da.v January 31. 1027 ... ( i 5 (I, niuii a s s ! li S ' w ragement . ing It must measure up to a standard. It may be -imple in tlenljrn, moderate in ,,ncc. and yet It must be per-t,;i t in every detail. You do not need to be an expert ludtffi to buy the suitable from us. Whether you pay '2SM) or J 0O.O0. our reputation for trluLility l a guarantee you will Ret good' value and a harming ring. Our Kuccess depends on v nur onfjiloiicc. 110 X rjEWELLEIS Hiiii. stoke with the clock ewSupDlies Men's Clothing t: !. ;ntr regularly For Price and Quality Don't Forget ontreal Importers Third Avenue II Miller Pronrielor f JO MEANS A RIAL VVM?n A p .. HCART-TD KfP -T Ron FSU1ABM-I5 A CHEERFUL hearth c-ra a nappy home. Our warmth that -ill -tea a : tr i vii ir n as u r u nil u mile of natinfac-' -f will thaw the cold- "'.inhere?. W'a have a yard full of w nuKjrets of heat walt- x 1 r our order. """'lu - III.I.M.MIHM i nml kovf P. Mrr - - IIIVVHIIVIJ I honeH 116 and 117 it (IP PC Dnnir c,,AITKHKri ACCOUNT- ' Aiu AUDITOR Ui Avenue West, rriiii'. Un..t InoiniT lliif I SALE V IN FUI.l. SW1NR Many Ilaraalns In I ATC DRESSES HATS J. BENT Mi-? eadv.ln-W..nr 'M-,l 4... . ' - '"e. I'liono r.:i famous'dog and tonight's picture , ! "A Hero of the Bin snnn" win h 'shown t the Westholr Theatre to-j ,night. Rlnty mte. Nanette, make her appearance In thi new Warner pro- uuc iun. ana me can of humane In-elude Alice Calhoun, Don Alvarado, Uo, Wllf-J nf Urv Tan. a a ,i I . - P(i .VI II 1 , f I The tory, by Ewart Adamson, has; i the. Canadian wood aa lu locale, and .ceaii witn a young wastrel, Ed Nolan, I who save Rln-Tln-Tln from the brutal- I i-j oi a trapper, Rinty atrlkea up axl frlendahlp with a dog belonging to Mary Mallory. a pretty and plucky f Canadian girl, and Ed finds the girt a! .good influence In hi unhappy existence. rvnen Mary a rjaoy sister rail 111 and j he atarta out In a aevere snowstorm ' for the doctor, rtinty alda her. and, in ! a thrilling fight with a wolf pack, bring the girl aafely to her destination. Rinty had been auapected of injuring the child, but in reality had rescued htr from the attack of a wolf. Ills loyalty and bravery vindicate him of the 'suspicion, he aves the child, and bring wgcinrr vne iwo young lover, aner a trie of thrilling Incident and en counter with a atarvlng pack of wolve. ThU I aald to be the meat exciting a well a moat beautiful of Hln-Tln- Tin' pictures. BUCK JONES IS BOTH AGGRESSIVE AND GENTLE Cow liny star tlrts Chanre to Miow IIU Venal ilfly In III I'klurr "Hie (rude C)rlinc" i Theatre patrona who admired Buck Jones In "Lasybones" and enjoyed his quaint conception of the Indolent. Irresponsible but Icfable "Iswybsnea." will find many trace of the aame fine character sketching In hi newest Fox picture. "The Oentle Cyclone." which c:mes to the Wetthclme Theatre on Tusiay night. Buck, af couraej the "cyclone and despite the suggestion 0- (ntlene In the title of the pkture. Mr Janes at '.ime is a vigorous and tornadle a his fondest fan could wish. In fact. In WATER NOTICE llltl lislov AMI K. TAXE NOnCE that James Field, whose jildrtas is 21 S -2nd Ave . Prince Rupert, lie, will apply lor a licence to take I.. . . lf,..ia.n Huston Inlet. Inl.l n QC. f fa drains Into Islands, about 1.000 feet westerly from miners' csblh at head of Huston in lot. Tne I water will be diverted front the stream at a point about 300 feet from snor line, passing through twenty-four acres nnlied for under lease, and wilt be Hlsnd. i This notice was nostra on in grouna' nuiiui. n the 8th dsy o I Ton," will be filed In th office of ! . n . IMnaa Prince Unna.t tuner I Is December 20. 128. ROBERT M CURR1E. H.vm from the dt hereof, ! apply to' the Mining Recorder for a certmcaie oi unprai,.-. pose of obtaining a Crown Orant of the Tnd further t.ke notice that action 1 fcsar tiss& )827. NAVKJAIII.K WATERS PROTFaC TI0N ACT It.S.C. CIIAPTnt us o t he C Ity Edwsrd Llpsett. "njlted. notice n hereby gives of Vancouver, h.s under Section 7 of the .aid Art d. hi office Minister oi .nroval of in th City of Ottawa ior try 10 the said sit na P'n" " construct tne saia -'. 0( "In "T ol ' Dated at Vancouver till Dscembir, 1830. UIKK .T MKSTIIOLMK Monday "Rln-Tln-Tln" In '"Hero of the Big Snows. Comedy: 'National Rash." International News. TbrMlay Buck Jones In "The Oentle Cyclone." Comedy: "Trap and Tangles.' Comedy: "The Window Dummy." trdneljy and Thunulay All Star cast in "Mantrap." Comedy "Circus Today." Aesop' Film Fables." I'rliUy ami Saturday Richard Barthelmeo In Amateur Oen tie-man." Cameo Comedy: "Sky Hooka, Pathe Review. tnd decisive fists t "The and use I cubic foot per second of wsur many of his beat western stories out of unnamed creek, which nowa!tllrt nM Minted with care, and a I Moresby Island, QCJ., about one mile Pt" h entertainment value , JockeylJJl short The miter will be dlrerted from j . tha itraam at iv.lnt aVwMit 1 fVafl fa a from the mouth and wUI be used for Tn 'PulT Xrd mayor of Prague domestic and cannery purposes 40 acres of land described a urumrver nl land, for wblch purchast U applied about is chain southwesterly from the mouth of the stream. This notice was posted on the ground on the 29th dsy of November. 182. A copy of this notice and an application pursuant iherto and to the "Water Act. win oe iuea in tne orrice oi me Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, DC. Objections to the application may bei iilrd with the said Water Recorder or I with the Comptroller of Water IUghta.i f Parliament IJaUiril Building. UUllUltlK. Victoria. VIVfcWI( SC.. within thlrtv dars after the first ap pearance of this nolle In a local nesa- pajwr I upon the 'arose In his box during the perform The date of tne flrat publication December 30. 1926. JAMES FIELD. Applicant. WATER NOTICE liiw:HioN ami i sr. TAKE NOTICE lhit Robert M. Currle. hwc address Is H 18--8th Ave. West. Vancouver. B.C.. will apply for a licence to take and use fifty gallons ri mfnlitai ef rar.t.p Allt nf vmall free!;. ance oi an opera ai rrague. wavea nts hand and dropped dead. That seem to be just about the height of dramatic criticism. LAND ACT NOTICK ()F INTKNTIUN TO APPI.V TO u:ti; foKKMioKt: In Oraham Island. Juten Charlotte, i WUU (WV-MWftfa w,v a ..av Kunert. and altuate at Ferguson laay. Hssctt inlet, uranam iaiana. TAKE NOTICE that Powell River IV.mrunff lsv alsu fm nonl use HO ' scribed lands Commencing at a past planted at the northeait corner of DL. 1471: thence unnamed. whlh flows aoutherly and itnj 10 in pomi oi oommenccineni and containing 150 acres, mere or less. I December, wo. A me ist asy conv of this notice and mirxn.nt thereto and to POWELL RIVEK COMPANY, the ' to Dremtses belnir Dart rjf LTD Agent. J. Douglas Dated 4th November. 1B2A. . an IV.. Ilaun' 11i-nr Rupert. B.C. known a Central llotel, situated at the' her. CORA E. BLATJK, Applicant LAND ACT. tnct. Where Iocated:-On wann River, notice OF INTENTION to apply TO Taku Arm of Taglh Lae. .. I.E.tsi; l..Nli TAKE NU 1 ILL Ull . V. if ntir'a fTPrtlllCBir lJ. Oiftv. ! posited with the Minist er oi Works at Ottawa nd In th." Registrar of the Land Re. the District i ' try District of Vrlnce Rupert descry tlon of the lite and the Pln fLP aAndeT.S.1No.rtVhth.exp. 't'on .??."' 'MSoflc.! Ed! tne iir P"""r' ..nri-r Sec- ........ t i.ail Limited will , , o7 the Mid Act. apply ruoo I'tlDIIC woru to the In Oona Rlter Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, B.C., and situate on an Island In Oona River approximately opposite Block One and Two of Lot 310S, R. 6. Coast District (mostly tide flat lurroundlng small Island). iniat, nuiiL.1, wmi, juiin Dcrgman, oi Oona River. DC. occupation fisherman, Intends to apply for a lease of the tol-lowing described lands: Commencing at a post planted 300 feet north of northwest corner post of Lot 31S9; thence 1.000 feet southeast: thence 200 feet westerly: thence 1,000 fret northwett; thence 100 feet to post planted, and containing ten seres, more or less. JOHN BERGMAN, Applicant. Dated October SO tB2 LAND ACT. NOTICE OI" INTENTION TO APPLY TO PI KCIIASK l..MI TAKE NOTICE THAT t, Arthur Robert-soil, Massett, B.C., occupation Mtllman, Intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described land: Commencing at northeast corner of Lot 1DQS, q 0.1. District: Whence south fifty chains; thenc east forty . chains; thence north to shore: thenc following hlghwiter mark to point of commence, ment, containing one hundred acres, more or less. Located this 30th day of December, 1020. ARTHUR R0BERT80N. THZ DAILY HZWS PAGE FIVE aHSilSBVHIBailHBIBallHBlKV i I ,"iiiiaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHB BOVRIL Repels colds chills and Influenza 10 i BARTHELMESS PLAYS many of the scenes of "The Oentle Cy The role pmeots Mr. Jones In fine contrast, for at times he is as gentle and apparently as barmles a the title auggvsts. Again, he la the wUd-rldlng. L fear-detylng Buck Jones of many a valiant western picture. "The Oentle Cyclone" has been made under the direction of W. S. Van Dyke, who ha, pi lotted Mr. Jonri through The SWASHBUCKLING HERO lla-Jiing Figure In la-l-Movlii-; Mory Wlilrli Contains Nuinrntiik Thrilling Kplwxlr lot Una. "The Period of the Re gency, which la used In connection with "The Amateur Gentleman." starring Richard Barthelmess. coming to the 'Westholme Theatre at the week-end 1 luce not often heard In literature and "fmany people are curious as to Us a'.g- . j nlf Icance. i It It araaf. gets lis name frem thai period be- jtwren 1810 and 1920. when George the i Third went Insane and his brother be- came Prince Regent. The costumes ere of the Beau Brum-imell period, and In the story as void In the Bartbetmeu film, the hero. Bar- naba Beverly Barty, was the first to :nucducc wide trauier among the so-cial light cf London. Bartfcelmea' good looks and fine physique stand him In excellent stead In this colorful drama. lie cut an even clone" Buck swing a pair of very lusty ,,, ,, ,., , ,..u I us VI E uassBistaaa ikaa v, jwnswy. ju Barnabas Beverly Barty than he does a Lieutenant Hansen in "Hanson roily." which was released before the completion of "The Amateur Oentle "man." The picture buries along at a fast clip and Is full of excttteg Incidents. Two of the most exciting are a fist lliiht which Bartv wages against his i father, the ex-heavy-v. eight chmp of England, and a thrilling steeplechase The steeple chase shows him actualy This was one of the most dangerous exploit In the film and Dick suffered a fall from which he narrowly escaped grate injury. WOMAN-HATER CHANGES OPINION IN "MANTRAP" je Hrama of Niirtlilaml I'limliij; ttelliulme Theatre at .Middle tif I Meek to In "Mantrap." which Is the plcturlza-tlon of Sinclair Lewis' latest novel, and which film Is to be shown at the West- occubatlon Uanuiacturer. Intend'to arl'!h"n Theatre on Wednesday and Thur ply lor a lease of tne following ue- aay. Percy Marmont plays tne roie oi i a youag bachelor-lawyer whose practice is confined to obtaining divorce. He weaterly, following northern bound.rr o( becomes tired of the hollowness cf life. Lot the northwest of said said to corner . tna "l?ln itnln!, to 10 tne 'ne grievances, xrievances. real resj Lot; thence westerly, northerly and easurly, following the high tide mark of j nd fancied, of those who seek tepara Ferguson Bay to the extreme easterly tlons from their husbands, point ,ol .Echfnu. Point, thence outh.; ail women wears- him. So he accent the Invitation of Mr. Woodbury, manufacturer of "Twinkle-Toe Hosiery." who Wilson. ' nu lJolnlng office, to go camping In the Canadian woods. He wants to get (.OVKKNMKNT LIQUOR ACt'iSJTS. ow-.t. I land described as applied for to lease:. NOTICE til" AITMCATIOX loll IIKEK!11 camper "auper-Babbltt, tat head of Huston Inlet, Moresby! I.1CI.MI. in the woods. 'Objections ta the application may be .corner of First and Seventh Street, in omcon to flirt with Appiicnni. .MINKKAI' ACT rniTirirm'. of improvements NOTICE Juanlta. Anvox. Oranby. Alamo, Rodeo. , Pinto. Wann Fractional No. 3. and Monte , i Fractional Mineral Claims, situate In the Atlin atim Mlnlna Minlnt? Division Division of of Casslar cassiar Dls-l uis- Market Prices Ltltlt Keep a Bottle Always Handy Every homt ihoulj list Bock, lev's Mixture radr to afford Instant rallef 1 anr nimbr of ths family taket cold. Many people .1.0 keep -Buckley a" at their plare of work. A alp works wonders In elearlns and heal st throat snd eht snd wardine olt "Flu and kindred nHjnenls. At aU dealt lots sad auar. anteedl W, K. Bsekley. Limited, Ill Matual SU Torsnt X III at large And before M-ar- I with IM ia waer Hecoraer or.ine iviij oi rrince itupcn. rrovince oi filed ., ln'the knfl.., Is rleht mid. mont ne w nm lne nila I with the Comptroller of Water Rights.; British Columbia, upon the lands de-! Kn? in p ,rii.mnt nulldli.. Victoria. B.C.. I scribed as Lou Eleven (11) and Twelve die of one of the most unusual situations within thirty t- days alter tne nrai ap. ijiji. tnineen u ana rourieen Ml. which has ever been put on the screen.; m."p ?f,?'n ?c.l?f",iS? lVe. U2 Rct: forest fire which Imperils all three lead-Istry Offloe of at the City Prince Rupert ... aioreisia ana numnerea va, ior ine;"' .. sale of beer by the glass or by the open j bottls for consumption on the premises. I j rJrjr,r , ,-..t-. r-...-. UniO.Lt alV I rillC ItUpCIa, U.V., 1,1114. sra aay oi January, im. Atli Ilk a flaih single tip prove It I Marmont quickly breaks', oi course, he meets a woman Clara theufio?ilBow In -mwci ! - Add Marmont looks very good toj Al least, ur aurui s ' uivrrsiuu The Well-Managed Home manager of a household is the purchas-ing agent for a large proportion of the family needs. In order to do'a good job she must know what, when and where to buy. She must study goods and the concerns which make goods and have them to sell. She must put her home on a business basis and run it on business principles in order to make the most of the family income. Information is tie only basis for intelligent purchr sing. And the right way to get the greatest amount of necessary information is to read the advertisements. Advertisements tell you what is new and good in merchandise. They reveal improvements and inventions to make your home life easier, more comfortable and more convenient. They give you information about a thousand and one things that are useful. Every manager of a household -every member of the household who shares the responsibility for the family's welfareshould make a habit oj reading the ads. Read the advertisements in order to buy wisely I i I I ! ITSII Halibut, lb 35c Salmon, cohoe, frozen 35c Smoked kippers, lb 15c Kippered salmon, lb 35c Smoked black cod. lb 22 c Finnan haddles, lb 30c Salt mackerel, lb 35c Eastern salt herring, 3' tor .. Salt codfish fillets, lb Boneless salt cod brick, lb. lb. MEATS from him. and take, refuge with IS HEREBY GIVEN that on !T w cnIck , of February next the under-: Joe Easter who runs a trading past. ... , the he "Water Act, . Contrbl ' Board for a l: 35c 30c 35C 35C 45C 60c 60c 45c 45c n noi ce in b " ' ""e ' ' of i pesrsnce In ;?: IT1 is said to be one replete with drama. . .. I n OaiC OI Hie llw jjuwiivviwu . vi uimi uuiJt-ii riutsvs7 ui suiw- i Vffti4 UlOUIufr .. sfidC uin UDiummi, ccorauic o m rrxivirrrg nuinor ana vuriiia, tiiuiuAiii m a "is, .. . . - (. ia. .... . S.Saa a . I . lt.I.I(ltttSl1lfll Veal, leg 40c Pork, shoulder 38c Pork, loin 40c Pork, leg 40c Beef, pot roast 130 to 18c Beef, bolting 10c to 13c Beef, steak 35a to 40c Beef .roust, prime rib 30c Pure 25c Lamb, chops 50c Compound 33c Lamb, shoulder 35c IKMlN Mutton, leg 40o BC. fresh, pullets 47ft Lamb. leg 48o B.C. fresh, tint 60c! Mutton, chops 40c B.C. frw.li. extras , 55c Mutton shoulder 30c i Local nevvt laid 65c BUTTER i -W IBrooktleld. Shamrock and E.C.D.. lb j Capital, 2nd grade, 3 lbs. .Fraser Valley, lb Woodland. 50c 50c 05c 55o New Zealand, lb 55c CHEESE .Ontario solid Stilton, lb Kraft Norwegian Ooat Napoleon Llmberger .., Roquefort iBwifta' Buttercup,, lb. . . Oorgonzola, lb McLaren Cream, Jars . Oruyere Golden Loaf, lb Sl'UAR 30c 35c 45c 65e 70c 60c 45c 75C White, per 100 17.75 Yellow, per 100 $7.23 ri.OL'K Flour, 49, No. 1 hard wheat .... $3.65 fastry Hour, 10' 85o Pastry flour, 491 $3 00 VEGETABLES BeeU, 6 lbs. 35c luO lbs, $3.75 B.C. Carrots, lb 3c 00 lbs $2.35 Rutebagaa. 8 lb. 35c 100 lbs. . $2.75 Potatoes, 100 lbs. Oreen Peppers, Parsley, bunch Cauliflower, B.C, head ... Terrace cabbage, lb California head lettuce . . grade Oarllc, imported, per lb. . Ham. whole, first grade B.C. cooking onions, 5 lbs, $2.50 Potatoes. 8 lbs 25c lb. ... 75e ... 15c S5c-40c .... 8c ...15C ... 40c ... 25CI Ham, picnic, lb. v 234c Celery , 25e CotUge rolls. lba ...M 35c 'Sweet .potatoes, lb. 15c Bacon, back. llced . 60o Brussel sprout, 2 lb. 30c Bacon, iHtr't.-l'tfiiix " 45c to eOe''M.cmri 'tontttoes, lb S0C Pork, dry alt 35c Spinach, lb 15c California brussel sprouts, lb 30c New California cabbage, lb 10c ritfiT Oranges, Navels, dozen 35c to 85c Florida grape fruit, 2 for 35c Lemons, Sunklst, doz. .... 35c and 35c California grape fruit . 10c Bananas, lb 20c Extracted honey, lb 35c and 35c Apples, Orlmes Golden $2.35 Cockling apples $1.95 Apples, Spltzenberg $2.75 Apples, Black Twlgg $2.75 Apples, Yellow Newton $2.75 "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT.' NOTICE or APPLICATION LICENCE FOR BEER NOTICE IS 1IERTCBY OIVKN that, on th 10th day of February next, the undersigned intends to apply to the Liquor Control. Board for a licence in respect of premises being part of the building known as Seal Cove Hotel, situate at the City of Prince Rupert, in the Province of British. Columbia, upon the lands described as all that portion of Waterfront Block "I." Bay of Prince Rupert, City of Prince Rupert, Province of British Columbia, Map 923, Prlnc Rupert Lrpd Registration District, and being u.r particularly described as follow' "Commencing at a point which lies In a straight line of bearing north Ottdeg. 28V a" east a distance of 767.20 feet from the centre of circle as shown on , o.. aald Plan 023. Section 7, thence south 30 ana oao rt r,-.a ., , hi...,. rt an ru w v v i wv a vnas si sso ssa w ws wv vvw 60o to a point, thence north 83 deg. U4' 35" 45o east a distance of 100 feet to a point, I thence north 6 deg-. 35 33" west a dls- luuco ui ou im lu a puiii4, ..uoiice luum 83tleif. 34 33' west a distance of 100 ft to the. point ot commencement, for the sale ot ber by the glass or by the open bottlo for consumption on the premises. DATED thl IJth day of January, 1927. II. A. DODO, Applicant. "Demers" January Clearance SALE Phone 27. NOW ON P.O. Box 327. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Service.. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving.