDU 1 VERXC r- ,, lUJl-JJ I 1 f " ' ' Vl L v ( BUT 'T TKEe TO 3EMD VOOR. WCLU - j ) BY 60CUV - HT I IM T I I Wr Qu, r " I BOY TO 6ET &OME , d.' 1 . ane. v..T,.. I . T - II. O U! I WWlLft TC TUNNEY WIN'S BIG FIGHT AT CHICAGO' BUT FAILS TO KNOCK OUT DEMPSEY (coattaucd tram page out) the marine tent over a bard right cross to Dempaey's jaw. They clinched and Tanner took left on the chin that j hurt him badly. Tunney uat a left ! to Ptmpnyt bets and then they 1 (paired. Jack forgot hi grouch, started j to get tack to hi old uac slugging. Be stsssped la and at a tight right cm the Jaw. They aV-nCifd again and I Tunney cut loose M dTOysetl tbrte ok Dsuiusey-s noa. Oeoe put across hie : first rlgbthook jam besore the round, It was Tunney round ROt'NI) a. Drmpity started fast and landed a let; la Tuaaejrs stomsch. tbey clinched. Tunney aookad bias bard in the sumach. Tunney took offense. Dempsey aeored oae-two to Tunaey't stomach Tbey cinched and Jack hit htm hard cn the back of the bead. Tunney cent a stinger to the Jaw with hit right and Dempsey naaiid a UtUe groggy In the clinch Tuaaey used hla left band oc Dempsey -a wait use seemingly to much effect. Dempsey bored la but vat met by a sUC right and left on the lav. Be countered with tome stomach blows and shoved Tuoney around the nag. Tunney hung on at the round ended. The round was even. KOlMl 4. Referee Barry cautioned Dempwy about low Mows. Tuaaey opened up with tome lefts to the note landing hit Jabs without return. In the ctlneh Tunney complained of another low blow. tey took The champ. laid two long shoti In the stomach and Demptey hung on. Ton- ney was sinking almost at will and Oempsey was groggy. He recovered la clinch but misted a long left aad Tunney laid across a stinging rljh; Mook. Tunney dropped three rights on Dempseyt chin Out knocked Dempsey into the corner, be hung on and took four more rights to the Jaw. Dempsey hung on the ropes to get to his corner at the end of the round. Tunney won the round by a Mg margin and only the ropes kept Dempsey from bitttng, the canvas. ROt'ND S. Gene started for the three on Demp. seys face but Dempsey laid across a straight left that hurt Tunney. Tun- ney dropped three lefts to the Jaw and had Dempsey back against the ropet and covering up. Tunney rushed ttt and dropped a heavy left on Jack's mouth. He started Jabbing .Dempsey with long lefts. Dempsey landed a right that rocked Gene's head but the champion came back with a whole Cook of blows to the mouth and nose that nude Dempsey hang on. Demptey bangs on and looks for an openfing. Tunney put aortas a right cross to the Jtw as the ben ended and took the round again. Dempsey staggered to his corner. Tunney was nearly as fresh as when he entered the ring.' round e, . ucy jmTca cunouj. iiinney land ed a right hut Dempsey returned two rlgirts to the Jaw. They squarred off and slugged to Tunney' advantage. Tunney Unded a right on Dempsey t head that rocked the Manasta Mauler. They sparred again and Demptey covered up his face with his gloves. Finally be drove a long left straight to Tunney's Jaw and Gene hung on. Gene threw a right and after a couple of lefts to Demptey's face, Dempsey wat hurt and backed away. Tunney sank six short Jabs to Demptey's Jtw and Jack teemed j orunz. Me mused a long left and Gene hung one on his eye. It was Tunney's round. Again Dempsey had weathered that round In better fata km than any except thlrd, and; had done more damage. ROIAD 7 Tbey sparred. -Tunney stepped In but d!d no damage. He missed a right and Tunney took a nine count. It wat with a series of hard body blows. Tunney got up at the count of nine and backed away from Demptey's blows. In the clinch Jack worked on' Tunney's etamaeh. Tunney sank a left 'to' Denfe sey's jaw but he was runifmg away. Tunney missed two. Tunney ran away from another but Dempey chased him and Unded three to the head. Tbey clinched and Jack chased him around the ring when they broke. Dempsey sank what looked like low blows at the hell rang. It was Demptey's round by a big margin. Tunney was In bad shape when he went to his corner. ROl'ND . Jack took a right to the bead and Tunney laid in two long left Jabs in I the clinch. Dempsey scored with a 'short left and right to the Jtw. Hj Puts you on your toes WHEAT Ideal for chilly mornings Protects you against stormy weather ' MaKe it a daily habit pitted a long lei: and ther. took one m. the eye that opened a cat in ic left optic. They clinched and when they broke both mltssd Mow. Tunney took a fierce left In the stomach and Oemp-tey followed It with a rigfct and two more lefts. Tunney dropped Oempaey ju one knee wiu a left Jab to the Jaw. It wat a kooek-down but be rote before the count of one Tunney tank taother left to the sore eye and Oampeeyj hurt. Tunney ' round. Both men were groggy at the bell. KOI Nl 9. Tunney tried for another slam at Dempseyt Jaw. TJemptey tended a left to the Hanli and they flinched, Tun ney put across . a hard right. Dempseyt They clinched again and Demp-J bungon. Demrw-j .cored with lefU ok an an awful awful hMw" blow" t8" K fK. the "Jaw . -' l. l -.-r.-. . . the ettnen. Gene landed a right ob Demptey's nose and followed It with another to the nose . Dempsey took scene fleree blows that made hit face i matt of blood. Both eyes were bleeding. Geae forced the fighting Tun- and Demptey eu nearly round but in the out Light, wholesome bread, with the tasty, golden-brown crust?, ..baked in your own Klidm'e can1 'you think of" anything nicer? - ROYAL YEAST CAKES hi! :cc; a the tight ended. Official decision: Tunney wins. PRELIMINARIES la first preliminary Mg hoy rotorsoa of Mew Ortetna defeated Jlsssay Oreate of Hew Jotf. refrtoa ait Ooaae freaueaUy and avoided most of ;ne laetsraefs wide xwings. 'The bout was stow and Peter-ca at no time, extended hlmteii. THO IIClVYUEhlllT The neat preiieilaery wat between, .wo mare oearymgbta. Cbwck Wtawint of InrtanapoUs and Jlnuay Byrae at Lemleeule. Ky. Wlgatat could bC locat the Oosonoi during the gave Use Kea- tawktaa aa awful taaalng. Tbey both were stuggtag and put oo a fast fight that satisfied the oraad Wiggins who has bee Tunney 's chief sparring partner' uadtd blow (or Mo la the JJUrd raoad. bath fighters took punMtmeat. The ney rushed in with s series of lefts and f stopped before Wiggins snd Byrne had rights to the bead. Dempsey retaliated j finished their third round. Byrne hit Tuaaey dropped two more on the eye ; Wiggins with everythlag but the rtne aad landed a stiff right on the nose Tunney leaded three more without re- urn. Tunney tried put across the knock oat blow and Demptey's face was -a sorry sight. Tunney's round. j Referee Barry instructed them. ROI M It. Jack knocked Tunney down with another left to the stomach. The champion was up before the count of j one. Dempsey landed three hard rights i to the stomach. Tuaaey was cautious ! posts aad the Indianapolis heavy could hardly get to his corner si the end of the fourth muad. The hoys continued to slash at each other during the fifth round and neither were sbie to find their earners Both were bleeding profusely. Byrne wen the fight Wiggins was forced tc hold on frequently la the final round Hi face wss badly mutilated. TIIIKI) PlltLIM. Another preliminary was ran in be- and backed away. He dropped a aeries ; tween George Uanley Denver aad Tale of lefts aad right on Deapseyw face OTCunn, New York, the boys neither that made It start bleeding again, knew enough :c teemed for even a pre Tunney ssnk a right and left to the Umivjry Tt-ey sparred through most Jaw. Dempsey appearing unable to de- of, the two rounds snd ellncBed fend Ms face. Tunney followed with when i'-.ev got la close. lefts and rights to the face. Dempsey I The boys fought listlessly, their bleeding was Just able to hang cm. I fronts being louder than the sound or Tunney slammed the bead w.w more 'he Wo- an-i far more frequent getting hit only in the c!.nc!;'- Tun- Vviner 3-often nor did they do nev ssnk left ?vA Mn. : -.e c- r' tyd Ornnnlly breezed Hl C W U. Ft tvm Somes. I-C C fc r n.s Y anted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED" ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taLen'foe lets than 50c iidkaaasattv dtalrd aawisw has ve as. side-purse. There will be s full card af prsilmlnartes aad. waea all arras gr ata have beea completed, aa la- twtatlag esealag for loaal faaa shoaJd result. Kow the bag fight ss aU over. The ighu are rtgbt aad the wrongs are wrong. All the world has watched while Geae Tunney and Jaek Deeapsey anted another mlltlem aad a half he-were them tar a half aa hour's maul-ag. The winner ie crowned wrth the fruits os victory aad the laser has Mated the bitter fruits of defeat. But the monetary reward la the tatag to nteaslfy the glory aad aUcvttte the ting. The suckers have bitten once more as tbey have done in the nasi and will always do la the future. It 'a indeed a great game. Safely may It now fee said that Tun ney Is the better of the two a real toxrr fully worthy of wearing the ttowb which be has both won aad iueressrutty defeased. Twice now aaa he e -marine defeated the "raea-eeter" la this self -same maaaer of outpotattaf and It Is ao mesn fighter that would to that to the great Jack, rurjy established now la Gene Tuoney as the most finished contemporary boxer without, however, a knock-out punch, finely be has fought and finely has he won. Jack Dempsey has failed in hm auempfem eatnesbaek, Thle supreme cnert having proven vain, tt It doubtful If he shall ever try It again. Nor Ja bis passing an Inglorious one for as has been a great champion, probably now Bis mantle baa fallen on worthy shoulders and there, from the present Indication, it win probably remain frr many a moon. Other points In the north are getting their sporting activities Maed up lot the winter. At a general meeting of the members of the Smtthers Athletic Club recently, plana were well started off for basketball, skating and curling. Prince Rupert should also be getting started. Edllard are wed under way toward orgaatzattoa for the season. In the near future, it will be necessary to get basketball, and feadmlnton organ! ration going. There are many who are anxious to ptsy. , A Skiing Club to help while away the winter months Is In the course of organization at Francois Lake. An Ideal -place close to McDonald's landing has been chosen as the training grounds. Behind the project are In cluded Knute Nysven. Pred Coombes, VJtss'Caomnes. Fetter Sandnti. Ivor Bearland, 'ttoaild Prosser snd several lothers Jiave Intimated their Intention of I ImmMliMf setting fnta Ift 'Tt Sehjelderup. R. Lowe and J. T. Steele are said to be contemplating a similar organization In Burna Lake. muskratIeasesare IN GREAT DEMAND REG INT. 8ak.. Sept. 23 Appllcatlont ! for leases on "muskrat farm land" are pouring into the Provincial department of agriculture. game and fisheries branch, at the rate of more than a WANTED .. T - ' - - 7 I rltatd who would K.MX(IDCV IMIIT Tec WekaM snarl a lo pat oa so rawegency bout begot the mala ttahi The two flgatere had both bee waek- ng at the training tamp taef veto lack UrCan of Vtlaaespalsl aad Bttff -Itlabeck of Jersey City. PM Osilias -efsrre Oaa'spra Oossastly sat daa aest o Lta Small. Ooventor at Ullnass aad wm. Male Thosaawoa. mayor of Chicago. V was as etesfd VMabeek had a aae em UeOaaa during the ttm two SPORT CHAT Aa interesting boxing touraameat Is n the offlag for lovers of the attic art n Prince Rupert and it is expected that t will be pulled off about the ead af his month under the maaagemeat at rick Sklaner The principals will he Otdo Oarvtea and Lev Oaatetl whe will attle four two-minute rounds far a MBOHAKICALLT IN like to work at the wortd't grealsat paying industry. Auto mechanics, garage work, electrical experts, waMiag. battery and vulcanising We guarantee so smaufy yaw for kay paying poaitioBa. - Oaar a red Witt or raH It Auto Bnglatartag gahiiol. It) Hawiitai at . e. vaaeauvtr. WD ourt, WAjrTa rosjrnoai wrtH pmvt- ny to wort for mm aad award walls attending High School 71. Daily newt oOtoe SITUATION'S VACANT orfl mi for maji or SOME ttsadtng; waa aaa aaallfy as laaat ma aarer -aaadllag osxaawdlty af dally usage. JVrmaaeat aad tahstfUal laesaae to right party Bee Ur. taag. ley at New Royal Hotel. SM AGENTS WANTED ANYONE CAN BARN IM WgEKLT DP. la erty or country, la spare ttm taking orders tor the Be4-Known. Hlgh-eet-Orade. Lowewt-Prtced ltae Oana-dtaa msdi Chris baws Oeawtrag OarsM. Magnifiefcsat sample book free Write Canadian ruatsshtnj Oo . U Wteatag too W Toronto. 3M AQBNTB KTTHWt afJCgfg WIBKLT easy settiaf Faleo aeaoers. WssfM PolsshrtU. Oleaas everythlag rfM. Rseaovea road tar without la Jury to paint. Bells oa dcrnonstrattcn Samples tree. P. A. Ufetorre ac Oo.. Alexandria. Oal FOIt SAI.K TO SALE CHEAP. ONE DOOBLB couch aad mattrees: 0 luaea ttbtts; 18 chairs; oae kitchen sabinet. one White Frost lot bx. Phoae Bed 114. FOR SALE. NEWTON RIFLE AND L O. Smith shot gun Apply Star Wvtdhag Cow Bay. 223 FOR SALE. Bed, range, kitchen table. Phone Red Ml. 3M FOK KENT FOR RENT NICE LA ROC FURNISH ed room on Fifth Avenue West with private family. Heated. Fine marine new. Phone Blue 00 of Black 811. FOR RENT FOUR ROOMED FUR- nfcmed apartaveat with water peat Phone HI. aad at FOR RENT FURNISHED APART- ment by the day. week or month. Phone Red 607. tf FOR RENT. Pianos, phonographs and singer sewjng machUe.. .Walker's FOR RENT MODERN HOUSE. HAR-I bar view. Apply ail. 4th Ave. E. U HOUSE FOR RENT ROOMS AND BATH. Apply Munro Bros. tf AUCTIONEER MRS. OLOVERINO. WHO 18 MOVING to Smiths rs. wishes to .sell the following lut of furniture and effects. without reserve, on Saturday at 3 run. In the Federal block. Four tube radio set; good as new; 303 British rifle: she tables SO I 30; 34 chairs, square (unlet, table; Frost refrlgOrtor. kite eabraet, lino for kitchen? i ll Cg!em, rug, day couch, aaetfl salesman with cduatrr 3 x ft: bed complete, window blinds, glassware. China and other articles. I will also offer for tale all the fixtures, tweh as counters, show oases, window fixtures, electric fix tu res i and merchandise belonging to Ulpt Wc HlkHtert uitoot store. wre, Federal eaerai bkxk FThl Third ifereat to all. O. F. .Brtne.' AOCttrti- er. Phone 774 LOST U38T HT-tX)AT ; (Mir.eu grey ouu. from lajaarasst pint return tc M lakatla. Jkrwara IOHT HMn TIKK ; .Article, Lost tad FouneUt 1NI) fOR THE OTJ DtXEN Ptr will now oo-- v purchase of iu N Hie of Prince ;,'.- . lag acreage. i , O. T. TlXKIK 10. IT MOI.KIt HEAt TV ClU." Mm SmhII I ... -r feStlnri.' Bkpert Instructor amuty culture .:. lag and psrmanen' t Molar. It Hastti... !- y BC. SCI10OI-S AM) Oil I- MBK AND WOMEN Vt . apart rattruetcr. paying businese El Isara and becoaie -or writs Uoler B. - msttBga St X V, UrilOUSTtWNG FURNITURE REPAIRTJa rnuu ttermg af all i:r,di 'wurtiai rteovered snd tr.s-'t f rrttt L wrk guaranteed rit Orera O. M. HUNT AUCTION SAIJ Phone 67 Ttl ' SI? "d !! balCPr al your Jti. This tale should be ofi nOSS.llKOS. TOOL uu-" doren a day. The number of appllcatlont now in the hands of the department totals more than 600. The flood of appllcatlont resulted from the interest aroused by the late provincial conference which was called with a view to drawing up a set of regulstlons governing "muskrat farming" which would be uniform for the pralrte provinces. BRINE. AOCTIONFi! Mutkrats pelts, it Is stated, are , HlKh among the most valuable now being j tow raited in the Dominion. j puMe auction n : ped gat boat or. ber it I P" further Usform'. : ' Phone S- TAXI r w E EXCHANGE NtW AND 800DHA,-T, 1" bMMftt, sold and ex-i-ar. depatm and Unt Phone 6 ,Mrekf r Work. . tfrmnrfWt'l - -1 lv r5 T" "3 f k tir.N r.tktr.E rrnTiir-u Rtfiirriox In riiEVRoixt rift- Obsssil delivery Towing Roadster Roadster Delivery Sport Roamrter Ooach Oeupe Sedan Cabriolet Ltrdiu Sedan . JaiperUl Uadau 8Ur UUIIty Eapress. 1 " D!m wheels l.O0 ei's A eomnlHe line of W hand at present r for ' demonstration ami our easy payment pun. auarautced Used Car ford coup. IMS I1W 125 per month. Ford Sedan. 182. H00 v Its per month. KAIKN otRir.E. Hate B Dealtert In all Centra; Produce . .. ...4 iretflne ti v ti ,, i: r t - f. sjas- It" Hot (Across irui" v- - iTTT' ! PRINCE RUPERT TIDES, ! High Low TiirRsn.tr. rrTi;MnrR - ? IKI1IAV, li:'" lf 33:43 Ps j, 5:20 m r.S4 nnl 12 3J PJ 0 12 ni 18 31 fJ l ' 4 j