SS3532S3 TI1WBERMAN WHO WAS THE PIONEER i hurt on islands is LAUNDRY KIDS' Recovering nicely iVOU -VKWQW .. I. , . . . . YOU KKGV HOVy A VJH&N A LWJM)R.V I SPOILS HS COU.ARS . a WELL, he won't holfcr with anything but praise when his collars are returned from this laundry. There's a feeling of :omfort and newness when he puts it on and he smiles again when he sees It in the mirror. , When you have - year collars laundered our' way ajuat once, juu'U wonder why you hadn't enjoyed real comfort before. Pioneer Laundry Phone US aMWl-sWl JAEGER PUKE WOOL Underwear For the Chilly Days Ladies' Vesta. light yet warm Opera Style .Sl.r0 Sleeveless Style .. Jj! 1.7.1 Union Suits and Bloomers in all styles . JAEGER ULANKETS Two jizes, 7 or 9 lb. per pair The name "Jaeger" on any article means Quality. H.S.Wal!aceCo.Ltd. 3rd Avenue and Pulton Phone 9 YOU ARE INVITED to see Ladies' Coats Hats and Dresses at The Louvre 31C Third Avenue Next Royal Dank Thor Johnson for Mens' Clothing and Furnishing The home of "SOCIETY BRAND" CLOTHES LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sandjind Gravel. We Specialize In Piarro and Furnilum Moving- Laon Littlefield. former! iun arnl Ulir Pol Om t ope-at: :-in Maaaet. Inlet, whu suffered rwir ;u-jurwa mrl! year ago la UD tl- ene of oarati.,u. liu omVtTlrMftt! rcovn to or t t length Va-imver Oener.,1 Hu,p;tal whC 1m ben a BUrnt mm July I whw he "i- taken kjuth Tol!onf several i nnnth' twauueul In the Prince Rupert Hospital Acootdlng to Charles' t; auapua. general manager or the) Bait Pole Co . who urirM In the city Irani Tuouwf on the Oaraena this luornlhg. Mr. Littlefield U now able to " ft around with the e of crutch. T l His tog h -aput above the tm ! Kamloope: C. H Vancouver and baa now ). !d well ,ud Chsriss O. For a long time Mr. Lituf:'id s recovery was despaired of. Mr. Stimpsoo wiu proofed tomorrow fclght un the Prmee John t Port Cement where the company n- some 44 own employed la taking out pole. HOTEL .KKIVAI.H. lYtaMw Kapert Mr. J. B Agar. Terrace: W M Lea-vltt. Spokane: Mra. M. Butt a:id family. Usfc: A. J. Mason. B. P. Balur. Jonn Burrell. W. Jobnaton. J. F. Gordon. T Mather and H. P. Parker. Toronto: D. WATER NOTICE. IIIVF.HSIOV AND fE TAKE NOTICE that E Aouawau. wboae ' address la 410 Seymour Street. Vinoou-: wr. B.C.. win apply for a licence to t;ikr and use 1 cubic foot of water out ir uaaaaned stream whtek flow outb- erly and drain into Port Stephen Bay. about one mile east of Bluff Point. The water will be diverted from the stream at a point aut 6O0 feet from the mouth and U1 1 r fnr rwnirwr-dal perpete upon the land described aa Let 3l9. Ranee 4. Coaat District. Thl notice- wai pasted n the ground on the 36th day of July. 1937. A copy of thta notice and an application wutwunt thereto and to the "Water Act will be filed in the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. B.C. Objection! to the application may be filed with the aald Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights. Part Ian rat ; Buildings. Victoria. B.C.. wKhin thirty! day after the first appearance of this'; notice in a local newspaper. The date i of the ftnt publication of this notice I August 30, 1917. EUCytNE ROOBSKAU. Applicant. LAND ACT. NOTICE Of lTi:.VTIOX TO APPLY LEASE LANII In AUln Land Reeoedlng District of the Caaslar District, and situate at the moutb of Wann River, about 600 feet eaaterly along the shore from the northwest corner of the Skylark Mineral Claim. TAKE NOTICE that I. Horace Me Naughton Praner, of Atlln, occupation water mark; thence westerly 100 feet, more or lea, to point of commencement . and containing 0.3 acres, more or leu. ENGINEER GOLD MINES-LTD. INC.. ' Applicant. H. MeN. Fraser. Agent. Dated August 9. 1037. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND. In Prince Rupert Land Ttecoedlng DIs- except that portion oooupted by Indian weeerve numoer is TAKE NOTICE that I. Ole C. AusUd. of Prince Rupert. B.C.. occupation rancher. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described land:- This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia . mrba, DC: J. H Duna. Baockvllle. Oat.; Inlet: O C Pranell. Fogg. W H. MacBeth iltlinjiMu. Vanowueer. A. M. Spaeth. T. Oasrraen and T. I. Meeaon. Ketchikan: M. Laogtoo. Premier: J. B. Perrlgan. OtUwa: O O. Baker. tAjnenwurg. SS.: P. A. OUlla. Monetosi. N.; W E Dobb and O. A. Trvideau, Mnntraal: 3. H. BJabop. Wash- ( .tnerlnea: C v Uowlok. BuSaio NT.: 1. R. Humphrey and L. L Morgan, Detroit; A. B. Tyncb and P. R. White. B .ton. L. T. MoAuley. Nc wTork: W. J Mcltalr. Amherst. KB; P. K Moon. P:'lladasnla: Oeecge ath. Minnea-polla. ml H. Lavtne.' Bdmonton; Mrs. J. Wells. ChUUwadt INJUNCTION DISKED AGAINST LOGGERS C. P. Jonra .Make Applleatlon In Tounty Court n liehaU f fort C'lrnients Stan In County Court this morning before Judge F. MoB. Young. S. P. Jane applied on behalf of T.JL Williams of Port Clements for an Injunction to prevent two loggers. Durone and Millard, and the TIMREU SALE X9263 Thar win be offered for sale at Pub- lie Auction, at noon on the 37th day of i Benteeafcer. 1037. In the office of the' 'Forest Ranger. Burn Lake, the Licence TO XV306. to cut 40,000 Jaekulne ties on an i area situated about 4lt mUea from Pal ling station, uanaoian national ttauway. ' Range 6, Coast District. Three (8) yean will be allowed for re moval of timber. "Provided any one unable to attend uu. Land ourveyor. etmg aa sjrent for eeter. Victoria. B.C.. or District Forester, we aineer uno Mines um.. inc., in- prtoce Rupert tends to apply lor a lee of the follow ing described lands: , Commencing at a post planted about 500 feet easterly along the shore from 1 the corner of the Skylark Mineral Claim: thence nartherty 33S feet, thence easterly 100 feet: thence B.C. TLMI1ER SALE X1303 Sealed Tender wlU be received by the Minuter or Lands, at Victoria, later than noes on the llth day of eouterly ISO feet, rnoro or lee,.; to high October. 1MT for the purchase Licence X4303. to out TIMBER SALE X4298 B.C., sot of Pulp 49,406.000 Spruce. Hemlock and Cedar en an area situated on Copper Bay. Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Islands District. Thirty (30) years will be allowed for removal of Umber. Further particular of the Chief For-eete. Victoria. B.C., or District Forester, Prince Rupert. B C. Sealed Tender wUI be received by the ; Minister of Lands, at Victoria. B.C., not later than noon on the 13th day of : .V.'fU'i M-ti,.'a,d.,.,'t; October. 1927, for the purchase of tulp uate on and being all of Donllla Island Licence X439S. to cut 12,092000 Spruce, Hemlock and Cedar on an area situated on Orey Bay, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Island District. Thirty 30) years win be aUowed for removal ol timoer. Ctommenclnr at a poet planted at the .FurJ,1?e.r victoria. ,?anSu,Ir,.t?. B.C.. or District 9 Forester. southeasterly iitnsa etael e rVrl Ool nr t -tr of Bonllls Twin Ills Island: TO yi n thence northerly, westeny. soutneny ana i easterly, following the alnuositle of the shore line, to point of commencement. excepting therefrom that portion of the ; m ana occupied ny inaian itenerve no. la, and containing one thousand sere, more or lest. OLE C AUSTAD. Applicant Dated July IS. 1937 Prince Rupert. B.C. TIMBER SALE X4297 Sealed Tender will be received by the Minister of Lands, at victoria. B.C.. not Thirty 0)Hyear will be allowed for' removal of ftmbeg, . .Turtber 'particular of .the Chief For-1 este.'Vletoria. B.C- or District Forester. Prince Rupert, B C. ... . IN PROBATE IN THE Sl'PKEME COI KT OF IllllTISII COI.Ij.MIIIA In the Matter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Estate of Joe Elman (otherwise) Joe Herman, Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Hr nor F. McB. Young, the llth day of August, AX). 1927, I wai appointed Administrator of the estate of Joe Elman (otherwise) Joe Herman, deceased, and all parties having claims -against the eaid estate are hereby required to fur-i sh same, property verified, to me on or before the 21st day of September, ,A.D. 1927, and all parties Indebted to tlie .ettate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NOEMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. 1927. Dated the 24th day of August. AJ. IN PROBATE. IN THE Sl'PKEME COLRT OF. BRITISH OOLllMISIV. In the ' Matter ' rot ' the ''Adrrimistlon Act; and ' , n: . In the Matter of the Estate of Duncan Gilbert McKay. Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor. F. McB. Young, the 27th day of August. AX). 1927, I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Duncan Gilbert McKay, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 1st day of October, AX). 1927. and all parties In debted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. Dated the 1st day of September, AX). 1G37. THE EAILT TTT7 You Should Use TEA GIRLS ARE NEEDED T8S No other tea is so delicious. liertff. 8 A. Ntefcaraoo. from aetUng lega under an order mt sale obtained by Durone aad Millard under the Woadnaea Uea Act Adjournment vat taken far tea day. Mr. Jones' tlmi la that the log ere aeuvd tfflssugh WUllaena. to whom they telotig. aUefled that a man named OoDlnloo. anteat bea he lien was Oat. Quebec; M C. I filed, had m fight In Uw to eurrender C. J. HarHa. St. ' tbem. Damfenleo. who was cutting the leg under as arranieanent vreh WU-Itaaas. railed to nay the royalties and therefore, rt 1k dalmed. the lag were not hi praparty nartber. 'WBItasv claim to hy bad uo knowledge of tfee eonfeaitgsi C fttdfinent given by Dornln-tco to the twa logera. W. O. FWtM appeared an behalf of Ouron and Millard. HOUSEHOLD SERVICE PugceMlon to Train Old Country toung Women for tlii Country I ! TORONTO, Sept. 33 Bride Brodrr In the Mai St Empire my: All the worM that the great protdem of ttie farm today as the need of help. Aad that need is not (wof :td to me man : in the field or to the stable it 1 felt 1 with ee more force by the women In ! the house. For even tf tke gtrls d ttay in the country, tbey are itke the town girls, tbey ahy away from domes tic service, and It Is next to Impossible far the mother with the tittle children to get assistance, even at crucial mo ments. Now vowM H not be possible for some .seheree, ruoh a at present exists with regard to boys, be worked with girls? Ooutd not specially naod -picked girl orphan preferably girl selected, poeetbly. under the supervision of the Wcmens Institute, be brought out here much a boy are now being brought 25 JredenourTucton ' ' fined -"ice, and treated a one bid." Further particulars of the Chief .For ueally aplendM - work I being done I along the line of bringing out boys, i There I anothe reside to the matter i we are bringing out a good many boys, who. In s few years, will be growing up and wanting wives. What better wive Auld they bare than trained Engliah girl who would haYe the same point of view about many things and would, therefore, make better mate for them, perhaps, than Canadian-bora glrla? NOTED CANADIAN PIANO MANUFACTURER IS HERE .1. 4. .Mason of Toronto, Who H In Prince I! II pert. One of Canada Leading Industrialists A. J. Mason of Toronto, president of the Mason-Rlsoh firm of piano makers and one of the leading Industrialists of the Damlnlon. is a visitor In Prince Fr'RuPert ln th cour' of a uwtern tour on' which he at combining buftioeas with (vacation. Mr. Mason, who Is a guest at the Prince Rupert Hotel, arrived from the East on yesterday afternoon' train and wltt be here until Sunday night later than noon on the 13th day of ' when he will sail aboard the steamer October. 1927 fox r the purchf Pulp , p,.mce charIeg for Vancouver. Licence 3C4297, to cut 28,37000 f jjm. Spruce. Hemlock and Cedar on an area . T situated on. Copper Bay. Moresby riTV DiTCDllMCIDI V Island. Queen-Charlotte Islands District. I VI 1 I IILmJIUIIijIDLJ. FOR WATER SUPPLY -m-. ' - v isv, 'WISdSOR. Oat., Sept. 23 Damagei. tcUUlng $3000 are acught by William i R- Campbell from the Municipality of Kingavllle and the Public Utilities Com-mlflon of that town for the death of his wife, who died from typhoid during an epidemic there ereral months &ra.. Campbell claims h lost his wife owing! to careless handling of the town's water supply. BEER LICENSE OF ROYAL HOTEL HAS BEENCANCELLED Local police headquarters were notified this morning that the beer license of D. Zarelli for the Royal Hotel had been tuapended Indefinitely by the Liquor Control Board as from September 31. The suspension arises as a result IN PROBATE. In the Matter of the Act: and AdmJJUftratJrJ In the Matter of the Estate of John caddy. Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor F. McB. Young, the 20th day of July, AX. 1027. I was appointed Administrator of the estate of John Caddy, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish time, properly verified, to me on or before the 20th day of August, AD. 1927. and all parttei Indebted to the estate, are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B.C. ' Dtea the 23Wday of July, AX). 1927, PACE FIVE For Genuine Price - Cutting SALE PRICES THIS SALE ENDS SATURDAY NIGHT Get your every requirement filled litis week. Buy now and save money. MEN'S SUITS In pure Wool Tweeds and Worsteds cut In the very latest -styles. Beautifully tailored, with the finest linings, and either single or double breasted. Reg. up to $10 CM QC values. Cut Sale Price i?lVO MEN'S UNDERWEAR Turnbull's pure Wool Underwear. The right weight for this weather. Natural color, in two piece suits and combinations. Regular $4.50. fl Qff Cut Sale Price tP-SotF O 3IEN'S UNDERWEAR Cee-Tee Underwear. The very best that money can buy. In pure Wool and in all weights. Combinations only. Reg- CO iff ular $9.50 value. Cut Sale Price V MEN'S SWEATERS In Lumberjack and Pullover styles, iu fancy color combinations and in pure wool. Regular values to $6.50. CO Cut Sale Price QOmOO MEN'S SHIRTS Hundreds of patterns to choose from. Checks and Stripes, Plain and Fancy, with collar attached or collar to match. Regular $3.50 value. Qf QC Cut Sale Price ?i.OJ BOYS' UNDERWEAR The famous St. Margaret's brand. Made in England. Knee and ankle length. In Wool mixture. Good hard wearing gar- j- AC menu. Cut Sale Price ?I.VO Silk make, colors. LADIES' HOSE and Wool. The famous Monarch In all sizes and wanted shades of Regular $1.25 value. -flC Cut Sale Price, 2 pairs for V---V HOYS' GOLF HOSE The famous St. Margaret's brand, made in England of pure Wool. S,ilh fancy tops Regular values to $1.15. 7f Cut Sale Price a BOYS' HOOTS The famous Diamond Red Stitch Boot for Boys. Built to stand hard wear. Sizes 1 to 5'i. Regular $4.75. CO Cut Sale Price vO0 Sizes 11 to 13 V.' Regular $4.00. a ftfT Cut Sale Price JUST RECEIVED A new shipment of Winter Overcoats Iri the very newest models and latest shades. Ail pure wool, check backs, full and half-belted, also in loose backs. All sizes at our genuine Price-cutting Sale. QQ QCS Price from The Acme Importers Mail Orders Filled at These Third Avenue. Prices, Charges tyLrv Prepaid. P.O. Box 667 SPECIAL CASH REBATES THIS WEEK B.C.'s Latest and Best Coffee Vacuum packed Always Fresh mmm ajMivaMtmi' iinr r w STEEL CUT Uniform Strength Now on Sale at all Grocers. Have your grocer give you the special rebate of ten cents and try this wonderful coffee, made by the makers of the famous Blue Ribbon Tea. G. F. & J. GALT, LTD., VANCOUVER, B.C. of a recent conviction of Zarelli for a contravention of the Government Liquor Act. TICKET .CLERKS PAID iv jiie sirR';0yKr n yrsdso JISITJO THIS CITY,; Eastern' Viiiseilgrt leii of Canadian National Kailways Have Hartmr tYulae and Dinner Twenty-five ticket men of the Canadian National Railways from various points in Eastern Canada and the United States paid a visit to Prince Rupert yesjerday afternoon ln the course of a western educational tour. They arrived from the East on the afternoon train and last night sailed on the Prince Oeorge for Vancouver. The party Is led by Walter E, Dobb of Montreal, assist ant to the general passenger traffic manager, asd Is being aooompanled from Jasper Park by K. E. McLesd, district passenger agent at Vancouver. Immediately after arrival here yesterday afternoon, the members of the party a ere taken on a cruise around Kalen Island aboard the speedboat "Jlaas River1' and made a p at Seal Cove to inspect the plant t the Canadian Fish t Oold Storage Co. A dinner was held ln the evening at the Prince Rupert Hotel, guests of the party being Mayor Newton; W. O. Fulton, president, and Arthur Brooksbank. secretary of the Prince Rupert Board of Trade. Mr. Dtibb presided and speaker Included himself. Mayor Newton, Mr. Fulton. Mr. Brooksbank, Lionel Holtby tad Walter Smith. J. F. Gordon of Toronto and O. A. Trodeau of Montreal enlivened the proceeding with humorous speeches. Wood DRY BIRCH, CEDAR AND .... ...JACK PINJ.. Single Load $.U0 Double i,oad SL.10 Large Sack SOc C BUNDLES DRY KINDLING, $1.00 Phone ."SO HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue