MCE SIX : JRose, i fctta (ttrdfed PRINTING Stationery Office Supplies School Supplies Kodaksi Films Phonographs Records Novelties Dennison Goods Birthday and Every Day Cards Third Avenue (Opposite Third Street) I'hone 234 "!7 EASY" WASHING MA HINE Two sizes. 8140 and 180 TftompsonHardware Co. Ltd. MUSSALLEM Meat Market WEEK-END SPECIALS Shoulder Mutton, lb. . . 20c; Shoulder Mutton Chopi, lb. ae Loin Mutton Chops, lb.. . Stewing Mutton, lb. ... l.f Good Boiling Beef, 3 lbs, for 25f Pot Roast of Beef, lb. . . 150 Prime Rib Rolled, lb. . . 250 Corn Beef. lb. 10 0 Ayreshire Bacon, lb. ... 50 Side Bacon, sliced, lb. 450 Fresh Chicken, lb 400 Mussallem Grocery COMPANY LTD. 417-423 Fifth Ave. East Phone 18 and Phone 81 REDUCTION in Prices 15 per cent off for two weeks only Came in and inspect our stock M. T. LEE LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR Third Avenue P.O, Box 977 ANGER, the TAILOR Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order in our shop in Prince Rupert as low QCC flfi as I. ANGER, Cutter and Designer 223 Sixth Street BEAR ON ROOF tbe rove it ws OF HIS CABIN Trapper Stood in HU Shirt and Killed Bir Cinnamon as it Spranz, Toward Him BtttOrVOftV Sea. 2 CB bw iktt tnt4 a fSki'tkCrasll trass the aosae, arisen ttinwjt aVJCI af Caarbe FtasMckA ttvr trait aattky aw tnfftr. mf a. a4 e4 af certaarr hake sease Tae I rvaolt is tact be nt Mk kMd iM hie im m the railing aaaSeassataas. ', Arrivta. one asjat at aa af a mmt- j Irtaf caatas sa IN to WI1H Ik ra per an Ml i S tssri ai iaHi aatra aaa area eovcrtaf tk pern re stacet but via Mr ted beea IWInt Om! of the of a Mj bear. to b aaakt Ne s. mpper veat tm I teaetj x algal, ba a usartain by This Week Specials frig reduction in Candy to nuke way for our Xmas stock which arrives in October. Regular 40c lines, 2 Ik for 4.1c Libby's Pickles, 12 varieties, facia ding Olives, 50c to 75c values, on sale 3 bottles for 1.1 Western Corn Flakes, per pkge. Oe Pullet Eggs, 3 dozea for .. $1.05 A few Brooms left at . Genuine Pare Scotch Matt, per tin 75 Blue Ribbon Figs at half price, 2 lb. for 2.") Classic Cleanser, 6 for "A)f White Swan Soap this week only. 25 bars for $1.00 Libby's Pork and Beans, 2s, 7 tins for 9.-f 2-in-l Floor Wax, 50 value, this week only 39f Satchel Brand Peas, special, 2 for 'MC 2 packages equal to 3 tins. Heinz India Relish, 45c bottles, special, 2 for 75 New stock King Beach Loganber ries in heavy syrup, 40e line, 8 for 95e Wealthy Apples, Fancy No. 1 stock, per box ftJiO Unwrapped stock, per box $2.75 i rtx i f Ids lesiis WUrtmwi --ma loaf br- sb i. taw trapper w 1 ay tbe aoae at warn heavy a the toot, WMia wnb nae a ha seeea. CaarUe graft iS ap bat not and aeflat Sisia, tfca i naiwllaai sad tbe dtasse by raabiac oat Bt bJi shirt-tails. On tbe roof stood tbe btf bear aforesaid It caarted witb rag and leaped from tbe roof toward ttaa trapper aa it cauaa: sight of btam. la mid -air. tbe animal wm itagarred by a beary stag from tae trapper veapoa. At tt on tbe groaad. beflowtag Mb tbe trapper fired aaam. tba hattertag one of tbe bear's hip bob at ! Despite its broken htad ltmb. tbe bear lurched to it fore feet and Or acred itself towards tbe trapper tt could rui -cove fait however, and Chart was gren lou of chances to kill tt It etth two bulieti through ita bear. : -skull U tail to be one of tbe :.-.---of tte kind erer taken out af the -. - A ranker caarge vaa laid police eoart yeswatf afternoon 1 D. ZareOl of aeUtng Uqoor du.- :.; -htblted boun. namely on Sunlar Adjournment ww taken un-.i; totjj j,-tras aljo done la tie cases of P p-.or.r. Italian Prunes, the very best, per box $1 We guarantee all our fruit money back if not satisfied. i Market Day Raisins. 4 lb. pkgs. 05? : Braid's Best Tea is worth 80c and Braid's Best Coffee is worth 75c. This week 1 Tea and 1 Sweet Biscuits. 5 lbs. worth $3.50. This week at cost $2.25 B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 45 and 574 MILK PRICE Redirced to 12 pints for 81.00 7 quarts for 351.00 12 pints for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McBride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy - 11th St Telephone 657. A. Sevesjon and aith concuaunc peace. Alyaaeb. AUee 40 tore or lew. Oscar Oiten charged liquor in a public , UHtTHER KllPOKT. calm, temp 4S jr. calm, temp 47. j. calm. tepm. l. tamp. 44. Creek. Cbaaiy, amitbera Foe. calm, tepaa. 4S. Buros lake rof. calm. 9. FREAK OF CURRENCY GAVE FRANCE WHIP HAND WHICH THAT COUNTRY NOW HOLDS (oonttaaed bom pate oae tattteacy 1 The treaty ae abeotntely tbe recalt of Aaaertean nrftaeaee and tben it bad been LAND ACT. NOTICE Of INTENTION' TO .Nt.T TO Qtteeo Charlotte blaadt Land District Land BecenUac District of Prince Ro-pert. tad situate north of Lots 1968 aod leavr. TAKE KOTICr that Tbe Laofara Flab mx and Packl&c Co. Ltd. of UawtU oc cupation CamMra, Intend to apply tor a :eae 01 tne sooorjiz aeacrtoea mnas: Coaa&eaelBSr at a post planted twenty France ens ins nertb ol Tan Indian Reertt aaa on tbe tbore of MctntTre Bay; tfeeace north i chains to tbe low water mark; thence westerly foUowlne eald low water 160 chama; thence aou&erly 5 chain; thence easterlr ISO chama to tbe point of eonuBeaeemeat. and fontalniac eighty LoASGARA FISHINO & PACKING CO. LTD, AppUrtnt rretl Nats. Ajibv Dated June 27 1477 LAND ACT NOTICE Or INTENTION' TO APPLY TO LE.fE UNO In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Ropert. and attoate on Pnncevt Royal Island at East Side Core from Butadale Cannery. TAKE NOTICE that I. Jacob Koekl. of Butedale. BC, occupation a flaberman. uitend to apply for a lease of the following described land: Commencing; at a post planted about 500 yards northeast of Bntedale Cannery Wharf: thence east 5 chains: thence south 2 chains: thence west S chains: thence north 2 chains to potnt t Tf n ' "' of commencement and containing one icuci s i ii utc mi naies rtsaorieu i acre, more or teas JACOB KOSKI. Applicant. Dated August 27. 1937. Cash and Carry Grocery 6th Avenue and Fulton-Stied- fA n why we sell for et)Lud b; chasing your groceries from you are able to save 25 per cent on your investment Quality is high, and prices low. Everything Friday e THE DAILY NEWS Keep BLOOD-POISON Oaf TtHEN skin is broken as in cuts, bruises, burns and scalds, millions of microbes are waiting to invade the tissues. Don't lose a moment in smearing tfiat Injury with a little of nature's own healer, Zam-Buk, which kills off these dangerous germs, checks blood-poisoning and after medicinally cleansing the tissue covers it up with new healthy skin. Zam-Buk takes the pain and the peril out of daily mishaps. A box of this famous herbal balm should be always on hand. It provides you with a reliable "home doctor" for a hundred emergencies. af uts aft laavtsk it iav Wa. m tm Mala i rtu Uani af ttl, (ns ksraal kata a araittsna te Zsa Ca, bawl U. Itmtm. IntBj iuM tse faasM. tR lmm. taat. swa. i mi. tuin. ruat, ltnm, Sere Baaea Cata Sana. I at at, as aaaraaabaaal ma left ;n the lurch 07 Aater.c4.-j Xha had a aensus eflect upon France. : :if.::e tatary wnh -.3 fo.:7ed aad the A 9crupat;on A Oerasaa territory be. canie matter for d .kuh on. Prance was diacourafed St bad wou '.he war aad et it tooted at tf she had last tt. Tbe coantry bow fcecam divided UKo Mf pollUcal troops. On oae aid he HadiciU and Tbii litais and tbe asaderate Bepublicans kaowa tat "rarnml as LibcraU. The speaker toat af the apt and downs of these partlea and the ef-fom to secure stable goevrnatent bat in the meantime tbe Frebch peopie basan ending tbetr money out of the coantry aad no foretcn atoaey eaaae la and as a resatt the rata ot the trane dropped steadily until the crtsat eaoae whea it reached 383. A period of lattabUUy had art la aad Industry was at a iTsnatilTI Crowd! of people surrounded 'the government offices abotitlag "Down with the Socialists.- They ware pucsablt but the unit t fell. a called aa to form a which be did. Uklag charge j of the finance baaself aad firing Brstad charae of tbe foratcn affairs Wttp the change of amiiinaini capital bin 11 to com back: SDtalgima beaa to boy French currency aad the franc jampat hi ratoe amaV ft reached 1SS. wfcere tt remain somewhat stable. Then the goearaaeat bad to bay TTngiab aod VM. seearttfe with th! reaatt that uo wittingly acaolred the whip la finance which enable her to bargain 'over the war debt. This was followed by the eonfereaee of tour of tbe biggest fmaacial men of the world. Fnuwe baa tapped purcbastng gold atooey psermrui and tbe baaka are aU glutted. Speaking of Boisbet ant. 0aeralBra ttncl said tbe bulk or th people were opposed to change He looked on Boi- sberum a a disease which would dhw PPear trass weatcrs ciruiattloa. It had beea adopted tat Russia beeaane that country was lea crruiaad and becaaae the people had always beea mcliaed to be revolutionary U jmt ot tbe Preach peopie swneo soroe..,.:. bouse or or government bond; !N0 CAUSE IS FOUND FOR OUTBREAKS OF INFANTILE PARALYSIS TORO.TTO. Sept 23Tbere hare been ouioreexs tor several years In rartous centres, yet in no case hare tbe aatbor- 1 itle been able to ta'.tfy themselTe aa to tbe cause of the outbreak." coraateat-ed Dr. C. J. Hasuntt UX3.H , la regard to tbe epidemic of infants partly! reported in Edmonton. "Undoubtedly It to contagious." said the ItOSL. pointing out that case were negllglbie hi Toronto at present. j in store plainly marked with price Ur' wooden wardrr,n, baa been un tags. Come in and look things over. Seeing is believing, or phone I M4. Five Dollar orders delivered ; free. I S. B. ADAMS, Manager. rsor a i 4 VaW V ITS1 f f JTlaf I ! REDISCOVERIES 'RECENTLY AT POMPEII nafles. Bep 23 -The Ilrat object q wood erer discovered In Pompeii, a earthed during the work under way there excaratton Tbe wardrobe was eery wen preserved. A sUrer table serrice. inctadtag Urge bowl very .'t.y deKned and decorated with Tritorj and Nereids and a little statue of Apc:io were also Week-end Specials Bowes JImkc Meat just arrieJ from Toronto. We hare tttver tate4 it euL PoiUiy m apple filler ia this raiace meat, per la. "C Packed ia Ik pails at per Ik -'Of COMBINATION VEGETABLE SPECIAL 40 lbs. for $1.H 16 Ik Terrace Taraips 8 Ik CeokiBC OeJaas 8 Ik Blaosl Real Beet 8 Ik RC. Carrats Market Day Kaiaims, 4 Wildf Rom Pastry Plwir, Ik pke. Xif It Ik Peter Rabbit Paaaat Batter, 2 Ik tia, special I He S Ik tiav speeUl H'Jf JUTL.ND SARDINES In pure Olire Oil. Key opener. Special, 3 for IMf Van Camps Hosniny. 2Vt Ik Un. special l!)f Nabob OM Coantry Vinegar, Malt. White Wine, or Cider, ! ot. bottle, each COMBINATION SPECIAL 45c value for '.Wf I package Lax 1 Bar Sunlight Sonp 1 Bar Lux Toilet Soap 1 Package Itfno 1 Bar Lifebuoy Soap We have a aaasber of combiaa- ;un deals as above.. (Limit 2 to rath custocser). CANDY SPECIAL Jelly Beans, Gars Drops. French Creams and Ribbon Mixed Candy. Special per lb. Sugarhoose Cooking Molasses, 2 lb. tin. Special 17c CANNED FRUIT SPECIAL Your choice at per tin lOf Nabob Sliced Peaches, l's, tails Kins-Beach Greengage Plums, 2"s Blue Mountain Sliced Pineapple, 2'g Pioneer Brand Loganberries, 2's Libby Queen Olives in the large Royal jar. special each . . .11) e Libby's White Pickled Onions, packed in large Royal jars, extra special, each :i'J( French Shelled Walnuts, broken pieces, but not bitter tasting. This is the genuine French walnut, fresh from Toronto, this week, per lb. 00f Bowea Almond Icing, prepared ready to use, 1 lb. tin 50c This line is new here, and much wanted. MAID OF CLOVER CREAMERY BUTTER. In bulk, 3 lbs SlW We sell the best and cut it fresh every day. The Re-frigidaire does the rest Evaporated Prunes, 3 lbs. for 2-"c White Cooking Figs, special, 4 lbs. for 2."c Brown Sugar, special, 4 lbs. lt"C Limit 8 lbs. to each customer. This special withdrawn Friday night Gold Dust Scouring Powder, spe cial, 3 tins for Gravenstein apples, 3 lbs. . . special special iC CANTALOUPES This week, each 10f 1 i J.,c Terrace Cabbage, this wee, o lbs 'ZT? Skeena River Cauliflower, wonderful quality, each oc, :Wf oc Shipments arrive each week-end California Head Lettuce, 2 for 2.f B.C. Head Lettuce. 3 for .. 2.C Pumpkin, Hubbard Squash, Citron . ,or ia.iVbDagey per lb. ... 8ti Nf), JToinatoes,Ib4 . I7f. Basket flo'fj Green Tomatoes for pickling, 5 lbs Green Beans, 2 lbs a."Jc Italian Prunes, per crate . .," Rupert Table Supply Co Phones 210 - 211 1 na"l J m md mm v 1 In the haunts of the lordly bull-moose or in the comfort of a fireside chair, the delicate flavour and great age of "Black &VhiteH impart that "tone" and quiet recuperative effect so necessary after an exhausting day. DISTILLED. BOTTLED AND BLENDED IN SCOTLAND -Quality Telir Jirt tx'Mn 1 C i?a Cumow BLACKWHITE SCOTCH This adverti.omi'nt U nut ubh.hrd or diplaed Control Board or by the In 1 rnment of ltrit.-h WESTHOLME THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. 7 and t p-m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. Wallace Beery In "Casey at the Bat" A fast and furiou ba.eball corned FORD STERLING. SYDNEY JAKVIS, STKRI.ING H'Ht.0-WAY. SPEC O'DON'N'ELL, ZASU PITTS, IRIS STl ART Hollywood's six most beautiful girls, and man OUR GANG COMEDY "SHIVERING SPOOKX PATHE REVIEW Special Added Attraction lysarawy Campbell "trained in Manchester, England), in Specialty Costumed Dance Num'rs. Admission - - - - 50c and tic No Coal! No Ashes! No Soot! w jg More Comfort ana new- linewi Hften you nate Westing-house Electric Range Cheaper in the long run! For particulars, ph" r.e 6- Prince Rupert Supply Co. P.O. Box 772. J. A. Illnton, Manager Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited PKnce Rupert DRYD0CK AND ir TfflPhX AWFs M Operating G.T.P. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dc L'nAjneere, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmith. Pattern makers. Founders. Woodworker, ttc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant Is equipped to handle all Wnds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385