r TAXI Boston Grill and Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime Stands Exchange Uuildlng 31 ATT V1DKCK, Prop. REM B'l'J'VBflAIB. k.l.BIVn A h K iivl. Mil .1:1 .1 r i LONG DISTANCE "'lee iu the Dully New. x VOL XVII.. No. 25. "V V y code of Judicial administration are ready. we. are prepared to make Brituh subject liable to py regular Chinese taxation, not involving discrimination .... ...... ...... iguou uniwi suojecta or g-ooa. l aj MMIfc ill LI MIIUOILN IMVI.VO uld toetauU tax t tea levied u&der na- II tiiilnv a t v I' I li . . . . . A' W.i.mpec hn the Western -n of th, wevonlence of the!1K,,T', TUTU' v,LlL ttn TUX iibrmena Asportation, which m anient but of our relations with) ' UUI MLVIIH, (iOl.li. ML-u annual ooeventlon here ctilni in the neat hundred yeara." Mill:, ZIN'C AMI l.lltli lunchaon la lfi Manl- I . ' r. Mill more than five mile x .a, 4. 4x .m of the city. There .:.dri and fifty gueet pre- r:rnng was uiirrtkn r i oarry Hottl All tha b:... food ba0 to be moved u (he mUl and a train .! cars wa required for The equipment Included i li d red pt of cutlery; . piece of china: three i t d fifty place of linen: : uk tablet: three hundred lectrlc range: three twelre .:Im end three twelve foot warmer. '. -in aa operated to and tr.ni I'.r the oonraiilenc of I I li I VI IM BaT kill SAIL TONIGHT 'ion inn: miii: uitii mtiriii "H" AT i:i.i:VA1(MI KIM JtMI.H Ml 0(J;. MA HI HAITIMI n' is being made In loading ' lnnerton at the elcft-ator - cciFd the veaael wUI be ' ui i might for the United i ' ontinent with a cargo of ' .n of grain. I in n.nhlp King James moved ' at Aic elevator yesterday 4 Will commence loading for I 1 Kiiidom or continent a1 Ini.erion la finished. - 'iiaiti se freighter Yojen Maru i ' nUhed lining at the ocean! i t :c.rfi, nd will be then wait-1 an 7,000 ton of grain before; : Vui.ooiivrr to complete " Oi lent wufi ether commodities. Major-general McDOUGALL DIES M'A" I AN.tlllAN MII.IHDH ' -!: - I'OMMAMlMI TltAIMSO IHVIHIOV HAMILTON Bermuda. Jan. 31-HaJor-'ifal James McDougalt. who com-y-a'ided the Canadian dlvUlon at Shorn-b'.,.; En'artd. 1018.1916. died here on ISM WM born ln Toronto in J and joined the Canadian perman- I'm 111 iea. ..r-ini .u. Rnuth and throughout the European aki:y iimkn .irmi.: kxmttio.x roxroM:i VANCOUVEH, Jan. 31. Notice of appeal again! sentence of death on Joseph Sankey ha been filed and hi execution et for Tebruary 13 will be pot-pooed pending the hearing of the appeal at the March anting of the BrltUh Columbia court of appeal In Vancouver. Sankey ma found guilty at the Supreme Court Autre In Prince Itupcrt last November of murdering Mlas Lotetta Chlaholm. school teacher, at Port , ! i . i ANNIVERSARY OF HER DEPORTATION FROM STATES CELEBRATED Ciiinu lloliliiun' Comrade Mage I l"urt) In Ttniil 'urrlel ller To It TORONTO. Jan. 31 By Canadian Press.) Many anniversaries are celebrated but a unique party waa held In the elty recently to mark the seventh anniversary of Emma Ooldman's depor- t.tinn from the United States. Her camrades carried her off to the party, imoit br force, after she had given iher lecture. It was a gay party, rather like a birthday, or even the first happy hour of a wedding reception, and had ino tinge of regret that the guest of honor had lost her citizenship papers L ih. -ountrv to the south. After the dinner we over Emma Ooldman !was presented with a sold wrist watch from her "comrades," men i who are ln sympathy with her Ideals and actions. On her return from a trip to the west Ulss Ooldmsn Intend to give a lecture In thU city on the topic, among ih.r. of birth control, in come.- ton in wr Linn with a retwrter he referred ..... .............. ..... - ... n. the clinic operaiea uj Rione In London. "They enlightened over there." to Marie are more the ald. "Why the House of Lord lUelf voted In favor of blrthcontroI Oermany ha. so many would-be Mm scenario writer that proaucer. ..... appealed to the public to refrain from tending In manuscript un.- minister of mllltla much on Improving won-t expend. very ttnitaa markJmnwp ! Assay Just received from Decker Lake Mine give aotn very satufartory return per ton. aa follow: silver 2 oc; cold. 0.1S: sulphur 233 per cent: ztne. 13-5 per cent: lead. 02 per cent. These have at present the following market value: Silver. Blc: gold, 13.2); cine. 21.60: lead. Illl.OO: total. 1137.3. It 1 particularly gratifying to note thkt the gold value are increasing with depth. lormer assays proving thst richer or wilt be only a matter of sinking a little lower. Since the above assay was ttken richer ore has been 1 discovered on the Oslden O lory claim owned by Rcbert Oerow. Other holders who are sharing the above assays along I the creek are Wm. r.etd. Donald M. Oerow, Jack McLean. Oeo. Culp, Emery Dataon and many other have staked adjicent properties some of whom are undoubtedly cn the main strike. In 1013 a shipment of ore was made from the' property, now owned by Wm Reld and R. Oerow,' and it la ataled that good returns were obtained therefrom. The local partners, however, were left holding the sack and becoming disgusted they quit. Nature with a few slides of rock and earth, while the war waa rajlng in Europe, covered the old workings and the mouth of the tunnel waa only re-disoavered and opened up again thla summer. In the meantime Held. Oerow McLeab,'Culp and Djtscn had been prospecting for several yeara on other leads and the showing obtained ln many places apparently transcend the values of the old workings. Last aummer much activity was shown In tracing up the mineralized area and much work was accomplished along the creek bed.- Burns Lake Observer. CANADIAN PACIFIC OFFICIAL BEREAVED BY DEATH OF WIFE VICTORIA, Jsn. 31. - The death occurred yesterday of Mrs. Athllla Lantgan, wife of W. B. Lanlgan, for rears freight Wmm Shooting PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PMNCE RUPEIIT, U.C., MpNDAY, JANUARY 31, 1927 I'ilb'MIkl. MUSSOLINI'S offspring following their' father'j example by going back to nature. The two boys should learn something of Virgil's Ceorgic in this environment, but if Fa cism is to be their study their Interest may wane. DECKER LAKE Stiffer Penalties for i. ..,.,. norm larvu wnen auen a taw u pro- "iTTiri in TMniT ' MIXMI'M. musist-l BO far. we atone can effeet V K H ' Jan i -oooKimni new uj,, otetaete before full tariff autonomy.! . 9 catena uiwltf - - .m ihi.ti..- ,,.... i Accidents is Suggestion Made Board VICTORIA, January .11. Remodelling of the provincial game sentatlves of r armers Institutes. Amomj the chief suggestions was that for stricter penalties to deal with hunting accidents wherein human beings are shot In mistake for animals; sharper measure to make Orientals obey the laws and bag limits to meet local conditions. Dr. H. C. Wrinch, member for Skeena, asked for greater consideration for the northern districts and M. B. Jackon, chairman of the Oame Conservation Board, assured htm that the board had a moat kindly feeling toward the sportsmen of the north. Attorney Oeneral Manaon sympathized with Dr. Wrinch In the suggestion that the boundaries for game ibould fellow the line of the mountain summits rather than an arbitrary line. There were difficulties, however, in regard to this plan as many sportsmen would be unable to follow the line governed by mountain height. GRAIN PROBE TO BE HELD ritOllt.KM Ol' IIIMI' AMI IIHV fillAlX AM) OTIIKK MATThltS TO UK lKSTHi.Ti:i IVINMI'LO, Jan. 31 The .Valloiiut K-rurrh CouihII of Cuiiiulu will direr! u ItioroMglt lilteiitlKUtlun Into tlir prult'eiii of tough unri damp grain nllh the Oomliilon rrrnrrli Ijlxinitor) here and llirrr prairie linUrriltlFt i)-iiirratliit. In a.Idl-tlon In the liiteotlctttlim Into luutli and damp grain, an uvvx-liitr rum-inlltte Iiiih inM-l out a cnmpre-lirnlve initrum inrtk-ularl)' Mill. rrRiiril t wheat Intnhlng factor nffevtlng milling, baking, the tiiul-lt.v of roinmerelat grudlng and ter-tain ll'.rue ro'jlein. traffic manager of the Canadian Pacific l!CITIMr CI6TTDC rtallway, The late Mrs. Lantgan came I1J11IMU ulJlLiilU, here to reside four, year ago. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE MAN DROPPED DEAD Alexander Jaekwii of Xew U'etmlntrr Did. Asked lUplrrN .suddenly In Yktorlu Coast Copper 6.00 8.33 Dunwell 1.52 1.53 VICTORIA. Jan. 31. Alexander Jack Glacier 10 .UK son of New Westminster dropped dead Gladstone 37), .204 here yesterdsy while oit a visit to his Independence 13 .12 H sisters. He was fifty yeara of age. Indiaifj;, 05i .00 Marmot 11 .1 . HIRTII. Premier.; 1.03 1.93 A daughter wa born to Mr. and Mr. Porter Idaho 13 H 1U A. E, Morgan, 935 Third 'Avenue, Prince Stlre)! Ciw 0fl .07 Hupert, BO., thl morn&iiri 31 KILLED IN JAP AVALANCHE 2 dian HNOVYPLillE OfTl'ltS AT TOV-AMI, 1041 MILLS NOUTII OK TOKIO. TO At t KNTl ATK SK-K.ltl: UlNTKIt lavslanche csme tu the midst of one of the severest winters In northern Japan and caused much dama;e' VANCOUVER MAN iu uunu in ivuiiiLi Cliarlrs (I. Ilrn-haw. Kroldrnt of South ern City for 3.1 Years succumb Millie Altrouil Circulation 1615 VANCOUVER, Jan. 31 The death oc-, A,',,:A,-S curred in Heme on Friday of Charles. LAXI) G. Henshawi resident of the city for 33 years and well known citizen. Deceased 1 Sale 537 merely an exact definition of a atatus quo which had existed since the war. Canada had ro new rights but she now knew Just what her rights were. Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing 'floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457. Price Fh-e Cents A T BRITAIN PREPARED TO GIVE IN ODELLING OF GAME LAWS IS PROPOSED AT VICTORIA Chamberlain Announces Government's Terms in Connection with China Prepared to meet demands on various points and allow full autonomy as soon as 1 possible looking to future ! I ll.M INGHAM. January 31. Sir Austen Chamberlain, sccre-i-ign affuins in a speech here Saturday night, declared J.iitain was prepared for a change on all points desired .. -t'ttra territoriality, tariff, quasi-independent status and r On all these points, he contended, the present system i. . rvii and unsuited for modern conditions and no longer .. d ; 'otei tit.n to Hritish merchants. Sir Austen said that the rivscmcd by Charge D'Affafres O'Malley to the Cantonese ml !utl'd recognition of modern China, and law courts, without the attendance of Brltiti, ofl:- ' data, aa competent oourta for cases j brought by Brttuh eomplalnanta. "We will go further than this" he continued, "and. at toon aa the Chine? Guthrie Says That Canada Made No Gain at Imperial Conference; Nothing She Had Not Previously MONTREAL, January 31. Canada has not yet achieved equally of status with Great Britain because of the decisions of the ; last Imperial Conference, Hon. Hugh Guthrie, leader of the Conservative party in the House of Commons, told an audience at the People's Forum here on Sunday night. Mr. Guthrie based his contention on the assumption that Canada could not have equality of status with Great Britain unless it also had equality of burdens and responsibilities, particularly in the matter of Empire defence. II is statement, he made clear, was not meant to define his personal attitude toward participation In Imperial c ' defence but was uttered rather In answer "to thse commentator on the report of I MyPI jxhe Imperial Conference who" contended g ilVllIl U Ul l 10 Canada would achieve equality of ata-i tu. ' i After quoting the views of Premier! Bruce of Australia and Prera'er Hcrtzcg ol South Ulrica. Mr. Guthrie expressed his belief that the statement of Bruc; was correct that nothing had been changed by the report. What happened In London. Mr HOSPITAL HEAD ciiosn chairman or koakii at MEKTINU IN" CITY HALL TODAY Jas. H. Thompson was elected presl- Outhrle continued, was! dent cf the hospUU board for the en- suing year at a meeting of the directors held In the cauncll chamber at noon today. The board re-elected 11. W. Birch as masaztng secretary for the Mr. Outhrle commented on the fact . year and C. II. Elkins was chosen vies-that, while Canadians In China were , president. Resolutions empowering the menaced. Canada was content to let the 1 new officers to transact the banking motherland protect them. Was it right, business for the association were pass-he asked, for Canada to stand idly by 1 el. at a time like this when BrltUh troop i The president Intimated that he .'thtna w;rr - alrMlv At KM.cn their wsv.omtlrt nam th, ....Imi. .mmiitHM fi ,to China? The speaker did not think ! the year at an early date and would notl-!so but believed that Canada must do fy the member of the selections as 'something for her own defence and for soon sa possible. the defence of the Empire. He asked. Those present at the meeting were what would happen It Canada declared Mrs. H. F. Olessey. Ja. H. Thompson, war on any other nation. He submitted Aldermen W. J. Oreer. O. P. Tinker and J that it would Involve nobody but would W. M. Brown, C. H. Elkins, L. W. ,be merely an International Joke. lawn to make tiiem more effective was discussed Saturday between ! the Game Doard, members of the legislature, sportsmen and reprc- i CANADIAN DINNER FOR Right Hon. J. O. Coates. Premier of j : New Zealand, his wife and the mem-1 bers of his party, who recently passed through the dominion over the Cana-! National Rallwaya. will enjoy an Albertan dinner. Buffalo steaks, wild ducks, prairie chicken, partridge, moose. venison and buffalo tonguts in sufficient quantities to provide seversl ! meals were presented to the visiting ' Premier by A. S. Duclos of Edmonton, iwhen the party passed through there I recently, r Some of It was used on the 'train but. at the request of Mr. Coates. TOKIO. Jan. 31 .Thirty-one persona some ha been saved and waa placed tu country and my visit has been ex- Jgranby COMPANY Waugh, ,W. C. Orchard, and H. B. ( PREMIER C0A1ES IN IttL LHU I 10 MIDDLE0F PACIFIC, DEAD IN SOUTH WINNIPEG, Jan. 31. Somewhere be-: twecn Honolulu and the FIJI Islands . Miss. J. M. IIOCKIS, WHO I.IVKI) IIKItl: lOlt TWO Olt TIIKKE Y KAILS, MCrf.MUEII YESTEKOAV IX VAXCOIVEK i EXE UAL HOSPITAL Many local friend will be grieved to learn of the death which tjok place on Sunday at the Vancouver Hospital of Mr. J. H. Mockln, wife of J. M. Hocktn. district repretentatlve of McLennan & McFeely. Mr. Hockln received the shocking new of hi wife's demise at Anyox where he has been oa business. He boarded the steamer Camun were killed and 13 aerlously Injured ln ' refrigerator on board the ahlp to be i there today and will proceed south an avalanche of snow at Tovama. lS0irv hn th ihin i.-in mid.Pseifie. attend the funeral. to miles north of Tckk). according to re- jn making this request to C. K. ute Mr- Hockln resided here In ports received here on Sunday. The ' Howard, general tourist agent of the the Waldron Apartment for two or three Canadian National Railway who ac- P recently when she went companled the party. Mr. Coate aald: aouth. 8he became 111 there and waa -I want to preserve not only the 1 admitted to hospital where an operation memory but the tte of Canada a ! Performed last week. She waa born ' Prce Edward Island and came to long as I can. It ia a delightful ! Vancouver several year ago. Her maiden name was Msry Buchanan and, among the relative surviving, Is a brother who It a druggist In New Westminster. had gone abroadifor the benefit of his I contending that their smelter and;s "B ''' "!!' OAME IX SEKIES health which had not been of the best ; other milling facilities and the land atj of tiikki: WAS 30-3U AOA1XST recently. UiatllKH UEPOKT. Prince Rupert. Part cloudy, temperature. 33. Terrace. Cloudy, calm. temp. 33, Rom wood. Snow, calm, temp. 38. Aljsnsh, Snow, calm, temp. 38. Alice Arm. Snowing, calm, temp, 30. Anyox. Snow, calm, temp. 31. Stewart. Clear, calm, temp'. 27. llar.elton Light snow, calm, temp, 18. Telegraph Creek. Cloudy, north wind, 1 below. Smlthers. Cloudy, calm, temp. 3, Burns Lake. Cloudy, calm, temp. 7. Whltehorse, Cloudy, calm,'; temp. 9 below, Dawson, -Foggy, calm, 40 below claims exempt ZEALANDERS TAXATIOX ITOX AXYON ni:i'oitE cm itT or uk- I YlslOX HERE i I Anyox upon which they atand should 1 be exempt from taxation, the Oranby J Consolidated Mining, Smelting it Power , BEAT VANCOUVER KEPS OX SATIKDAY VANCOUVER, Jan. 31. co. is appealing lis assessment oeiore thtT 41.nu.ed streneth ln cauu. ine provincisi court 01 revision wmcn .uge of the game, in session in me city witn jonn uyo- representative were navn as juage. inn is me mosi unpon-snt appeal before the court which sat again thla afternoon and was adjourned until Wednesday. S. W. Taylor is appearing for the Oranby Co. while C. W. Homer, assessor, defends the valuation which are Imposed by himself. 1 HOCKEY SCORES. Saturday' (lame ' Toronto. 8, Chicago 1. Maroons 0, Ottawa 6. Rangers 2V Detroit 0. PlVtbvirj 3, 'notion 0- Although the early Vancouver rugby unable to with itand the itrategy of the Maoris and went down to a 30-39 defeat ln the' first of a erle of three game with the visiting New Zealand team on Saturday afternoon. On Wednesday, the New Zealanders, who have Just flnlahed a. tour of Great Britain, will meet Varsity. They will also play In Victoria. HirtTu ' . A ton. Frederick Ernest, waa born to Mr. and Mr. A. E. Falconer of Hazel-ton, BC. at the Hazelton Oeneral Ho pi ! .:i Snturdajr Jaiilttrj: 29, JJ27.