Acgut 11, 1927 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THRF.B LABEL IS KbU AND WHITE TH Local and Personal J TTTTir Whek Sending Money ts uooaness inivjdjlx A"iw Tui rttont 87. tt BC. Undertaker Pnon. 41. Varies Dentist. Dr. j. r Ooue. Pbone CM. TAf HEN you have occasion to send Oet the Bl 4 habltl Whin thlnslns 1 a Taxi, phent 4. u Money Orders they may Uj4t T1M(M Ml aaaavaa far I .a1 v. rem ntth-WaHntB OoaL rtM 580. U obtained readily at any branch of MM. Q. E. Oullcfc. who has brw a the Bank of MontreaL ( Mb Id An vox. latmaml ta UmI l"V m Prtnee OMrtw tkk men-tafc D. C PATERSON. Manager VUtm Uorffm NtunMtf to the attv ob fee Prince Cterlw tbla maroln at- Prince Rupert Branch: trip to UMMtt IBM B r"ARNATIOT 1ST Milk is not only the finest, most completely useful milk you can buy but its hieh quality is always the same. You can depend on it dav after day, year after year. Always, every time, it adds the samp won. derful flavor, smoothness, richness, whenever you use it. For Carnation quality and uniformity is protected right from the source to you. We maintain the Carnation Field Force whose sole job is to watch the production of the milk on the farm. The freshest, richest milk only is accepted at the condenseries whisked rapidly through cooling rooms, eva porators, homogenizers and into the tins, there to be hermetically sealed for delivery to you, fresh and pure as when it left the condenscry. Order Carnation Milk from your grocer several tins or a case of 48 tins. Send for a free topy of Xttry Blake'l Conk Book. Aidtttt Carnation II Uk Product! Co Limit id, Ayltntr, Ont. It look creamy It tastes creamy It If creamy Carnation Milk "From Contented Cows" Produced in Canada TWO SIZES TALL AND SMALL The World Progresses We fly across the Atlantic. America-talks with London by Phone. Aeroplanes arc now guided by wireless and we get healthier. Diptheria, smallpox plagues that used to take tremendous toll are now almost wiped out thanks to doctors and medicine. Ormes are proud of the part they have played in helping to make people of Prince Kupcrt healthier during the past 20 years. Speedy Cycle Delivery Ormes Ltd. Jfic Pioneer Drugtftsls THIRD AVE. t- SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 82 f, 200 m OMIT KWWtSTjA" a. A I slta mmm 1 ii 7 rr.k. to J1 II . J B ALAIlXSTINE MAKES ''ROOMS BEAUTIFUL It's twenty-one beautiful tints, and white, make it possible w you to enjoy any color scheme you wish to create. A pan and brush are the only tools you require. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. "3 Third Avenue Prince Hupert Tbe Inraiuisaiate Pmraull LMtm future to har. taw pteyM iMt nlM bftwm the Bka aa. Oratto waa port- (XMMtf OB MSCOUOt of MlB. O. A. Allan or A am atrlvatf on tbe jPrHwe Charles tola wotBiag from the lam-altar town. Mm. AUn la eonunutne; tmOUfn VaaoouMr ob the tMMi John Dun. nnwlBto tot of Oo- nawat TeJecraoha, returned to tha- city on yesterday aftoraooo'a train from a wt to uw inserter ob oMclal duttaa. Mr. and Up am Maaaey returned to the city on tba' Prnwa Cbarlaa tbla ffiiae aftar having mad tb round rip araiae to Stewart. Anyox and Maa- art Intrt polnu. Ulaa Joan Waat, Miss Audrey Buafcby and Mlat Dunbar returned to the cKy on the Prince Obarlaa tbla matrunt after hartaf mode tat round trip to Stewart, Anyc and tba Qmb Charlotte laianda. laapactor WUUam OptUar. provincial polksa. returned to the city on yeater- oar train from Prince Ooorac wbraoa he aorrawpantad Walter Owan. aaatatant aupt1ataBdant of the pollea. who la on a tour of tb north. Btanop BttBOi raturnad to tbe city on yaatenlay arumooB'a train from Fraaer Lake wbanoa be accompanied Arch btahop DootOBwal) of Rome. Superior CietMtml of OMat Pathara. on a vUlt to tbe Indian Induatrtal School. CK.n. itaamar Prince John, Capt. . Msbba. arrtvad at 10:80 laat nlgttt from Vaneouvar via the Quaan Chariot t I. land aowth abd and aattod at 11 AO tor Vancouver direct. Tbe vaaaal bad wr ecal I aland paaaangin bound aoutb. A. Tbompaon of tb land registry of' fie, leeoinpniled by Mr. Thompaon and daughtar. rfturnad to the city on tbe Pflnee Obarlaa tbla morning after havtne; made tbe round trip to Stewart, Aape and the Quen Charlotte laianda. Br tbe eoneeasloaa at tbe BshlMUon bajthttng. will be received up to 4 pjn. Friday, August 13. Tenders arc Invited ooverlng all ennoamlona in one, aa well as Individually. Par par ticulars apply at tba Exhibition once. City Hell. 187 Oaaat. and Mrs. Yarlett. in aharge of SalwtloB Army work at Olen Vowell roar Hsertton. and Capt. Bya, teaeber of tbe Army scnool at tba same point. have arrived for a iMt la tba city before attending tbe native congress to be held In Port Baalngton this weak- end. William McFadyen, Inspector of tbe Royal Dank of Canada, and hie assistant, w. E Mack, formerly on the staff of the local branch, arrived In tbe city on yesterday afuVnoon'a train from tbe Interior where they Inspected the branches at Prince Ooorge, Burns Lake. Smtthera and Haeelton and will pro ceed to Vancouver on the Prince Ohar lea this afternoon. Robert B lance, superintendent en gineer for the Canadian Flab it Cold Storage Co., returned to tbe city on the Prlnceea Charlotte yesterday afternoon from Ketchikan where he was called In connection with tbe repairing of the halibut boat Sumner which recently broke her crankahaft In the vicinity of Butedale. A new abaft Is on tbe way j frcm San Franciaoo and It is epexcted that repairs wlU have been made and the Sumner back In operation In about ten days' time. r-f4- - ANNOUNCEMENTS Canadian Legion Picnic August 21. J Established 1923. Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. to 1 p m. Any evening by appointment DENTIST ExchaW Mock. Phone 109 BANK OF MONTREAL Established l8l7 Total Assets in excess oC i7S0.0oo.0oo 3. W. Frguaon, vbo hu been on relief duty at Anyox for the Government Telagraptia. arrived on the Prince Phartea tbla morning. JB. 3. Bwaoa. baring made the round trip to Mam-art, Anyox and lUanett In let, raturnad to the etty on the Prince Cbarlea tbta morning. Mlas Olive Munro returned home on be Prince Oharlea til it morning aftei MtaU&f the round trip to Stewart. Any ox and VI sett Inlet. Mike Hudetna returned to the 011 on the Prince Oharle thl morning after making the round trip to Stewart, Any ox and Maasett Inlet. Mlas Mlth Kelsey, stenographer t tbe city oierk. returned to the city ot tbe Prince Charles this morning afte spending a holiday at Maswtt. Mrs. Jack Wynne and son arrived 01 tbe Prince Obarles this morning fron Anyox for a brief visit In the cUy. Ml Wynne la customs officer at the amelte town. A. J. Oalland. customs officer, return ed to tbe city or the Prince Charle this morning after making the roun trip to Stewart. Anyox and Mtssett In let on official duties. meet Santerbane. Freddie CaJderon nd Tony Calderone. who have bee. flatting at Port Clements with Mr. an Mra. James oiccone. returned home o tbe Prince Obarles this morning. VI. M. MclAChlin. local manager fV Brackmen k Ker, returned to the clt: on tbe Prince Charles this morning af ter making the round trip to Stewart Anyox and Massett Inlet on business. Harold Thompson, formerly of the Royal Bank staff and now of Vancouvei la holidaying for a week In tbe city renewing old acquaintances. He It making his headquarters at the J. B. Maloney and J. Murphy, wh have been engaged In timber crulsin In Massett Inlet for the Los Angele; Lunsber Products Co.. are passengers aboard the Prince Charles today bound for Vancouver. Miss Dorothy Kldd. formerly of the local high school staff and Miss Jean Kier. formerly of the staff of the Booth School In this city, are visiting for a week with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jenner. Fifth Avenue. John Bergman, who has been engaged aa a carpenter in the construction of the cew cannery at Massett for the Maasett Canners, returned to the city on the Prince Charles this morning from the Islands . A few parcels of Prince Rupert city lots, which have been owned by the provincial government, are being put under the hammer at the Court House this afternoon with Government Agent Norman A. Watt presiding over the sale. E. S. Butterfleld, weight and scale Inspector for the provincial government, returned to the city on the Prince Charles this morning after making the round trip to Stewart, Anyox and Mas-sett Inlet on official duties and will proceed East from here. Beautiful flowers from Massett Inlet gardens were much In evidence among paasengers who arrived In the city from the QAteen Chailotte Islands on the Prince Charles this morning. Fragrant sweat-peas, brilliant asters and delicate; snapdragons were Included in the bou- queits which Indicated a plenteous floral crop across Hecate Straits. ( The meeting of the Diamond Jubilee of Confederation celebration committee.1 which was to have been held last night., was postponed until a later date. The, committee is awaiting estimates on the cist of construction of a grandstand at Acropolis Hill ground before deciding ! on tin- disposition of the profits of nearly 1.000 from the recent celebra- There will be no nenior baseball game this rtenlng on account of plajrrs going to Mew art tomorrow. Don't forget regular Saturday night iance, Beaton Hall to the snappy easyi rhythm of Bob Oreenfleld'a Commanders. Dr. H. It. Orant, formerly of thl cityi bu been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Prank Calvert of Victoria. 189 Regular monthly meeting of St. An- lrew's Society will be held In the rams, tomorrow, Friday, Aug. 12 at 8 tjn. L. A. Page, head of a Minneapolis pole oncern. arrived in the city from Van-ouver yesterday and, accompanied by irt. Page, left on this morning's train IT Jaeptr Park. Mr. Page Is being ac- ompanled by Olof Hanson as far as Imlthers. A. A. Mclntyre of the Edmonton ournal staff arrived on the Prince harlea this morning after making the tund trip to Stewart, Anyox and Mas-t Inlet and boarded the morning train ere on his return to duty at the Al erts capital. Fred Ward. Regent Rooms, charged 1th keeping liquor other than In a ivate guest room, pleaded guilty be- re Magistrate McClymont In the city illce court hli morning and war ned 50, with the option of thirty ays In the lock-up. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY TKNDKKS ENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED UP TO 1 pjn. Saturday for the construction of fence and corral at the Acropolis Grounds. For particulars, plans and specifications call at Exhibition Office City Hall. FOR SALE. Ooat and chickens. Phone Blue 23q. 189 IN PROBATE. X THE Mi'KK.MK t (Jl KT OF IIItlTISII rOLl'MIIIA fn the Matter of the Administration Act; and In the Matter of the Estate of John Caddy, Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor F. McB. Young, the 20th day of July. A D. 1927. I was appointed Administrator of the estate of John Caddy, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 20th day of August, A.D. 1927. and all parties Indebted to the estate, are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the 25th day of July, A D. 1927. IN PROBATE IN THE NITItKMi: t'Ol'ItT OF IIItlTISII (OLb.MllIA In the Matter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Estate ot William J. Kyle. Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor. F. McB. Young, the 24th day of June. A.D., 1927, I was appointed Administrator of the estate ot William J. Kyle, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby requirea 10 iumisn same, properly verified, to me on or before the 25th day of July, A.D. 1927, and all parties In debted to the estate are required to pav the .mount ot their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. Dated the 25th day ot Jure. A.D. 1927 f For Anyone With Weak Digestion B0VRII it Excellent tj -rrw I. Head Ofttt . Montreal No Coal! No Ashesf No Soot! Phone G13. IIcanadian; Vacific Slore Comfort and Cleanliness when you have a Westing-hruse Electric Range Cheaper in the long run I For particulars, phone C3. Prince Rupert Supply Co. P.O. Box 772. Classic J. A. Hinton, Manager Shoes We wish to announce to the public the arrival of the most beautiful shoes In the classic history. The latest styles which were recently received were hailed as the best shoes ever shown in Rupert A GLANCE AT THESE SHOES WILL CONVINCE YOU The prices for the fall season will be reasonably reduced. The reductions available arc due to the increased production of the Classic factories. The quality of the CLASSIC SHOES is as good a3 ever, We guarantee every pair. Jabour Bros., Ltd. Corner 3rd and 7th Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan, Wrangrll, Juneau and Skagway August 1, 5. 8, 15, 19, 2. 29. To Vancouver, Victoria and Keultle August 2, 6, 10, 13. 20, 21, 31. rillM IMM Itfc.VI Kit L. lor Rntednle. Eat Itella llelta. O'-ean lallt, Naiuu, Alert Hay. t'aniphrl) lllver. and Vanrnuter every Haturdiy, II a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. full Information from W. tT. OKl lMltll. Oenrrsl Agent. Corner of 4th Htrcet and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. lt.C UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT CENTRAL The place cnlled "Home" HOTEL 120 Itooms, American and European Plan. Hot and Cold Water. Bus meets all trains and boats. Sample Room Phone 51. L?KMarUn, Manager. ' ' lb UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailings from Prince Rupert. " lor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, 8 wan ton Bay, Alert Bay. etc, Tuesday, S p.m. r vivrnt'lTD I'lrrrtDli Rntlil. Alrt Rav etc. Natnrriitv A a.m. L For PORT SrMPSON. ALICE ARM. 1NYUX, 8TEWART, Wales Inland. Sun- day, 8 p.m. For Naas lllver Points and Port Simpson, Friday p.m. 123 2nd Avenue. R. M. 8M1TI1. Agent. Prlnre Rupert, B.C. Through tickets sold to Victoria and fealtle at a reduced rate and la usage checked through to destination.