L January SI, 1927 AND PURE 9 I H , l I- tl" rt-"l" 1 properly mtturnl noil (ii. i. . m MKt Itv th Aniilnmilul r . h IN h.. drinking fcaaUly mid. "rw" krri, nrarly ! (kn.ind lk Umous br.wwi by th Ami!uulrtl makers, Founders Woodworker. Etc. KI.KCTMC AND ACETYLENE WEI.IllNC. Our plant is oijuijiped to hiiniilr all kinds of MAMNE AND COMMERCIAL WOltK. PHONES n and 385 AMALCAMATID fcrenlr. ' 3 fi R vVA , ,-cukJ ,1k. v..,...,. 8 r-M I If I a "ifo f, Ud . ff 5fw Z I, Ml n7-f iJC;';' r p.nrfcjL.1i. .. ,v," a I -it to j IflcvvS 1 1 7TT, . ER& T ;,,rti-?nicnt t not published or displayed ny tee Liquor i ti 1 Board c)f by the Ikveriunetit ot Suu-h Columlna. The W Store U i i)!ldlf aged and elderly j children and Waak nwn V1M01 .. i . .i i ti.... . A .....i..r., ..i.i in ...... I i iUl 43 irUil UHU vuu JV1HII., J It HVIIUGIIUI III v V. di ions of general wcakne, anaemia, loss of apimtite and phyitiral exhaustion. Price, per bottle - - - Sl.UT, n , .lock is fresh. The patent oval shaped bottle is a .., ( of the gtnuiiie Vinol. Ormes Ltd. The Pioneer DruggUt Three registered Pharmucists 3rd Ate. nnd Gth HI. Phones 82 mid 200 Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK . AM) SHIPYARD Operating (5.T.P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock r'niflneerN MachlnUtM, llollermakers IHnckMnllhs Pattern- 6 Cylinder Sterling Marine Engine for Sale Cheap Medium Heavy Duty 1)0-125 H.P. complete with self star-id 'lew buttery, only used eleven months. Excellent con-Ituruuin price. Write A. E. AITKEN. 10121 1011, Street, lklnuinlon. Alia. "TRY A NIP TONIGHT" Hcsmaagragf BEST PROCURABLE ' : .. .. - i.9?T S S J .. ti yy. PROCUCt or SCOtUNB B OrliU.I Ub.l loolc for It t Ik. Vrndor'j nd inil.t on GRANT'S "BEST PROCURAuLi- Conl!Vetise,ne,,t "ol pol.ltslic.l or displayed by Ue Ijt'H- --v.w. uuuru or by Iho Qoveratticni unusn wiuu" or Local and Personal Arthur' Tail. Phone 678. fi.C. UndrrUkeri. Phone 41. Buy rtupcrt manufuctured ehlnglci ir6m Seal cove Lumber Co., Ltd. U It MIh Emily Davlet ilttrr of Mrs. W. O. Hughei arrived from Victoria Ut evening on the iteamer Camoaun. M. McDonald, hem (tltcher. moving i from the Dollar Store to Oawthorn premUes February 1. Your patronage kollclted. , 25 Mr. Baker of Terrace came in on yeau-rdAyV train and wai taken to the local hotpKal. He U luSerlng with a broken- ankle. Albert Farrow, ateamboat impccuir. arrived In the cltjf from Vancouver on the Camoaun laat night, being here on omclal dutle. 8. Doble of Copper City waa brought to tfte city on yeiterday'a train and taken to the local hospital aufferlhg from an attack, of influenza. Sent. P. M. Haniiah. chief of the Mile Donald of Alice Arm. who has been on a trip south for the past two at thrM iwki arrived In the Bit from The current Issue of the B.C. Oasettr 1 Passengers arriving on the Camosun last evening Included S. Suga. Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Kergtn snd Miss Margaret Kerffin Jt. Psrrow, A. Olson. Mile Donald. 8. a. Footner. J. P. M. Hannah. Mlas t Davlsa. H Larson. Archbishop A tf nilluutl .nil V nmlalKt fnr Talbot. J. Tumbull Mr. and Mrs. L. Dodd. E. E. Bower. Q. S. Brows. M. Miles. J. Harvey. T. A. Hutchison. Mr. and Mrs, F. Larson for Anyox LAND ACT MITK K til" INTKVriOX TO APPLY TO to rritnitM: i.i lit Prince Rupert L'ind Recontlna District of Prlnre Rupert, and situate on the north shore oi the South Arm o: Tarao Harbor. Moresby Inland. Qureti Charlotte Islands. Province of Brlttoh Columbia. TAKK NOTICE that James Field, of Prince Rupert. II C occupation Marine Broker, intends to apply tor permrwlon to purchase the following described lands: Cocnmenrlng at a pnst planted on thr north shore of South Arm of Taaoo Ilar-brr. Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Inlands. In the Province of British Columbia, about S chains from the end of the Government trail: thence 10 chains northeasterly: thence 10 chains northwesterly: thence 10 chains southwesterly; thenre 10 chains southeasterly, and containing twenty (20) acres, more or leas. JAMES FIELD. Dated November 29. 192fl. ANNOUNCEMENTS Salvation Army Musical Entertainment, February 4. Knights, of Pythias St. Valentine's Juvenile Masquerade Ball, February 14. Established 112.'I. Any evening by. iiiipointmeiit DENTIST Exchange Ulock. I'hone 101) THE DAILY NEWS P 3E THRB A SAILOR'S EXPERIENCE RHEUMATISM AND PILES ENDED BY " FRUIT-A-TIYES " n MR. S. IXOYD. u t i i t . .. rr : u . .... i "t"or some unc i nm ucth uuius wim Thomas A. Keller, well known Queen 5" "".11";.. i .i.i,i r a. Charlotte laUnd toggrtif operator, was tkW to lTy Kruit-a-tiwi In a very in nm mj aa oaiurasj ofi n wj ort wje I hM reliel lor ilif hrst lime from Vancouver to Lagan Inlet. T. A Clark of the provincial forestry service sailed on Saturday evening on Uh. 1rltwsB Jnhn flnr Pnrl flmAltl An announces the lncorporaUon of O j01 bUiUlc- Percy Tinker As Co.. Ltd. with capltall-1 Adjourned annual meeting ol the r a loom .an MWd office C Agricultural & Industrtal at Prince Rupert. Th new concern AUthjp. in city hall ai 8 oolook to- ha. been formed to take over the busl- ness carried on by O. Percy Tinker ln,"w this city. PROVINCIAL COURT OF REVISION STILL INSESSION HERE The provincial court of revlaton la itlll In progreu here. Several appeal were heard by John Dybhavn sitting as Judge at the week-end and adjournment wa taken' until today.' ' " Ura. K. Draun ano H. Frank of Terrace entered apptal and adjustment were ordered in each cae by the court. The appeal of the Oranby Mining and ConaoUdittd Smelting Co. wa presented by S. W Taylor acting for the .company and representation were made bjr W. R. Lindsay, general uperlntendent at Anyux. and by R. H. Plommer, treasurer of the company. The case wa adjutirntd w.ul Monday afternoon., , The appeal of the Rupert Marine Product Co. Ltd. was presented by Jos. It Rev. Arfchaf '' Barner oi Toronto, superintendent of United Church Indian sthools, sailed for Skldegate on the Prince John Saturday night. Union freighter Chllkoot, Capt. J. L. Williams, arrived in port last night at 7:45 from port Simpson and Stewart ., , . land salted thU morning for Vancouver Prince Rupert; F. J. Lancaster. W. A.. , via of call. many ports The fire department ausvofed a call to the office of Dr. H. L. Alexander this morning st 9 o'clock where ait oil stove gave some anxiety. The blaze was soon extinguished without damage C.NJL steamer Prince John,. Capt. E. Mabbs, sailed at 1U0 midnight Saturday for Vancouver , via the Quean Charlotte Islands. The vessel's departure was delayed a few hours on account oi heavy freight offerings. Douglas Lay, resident mining engineer for the northeastern mineral survey district with headquarters at Haswltoh. arrived In the city last night. He is Just back from Vtotorla. where he ha been at departmental head-quarters for the post few weeks. The annual Men's Banquet of the Church of England will be held In the Cathedral Hall on Tuesday at 7 pin. Taking the place of the Gardens while that vessel undergoes her annual overhaul in Vancouver, Union steamer Camosun, Capt. A. E. Dfcksoii. arrived from the south at 8:15 last night and sailed at 2 o'clock this morning for Anyox and Stewart and other , northern porta of coll. It la understood ' that R'eri, itUes manager for the company, and Witi allowed by the court. LA1E CONRAD HADLAND INTERRED YESTERDAY International llilile Student In fliarje or Smice llurlal In t ain lew Cemetery Funeral service for the late Conrad 1 1 ad land waa held yesterday afternoon I aiw bad a touch of Vbehnr. p.lcs and from the chapel of the DC. Undertaker foanrl that 'Fruit-a-tfvea' u irl. 1 like a Iwtth the IcuroaUonal Bible Students In city detachment of fbe provincial think they are reaHy marvellous."- police, returned from the south on the' rwu, -'". steamer Camosun last evening. Made in Canada, by Canadian workmen. Imperial Premier gasoline for ! uniform quality and dependable service If better RMOllne could be made. Imperial Oil Ltd. would make It.! Keep your money In .Canada. charm. I would not be without a box. I C -Mr. Mr. Floyd is one of thousands who owe their preseat good health to charge . There were many floral offer ings from numerous friends at expressions of the high esteem in which the deceased wa held. Interment tack place in Fmlrvlew Cemetery. K. Nutson. B Hariatmm t. Frpetrt D. Davidson. T. The "charai- of "FruH-a-Um" is simple. !MurwW 6nd 0. Oleson acted as pall-"Fruit-a-tivts" is composed of fresh fruit i. ' -; ltmuuMiMA iffl rammnarl anth 'ZZ. U.lrJ yTt cor;n. i T tfiaim dnmifd IMarv anrf hlaiMrr 28 iuille,'rlds the ivstem of uoisnns and and Mrs Murvold. Mr. and Mrs. Wicks, it. . i b.u- ..,-- i. m t unnrnM Th hmlh A o Franks purines iok tnvM' , . . j wn. . - -- - everywhere. JSC and 50c a box. Test it, your&eU. Cwnmrnce now. Vancouver on the Camosun last nlfht ' " ! and will continue north later In the Biff Pour Tart. pxwsr 4. no at your ; i week. lie u a zutil at the Prince service. Eddit aad Ralph Smith. tf. i Rupert Hotel. and Family. Mis Astrld llanson and Teddy Ilalverson. Hllttl.CSS liriMIKT 8 a.m. DIG BY ISLAND Part elaudy, calm V. Max was a naasenm for Portiw-imf-jn- nm- tmwraturi?. 35: sea Capt L. O. Dixon, supenrtsor of Clemeota on the Prlnoe John Saturday. ;mcoth; 12.15 am. spoke motcrshlp western port. lelt Vsneouver yesterday l ; . 1 Yablko Uaxu. bound lor Yokohama frora for Otuwa on ofaeui buslaoas. It Is Cow Bay lunch open February i-ipom,,. t80 mUes from the Columbia I not known whether Capt. Dixeo UI "rs. C. Edward and, Mrs. A. Jarven. t -aivr. return to this coast to take up his station permanently or direct the work from bis o3ce at Otuwa. Trappers! Call and show your tun to the Old Reliable Itoute. It will par you as we can guarantee to tire yoti higher price than anyone else. We have big orders for all kind of fun. especially mink. Wa. OoldMoom. Second Avenue. Phone IJ. tfl 24 Mr. and Mrs. a M, Raid and family returned to Mssastt on the Prince John on Saturday evening. Pythian Sisters Whist drive tonight In Boston Hall at 8 o'clock. PondaTs orchestra. Oood prtSM. Good eats. BULL ILVRBOR Oven: nt, fresh southeast wind: barometer. 39X2; tenv perature 38: sea moderate. DSAD THEE POINT Barometer. 29.40, temperature, 28. Nml! DIQBY ISLAND Cloudy, calm: baro meter. 39 65; temperature, 37; sei smaoth. EULL HARBOR Rain, fresh southeav wind: barometer, 29 M; temperature, 33: sea moderate. DEAD TRKK POINT Barometer. 29.34 Semi-erature. 29. Another enjoyable dance under Scandinavian auspices was held Saturday night in the Metro pole Hall. r v" TIIINCE RUl'EKT TIDES .MOMMY. JAM'.tltY 31 High 0:18 ajn. 17.7 ft. 11:58 pan. 21.1 " Low 5:49 am. 8J " 18:44 pm. 3.0 " TI.MHER SALE XC8.50 Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands at Victoria. BC, not later than noon on the 14th day of February. 1927.. for the purchase of Licence X6830. to cut 4.120.000 f.bjn. of Spruce. Hemlock and Cedar on an area situated on the North Shore of Seweil Inlet. QC.I. Two (2) yeara will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars oi the Chief Fori ester. Victoria. B.C.. or DUtrlct Forester, Prince Rupert. B.C LAND ACT. NOTICE OF lNTIA'TION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAN II. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Keeto Inlet. Queen Charlotte Lslands. TAKE NOTICE that John Dybhavn, of Prince Rupert, BC. occupation manager. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the simtl. side ol Neslo Inlet, about one ' ApSKuWA hort pipe organ recital Will be given ."froST h Vhence south 6 Office Hours: t) n.m, to G ji.ni. Saturday: i) n.m. tu 1 p.m. i oerore me banquet, every unurcn or chain: thence west 16 chains; tnence England man In the r.-.y Is cordially h 'rlh 6 chl,B l, hrf1: thcnc.'Leiui 10 ,,T,-- chain, more or leas, following the shore invited. r,. Oood ,m Ti,. Ttckett $1.09. n program lnr to p,,,,,, 0, commencement, and 23 rnntnlnlnir 7 acres, more or less. Dated November 23, 1926. COMPANIES ACT Applicant. TAlfE NOTICE that L1PSETT CUN- NINO HAM tt CO. LIMITED after the cx- plratlon of one month from th first publication of this Notice Intends to. apply to the Registrar of Companies for h. rhnwumn will S on M. ,, f "W! "'." , v""Vr.'""VT - .... "dwahd luheit it-iuiswr; Kurr.ui; about a montlt. the Cardena being slat ed to relieve the Cataia in about two weak when the latter vessel is taken off for her annual overhaul. (UIHI OI" THANKS. Mrs..W. d, Hughes, and family and Miss Mary Hughes desire to convey their sincere v thanks to their many friends for the kind expressions of sympathy received during their recent bereavement. CAItll OF THANKS. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hadland and: family of Oohah River, B.C. desire to j convey their sincere thanks to their.' many Mfnris for the kind . expressions 1 of sympathy' .v.lvrd In their ' recent bereavcmint. ' LIMITED." DATED at Vancouver. B.C., this 10th day of December, A D. 1928. LADNER & CANTELON. Solicitors tor the Applicants. . . . -. i Victor Fox Trot Vocal Fox Trot Process Y VvX '.V Records Hello Bluebird Art Landy and His Orchestra Miller, and Farrell , Mary Lou Goodrich Silrcrtown Cord Orchestra STOMACH PAMCREAS SPLEEN MONEYS BOWELS Littl In a 212X5 20291 23204 Spanish Town Waltz Paul YVhitrman & His Orch. 20266 It Made You Happy (When You Made Me Cry) Fox Trot Vriii's PcnnsylvanUns 2MI5 To-night You Belong to Me Walti Roger Wolf Kabn & Ills Orch. 2W59 Victor Talklne Machine Co. Because I Love You WalU Nathaniel .ShilUcl and he Victor Orchestra 20272. Tenor Henry Murr At "His Masters Voice" Dealers 20258 She Tripp ed and Fell A child at play trips and falls. There follows a ten years' period of acute and intermittent ill-health, which no one connects with that fall, until a chiropractor gets the case. Only the chiropractor can know how often a fall, an accident, or a sudden violent jar has preceded years of illness, the actual and direct cause being unsuspected while continued treatment of symptoms is in progress. if HEALTH FOLLOWS' J'WOPRACTIC CORRECTS rass'ins cn spiral NERVES IM DISEASES OF THE roiLOWIN'3 ORGANS'. LIU EARS NOSE THROAT ASMS HEART PENDIX BLADDER Spinal cT.lumL0ft(l LIMBS The lowe. nerve UNDER THE MAGNIFYING CLASS IS PINCHED BY A MISALIGNED JOINT. PINCHED NERVES CANNOT TRANSMIT HEALTHFUL Impulses, chiroprac ticadjustino re MOVES THE PRESSURE. THE UPPER NERVE IS TREE AS N ATURE INTENDS. feels better than ever The spine is the foundation of our frame, and must absorb the shock of ever)' accident. If one of its little bones be moved out of line every so slightly as a result, there will be nerve pressure and ill-health must follow. This cause should be suspected in every case of unexplained illness a visit to the chiropractor will establish the facts. "Our 14 year old daughter had a severe fall when 4 years old. Since then she has never been free from headaches and pain and weakness in back and limbs. She could not play like other children for she would" always stumble and fall. Five yeara ago she had an attack of appendicitis which frequently recurred. Anemia then developed, and for two years she has been infected with boils. When an unusually severe attack of appendicitis occurred four months ago It was said her only hope was an operation. Fearing this, we turned her over to a chiropractor. She was better after the second adjustment, improved steadily thereafter and gained better than a pound a week under his care. Her troubles have practically all disappeared and she now before.'V-C. C. Hanvelt, Chiropractic Research Bureau, Statement No. 210G-G. Your Appointment for health can be made by telephoning D. A. McMillan I'almer Graduate CHIKOPRACTOK Kooms 6 and 7 Exchange Ulock. l'atho-Neurometer Service Open Evenings Phone 691