25 v t fa r, i r r. 1, j . 1 1 . 1 c -: do it We ask for a TAXI ind Boston Grill Ambulance Service) n,nhre at Anytime ' pl.nd Kuhange llulldlng MATT VIIIKCK. Prop. continuation of fortneoming. for a IS OUTPLAYED Saskatoon Gets Semi-Flnal Scries Against Western Team for Connaught Cup EAGKATOON. July 30ln the soccer Mmi.fiaali 6akatoon captured the sc-I,,':'5lni' Nsnalmo by defeating the cn, 11 Columb'a team eight goaU to Nani.3ics win earlier In the week of ' 3 makes the tntnl tnr ihi two FOLEY'S 0PPONENT" SPRAINS HIS ANKLE ""Mint (!,. , Vancouver Man lllgfit llrcliiiiliig of llout July" 30. .Vic Foley vu . aea "he decision t over Jackie John- m'nUt nd two cn1 the It.-.""1 of heduled twelve. round vr."ght ' th 1)0111 here vlMt n'8ht. . '"Werner sprained an ankle J M unble to continue. ' ' The Dally News B.C. Vancouver. AA CECIL HACKER WINS MEDAL Comes Second in all British Columbia in History of Canada Jubilee Competition VMOl:K, July JO. Crrll Marker of the ITIiice Kuert tilth hehiml Ha I lie alnner of I lie kilter medal fr llrlllh Caldmlila In the Natloiul Canadian IIMorf twin-petltUin Mllli the IMamond Jubilee. Harder rame ket-ond, Jimei (IIIaoii of Vktitrla limine the flrt prlie and (old medal. (IImhi (at W! mark and Darker 91. The third prize m on by Itonald Mallirw.n of Van-rmitrr. who (el the brome medal with 7 mark. lei II l the m.ii of Ke. ti. (1. Ilarkrr who left here Imo week ago. TO INDUCE FRENCH CANADIAN MIGRANTS RETURN TO CANADA the second French Oanadlan Asmolatlon of Alberta at the 0 rent War Veterans' Memorial Hall. x It waa a matter of extreme regret I that no many native tone who had the bf hear'y support which has al-1 Interest of the country at heart found been It necessary to migrate south of the In- i n waper Is the best asset 'JJLT immunity nan have. NANAIMO ikpju. .T.i... - r ri tunltles awaiting settlers In the west It was thought every effort should be put forth to induce ttiem to return to Canada, THREE NEW TEACHERS FOR LOCAL SCHOOLS The following appointments have been made to the teaching start of the Prince Rupert schools: Miss Alva A. Oarnett of Sumroerland. iv Onrrion uconrcy iiarns oi both to Booth Memorial school. Mrs. N. E. Murphy of North Vancouver to the 'Domestic Science Department in pise of Mrs. Darlington. CANADIAN.SOCCER TEAM CLOSES ITS TOURWITH A WIN AUCKLAND, HZ.. July 30.-The All- . i-.n.iii in their final game Dun iu defeated Auckland In a soc of, the tour cer game here today. She muter placed here, i QUEBEC, July SO. The Prince of Wale. Prince George and . i ago there were not Premier Baldwin were welcomed to Canada at 10.30 this morning "a" three or four housed The heir to the British throne wore a uniform of the Seaforth High- ' ' 1 ' : landers aud Prince George that of a naval officer. ' toily New there have, premier Mackemie King went'aboard the steamer Empress of cgr- also. At the time; Australia and accompanied the prince and the British premier to w..uKuti iw ii nau King's wharf where they were officially received. f ad a telegraphic aer-l g ... .rsieruajra news in-1 ''"dio's. the service cost-ii. ' ivrnty dollars, but it nc community was; ; a or at that time. ! is an almost up-to-i - Hegraph service, giv- -nary of the latest news. Id, and the combined' cost many hundreds a m mth. A paid circuit proximately five hun-jmped to fifteen hun-, - hop is equipped wlthj j. runes and a press that1 d 'olds the paper at one-While not fulfilling " ir expectations of the i the paper is com-" favorably by visitors ally by outside news-who know what it publish under conditions' ''am here. I end is not yet. The Daily; -- -fitly reduced the price i he :, develops plans for im- r -cmr' f- will bo ready. Many r,t: have already been consld-! ft t.a! uji to the present the n' have not warranted any i fiirr:cr expenditure. j Tftr Da.ly News is now looked t- "ha representative paper of Premier Baldwin stepped upon Canadian soil in the firm ho e that a definite conclusion would be reached at the naval dnarma -' Mi and Central liritisn rdmo.vton. Juiv so Di-iission of :..aund as such tries to keep and means of inducing t iet '-h with the district and cul- ooruitTbie portion of the 3.000.000 a jurit of co-OIeration ! French Canadian who have made their tr ')g ,. various sections. (homes In th UnHed Stales to return to W'ionx for improvements Canada, formed the taats of a stirring .lwa. welcomebut they I annual convention n of tne r be nf a practical nature. U fa: y to make a good newspaper andK are available with which nn-rn (at bank teller's xoung . to an account window )-I wish open rJ,!.,Verv well, madam. How much do you want to oeposiw ' hinu I want Mrs, Green- wny. mailt cinieren e at Oeneva II c! c not zert during hla atay to mec ' PrL ;mdent Coullds to dlacua the n'm' n 1 with him. He aM he did not leave ' Bncland untU aatlafled that our dele gate would g back to Oeneva with a i fair hope of arriving at a cm luaioc and I'm quite aure no effort wit) be aparvd on our part to arrive a a n cltMon. I further feel confident that ' t definite conclusion la not arrived a It wUl not be ur fault." The flrat tUmpae of Pre mler Baldwin w a ebaractertatlc one. It waa w.tti a plfw ad amlle. ARMENIAN RELIEF STORY TO BE TOLD BY VISITOR TO CITY M. n. Farounaglan. field repreenta- Uve of the Canadian Armenian Relief eommlttee Is In the city In the In- tereata of the Relief Fund. Caring for the thousands of children left orphaned and destitute by the ravages of Turkish noldlery has ImpoHed a great duty upon the Christian peoples which their gov ernments have been unwilling to as sume. The story of Armenia will be told by Mr. Farounaglan at the Baptist Church tomorrow morning. In the Anglican Church tomorrow evening and to the Rotary Club on Thursday . While In the district. Mr. Farounaglan -will visit Stewart. Anyox and Ketchikan. GIRL AYIATOR LOOKS FOR BODY OF GIRL DROWNED IN LAKE HAMILTON. Ont., July 30 Canada's first girl aviator, Alleen Volllck. an 18-year-old Hamilton girl, will probably never experience a sadder flight than the one In which ahe guided her plant low ovef the waters of Hamilton Bay. searching vainly for the body of her friend and neighbor. WInnlfred Turner, who with three others was drowned there from a sail boat. A drizzling rain throughout the day and a swell on the bay made her task exceedingly difficult but the plucky girl kept her plane low and waa over the bay for an hour or more befdre returning to the aerodrome. MOTORSHIP APOLLO MISSING SINCE JUNE VANCOUVER, July 30. Motorshlp Apollo which sailed from Vancouver on May 28 laden with lumber for England, has been mUaStig since June 12 when she left Mazatlan. Mexico, sftcf getting engine repairs. There were fourteen men aboard mostly from British Columbia 'and the Old Country, VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Bid. B.C. Silver . 1.75 Coast Copper '. 12.35 Dunwcll Gladstone Independence Indian L. and L. Lucky Jim . Premier Porter Idaho Sllvercrest iin'-'rh .... 1.27 .18 , '.07 W .09 .18 U 2.10 .20 Asked 1.7 12.75 1.34 J22 ..07 Vi J08 .09 V 18V4 2.23 .20 Vi .00 h 90 Mlai IWc;. W :;s, Whnt. .!.a;nplon, an. i ig La New York KILLED IN ELEVATOR SAN FRANCISCO. HOTEL SAN FRANCISCO. July 30 Florence Saulstro and Miss Gllroy here In connection with a beauty contest conducted by a San Francisco newspaper; were killed last night In an elevator at the hotel where the contestants were staying. Sportsman (ruefully) Got any pheasants for sale? Shopkeeper Not one, .sir, Sold out this morning, but -weve got some fine sausages. Sportsman. Sausages? How can I 'Tell my I ,Rlsnge, PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper ALASKAN SIDE Clearing Station Established American Customs Benefit Canadians VANCOUVER SAILOR by KETTHIKAN. July 30. T. J. Petrteh, r t!ie aervke of tne Untied States eu- ib at J'jueau. arrived from there on wu l .fr ii. r Inland, near Duke i.nrt. to be sUMJnrd indeftnltalT tor f. Uiry of clearlr.g boat! from iriu.sh C luuihia plants whl'.h desire to ut f Ldh In Sjuthe n Alaakan watera. This U bald to be the flrt Oil that y p.ant .'ram the Drttlah Columbia :de rr toe line ha nought flab m .!.-:. an wa'ert. The ranne.y plant at lavett. Drltlah Columbia, la one of toe n,f whlrh will be in market thla Oy:havn, Norwegian consul at - n i't. and manager of the a) F h Company. I one of ' the nei. r 'he has ett plant who waa 111 :cMit!y m connection wttti hla i: .! j bunlnea. DROWNED AT COLON VANCOUVER. July 30.-WlUlam Rcea a t in ,i -in the jnotorshlp Chris Moeller, urryim a cargo of British Columbia l-.imVer to Newfoundland, was drowned at CM n HarbfiA ' according to wqrd re 'ived h-n- tirtoy. Steamer Admiral Watson Ashore at Ivory Island; Passengers Off in Boats VICTORIA, July 30. The Pacific Coast Steamship Com-pany'H steamer Admiral Watson went ashore on Ivory Island in a dense fog early today. The Admiral Hogers is standing by. The tug Lome and the Salvage King are proceeding to the wrecked vessel from whicJi the passengers and crew have left in the ship's boats. The steamer left Ketchikan yesterday southbound. She Is now leaking in Number One Hold. WORLD EVANGEL IS PLANNED AT" LOS ANGELES ()uarrel Ilctwcen Almee McPher-son and Mother to be Settled in Own Home LOS ANOEIfB. July 30. Almee Mc-Pherson outlined her plans lor a world cVangeilcal tour last nigh) but failed to nettle the question of whether she Intended to resign as pastor of the Trmple. She said her Intention of entering tfre outside fleW was to redeem the pledge made to students of the temple bible school that she would provide places for tbem when they graduated as ordained hilnlsters. The demand for a showdown between Almee and "Ma" Kennedy In the row over Temple finance failed to achieve anything' when the evangelist informed the congregation that the difficulty would be settled within their own home. PRESENTATION MADE WALTER FISHER BY GOVERNMENT STAFFS Yesterday afternoon the staffs of the office of fhe collector, the assessor and the Government agents' offices gathered and presented W. F. Fisher with solid gold Waterman fountain pen and gold qj-ersharp pencU on the occasion of his severing his connection with the local office. The presentation was made by A. J. Lancaster, ohief clerk of the office, and his rcmarker were supplemented by Norman Watt, government agent, both of whom mentioned the retrret they felt at losing Mr. Fisher and the hope that he would enjoy his life in Victoria. LEVINE DONATES NEW CLUBHOUSE IE BOURGET 'DROME PARIS. July 30. Charles A. Levlne. who flew with Clarence D. Chamberltn ,n the monoplane, "Columbia," from New York to Germany, haa given the International League of Aviators 100,-000 francs for the erection of an aviators' ctubhouso at LeBourget aerodrome, 66. 160. WEATHER KEl'Oirr, ; , , y Terrace. Clear, calm, temp. CO, Rons wood. Clear, calm, temp. 68, Alyansh. Clear, calm. temp. 64. Alice Arm. Clear, calm, temp. 62. Anyox. Part cloudy, calm, temp. 68. Hazelton. Heavy smoke, calm, temp. Telegraph Creek. Clear, calm, temp. Bums Lake. Smoky, calm, temp. 60. I During the Great war Canada sent 4lr0P men wereas. druw ti: if A TIIOUSAMlS DltOHX IN tiiistsi: ITIXMH . 4 8IIAK-OHAI. July 30. The Chinese newspaper Shihpso re- s ports that ten thousand people were drowned and a hundred thousand are bomeieaa as the result of the flooding of the ir Klulung River m FuUeb. pro- vlnce. SKIPPER SAVES BOY FROM DROWNING AT i DOCKS IN VICTORIA VICTORIA, July 30 A small boy, ab-iut six years of age. whose name Is, not known, bad a narrow escape fromj 'Irowning at the Ozden Point docks.! With two companions he was pitying ; on some scows tied alongside the dock, j Captain W. R. Rosktlley was Just back-i :ng out the tug Dorothy, of the Island Tug & aBrge Company, when be heard; a splash. I Having seen the boys playing on the' .... Y . lnn.uU.1.1. Ihl I AnA ' o. j n a iic mniKui.mj ,vmm4 . w.w of them might have fallen overboard, so, rushing to the stern of the tug, he Jumped In and rescued the lad. It was stated by waterfront employers yesterday that this Is not the time that an accident of this rl.tracter has happened and this one Jh.iuld prove a warning to boys not to 7lry on ocean docks or scows. But for the timely and heroic action of Captain Roekelley the boy would have lost his life. STIFF BLOW DROVE FISHING BOATS IN PRICES ARE BETTER A stiff blow outside drove some of the fishing boats tor shelter or Into port. The catches were low and the price Improved today. Sales were: American Baltic 13.000 pounds, to Cold Storage at 13.90c and 6c. Can ad Ian Prosperity A.. 8.000 pounds, to Booth Fisheries at 12c and 6c. Rose Spit, 18.000 pounds, to Atlin Fisheries at 12.30c and 6c. Joe Baker. 4 XX) pounds, to Royal Fish Co. at 11.60c and 6c. Scrub, 9,000 pounds, to Cold 8toraga at 11.70c and 6c. DIED IN HOSPITAL AFTER KILLING WIFE ORANBIJOtk. July 30. Adolpa Cart- ehqfj jnU wVe-tllol liWf 'SX the hospital todaY trim alleged seta-Inflicted wounds. DROWNED AT VANCOUVER SWIMMING AT JERICHO VANCOUVER. July 30. Collapsing suddenly while swimming with her two older sisters. Norah Haddon. 15 years of age. was drowned nff Jericho Beach he'V ln :.:nfi' Large Upsuir Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least I'hune 457. V ''',J fi , PRINCE RtTRRT. B.C.. SATURDAY, JULY 30, 1027 pr. e Fit- Cents mNCESAfm PRFM1F.R IN CANADA STEAMER ADMIRAL WATSON ASHORE AT IVORY ISLAND c::c editorial British Princes and JLST NINE YEARS nine years si nee the v a nine under the v m- nt and during that H'v-i' many cnangea navci Tne population of iu.it about doubled ' Premier Baldwin Are in Canada on Visit u d, nits have btcn erected. J IIRITALVS FIRST MINISTER EXPRESSES CONFIDENCE, IN bfen made, whan m, OUTCOME OF NAVAL DISARMAMENT CONFERENCE ( levator duiii ami ai-i AT GENEVA fnnjt that is of a per-l : VICTORY SMILE. TO BUY FISH Youthful Guard on Fish Trap Shot from Amhush When Coming Out of Water San Juan Islands MOUNT VERNON. July 30. An arrest in connection with the death of Ernest Huntley, 1G years of, age, a Puget Sound fish trap guard, was promised today after investigators found that the youth had been murdered, apparently in cold blood. Sheriff P. N. Gerrard said the arrest would probably be made following an inquest at Friday Harbor. Huntley had been employed at the fish trap on Waldron Island in the San Juan group and had evidently been swimming. He was hot from ambush whe'n coming out of the water, investigation dis-loecd. The body, clad In a bath ng suit, wan 'suad on the beach Thursday. A Ml- t cf small calibre had entered his right Urn, drilled through h.. bead and etnet- r-,ad behind the le t ear. A twenty-two 'alfbra rifle, to which Ocrrard apparently attached great significance, was found 00 yards away. ; YANKEES WERE HALTED HEN STARS FAILED ltuth Did Some Hitting Hut Languished on -liases Most of Time NEW YORK. July 30. The Yankees were halted after three straight victories. Ruth and Gehrig tailed to clout 1 the paMbalU out of the park yeattrday and languished most of the time on. bases, oievelahd Indians bung the sign ya Hugmen when t&ey .won the scries opener g(l to four. -""Wntf-HubTfir -was- I pounded for fourteen hits but the : American League champs were weak In I the pinches. Ruth got three hits In miny attempts, two of them doubles. Washington and Detroit staged an eleven Inning thriller to open their series, the San tors finally winning after two were out by five to four. After a had start the White Sox beat Philadelphia six to four. St. louls Browns dropped the opener to Boston Red Sox eight to two. Chicago Cubs won a nerve shattering battle of ten innings with the Giants five to four. St. Louis Cardinals made It four straight over Philadelphia, taking the series final 6 to 3. The game between Boston and Cincinnati was halted by rain. NATIONAL LKAfUE New York 4. Chicago 5. Brooklyn 3. Pittsburg 4. " Philadelphia 3. St. Louis 6. Boston-Cincinnati, rain. AMERICAN LEAOIE Cleveland 6. New York 4. Chicago 6. Philadelphia 4. St. Louis 2, Boston 6. Detroit 4, Washington 5. ALBERTA HAS CLOSE SEASON ONBEAYERNOW EDMONTON. July 30 Trapping of beaver In Alberta will not be permitted during the coming winter, according to an announcement made here by Benjamin Lawton. provincial game guardian. Decision of the provincial government on this point was reached following the tabulation of catches made during recent years, whloh showed a rapidly decreasing number of these vahible animals. Under the law It Is possible for the lieutenant governor-ln-oouncU to declare an open season and during the last three years trapping was permitted, but the catch decreased to such an extent that the government, fearing too rapid depletion, decided to give the beaver protection until audi time at tbere are Indications of a considerable Increase in numbers. During the season 1925-1926 a totaJ,i of 13,089 beaver pelt were registered' ' In Alberta,1 represeiUfng a total value of $301 78d. or an average of $20. The total for the dominion for the same period was 111.707. representing a value of $2,208,855 or an average of $19.77. Statistics show." declared the bespectacled woman lecturer, "that the modern, common-sense style of woman's i dress has reduced accidents on the j street-cars by 50 per cent." "Why not do away with accidents altogether?" piped a masculine voice ' r- m :'r.t re.u of the hall.