PAGE SIX TIIE DAILY NEWS government of Canada guarantees its Age 9 YEARS OLD This advertisement is nol published or displayed by the Liquor Oonlrol Hoard or by Hie novcrnineiil of liriUsh Columbia. Mussallem's MeatJWarket Pork Chops, Shoulders, per Loin I'ork Chop, per lb. Side Pork, per lb Sirloin Steak, 2 lbs. . . Hound Steak, 2 lbs Mutton Chops, per lb. .. Lamb Chops, per lb iitC 33c 22c 55c 15c 35c 40c Veal Chops, per lb 25c Veal Steak, per lb. .... 25c Pork Sausages, 2 lbs. for 35c All kinds of Fish, Smoked and fresh. Mussallem's MEAT MARKET Perfect ' Sight A matter of foresight Many cases of eye trouble are averted by early applica; tion of proper lense3. Present neglect may mean future trouble. A. El Ireland Graduate Optometrist 319 Third Avenue. (Opposite G.W.V.A.) WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, IJirch and Spruce Per load $6.50 Per half load $3.50 Per sack 50c Firelighter, 48 for $1.00 delivered. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY DOTTLES. M I L K From Uulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phone 657 WOMAN HIKING AROUND WORLD .MISS N. A. WALK Kit OIM.OS AMIKU; i nu itsi: op cloiie en. ciKci.iMi Torn Starting in Los Angelca In February 1923 on a capltal-to-capltal hike of the world, Miss Nell Walker of Los Angeles Is now In Prince Rupert, still going strong. Miss Walker has already been as far East as Sydney. Nova Scotia, on the North American continent, having gone east from Los Angeles through Ottawa, her first foreign capital. Returning West by way of the1 New England States, Miss Walker visited Wash ington, D.C.. thence continuing through the southern states till she reached Havana, Cuba. Then by Miami, Florida, she went through to New Orleans, DEPARTMENT OF LANDS NOTICE Application for Crazing IVrnills for (lie ai Victoria, ax;. Mason or ia:7. Application for permits to craze live- siock on me crown ranges within any grazing district of the Province of British Columbia, must be filed with the District Forester at Fort Oeorce. Kam- loops. Nelson, Prince Rupert, Vancouver, or Williams Lake on or before March 31st. 1827. Blank forms upon which to submit applications may be obtained from the District Foresters at the above named places, or from the Department of Lands O. R. NADEN. Deputy Minister of Lands. Department of Lands, Victoria, B.C Januarv 4. 1027. FEBRUARY Month will commence Monday at Our Store. SPECIAL SALE FOR ONE WEEK Canned Fruits Malkin's Best Pears, 2's iuajKiiiB esi ioganuernes, ssi The wedding of a local young couple Malkin's Best Sliced Peaches, 2's itock place quietly at the United church Malkin3 Best Apricots, 2's Malkin's Best R.A. Cherries, 2's These Fruits are 35c and 40c lines, for one week we will sell 3 tins for 93c Make up an order for 6 tins of the above Fruits and we will in- ment of Oranges and offer them this week at special value. , freighting Across to Vera Cruz, Mexico, spending two or three months riding though that country by trains. From Mexico, Miss . Walker returned by way of Texas and hiked ai-ross the Arizona : desert to Los Angeles. Thence walking I to Seattle, she took boat to Fairbanks, 'Alaska, then coming back tbrougn Fair banks to Junean. She came from Ketchikan to Prince Rupert on Friday. Of the forty thousand miles, she has already covered. Miss Walker estimates That she has walked' close.itdn' thoiis-"and miles of which f,000 miles' was in Alaska. Miss Walker will spend a week here before proceeding to Vancouver, then returning to Oakland whence she will sail for Honolulu. Then she will go to Australia, Europe, the Orient, South Africa and South America and back to the United States. Miss Walker Is allowing herself five years to finish her hike provided there are no undue delays. She is working her, way to. pay for transportation by boat or railway where- ever the use of such is necessary. Mas Walker has already covered Canada. United States and Alaska. By profession she Is a stenographer. She has a moving picture outfit which she uses wherever she goes. On Wednesday and Thursday nights she will appear at the Westholme Theatre In person exhibiting her films and giving a talk upen her travels from capital to capital In North America. She Is a robust "bachelor maid" as she describes herself. She Is seen on the, city streets; and In her hiking costume arouses considerable comment. She carries a book bearing the signatures of the various mayors In cities and governors in states she visits. This book Is also. signed by the president of the United States and Secretaries Hughes, Mellon and Weeks, also Governor "Ma" Ferguson of Texas as well as Premiers of Ontario and other eastern provinces. She will call on Mayor Newton this afternoon. QUIETLY MARRIED SATURDAY EVENING Mi 1.IIII.HI Parson llft-umr llrldr of Itrultrn Klllolt at Service In lulled I'liurt'li rarsnagr Parsonage at 8 o'clock Saturday evening when Miss Lillian Parsons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parsons, of this city, became the bride of Reuben Elliott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Elliott, also of this city. The ceremony was performed. In the presence of a few rela tives and friends of the contracting elude 1 lb. of Fuller's Tea foricouple. by Rev. Oeorge a. Hacker. The 50c Quality quarantee or money ! attendants were Miss Ada Parsons and refunded. Charies Batt. Kinj? Oscar Sardines have gone I up to 20c per tin. This week our! LAND ACT price will be 7 tins for . . $1.00 ! notice ok intention to apply to Royal Crown Soap, 18 bars for 75c Rinso, 3 pkjrs. for 25c ta Prince Rupert Land Recording Dls- Toilet Rolls, 22 rolls for ... . $1.00 the" north .horeof' Crescent InleN. Now is the time to buy Prunes. I Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Islands. Special for this week, per lb. 10c being about one and a half mues from 25 lb. box for $2.33 Ekko Baking Powder, 5 lb. tin, regular $2.00. We will sell these at each i the head of the Inlet. TAKE NOTICE that James Field, of Prince Rupert. B.C.. occupation Marine Broker, intends to apply for a lease of $1.53 : . Commencing at a post slanted on the P.fpWil IfnnBv K 1 tin Qrvnr.iV, I north shore of Crescent Inlet, about ' ' ' ... , one and a half miles from the head of the Price Soc . Inlet: thence northwesterly 20 chains: Victoria Cross Cocoa 5 lh rkr I thence southwesterly 20 chains: thence for 75c easterly 20 chains, and containing forty Seedless Raisins in 4 lb. pkirs., " more or Ies.... .. worth 75c. This week we offer Applicant. each 4 lb. pkg. for P'm? ' Dated November 27. 1828. We have purchased a large ship LAND ACT Norm; ok intention to apply to TO LEAKE LAND Small sizesr Sunkist Oranges, 3. . - z -- doz. for $1.00 trtet, and situate at Huston Inlet. Queen Medium sizes. Sunkist Oranges. 2j" doz. for 75c 1 of Vancouver, B.C.. 'occupation fish Snowflake Flour, 10 lb. ack this ; iaTitM ot -weex i or o.jc commencing at a post planted at B: & K. Rolled Oats. 7's 53c f""- Sr. . Graham &. Wholewheat Flour, 10 Huston inlet: thence westerly 20 tl 1 ,m "Vial! t h nm- amut rttMrlv oKniit 10 rhitni' io. sacKS boc 1 thence ea,terly 20 chains; thence nor- JAMS 1 therly about 12 chains, and containing Extraordinary Value Strawberry, 4 lb. tin Raspberry, 4 lb. tin Black Currant, 4 lb. tin Apricot, 4 lb. tin Peach. 4 lb. tin Gooseberry, 4 lb. tin Red Plum special, 4 lb. tin . With every order coming our store this week we will sell a 50c bottle of Lemon Extract for : 35c A Christmas time we purchased an over-supply of Chocolate Eclair Biscuits in boxes, regular price 75c. This week to clear them out we will sell 2 for 75c Buy one, and get one free. Finnan Haddie, 2 lb. for 35c Smoked Black Cod, 2 lb. for . . 35c Smoked Kippers, per lb. ., Roquefort Cheese, per lb. Guyere Swiss Cheese, each Canadian Cheese, per lb. . Golden Loaf Cream or Kraft Pi mento Cheese, per lb 15c Try our Bulk Tea and Coffee Fresh Ground Coffee, per lb. 50c High Grade Bulk Tea, per lb. 65c j Only a few more packages of Jif left with cups and saucers. If you want G order now, per pkg. 25c B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited , Phones 45 and 574 2 acres, more or less. ROBERT M. CURRIE. I oc Applicant. 75c 75c .JC C5c . 30c into f Appreciated 15c 75c 45c 33c Patronage JvAWMTf Mrs. T. Johnson of Vancouver has written a letter to Pacific Milk, which we are glad to acknowledge. She says: "One day about a year ago a neighbor lady and I went to the grocery together. She .bought a tin of Pacific Milk and so did I. It was my first tin. Our family liked it and we kept on using It." PACIFIC MILK Head Office. Vanrouver, lurturlrK at Ludner and AltboUfurd. ANGER, the TAILOR Suits made to or der. In our shop as low as , $50 223 Sixth Street Nerves at High Tension The Result of Keen Competition an3 the Struggle for Supremacy This is the age of hurry. The hurry at breakfast, the hurry to work, the hurry at lunch, the hurry home and the hurry out to evening engagements. No svJ vigor 11U where ARCHBISHOP HOLDS SPECIAL SERVICE AT ST. ANDREW'S Though the steamer on which he arrived from the south was late, !U. Rev. A U. DcPincler, archbishop of Westminster and Metropolitan of British Columbia, wss able to be on hind at St. Andrew's Cathedral in time last night to hold confirmation services. The archbishop has been suffering from a slight illness lately and, Instead of visit- ing other points in the district at this time, as had been intended, he will re- turn to Vancouver tomorrow evening. 1 Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Kergln and Mlssj Margaret Kergln returned to the city' last evening after a holiday trip to California, Mrs. W. II. Kergln is re-i mslnlng In the south for a time to! visit with relatives. They sat on the. porch at midnight Their lips were, tightly pressed, Th old man gave a signal Aul the buUdWs aid the rut. There is no time for rest or sleep. time for the nerves to renew their The spirit of hurry is cvery- i and few can escape its influence. As a result of this constant nerv- i strain you find yourself irritable PRAIRIES NOT TREELESS NOW GOVfcKXMUNrS ACTHITV IX NIT-1'LVINfi M-EDLINOS IIKI.IN TO .MA UK I'llAIKIt: IIOML t COJjV MIIKI) KETICKATS OTTAWA. Jan. 31. (By Canadian Pret.) The trtelec pralrte Is becoming only a name. Tn greater appearance of the prairie In many section Is gradually changing. There are cost farm Rouses, set amid well-planned shelter-belts. .. surrounded by gardens containing bush and fruit trees. This Is an outcome of the activity of the Department of the Interior In supplying settlers with little trees and seedlings. Last year the Department sent out 5.500.000 little trees for distribution among the 5J90 farm homes In Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. And the distribution for 1927 wUl be the biggest yet. Nearly eight million seedlings and cuttings are red; for packing to meet the 6.200 applications which have, been approved. Since the work began' 25 years ago more than 87.500,000 trees hare been sent out. AUTISTIC TOITII The resulting plantations are not part of a wood-lot scheme. The trees are usually set In strips or shelter-bed 1 around the farm buildings, but a new Idea Is gained of the extent of the work when It Is learned that the 1826 plantations covered a little over 2,000 acres snd that the total plantings since the Inauguration of the scheme exceed In extent' 32.000 acres. The plantations, form but a patch in the immensity of the Canadian West but they bare glren an artistic touch to 80.300 farm homes .and to many a rural school ground In the prairie provinces. The aim of the Department, It Is Intimated, has been to give farmers a start so that once a plantation :s established the seeds and cuttings from It can be used to begin other shelter-belts. It has been demonstrated that by breaking the force of high winds and by conserving moisture, shelter-beds Increase the production of the farm. But they return a dividend a hundred-fold greater In the Increatcd comfort and enjoyment afforded by them to the farmer and the household. and nervous. Heart disturbances are among the early indications of an over-taxed system. There is headache, stomach troubles, brain fag and neuralgic pains. Ifyoucouldm.Iy get away from it all for a rest. Some have solved the problem by using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food to restore the exhausted nervous system and now rejoice in good health and strength. They were just as rundown as you are but persisted in this treatment until their vigor and energy was thoroughly restored. There is nothing like Dr. Chase's Nerve Food to build up the rundown nervous system. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 60 eta. a box, all dealers or The Dr. A. W. Chaxe Medicine Co., Limited, Toronto 2, Canada, BILLIARD SCHEDULE . The following schedule for the second ball of the BUlUrd League season Is released by the secretary, W. H. Long: ikiiui'akv I Grand Terminals vs. St. Andrews. 4 Gyros vs. Maose. 8 Grand Terminals v. Orotto. 11 St. Andrews vs. Oyrt. 15 Grotto vs. Moose. 18 Gyros- vs. Orand Terminals. 22 Mtote v. 8t. Andrews. 25 Oyros vs. Orotto. MAItUI I Orand Terminals vs. Uou. 4 Orotto vs. St. Andreas. 8 Moose vs. Oyros. 11 St. Andrews vs. Orand Terminals. SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vscxnt unienervetl. surveyed i.'rbviii Uiii'ln may b fra-emtl by KriUxh suhjn'iii over It year ft n-1 li- ulln on declaring intention 10 l4-om Itrl.inh subjects, conditional ut on rlUnra. occatlon, jii Improvtment for aicrlcultursj Full Information com-trnlnx ru-.atlons regarding pre-emptions Is given In Hullelln N'o. 1, Land Ktrles. "How to I're-i-tupt I.anl," copies of iihtvli can be obtained f re of charge )7 addrrmlng (tie Depaitment of Utnds. Virtorla, B.C or to any Government Agent Vi lleord will be granted covering only land suitable for agricultural utirtio. and which Is not timber-land. I.e.. carrying over t.OOO board feet i,r acre wet of the Coast llange arid 5.000 feet per acre east of that flange. Applications for pre-emptions are to b addressed to (he Land Commissioner of the Land Itecordlng Division. In which the land applied for Is situated, and are made en printed forms, copies of which can be obtained from the Land Commissioner. Pre-emptions must be occupied for five years and Improvements made to value of 110 per acre. Including clearing and cultivating at least flvs acres, before a Crown Grant can be received. For more detailed Information see the Bulletin "How to Pre-empt Lnd." . PURCHASE Applications are received for purchase of vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not being tlmberland. for agricultural purposes; minimum price for first-class (arable) land Is IS per acre, and second-class (erasing) land 12X0 per acre. Further la-formation regarding purchase or lease of Crown lands Is given In Bulletin Ko. 10, Land Series. "Purchase and Lease of Crown Lands." Mill, factory, or Industrial sites oa timber land, not exceeding 40 acres, may be purchased or lea ami, the conditions Including payment ot stumpags. HOME8ITE LEASES Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding II acres, may be leased as homesltee, conditional upon a dwelling being erected In the first year, title being obtainable after residence and lro-Vrovement conditions sra fulfilled and lsnd has been surveyed. LEASES For grazing and industrial purposes stess not excssdlng 140 aores may be leased by one person or a company. , CRAZINQ m Under the Orsilng Act the Prov Ince le divided Into gracing districts and the range administered under a Orsilng Commissioner, Annual grating permits are Issued based oa numbers ranged, priority being given to established ownera. Stock-owner may form associations for rang management, Free, or partly tree, permits are available for astUerv, oncvpers and travellers, tin u Is Monday. January Sli J DinnerwarE window for illnncrwnre. We See our have n wonderful M-lfclion of the latest pat Urns in John.son Itros.' "Pareek" China At prices equal to any In Canada Visit Our Basement Store We Save You Money V Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist 527-52!) Third aTt WESTHOLME THEATRE .MONDAY ONLY. 7 and 9 p.m. " "Rin-Tin-Tin" in "A Hero of tiie Big Snows" AMI K t ALMOI N, DON Al.VAKADO and Klronjr cat. CO.MKDY "NATIONAL DASH." I NT K H N A T I O N A L NEWS Admivtion 35c and 10c DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers - "TIIK DAINTIKST DKKAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Dl Prince IluperL D.C. Ran ad ian National Qlic Largeil Kaihoay Syllcm in Amend Steamship and Train Service sj. l-ltlM K lU I'KIlT will Irate MUM K Itt Pl.UT lor VAM Ol I K. TOItIA, hllATTI.K. and liilrrinrdUle x,lnt rai li l ltllAY at I'lllM'K III l-KUT for Hinv wtT and ANYOX. tW.IMliV l f sji, PKIM H JOHN fr VAM ill Ul nitltLOTlt lv ' l-AMts, fortnightly. lilt ISM M:VK VHIXCC KITMCT iMi, Ml VIMV. UI.NKM)AV and HITI KII.W at HM am. f H" ,wl IIOIMii:, rilMOMDX, WIX.MI'MJ. all MiitKatlrrilf:aiMd.l1"' Males. AfJKM'Y AM, OCEAN Ml t:MMIII" I.IXKS. I w (a nail l.i 11 National EiprrM lor .Money Order, lorrlrn CM elr.. sImi for jour nut shipment. CITY TICKLT OITKT., g TIIIIIK U. l ulM i; Ittl l ltT I'bcrie JAP-A-LAC Household Finishes Jap-ii'Iic Vnrnihh Slain Jap-a-ljic Enamel For floor. furnlturt'. wood- Provide a nolid to ; ' work, t-tc. Full dirtctlonu on the mirfacc and Kve a ' 1 tatn -an- and delightful result (JLIDDKN'S KNDUKANCB AUTO FINISllBS When your car needs a Gliddcn Auto Finish 0 ., tv' 1 it off I'UT IT ON. For Sale ' Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. JANUARY Clearance SALE EVKKYTIIIXn KKDUCKD Dnrsalns In all Depart mentii The H. S. WALLACE Co., Ltd. Phone 9. ,r,i Ave. and FuU