Hi tAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS i ?TouJan &d, Jaffa lgtrufc& PRINTING Stationery Office Supplies School Supplies Kodaks Films Phonographs Records Novelties Dennison Goods Birthday and Every Day Cards Third Avenue (Opposite Third Street) Phone 234 WEEK-END Meat Specials at MUSSALLKM'S MEAT MARKET GOOD STEER BEEF Boiling Beef, per lb. .. 10c Stewing Beef, per lb. 122c Pot Roast Beef, per lb. 122c and 15c Shoulder Steak, per lb.. . 15c Rib Roast of Beef, per lb. 20c Baby Beef, per lb. 20c & 25c Good Corn Beef, per lb. 10c Tickled Tork, per lb. . . 20c VEAL Leg of Veal, per lb. .. 30c Shoulder of Veal, per lb. 20c Stewing Veal, per lb. .. 15c Bacon, sliced, per lb. . . 45c Fresh Killed Fowl, per lb. 35c Mussallem Grocery COMPANY LTD. 417-423 Fifth Ave. East Phone 18 and Rhone 84 II. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. The Swimming Season is now at its best I . An all Wool Bathing Suit will add to your enjoyment. They fit and look well. JANTZEN, UNIVERSAL & PENMAN'S BATHING SUITS For Ladies, Children and Youths H.S.WaUaceCo.Ltd. Phone 9 Third and Fulton Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST ANGER, the TAILOR We carry a fine stock of imported Woollens. Union label on every garment. We employ only Union labor. Every suit guaranteed perfect I. ANGER, Cutter and Designer 223 Sixth Street ALASKA PLANS COLONIZATION OF TERRITORY Secretary, of .Bureau!. in Seattle " I'IMtl 1. L 1 1 ' tiMiiiiK ncicnianri. .onnrc , tlon With Scheme . KETCHIKAN. JulJ SO. Practical colonization of Alaskan lands to trie eitent that the llxruatrtra of the trrrt- tory cut absorb new settlers U tAe present mission of Oharlea D. Oarfleld. Isccretary of the Alaska, bureau of the J Seattle Chamber of Oonunffw. t was a passenger on the steamship Tukan. operated by the Alatka Stoamshtp Company, on his may to 8 ward and Fair banks. While hU boat waa tn Ketchikan. Mr. Oarfleld attended a meeting of the notary Club and alio conferred wttti W r. Schlothan. president of the Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce, about the forthcoming trip of Mayor Landei of Seattle. NEW .MOVEMENT The Seattle Chamber of Commerce," aald Mr. Oarfleld. "haa a apedal committee appointed to look after proposed colonization work in Alaaka. a new movement which the Seattle body baa taken up in connection with tta work for assisting Alaskan enterprtoea. "Aside from my regular routine trip to Alaska?, my present mission 1 to' get together such data, and faU for at tracting settlers of the right class to Alaska. I am to be assisted tn this work by the Chambers of Commerce tn Alaska. The Idea Is not to start settlers boom, but to secure, if possible, enough settlers to engage In fanning and grazing to take care of, local market condition." Speaking about the new mining de partment of the 8eattle Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Oarfleld aald It making progress, and that- the main oumMR or Tnm mlijAlnnarv worlr mrmi perty. The work covers the northwest COME IN ON" SATURDAY Extra Specials Heinz Tomatoe Catsup Per bottle . 0rJ Heinz Combination Special 1 tin Pork and Beans 1 tin Spaghetti 1 tin Tomatoe Soup. Any two for 25 Here Is a cash only special For Saturday only Pacific Milk, tall tins, per tin 10? 6 tins only to one customer Will deliver Milk if Included with other goods Fresh Milk Arriving Daily Extra Quality B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 45 and 574. Canton Crepe DRESSES from $12.50 Smart little Wash Dresses sizes 7 to 16 From $1.50 to $2.25 BENT'S LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR Third Avenue For Ladysmith-. Wellington COAL Phone 580 HydeTransfer And Coal Co. 139 Second Avenue TO Eastern Canada niii;n i:i wnoir. rut m:s 4 Fill a wire basket with peaches Plunge then Into boiling water for 3 minutes ana tnen the skins will come off easily Drop the fruit into cold water to keep tin roior For 9 pounds I of fruit use H pounds urirulated fiugar I and 1 tifnt wrttj-r Hrr M. mii -ft r .rul water ui:o'.!ipr a:.-l v-tu'.n it bolls skim TO EUROPE I MAKH MAKH RESERVATION'S RESERVATION'S NOW NOW 1 t'ltOM MONTREAL To Lhrrpool 'Aug. 5. Sept. 2 Minnedosa Aug. 12. Sept. 9 Montclare Aug. 19, 'Sept. 16 Montrone Aug. 36. Sept. 23 Montcalm 'This sailing calling at Greenock, in Glasgow Sept. 10 Marloch To Ilelrast-Ulafccow Aug. 1. Sept. 1 Metacama Aug. 16, Oct. 6 Mellta To Antwerp Sept. 8 Mellta t'UOM JI I IIKC To ChrrlHtiirR-Noutliamplnn- Aug 10. Sept. 9 Moat&alm 7 Aug. IB. tsept. 9 Moatrojal To Antwerp only. tTo Antwerp, via Cherbourg and Southampton To Cherbourg-Southampton anil llamhurg Aug 3. Aug. 31 Empress of Australia tAug. 16. tSept. 7 Ejnp. of Scotland JAug. 24, Tgept. 14 Empress of France tTo Hamburg. tTo Southampton via Cherbourg AprlT to Azent every J. J. FORSTEI FORSTER. General ieneral Pin. Pin. , J. m W S.S. Agent, m C.P.R. Station, Station, Vancouver. Vancouver. Jff Telepbo Telephone Seymour 2610 REMEMBER ! For Montreal pricca on Clothing Men .& Boys Don't forget the Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. R. Miller Proprietor M CENTRAL & EASTERN STATES EDMONTON-CALGARY JASPER Ti. k-ts on sale to Sept 30th. Final return limit Oct. 31st Choice of routes: .v''oovers. Full information from CITY TICKET OFFICE 328 Third Avenue. Phone 2G0 MINING IMU'MTKV One ot the objects of tkt work." I aald Mr. Oarfleld. "la to teaeto bankers ' and others that mining Is fust a tourd investment aa any other Indus-t try when put on a practical business toast-" He said the object of the chamber if to also create a revolving fund of 11.-000,000 to help develop prospects to the point where mining investors would Uke hold: also to help establish a , mining stock exchange in Seattle. In referring to work accomplished Seattle Pur Exchange, which, he said, bad grown from a corporation of 1400.-000 three years ao to 3 .000 .000 worth of business for the present season, and that the exchange was now paying dividends. SEASONABLE RECIPE til niiinminimiinniniiiii , ,;..:: .r:,i sTrrrmrmmirmCTiiimrminmrimwirnimimnnminiirniiniiiiiMinifiiiii "SEE CANADA IN CANADA'S DIAMOND JUSIUX YEAR. IStf lMT i Ran ad san National and Alaska. Mr. Oarfleld amid that each , it. When the syrup is boiling, drop property sent to his offlo k published the peaches, a few at time, into the In a bulletin which goes so saining In- syrup Cook them genUy for 10 min to help the prospector finance hi. pro-!?' tT TT.. " ! ute, then put them into Jars and fUl the )ar with the strained syrup, the Jars at once. GREAT GATHERING Seal OF EDUCATIONISTS TO BEMTERTAINED IHtrrve lrograni Arrancrd by Canadian Trarlirrs l'or (iuesls I'rom all Countries TORONTO. July M. Toronto teach ers, who are the boats to the edweattoo- al army which congregates in the city for the week -of August 7-13 for the second biennial conference of the World Federation of Educational Associations. are preparing to entertain the visitors on a large scale. Pageants, concerts. garden partica, excursion and church eery Ices are being arranged under Capa ble direction, so that the 6,000 dele gate, representing countries, wlU derive much entertainment from the con- lercnce, aa well as aid in their chosen u, rk. On four stages rising one above the other in the Collation of the Canadian National Exhibition 1.400 peraona will present the moat spectacular feature of this section of the program a symbolic pageant entitled "The Heart of the World." The pageant wUl be presented on the evening of August 9. Through the mediums of music. dancing and costuming, the performers will give a colorful picture of the devel opment of the world from savagery to civilization through the Influence of education. The pageant will Include many national aire, folk songs and folk dances and will terminate with a mag nificent finale anaeanlite representing the world tn harmony through the power of the child. The chorus number will be rendered by a chorus of 60 soloists, chorus of 30 International groups, chorus of COO from the Canadian Na tional Exhibition chorus and a chorus of 350 children. ' TERRACE Mrs. Elizabeth B. Allen of Honolulu who has spent the past month as the gueat of Mrs. Oeo. XJttle left on Thurs day for Taooma. Mra. Allen waa the gueat of honor at a number of social alfalfa during the wee, those enter taining for her Including Mrs. C. L. M Oigsjey. Mrs. George Little. Mrs. Ardagh, LAND ACT. NOTICE OK INTENTION' TO API'LY TO LEASE LANIi. In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dis trict oi coast District. Range 4. ana sn uate on and belne all of Bonilla Island except that portion occupied by Indian Kaserve numoer la TAKE NOTICE that I, Ole C. Auetad, of Prince Rupert, B.C.. occupation rancher, Intends to apply for a leae of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the souraeavieriy point oi uonuia isiana, thence northerly, westerly, southerly and easterly, following the alnuosltlee of the shore line, to point of commencement, excepting therefrom ttoat portion of the island occupied by Indian Reserve no. 18 and containing one thousand acre, more or less. OLE 0. AUSTAD, uatea juiy is, 1 827. NOTICE. Applicant, IN THE MATTER of an application for the Issue of a Provisional Certificate of Title for Lot one 1 1 of Lot three nun- dred and alxty (300). Range five (5), Coast District. Man 970. Satisfactory proof of the loss of the Certificate of Title covering the above land having been produced to me. It la my Intention to Issue, after the explra tlon of one month from the first pub Ucatlon hereof, a Provisional Certificate of Title to the above land. In the name of ALICE CLAPP. The original Certlfl cate of Title Is dated the 29th November, 1912. and Is numbered 26051. Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert. B.C. July 15, 1B27. H. F. MacLEOD, Registrar of Titles Spring Time Is CELERY KING Time Srew a orp f this fine old vegetable tonic It is all the spring medicine you need. It drives out winter's poisons. Improves the appetite sod mates you feel bctrec rlgbtawav. CELERY ICING Is good for the whole family. Ax druiiu, iOc Ot Siturda." McArthur Shoe Store Annual ummer Sale Our last Sale a year ago was a great success because then u the people of Prince Rupert real shoe value which the thrifty hou c was quick to recognise. This year's sale we anticipate will lie a r breaker as our stock is very large and complete in overy line of i shoe needs. Our mottc is QUALITY and you may bo aurtired that what, merchandise you buy at our Sale you will get sterling values at hi; ductions in prices. THE MACFAKLANE SHOE Ladies' One Strap. In Patent Leather with fine hand-turned sole and Cuban heel. These shoes rank aa Canada's finest hand-turned. Exceptional value. Summer Sale CClOC Trice OUR MOTTO QUALITY Price IS MEN'S SPORT OXFORDS In canvas with brown leather trimming, rubber heels and leather soles, bummer Sale Q-f AC IIttU MEN'S WORK HOOTS Kip uppers with double Panco soles and heels, made over the famous Munson last. Here is a snap! Summer Sale C OK Price ren and Mrs. H. E. Yard of Anyox left for their heme on Thursday alter hav ing spent several weeks holidaying In the Kalum Lake district. E. A. Nlckerton and It. C. Webber wtto spent several days at Lakeise Ike on a fishing trip returned to Ter race on Tuesday and left for 'their homes in Prince Rupert on Wednesday C. W. Homer Is an official visitor In ; the district this week. R. Boyes, Salvation Army Captain of Ilazetton, arrived in town on Thursday on a canvassing trip. Darren WtUson. who has been spending a holiday with Dorothy Whitlow at Usk, returned home on Thursday. Jack McCubbln of Pacific la spending the week camping at Lakelse Lake with Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Allen and family. Misses Fanny McLaren and Bessie Moore are holidaying at nemo, Mrs. W. W. Noonan and daughters returned to Tclkwa on Tuesday after spending a week with Mrs. P. W. Bohi ler. One of the Lakelse Hatchery employees was taken to the Hazel ton hospital on Thursday afternoon suffering from a badly smashed face the result of an accidental blow with a sledge hammer. : The weather throughout the past week has been unusually hot with clear bright sunshine. Even the cool evenings, usually characteristic of the district, seem to have left and a heavy rain would now be much appreciated. The News and Critic. Laconla, prints this regarding a roadside notice In New Hampshire: "By order of the selectmen, cows grazing by the roadside or riding bicycles on the sidewalks Is hereby for- o.ddtu." Norway Advertiser. Canada's finest Footwear for men. Discontinued lines in Dla'ck and Drown Calf. A good selection of the newest lasts and patterns in all sites. Heal values. Summer Sale Price . ... 4 . i ...... . S7.45 Ladies' Shoes Hundreds of pairs grouped in this lot, in Patent, Kid, Gray and Satin in the latest combinations and trimmings. In one strap, Oxfords, and ties, with Cuban or spike heel. Good shoes at a modest price. Summer Sale Price 83.85 THE . RICHMOND k.I'jE Men's Oxfords, n the manufacturer Astoria Shoe, in -titching and p.ttt, r black and brow i i herrjr ml, pan hm. with trirwniiiK'- stylish priT:.8"'. S6.85 OUR .MOTTO I QUALITY LADIES OXFORDS In brown calf ti laid with lizar'l mings, low walking Summer Sale Price 54.45 CHILDREN'S SHOI ThouMtyU of ri' incase from for th. folk in mimcrou and patterns. Ever reduced to Sijmmt Prices. This is the weather for CANVAS SHOES and our store is the plae M. McARTHUR Mrs. Djver, Mrs. Oreig. Mrs. Brooks and Mra. Munro. Miat Doris Robinson who has been holidaying at the home or her friend Mies Marjorle Attwood returned to ber home in Prince Rupert on Wednesday. Dr. and Mrs. H. a. Trcfor and child Third Avenue. WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 9 in Moore and t The gay tale of sl Telephone Girl. MCK-MULIIALL, SAM HARDY, JED PROUTY, BROOKS BENEDICT, ALMA BENNETT, 1 1 EDI) A HOPPER, KATE PRICE, EMILY FITZROY, and many others CHRISTIE C0MEI)Y"C00L OFF." PATIIE REVIEW Admission 50c and 25c