TAXI Boston Grill hi 25 Ambulance and Large Upstair Dining Hall, 1 Srlce with newly laid dancing Anywhere at Anytime v floor, for hire. Exchange Buildinc NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. Stand: MATT V1DKCK. I'rop. PRINCE RUPERT The latent and beat for the leant Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper . No- 2:50, Vol XVII PRINCE KUPRT. B.C., SATURDAY. OCTOBER 1. 1927 Pri.-e Five Centa AFRICAN TROTSKY EXPELLED FROM COMMUNIST INTERNATIONALE Union Jack Torn to Shreds by Nationalist Agitators at Smuts Meeting in Transvaal Last Night Free fights followed and a number of cracked heads and bleeding faces were the result BL00MH0F, Transvaal, South Africa, October 1. fighting; with chairs, clubs and bottles, three hundred South African Nationalist agitators captured the platform at a meeting last night and prevented General J. C. Smuts speaking. The Union Jack was torn to shreds. Members of the Smuts party were chased from the hall and free fights continued in the streets outside resulting in numerous cracked heads, bleeding faces and other injuries. After the meeting General Smuts said: "I have never seen anything so shocking. The country is rapidly becoming a little Russia, but we won't submit to it." BX. TIMBER FOR ENGLAND' Order for Ten Million Feet of Douglas Fir Received in Province VANCOUVER, oct l -An order running in VMM ol tn million lee of Douglas nr lumber uid timber tram London has been received by BjO. mill Th w secured m competition with Aaaeflean pitch pine and will eater largely into Jhe construction of th new dock at Tilbury F. A Pauline Hnt general In London wm largely responaMe tm tfce change in epeoUlea-tloiu which call lor the uae of Doug-lu fir in ej) nttun London bfW Improvements. VANCOUVER TO BUILD BOATS Contract Let by Marine and Fisheries to Southern Shipyard VANCOUVER. Oct. . The contract Iw construction of three patrol cruisers has been awarded by tb department of nne and fisheries to the Hoffar Etching 8hlpysrd Ltd. of Vancouver to w finished In twelve week. They will be used in t northern fisheries to "Place toe Merita and the linnet. The law will be td increase the fleet for "strict No. 2: The vessels, which will 63 fet long, wm have a speed f ten knot and will carry a crew of three. DOCTORS DROWN DUCK HUNTING Hodiesltecovered in Four Feet of Water Pelican Lake Near Moosejawi? WOOSEJAW, Oct. 1 Dr. Oscar Tay-' of Morelach and Dr. J. McCartney ' Eotevan were drown In. Pelican Lake Thursday while duck shooting. The bodl were recovered In four feet of ter. TEN YEARS FOR WOMAN IN PEN EDMONTON. Oct. 1 Ten years in the Penitentiary wm th esentence given Mrs. peiri Fesuk (n the criminal court hen she was found guilty of man-"'Miiihter, following a trial on the hiiri!e of murdertnx Joe Myklstovitch by WEATHER REPORT FOR MONTH OF SEPTEMBER Kalu Totalled 9M 1 lit lie and Urlfhi Sunshlue 19.1 Hours During the month of September there wai 9JB inch of rain while biigh; sunshine totalled 99.1 hours according to the monthly report of H. D. Tee Dtfby Island. Dominion meteorologist. which gave the following detail: Rainfall. 843 inches. Oreataet dally rainfall. 133 Inch! on September S. Hours of bright lunahlne, WJ. Maximum temperature. 74 on Scptem-her 9. Minimum temperature. 38 on September 8 and 13. Mean temperature. 63.8. Ores test wind mlleafe In one hour. 42 on September 37. Total wind mileage, 3333. Averate velocity. 4.6 mllee per hour. Highest barometer reading at tea level. 30.40 on September 17. Lowest barometer reading at level. 39.13 on September 37. ORIENTALS HAVE BUDDHIST TEMPLES CITY OF VANCOUVER TORONTO, Oct. 1. That missionaries among Orientals In Vancouver found a number of Buddhist temples In that city, it was stated yesterday at a session of a conference of presidents of branches of the Women's Missionary Society of the United Church In Canada. ONE MILL KILLED AND FIREBOSS INJURED IN MINE AT CORBIN FEIINIE. Oct. 1. One man was killed, name unknown, and Thomas Rat-cllffe. fire boss, was Injured today In an explosion at Number 6 mine of the Oor-bln Coals Ltd.. Corbln, B.C., on the Eastern Railway 4S miles northeast of here. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Wheat B.C. Sliver Coast Copper Cork Province Dunwell Gladstone Independence Indian L. and L. Leadsmlth Lucky Jim Premier Porter Idaho Richmond Silver Crest Rllversmlth Big Missouri Bid. Asked U8i 1.00 $S ' 13.00 15.00 13.50 .07 .08 .184 .21 .15 .16 .04 V, .05 .06 .07', .07 .06 V, ' 3VA .28 3.26 2.27 .24 .28 .18 .16 .03 .17 30 M .31 ARCHBISHOP MATHESON Of Ru-per: - l.aml mid prmnte of all Canada wli ; conduced the third annua; memorial service to Nurse Edith Cavcll. great heroine of the world war. held at Jasper Lodge. LEON TROTSKY IS EXPELLED Revolutionary Leader Unanimously Turned Out of Communist Internationale MOSCOW, et. 1. Leim Trotsky, one a the lender of the ltuUn re-tolution and founder of the union of Nivlet Kepuhlir. and M. Vujo-ilrh. one of hi thief aiilet In the oppiH.ll Ion fight agalakt Ma I In nd the renlral vonmsnM iiminlttee, Iuh been ee4lrd from the Coni-uunlkt liitrrnatloiiulr l'rrl(lluni. HA NDiTA P ToTiUDSON BAY ROUTE REMOVED DECLARES MINISTER SASKATOON. Oct. l.-A great handl- rr in t.tu ucessful development of the Hudson Bay Hallway route was re moved In the change of ports on the Bay from Port Nelson to Port Churchill, declared Hon. Charles Dunning in ad dressing a public meeting here. The decision to make the change was only made after all necessary engineering data had been secured, he esld. FEARS FOR SAFETY OF FISHERMEN ARE EXPRESSED IN CITY Fears are held along the loca waterfront as to the safety of Alex. McPher-aon, well known Skeena River salmon ftoherman, whose empty, boat was found this week In the rboneyardr There Is h acnrehemlon thatuMcEherson, ;iwh& Mrs. Brlggs were burned to death. 30,nd has f lulled in she rlclnty.for.sonie years, my have toeen drowned. Word of the finding of his empty boat was brought to the city yesterday. TORONTO LADY IS WINNER AT GOLF TORONTO, Oct. 1 -Mis? Ada Mc- Kenzle of Toronto won the Canadian ladles tpld cnampltuuhip trdy defeating Mrs E W Whittington of Toronto c:t;M sua all, TEARS PIRATES LOSE TO CINCINNATI . Louis C'arrinalrf Still Have Chance to Figure in Tie for National Ixague l'cnnant NEW YORK, Oct. 1. Plttsbv.rg Pirates dropped the flrt game ol th-ir final three game series to Ciucluaat -teds yesterday kfteinoun by a seo. of 3 to 1 and New Yore OlanU ! s- lr.g uj Brooklyn Dodgeis by a scor- j ii 10 to i. were Ck. :..teli dropj: from any chaucs to cop the Katir.i. c-f.-.c pennant. The n!y chance to St. Lou: Cardinals. Idle- yesterday, uo have to take the Hag -. to win thi foi iu two games while toe Pirate lo-, '.heir final two. Then it would be . .e the leaderslitp Chances, c. ours- are largely la lavor ol th ."lraiet who need but ine victory !oi '.lieu Ues or oi:e deieat for tit Louis. :iw York Yankees wc:i 4 to 2 over Wiushlnxton Senators ai.d Babe Rut.:. t u; a new record ,ty making h sixtieth home rua of trje season. Cleve- I.idians and St. Louis Brown t split a uoublc-header and Chicago White Sox won twlee from Detrci. Tigers. Huth h-ratr came In the eighth In-i-'j; with one man on bases, a tie score with Washington ttaH De&g broken. The da; aostee were, ssflollows: MTI('AL LLtfltE Pltuburg 1. Clncmnatl 3. New York 8. Brooklyn lp. AMKltlC.tN LKtfilE Washington 3. New York 4. Cleveland 3-4, St. Louis 4-B. Detroit 4-1, Chlcagq 5-4 LEUilK MTAXUIXdS National W. L. Pet. Piueharg 03 C.50 .612 st. Louis 9i ;ei .600 New Y'ork 90 62 .592 Shteac 83 .67 .553 Cincinnati 73 78 .483 Brooklyn 65 86 .430 Boston 57 v 92 .383 PhUadelphla .... 32 9i .344 Anirrlran - New York 109 44 .713 Philadelphia .... 89 ;;62 .539 Washington 84 I68 .553 Detroit 80 371 .530 Chicago 68 I' 82 .453 Cleveland '66 B5 .437 At. Louis 58 92 .386 Boston 51 1 Aoi .336 SALMON TKOLIXK! T( ! f HOI.II A .MEETIM1 TO DISCl'SK ri!IIEKIES The Queen Charlotte Islands Salmon Trollers' Association announces that It has called a meeting of fishermen to take place October 37 to discuss questions regarding the conservation of the salmon Industry. Everyone Interested In salmon fishing Is urgently requested to attend. Sam Olson Is president of the organization. t4ttHlT 44tt44 TWO FAMILIES OF CHILDREN FIRE VICTIMS SASKATOON. Oct. 1 Two children ol Mr. and Mrs. Selben near Macklln wen- burned to death when the home was destroyed by fire, . At Huntoon the three children of Ml when 'one of them upset an oil lamp near the bed of the victims, which In eluded twins. HAMIOTA CLERGYMAN KILLED UNDER CAR OAKE RIVER, Man.. Oct. 1. Rev. W 1 E Allln. Incumbent of Hamlota An git can Church, was Instantly killed, pinned under a car when it was overturned Ut'.tr hi!. UNION 1 LT. R. D. 6ANDFORD, whose memory was honored In the recent. Zeebrugge raid ceremony He drovv the sub C3. loaded with 15 tons of explosives. Into the piles to blast a 150-foot breach, it will be recalled. He died of typhoid in 1918. TOTAL LOSS IS $100,000,000 Million Dollars Worth of Autos Destroyed on St. Louis Streets NT. LOl'IS. Oct. 1. The death toll of the cyrlonr at St. Louis Wednesday lias reached a total of 89 with 1200 Injured. Xome 5,300 houses were destroyed or ilnmagrd and more than a million dollars worth of automobiles destroyed m the streets. The lirtal property loss Is estimated to be up to $100,000,000. CONSULAR CHANGE TO COME INTO EFFECT HERE COMING WEEK E. A. Wakefield. United States consul here for the past nine years, will leave next Thursday night with Mrs. Wake leld for the south and will spend a 'acation In Vancouver. Seattle, Portland, San Francisco and Los Angeles before proceeding to Ensenada whence Mr. Wakefield has been transferred In the consular service. C. Q. Woodward, the new consul tor Prince Rupert, will arrive In the city text Wednesday. A NEW ZEALAND MAN KNOCKED JHJT MALONEY '.'NEW YORK. Oct. l-Tom Heeney of New Zealand knocked out Jim Maloney of' ''Boston'.'"1 heavyweights In one. minute tevenfeen , seconds. PENSIONS DATE HACK VICTORIA, Oct. 1. The operation of the old age pension scheme of the provincial government will date from September 1 last. SENATOR DIES. TORONTO. Oct. I Hon Robert Mul holland. senator, died suddenly In Lon lity, Litiaud, :tui, morula" aed FAIR FINANCES IN GOOD SHAPE Interim Financial Report Indicates That 1926 Deficit Will be Wiped off HOARD CONGRATULATED Providing all outstanding accounts that in is organization has made a move cove, .ng advertisir? and donations, etc., , to call a meeting toward the end of ran oe cjllerted i:id w th the idditlonal next week at which the fishermen will rcoe ;:t a d"-e ahlch U Is planned htve sn opportunity to discuss the pre-t. !.-.!? abcut Thankegivlng Day. It is ent situsUon in regard to the salmon ex,.e.ted that t!ie Fa r Board, besides ' iaking care or thji year Exhibition it Is undersMod that a delegation U will b: -b'f t3 vipe out the old adverse going to Ottawa soon from Vancouver balance .f 13300 brought over from last and that this delegation will go by way ye,.r Su:h was the mfcrmatlou con- j of Prince Rupert and will atop oil here tained in an Interim financial statement on the way In order to discuss the preiei.u-d last ulght at a of matter locally. The fishermen will be the Fa r B.ard by the finance commit- asked to meet this delegatton and the tee It wis strewed thai, to obtain whoie matter of necessary restriction on this lavorable result. It would be es- talmon will then ha taken up. sential th; ! ctikr-s ai a whsle lend' It Is not known exactly what date the: support to the dance as well aa the delegation mill be here but due it! -. ml ' forward with outstanding -lottce will be given the fishermen In financial undertakings. regard to its arrival. In .rsp-..,. to a request made by the lie pr:r. e hufert Basketball Association, ; rie.ided oy the board to allow the use of the hs.ll fr basketball at moi.iiiJy rental of NO. the basketball , anic.,.tlon paying for the lighting and j taking care of all breakages. A letter was read from William-' J. I Eouavia. depnty ministee oi-gmattiire. j AJkCormick Alias Wetherby ecasratulatiag the board on the splen-, w ,)e r-rUer Tried - Here did hwt.-a.aseMiBa7eMrbttie.ridf' Havinf Arrived From requesting inai some poowigrapns ue sent oi tne a nine i apiays. A letter from Hon. T. D. Pattullo en closed the minister's personal check of 75, ISO of which was earmarked as the,Fear to county Court here before Judge first prize for district agricultural display which was won by Prince George. Those present at the meeting were-. President Frank Dibb. Aid. R. F. Perry, Olof Hanson, Ben Self, S. E. Parker. W. D. Vance. Aid. J. Greer, Dan Jabour and Oearge B. Casey. FISH ARRIVALS Total of 93.0(10 I'oundx of llalll.ut Sold at Exchange This Morning A total of 03.000 pounds of halibut was sold at the Fish Exchange this morning, three American vessels dispos ing of 85,000 pounds at from 11.6c and 6c to 13.5c and 8c. while two Canadians old 8.000 pounds for 12.1c and 8c and 13 6c and 8c. Arrivals and sales were as follows: America n Resolute, 40.000 pounds. Atlln Flsh- erier 11 c and 6c. Bonanza, 35,000 pounds. Booth Fish eries, 133c and 7c. Murla. 20)000 psundst Canadian FVh & Cold Storsge Co., 13.5c and 8c. Canadian Fanny F.. 3.500 pounds. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., 13.5c and 8e. Bayvlew, 4.500 pounds. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., 13.1c and 8c. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL ENGLISH I.EAGIE. IHv. I. Arserul 3. West Ham 3. Birmingham 1, Bolton 1. Burnley 4. Derby County 3. Bury 5, Sunderland 3. Huddersfleld 8. Cardiff 3. Leicester 1. Manchester United 0. Liverpool 8. Portsmouth 3. Middlesboro 3. The Wednesday 3. Newcastle 0, Blackburn Rovers 1. Sheffield 0. 6. Aston VtMa 3. Tottenham 1, Everton 3. Division II. Bamtley 3. Wolverhampton 3. Bristol City 1. Chelsea 1. Fulham 4. Port Vale 0. Hull City 3. Notts Forest 0. Manchester City 3. Oldham 1. Notts County 3. Qrlmsby 3. Preston' "5. Leeds United 1. Southampton 0, Reading 0. Stoke '2, , Blackpool 0. ' ' Swansea "6. South Shields 3. West Bromwich 4, Clapton I. SCOTTISH LEAOI E. Ilv I. Olyde 2, Cowdenbeath 3. Dundee 1, Celtic 4. Dunfermline 2, St. Johnstone 3. Falkirk 1. Hearts 3. Hamilton 2. Aberdeen 3. Hibernians 4, Panic 1. Kilmarnock 2. Atrdrteonlans 2. Raith Rovers 2. Motherwell 4. Queen's Purk l, Bntiess 0. Rsitien. 4- a'-. Ml .Tea 2. JACK FISHERMEN ASKED MEET DELEGATES .Meeting to be Held Next Week to Discuss Restrictions on Salmon Fishing S. D. Macdonald. president of the Trades and Labor Council announces "COMMITTED ON THEFT CHARGES --. 'AtIrt- ".. Bringing back with them 3. A. Mc cormick alias Wetherby who will ap- Young for election following his committal for trial by Stipendiary Magistrate C. L. Munroe at Atlln on two charges of theft. Inspector William Splller and Sergeant Alex McNeill of the ; provincial poflce returned to the city from the north on the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon McCormlck, who was pursued to California where he was arrested and who waived proceedings against extradition to Canada, is alleged to have committed two thefts at Engineer mine one the taking of amalgam to a value of $600 and the other robbery of money and a nugget cbeln to the value of 1100, SHORTAGE OF HERRING BAIT None Left in Alaska and Only-Small Quantities Here; Fishermen Concerned KETCHIKAN, Oct. 1. Halibut fisher- men have become concerned over a re ported shortage of herring uvd for bait. The last frozen herring on the local market was sold yesterday and nearby towns have likewise exhausted supplies. The increasing of herring In the manufacture of fertilizer la blamed by some for the shortage, A number of fishing boats at Petersburg are reported to be tied up by lack of bait. Inquiry at the office of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Company elicits the , fact that the local company still has" herring which It Is doling out In small quantities to fishermen. WAGEBOARD REORGANIZED Two Members Retire and Others to be Appointed to Deal With Hotels VICTORIA. Oct. 1. Preparatory to the extension of .the Male Minimum Wage Act to the operation of hotels, rooming houses and restaurants, the (board will be reorganized with the appointment of two members closely In touch with the business affected, J. D. McNlven. chairman of the board, announced today. T. F. Paterson and 4F, V Foster are retiring after completion of the task of applying the Taw to the lumber Industry. Mr. and Mrs W. E. Drake and son returned to Vancouver, sailing on the Cudena :iu morning. id 1 ii