t PAUE TWO FUT rues 7ft 1 'iMienr; 3 1 a. -fEs- .1 1 The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUM1JIA . 1 Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third A venae. II. F. TULLEN - - - Managing Editor. SURSCKIPTIOX KATES: City Delivery, by mall or carrier, per month By mall to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year To all other countries, in advance, per year Transient Display AdvertUinR, per inch jw insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch Local Readers, per insertion per line Classified Advertising, per insertion per word Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line Contract Rates on Application ilember of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION THOUSANDS gj Remember the Psckar.il ii m in every crocery store-everywhere. The "Mslkin's Best" circle trademark is plainly marked upon h your quality guaranteed. Be lure you say "Milk la's Best" .75 $5.00 $7.50 $1.40 $2rt .2o . .15 Thursday, August II, 1027 INFLUENCE OF WEATHER The influence of weather on people is very great. During bright weather people tend to be exhilirated and happy and tn dull weather they become languid and gloomy. As it is at present impossible to control the weather, the next best thing is to control ourselves and nullify the influence. This can be done by making ourselves superior to weather conditions. There are people who under those conditions take to drinking Intoxicating liquors and the result to temporarily beneficial in some cases but the best method is to refuse to be influenced by exterior forces and to control our own destinies. We may possibly counteract the weather influence by arranging to visit friends or having them visit us. We may enjoy music, go to the theatre, attend 'some function, or get an interesting book.' The main thing is to refuse to be blue when weather conditions begin to show their influence. Some people are too hasty. Others deliberate when they should be taking action. No rule holds good for all cases. FLUCTUATION OF STOCK PRICES The recent slump in the price of Dunwell mine shares is one of the periodic fluctuations that are common on the stock market and that give scope to those who gamble in stocks to get in their work. Utten these fluctuations are brought about throueh the cir culation of rumors and may be the result of not dealing openly and - rainy wiin me puoiic . .v. jn regara to mm particular case we have no Information except wnai is contained tn trie despatches coming through. From them we gather either that full information was not given the investors or, what is just about as bad, the investors thought they did not nave lull information. In carrying on business in connection with public corporations, it is wise always to deal openly and frankly with the public and to avoid any appearance of being secretive. A lame excuse won't carry you very far in this country. UNWARRANTED PUBLICITY Unwarranted publicity has been given the two men Sacco and Vanzetti, largely because there has been so little of interest in the world that the public are ready to seize upon anything from which they may get a thrill. Had there been a big strike, a war, or even a presidential election going on, these two men Avould have been forgotten. As it is their case came up at a time when a sensation was needed and they provided it. They really deserved to get off because of their service to the public in providing them something to think about and being a fit subject on which to expend their emotions. People who want to get a kick out of everything, will' eventually find themselve kicked out of existence. SWIMMING RECORDS , , In Alaskan waters some of the young people have been making swimming records and now in Prince Rupert we see a . beginning 'of the effort to popularize the sport. At the Salt Lakea this year the long spell of warm weather made it possible for swimmers to attend regularly and improve their condition and now comes Douglas FrizzelJ and does some rather good swimming in the harbbr. We congratulate him on the record he made. While it is rather difficult to estimate the distance covered by him and while the tides are always a factor, still it was in a small way an endurance test that was verv editable. Possibly there will be others following it up who will do even better. Bringing up parents still continues as one of the chief problems agitating the younger generation. THE FAVOR Stirring Address by Prince Rupert's Member on Subject of Liberalism and Progress Hen. T. I). Pattullo Declares That Government of Which he is Member Ha AdminMerril Affairs or l!rit!h Columbia Well VICTORIA, August ll.-r-While the Liberal tlovernmestt baa j been buildintr up Britixh Columbia's prosperity' on the solid bai !of accomplishment. Conservative iarty leader are talking about irreater development; without a single sumreatforo as to how this may be -achieved. Hon. T. I). Pattullo, ruimsler of lands, declared in a I spirited address before Saanich Liberals. He challenged Hon. S. F. Tolmie, Conservative leader, to advance some plan for industrial progress which the present government had not already put into effect with beneficial results. "We an all sorry that e have not with ua today our great leader, lion. , ftc orrmt EaMan. mMUln John OHw," Mr. PattuUo said. "We J 4Bub, ,h ,B ultimate a-eweedlngty regret fcl tllnes. and ma, wm v. fl ,lnd , , stibT are slnceretv hoeXiu aat praying that ... Ihe mar recover his farmer health. H!a; , ..,, th(, future great brain. hi great courage and his; . kuuw wha, tb. Opo- great enernr have been In the service lottt-,t:on was prior to ol tola province (or a generation, and t 9omlag ilMa .jIkr,. ud we know during the ftus tea jeara of tbe war vbM JKjfflBW-r.Ua of the pa Fa1ed and the post-war pertod. he has tir yea ha been. MeaUxea of the txett leevder t the government of BrtUah oonte lUN, OolumMa. AM the people of BrttUh OeJ- Ult, to UM .. umMt nooMerattve umbta greaUr boner him. admfcalrtiatMaL hut freaa wbat I have -It H eH that in aM parts of the , m yt9f moth oplaUm the banner of UberaUam ihouM owntrj oooMrvattw nartv baa net aa eaaa- be kept flrtng. net a a ebaMenge to v., -U- 1. M duriac the tbeae Vh war no J theowelvea- wMh M tbe Gonterv.tlve MbainMreUon ua. but as a atgnal to all people tnat prwdtog man. wtthte Ita folds lie liberty, equality and -wlt1, Ur MI, two the pro- rrateratty. We muat aat forget, nor rtaeM ahBnUtr,tton Sul be eatted altow anyone ehe to forget, that Liber- to Mor, the ,tectorae of the aliam la not mere partytom. Ltberallam pTOTtBCV Wbennrr it may be we abalt i dually eretved untU It H not only the tMdr. ttu.!cc wao t-a bulwark agalnrt oppreaalon and apertal hu quJkWrt . coaociouM of the tn- pnruege. out u a vnaiizing lorce m trgrtt7 mtenUooa and of our cJtMtruettve devttopment. ieameet endeavor In their practical ap- KIK .Mi:s tplleaUoti. e atay aeU eiclahn with Ubenltera la euentlally a principle ritv-Jarnea: for tbe guldanee of the maaea of the "OOme one. eoaw all. people. It knowa no race or creed. ' Thla nek aha)) ny There la room for ejery opinion within Prom Its firm bate ti ranka. It la fundamentally bound Aa aocn aa I." up with the welfare of all the people. Thoee who core to definitely ally them-' irtniV rnvrnrPP TA :elves with, the Liberal party may do HfAiUI LUllUiALjJ 1U io with pride. Tbe traditions, alms and 1 aaplratlona of Liberalism have alwaya , been uplifting. 1 "In the fight to maintain lta prlncl-! pies.. Liberalism must be militant. It muat be ever on tbe alert. Forces are n ire loud In their lamentations as to the condition of affairs, and are almost pitiful In their attempts to lead the people to believe that all that Is neces sary to waft this province Into a wonderful and greater affluence Is to put into office some of the hungry offtce- ceekers who are bemoaning their present fate. ANMVEKS TOLMIE "The new leader of the Conservative party, the Hon. Pr. TcOmie, ha coined a icw true pnrases. sucn as 'we want more smoke-stacks.' 'Keep your dollar at home and get another chance at It.' and such like, 'In order,' he states, That we may keep our boy and girls tn Canada.' I would like to point out that the Honorable Doctor was a mem ber of the Borden-Melghen administration, which was in office for ten years In Canada, during which time 750,000 Canadians left for the United States. "What Is the wonderful panacea that the doctor has In store to cure all the Ills of the body politic? Why did he not apply the remedy when he had the opportunity, and keep the 750,000 Canadians at home? Instead of Indulging In meanlnglens generalltlex, why not come out flatfooted and give Us the benefit of some specific advice? We wl)l ll&ten to advice from anyone, and if we think It good advice, we will follow it. BE HELD AT PORT . ESSINGTON SOON Lieut. Ookmel J S. McLean of Van-1 constantly at work to vitiate ita prtn- couver. territorial revivalist ol the Sal-i clplea. It la a matter of great gratifies- vation Army for Western Canada, will; turn that tne Liberal party ol Canada arrive In the city on the Prince George has lived true to the traditions and tomorrow morning from the south and. principles of Liberalism. 'afUr conducting a special meeting In A HOLM (iOVI KN.MKNT jthe local Citadel tomorrow evening "In thla province of British Columbia when presemtattoru will be made In j you have a Liberal Government. I am connection with various branohes of the! an aa , that )w pnnntrv nm. Armr will navajri t1 Pflrt ITaai nfrtnm tn' DOMINION CROP THIS SEASON IS LARGE SAYS BUREAU OF STATISTICS Dr. Tolmie says that he does not want ! rsiV. wh. ?E th Fra.nc' . Hnnr any advice from Liberal,. That U Just j of TriTe ltatitfX.Tx:?7m iu- uuicrcnce oeiween Toryism and "M"J licence to take and use 1 T.lharallarr. CUD1C "The truth of It Is that what the Conservative party Is trying to do Is. by-constant reiteration, to urnlermlne thej confidence of the people In the present administration, and to lead them to! believe that by some means not disclosed, a more wonderful development will be brought about, under Tory administration, than now exist. STAND ON KESILTS "TJie Liberal government can stand upon the rock of accomplishment during the past eleven years of office. It is guided by men of experience, who are thoroughly familiar with the province from one end to the other. Problems that are still with us, such at the Pacl- "Sg3iP tybrjfealthfei Consult your doctor regularly. Do not wait until baby Is tick before calling him. Many illnesses; can be Immediately checked ur prevent rd entirely through uch care. vlnce oretate has ever had a government I take eharge cf the annual oongreM of STwy wuthia.o f 1 that has atrlven more earnestly, both, native workers at which representa-1 aortbeast corner post of Lot 102. The I by lta policies and administration, to so lives ox an corps in Nortnern Brltlan, wswr wui or aiveriea irom tne stream conduct the public buslnes. aa to In-; OolumW. will foregather for meetings! ffr '1Z I'n VSed lot sure the greatest possible benefit to tbe . on Saturday and Sunday. rwinlp hoth InHvldiinllv nrt rnllertlvelv! Malor W. L. Carruthera of Wnneell and I venture the opinion also, that no divisional oomnunder for Alaska and u nlee w.rrSt posted onTun, J1SI govcmmeiu naa succeeaea in mswr vwiuwu, wm buoi degree In carrying out Ita alms and as- : attend the congreae. plrayons than has the present provincial government. We are leading all INTERNA TI ON A I WARtf province of Canada In the matter of ' ILIUm I lUltrtL ITUAIV our social leglalatlon looking to the happiness, cemfort, and well-being of all our people while In the develop- NEAR CAPE MUZON ment of our resources we are In the : KETCHIKAN, Aug. 11. Colonel E. ' very forefront. During the last ten Lester Jones, director of the United years every field of activity, whether it State coast and g;cdctlc survey, de-be timber, agriculture, mining, fishing or ' partment of commerce, under Secretary lOtlCe IS AUgUSt 4. 1977. P. H. CUNNINOilAV. ' Applicant manufacturing, has doubled, trebled and Hoover, will arrive tn Ketchikan Mon- r vn trr quadrupled. ; day on the steamship Yukon aoeom- CONKKVTIVE rUOI'.UlAMl.t j panled by a Canadian offlctal Of the MJTICE Ol" INTENTION' TO Al'I'LY TO "I notice that our friends, the Conner- marine department. The purpose of LEASE LAM vatlves, use occasions of thla kind to , tne trrp is to take up the matter of an criticize the Liberal government :lah. cannery and domestic purposes upon tne tauos applied lor. oeing por- fn Otwn rh.,1nlt. T.Ik w rl T.m, Tl - They j international survey m the vicinity of rdlng District of Prince Rupert, and Cape Muzon The coast survey boat Explorer, now in Rocky pas or Kekeu strait, will ar- ltuate on the west coast of nurnsh stand. TAKE NOTICE that British Columbia risning dt racking Co. Ltd., of Van rive here to pick up the official and cwr. B.C., occupation Packers, Intends take them to their destination. j'e-c'rtbed land!:- ' wtowl" Thi will be tbe first visit of Colonel j Commencing at a post planted on the Jones to Alaska In several years. The'w,t 00841 ot Burnaby Island, Q.C.I.; intermmonal work o be undertaken 1. S ,3 chains. To wiuiuciru iiuporcam io tne navigators rn Alaska and Columbia waters. aid of leas, to high water mark; thence north British ron8 n:n ''" mark to point of eom- mencement. and mure or less. 'PIN. V 3r'i?U7U.TrV ,11 W n the asth dav of June. 1827. A coov f thla notice and an application pur- j suant thereto and to the "Water Act" I will be filed In the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. B.C. Oblec-: tlona ta the application may be filed! with the said Water Recorder or with the ComntroUer of. Water Rishts. Par. i 1 lament Building. Victoria, B.C.. within 1 tnirty day after the flnt appearance of this notice In a local newspaper. The iate of the first publication of this cwiiaining it acre. BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHING & PACKING CO. LTD.. . . . Applicant. Dated June 10, 1827. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND OTTAWA. Aim 11 The. rmr t-.nr.rfl In Queen Charlotte Island Land Re- of . ,k the , V . coraing District of Prince Rupert. anI Dominion bureau of statistic situate at the head of the south arm of oasea on me condition of all field crops cne iniet, Moresby Island. up to July 3, ,ute. that the crop con-! ffi' dltion in Canada are excellent. Spring couver. B.C., occupation Packers. Intends wneat was numerically expressed as 105 io "PPOJ 101 iae of the following BHtiTVf ,e&r aV'r"e- lncCaTa post planted at the British Columbia all crop are well head of the south arm of De La Beche above the average limei, uoresDy uiand; thence south 5 Ichalns; thence east 20 oha.ns: tbenoe Advertise m The Daily News I at . V WATER NOTICE DIVKUMION AN II tSE SAWS Guaranteed becausemade fS from our own steel -1 SIMOtOMCANAOASAWCOI.ro, (J ' MONTREAL. . VCOUvr. T JOHN.H .. IV voanNTo ry A iiunn o coauis, more or less, to high ater mark: thence west alonr hi.h n.i.. umia. iu jjim oi commencement, and containing 10 acres, more or le. BRITISH COLUMBIA FIS1 UNO it PACKINO CO. LTD.. Dated June 10, 1927. LAND ACT. Applicant foot per second of water out of NOTITK tip ivrrvTim -m . . .. unnamed tram nrhixh nn-A,m nnrh,... ; . U Ed4eHoWinSaw$ Fast Eastj-Cutt'ing SiMONDS LEASE LAND Q"n Charlotte Islands Land District i Land Recording District of Prince Ru-'Pi and sltuat north of Lou 1658 and ! TAKE NOTICE that The Langara Fishing and Packing Co. Ltd. olllawett. occupation Canners, Intends to apply for a leiue of the following described land' Commencing at a post planted twenty Ca1. no;tn ot.Y,n Indln Reserve and ,on the shore of Mclntyre Bay: thence ' north 5 chains to th. i Ztil. ;?,.V.. .V ""'owulF aid low water ifin 160 chains; thence southerly 5 chains-thence easterly 160 chains to the point Scren1eereoret.an, eonta,ntt- LnANOARA FISHING Si PACKING CO. LTD, . . Applicant n' Agent' Dated June 37. IW I will build up any infunt whose only ailment is improper food. EAGLE BRAND CONDENSED MHLI& 'pfil'BahifEds free They treat of pre-ntJ p-cnarations, n-c .j,., and hi. iv t rrt J, them, sleep, frth aJr bathing. cMhing, nI enise. I lavUlir nc,t , weight una fc.-ii i. .rtV W'UeThS Borden Co. Limitej, Vancouver I low Eagle Brand Solves tk Problem If mothers of ailing or backward babies could but see tltc letters we receive from other mothers whose little ones were doing poorly but who are now, thanks to Eagle Brand, . sturdy, healthy, happy children! Wc have a message for such mothers. If their problem Is simply one of proper feeding, made necessury by inability to nurse baby, Engle Brunei can solve it. Since 1857 Eagle Drund I has been the leading infant food when Nature's supply has not been available. Its absolute purity and uniformity, and the ease with which it can be digested make it the Safe food. It is endorsed by physicians and nurses, and if used as directed on feeding chart SOwaaaf. ia lit COME NOW AND CET YOUR CHOK while the choice is good! Great B at argaips McARTHUR'S SUMMER SALE of high grade Boots & Shoes AlcArthur's Shoes arc known for quality. Every pair in the store at Sale Prices. DEMAND "Rupert Brand - Kippers - TIIK DAINTIEST IJKEAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Prince Ituperl. Il.C. 1