PAGE SIX Agreeably aged, smooth, fragrant congenial company anywhere I, I i This advertisement is nol published or displayed by the Liquor Control liourd or by the tiovcnimcnt of British Columbia. 95 95c Specials On a few of Heinz well-known Goods Tomat.o Soup, l's, 8 for i)."c Tomato Soup 2's, 5 for 93c Pork & Beans, l'a, 7 for 95c Tork & Deans, 2s, 5 for 93c Ketchup, 3 for 93c Spaghetti, l's, 7 for .... 93c Spaghetti, 2's, 4 for 93c Nabob Tea, 2 lbs $1.15 Mussallera Grocery Co. Ltd. 417-123 Fifth Avenue East Phones 18 and 84 Perfect ht A mutter of forVsight. iluny cases of eye trouble are averted by early application of proper lenses. Present neglect may mean future trouble. A. E. Ireland Graduate Optometrist 319 Third Avenue. (Opposite G.W.V.A.) WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Hirch and Spruce Per load $fi.!U Per half load $3.50 Per sack 50c Firelighters, 48. for $1.00 delivered. HydeTransfer lu'J Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE 11UV DOTTLES. MILK From Ilulklcy Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CUEAM Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phone C57 GHOST SCARES INDIANS BADLY XLISKASKA Ar-l'AltlTlON MAKIX AX-M AL VIMT, MI CH TO CON-riTCKNATKIN OF NATIVL'S The Screaming Ghost or Blackbird Hill, near -Wlnncdago. -Neb., tribal apparition of the Omaha and Winnebago Indians, -which for 'morethan half a century has not failed , to wander around and do a lot of screaming on Blackbird 11111 on the night of October 17 last, has paid its annual visit and more than 1.000 Indians as well as i number of white folk, are greatly ex cited over the akalr. Watching for the ghost has become an institution on the reservation as well as In the surrounding towns, and regardless of wind, rain and weather, hundreds of both reds and whites grab their coffee pots and picnic baskets on the anniversary and go out to Black bird Hill to hear the screams and sec the sights. The screams last for five minutes. they Bay. but the sights are extremely I short sometimes there being no "sight" 1 at all, but the screams are alwavs "THE BANKRUPTCY ACT." IV TIIK ESTATK OF WILLIAM WAI.KKK lYICATIIALL, .U'TIK)l;l.i:i ASSKi.VOIt NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that. WILLIAM WALKER WRATH ALL,' of the City of Prince Rupert. In the Province of British Columbia, did on the 23th day of January, AX). 1927. mate an authorized assignment of all his property for the benefit of his creditors. and that H. F. MacLeod, Esq., Official Receiver, has appointed us Jo be custodian of the estate of the debtor until the first meeting of creditors. Notice is further civen that the first meeting of creditors in the above estate will be held at the office of the Official Receiver. Court House. City of Prince Rupert aforesaid, on the 17th day or February, 1827. at 2.30 o'clock In the afternoon. To entitle you to vote thereat nrojf of your claim mint be lodged with w before the meeting Is held. i-roxies 10 De used at the meetlns must be lodged with us prior thereto. Aud further take notice that at such meeting the creditors will elect the per-manent trustee. ' And further take notice that If vou have any claim agalnit the debtor for which you are entitled to rank, nroof of such claim must be filed with us cr with the trustee when appointed; other- wire me procecas oi tne debtor s estate will be distributed among the partlc. entitled thereto without regard to your claim. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. thin Se;ond dsy of February. A.D. 1927. (,'AriAUIAN CREDIT MEN S TRUST ASSOCIATION, LIMITED, Custodian. 5000 Bars of Laundry : Soap to sell We Offer for a Few Days Only 24 Barn of Royal Crown Soap 25 Bars of White Swan Soap !).c 10 Bara of Sunlijjht Soap . . J."c 11 Bars Fels Naptha Soap . . 93c 12 Bare of P. & G. Naptha Soap !)3c 10 Bars PreHervene'Soap . .. . 'JJc 3 Bara Klondyke Soap i.c OUR FHUIT SPECIAL IS STILL ON Malkin'u Best Pears, Apricots, Loganberries. 'Peaches, and II. A. Cherries. tour choice, : tins for . Beekist Honey, 5 lb. tin . . Sunkist Oranges, 3 doz. for JUST ARRIVED U.-.c !).-.( Die Canned Tomatoes, large tins, C tins for y.'ic tins Tomatoes, o, 2 4. tins mm Corn, uuiil, 1 Dr. Alexander Smith Illock Phone 575 DENTIST GEORGE RORIE CHAKTERED ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR rhone 387 243 Second Avenue West, Prince Rupert NESTLES tVAPOHATW Made in Canada by the makers of Nntli's Babv Fmxl heard. AITEAKS AS WOMAN The ghost appears as a tall dressed withal. on porridge cereals-fruits tfjiiipudding north shore of Crescent Inlet, about one and a half miles from the head of the Inlet: thence northwesterly 20 chains: thence southwesterly 20 chains: thence southeasterly 20 chains: thence northeasterly 20 chains, and containing forty 140) acres, more or less. JAMES FIELD. Applicant. Dated November 27. 102fl. LAND ACT Skecna Land District, District of Queen , Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that sixty days after : date, I Intend to apply to the Chief , Commissioner of Lands for a licence to I prospect for coal aud petroleum over 640 1 acres of land bounded as follows: j Commencing at a pent planted at thei southwest corner of Section 38, Town-1 hip 3. Graham Island, and marked "AJ.O.'s southwest corner"; thence cast 80 chains; thence north 80 chains; thence west Ru chains; thence south 80 chains to point of commencement, being Section 36, Township 3. Graham Island. B.C. A. J. OORDON. Locator. Dated December 17. 1928. LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND TO In Prince Rupert Land Recordlnz Dls- ii,i .it..... ti. rt....n TIIE DAILY NEWS Month? ... - - , T 1 -I ! 'ruar i mehub i Screaming Ghost made its appearance. ' I COMLS AT MIIM(illT I violence on but body. "He saw the spirit's face," the tribesmen said. So those who,, went out this year to In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dfc- see the Screaming Ghost took pains trlct of Prince and situate on Rupert, nnt , , -, . .,. the not t0 et cl0 enough to see the north shore of Crescent Inlet. Moresby Island Queen Charlotte Island. ; lace of the apparition. They did. how-In the Province of British Columbia, and ever, obtain a better view than usual of being about one and a half miles from j tne , . the head of the Inlet. they say. TAKE NOTICE that James Field, of! Whatever truth there may be In the Prince Rupert. B.C.. occupation Marine ; ghott ,tory. and it la vouched for by Broker, Intends to apply for a lease of i . ' . ' the following described lands: (many witnesses, .both red and white. It commeicing at a post planted on the : is a tact mat Hundreds turn out every year. Some believe the apparition aixt the screams the work of Jokers, but' they say that if this Is the explanation; the work is so well done and is so! realistic that it .furnishes an approved; 20th century thrill to those who go out and spend the night ghost hunt-1 lng. NEWSPAPER MEN INTELLECTUALS MlNSOI.INI HXKh TIIEIIl PUOrKw-MONAI. KTATIH IV ITALY . JI EHTION CO.MEH I P I.N I'.NIONH ROME, Feb, 7. Do Journalists belong ! to the category of "Intellectuals" or are i they merely paid workers In the news- pupcr trades? Mussolini says they are The question " recently came up for tin Peas, the C assorted for 95c I ra.rtS lViandV." .settlement under the operation of the AIo nun. Plum Turn A II, , o TAKE NOTICE that Robert M. Currle, new trade union law In Italy, under, tiL 0f yanc,ou.V BC' PCC!lpa"0? ftahf very worker, professional man.j tills fnr lor 1).)C i- packer. Intends to apply for a lease of 'm ,, ,, , .... . , , ' employer and be described employee must regls- Ihe following lands:- j Uasnberrv and Ani.l.. Tnm 4 it, 41 of- , 11 Commencing at a pot planted at tcred In his appropriate "corporazlone." tins, & tins lor J).c . northeast corner about 1.000 feet wes-j Unless he Is so registered, he can not . terly from miners' cabins at head of I ,u. ... . . . . Huston Inlet: thence westerlv 20 lnvoke the benefit of the law to pro- ROYAL CANADIAN NAVAL VOLUNTEER RESERVE , I'ltiNtK i:iti:kt. it. v. Lieutenant R. Ponder, commanding oi:ii:its rou n.imi'Aitv. woman! The wraith appears shorUy before the WT parade, during the winter in white, a shadowy figure i midnight. Just at the hour when the The apparition Is wafted to l Omaha Indian tradition savs the wo- Pre" heI lhlt tnJ hlh tndard ar.d fro by the wind and appears to'man and her children were killed. The " ne mamiamao very compuincm- Its hands and to husband T1 rTlxlrU nve. been T1 concern - wrtng or wave utter had been killed the afternoon sbrclk upon shriek. The Indian tradition Is thst this U the wife of an early white, settler, who, together with her- three""chlldren, was murdered by the Indians on Blackbird Hill. The cabin was burned. The husband was killed by an arrow as he worked at clearing a field for a corn patch. Blackbird Hill Is the highest point on the Missouri River between Sioux LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO TO LEASE UXII the hisllnS , rating who attended training at previously, but wife never knew fate. The point of appearance varies a little with the years, but It was on the same side of the hill each time, and In the vicinity of the charred remains of an old cabin with a fallen-ln rock chimney. Indians say this Is the cabin which the pioneer buUt for his wife and children and In which they met their death. No one has seen the fsce of the City and Omaha. It received Its name Screaming Ghost and lived to tell from old Chief Blackbird, famous; about It. In fact, those who go out Omaha Indian leader, who Is burled "ghost hunting" don't want to see the on Its summit. When the old chief died a century or so ago. his followers killed his favorite pony nd on the very apex of the hill they dug a tre- features. The Omahas tell a story of one young Indian who went to the white man's school and who laughed at the tradition. That was many years raendous grave. Into Ihts the dead ago. , pony was dragged, and dirt tamped "I will show you." he told the tribe, around It In such a way as to make "that It Is nothing. Tonight I will the horse stand erect. Upon Its back grapple with this figure." was then placed the dead body of the That was the anniversary and the great chief, dressed in all the panoply young man went nearly to the scene, of war. with painted face and his war "Do not look on her face." the older weapons. Just as If he were going out men had warned him. "It Is death." to fight. Dirt and stone then were) That night the Indians stood afar off filled In and over the dead chief. From and watched. The apparatus appeared this point the Missouri River can be and screamed time after tune, seen for miles and miles, meandering! INIilAN I Ol Mi UKAIi dovm the valley. J The next morning the young Indian It was not until many years after was found dead. His bands covered his the burial of Blackbird that the 'face, which was distorted with fear and horror. There was no marks of Drills. Mondays, 0-9 p.m. gunnery and amunltton. Thursdays.8-9 pjn. seamanship and signals. , DEPARTMENT OF LANDS MITICE A il trillion lur Omlii; Permits for Die hruHin of H7. Application for permits to grave livestock on the Crown ranges within any razing district of the Province of Brit-ib Columbia, must be fUed with the District ForeAter at Fort Oeorge, Kam-loops. Nelson. Prince Rupert, Vancouver, or Williams Lake on or before March Slot. 1937 Blank forms upon which to submit applications may be obtained from th District Foresters at the above named places, or from the Department of Land at Victoria. B.C. O, R NADKN. Deputy Minister of Lands Department of Lftnda. Victoria. B.C.. January 4 1927 SIS OF LAND AMENDMENTS PHE-KMPTION8 Vacnnt unreserved. survsyd Clown IimnIh inny bo tir-mpld by BrlOali nul.lfiis over H yesrs of nml by ulK-ns on Arnrr Inlftnlloo to Uia British milijects. conditional unn rmideuca. occ4al!on, aid tinprovt inent for agricultural vurMMei Full Information cuncrnlnx rsaru-, atloim regarding pre-emptions Is Klven in Ilullelln No. 1. Lund ftorlaa. "How to Pre-empt lind," copies of t'hl!h n be obtained free of charge ly addressing the Department of Limds. Victoria. H.C.. or to any Oor-trnment Rent- I Records will bo irrantsd covering only land suitable for agricultural iurir.Njr. and which is not limhor- . iHnri 1 rarrvtnr wor 1.000 hoard I feet i xir acre went of the Coast Rangs ' and 6.000 ft per acre east of that I Range. Applications for pre-emptions are ', to be addressed to the Iand Com mlssloncr of His Land Recording Division. In which the land applied for Is attuated. and are mads sn printed, forms, copies of which can be obtained from the Land Commissioner, Pre-emptions must be occupied for five years and Improvements mads to value of $10 per acrs. Including clearing and cultivating at Jsast five acres, liefore a Crown Grant can be received. For more detailed information see the Ilulletln "How to Pre-empt Laod," PURCHA8E Applications are received for pur chase of vacant and unrsserved I) 1 I OH ! chains; thence southerly about 12 chains: i tect his Interests. I Crown lands, not being tlmberland, Bl .ll. t. DUlUlGld flHirnPrQ fV 3L UlUtCld lirnrPrQithence easterly 20 chains; thence nor-1 The P permanent officials of ln the newlv tor "Krlcultuml purposos; minimum therly about i2 chains, and containing " . , " Vrlct for flrst-clnss (arable) land Is formed 1 ;m:J at acres, more or less. Ministry of the "Corporazlonl , s per acr an(1 c(,, )BTaj. l'nones u anu in 1 ' ROBERT M. CURRIE, agreed with 'the View Uken by the Inc) land 12.60 ner acre. Further ln 1' r o m New York To Qussnstown snd LIsrooal -a mi I (m ..KiIi. IV Aliimls ... lib To Ohtrbouro and Southampton Applicant. board of control of the newspaper trade formation regarding purchase or loaee s ' ?.f 'C?w lan,1 KT" Bulletin isvndlcate syndicate that that nw.nBncrmn newspapermen, murh such editors, reporters, critics and editorial writers went Into .the same category as i the pressmen and linotype operators. ! The newspapermen were up In arms ! at once. The decision made little practical difference to their Interests, for r K M A rI A KT CITOT TXr? tne "Powzlone- which would pro-AINALIAIN OLK V lit 1 tect their rlghU and fix their rates of From Hulifax ip3f WM tne Mme th' which was To Plmoulh-Hars-London creaica to safeguard and Incorporate Aiisimlii . it'll, ill Aiilonis . . Mur. 7 the Interest of the mnuil m,u work umu U"d"'l,""h.l,OI;r3ir. 2se"' Journalists' pride was hurt. To Qussnstown and Lltsrpool however. They Insisted on. being Aiiruiils .. .. Mar. H, Apr. 1 1 Inlaced In th nf ..,,. go -aim si riymoiiiii, esmiioiiiiit Monny orilcrs, ilrsris mid TrsvelltTS' CliiMiie st liiwel MP's, lull liironiKi I ion rroin iiiui mem or rrn iNiiiji ufiiccs. Oi llutlug St., W., Vantouvtr, U.C. , . . 'red. try of the "corporazlonl w. uals." An appeal was made, which 1n due course reached Premier Mussolini, who beside runnlna six other mlnls- AmilLiUls . ... Feb. f.. Mur. m. Anr. 9H!... . ....... Iiffi-iiirsria . Mur. it. Apr. B, 7 "'"' w B1, ln neaa 01 wenewminis Maiiifianlii Apr. 1:1, Mny t, S3 To Londondsrry and Olstgow l.i'tllU .. h. 16 CilllllTlllllS .. Msr. IS To Plymoulh-Hr-London aihoiiu . . I pIi. iu Aiiionia . . Mar. 5 From Itosttm To Qussnstown snd LUtrpool mni b. mi, Mar. Mussolini, as an old Journalist, decided In favor of his one-time colleagues, who have since been Included in the "corporazlone" of "Intellectual Workers." It pays to beood but even the gOjOd dollar aften ls drawn and quart- No. 10. Recreational Training. - Providing. sufficient ratings are on - parade phy sical training classes will be held (very jdritl night. I Inspection. Owing ,to ntt "uj)a verifiable ! delay the Supervising Omrer. Western Division. RCN.V.R.. was unable to ! curry out his Inspection last month, but arrangemcrashave been made lor i some to be held on Thursday, February .10, at 8 pm. AU ratings are requested to attend and It la hoped that the parade will lie as good as that of January 30 last. Uniform. Ratings attending Inspection are to wear No. 1 Rig and those having over-coat on loan are to bring them as all clothing has to be mustered during the visit of the S.O. WD. Training. The Commanding Officer wishes to congratulate all ratings on months have been attended and to ex- the RON. "Curlew." Barracks and in HJJ.B W. HUME. 1st Lieut TIMBER SALE X6830 Sealed Tenders wUI be received by the Minister of Lands at Victoria, B.C.. nol later than noon un the 14th day ot February, 1927. for the purchase ol Licence X0830. to etit 4.120.0OO ot Spruce. Hemlock and Cedar on an area situated on the North 8 ho re of Sewell Inlet. Q CI. Two (3) years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester, Victoria. B.C.. or District Forester. Prince Rupert. B.C Land Herlns. "Purchase and Lean of Crown Lands.' Mill, factory, or Industrial sites oo timber land, not exceeding 40 acrea. may be purchased or leased, the conditions including paymsnt ot stumpaK. HOMESITE LEASES Unsurveyed artas, not exceeding 1 acres, may he leased as homssltaa, conditional upon a dwelling being srsoted In th first year, title being obtainable after residence and Improvement conditions ars fulfilled and land has besn surveyed. LEASES For grazing and industrial par-poses areas not exceeding 140 acres may be leastd by one parson or a company- QRAZINQ m Under the Orating Act the Province la divided into gracing dlsuicta and the range admlnlstsrsd under a Grazing Commissioner, Annual grazlnt; permits are Issued based on numbara ranged, priority being given to established owner. Btock-ownsrs may form association for rarur management. Free, or partly frea, permlta are available (or settlae-a o Tapers and traveller, ay te tW I, 0HHHIIllBalHiBBHMlliHiHIIHHalaVa9BaaBLIw I GET THAT Heilb Diamond Specialist at DIAMOND roner s Our policy h to give customers t,e u(nio t value and Hcrviio. Hail Hnt!nfnction ii n sureil fur those tvlin liuy a diamond from us. Wc linve some Hpoclnlly kI values in tine u;i, fine diamonds muunlrd in pierce.! eighteen carat while gold at fttM. J.'iO.OO, JfTi.dl) and lUD.lio Max Heilb roner S27--29 Third WESTHOLME THEATRE MONDAY and Tt'KSDAY. 7 nntl 11 p.m. TOM .MIX "The Everlasting Whisper" ALICE CALHOUN. "TONY" and -mn IMPERIAL COMEDY 'TAWNKHOP POLIT I NTERN ATI ON A L N CWS Admission - Amazingly Truthful Reproduction Making every record do it 1k.'1. Thin new li run wick quickly won the hearts of muaic lovers everywhere. The case, too. is tteiiutiful bfyond the uual. Come in ad nay I want to hear the new .'ijc and i rHOHoeaasHi an sicohiv J. LORNE MacLAREN, U Third Avenue. Corner Tiftli Street Canadian National Q7ic Largeft Railway Syftcm in America Steamship and Train Service ritl.NCi: III i-LKT alll Irate I'ltlMt: III I'l UT lur t AM Ot tI K-' TOKIV hlMTTI.C. ami liilerinritlnte h.ImI rurli IKIHtV si w .. rillNCi; IMClJtT lur HTI.UAHT ml AMO.V ItlllM 'l' I'M sji. I'Iiimk joiiN for v.N(ni vi.i: ti uui.ia iiii:i"( laMiM, lurliilglilly. MHHKKIir.lf TIlAINH l.l:AVI: 1'KlVl'i; ItlTI'.KT .. Iji. Ii JIIIMUV. Ul.liNKMiW Mini HATI ItllAY nl II in am. I' ' r " ll.')lil liliMliMON. WI.MI'i:(l, ull ih.IiiI" jilrrn t'anad i Mlr. A(li:M'V AI.I, f it'liAN HTKAMSMir I.IMiH. Ilr Cmuiillun NuIIiiiiiiI l;prrM lur Munry llrdrrs, lur-:: ,hr; nr mimi mr jour nexi kiiipmriit. city Tit'Krr (iiriii:, aw Tin lit am:.. ruiMi: miiUT I'lionf i Canadian National Steamships , Co. Limited i i i wt Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD 0ierntlnjr (J.T,l'f 20,000 Ton ,J-lutlne Dry I),,ck EnBineern, Machinist, Ilollermal.erH, Illiitksmltltt, VaW milkers, Founders, WoodwoikerM, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our plant is equipped to hundlc ull kludu of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. 1'IIONES -13 und a85