r.day, April 28, 1027 HE WATCH a Graduation Gift Your boy or ftlrl will long remember the graduation year If given a good watch. Our watches are from the test factories In Ihk. ,wpr)d and are timed and tested before we let them go ou. We guarantee our watches to Klve perfect satisfaction and our prices are fair And reasonable. Serviceable IB Jewelled watches in gold filled case.-i fi5.no to $.15.00. 9 to? k (Jewellers HsTnE STORE Willi THE CUtfrv HE PIONEER ,AUNDRY KIDS WASH DAS 'Troubles gBgBiagfc v Will make fouR VtAoH DAY TRouBLP& eglected Eyes I.NKGI.KCT is rlntihtles the cause of most of the ills that afflict humanity. This is so elf evident that It seems hardly nei.essary to tell you, If .vour eyes are givinir 'rauble, have them attended and at once. ! OP AM, absurdities In the kmjrdnm of foolishness. ! urely the loss of eyesight ' trough tiejflecl Is the most ;"' u able. I DON'T lose health and effl- cten i y through neglect. Cnmo inci see J I LUWTAS IRRlDESCErfTl Fred Joudry Itegislered Optometrist and Onllrian ttoom 3 Smith Mock I'hone 7C3 YrJ'Y woman who has at- ira, led to have the family wash fir m her home knows what uun.'h of weary worrimeht it We will charge you our services. tjet us H:" (he tnmble off of your ioi)eer Laundry I'hone IIS On I BETOifKEffcFPYnurt bin. IBY APRIL e -FILLED WITH J April has fooled more than nne coal pile In its day. In tni "b!ov-hot( blow-cold wirou" It is no joking mat-te" to .lni .caught with an, "npty bin; I.t, 1,. the, yery, 'ime when a wnrm'l rrmifort- ',''U'h.fti,.vUfd.fnt; NANA1MO . Wlil,i,IN(iTON and Mrl.KOI) KIVUIl SOOTI.KSS ,r Lump, Slnve, Egg mid Not Albert & McCaffery I'hones lift nnd 117 CANADA'WEST . INDIES' TRADE I'.iCT OF I0JS. WHICH WILL COMK ixto kitkct sous, ami iu;tti:h MTKAMKIt MMtVH'K UII.I. BOOST Tit A 1)11 "4." TORONTO, April 28. (Canadian Pi-cm). The West Indies win absorb a substantially Increasing amount of Canadian good, a result Of the hi-rtltutlon at toon a possible ot the government fertnlgh-Uy steamship ser-vice itlpulated In the trade agreement of 1923, and the oonccMlona made tn the agieement Thi opinion la ex- presned In the April letter of the Royal Bank of Canada, which comment on the Oovenirnenr decision to give effect within a few week to the trade" pact, tn tbl agreement the West Indie have made substantial concession tn the way of preferential tar)Ifa on many type of Canadian product. Prom the day when Columbus dls- covered the New World, wealth of tradition ha associated the West In die and Wet Indian trade with tropical txwuiy and romance. Within c hort time after the first English set tlement. the West Indian trade began to attract the Nova Scotia merchant and seamen. Natural product then, a LAND ACT. notki: or ixtiation to aptlv to I.i:.m: limi. In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dis-trlct of Prince Rupert, and fltuate 30 chains east of northwest corner of Lot CC. Range S, Coast District. TAKK NOTICE that Oosse Packing Company, Limited, of Vancouver, occupation Pish Canners. Intend to apply for permission to lease t!e following described land: Commencing at a post planted 30 chains east of northwest Lot 83. Range 3. Coast District; thence north ft chains to low water mark: thence east 10 chains: thence south ft chains: thence wet 10 chain, to point of commencement, and containing 5 acre, more or less. OOSSE PACK1NO COMPANY LIMITED. Applicant. Per If. Moorhoue. Dated and April, ivn. NOTICE IN THE MATTER of an application for the Issue ot a Provisional Certificate of Title for Block five IS), subdivision of the South half (HI of Lot three hundred and seventy-four 13741. Range five it). Coast District. Map HIT. Satisfactory proof of the Ions ot thi Certificate of Title covering the above land having been produced to me. It 1 my intention to Issue, after the expiration of one month from the first publication hereof. Provisional Certificate of Title to the above land tn the name of Sidney Wlllmore. the original Certificate of TlUe i dsted 30th June, IBIS, lid t numbered 7833 I. Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert. DC. eth Aprtf. 1927. II. P MacLEOD. Registrar of Title. Make the Old Car Look Like New! Give It a finish tliat will start bright and itay briebt-ryou can do it youttelf. For thii purpose we suggest Val-ipaf Enamels a combination of the. finett pigmfnti carefully pround In the famotii Valspar Virnish itself. VALFHTINC'S VALSPAR ENAMEL Sun, rain, mud, dust, gasoline, pWitmi ioiJinz wattr frtm tht r-frwill not dim its fine lustre. Eaiy to apply, there are twelve beautiful colon to choose1 from. For Sale by KAIEN HAIimVAHE CO. I'hone 3 THE I1EST OF OUH SPRING COATS, SUITS, DRESSES have not been shown In our windows durln'tf the sale. Now on display nt modcrato prices. BENT'S LA0IKS' HKAOY.Td.WEAU Third Avenue Got Relief . Front Dyspepsia Un. darrtice 81, Bitiurrt, N.B., vritj, -"I lufrWed a loDg- tims Horn it'ia. I used tablet and ndi. of ill kind, bnt fot no relief until I itartod xalcg 1 IN IMtOUATE After taking two bottW I can g;laJv that I became moth fetter, and u tow eat mow my kind of fd without having to inrer for It after." For the part 41 ywtri B.B.B. la Um pot op oaly br Th T. Uileaim Os Limited, Toroato, Oat how, constituted the great bulk of the cargoes m this trade. The ordinary modern steamer en gaged in the eWst Indie trade, which bring to Canada rum. molasses, sugar and other typical product Of the Islands, is equal In capacity to 21 or 30 cf tlie old sailing vessel which operated out of Halifax. In the early days, the trade s confined almost entirely to Nova Scotia's trade with the British West Indies. Porto Rico and Cuba. In the tast 24 year Canada's trade with the British pmwsslon lri the Caribbean Sea ha grown from a value of 30 to 35 million xlollars a year. Tola) import from British West Indie, valued at more than fifteen million In 192. included almost 10 millions worth of augar. The Canadian report are more- varied, the largest Item in 1020 being five million dohars worth of flour, over two million In alcoholic beverage and a million dol lar worth of fish. Thene constituted a little more than half the value of the total Canadian export to the West In die. TO 8T1RT Mi(K Pvr otlart is AAv Tnelnfl- mads to the trade pact in 1923. There will be two fortnightly service throughout the year, one calling at Bermuda, St. Kilt. QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND DIVISION TAKB NOTICE that II. P. Ionard, of Portland, Ore., physician. Intends to apply to the Minuter of Lands for a licence to prospect for coal, petroleum and natural gas over and under the following flMMTibed lands, situate oil Sklde-gate Inlet. Oraham Island: Commencing at a port planted at the southwest eorner of Section 31. Town- snip i; inence oo cnsins emu; imikt . 80 n chains -h!n north: north; thence thence 80 80 chain chains west: west: thence BO chain south, to point of com mencement. Located March 14, 1927. U. P. LEONARD. A. J. GORDON. Agent. iv Tin: m I'ftxMn rot itT or hiutisii Oi l Mlllt ;in the Matter ot the Aom:nisiraion i Act; and , In the Matter ot the Estate of James J Webster Mitchell. Deceased, Intes-t tate. j TAKE NOTICE that by order of His ! Honor T. McB. Young, the 12th day of I April. AD.. 1927. I wa appalnted Ad-I mlnistrator of the estate of James Webster Mitchell, deceased, and alt parlies 1 having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same. ropeny veriiiea. 10 me on or ntioir nw f 3th day of May. AX). 1937. and all partlea indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their In uebtedneM to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WAIT, Dated tn inn day oi April, ajul jhi. j McEwen. LAND ACT. soTiri: or intention to apply to mum: lanii. in Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and altuate 3U chain east of northweit corner of tot C8. Range S. Coast District. . s .TAKE NOTICE that Owe . Packing Company Limited, of Vancouver, occu-nation Fish Canners, Intend to apply lor permission to lease the following described landa: Commencing at a post planted 30 Chains east of' northwest Lot 68. Range TAKE NOTICE that II. F. Leonard, of Portland, Ore., physician. Intends to apply to the Minuter qt Lands for a licence to prospect for coal, petroleum and natural gas over and under the following described lands, situate on Sklde-Bate Inlet. Graham Island: Commencing at a post planted at the northeast comer, of Section 3d, Town, ship 3: thenci 80 chains west; thence BO chains south; thenc 80 chain east; thence 80 chains north, to point of commencement. Uicsu-U March H, 1927. II, F. LEONARD, ?S3 DUET injwa PidE PIV4 Nevls, Antigua. Domfnlca, St. Lucia, Barbados, St. Vincent. Grenada, Tobago,-Trinidad, and Georgetown, Demerara; and" the other touching at Bermuda, the Bahamas, and Kingston. Jamaica. This latter service alternate -with a i direct .frelghC service to Kingston. ; Jamaica. At the Canadian end, the ship will call at the St. Lawrence River port In summer and at Saint jJohn and Halifax In winter. Although the expense of the present monthly steamship service present a 'difficulty, 'yet the future need for tropical product make It seem probable that the present contract between Canada and the British West Indie will eventually prove profitable to. both parties. With the growth whlch Is bound to take place in population, Canada will constitute a correspondingly better market for tropical products, leading to -further development of the West l?,dtes'bad; tn turn, permittlng'them to lncreaseth-lr purchase from Canada. Optimism concerning the future Of this relationship la based both upon the rapid growth of thi trade In the past and upon knowledge of the great natural resource of ootfi the West Indie and Canada. NEW TELEGRAPHIC SYSTEM ADOPTED 0NC.N4AILWAYS MONTREAL, April 28. Application ot Carrier current to the transmission of telegraph and telephone message over the line of Canadian National Tele graph between Montreal and Toronto yesterday, marked the pawing of an other milestone lri the devsloptnent of rapid transmission of business montage between points In Canada. The "carrier current" system developed only within the last few years, is the sending ot "carrier waves, similar of those radl- f ted through the ether in radio broad casting, except that the radio earner waves radiate in circle, uncontrolled as to direction, whereas In "carrier cur resit" telegrsphy and telephony. Ue carrier waves are controlled and made to follow physical wire as a directional agent between terminals point. The chsnnel of communication afforded by the one pair of wire used provide an Increase in telegraph faculties. While in Canada, the "carrier cur- ent" system ha thus far been Installed have the fortnl,hUy service working between Montreal and Toronto, it within .. IS month of the signing of r enly will shortly be extended to serve Toronto-Winnipeg and later also Wlnnl peg-Vancouier. Carrier channels are expected to go into nerrtce as far a Winnipeg by June IS and the extension u Vancouver wilt follow COMMITTEES FOR GYRO CLUB ANNUAL HOEDOWN DANCE ARE ANNOUNCED The Gyro Club ha appointed commit- trrs as follow for It annual hoedown dance which will be held In the Auditorium on May S: Oeneral Commlttee-Norrl Prtngle,, Jimmle Parquhar, Norman Freeman. Bill u.'a f f Im Wsueh. Advertising Osud Klrkendall, Alex, j Hunter. Prank Dibb, Roy NJchols. Tickets Mort McLachlan, treasurer. Leo Waugh. door. Music Balagno Brothers. Floor Manager Lionel Holtby. , Decorations Dave Balfour, Doug. jBtork, Charlie Mill, Bill Neison. Mont Dloit aud all atembers ot the club. Raffles Ralph UPlne, Ol'en McMillan, Eddie Mann, sun Taylor. Milt G6nraleS. Cider-Charlie and Dill. Buttermilk Norman Freeman. Bill Watt. Jce Cream Charlie Starr. Joe Oreer. CANADIAN FOREST" ' WEEK IN SCHOOLS v. . jMu.-s.. V'j! '--IWeM Itramh offletals. a fsiial, ar Making KoiiikN of In'.lltul hn of Leafnlnj; thence east 10 chains; thence north 5 helng observed by officials speaking be' chains; thence west 10 chains to pointy tore the school onuaren oi iy ana of commencement, and containing I district on the necessity of forest conacre, more or less. , UOSSE PACKING COMPANY I tervatlon. LIMITED. R. H. Lelghton, forest aupervteor, Is Moorho'use"'' " " Yesterday he Per It Dated April a. IB27 H'oke before the pupils of Seal Cove school; tod.ty he appeared at the Borden QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND Btnt ,n1 Annunciation Schools, and DIVISION j tomorrow will address the children of . ; Booth Memorial School and the High TAKE NOTICE that II. F. Leonard, of , Portland. Ore., phyalelan. Intends to, apply to the .Minister of Lands for a B. E. Allen, nuint district tn.r forester, apoke nnk iirence io prospect' jor coai, priroirum oerore tn uss. miji mim -inl and natural gas over and under the iol. ; n " , enidren early In the week,, lowing described ands. situate on Sklde-. ""J . ..WM1,. . J... v,.,.l schools are being handled gate Inlet, Oraham Island: other district Commencing at a post planted at the , Dy local officers with the assistance, of Ihlrncreo0.. tThen?; E- E Oregg a-Mlstant district footer. 80 chains south; thence 80 chains west; ! who ts now In the interior. thence no chain north, to point or commencement. Located March 14, 1937. II. P. LEONARD. A. J.- GORDON; Agent. (JUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND t DIVISION Ten Years Ago )n Prince Rupert A I'll II. , I HI 7. The Opportunity you've waited for! eat The B.C. appropriation for roads, bridges, etc., lor 1917 include 1 2 1,700 for the Atiln riding: 49,900 for the Prince Rupert rlduig and 843.700 for the Omlncca riding A communication, from the depart ment of the Provincial secretary was read at the meeting of the hospital board last night to the effect .that the ov,rnmtut haJ W. K, A. J, aOttDON, Agtnt. 11 Cut This Out ftis. Colllson and T. O. UcManamon to the Board of Directors until the first of ilay 1918. A list of recenUy gazetted oppolnt-ments, cabled from London, Included the name of ifajor S. P. McUordie. of Prince Rupert. This officer 1 to hold the rank of Lieut-Colonel, while commanding the railway troops depot. Excellent views Of the Prince Rupert dry dock appear In the last issue of Toronto Saturday Night. Under one of the pictures I the following caption 'Large shipbuilding plant, where great activity will likely take place this year P. B. Mills. A. N. Dyer. R. C. W. Lett. W. H. M. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. D. McKenzle and J. A. Motherwell. Vancouver; George ..Mathison. Toronto; L. B. Jones, Skagway; Mr. and Mrs. turn Wallace. Claitou. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Clark, Oceanic Cannery; M. P. Eby and R. B. Young. Port Simp- eon. Tent rat F. Curtis. Vancouver: Tom Show. Tlte.Di8r: Harry Horrell. Ocean Falls; Hot Dogs-Bill Tooey. George McNauh- Neman and O. Mills. Port Esxlne Esxlngton; Snlrr. snrni w..tkr Lou ... v.in Kergln. R.,v Roy Nichols. Nichols. Rot Roy McNaugh Prince Rupert. B.C. I ton, Doug Stork, NorrU, Prlrigl! Harold Mr. P. II. Linsey left for Olscome this morning to )oln her husband who Is working for the big lumber company at that town. W. O. Fulton left for Rochester this morning accompanied by his son who is to receive treatment at the Mayo Institute. IIOTI.I. AltftlVALS J. Hitchcock, Stewart. Savoy THIS COUPON is worth $7.00 to $15.00 ADVERTISING TEST CERTIFICATE Submit this certificate on April 28, 29, 20 and get an extra pair pants free of chargig.: with yoUr new suit. SEMI-ANNUAL MADE-TO-MEASURE R. Prowler squad Dob RoberWonrJ .E(1 Hough and W. Cain, Vancouver; Howard White, Morris Dlott. Jack Milne. Woodcock; H. McUod. CJ.R.; Mrs. F. D. Mag&r.'Port Simpson. WATER NOTICE IHVEKSION AMI USE 'TAKE" fJOTtCE7hal Oosse Packing Company. Limited, whose address is Vancouver. B.C., wlU apply for a llcena to take nd um 250.000 gallon of water out of unnamed stream which flows nor-ttorlv and drains Into Green Inlet about As usual, "Canadian Forest Week" Is' 30. chains east ot northwest comer of I xn. oh. tunic J. Vsuuai uiauivw ..v water win be diverted from the stream at a point about 300 feet from mouth nnA win tu used for domestic and com mercial purposes upon the land described as application 10 kjm oj hi'-""-This notice wa postd on the ground ou the 2nd day of April, 1927. A copy of this notice ana an application pur snsnt thereto and to the "Water Act' will be filed in the otlice or me waier Recorder at Prince Rupert. Objection to' th' annltcatlon may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comp troller of Water Kignis. r-aruainrni lhiiMinov victoria. B.C.. within thirty day after the first appearance of this notice .In a local newspaper.. The date of the TlrsC publication of this notice Is AP.ri' H&K PACKING COMPANY. L1MITEU. Applicant. Dy It. V. 6rehouset Agent. IN THE SfJl'KEME COtJRT OF HK1TLS11 COLUMR1A In the itatter of the Comt&nie Act. being Chapter 38 ot tiie Revised Chapters ot British Columbia. 1924, and , In the Matter of the Delta Copper Company Limited (NJ.L.l I TAKE NOTICE that an 'application will be made be! ore the presiding Judge In Chambers at the Court House at Prince Rupert. British Columbia, on Tuesday, the 3rd day of March. A D. 1037, at the hour of ten thirty (10.30 a.m. o'clock In the forenoon for an Order permitting .the above named Com- to be restored to the Register of gahy ompanlea In the Province of British Columbia. In the office of the Registrar of Companies, Victoria, B O. DATED at Prince Rupert -Jthl 19th day of April. AD. 1937. WILLIAMS, MANSON Si GONZALES. Solicitor for the Delta Copper . Company (NJU,.) Cutj Th's Out ' 'r--iii- - SUIT : SALE Extra Pants Free Meet the representative of Canada' Largest Tailoring Organization, Mf.-'.Mathison, ' " on April 28, 2'J, 30. During his stay, here we are offering an extra! pair of pants absolutely free of charge with every suit sold. Simply bring advertising (est certificate illustrated above. Choose a suit from 100 different patterns and weaves; All Hrilish goods most of them Imported direct from the British Isles. Ai that is new for the coming season,- made t your individual measure in th rWyfe you wish by otir skilled tailors and" sold with a guarantee of perfect fit. This unusual "Free Pants' offer means still greater value for your money. You can't afford to stay away. Remember for three days April 28, 2'J, 30 only: Trices range from $24.00 ,0 84S.00 Second Avenue THOR JOHNSON Prince Rupert PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. New Stock of Garden and Field Seeds and Fertilisers , Pratt's Baby Chick Food and Poultry Supplies RIH.KI.EY VALLEY HAY ANN GRAIN Our Famous Edson Coal In any quantities also Telkwa Coal Store Phone. 58. DEMAND Trotier Dock Phone, 558 "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST RIEAKFAST .FOOD.' Smoked Daily by Canadian Fist) & CoM Storage Co., Prince Rupert, B.C. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Ltd. Phone 15 Ajrents for Lady smith - Wellington and ,' i Peerless Coal Main Office now at 311 Second Avenue (lietween 2nd and 3rd Street) I'hone your orders to Phone 15