TAGE TWC ' loreMreadaiidBeiterBreaR fMALKIN 'VbestJ PURITy FLOUR ftctFl(H)oi Belitiouslij 'SaHslijmg The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - Managing Editor. - - 1 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION. Ejag Thursday, May 19, 1927 ' INFLUENCE OF BRITISH LEGISLATION What makes the doings of the. British Parliament so interesting here is the iufluence that legislative body has ' on legislation throughout the world. The British Parliament has always been a model for other legislative bodies. The British have always led in parliamentary government. They set the pace for other countries and have not yet been overtaken. Many think the new Trades Union Bill, which is being considered there in committee. Is a backward move, but that has to be prortd. At any rate, it is an interesting thing for Canadians ttf watch because strikes have had a bad effect here as elsewhere. Woman always gets the last word. If man makes his mark in the world, woman makes her remark. EDMONTON HAVING A CLEANUP Edmonton is having a cleanup. Here is what one of their papers says: Edmonton's cleanup campaign is in full swing. The rake, the bonfire and the paint brush have been doing their bit, with result alrea'dy apparent everywhere. What has been accomplished gives promise that when the job'is finished the improvement in the appearance of the city will be most marked; with a corresponding gain In the value of property and the pride of the residents in the city. Cleaning up the yard is a task inspired by considerations of good taste and health. Painting the buildings and fences is not less a matter of good taste, and is also a measure of economy. A friend is one who sees the good in his neighbor and gently chides for failure to live up to the standard. WHO IS A CANADIAN TODAY? When the census- man comes around and asks a Canadian whose ancestors have been in Canada for 100 years or 200 years to what race he belongs, the individual should have the right to say that he belongs to the Canadian race. If the authorities at Ottawa vi.-b to figure out just what racial strains may mingle in the individual they can get as much information as possible along these lines and then figure out the proportions for themselves, says the Manitoba Free Press. As everyone knows, there are cases on record in Manitoba where a citizen of very mixed origin and of stock that had been rooted in this country 150 years, has answered "Canadian" when asked by tlTe census enumerator of what racial stock he came. The answer was not accepted. In each case the man's ancestry was tracked back along the male line until it was discovered that at come remote period the citizens had a Swedish or an Irish or a Welsh male ancestor, and down in the book he went as of Swedish, Irish or Welsh racial stock. This, of course, is absurd, and if the officials at Ottawa claim that nothing can be done about it because a few Chinamen happen to be born iri Canada, and that it would not be proper to list these as of the Cana'dian race, it is ap-prent that they are not trying very hard'io sohelhe problem. On the other hand, ft is also known ttiata man who told the census enumerator that he was born in England is Hste'd as of the English race, even if both his parents happeid to be German. In this connection the fact that he was of English birth is accepted as proof that he belongs to the English race. This, of course, is also absurd; ' - A man on the street yesterday wanted to know it that Conservative revival of which much has been heard was just starting in Quebec. It was not much of a start. NOT EVEN A HORN CANADIAN There is a further matter where this strange business of allowing a Canadian to call himself officially anything else but Canadian also applies. Dr. Ross, member for Kingston, pointed out in the debate at Ottawa that the term "Canadian" is not accepted in connection with birth and death registration. No Canadian can come into the world as such; no Canadian is entitled to call himself a Canadian even when dying. Here we have a question, not only for the Dominion, but for the provincial authorities. - Are they prepared to move forward and admit that Canada is here to stay ,and that there are going to be Canadians in the world?. Boys and Girls June 7 Is the last day to enter'the' MALKIN'S lUiST COFFEE Painting Book Competition See your firocer now THE W. II. JIALKIN CO. LTD, VANCOUVJJIt,-.lr MOVES FOR ENGINEERS I'UOMOTIOV KNOWN' OK M.VKKAL WCl.l, r.(j.si..M. mmi AXl('EII, who was formerly chief engineer of the steamer Prince George. Mr. Knox will In turn have as his as city on Saturday. HARRYTHRUPP IS DELEGATE LOCAL UKAVni r.WUllAX I.KOIOX KAVOKS INxritANTE SC'IIKMK I'OK CANTKKX ITMW Harry Thrupp was last night delegate from the local branch of the Canadian Legion to attend a meet ing of the Provincial Command at Vancouver on June 8. 7 and 8 to discuss the disposition of the canteen profits amounting to something like a quarter of a million dollars.- The lecal branch favored a suggestion made some time ago by Colonel Klenolls teat the money should he devoted to a general Insurance scheme for returned -Ben. It was pointed out that if dis tributed it would not amount to much tach person. President S. A. Bird was In the chair and there was a good attendance of members. TICKET CLERKS ARE ON WAY TO COAST taper! to Arrive in IYIimt 1Ciiht1 on Mat td. MiullilMimifl ine lo.iowing cities: prince Albert. May ll; Saskatoon, May.JS; Calgary. May 20 and 21; Edmonton. May 21: Jasper. May ?2 to 25; Prince Rupert. May 26; Van-csuver, 28 end Victoria. 29. Returning the same route will be taken with the exception that they will go to Reglna from Baskatoon and are d'ue' to arrive in the former city on June 3. ALL WILL CELEBRATE DOMINION JUBILEE Various Kind of Crrrinonlr In, Different riarc are llelng Arranged ; celebration In Vancouver as fitting l and permanent reminder of the Import jance of the occasion to be celebrated ; jius proposal has been submitted by uic Vancouver committee to the gov ernment, which has it under consider' atlon. It was announced from the destroyer' wus morning that -HAI.C.S. Patrician, moored at naval headquarters, will be open tor visitors between the hours ot 4 and 6 this snd tornorrow afternoon. ' Advertise In the Dally Nwi. THE DAILY NEW3 - -Thursday, BAPTIST LADIES' AID TEA AND SALE BEING HELD THIS AFTERNOON The Ladtec' Aid of the First Baptist Church Is holding a tea and sale of home cooking this afternoon at the home of Mrs. N. Miusallem, 34a Fourth Avenue West. Thomas Louden, superintendent en- i Mrs. Jr Thuibir Is general convener glneer for the C.OJJil. Ltd. and CUSS. and taos Pouring ara Mrs. W. F. Price. Ltd. since 1920 and tfho for the past wlfe minister, and Mrs. Robinson. ; year has combined i-lth those dutle ' As"tlng at the tea tables are Mrs. W. the general supfrtmendence of the s- niort. Mrs. J. A. Lindsay. Mrs. P. Prince Rupert dry cock U .beln p.- tlnzey. Mrs. P. M. Miller. Mrs. S. !oted Hamblln. Mrs. WlUon and Mrs. Pelletler. tc the post of superintendent : Mrs. 'Ivarson Mrs. O. W. Jack and J engineer at Montreal for the company ' Johnstone of the home in charge in succession to D. B. Carswell. who cook,n8 uble Mr8 J&nie Hampton has left the company service to become . gtneral manager of Canadian Vlckera ctlng at cashier. Durto he there Is to be a ad the Montreal dry docfc. -nemoon , i JJr. Louden wUl be succeeded by "M prs"' 10 - p M"llan d Mrs. Percy Miller. c Rk-hard k hn H hn hi. ... mpanied by Mrs. R. Walker, will con- ialstaat tor the past several years and tribute with vecal solos and Misses I Wadea and Catherine Mussallem with a i piano and violin duet. .'slant Alex Watson, who has been n ' r TTITT I a n 1 tro rttT gfneenng' superintendent at the Prince PAlTULLO SAlS GOOD Rupert dry dock and who U preparing mDTUC P1TV to move south on Sunday with Mrs. j limnn lYUKli tUK lilt Lll I Watson to assume his new duties. I The name of Mr. Watson's assistant I TrlN South that I'rlnre Kiirrt l lrf Inhere is rrc yet available but an an-j i(,V Ktal.llhel a tiralii Port nouncement may -fce made' by B.C. 1 . Keeley. Pacific Coast manager of the On his return south Hon. T. D. Pat-C.O.M.M.. who Is expected to visit the tullo is reported in the Victoria Times as follows: Northern British Columbia is making big advances now with the opening of spring activities In fishing, mining and lumbering. Hon. T. D. Pattullo. minister 3f land, declared today on his return j here from his constituency of Prince Rupert. "The north is developing rapidly." Mr. I Pattullo eald. "Halibut fishing Is in full .-wing, and preparations are being made for the opening of a big salmon season. Prince Rupert presents a spectacle of marked activity In all lines. The northern city is definitely established now x a substantial grain shipping port. The elevator In operation there Is bringing wheat in large quantities to the port and ship to handle these shipments! are arriving regularly.' ' PRESENTATION MADE TO CAPTAINDAN LARSEN Merry Party at Home of Tom Ditiliawi lst Night Kept up to latr Hour There was a farewell 'surprise party last night at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Tom b'ybhavn. Sixth Avenue West fcr Captain Dan Larsen who is leaving for Norway tonight. About 25 people were prezeht and in the course of the evening a club bag was presented to the Captain. Mr Dybhavn being the spokesman for the party. A suitable reply of thanks wat'made and the merriment then continued. MUs Irene Morrison provided mnalc for the dancing and re- WINNIPEG. May 19.-A party Of 25 ! fre5hmentS Wfre eened- th P1"1 .Tntor ticket clerks of the Canadian Na:' -l - tlcnal Railways, from points between" Halifax and Toronto, also a few from ecutn of the line, passed through Winnipeg on their way to the Pacific coast. This system of educating the ticket clerks was started by the Canadian National Railways last year, and this is he first expedition of this kind this year. The object of the trip Is to make the ticket tellers acquainted with the whole system so that they may give ticket purchasers first hand information on -.he various routes of travel and cities throughout the dominion. The Itinerary of the party Includes Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert A son was born at the Prince Rupert General Hospital today to Mr. and Mrs Joseph Oay. 228 Ninth Avenue. Little James Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. a. Stewart, who wa nerlously Injured the other day. is Improving. Ms condition being as good as could be ex pected. 1 -i : k 3- 3 LAND ACT LK.SB LAND. In Range 3, Coast Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert. I and situate on the south shore of La-i Bouchere Channel, B.C. TAKE NOTICE that Oosne Packing Co. Ltd.. of 325 Howe St.. Vancouver B.C.. oceupstion Fish Packers, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at tine southeast corner T.L mifio ninn thfl HThmbia T P'Sft Snc. the sixtieth birthday of Canada in I north a chains to shore: thence easterly every town, village and aettlement In I lon8 aore to point of commencement, ' ,nd containing 5 acres, more or less, the Prnvinr. m 1 1. 1-1..,. tee province on July 1. Is indicated OOSSE PACKINO CO. LTD. by Information received by John Hosle. Applicant. , provincial librarian, who has been plac- Pfr-.ChM- h. R015"4. Agent. v .1 . , , . .. 1 ' provincial arrangements for this oc- ration. ,- NOTICE. t11? MATTER rVTTER of of 1 an July 1 will witness . sppllcatlon 1 iu witness r-lnhrnJInn. cel. rations of r tor the Issue of -if a a Urn.l.U Provisional Certificate Hujr aiuub, irom ine amoiiious programs planned for the Coast cities to the simple ceremonies which will take place is the out-of-the-way centre of population. In this way the lesson of I confederation will reach practically every person In the entire province. ErecUon of a oonfederatlon tablet in the peace arch at lAine. on the United States boundary. 1 proposed by jthe committee in charge of the Jubilee of Title for Lot one hundred and sixty Established 192.1. .r Office Houth: a.m. to C p.m. Saturday: a.m. to 1 p.m. Any evening by appointment DrFPRennv DENTIST Eirhane IHock. Phont 10'J Mettle in Canada By Canadians The beautiful "Kaxiik" pattern is another of the popular Conyoleum Gold Seal Art-Run patterns a Hindu raotif in rich tones of light and dark Brown with a sprinkling of bright colors in the medal lion effect. When your dealer shows you th s other attractive Congolcum Gold Seal Art-Uus patterns you will marvel that such charming color effects can he yours for the extremely low prices he will quote you u fraction of what it nvuld cost fur these beautiful atftms in any ether type of runs. NOTE you will Infill uponitflnt Ihr CvU Sml vn tit tut 'you puy you 11 gr mn (If ot ftuw lion with Kh vn: For Canadians Congoleum Canada Limited Montreal (160). Queen Charlotte District, said tt contain one hundred and sixty 4160) rcres, more or leas, excepting thereout twenty-one (21 acres and five (5) acres thereof. Satisfactory proof of the loss of tin Certificate of Title covering the abov land having been produced to me. tt i my Intention to issue, after the expiration of one month from the- first publication hereof, Provisional Certificate ot Title to the above land In the name of: Pacific Mills Limited, the original Certificate of Title Is dated the 6th April. 1922. and is numbered 14G92 1. Land Reglatrr Office. Prince Rupert, EC. 5th May, 1927. H. P. MACLEOD. Registrar of Titles. NOTICE Dnder and bv virtue of the Droviaioiu of Section 28 of the "Mineral Act." no. Word has reached the city that Col. C. itlc 1 hereby given Messrs. Malcolm W. Peck hsd another narrow eacane mu.n n1- ."" . . . .. ' Aioen Moore, mat mere ti owing when a band grenade accidentally ex- o the undersigned for Assessment Work ploded at the front. Two men beelde reformed on the Cord Ills Group oil Mlnersl Claims, Princess Royal Island.' him him .1 wen killed while several others fBkeena Mining DlvUlon. the .urn of ' vrre seriously wounded. sjitt.bs. and that unless said persons pay ' 1 - - their proportionate share of the eot of such Assessment, together with all costs of advertising, etc to the underslzned LJPutdl,e' BG- on "r before May 12. VOTKT or lTETION iVTPSTinv t TO .rPI. inn. v t TO.1M7. .nnllratlon wilt m m.H. iOold Commissioner, Prince Rupert, B.C o navs ineir respective interests in th ereln mentioned Mining Group of Mineral Claim vested In the under- slg led. DAVID CORDILLA. IACOB KOSKl BULGER'S Eye Glass Service Painstaking effort, based upon scientific knowledge of the construction of tho eye and its relative functions with respect to the other parts of the human organisation.- Proper examlnatitm and production of the necessary lenses to insure correct comfortable vision. That constitutes our Kyc-Glass Service, t (Jewellers Tilt STORE WITH THE CLOCK RT-RUGSJL"' l ' n a-. BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME AT. LITTLE Pvpjy 'KazaWatteni A -Hfr m$m II You Don't Have to Die to It may surprise many people to learn tha he s Assurance Co., of Canada, pay out to living r every year a sum of money vastly greater than paid out to the beneficiaries of those who die DUItlNC. 1926 1. Paid lo llvins policy-holders $27,R HI i Pss3!LsKi (Sc9liHsil Hudson iSSUWATi 1 v.. I.-' M.OO0.M 2. Paid to representative of deceased policy holders $10.75M0WI Policies up to $5,000.00 issued without medial rx. " SUN LIFE ASSURANCE CO. OF C ANADA Head Office: Montreal Sam Jnhonr. VnHhsrn Itr. Ilinrrfntitiv. FOIt KENT Johnson's Electric Floor Polisher ijiJ.OO per day Let us know the ibi.v nii v; .nf it Kaien Hardvare Co. Phone 3 Prince Rupert Auto Company Agents for and Essex Super-Six Cars Second Avenue, opposite PrinCe Kupert ll1'-Phones 7.1 and 275 CANADIAN LPACiriCj Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services tsB--M-BBa- Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan, Urnncrll, Juneau, Sk:y May . . lo Viiiicomrr, Vlclnrla, rrallle May 3, 13. tt. PRINCESS IIUATRICK. , ,. . k. t Iu., l-or Ituiedale. r.alt llella Hella, Ovean Kali. Namii. Alert ( siiiilrll Klver, and Vancuuirr ' SatoMay. II a.m. Ajency for ill steamship Lines. f ull Inforrosiwn Corner of 4th Htrert and Ird Avenue, I'rlnce ltuiert, n-