The Daily News PRINCtf RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. , II. F. PULLEN - - Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, jn advance, per year ... Sfinn Transient Display Advertising, per inch per insertion ... Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch. .......... Advertising1 and Circulation Telephone. v 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - SG Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. 'It KM 1 KIC KIMI EXPRESSES IMTIIV WITH SCHEME I'KO.MOTKH IIV A. It. 1IAVIES TO IIONOII .M A( DON AI.ll AND LAI' It I Kit To all other countries, in advance, per year . $7.50 iof the boyhood home of sir John Mac Local Readers. Der insertion ner line ' oS, i continued efforts to secure action to this advancing the other interest wants the trnvernmpnt tn An snmpthincr It i (i-mp a gralus reply came back immedl- that government can give encouragement to industry but the people JLL . ., V . ana the veneration for . , expressing highest 1 i. 1 rfii 1 .themselves must act to gain the advantage of whatever inducements mustrious nredecessor But the are offered. There is an element that believes that plenty of money Laurier government soon after fell. Then' would relieve the situation. Russia has more money than any land Premier Borden was besieged on the j on earth, yet the people are starving. Too many people appear to reheme but the war was upon us before i have lost initiative and want help. 1 hi .favorable promises were put into ex- We need to return to fundamentals. Instead of looking to the!'cutlon- Premier-Meighen next warmly lawmaker. Canadians need look to themselves for accomnliRhmpnts. !exPresse1 nU PProvat and particularly We need a return of the iniative of our forefathers who did not know much about appealing to the government when they had troubles but did know a lot about how to work. SHOCKING CHARACTER OF PRESENT CRIME. Thoughtful people must be struck and saddened- among all men and women and even children. -by the cur- Off to school quick SHREDDED I WHEAT willi hot milk-makes a warm nourishing breakfast f or the kiddies I Ready-cooked, ready-to-eal polnted out that the Macdonald and Laurler boyhood homea should be marked at the same time, and In a manner worthy of these great statesmen. IOK Jlltl IKK 1'll.tlUtATION "Again the scene changed and when Premier King recently returned home from the Imperial Conference with a rent news dealing with crime. For a time the compelling fact was diamond jubilee Confederation eelebra- more increase in the number of criminal acts. Later events are tending to show that the character of the deeds of violence is changing in a manner that cannot but startle the balanced mind. In recent :cTime news there is evidence of a degeneration which must astound. Crime is something more than a simple violation of the legal code when it descends into such depths. We who have, lpng prided ourselves upon, the fancied difference between the neonle of tlon In his mind for this .year, I thought It a fitting opportunity to write him a Utter and of course. It was concerning the. marking of the Macdonald and Laurler boyhood Komes." Mr. Davis says he 1 highly pleased to find that "Premier King Is In hearty accord with his predecessors In this our country and those of older nations have been given something toimatter. and has already taken the initial think about that Is worth while. "tP towards carrying out so long- The criminal brutality demonstrated by proofs of degeneracy ,n'glected nd worthr Federal govern-hitherto foreign to our records cannot be blinked at. Whether we I ment ob,18atl0l" Mr- Dvis expresses the hav-P tnnrhPil th riirht m.iv . mnHor fnr ,lm,W 4t,lhoPe tnat "P'oiMtm tor the necessary . , ' .ilunds he made In the estimates that ...... , - , , ' so is not the least question that we are swinging far from our old tlm, m. h. , ... mental -landmarks. Rut in making a brief survey of the differences between the new and the old-fashioned psychology, the discriminating observer sees much more than a mere difference in the degrading character of the acts of the crimjnal-minded. He sees a startling change in mentality everywhere. If among the changes he notes a! cold-blooded, indifference to old standards of the value of human' life, he may set that down as merely incidental. For he has only to' plot out his observations to see that mental operations are different! in the spring, In order that the memorials msy be ready for unveiling by the Prince of Wales on, or about the first of July." Ten Years Ago in Prlnco Rupert I JAM'AHY 31, 1917 The Trades and Labor Council at Its regular meeting last night passed a resolution opposing conscription of man power without also conscription of ! basic industries. Harry Weber and Chas. Olson, who visitor in the. .city. WIIV CAX.HIA liOKS NOT ClKtHV. Classified W He h" lntructed me 10 that assistance, as there are several govern- Advertising, per insertion per word v. 2c -i ' T-on-nl Vfln lr.o? , i.... .-, !ho has much personal ympathy with ments roads under construction and Contract Rates on Application. Is destined tor great expansion. The; Uful land-locked waters of Massett Inlet is hard to surpa). Alongside the townslte of Massett one finds a nicely sheltered and picturesque bay which Is the home of refuge for the local power launches, many visiting ones coming In summer to share In the rich spoils during the salmon trolling season when many make up as high as 125 per day. The great feature ot this bsy Is the possibility of It being dredged out for a naval base or a boat building site. There are also rumors that a large lumber company Is soon to start the construction of a sawmill at the outlet of this bay. and I 111 HI !! II TT-J. i - 1 ' the idea of preserving lhtt sites and 'the government must have been spend- nfi(jaT evening, February 2, maraing mem in a suiiaoie manner, as mg several inousana aonsrs jrarij ia a first step he has asked' the- Histjrlc ' constructing and Improving roads Sites and Monuments Board of Canada I to consider and report upon the ques- .tlon. and In this connection has for- When the pioneers came into this land they asked no govern-; "fthe VofTinu where! ment aid. They knew that they must fell the forests and build he would gravely state, he located his houses before they could have farms and homes. It required initia-;F"enu after bringing them from s:ot- tive, industry and vision to foresee fields of growing-grain and com.:'""'1 tJj3"!' Z JJ'tZ ii.ii i .i . tJ. ,, i. , old. in nls later years he vlaltea the fortable homes where the primeval forest held sway. But strong men slte wltn Mcdonaid and told her with the love of land born in them did not hesitate to tackle theiorfi t.i. hniit Vila tn1ntit t job. Each did for himself so far as he was able and asked no odds, the old home and in the neighborhood I ' Only when the task was too great for one alone was co-operation i where he attended school. The stone! sought and help then was asked only that it might be given in turn, foundation of the burned house still When difficulties beset them they solved the problems themselves. i rrmalns- but the plot long. They were self-reliant because they knw that on themselves depend-180 became part of the 1200 cre ttTm ed success. Villages grew and became cities in response to conditions iJJJ1" uTuTtl that demanded them. Whatever progress was made was due to the j ln 1911 and then wrate .Laurter efforts of individuals working alone with. or in co-operation others. ,my nt and 0mT ietter. requesting his! Our forefathers had no-delusions about work. They knew that no- j government to make a small grant toj thing is accomplished without effort. j properly mark the site. I suggested that j We appear to have gone far from' the ideas of the pioneers.' future generation would probably do Too many people believe that thefe are shorten cuts to accomplish- ith same wlth hu boyhood home at pent than hard work coupled with good judgment. This, that and !Arthabak through the district. But a a prospective settler I feel well pleased to see that such foresight All advertising should be in The Daily News Office before 2 pm lwde1 to them copies ot Tour recent(on the part of the government is being "pmm" carried out, in advance tor the coming -publication. on day preceding All advertising received subject uuJctL oi Hll.lltlli .tmtOVF.H 'settlers, to reach the many suitable I Agitating for suitable marking of theP'acM awaiting me sturdy ana wining 8,,,, February 5, Lieut. J Macdonald and Laurler boyhood homeviImmlgBl, son. Orderly Sergeant: Sergt. !Mr. Davis started wither WUfrld Laurler Canada Is calling for Immigrants, but 8 D JOHNSTON. I himself. Mr. Davies' recital Of hlsi" official people do to others like one. Major and Adjutant. DAILY EDITION. M$PC Monday, Jan. 31, 1927 long-continued efforts in this connection ; " tnem did to me. It will last a very.. Att(1 m Bn NBC - - - - - . . . u lnterestlne. He savs: lIon8 "me. Deiore tinai kiuto up "Whenever Sir John Macdonold became VORK AND INITIATIVE reminiscent m hU nuhlir .rtrtr Massett. IS NEEDED NOW. invariably referred to his boyhood home J. de BRUTN. NO KOOM t lMC KMX Kl liS. Editor, Daily News. Why knock? I am a man of various and wide experience In trolling and cruising and why anybody should knock this district on this great and glorious i Pacific Coast and along the grand and enticing British Columbia Is more than can understand. I These islands are one ot the out standing points that seem destined by nsture to be a cheerful spot for man ebtednes and his posterity, more especially for' the white man with his exploratory . mood. This district of Massett. with Its continuous sandy beJi stretching ' far miles upon miles without a break. IN PROBATE IN PROBATE. at 8 p.m Service dress, v. 1th puttees, belts and rifles. All ranks must attend this Inspection Parade, as the amount of Drill Pay to be paid to the regiment depends on the numerical strength of this parade. Orderly officer for the week ending 8. Wll- Squlre i.v the srritEME roriiT or nitmsii roMMIHA In the Matter of the Administration Act; and In the Matter ot the Estate of Alberta Daniels. Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that bf order of His Honor. Judge Robertson, the 15th day ot December. AX). 1929. I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Alberta Daniel, deceased, and all parties having claims against the aald estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified to me on or before the loth day ot January. AD. 1937. and all :artles Indebted to the estate are re quired to pay the amount of their In to me rortnwun. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. D C Dated the 18th day of December. AX. 02fl advent of the exploring white man tn the Matter of the Administration Act: finds "great resources In a measure re-' 1 In ceivlng the finished touch of elvillza- E Tneuen, Deceaied; Inttatate. tlon while an influx of' settlers, from, TAKE NOTICE that by order of the many quarters ot the globe, is anxious DfWej Rectotrar of trw Supreme Court j ' M B . , . Of British Columbia, the 18th day of 1 to take over the land. I January. 1927. I was appointed Admlnto- The fishing Industry with Its canner- tratcr of the estate of vagn E. Thelsen. les and other activities along the beau-'"'lt all parties having claims ulred to furnish same, properly verified t") rre on or before the 19th day of Vebrusry. A.D. 1927. and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay he amount of their Indebtedness to me .wthwlth. NORM AN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. BC. Dated the 20th daypf January. 1927. IN PRORATE. IN THE HlTKKMr.' roTllT Or IIHITIMI ( Ol.l MltlA In the Matter of the Administration Act. and tn the Matter ot the Estate of William T. Mitchell. Deceasod. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that bv order of Ilia Honor, H. E. A. Robertson, the I8th day One rnav find- numerous and en- f December. AD. U26. I was aDDulnl couragln poss.bltit.e. here, for v.rlou. Si par- i branches of the fur farming Industries, ties having claims a?alnst the said es- There are Immense stands of, timber to ie are hereby required to furnish same. attract the lumber man. We have wonderful prospects which some of our local people do not seem to realize. ' C. H. ' MAHONEY. New Massett. , BATTALION ORDERS By Lleut.-Colonel J. W. Nlcholls, Officer Commanding, 1st Battalion North British Columbia Regiment, 102nd Bn. C.E.F. Parade. Battalion parade In the Armoury. Monday evening, January 31. at 8 pjn. All ranks to attend this ptrade and sign payrolls. Annual Inspection. The Battalion will parade lor Inspection by the Oeneral Office commanding Military District No. It. in the Armoury, Wed- LAND ACT 8keena Laitl District. District ot Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that sixty dsys after , date, I Intend to apply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands for a licence to 1 n.n.n.. , . , .n went to Winnipeg to Join the overseas ,cr of jand bounded a follows: I Viking battalion, were unsuccessful In Commencing at a post planted at the ' passing the examinations and have re-,?VthwM' co"1,r of Section 38, Town-j lBhP 3. Oraham Island, and marked, n-H . ..v,. i, turned to the city. "AJ.O.-a southwest corner": thence east i ,80 chslns; thence north 80 chains: thence M. Mclnnls, purchasing agent for the ' ?'est 80 chain; thence south 80 chains j drsnhv roniM.t.H mmn.n. - ?. Polntot commeneement. being See- '". .Lion a a. inwnnnin i nrihurn iinnri n n - While the temperature here dropped during the night to tour below tero. word from unrlver Indicates that It I tl'fl . .nil,.. n ,L. ... thermometer registering 28 below at Terrace and 64 below at Endakb. Wonder where Mussolini was that he didn't command ' that tidal wave to stand back. ' .' ' y A. w, Dated December 17! 1928. OORDON Locator. Safe Speedy KelleC Stop Yeur Rhtumatitm imi 10c foe Vf nwous trial te Ttmplttoin .Toronto. SOcsrd llbosrs at jmuf drvrilil'i. properly verified, to me on. or before the 22nd day ot January, A D. 1927,' and all parties Indebted to the estate sre re- quired to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prinr Ruom. no NOTICK. All account dut the Pioneer Laundry Ltd. and the Canadian Steam Laundry, up to and Including December 31. 1D26, are payable to the above firms. Ail liabilities owing to the above firms are assumed and payable by the new organisation known as Prince Rupert Laundries Ltd. (Signed), PRINCE RUPERT LAUNDRIES LTD. THE SALE OF ALL SALES Quality Flrt, Price Last Jlcn's Mackinaw Coats, best make, all wool $5.98 Men's Tweed Suits .... $9.93 Men's Tweed Overcoats $19.85 Men's Heavy Wool Work Shirts $1.19 Men's Overalls $1.93 Men's Wool Hose 29c MANY OTHER ItAROAINS Come and see. We set a hard pace for others to follow. Thor Johnson 720 Second Avenue Amazingly Truthful Reproduction Making every record do its best. This hew Brunswick quickly won the hearts of music lovers everywhere. The case, too. is henutiful beyond the usual. Come In n?d say I want to hear the new U CANADIAN Mcincj Monday, Jati FACE TWO Tare daita news U8I' By Virtue of Merit "SALADA" is the outstanding leader in Canada. 'PLANS TO MARK 'BOYHOOD HOMES GREAT PREMIERS In The Letter Box Editor. Dally Newt. TaMng with one of the businessmen here at Massett. as to why Oraham Is land was not being more rapidly tled UP- tnl businessman, to my great astonishment,'-: Condemned we isiana, from settlement standpoint. " He meant that the country was no( 1 good for settlement, that the now-. 'existing settlers produced nothing and TORONTO, Jan. 31. (By Canadian that It was better for me to return to Press J. For 16 years and to four differ- my home country; and that, alt In lent prime ministers of Canada. Allan gpite of the tact (which I learned Ross Darts, now of Toronto, has contln- uter) that this Hint merchant ha J ued to promote tils plan for marking the been himself very prosperous during,. boyhood homes of two noted Canadian: the sixteen years, that he has been llv-jstatesmen Sir John Macdonald at Adol-ling here, and stated that he had no ; phustown, Ont.. and Sir Wilfrid Laurler ' intentions of leaving the place. at Arthabaska, Que. Changes of gavern-1 Further, this same businessman, hav-ments. the emergencies of the great ing some official Jobs. Is In a position war. and various other conditions have. to Influence settlers to come here oi tended to Interfere with g iverlment ' not to come here. If he feels so lnclln-support 1 of the enterprle but Mr. Davis ed. has now been heartened by the receipt j it certainly strikes a stranger, as a of the following letter from Premier very slgular fact, to hear a district Mackenzie King's private secretary under ! knocked, especially coming from the date of January 5: l:ps of one that has been enabled to "The Prime Minister has read with in-! reach the highest prosperity In this jterest your letters of December 13 and ; particular district. December 30. a to marking the sites! At 'the same time this Island and Its future prospects are very alluring to idonald and Sir Wilfrid Laurler fh some! myself and many others, who have had $1.40 'appropriate manner. He has noted par- the privilege of visiting It. j $2 80 tlcuIarly your references to your long The Island shows promising hopes of If stimulated with needed finest (hike Possible . ikt -Ill TTl 1 ; . jj in the Vacuum u ii . pucKeu. can j iMOiaooaAtMi ah aicoasi Vy J. LORNE MacLAREN, Ltd. Third Avenue, Corner Fifth Street Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services A Sailings from Prince Rupert Tn Krtrhlkati, Mrangrll, Juneau, Skajcway Irhrtisrr 7 ft, Mar h 11 B To Vsni-nuWr. Vk-lorla. Hrallle If Iimum II. t.V Mjrcli II TIIK H.S. ntlMKSH UKUIUCi: M, fruin film" lt l Vsnroiiter. elr.. Xsturitir. Irtinury S nnil If. are ranrrllrrt. t.n: t & Hill l? rrMiinnl MaturiUt. 19, Agrncy for all Mranililp Usn, lull Information IV. O. OKCIItltll. Ornrral Aient. Corner of 4th strrrt and 3rd Atrnnr. frlnte KuK-rt, It r S UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Mailing fiutn Prliirr Kupert. lor VANfOl.'VKIl. VH.Hlltlt, Hwautori lUy ami Alrrl luy, elr Tiw4J' 3 p.m. rur VANLOl W:IU VK-roltIV Alrrt lUy and naiiiii lUy. rlf Sl'r 9 a.m. lor I'OKT HIMPHOV. ANVOX, Al.ltK AII.M. HTKtVAItT and Nsu "l ( jnin-rlrs humlay. H p.m. r IMtnd Atruur. It. ,. HMI Til. Agent. Iflnre Hwin-rl. SAVAGE KI.KCrmc WASH Kit AND DRYER. Washes, P.lues. Rinses and Drif '' n wringer or having to put your hutu!:; i the water. Cnh Price !?ll ANo Erwy Terms KAIEN HARDWARE CO. AGED IN OAK CASKS mii6kf, A WHISKY OF DISTINCTION This nilvcrliscmcnt is nol published or lisplftyil I'f 1,1 Liquor Control Honrd or liy llio OovoniiiMinl of HritWh Columbia.