PAOE FOUR Neglected Eyes 1 NEGLECT Is doubtless rtjie cause of most of the ills that afflict humanity. This is so self evident that it seems hardly necessary to tell you.. If your eyes are Kivlnjr trouble, have thctn attended to and at once. OP ALL absurdities in the kingdom of foolishness, surely the loss of eyesight through neglect is the most Inexcusable. DONT rose health and effi-ciency through neglect. Come and seel Fred Joudry Registered Optometrist nnil Optician Roam 3 Smith Mock Phone 7C3 "VvUNCr tN MIND S ,'. TrT stu. OTvER.KAND v We sell superior lumber that is the only kind of lumber ro be found in our sheds and yards. We have the most complete stocR in Northern B.C., including fir and cedar timbers, dimension, shiplap, finishing, veneers, shingleS. lath and mouldings, all reasonably and properly priced. Albert & McCaffery Phones 11G and 117 VELVET Ice Cream THE VERY REST! Take a brick home tonight 1 We cater for Parties, Picnics, Dances, etc. Prompt Delivery Velvet Ice Cream Co Corner Third Avenue and Second Street Phone 758 Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE Phone 381 P.O. Rox 1565 LAUNCHES, SCOWS, ROW ROATS AND CANOES SAND AND GRAVEL Equipment for Diving and Salvage Work Agents for Easthope Engines and Stump Pullers NORWEGIAN HALIRUT GEAR IN STOCK Compass Adjusting LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furnllurv Moving. 'I tit iMlLt Nhrtd BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManm ey COLLt. IF THEljE BY COU-"Y- ENERYONR. CWEb LOOK ACT TKftt TWO OOMO sore-'. 00 most OO IT! J v;hi6hR EVeR catch on MR "THE ONCE OVER- VtfOMDCft .TMROWEfVb LOO KIN" AT ME follow the custom PIHE. TME.nE VOMT BB. 4 IF I'M UWDER0PIOOM ' COEVaTHUV KNOW VM A. , HERS-I LUPlKfoO UP'. J .7 EMOOCW riRU APPAATO 7.. mtCAA.m MERE tN RUWWf i i v i i i n WTtnoyu Ua MOOSE BEAT TERMINALS IN FOOTBALL GAME In one of the most keenly-contested nd well played games of the season Moose beat Terminals last evening 4-1 In the City League. Both teams had several changes Iron-, their usual elevens and all the lie men did well. Moose played down hill but started with only ten men. Play was In mid-field for a spell and then Hamilton beat SomervUle and going clone In beat W. Murray to put Terminals one up. Lob- llnlc nnv rnmnlptH th tmm anri W. Murray . went left half. Moose had more of the. game and Qurvlch saved Hodgklnson sent behind but from another of his centres Chenoskl put thf teams level. Moose were on top and Hodgklnson forced a comer which he placed well but It was cleared. Murray put In a tine shot which Ourvlch did well to put over,the bar. He fisted away the resUltlng corner. Chenoskl centred well and Murray shot over when well placed. From a free kick outside tlu penalty area Sam Currle scored with & j fine shot to put the Moose ahead. Plaj was now fast and keen. Gurvler caught Hodgklnson's shot at the upright. Cameron defended well and Qurvlch again saved well a high shot from Chenoskl that looked aU over a goal. Borne loose high kicking was uninteresting. Dick Howe was through -but finished weakly. Sam Currle defended well and Terminals." defence was sorely tried. SomervUle stopped George Howe and half-time found Moose leading by 3-1 PRESENTATION TO JIMMIK During the Interval a presentation was made to Jlmmle Hamilton on thf occasion of his recent marriage. Jle has the best wishes of his team-mates and footballers for the future. With the hill In their favor Terminals took up the aggressive on the kick-off but Ersklne defended well. Strachan high shot dropped Just over. Hadden was prominent and Dickens shot ove: from a good position. Hadden again was prominent when he sent Howe of! with a fine pass but a fruitless corner resulted. Strachan shot Just over and play went to the other end where Ourvlch saved Hodgklnson's centre. Lobllck saved Hamilton's high shot, and Moose were back In Terminals' goal where H. Hodgklnson converted a fine centre from Chenoskl to put Moose two goals up. Moose tested Ourvlch again and then tobllck was called on. Back to the other end where Murray turned the bai: over the bar. J. Murray went through but hit the upright and after a scramble Hodgklnson scored again. George Howe shot Just over. Both teams were play ing fast ball with play alternating and always Interesting. Lobllck pulled down a fine shot of Hadden's. Cameron clear- red and Menzles , drove a lone - shot carelessly past. Terminals found the Moose defence sure and young Currli was safe. Frlzzell took a good comer. Murray made a clever run but nothing resulted. Dickens shot close. W. Murray shot weakly after J. Murray had made the opening. Lobllck saved George Howe's good shot, and then fisted away. With only a few minutes to go the game was better than ever. Lobllck made a great one-handed stop from clone In and excitement ran high. Full time found the Moose winners 4-1. Teams : Moose Lobllck, J. Currle Jr., Ersklne, W. Murray Jr., S. Currle, SomervUle, H. Hodgklnson, Koppers. J. Murray Chenoskl, .F. Hodgklnson. Terminals S. Ourvlch, R. Howe, II Menzles, Hill, Hadden, O. Howe, Hamll ton, Strachan, Dickens, Cameron Frlzzell. Referee O. Krause. Linesmen A. Clapperton. F. Hardle FOOTBALL COMMENTS It was. .a fine game to watch and iucn exniDiuons win draw bigger crowds. The Moose deserved their -win but they had Lobllck to thank that there was only one goal against them. He gave a fine display. His best stop was the one-handed from point-blank range. Ersklns played his usual clean-kick tng game and was very safe. Young Jim Currle did very well- both in tack ling and kicking. Earn Currle was the pick of the halves and held Dickens. SomervUle promises to do even better with another gams The Doctor In fair weather or foul, zero nights or rainy days, I have always found that my car starts instantly and performs perfectly with Cham pion Spark Plugs they're dependable. Chmmpion U the hitler tbaik plug 8cdui of Ut fUwbttf-rtMicd iiii 'ui cwlt iff twpUc coiutrm-fkm and iMft Cla I arMljni tltctrmdu. Champion 3C tor rorda Champion Can other (hah Ford 90f 9a was another young player who added to his reputation. Hadden played a fine game both in spoiling his opponents and in setting bis forwards going. His duels with Sam Currle were interesting. Hill played a hard fast game. George Howe tried hard but was not so good as usual. The forwards' were disappointing. Champion SparPIugs WINDSOR. ONT. A CANADIAN-MADE' PRODUCT W. Murray Jr. gave a much better dis play than In his other games. Forward, Moose were always danger ous. The brothers Hodgklnson centred well and quickly. H. Hodgklnson had three goals to his credit. John Murray played cleverly but still overdoes the pattern weaving. Chenoskl Is coming on. Terminals: Ourvlch. stopped may dan gerous shots but does not seem so good at the low ones. He might possibly have saved one of them. II. Menzles defended well but indulged oo much In high kicking. Cliff Camer- Dickens missed several chances.. He was off him game strachan was lair. Ham- llton was fast but did not get many I opportunities. Frliawll was fair for his first game PRINCE GEORGE WAS BEATEN AT BASEBALL BY GISCOMBETEAM PRINCE GEORGE. July 30 -The Ols- oomc baH team took the game from the Prince Oeorsje boys on Sunday after noon vrtUi a 16-14 score, after trailing thetn through eight Innings. The GIs- come diamond la very difficult, the out fields being covered with a luxuriant growth of spaas, although the Infield Is rairiy raev nooiey was in mt vox lor the visitors and pitched a good game except for two wttd throws each of which went for a run. The sun was In the eyrs of the fielders most of the time and errors were numerous and about evenly divided. The road between Prince George and Glscome is now in good condition and a number of cars made the trip. GISCOMBE TENNIS PLAYERS TO VISIT AT PRINCE GEORGE PRINCE GEORGE. July 30 Glscome will send a' team of six men on tomor row to try conclusions with as many players from the Prince George club. It will be the first visit of the Qlscome men to-the city and should result In a number of tournaments between the two places which are within easy reach of each other. In view of the coming off the Glscome men It has been decided to close out the club handicaps today so as to leave the Sunday date open. SPORT CHAT The retirement of John McGraw from the position of manager of the New York Giants after twenty-five years' service was the occasion of a great demonstration at the new Polo Grounds on Tuesday. He has been the most admired and most hated man in the game. A record of his association with the Giants fellows and is a striking testimony to his ability. It Is said that during the ownership. of the club by the late John T. BrushJ McGraw was signed for a salary of 130.-000 a year. When he became an official of the club in 1919 his salary was reputed to be $65,000 a year. ! The record of how the Giants have finished in the seasons from 1903 to Her Table Linen is Her Pride Its snowy whiteness must be preserved. Therefore every time she washes it she puts Reckitt's Blue in the rinsing water. It makes all the difference between having the linen just clean and haying it really white and attractive. Reckitt's Bag Blue r ... . . 1 1 . f m ine nanay oug wun ine time una fr IvTjiVe stripes V anted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. '2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c WANTED WANTED. OFFICE DESK AND TABLE. Phone 537. FOIt SM.H I WILL SELL AS A GOING CONCERN my secondhand business, and rent or sell furnished four roomed sn a partly r J u Ja4VA4 vu 4 svtiicv4 FOR SALE. FIRST CLASS RE3TAU-rant. Do not lose your occasion I Apply PJJ. Box 72S. tf FOR SALE. ONE 1934 TUDOR FORD Sedan, repainted and good condition. Parker's Oarage. tf FURNITURE FOR SALE. APPLY 330 Third Avenue. Phone Qreen 700. (177 ROWBOATS FOR SALE. PHONE RED 335. tf 1926, Inclusive, under the management of John McOraw, follows: 1903 3 1915 1904 1 1916 1903 I 1917 1906 3 1918 1907 4 1919 1908 3 1920 1909 3 1910 3 M922 1311 1 1923 1912 1 1924 1913 1 1925 1914 3 1926 t No world's series. ' Won world's series. ... 8 ... 4 ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... a 1921 1 ... 1 ... 1 ... 1 ... a ... 5 There has been much criticism of the players in some of the games and particularly in the last senior baseball match. The critics seem to have lost sight of one thing namely, that In all these matches the players have striven to give of their best.' If the players snow any? sign of not trying, then ing. ii nowever wis piayers iair aown throuh.. their Own honest mistakes, the iiyHywH.F.fl'i.w -lire . a, dropped fly annoys the player much more than the spectator, so It's not playing the game to .blame, the player too much. The players are In the game for their own enjoyment and be cause of their love for the game. They are not highly paid entertainers. Let the spectators reallre this and they will find much more satisfaction in watching all the games. , Too often the spectator or even the player has bet on the game. He kes money because the player makes a mis take. Then his sense of Judgment is biased by the fact that the error costs him money. This Is where betting spoils games. Some fans can always enjoy a game though they enjoy some games more than they enjoy others. These are the ones who look for the Interesting plays, wno appreciate the difficulties and sympathise with the players. There Is no game so bad but that there Is much enjoyment In It. Get a less fault' finding attitude and you. will enjoy the games much more. KANSAS PEOPLE ARE BUYINMIGARETTES TOPEKA, Kansas, July 30. Kansas has teen buying cigarettes legally for several weeks and now it can advertise tliem in its newspapers. The State Supreme Court hss ruled that adver tising of cigarettes in the state could not be prohibited, and declared invalid that section of the new law legalizing ineir sale which sought to prohibit ad yertlslng them. FOR ItKNT FOR RENT. FURNISHED APART-ment ' by the day. week or month. Phone Red C07. If FOR RENT. TWO MODBHN HOUSflB One furnished. Apply 313. rwHM Avenue Bast. ( , - flat with toilet and bath. Modern FOR RENT. FOUR ROOM FURNISHED fiat over store. A good proposition. Phone "74. a. T. Brine. FOR SALE. ROOMINO HOUSE, twenty rooms, with double Conner. Section One. New foundation. 14.-00000. McCafTrry & Gibbons. Ltd. FOR SALE. EQUITY IN SOLDIERS House on Atlln Avenue, five rooms and bathroom. Or would rent Phone Black 487. 177 1 (53.00 PER MONTH BUYS A SEVEN roomed house on Graham Avenue. Section Two. Walker's Music Store. FOR SALE. CAILLIE OUTBOARD, i good shape, direct drive. tCO.00. Hamilton, Oeneral delivery. 178 suite: steam bested. Mallett. Ltd. Apply Smith & tf HOUSE TO RENT AT TBRRACE. DC Apply 333 Eighth Avenue Bast. Phone Green 4 SO. FURNISHED 8UITE8 FOR RENT. Apply Mussallem Ororery. Phone 18. .FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. APPLY Hyde Transfer, Second Avenue. 179 ROOMS FOR RENT. BOARD IF desired. 'Phone Black 129. FOR RENT FOUR ROOM FURNISHED flat. Phone Or pen 735. 181 YES I RESULTS. FACE VALUE AND Ocod Judgment. I. buy. sell or exchange anything of value, a. F. Brine. Phone 774. UPHOI-STKHINfl FURNITURE REPAIR1NU: UPIIOL- terlng of all kinds Chesterfields recovered and made to order: All work guaranteed. Phone Oreen 803. O. M. HUNT. FUltNITUKG NEW SHIPMENT AND NEW PATTERNS of fifty linoleum rugs and 800 square yards of linoleum. The demand Is good and this lot ought to be cleared out this month. So come early. Furniture snd ranges always In stock. A. MAcKenr.le, Furniture. Phone 775. EXCIIANCE NEW AND .SECONDHAND FURNITURE bought, sold and exchanged. Papa, dopulos and Harris. 39 Third Ave. Phone 646. tf KESTtlR ANT OOOII EATS 'fJ.WE Mrs, Unger. Proprietress again personally In charge. Third Avenue, Next O. W. V. A. flood Home Cooked .Meals. Phone Black 700. Sl'.UMKU KIIXOIUS. , MKI:LM: IIOTSI'lUMiK I.OHOE r' -"TKItRACKy. , . v' . Now Qpen for Visitors. F6r terms and reservations. Apply .Mrs. Ho Manageress.. -., .298 KAIKN ClAllAriE Agents for all JCNKUAI, MOTOIIS I'HOIH (!TH Another carload of Chevrolets Justin! Prices: Roadster 1825.00 Roadster rtfvery S825.00 '""nK r 825.00 Coupe 983.00 I Coach 965.00 Sdn 11,075.60 Landau Sedan 11,120.00 Cabriolet 11,100.00 Commercial Chassis , ,. 1045.00 Delivery Express Chassis .... S80500 29 x 4.40 Balloon Tires standard equipment on all models except De livery Express chassis. Call or phone for demonstration. Klf: GAKAflK Third Avenue I'honf 53 TAXI Phone 67 Taxi (Call Georjrc, Paul or Gust) Six and Seven Passenger Stutle bakers at your disposal any time KOSS IJKOS. POOL KOOM - Meeker lllock. (Across from Rmfiross Hntn C.N.R. TRAINS for the East-Dally Except Sundays 11:30 a.m. From 'he East-Dally exctp; Tuesday 330 pjn. Articfc, Found,!, an II III m f I I w llllULIUL ail i.n iiiiiiii r hip i w ass tliu lalJILilj lor Vsncouser Monday Pim.-s Cr -, Tuesdsy- as Co tali Thursday as. Pi nre . Saturday as. CaU " ss. Pnncr.:; n- a " ss. Prince Ifipc ' July 9- -as. lTincc-9 t " 13 as. Prluce-.- t j " 16-PrlncM Allca " 20 ss. Princes c i ti " 33 ss. I'rluce-j u j 37 ss. Prince Al rj " 30 ss. Princes: i a I'rnni Vsncomer Sunday ss. Catali Msndsy as. Prince r u-j Wednesday ea.Pi:! Friday ss. Prince H p? " ss Csrdera Sutardsy ss. prlnc l: July 8 as. Princes Ix - II ss iTincesi a. :j " 15 as. Princess C':::::u " 18 as Prince! j L -t " 33 ss Prince A 25 ss. Prince ' " 89 ss. Prlnce I. j lor Port Mmpwn snd Nasi Itw- Friday as. Csrdens I - . ...... Ul . .. I . Saturday as. Cardena I'or Anruv, xtensrt, etc Monday.. as. Prince C'.-:: Hrwsy ss. prince ,m:pe 'i I rum Aiiyot, Kiraart, elr. Tuesday as. Calais ' Thursday, as. Pnncr ; Saturday ss. Prince R V' I i'or North (iueen CharMlf Monday as Prlncej f jlalH from North llueen fharMli- Thuraday- as Prince t 'to I 51 I'or Ponlh Oueen ('liarlollt- July 18- -sa Prince J !.. I'rom South queen rharlllr- " July 13 ss. Prince J J " 37- ss. Prince J;!:n J I'or Alaka weanesosy ss. rrince i July a-ss. Princes U-i 1 " 11 s. Princess AlKt J " 15 ss. Princess CUrtc'U " 18. ss. Princess I-ouIm j closes mn. . iiihcd. " - 25 as. Princess ct.ii - " 29 ss. princess U-- J Iriim Al:ika Monday ss. Prince Oeor- l"81 July 9-ss. Princess C .if :-. ' " Lou as ' 1J -ss. Princess " 18-ss. Princess All ' " 20 ss. Princess Charla'.te i 23 S, Pflncess Louis J " 27 ss. lrinces Alice " 30 ss. Princess CS".' !W ' MAILjCHEDULE JII.V 1!7 ror the f.mtt . Unnilii. W4niu1av.!. Eat iraiJ1 From the F.nH Mondays, Wednesday.1 due To Vancouver Mondays Tuesdays Thursdays Saturdays Fiiasi" O.P.R. Jul 9. 13, 18. 2- I'roin Vnni.r.iith- 13' j; .411; ii Mil 33. ..a i Mondays M. " Wednesdays Frldavs O PR. July 8, 11, 15, 1. J3 To Anvox. Alice Arm. t . ... . 10' 10' ,35.1 preml" B..M.... m.ll ClOSfl " uviiiuaiB at iTiaays , Trum AnjOf, AHrf Arm. P"1 Tuesdays To N'aas Hirer Points ( Thursdays m11 c " Baturrf... n To Aliika Points July 8. 1. 18, 18, 22, 25. Troni Alaokn Point . . . 97. 3"' 1 I n n mm nn 41 iuijr v, io, ID, " To ((uren riiarlolle 'l'n, P".. Trom ((ueen Charlotte l,,,n , AdTtrtlM IB TBI D.M