JPAGE FOUH THE DAILY NEWS Monday Janury AIR CLEARED IN BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMawu GET OP- OOMOO REALISE S Ktd give a lot STMW I'LL BE. BUSY IrJ MY OFFICE THAT fHE BSMQOET N m-oori SO t OOMT WANT TO tEE ' SJiSWV Wad ANTVOHG-AN' t MUT NOT HONOR. 13 TQ-MQHRQW r m filTDBBED Ab MObT yi NiCHTAMO YOU MAVEnVi OUTSTANDING POINTS CLEARED AT y-SrZ started to -write, r MEETING LAST MOIIT SEVERAL ) L "J POSTPONE!! GAMES ALLOWED I ST' A Billiard League matters were given a thorough discussion at a special meet ,ing or the Association last night In the City Hall, Certain matters upon which there had been disagreement were settled and as a result, the air has ben cleared and the actlvtles of the league should be off to a good start again. Fred Pyle, president of the Association, presided with W. H. Long, secretary, keeping the records. In the matter of the Moose vs. Terminals tournament of last Tuesday, in which four games were not played owing to differences among the players, lv was decided that these four games, to be played this week would be allowed. Owing to the resignation of Don Brown, George Mclmoyle was assigned to the Moose team as first man and Joe Brown was 'appointed captain. Charlie Balagno will now be first man on the Terminals In place of P. O'Donnell who, with Don Brown, has resigned from his team and the league. A postponed game in the Grotto-Gyro tournament of Friday last be tween J. Andrews and W. J. Nelson was also allowed. The Association decided that, owing to the shortage of players, oil postponed games In future would be left In he hands of the executive as to whether they should be allowed or BILLIARD LEAGUE Tournament Between Gyros mid Grotto Results In Victory or !)3 to 88 for Former Team The postponed game iji the Grotto-Oyro billiard tournament between J. Andrews (Grotto) and W. J. Nelson I Gyros) was played on Saturday, the former winning by 200 to 175. This makes the aggregate for the tournament 923 to 8C8 in favor of the Gyros. The league standing to date la as follows: Games. Total. Average Terminals 10 0329 Gyros 11 6312 Grotto 12 10508 St. Andrew's 11 9638 Moose 10 8741 933 892 876 876 874 The averages for the players In the league to date are as follows: Games Ttl. Aver. F. Zlcman (Terminals) . 10 2000 200 Geo. Mcllmoyle (reserve) 3 COO 200 J. Parr, (Moose) 1 200 200 O. Howe (Grotto) 5 979 196 1 J. HUlman (Moose) .... 10 1917. 192 C. Balagno (Terminals) 10 1912 191 Fred Pyle (St. Andrew's) 9 1699 183 Frank Aldrldge (Gyro)., h 2071 188 W. E. Willlscroft (St. A.) 6 1124 188 P. O'Donnell (Terminals 10 1858 186 D. Howe (Terminals) ... 10 1847 185 W. J. Nelson (Gyro) ... 10 1843 185 W. H. Long (Gyro) .... il 2012 183 6. D. Macdonald (St. A.) 8 14S5 182 J. Andrews (Grotto) ... 12 2153 180 J. Hamilton (Grotto) . . 12 2154 180 Dr. West (Grotto) 12 2140 178 Ben Sejf .(Oyro) 9 1605 178 O. Waugh (Grotto 12 2114 176 M. MacLachlan (St. A.). 10 1751 175 J. May (Moose) 9 1561 173 J. McLean (Terminals).. 1 173 173 J. Brown (Moose) 9 1551 172 H. Corbett (Terminals). 9 1549 172 Don Brown (Moose).... 8 1378 172 Bert Morgan (St. A.) .. 9 1542 171 O Krause (Oyros) 3 487 162 J. Judge (Moose) 10 1597 160 A. Macdonald (Oyro) ... 10 1580 158 S. Darton (St: Andrews) 1 166 156 O. Anderson (Orotto) .. 7 1089 155 O. P. Tinker (St. A.) .. 10 1511 151 A. Harvey (Oyros) . 1 131 131 LOCAL BASKETBALL TEAM FOR SERIES KETCHIKAN NAME!) The Prince Rupert Basketball Asso ciation held a meeting on Saturday night and selected an all-star team to play Ketchikan here on February 7 and 8, George Russell and George Johnstone were also appointed a committee to arrange for entertainment of the visitors during their stay In the city. Tomor row night, and Friday, .Instead of the regular Senior League fixtures, the All-Stars will meet teams selected from the Senior League for practice matches which should give the locals an oppor tunity of rounding Into shape. The All-star team selected was as follows: Guards G, Mitchell and V. Menzles, Centre Howard. Forwards E, Smith (capt.) and D. Balfour. Spares M. Budenlch and 8. Moran. Off teals will be: Referte Lee Dell. 8corer Miss Mills. Timekeeper Geo. Johnstone. SPORT CHAT The following sport events are billed for the week: .Monday (Tonight) Crlbbage League Knights of Columbus vs. C. N, Mechanics; Moose vs. C. N. Opera tors: Prince Rupert Hotel vs. Sons s of Canada; Dry Dock vs. Orang: . Lodge;. . Cold Storage vs. Canadian Legion; St. Andrew's vs. Orotto. Tuesday: Basketball Junior League TuxU vi. Stars; Intermediate Lea jtt Ji t "fSJ 1927 ar Iwt t FfruBr Smvict. Inc Gi B;ini nnwil gue; Bankers vs. Terminals; Ladles' League: 'Adanacs ys. Maple Leafs; Senior League: All Stars vs. Select ed team. Billiards: Grand Terminals vs. St. An drews. Ladies' Whist: Orange Ladies vs. St. George's Ladles; Pythian Sisters vs. Moose Ladles. Thursday: Men's Whist: Moose vs. St. George's (Seal Cove); Elks vs. Knights of Columbus; I.O.O.F. vs. St. Andrew's; St. George's (city) vs. St. George's (Seal Cove). Friday: Basketball Junior League: Stars vs. Colts; Ladles' League: Adanacs vs. Maple Leafs; Intermediate League: Grotto vs. Elevator: Senior League: All Stars vs. Selected team. Billiards: Gyro vs Moose. There is a great deal of similarity In the way Yo'ung of Toronto and Sher-rlng of Hamilton performed the feats that set Canada for the time being In the very first rank of athletic nations. Sherring went to Greece many years ago to win the Athens Marathon for Canada without backing from any athletic organization, and all "on his own," taking only a friend in his And, like Young, he went to Greece In the cheapest manner possible. And each Of them In a strange country won a Marathon, the one aver ground which heroes used to tread, and the other through cold and uncrossed waters. It is considered practically certain that Ponsford the Australian Test team cricketer, whose 352 for Victoria helped that state to establish a world's record score wtjl go. to England for good. Ponsford has received an offer to play for Blackpool, and Is expected At Copenhagen ,the "Scandinavian featherweight champion, Knud Larson, beat Johnny Cuthbert (England) on points over 15 rounds. - Billy Kelly (Dublin) featherweight champion of Ireland, was easlty beaten on points by Eddie Donoghue (Middles-boro"), over 15 rounds, at Leeds. HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy . William Doucett. Seattle; H. McLeod, D. McLeod, S. Paton, M. Johnston and Held, CJJ.R.; R. H. Fuller and E. Fuller, Jap Inlet; M. H. Laldlaw, Vancouver; E. Qulst, Oona River; B. T. Way, city; Martin Llleget, Cralgmyle, Alta. Prince II u pert Mrs. C. W. Swanson, Massett; G, E. Little, Thomas A. Kelley and A. Farrow, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Handle. Port Esslngton; D. Lay. Hazel-ton; H. Porter and J. Clones, Prince George; T. E. Brooks, Terrace; Miles Donald, Alice Arm, V Advertise In the Dllv News The Children Will Catch Cold' Mothers should never neglect the first, sign of a eold or cough where their children are concerned, for if they do some serious lung trouble is Habit-to follow. Mrs. R. T. Hubbr, 1022 Harrington 8L, Halifax, N.8. write: "The children are continually getting eold, but I have no trouble with them, for lust as soon as they begin to cough 1 give them a doso of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup which breaks up the cold within a day or m. I get great results out of It and would not be without it for anything. I can highly recommend It to any one.'' Price 35c a bottle; large family site 60c; put up only by The T. illlbura Co, limited, Toronto, Oat HOUSEWARMING AT SKIDEGATE MISSION One Hundred and Twenty-five People Present and Affair One of Moot Sncrful of Season SKIDEOATE. Jan. 31. Mr. and Mrs. 6. Wilson of Skldegate Mission opened their new home there by giving a housewarmlng to which, all told, 125 guests were . Invited and present. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Russ, during the evening, gave a duet; Neapolitan Nights" was beautifully rendered by Mr. and Miss' Wilson; the village string orchestra: played "Aloha, How Are Your" and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Croby sang as a duet "Out of the Dust to You." Refreshment served at midnight took the form of a veritable banquet. All In all It was one of the best and most enjoyable events of the social season around here. . Among those- present were Mrs. M. K. Richardson of Tlell, Mr, and Mrs. G. Ross of South Harbor, Mr. and Mrs. N. Schafer of Southeast Harbor and Miss E. Muleton and G. Haan of Dead Tree Point all of whom motored down to attend the event. TERRACE The Canadian Legion has decided to fit up a room on the main floor of the O.W.V.A. hall for a reading room and library. Many generous donations in the way of lumber, paper, doors, hardware, have been promised as well as considerable reading material. This step forward will be welcomed by many as, the lack of a reading room - - . ... (, a AKERS COCOA fir luncheon Here is a drink that has food value Aa well as a most delicious flavor and aroma For the business man's luncheon it is incomparable A DISTINGUISHED DIETITIAN ONCE SAID "It soothes both stomach and brain" MADE ONLY ny WALTER BAKER 8C CO. Limited Establish! 1 780 DORCHESTER, MASS. Canadian Mills at Montreal Booklet of Choke Rih(i tent fu t I has long been felt here. Work will commence at once, the labor for the most part to be done voluntarllly by the Legion members. Norman Yack, mechanic at the Terrace Motors garage, left on Thursday tor Vancouver where he will spend a months's holiday, returning here In the early spring. Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Frank left on Thursday on a short business and holiday trip to Prince Rupert. Mr. Frank returned home on Saturday and Mrs. Frank stopped off at Amesbury to spend the week end with her daughter, airs. W. H. Watt. J. Raven and M. Allard were in from Kalum Lake- at the week end. Mrs. E. T. Brooks left on Thursday for Prince Rupert where she entered the hospital for an operation at the beginning of the week. E. T. Brooks went down to Prince Rupert on At a meeting of the vestry of the Anglican Church held during; the past week It was planned to hold a "Portrait Supper " next month In Progress Hall. The proceeds will be used to pay off the remainder of the debt In curred In the remodelling of the Arrangements have been made to hold a special C.O.I.T. service In the United Church next Sunday evening, and a special "Father and Son" service in the Anglican Church, on Sunday morning following. P. McDonald of Remo was In town t the week find. W. H. Wa,tt; of Amesbury was a busl' ness Visitor here on Saturday. i . W. Carrlgan was able to return to his home on Sunday alter having been a patient at the hospital here for the past five weeks. TERRACE MAN ON PRAIRIES ;i:oit(H: i.itti.i:, hack iuom stoc k l:VIV(i TRIP, REPORT fOMII-TIONS MICH IMI'ICOVKII TERRACE, Jan. 31 .George Little re turned on Friday from Olds, Alberta with six heavy horses for use In the lumber Industry, here. He also brought a number of hogs and a quantity ol grain. Mr. Little experienced severely cold weather while on the prairies, the ther mometer registering 40 below rero prac tically all the tme he -was there. He found conditions much, more prosper ous than when he' visited the same dis trlct wo years ago. At that time many of the settlers were anxious to sell out while now there was no talk of selling. In some lurts much; grain . 'was left standing in the field and1 the farmers were shipping In hogs from Saskatchewan to use up the frozen grajn, one man at Olds having Just brought In three hundred hogs. Prices, naturally, were high. Mr. Little found heavy hones very scarce, the reason given being that there was no demand for them In the cities now that motors were being used almost entirely, and heavy horses were not being raised to any Mr. Little's horses arrived here In splendid condition and were shod and put to work Immediately. HAZELTON Mrs. W. W. Anderson returned to Haxelton last Wednesday after having spent the past few months In Vancou ver. Mr. and Mrs. Myros celebrated the first anniversary of their wedding last Wednesday arid Invited many friends to be present. The feature of the proceedings was the christening of their first-born, the ceremony being performed by Rev. T. D. Proctor. 'Charged with a serious offence,' an Indian of Klsplox was arrested by the provincial police last week. Constable Oeorge Wyman of Hazel ton was taken suddeply 111 at the first ol last week and Sergeant w. J. Service of Smlthers has been here relieving. W anted For Sale For Rent LOST. LADY'S SILVER MESH BAG containing sum of money. Finder please return to Dally News omce. HOARD B.OARD. THE INLANDER, Second Avenue. Phone 137. AUCTION SALE witn Mrs. ll. a. Wlndt. 830 AUCTION. SALE WILL BE HELD AT 343 Third Avenue on Monday, January 31 at 2 30 p.m., consisting of house hold furniture, bed springs and mat' tress, dining table, tables, mirrors. davenport, heater, chairs, two gramo phones, carpets, store fixtures, kitchen cabinet, utensils, and other mlscrl laneous Items. Phllpott, Evltt and Co. Ltd., Auctioneers. ajiton Hospital for treatment to his ankle which was cruched between a log and a stump. He will probably be laid up lor some time. Mrs. Harry Thornton and two sons Were at Smlther last week visiting Eric Hart, who has been with the Hudson Bay Co. at Hazel ton for several months, left last week for Prince Ru pert where he has obtained a position, Mrs. Henry. Denno and Miss Julia Denno, who have been In the Hazelton Hospital for several weeks, are now making satisfactory recovery and hope vj ,oe oui Dei ore long. Mrs. Mary Rae Hatton- and Henry Frank, both of Andlmaul, were recently married by Rev. J. H. Young In the united Church Manse at Hazelton, C. L. Dlmock, assistant district en-glneer for the provincial department of puouc works, was here lest week on omciai business. Nordhausen. a quaint city of about Al Lougheed. who has been workln; 30.000 Inhabitants, located In th tian bv AiDeri Eiuoiis poie camp on me Mountains or Oermanv, will soon rele .....w. .,,-., .... u , ul muuHuuuiii anniversary. I i . f XI j n ANOTHER IMG REDUCTION IN CHEVROLET COMMERCIAL CAR PRICES Bport Roadster I 880X0 Coach and Ccupe 1 1020.00 8edan 11133.00 Landau IIIUOO rSKD O.Uts OV IMMl I Ford Light Delivery, open body I 7S00 I Ford Light Delivery, panel body : 115000 I Ford Light Delivery, starter equipment ..i 1230.00 1 Ford Tudor Sedan, starter equipment I3oooo I Oldsmoblle S-paaaenger Tour ing. 1923 fVMOO Terms can be arranged on both new and used cars to suit the purchsser. KAIEN OARAGE Dealers In lllr. MrMughlln, Oakland. luc OhlMiiolille and (lirtrt.let Cars. Phone it TAXI Thone f.7 Tnxl (Cnll Cwnruc. l'nul nr C.nt Six and 'Seven Pnsserwr Studt bakers at your dlxpoanl any time KOSS IIIIOS. POOL ROOM Meeker lllock. (Across from Empress Hotel) IN PRORATE. IN THE M I'ltr.ME ( 111 ItT'or IIIIITISII I III. 1, Mill I In the Matter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Estate of Andrew Aim, otherwise known as Anders Aim, Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE Hint h nrrf.. .1 111. iiuiiur, juage itonerison, the 10th day of D!?rm?7 AD' .,9a0 1 w PP0lnted Administrator of the eut nt inrf. Aim, otherwise known as Anders Aim. i!cTa"tl,'.und f" P'm having claims .gamin me ma mate are nereby required to furnish same, properly verified 10 me. on or before the 17th day of January. A D. 1027. and all parties In-debted to the estate, are required to pav the amount of their Indebtedness to me iUI lMWbJl, NORMAN A. WATT ... ,llnc8 Bupert.'B.C, i5.trd the Jut d' of December. a'.D. IN PRORATE iv tup. nt-piiEMK rot itr or mtirisii i. 1 .urn 1 In the Matter of the Admlnlatratlon acii ana In the Matter of the Estate of Clark take NOTICE that by order of HH DS""brJ-.AD' )92.fl. I was appointed umini.iravor 01 tne estate of Clark Edward Bronson, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are rw,v.r,Vf,,Ulffd t0 r,,ml,h me. P?o! rjfl .v,r"'fd, t0 me on or before the lath day of January. A D. 1027. and all parties indebted to the estate fi r, gu'rJ t0 PJ the amount of their Inl debtedness to m forthwith NORMAN A." WATT. Official Administrator, Prlnr'' ""P"t, BO, rut. ih. m 1928. " f ncnher A D. DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for let than 50c WANTED WANTED. SPECIALTY SALESMAN with car, to demonstrate and sell the Thompson Hydraullcator. a hydraulic shock absorber and snubber combined, for all cars. Splendid opportunity for the right man. Liberal commissions. State experience. Write Jermaln and Phillips, Limited, 577 Howe street, Vancouver. DC. 25 WANTED. TO HEAR FROM OWNER, farm for sale. State cash price. D. F. Bush. Minneapolis. Minn. FOR SALE FOR SALE TO CLOSE OUT AN fcS-tat, we are authorised to sell several lots, some corners, harbor view, and on sewer. Prices low and terii'.s from 310.00 monthly. Enquire T. McClymont. tl HEAVEN AND HELL SWEDEN BORO S great work on the life after death and a real world beyond. Over 400 pages. Only 2Sc postpaid. II. V. Law, 486 Euclid Avenue, Toronto. FOR 8ALE. SIX CARd TIMOTHY. one . Brome, F.O.B. Burns Lake. B.C. It. C. Ehlnn, Willow Spring Ranch. Southbank, Francois Lake, BC. 34 FOR SALE. PAIR OP BLUE FOXES. Apply O. It. Udd, Sravlew Apartments, tf FOR RENT FOR RENT. THIRTY ROOM Equipped hotel. Oolng concern. Write Box 342 Dally News Omce tf FOR RENT. FURNISHED APART-mnt: four rooms and bath; water paid. Phone 647. tf FOR RENT. STEAM HEATED APART menu. Apply Smith tt Millett. Ltd. Telephone 174. FOR RENT. PIANOS, PIIONOQUAPil3 and Singer Sewing Machines. Walker's Music Store. FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT by day. week or month. Phone Red 607. tf TOR RENT. MODERN HOUSE, FIVE rooms and bath. Munro Bros. tl LOST AUCTION KEIt FOUND. A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY 1 Why worry It you break a leg or arm. of If the face la scarrrd or scratched. I can make them look like new. With a little pot of glue and a little brush or screw they will surely be admired I With a Utile chamois leathrr. I will fix them good for ever! I buy, sell, or exchange anything ef value. Sales conducted anywhere In Prince Rupert. Phone 774. O. P. Brine. Auctioneer. HOOli A. .HAtOOV Srol 'ne. Mixed Wood Blocks per load lam. Kindling, per load 50 Furnace Wood, per lo5d 19 00 Delivered. Salt Herring Plinne 1 1 lark tfil RESTAURANTS v !OOI KAT'K Mrs. Unger. Proprietress Third Avenue. Next a. W. V. A. (iixxl Hnine Cooked Mrsl. Phone Black 700 1-1 14 Ton Utility Express Chassis f 82JXJ0 l& Ton Ught Delivery Chassis I 63000 Touring and Roaditer I 813.00 Artic! Lost and Found,4e MAIL SCHEDULE OIIT-OOIM) l or I tie llat Mnndata. WMnHtfiM ... closes I.,). to unnimrr lurways 111. Ill Saturdays First class mall Is also cerpt' w Vancouver on Mondays. Wrtaeaj.j, Saturday by C.N It trains, T I ..... . III.- ..... . ' .-..;i 4 , , . . .11111, .irvin BN mlrr UU1IUIJ T, Wednesdays ... m . Tn rt. MlmfMonanil Nsm Rim Bundays i , To AU'ka Point Jan. 10. 34 Tn IJiieen rhiflotle Jan. 1. 29 I.N'.COMISd Irom the East- Tuesdaya. Thursday and Bundin t IM Irom Vanctnrr Sundays Wednesdays l:jji Fridays C-PJl.. Jsn. 10. 34 I llntn Any, Allr Arm. Mestil : Premier TUesdavs Frldsys 1 IH fc. I . . .. - . ... ... k ,. B , r!,MrM inV .1 Bit. I From ,tlaka Points Jan. 14 38 From lurrn CharMte Jan. 13. 37 iox roi i i.ctiom AX. .' Graham tt Atlln Ave. tn 1st Ave. H Sth St tB wm m uimi aviv a Sth Ave. Ac Thompson (' ' tlth tt Sherbrooke Ave. IS ' llth Ave. it Conrad 8t ll' Ath A Jtr ! rn. SI I ..... - w.w - otn nay Cove Circle l nth i.i . rA)t.N a tui ..... , vv.miii a,. . . " 3th Ave. ai McBrlde St l; Prov. Govt Bldga, . I Prov. Oor. Wharf tl a.T.P. Wharf Q.T.P. Station 2nd Ave. i 2nd St, ICiJ 3rd Ave tt Fulton St ' ' 3rd Ave, tt 6th St I' J 1 nundar collection eame as p v dsys only. NTkAMnHIP MnVFMh I'ur Vanrouier Tuesday sa. Cardena Friday-;-!, prince Rupert ' Saturday -MU. Catala ' oaiuraay -, iTincess ueiui. Jan. 14 as. princess Mary Jan 38--s, princess Mary From Vftnroiiter .Sunday -as. Cardena Wednesdsy -tm. Pr Ruper i: 1 . 1 Friday as, Catala Baturday- Princess BesWW Jan. 10 as Pirncess Mary Jan. 34 ss. Princess Msry ' For port .ilmMti and Naa Sunday as. Cardena ' rr'nin 1'i.rl Hlnwuuin anil Vi R1"" Tuesday-as. Cardena lor Hlrwart. Anyo and A lire Sunday as. Cardena J Weduesdav as. Prince Rupert I-1 I'rmn Hlirl Imnl ml Allr luesaay ss. uararna Friday . Prince Rupert For (Jueen C'l, irlottes Jan. 15 ?rlnce Charles Jan, 29:: Prince Charles I'imn tieen Charlolle Jsn. 13 as, Prince Charles Jn.,27 a. Prince Charles For AlitKka Jan, 10 as. princess Mrj Jan, 34 as. Princess Msry From Abukn Jtn, 14 as, Princess Mi7 Jan, 38 as, Princess Miry f N R TRAINS va nun w tiuiiuaB - . . 1 ' irruin r.asv -iurnH, , ounaays PAIN a 1 ha Diauuci ' : sfifsTSJ