L ;r& October 1. 1027 Victor Vltl Orlhcpbonic Victor Talking Machine Co. Records Cest VOUS It s You) Jacques Menard anil Hit Orchestra Golden Slippers Old Time Southern Songbig hit I Duet with violin, banjo Vernon I j I hart and guitar ami harmonica Carwun UoMaun Russian Lullaby Waltt Organ Vocal Fot Trot Vockl Duet Under the Moon Jan Career and 111 Orchestra Allecn Stanley Johnny Marvin 20716 At Sundown I'ox Trot Gtorjt01en unci Ills Music (ran Jesse Crawford 20476 20791 20539 Hoiicr Wolfe Kabn mid Ills Orchestra 20602 Jee Crawford 20791 Franklyn lUur 20613 When Day Is Done FoiTrot Nat. Slillkrrt and Hi 2WM Victor I )rclitr Concert Paul White nan and 32i lilt Concert Orchestra 20734 20787 Alto the latest lied Seal record by famous Victor artists of Canada, Limited ONCE MONK WE OFFER YOU NEIL SON'S Assorted Bulk ocoiaies as a week-end social at ier lb. 60c "The Chocolates that arc different." Diic Pioneer DrttofLsls THIRD AVE. it SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8?fc200 ASK ME ANOTHER? Mere are the National Prizes: lt prtae .... 110.000 4th prttw 1.260 8th prise 400 2nd prize 5.000 5th pri l.ooo 9th prise MO 3rd prize 2 000 6th prime TOO loth prise 100 7th prise 800 CANADIAN LAUNDRY PRIZES 1st Prize 12 months Soft Finiah Laundr.v Service. Approximate value $5.00. 2nd Prize 12 months Thrift-T-Service. Approximate value $60.00. 3rd Prize 12 months Wet Wash Service. Approximate value $10.00. , For full details of above prizes, as well as 1,200 valuable 3 awards, consult the booklet, "Ask Me Another About the Laundry," obtainable at the J Canadian Laundry & Dry Cleaners Phone 8 515 Cth Avenue W. CANADIAN! PAcinc Canadian Pacific Railway . t. n n sn B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan, Wrangrll, Juneau and 8kaxwa September 0. 17, 20. To Vanroiiver, Victoria and Seattle .September II. 21. 30. PH1NCESS BEATRICE. For Hutedile. East Bella Bella. Ocean Fall-. Naniu. Alert amy. Csinphrll River, and Vancouver ever Saturdsv. 11 a-. trom Ajency tor all Btcuunhlp Lines. Full Information rroin- Vf. C. onCIIlltl. Ileneral .Ucnt. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, I'rluee Kupert. n.t Church Notices ST. ANUKEW'N CATHEDRAL (Church of England Rector. Rev O. A Rtx. Assistant, Rev. o. D. Ptactor u MtrlSr mi Lord's Si US ftm rPbMta it ani xttloek-lSYsag W LIU ikcrUntof ihsj third Sunday of the ajn. Sunday school at 3 JO. SunAsy school at llrto ui. in M. star's Church. Seal Core. BAPTIST CHI Kill. Minister. J. F. W. Mm. Mrniajf ' worship at 11 o' Young f tsSla's service, songs anc cliala. mlsct: "Ho out Man Do- lea lad a Whole Army " 3:30 Oreat rally of senolers and friends program, proaaotkm aereus, etc. 7:30 Parents service The Power of Parent's Urn." The public cordially Invited. tllltHTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY service every Sunday morning in the May's Bigot. Ms Seeond Aessuae. Sttk- Jeet on tsasday -Trnrssjary.'' TssUxsMoy aaeetlng en WetfaaMt erasing at 8 o'clock. I'llKMlVTKKlAN CIIIKCH Mints. Her. J. It Pltsstl. B A., VUB. aaidence: the &UM. Tstephoa 44. Morning worahtn sat 11 ajn. Sifhjsct "The Mood of the M4. ship 130 Subject Wind" Special Vmteo riiCKCii Rer A. W WIsmb. BA pastor. Miss I Hadetoek. sbmbss Morning terete -at 11 o'clock. An ntTersary snd ThsnlsaglTlilg sereless Sacrament of lord's Sssfpar at close. Sunday school at 3JS, Hatty Day ssrrtot parsnu and trienata hnlted. Beonlag aerrioe at 7 JO. Sssaetal mast Miss Jackson. Mrs. J. UeUwd. and Dr. Large (Port Blmpinai). Manday eventng at 6 JO Annual miseellsnsntts Thss afternoon's train, due from the at 8.-30 Is ispsnsd to be on time N Dtrthsr hlndsrs sought property at she adjouinsd city tax sale thu OJTM. stsaaasr Pilnnsi Baatrtee. Oapt X. -tHay, srrtTSd a 1M thas morn soutfi. Vancouver and way potnu at 11 o'elaefc on bar return It la expsetad that a (tart will be mast tnls attarnoon in Douglaa Prts- aaU's junMr dty tennis ehamplooshlp t with gsasis today and to Mike BaUtran. of Jap Inatt. Poreher Ojro Hoe-Down. October 14. Prince Rupert October 21. Presbyterian October St. October 97. Loyal Order of Dance. October 37. Exchange lllock. Drill Team Danes. Churoh Choir Concert. Moose Attnrveesary Hospital Auxiliary Halloween October 26. Ball, Hill 60 Hilloweatt Baaaar, October 29. Moose Baaaar, Nov. 16 and 17. Established 1923. 4m Office Hours;, i D atmi'f to'6 p.rri: a.m. to 1 p.m. Any evenfnpr by appointment DENTIST TOE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Local and Personal Arthur's Taxi, phone 873. BO. Undertakers. Phone 41. tpenust. Dr. J. R. Ooaae. Phone 888, . NewUata and Dresses just arrived, .'JPjUtaes's. 331 Seanduaavtea dasce tonight In the Uetropois 1111. Ott the Big 4 babltl h a Taxi, phone 4. Dance. OetsaxT 27. When thinking tf Loyal OnsVee of Uooee Anniversary Ofluard AaeoetaUon raeettag in the OUf "ail at 8 p-m. Uanday. October 3. 231 St. Andrew's Boelef 8ee4eh dance, lODE llaU. PrMay. Oeaeber 7, at 8J0 Annual Meeting Prsnoe , Rupert Bah asinton Club. Uendaf; Oeteoer 3, at 8 pjn.. Dally News Rooms. 231 and hate supper it the United Church on Uenday evening at 830. Adults 78c, Children 20. 231 Paneywork, Palmistry and Crysta: satng Mm. Jaa. dirk. 343, Third Arenue. Pbooe Oreen 183. 233 tl V K 11 II OL 1 O ' N 231 iPoothUl's OsaL The best Alberta soo ties coal on Uve market today. Bold Mr PhUpott. Erttt Sc Co. Red's Trans fer and Howard Steen. Bishop E. M. Bubos. O.H.I.. returned jo the city on the Prmcess Louise yes trrday arternooo from a 'trip Into the Yukon and A tun district. Until repairs at the Pt mnclal Oov emment wharf have been completed CPU. steamers will mak landing at No. 8 shad on O.T.P. wharf. tf Clara Oresxft found guilty of theft o a ring, was given three months' su pended sentence In city police court yesterday by Magistrate McClymont Hyde Transfer now agent for Al Alberta 8ooUess and Pembina Peerless These coals sre under cover, dont buy water, buy cesl. 113 s ton can you beat it? tf Harry Towasend. 8etU; mining en glneer. who arrived In the city Thurs day night from the north, sailed yes today afternoon on the Princess Louise for the soatn. Annual Tax Sale of lots to be held Island and Albert AMeraan. of Prince -taxes will be ,t AacUon tor Qdtnquent Kuperi sapnun ana engumr a w Amr 8. srrtesd In town yssrdw after the season's work on the Tsalnlnn Qorernment Plshartaa patrol. TBMIKItM tVANTFH. Tenders are aabod for cleartng and rough grading of about one sere st the Salt Lakes Park. Flans and specifications may be ssen at Ormss, Limited. Scaled tenders to be In the hands of C. H. Orme not later than Saturday. Oeeober 8, 1837. W. T. KBROIN. r)S4 Chairman, Parks Board. TOO LATE TO CI.ASSIFY WOMAN WANTED POR KITCttBN work AaolT Good EaU Cafe. tf HOUSEKEEPER WANTED APPLY BOX 14 Dalle News. 283 M4ftttM444 AN NQUN CRM ENTS Elks banoe. October 5. Moose Hall. held on Friday. September 30 next a 10 a -in in City Hall. List of property can be obtained at the collector's office . tf N. L. Freeman, local representative of the International Fisheries Commission, returned to the city on the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon from Ketchi kan where be spent a . few days on official duties. Mrs. Emll Bostrom left) this morning on the Princess Beatrice to meet her husband In Vancouver where he Is tak ing eye treatment. Theyiexpect to return In about thjee weeks to their 'home on Klnahan Island.,:, C.N.R. steamer Prince Charles. Capt Nell McLean, arrived at 130 this after noon from Vancouver and. Ocean Falls and will sail st 10 o'clock tonight for Stewart, returning here tosall for the south st 11 o'clock tomorrow night. L. B. Jones, agent qf the Canadian National Railways at jjkagway. was a pewsngrr on the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon after going through to Vancouver where he will, as usual, spend the winter. Mrs. Jones went south about a month ago. Quite a number of 'fishermen have left for Bdye Passage to engage In dog fishing for the Rupert Marine Pro ducts' plant The company has placed a scow In Welcome Harbor and will Rupert But UnlUd Ohuroh Banter. Tldelp Capt. Jeff Lambly, out :tomorrowito tend It. D. S. Cameron, fisheries overseer fcr the central division, returned to Swan-son Bay on the patrol boat Rlvldla this morning after spending a couple of days In the elty. The only cannery still In operation In the central division Is Captain's Cove which Is packing fall fish being brought from the ,Queen Charlotte Islands. Miss Rose Campbell of Vancouver, Orand Matron for British Columbia of the Orand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, paid her official visit last night to Bellst Chapter of this city, formal lodge proceedings being followed with a banquet. Miss. Campbell left Ltrnjlhls aftemoon't train to pay her 0tj&.. visit to the chapter at Prince George, : Of a total of 132 passengers arriving from the north on the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon, the following disembarked here: W. Lafdrook. Sid Anderson, Mrs. L. Baynton. M. J. Barrett and N. L. Freeman from Ketchikan; Mr and Mrs. William Mulr and child. William Bunting. C. R. Settlemelr and B. Mlllch from Juneau: J. R. Gaskell from Wran-gell: Bishop Bunoz. Sergeant Alex McNeill. M J Dubois. Inspector William Sptllcr. J A. McCormtck and M. Burke Phone 109 from Skagway. The KTrRECISIt no, to Cpine Crunch towrrtsg h ito this position ce t for the taine. mskini U elastie'and fibe. Ut praac ca . your baek, p'acc farearM) ander your body and aaise trunk and legs up. lewrring legs over bead. Keep legs stiff as potable. The backbone of the body is the rptae. Keep it rrsinentaad healthy by systematic exercise. FREE EXERCISE BOOK To help promote the good health of Canadians, Pen-mans have prepared an attractive book on home exercises which will be sent to you free on request. This book illustrates 15 bodybuilding exercises, with detailed explanations of each. Write for it to-day. Union steamer Cardena. Capt A. Johnstme. returned to port at 11 o'clock this morning after making her calls in the fikeena and Naaa Rivers and sailed at noon for Vancouver and waypolnts. Motorshlp BeUlngham. Capt. J. E. Anderson, arrived In port at 7:30 this morning from Ketchikan having on board three carloads of fresh halibut for transshipment East over the Canadian National Railways. Sergeant W. J. Service, who has been In charge of provincial police offices In the ctty during the absence In the north of Inspector Spill er and Sergeant McNeill, returned on this after- noon't train to his own post at Smlthers. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO API'LY TO LEAKE LAND In Queen Charlotte Islands Land Re cording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at jedway Harbor, aioresoy is. land. Q.C.I. TAKE NOTICE that MUlerd Packing company. Limited, or Vancouver, a.v. occupation Packers. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the northeast corner of Lot 83. Q.CX: thence northwesterly and along high water mark is cnanis, more or less, to a point N. SS 37' E. from the NE. corner Lot 140: thence north 53 37' E. 1-5 chains, more or less, to low water mark: thence southeasterly along low water mark to a point im. so a; e. irom tne location post; thence 22 chains, more or less, to the point of commencement, and containing 5 acre, more or less. MILLERD PACKING) COMPANY. LIMITED, Applicant. Dated September 7. 1937. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND Queen Charlotte Islands Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate north of Lots 1658 and 1857. TAKE NOTICE that The Langara Pishing and Packing Co. Ltd. of Mawett, occupation Canners, Intends to apply for a leae of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted twenty chains north of Yan Indian Reserve and on the shore of Mclntyre Bay: thence north 5 chains to the low water mark; thence westerly following said low water 16cMrHV'ltVY0W41Tly 5;chalns: theKUeUterly lUhMAs'tothV point of commencement, and containing eighty LcrM.moriir.lemi LnAISUAKA riSUlNU & I'ACKJNO CO. LTD. Applicant. Preil Nash. Agent. Dated' June 37. 1927 PAIN from Bladder Irritation! Soon ad by I SANTA L MIDY j Bswsr of Imitations Look for the wor4 "MIDY" Sold hv al) druggists Rallaisd bi Your Lest health insurance Pemnans Q underwear that gives month-in, HERE'S month-out wear and warmth. For years it has been Canada's leading undergarment worn by hundreds of thousands from coast to coast. Penmans 95 is light of weight yet so well made and of such fine quality that it gives healthful warmth in the coldest weather. An unfailing safeguard against winter chills and ills. For men, women and children, in two-piece and union suits. Ask for it by name and look for 95 on the label. PENMANS LIMITED SPEC! Paris - - Ont. CI HE ALTH OR3) AS,, Certificate of Guarantee of Genuine English Blue Serge SUIT; We, the undersigned, guarantee these suits to be made from Genuine English Blue Serge, and to be absolutely free from any danger of fading due to exposure to sun or effects of either fresh or salt water. We stand at the back of every Blue Serge Suit. Special $29-85 Acme Importers Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 235 Third Avenue Prince Kupert ALUMINUM WARE WEATHER STRIP GALVANIZED TUBS IIUILDERS' HARDWARE LAMPS AND LANTERNS STOVETIPE AND ELDfiWS TiraTERS AND RANGES CROSSX!LTAWS''& AXES UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Salting For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Swanson llay. p.m. from Prime Kupert. Alert tuy. etc, Tuesday, For VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Biitedale. Alert luj. etc.. Saturday 9 a.m. For PORT SfMI'SOV. ALICE ARM, IN VOX, MTEWAKT. Wale Inland, Bun-day, 8 p.m. For Naa Itlver Points and Port Simpson. Friday p.m. 133 2nd Avenue. R M. SMITH. Acent. Prince Rupert, U.C. Through tickets sold lo Victoria and Seattle at a reduced rate and baccate cheeked through to destination. P -gnag; J' lr ii inn