SO, i2? TnZ DAILY NTS73 PAGE FTV75 ' ! HE PIONEER Waterlront Whiffs LAUNDRY KIDS The Louvre The Louvre bUict ,,f , SxMf Umlu yhJJ " ' fiHhinK jTot :wU'Twree?&ahadin th ha,,but 9C0 pound, a. JlS'. "V Amerinn lauding. r d f Bn rJ1T p0UndS' W DO HIS CM-LAfcS OP SO FINE ut: TO SAY I'MBR-WORK FOR MINE a ' told him about thin -In' told him that we i. i ' ' i shirtwaist and her U thing" in a delightful r "J hen he sent u.s a ; ii t of u dozen collars. ii, j h ajfree that this fa - . . .dry. Pioneer Laundry I'hone 118 Prince Rupert Supply Co. 21 1 Fourth Street i n ks kept of Helling, all iltes Electric I .amp Ilnlihit Metals Solder KuIiIkt Hose Ituhher Heels wholesale prices I'hone CS. P.O. Hot 772 REDUCTION in Prices IS per rent off r wo weeks only ' in and inspect our stock M. T. LEE LADIES' & (JHNTI.K.MEN'S TAll.Olt Third Avenue P.O. Hox 977 MILK -.- PRICE Reduced to 12 rmts for 81.00 1 quarts for . $1.00 12 pints for $1.00 f price tickets. M Bride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy 11th SU telephone 657. UU Ttoto ! IOO low the ttMMfBa claim. But in the meantime that is II tfcey H. SaJtmsn flaking tatt bwi Mar. en-eonraflng twwarta the week-end There w rrponea a cued run rJ n.. water mark: tnence wax along high water mark to point of commeneement. and containing 10 acre, more or leas. BRITISH COLUMBIA FISIIINO it PACKING CO. LTD.. Applicant. Dated June 10. 1M7. NOTICE. There will be offered for sale at Public Auction at the Provincial Ooverument Court House, Prince Ropert, B.C.. on Thursday. August llth. 1037. at 2 o'clock In the afternoon, the following lots: Lots D and 10. Block 1. Section S. Lots B and 10. Block 23. Section 1. Lot 7. Block 3. Section 2. Lot I. Block 8. Section 7. all In the City of Prince Rupert, B O. Irrma: Cash payment at time of sale, or one-quarter cash and the balance In three equal annual Instalments, with Interest on the deferred payment at the rate of 0 per annum, the Crown Orant tee to be 110.00 additional. Plana showing the lou offered for aale may be seen at the office of the Oovern- ment A (tent. Prince Rupert. B.C NORMAN A. W, FORCED 3-A.LJE of THOR JOHNSON'S large stock of GENTLEMEN'S -.'QLOTHINO AND FURNISHINGS GET YOUR SHARE OF THE lt raoatly the price hovered around ten Columbia Ltd.. of Van couver. DC. ORTUIMtlAn InlMiib ATT. Dated . at Prince Rupert, B.C. juiy tn. luif BARGAINS ,; "BARGAINS at the BARGAINS BARGAINS atd can mn o her ejgduera mile. To w " awing im swfrkwt it u cH satnry a handy Mlt rru. And lb nteastoen of Uie ulrct order Passage Island MMl the boys are maklnc decided to s lugn aa a day At Me a piece w wir oruer. tfcOa mmi sixty to Mntr flaA a daw 9Ua' " urt Which H eaallf ttM olu MBdfiMi i rilM"lt standing. It to JUn TbotMa la bringing In wtelte 11 t",,t tn1 aivaady mem- salmon tor haM. At dmhm t as aurf. -n Tuesdays and Fridays - imy etawi nerupoon that a Pet Meuae la letting around again hough hto hand la Mil on vacation. Ttie Nortonlan pump repairs comment. With power Hixedway knota. Tbe (aA-ooat dlrajtiay t aa fxtir a boat aa haa aeon awn here ue najo ujr art qualified and nirt thenwervea en clouds of tle ortastlal region Tile M - rvwf ' ' " unMiwcni 1, , " . kln a goat bualneaa of tfee road to lln . I4T Thla la now a neemaiient .h- . . ' " awMW any ordinary trarilo w a w' j . 1M) ACT. Mil UK IN'TKN'TION TO . ffl.V HI I.KAK Ml Queen Charlotte Ialaada tnd DUtrtct. Land Iteaordlng Diatrtet of Prtnee Hu-pert. and altuate north of LoU lflU and 1067. TAKE NOTICE that The Inatr. FW. ing and Packins Co. Ltd. of Uavett . cupatlon Cannera. intend to apply for a ui vne loiiowinR oe ten Duo landa: HKfuvnim are an jouu in tbetr pralae of It. Anoter B4f Knfiewreinent la theatrpa Sd approach to the home of Ed Bvana. known better aa Ed. the Lapp! TMe adartlon to the reaMenUal quar tan of the waterfront meeta wlUi the pproeal of the buafoea men of that aectlon. Ttwked In near Albert it Me-CaSerya new abed It la a very tasty and plcturawine landmark. When Claude Klrkendall la not biuy Commencing at a uoat Dlanted tventi.... i . . chalna north of Van Indian Ha and 1 T" m 1 on tne snore or Mclntyre Bay; thence ' ' " i-ojyaa. rouj nas north 6 chalna to the I jw water mark: itoean reoovxed iml all rvnlled thence easterly ISO chains to the noint i1 under way. Claude bas had little of rotninrarenient. and eontalnlnc eighty fishing or bunting so far this year but , arrea, more or lew. , ... . . " " " """""" " LuANOARA FlWIINn At PArif IKn i OO. LTD. Applicant . . Prrd Nash. Agent. Dated June 87.1M7. LAND ACT. MiTiri: or intention ti aitlv to land In Queen Charlotte Island I .surf Re cording District of Prince Itupert. and situate at the head of the south arm of De La Beebe Inlet. Moresby Islsnd i TAKE NOTICE that Drltl nrltlah Fishing St Packing Co. to the flab and game In general that ttoeir old enemy la about to bestir him- aetf. and tttat meana hard times for the game . Tnere seems to be an epidemic among the boats these times. It Is broken crankshafts In one of the shops along toe front there are four broken shafts and now the Sumner, Mingo Borlano.j kipper, la a victim. After landing his eateh early In the week the Sumner i left for liutedale but the broken crank- to apply for a leaae of the following I ehaft interrupted the trip and the W. descrlbed lands R. Lord was needed to get her back to heTfTh."horDe"lUhe rt She la now at the drydock being Inlet. Moresby Island; thence vuth 3 ; repaired. ens ins; tnence east ao chains; thence i north 5 chalna. more or less, to high Plahery patrol Metra is In port escorted In Ole Soog'a Azurlte. It la aald that trie Acurlte was Inside the' limits on the Nsss Klver. hence her trip to town. i With the halibut fishing hardly satis-' factory charter to pack are welcome.: The Set ma Is one of the boats to be chartered by the Namu Cannery J ou dreaJna' of' in th hot days. NOTKKOr Irnnm nr Imu I.Ai ai.t. . BRITISH COLUMBIA PISHINO it PACKINO CO. LTD.. Applicant. Dated June 10. 1827. LAND ACT NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE I.ANI) In Range S, Coast Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on Lot 102 Humpback Bay, Por-cher Island, B.C. TAKE NOTICE that P. II. Cunningham, Board of Trad Building, of Vancouver. B.C., occupation Salmon Broker, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described landv Commencing at a post planted ISO yards south-southeast of northeast corner pct of Lot 102. Range 5: thence due south fi chains;, thence south-southeast 19 chains; thence due north 0 chains; thence west-northwest along shore to point of commencement and containing 14 acres, morea or less. FRANCIS HENRY CUNNINOHAM, Applicant Dated 28th June. 1027. PAIN from Bladder Irritation Soon ssssd by SANTAL MIDY Bswsr of imttsttono Look foe tasworarMlDV" Scld by all drutimi Don was not alone In this quiet re- Trie Seiner Pearl Harbor built by. treat. No, he rather thinks that not Tom Ooaneil at Massett Is now at the only It It the headquarters of the north Suehlro yard having the engine lnstal- American Society for the Propagation led and the finishing touches put to of the Mosquito, but It was apparently her. the annual convention that was being held. Not having seen In the press Don Ross, who teaches the boys of that they had selected this cool spot, the city to build skills and good ones Donald had no Invitation to attend and at that, has been spending his holidays appartnUy the party noticed this, sometimes In preparing plans and part Thty soon remedied the oversight and time at sea. In one of his recent trips Don thinks that there was no port of he was at Iceberg Bay. A delectable his anatomy that they overlooked from Oovernment Agent, j name with cool associations such as that tune on. The menu. Included fish, But muDDlled bv UW Biisfrbv kow. ' properly ........ . . .. , . --.jcniuiye .lHB wie ifiMJ V'ei Jttuk. upiirai.ti insiif f Claude Klrkendall and Charlie Starr bad qoLt a 'time with th? engine. In his new boat. They made one mistake When they had It going once they stopped It. Claude says the next time they get It started theyH keep It go Ing. And If only Claude had' had his engine ready for the regatta. v Thor Johnson took River Olrl up to Khtada and the party had a fine catch for their trip. - P. W. Allan made one of his periodical visits up the Skeena river on a visit to the canneries. He may locate a few" new rocks or sand bars but does now intend to take the wrong turning as he did one time. Boats on the Ward ways recenUy included the Selma, Kobe, Ringleader and Brant Th R, W. aklpper A. Wleka. has taken up a packing charter and gone to the Oos&e Millard Cannery at Namu. The M.T. 3 made a trip to Georgetown to get two cars lumber for the east and a scow of box lumber. The Suga yards launched a 33 foot stock model t roller during .the week. They are laying the keel bf a new 28 foot glllnetter next week, and have put In some new planking in the Rambler It, the Laminated Material boat, that went rambling on Its own recently. Thirty-five per cent of the freight tonnagt of Canada, la to and from her mines. Hose Pure Silk Thread Hose in all shades and sizes. Utl (iQf Summer Sale Price Circle-Har Hose in Chiffon; also Silk. Summer Sale Price CJ- OCT JJJ.eUt per pair EXPECT HIGH PRICES HAUBUT THIS FALL John Itjuhavn Trlls Prople of Ketchikan KraKon lor Slump Here John Dybhavn, Norwegian consul at Prince Rupert, and manager of the Royal Flab Company, with offices there, believes that the price of halibut will be better thla faU, says the Ketchikan Chronicle. The present alump in price, he says, Is due to loads of .mackerel dumped on'4he. eastern-markets, as. well ivtpvtiiiV rn tpit vTiir"JW-ininerr ananevves-. tnaijiDe. ruriaer isxx . ....... ... ...... . ... . , . , t . . .-.i.. . . Ll. tsr M . ' : jnowiuitw eUMed'himi tfliraMtia. .. JygAVo In Queen Charlotte Island' lsnd Re ordlng District of Prince Rupert, and 1 ituaie on tne west coast 01 nurnaoy ! aland. TAKE NOTICE that British Columbia Fishing it Packing Co. Ltd., of Van couver. B.C., occupation Packers, Intends 'to apply for a lease of the following j escribed lands: Commencing at a poat planted on the Iwet coast of Burnaby Island, Q.C.I.; thence east 3 chains; thence south 45 chains; thence west 3 chains, mors or less, to high water mark; thence north along high water mark to point of com mr.rl mntalnlna IA urm other kind bf fish, and; the that, mere: halibut' -was :te1antI0!frUs'ceaj6h than Mr. Dybhavn arrived on the power boat Delphinium, Captain Hartltn, matter. He expected to leave again for home. He said his recent trip Is almply one of pleasure and not connected with his office. Jacob Britt. of Juneau, la the Norwegian consul for southeastern Alaska. Mr. Dybhavn. In speaking of the halibut market, said Seattle buyinj:s ran ahead of Prince Rupert the forepart of the season, but that the volume of butlneas for May and June at Prince Rupert caught up and passed the volume of last year. 'Last month the arrivals at Prince Rupert, he aald, was ahead of those of last year. Mr. Dybhavn thought there was every reason to be optimistic for good average prices prevailing for fall halibut. "Hello, Hayseed," sold the facetious youth. "Howls It for a lift to Centre-ville?" It Jumped into the car without waiting for an answer. Twenty minutes passed. "Quite a distance to Centrevllle, Isn't It?" "Uh. huh." I Twenty minutes more. "Say. how far is it to Centrevillef "Few thousand miles IX you go this way: "bout twenty If you get off and walk back " -Selected. of Ladies' Dresses, Hats and Lingerie Our whole stock of Summer Hals and Dresses is leinff offered at Sale Prices so that we will not have to carry any over. It is not good business to carry over one season's stock to another. Wc would rather move it out at less than cost price than store it to another season. And this gives ladies an opportunity to obtain hats and dresses, at very low prices indeed. Our large buying capacity enables us to secure the lowest prices to begin with and our sale prices represent real bargains. Eighty-four Only Crepe Back Satin Dresses In shades of Golden, Ilrown, Sand. Hose and Taupe. In all size. Kegular $29.50 value. Q-j Q pn Summer Sale Price i?llU FELT HATS The latest In Handkerchief Feltg; also Velours in beautiful shade and attractive styles. Values up to $10.50. QC QEf Summer Sale Price OeJ.UtJ Lingerie Peerless Vests in all colors. Summer'Sale Price l)."r Itloomers to match vests. Summer Sale Price $1.1." Fifty Only Spun Silk Dresses In shadta of Tan, White, N'ile Green. Mauve, Pink and Peach. In all styles and sizes. The usual $15.50 to $17.50 quality. QtZ QC Summer Sale Price ?OtJtJ One Hundred Crepe de Chine Dresses In shades of Maroon, Peach, Apple Green, Powder Blue, Illack, Crimson, Flesh and Rose. The regular values are $19.50. Summer Sale Price S9.95 STRAW HATS A few only in delicate shades of Orchid, Shell-Pink and Miie, in the lalest Paris models. Selling away below ?- (id! cost. Summer Sale Price ?J.aIO Georgette Dresses In Pastel shades and snappy styles. Regular $22J0 value. Q-l C QC Summer Sale Price ?AU.JtJ Evening Gowns, Coats and Suits also at very low prices ... Every morning during this Sale, a Dress, value to 22.00, will be given away for '$1.95 to the first customer making any purchase. THE LOUVRE GOG Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. CAMP-FIRE PERMIT I This year it is necessary ,to have a permit from some Forest Officer before , any camp-fire may be set in any fore3t or woodjand Be sure to get a permit for your camp-fire and follow the instructions printed on the back of it BRITISH COLUMBlX FOREST SERVICE PREVENT FOREST FIRES YOU CAN HELP (canadian PACinc asiiwiy Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast. Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway August 1, 3, S, IS, id. 29. To Vuncomer, Victoria and Seattle August 3, C, 10, 13, 19, 21, 31. PKINt'KMH BKATKICE. for liutedale, Eat Bella Bella. Ocean Pall, Namn, Alert Kay. Campbell Klver, and Vancouver every Maturdjy. II a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. -full I Information from W. C. OKCIUKO. Uenrral Aunt. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue. Prnirt Itupert, B.C. 10,